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SC 3443 503 Social Media Oklahoma State University Spring 2012 Bill Handy Its a virtual thing.

g. Wherever I have a lap and a laptop. Its a 7/24/365 industry. Reach out whenever you want but dont call or text after 10 p.m. I reserve those platforms after that time for emergencies only. You may also reach me using one of these communication tools: Email: Blog: Google Plus: Twitter: @billhandy LinkedIn: Text: 9182604883 Facebook: Skype: bill.handy Instructor: Office: Office Hours: Class Schedule - This course will be held online and will incorporate the use of a wiki, twitter, GooglePlus, Vimeo,, flickr, your own personal blog platform of choice (possibly), and a variety of other social media platforms (there are thousands, we will only visit a few hundred). Topics of discussion will be posted weekly and might be posted within whatever media is being discussed (i.e. PowerPoint will include a slide with a topic of discussion; YouTube video will include a topic of discussion somewhere within the video, etc. Topics of discussion will be clearly defined and identified). Please visit our primary site, ( and note any other requirements to participate in discussion or assignments and their due dates. Required reading (at least one article): (if you are bored)

Social Media: The media, communications, and marketing landscape in which the public relations industry was developed is being knocked down [...] It is the decline of media based on a top-down model of communications. In this model, a small group of elites are briefed in advance with messages that are too often tightly scripted to brief the national newspaper, broadcast networks and newsmagazines. The message is then simplified and communicated to a mass audience via advertising or as earned editorial. This model is premised on the audience being passive receptors for the message [...] In the emerging model, as epitomized by YouTube, MySpace, Oh My News and Wikipedia, ordinary people provide content to others. Ideas and information are passed virally. This consumer generated content alters the laws of control of message. Many are calling this new social and user driven media Web 2.0. Richard Edelman, CEO Edelman Student Learning Outcomes and Objectives: Learning Outcomes for the School of Media and Strategic Communications - Oklahoma State University undergraduate students in the School of Media and Strategic Communications will: y Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant constitutional freedoms, legal issues and ethical principles in mass communications. y Demonstrate an understanding of the relevance of human diversity in mass communications. y Demonstrate an understanding of the history and social role of mass communications. y Demonstrate critical, creative and individual thinking. y Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant theories and concepts of mass communications. y Demonstrate an understanding of the methods and techniques of research and information gathering. y Demonstrate appropriate writing, editing and production techniques in mass communications. y Demonstrate an understanding of relevant planning and management methods in mass communications. In this course, we will specifically address the following learning outcomes of the school in these ways:

Upon course completion, students should demonstrate competency in: (1) Understanding the application of social media tools that are used to obtain ethical PR objectives (2) Understanding the ethical relationship between social media as it pertains to mass media and public relations practice (3) Effectively identifying diverse target audiences and planning communication messages (4) Applying selected social media writing techniques (5) understand strategies for successfully using social media in both proactive and reactive situations. Direct Outcome Assessments: Students will demonstrate competency through the successful completion of the following assignments and examinations: Assignment #1 Whats in a name? =50 Assignment #2 Community/Site management =300 Assignment #3 Tweet it =50 Assignment #4 Online resume =50 Online engagement in conversations y 10 points per comment, 15 points per response to another students comment =300 Total points = 850 Grades will be assigned as follows: A = 765 - 850 B = 680 - 764 C =595 - 679 D = 510 - 594 F = 0 - 509 Indirect Outcome Assessments: Demonstrating competency in this course through the successful completion of exams and assignments should be further evidenced by students success in subsequent PR courses and securing PR internships and jobs. Portfolio Requirement: Reminder: To comply with the assessment requirements of Oklahoma State University and the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, the School of Media & Strategic Communications requires that all undergraduate students majoring in the School develop and maintain a portfolio exhibiting specific and appropriate assignments or projects from SJB classes. School faculty, staff and industry professionals will evaluate these portfolios periodically and offer guidance and constructive criticism. It is anticipated that the portfolios will be helpful in showcasing students performance when they apply for internships or jobs. Specifics of portfolio content will be determined. Proposed Portfolio Organization y Current resume y List of references y Statement of goals y Appropriate class projects or assignments y Program entry date In this class, an online resume, blog, and online persona will be required for your portfolio. Assignments: All assignments are to be completed and submitted according to set deadlines. Late work will be accepted with a 20% per day deduction and makeup exams will be given only in rare instances. This is done in fairness to those students who turn in their assignments on time. All assignments MUST be submitted in computer-generated or typed form, single-spaced, 12 point font. NO handwritten material will be accepted (not sure how you would submit that anyway). Standards for Written Work:

