Hku General

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GENERAL INFORMATION AND INSTRUCTIONS (FOR ONLINE APPLICATION) General Information 1. The procedures and information in this document apply to those applicants with overseas qualifications or academic qualifications other than the Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination or Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education. 2. Applicants who require student visa / entry permit to study in Hong Kong are regarded as International applicants. 3. Applicants who apply through JUPAS are not required (and indeed not allowed) to submit a separate application to the University. Applications submitted by such applicants direct to the University will not be considered. 4. Applicants who are currently enrolled in a full-time bachelor's degree programme in a local tertiary institution funded by University Grants Committee (UGC) should also use this form. Please note however that following UGC's guidelines, interinstitutional transfer is generally discouraged, and the University is only able to consider applicants with excellent results and their admission is subject to special approval by the University on the basis of over-enrolment. 5. Some undergraduate programmes of this University have set aside a fixed number of 2nd year student places for direct admission of Associate Degree or Higher Diploma (i.e. sub-degree) graduates. Applicants for those places should apply through the Direct Admissions Scheme and should not use this application form. Please visit <> for details. 6. Current undergraduate students of this University who wish to apply for transfer to another curriculum should write to the Registrar (c/o the Academic Services Office). You should not use this application form. 7. Students applying through the International Admissions Scheme / Non-JUPAS Admissions Scheme will not be considered for undergraduate admission via other schemes / means in the same admission year. Duplicate applications will not be considered by the University and the application fees paid are non-refundable.

Closing Date

The closing date for fast-track admission is November 1, 2011 while for main round exercise is December 30, 2011. An acknowledgment e-mail will be sent to you immediately after the receipt of your online application. If you do not receive the acknowledgment e-mail, please check with the Academic Services Office by phone at (852) 2859 2433 or by e-mail to <> regarding your application.

Application Fee All applicants are required to pay an application fee of HK$300 for online application and the fee is non-refundable.

Application Form

A complete application should comprise the following:

Part 1: Online application form

Part 2: Academic Referee's report or reference letter, to be completed by your school principal or teacher, or by an academic referee. It can be sent either directly by the academic referee; or if the principal / teacher / academic referee prefers, it may be placed in an envelope addressed to the University, sealed, and given back to the applicant for him / her to return it to the University with other application documents. Applicants who have already left school or college and cannot obtain an up-to-date report from a school principal or teacher may leave the report blank.

Part 3: A photocopy of your HKID card / passport / National identity card / birth certificate; and if you are applying on the basis of "mature age", an officially certified copy of the document.

Part 4: Final / Latest academic transcript(s) / examination results;

Part 5: Public examination results in detail, e.g. GCSE, HKCEE; and in the case of GCE AL / AS level, the Statement of Results which shows the numerical scores achieved; and the predicted grade / point issued by the school.

Part 6 (optional): A summary of not more than two A4-size pages of your extra-curricular activities / personal achievements / working experience, and any other information which will be of help to your application.

Photocopy of academic transcript(s) / public examination results / personal identification in the case of mature student is acceptable for preliminary consideration of your application but officially certified documents must be submitted before an offer can be made. Please note that documents once submitted will not be returned, and will be destroyed if the application is unsuccessful. Choice of Curriculum You should only submit ONE application for admission in any one academic year, but in that one application you are permitted to indicate up to 3 choices of curricula. Please check the entrance requirements of each Faculty from the Undergraduate Prospectus (3year curriculum) and (4-year curriculum) and the specific programme requirements, if any, in relevant section of the Prospectus to make sure that you are eligible for the curricula you wish to choose. Interviews and Results You may be called for an interview or a test at any time after the closing date for application, and you should be prepared to come at very short notice. You will be informed in writing if you are offered admission to the University and you are required to pay a deposit of HK$10,000 (or HK$20,000 under fast-track) upon your acceptance of the offer by the date specified in the letter or the offer will be withdrawn automatically. You can also view your application status online at <> starting from January 2012. Candidates should consider their application as unsuccessful if they do not hear from the University by the end of August 2012. Composition Fees The composition fees for local and non-local students are different. According to the definition laid down by the University Grants Committee, non-local students are persons entering Hong Kong for the purpose of education with a student visa / entry permit issued by the Director of Immigration. The composition fee for the academic year 2011-2012 is HK$42,100 for local students. The fee for 2012-2013 has yet to be decided pending Government's advice, but we do not expect it to differ significantly from the current fee. For non-local students, the composition fee for the cohort joining the University in 2012-2013 will be HK$119,000 per year during the period of their undergraduate studies.