Written communications is an essential tool for any professional. As with any skill, writing well is the result of practice, followed by feedback, and the use of relevant and appropriate sources. Therefore, the quality of writing is graded as part of every written assignment. You should address the following guidelines when preparing your paper. Content, Development, Readability & Style 55% y All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. y Content is comprehensive, accurate, and/or persuasive. y Major points are stated clearly, are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis, and are organized logically. y Where appropriate, the paper supports major points with theory relevant to the development of the ideas, and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. y Theory and practice are integrated, whereby the writer is able to link theories to practical experience (i.e., application to a real-world work setting). y Research is adequate and timely for the topic. y The context and purpose of the writing is clear (e.g., critique, research, sample memo, and business plan). y Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. y Sentences are well constructed, with consistently strong, varied structure. y Sentence transitions reinforce the flow of thought. y Words used are precise and unambiguous. y The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. Organization 20% y The structure of the paper is clear and easy to follow. y The papers organization emphasizes the central theme or purpose and is directed toward the appropriate audience. y Ideas flow in a logical sequence. y The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. y Paragraph transitions are logical and reinforce the flow of thought throughout the paper. y The conclusion is logical and flows from the body of the paper. y The conclusion reviews the major points. Format 10% y The paper, including citations and the reference page, follows guidelines given. y The paper is laid out effectively and uses reader-friendly aids (e.g., sections, summaries, table of contents, indices, and appendices), when appropriate. y The paper utilizes references appropriately. y Features such as headings and italics aid in the readability of the paper and are not overused. y The paper is neat, with attention given to format requirements. Grammar, Punctuation, & Spelling 15% y Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. y Spelling is correct. Course Policies: Online class behavior: General online decorum surrounds a philosophy of "do no harm". Our goal, by the end of the semester, is to create an online repository of collective knowledge built through an online engagement of conversation and sharing of information. You will have access to this information as long as you like.

JB 4520 Rules of Online Discussion/Engagement (in no specific order) follow: (Taken in part from JB 4520 Spring 2009 -
y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y

Stay on topic Be yourself, dont fake it. Be honest Be elementary Be simplistic so anyone can read it Watch your language. There is a time and place for everything. Know those times. o All that being said, communicate to your audience Listen first then respond Be open minded Care Have fun Be passionate about your topic Be patient Do a little research. It isnt all off the top of your head Dont be redundant Be engaged, be proactive Be transparent, dont be a pseudonym Be respectful and respect peoples comments. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion Be tactful Respect your position or implied position Dont be self centered, comment on other's comment

Attendance Policy: Although this is an online course you are still expected to participate in all discussions and complete all assignments weekly. There will be no makeup work. All comments should be posted within five (5) days of the original discussion or comment. Academic Honesty: Credibility is ultimately important in our business. Therefore, students suspected of plagiarizing or any other form of academic misconduct and/or dishonesty may receive a grade of zero for the assignment and/or the course. Special Needs: If you require special accommodations to take this class, you should inform the instructor immediately. This syllabus is subject to revisions as the course progresses. You will be notified of any changes in writing. Weekly assignment and reading schedule ASSIGNED MATERIAL It is important that you read, watch or listen to all materials assigned. Your grade is heavily weighted toward your online involvement. This will allow us to have an intelligent collaborative discussion, which will be used as a learning tool and, more important, will be used to determine your class participation grade. If we are not able to have an intelligent, collaborative discussion we will instead have a tests. WEEK ONE: Welcome - Course introductions, history of social media and applicable theory Assignment #1 Whats in a name?

WEEK TWO: The broad scope and power of social media Social Networking - Communities y Ning y SocialGO y y Elgg y BuddyPress y Etc. Assignment 2 Community building/Campaign Management WEEK THREE: Blogging Platforms y Self Hosted o o Movable Type y Blogging services o Typepad o Blogsmith o Wordpress o Blogger WEEK FOUR: Research via Social Media WEEK FIVE: Tools, Tactics and Strategies Micromedia/life streaming y Twitter y Buzz y Tumblr y Posterous Assignment #3 "Tweet it WEEK SIX: Social Networks And their competitors y Facebook y LinkedIn y GooglePlus Getting a job using social media (LinkedIn) y Assignment #4 Online resume WEEK SEVEN: Tools, Tactics and Strategies - Photo sharing & Video Sharing y Flickr y Picasso y Photobucket WEEK EIGHT: Video y YouTube


WEEK NINE: y Wikis and Bookmarking y Social Media Release WEEK TEN: Catsup!!!! WEEK ELEVEN: Highbrow Social Media y Legal implications of social media y Information bubble WEEK TWELVE: Geo-Social y Gowalla y Foursquare y SCVNGR WEEK THIRTEEN: Search Engine Optimization in the world of Social Media Future of Social Media and the technology which will get us there WEEK FOURTEEN: Tools, Tactics and Strategies - Misc y Wikis y Bookmarking y Events y Documents y Customer Service WEEK FIFTEEN: Measuring return on investment (ROI) and taking social media to the next level. WEEK SIXTEEN: WEEK SEVENTEEN: FINAL

PORTFOLIO REQUIREMENTS: To comply with the assessment requirements of Oklahoma State University and the Accrediting Council on Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, the School of Media and Strategic Communications requires all undergraduate students majoring in the School to develop and maintain a digital portfolio exhibiting specific and appropriate assignments or projects from SMSC classes and internships. It is the responsibility of the students to assemble and update their portfolios during each semesters coursework. Capstone professors will review each graduating seniors portfolio during the students capstone course, making sure each student complies with this requirement. Failure to turn in a digital portfolio to the capstone professor during the capstone class will result in an incomplete grade until the portfolio assignment is complete and turned in to the capstone professor. Students can ask capstone professors and industry professionals to evaluate these portfolios periodically and offer guidance and constructive criticism. Students will begin learning about their portfolios in all lower division courses. Students will begin creating their portfolios in Electronic Communications. All students should use the following websites to create a digital portfolio: and It is expected that the digital portfolios will be helpful in showcasing students talent, competencies and performance when they apply for internships or jobs. Portfolios must include: 1. Current resume in digital format that can be sent and viewed online 2. Statement of goals 3. At least five of the following in digital format: class projects, assignments and internship work samples.