INSTRUCTIONS ON COMPLETING THE APPLICATION FORM PERSONAL INFORMATION FAMILY NAME AND GIVEN NAME(S) Enter your family name and given names in the boxes, without the title of address (i.e. Mr. or Miss or Mrs). Leave a space between each name. Your name should be identical to the one stated on your Hong Kong Identity Card / Passport and used for any public examination(s). Example: CHAN TAI MAN FAMILY NAME CHAN GIVEN NAME(S) TAI MAN DATE OF BIRTH Choose the correct day, month and year. SEX Check the appropriate box. HKID CARD Number Enter the alphabetic prefix in the first box. Be very careful that you have entered your HKID number correctly, including the check digit. Example: K 001234 (5)

K 001234

If you do not have a HKID number, leave all the boxes blank. NAME in C.C. CODE as shown on Hong Kong Identity Card Please refer to your H.K.I.D. card for the Chinese Character Codes of the characters of your name in Chinese. Leave this field blank if you do not have a Chinese name or a Chinese name in C.C. Codes.

PASSPORT NUMBER For applicants without a HKID card, please enter your passport number in the boxes. If you do not have a HKID card nor a passport, please put "NIL". COUNTRY OF NATIONALITY Choose the Country of your Nationality. COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE Choose your Country of Residence. UNIVERSITY NUMBER (if admitted to HKU previously) If you were a student at this University previously, please enter your University Number in the box provided. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Give an address at which you can be contacted during September 2011 - September 2012. Leave one box empty between words. Please provide full correspondence address including country name as all future correspondence will be sent to the address provided. Inform the Academic Services Office in writing for any subsequent changes to the address. Abbreviations: APT=Apartment AVE=Avenue BLK=Block BLDG=Building CTR=Centre CRT=Court EST=Estate FLT=Flat /F=Floor HK=Hong Kong HSE=House KLN=Kowloon MANS=Mansion NT=New Territories RM=Room RD=Road ST=Street

TELEPHONE NUMBERS, FAX NUMBER and E-MAIL ADDRESS The e-mail address which you used to register for this application is automatically displayed as the Primary E-mail Address. The telephone numbers, fax number and the primary e-mail address must be the ones at which you can be contacted at short notice. You can also provide a Secondary E-mail Address in case the University cannot reach you via the Primary E-mail Address. If you are not in Hong Kong, you should, if possible, give the telephone number of a person in Hong Kong through whom you can be contacted at short notice. Please put down the country and area codes for telephone number outside Hong Kong. For local number, please leave the two fields blank. Example: (1) Hong Kong Telephone number 2859 2433 Country Code Area Code Number 28592433

Example: (2) Telephone number 1234567 at Vancouver, Canada Country Code 1 Area Code 604 Number 1234567 DO YOU REQUIRE A STUDENT VISA / ENTRY PERMIT TO STUDY IN HK? Choose "Yes" or "No" as appropriate. If yes, you are classified as a non-local applicant and will be required to pay the composition fee for non-local students upon admission. CHOICE OF CURRICULUM Carefully read the Undergraduate Prospectus (3-year curriculum) and (4-year curriculum) and the specific programme requirements, if any, in relevant section of the Prospectus before deciding on your choice of curriculum. You are permitted to indicate up to 3 choices of curricula. Changes to your choices will not be possible after the submission of the online application form. Please check the box if you wish to join the fast-track admission route. Note: 1) DO NOT choose any curriculum more than once as doing so will not improve your chance of admission to the curriculum concerned. 2) Following the introduction of the Juris Doctor (JD) programme in 2009-2010, degree holders are not eligible for admission to the Bachelor of Laws (LLB) programme. More information of the JD programme is available here. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS CURRENT STUDIES

Please provide details of your current study. Applicants who are currently studying in a UGC-funded institution as full-time Bachelor's degree students at the time of making this application must declare in this section. Failure to provide such information may lead to disqualification even after admission. Leave the boxes blank if you are not currently pursuing a study programme in any institutions / schools.