OKLAHOMA STATE UNIVERSITY SYLLABUS ATTACHMENT - FALL 2010 WE ARE VERY CONCERNED ABOUT YOUR SUCCESS AS A STUDENT AT OSU. THIS INFORMATION IS PROVIDED TO ANSWER QUESTIONS MOST OFTEN ASKED BY STUDENTS. IMPORTANT DATES Last day to add a class (without instructor permission)8/30/10 Last day to drop a course with no grade and no fees charged for courses 8/30/10 Last day to withdraw completely from the University and receive a 100% refund 8/30/10 Last day to add a class (with instructor permission)9/03/10 Last day to drop a course with an automatic W and receive a 50% refund 9/03/10 Last day to withdraw completely from the University and receive a 50% refund 9/03/10 Last day to post 6 week grades for 1000 & 2000 level courses 10/5/10 Last day to file diploma application 11/1/10 Last day to drop a class with an automatic W11/12/10 Last day to withdraw completely from the University with an automatic "W" 11/12/10 Last day to withdraw completely from all OSU classes with an assigned W or F 12/3/10 Pre-Finals week 12/6- 12/10/10 Final examinations 12/13 12/17/10 Note: For outreach, internet, and short course drop/add dates, see the Short Courses link on the Registrars Academic Calendar webpage. FALL SEMESTER HOLIDAYS Labor Day 9/6/10 Fall Break 10/15/10 Thanksgiving Break* 11/24 - 11/26/10 *University closed Thursday & Friday, no classes Wednesday DROPPING A COURSE AND WITHDRAWING FROM THE UNIVERSITY Students often confuse these terms Dropping a Course (or courses) may occur during the first twelve weeks of the semester. This means, however, that you are still enrolled in at least one other OSU course. (Remedial courses cannot be dropped without written permission of the advisor.) After the twelfth week (November 12, 2010), a course may be dropped by petition but only when verifiable extenuating circumstances can be demonstrated. Verifiable extenuating circumstances must be reasons beyond your control, such as illness or accidental injury. Poor performance in class is not an extenuating circumstance. You must obtain a petition to drop a course after the deadline from your advisor and get the signature of your advisor and dean with a grade of W or F assigned by the instructor. The Late Drop Panel must then approve the petition. Withdrawing from the university means that you are dropping all of your courses and are no longer enrolled for the current semester. This may occur until the Friday before pre-finals week (December 3, 2010). The withdrawal process is initiated in your deans office. CHECK THE IMPORTANT DATES SECTION FOR THE DROP AND WITHDRAWAL DEADLINES FOR THIS SEMESTER. ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY Oklahoma State University is committed to the maintenance of the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct of its members. This level of ethical behavior and integrity will be maintained in this course. Participating in a behavior that violates academic integrity (e.g., unauthorized collaboration, plagiarism, multiple submissions, cheating on examinations, fabricating information, helping another person cheat, unauthorized advance access to examinations, altering or destroying the work of others, and fraudulently altering academic records) will result in your being sanctioned. Violations may subject you to disciplinary action including the following: receiving a failing grade on an assignment, examination or course, receiving a notation of a violation of academic integrity on your transcript, and being suspended from the University. You have the right to appeal the charge. Contact the Office of Academic Affairs, 101 Whitehurst, 405-744-5627. Go to for a short video on OSUs academic integrity policy and additional information. CLASS ATTENDANCE IS IMPORTANT Class attendance is a critical component of learning; therefore, you are expected to attend and participate fully in all scheduled class meetings. Many instructors consider attendance so essential that your grade may be affected by your absence. SOME DEPARTMENTS AND PROFESSORS HAVE MANDATORY ATTENDANCE POLICIES. If no written attendance policy is provided before the last day to add a class without instructor permission, no penalty may be assessed for class absences although you may not be permitted to make up certain in-class activities.

If you are required to participate in official university-sponsored activities or military training you should receive an excused absence unless the written course attendance policy indicates otherwise. If you will be absent from class for sponsored activities, you must provide prior notification of the planned absence to the instructor. You may be required to submit assignments or take examinations before the planned absence. If you must be absent from classes due to illness or other extenuating circumstances, it is your responsibility to notify instructors at the earliest possible time and determine if missed assignments can be submitted. PRE-FINALS WEEK POLICY Final examinations are scheduled at the end of each semester and are preceded by pre-finals week, which begins seven days prior to the first day of finals. During pre-finals week, all normal class activities will continue; however, no assignment, test, or examination accounting for more than 5% of the course grade may be given; and no activity or field trip may be scheduled that conflicts with another class. This excludes makeup and laboratory examinations, out-of-class assignments (or projects) made prior to pre-finals week, and independent study courses. No student or campus organization may hold meetings, banquets, receptions, or may sponsor or participate in any activity, program, or related function that requires student participation. Contact the Office of Academic Affairs, 405-7445627, 101 Whitehurst. FINAL EXAM OVERLOAD POLICY In the event that you have three or more final exams scheduled for a single day, you are entitled to arrange with the faculty member instructing the highest numbered course (4 digit course number) or two highest, if you have four finals on one day, to re-schedule that examination(s) at a time of mutual convenience during final exam week. You may not reschedule common final exams unless you have common exams scheduled at the same time. You should submit this request in writing, with a copy of your class schedule, at least two weeks prior to the beginning of final exam week. The faculty member has one week prior to the beginning of final exam week to arrange a mutually convenient time for administration of the final exam, after which you take the request to the Office of Academic Affairs, 101 Whitehurst. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Student Email - OSU uses your OKSTATE.EDU email address for electronic correspondence. If you do not use the OSU email system you must redirect your email using the Orange-Key System ( Failure to maintain an accurate email address may result in missed or lost university communications. For email assistance contact the IT Helpdesk at 405-744-HELP (4357). Computer Labs - A complete description of computer labs and hours of operations are available at their website: Lab information is also available by calling the Information Technology Help Desk, 405-744-HELP (4357). LIBRARY HOURS Edmon Low Library (405-744-5029) Digital Library Toll Free: (1-877-744-9161) Monday-Thursday 7:30 a.m.-2:00 a.m. Friday 7:30 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m.-2:00 a.m. *Hours will vary during University holidays. *Contact the following for information on hours of operation: Architecture Library 405-744-6047 Curriculum Materials Library 405-744-6310 Veterinary Medicine Library 405-744-6655 Library web address: GENERAL EXPECTATIONS OF STUDENTS By enrolling at Oklahoma State University, you accept responsibility for complying with all University policies and contracts, and for local, state and federal laws on- or off-campus that relate to the Universitys mission. The Student Rights and Responsibilities Governing Student Behavior document explains the standards of behavior expected of you, processes in place for enforcing the rules, and the Universitys response to violations ( In general, the University expects you to respect the rights of others and authority, represent yourself truthfully and accurately at all times, respect private and public property, and take responsibility for your own actions and the actions of your guests. Call 405-744-5470 for more information. WHERE TO GO FOR HELP Instructor - If you have questions regarding your class, talk to your instructor. Faculty members usually include their office hours and/or phone number in the class syllabus. If you cannot locate this information, set a time to meet with your instructor by speaking with him/her prior to or immediately following your class session or check with the departmental office on when the instructor may be available. Academic Advisor - All students will benefit by conferring with an advisor on a regular basis. If you do not know your advisor, or are unhappy with your advisor, talk to the Student Services Director for your college. - Your online resource for academic and personal success, sponsored by Student Affairs. Mathematics Learning Resource Center (4th Floor, Classroom Building) Tutors are available to answer questions for classes ranging from Beginning Algebra through Calculus II. Tutoring for Differential Equations and Linear Algebra is offered at specific times. Go to or call 405-744-5818. Writing Center (104 Morrill Hall) The Writing Center helps writers throughout the composing process; you should plan to visit early and often throughout the semester, not just the day before an assignment is due. Tutors will work with you to improve your brainstorming, organizational, and composing techniques. Call 405-744-6671 or go to Tutoring (214 Student Union) University Academic Services offers free individual tutoring for a variety of courses. Call 405-744-5333. lists other tutoring services. University Counseling Services (001 Cordell) Professional counselors offer confidential personal and/or career counseling. Call 405-744-5472 or 405-744-7007 or Office of Student Disability Services (015 University Health Services) - According to the Americans with Disabilities Act, each student with a disability is responsible for notifying the University of his/her disability and requesting accommodations. If you think you have a qualified disability and need special accommodations, you should notify the instructor and request verification of eligibility for accommodations from the Office of Student Disability Services. Please advise the instructor of your disability as soon as possible, and contact Student Disability Services, to ensure timely implementation of appropriate accommodations. Faculty have an obligation to respond when they receive official notice of a disability but are under no obligation to provide retroactive accommodations. To receive services, you must submit appropriate documentation and complete an intake process during which the existence of a qualified disability is verified and reasonable accommodations are identified. Call 405-744-7116 or go to Office of Affirmative Action (408 Whitehurst) Oklahoma State University policy prohibits discrimination based upon gender, race, color, ethnicity, age, religion, national origin, veterans status, disability, or sexual orientation. If you believe that you are being discriminated against, you may discuss your concerns and file informal or formal complaints with Mackenzie Wilfong, J.D., 405-744-5371. SEEK ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS The OSU faculty and staff want you to be successful in your educational pursuits. If you have questions or concerns, seek help EARLY. We are here to assist you.

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