In order to support the information given in the application, you must separately provide us with an official transcript / the latest results issued by the institution concerned or arrange the transcript / results to be sent directly to the Academic Services Office. References from teachers will also be helpful. Example:

You are currently a second year student at University of California, Los Angeles reading for a Bachelor of Arts degree which is 4-year full-time in duration. Prior to your university study, you graduated from Island School in Hong Kong. Information on your studies should be entered as follows:

General Information

Country in which your study is pursued: United States of America For "Others", please specify the country:

Name of institution / school in Hong Kong (if applicable): For "Others", please specify the name of institution / school in Hong Kong:

Name of institution / school overseas (if applicable): University of California, Los Angeles

Programme Information

Type of programme / curriculum: Bachelor's Degree Programme title, e.g. Bachelor of Arts (if applicable): Bachelor of Arts Programme duration (in years): 4 years Study mode: select Full-time

Study Details

Date of admission (mmyyyy): 092008 Current year of study (e.g. Year 1, Year 13): Year 4 Expected completion date (mmyyyy): 082012

Cumulative GPA (if applicable): 3.45


Please select the description which best describes the highest qualification you so far obtained other than the one listed under CURRENT STUDIES. Example:

High school - Form 7 / Year 13

Please provide, in chronological order, details of your past secondary / post-secondary studies, including completed and / or incomplete studies other than those listed under CURRENT STUDIES. Example:

Programme FullPeriod of Level attained Country title time or attendance (e.g. Year 1, Full name of & (enter N/A if Part(month/year) Degree institution/school Province not applicable) time From To completed) FullGCSE Oundle School UK n/a 9/2008 - 8/2010 time completed Hong FullIsland School n/a 9/2010 - 8/2012 Year 13 Kong time YEARS OF SCHOOLING Please provide details of the actual years of schooling you have completed / will complete at different educational levels by August 31, 2012. For applicants who enrol / enrolled in part-time studies, 2-year part-time is equivalent to 1-year full-time. Please note that repeated study / short courses / summer courses are not recognized for counting towards years of schooling. If a particular level of study is not applicable to you, please enter "N/A". Example:

You have completed 6 years primary education, Form 1-5 on full-time basis while Form 6 and 7 on part-time basis. You will complete 3-year full-time bachelors degree studies by August 31, 2012. Information on years of schooling should be entered as follows: Primary education: 6 years full-time study or its equivalent Secondary education: 6 years full-time study or its equivalent Tertiary or post-secondary education: 3 years full-time study or its equivalent

The total years of schooling on full-time basis or its equivalent will be automatically added up by the system. PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS If you have taken any public examinations, please enter the name of the examinations, the year in which they were taken, and the results. Please also enter, if appropriate, the subjects that you will take in public examinations later in the year, the expected dates when the examination results will be released and your predicted grades / points as anticipated by the school. Please enter results obtained / to be obtained in one sitting under one single field, e.g. if you took two subjects in GCSE in 2010, you should group them under one field, as below: Example:

Subjects & Results (e.g. Grades / Marks / Bands) Month/Year Examination and (e.g. (e.g. GCSE, Expected date of release of examination results and 062010) IB, etc) predicted grades/points by the school (if applicable) General Certificate History (C) 062010 of Secondary Economics (B) Examination General Certificate Mathematics (B) of Education 062011 (Advanced Geography (A) Subsidiary General Studies (C) Level)


Predicted Grades General Certificate English Literature (A) of Education (Advanced Psychology (B) Level) Mathematics (A) (Results to be released on August 15, 2012)

Or in case of IB Diploma candidates:

Subjects & Results (e.g. Grades / Marks / Bands) Month/Year Examination and (e.g. (e.g. GCSE, Expected date of release of examination results and 062010) IB, etc) predicted grades/points by the school (if applicable) Predicted Grades International 062012 Baccalaureate Chinese SL (5), English SL (6), Bus. and Man. SL (7), Economics HL (7), Physics HL (5), Diploma Mathematics HL (6), Bonus point (1), Total (37) PREVIOUS APPLICATION TO THE UNIVERSITY Please give details of the application you have made previously for admission to this University. PREVIOUS PROGRAMME OF STUDY AT THE UNIVERSITY For former students of the University, please indicate if you have been de-registered or were discontinued from studies. It is important that you provide such information, as failure to do so may lead to disqualification even after admission. TRANSFER OF CREDITS Please check the box(es), as appropriate, if you wish to apply for direct entry / transfer of credits upon admission. Advanced standing may be granted to students in recognition of studies completed successfully elsewhere. The amount of advanced credits to be granted will be determined in accordance with the following principles: (a) for the 3-year cohort, a minimum of two semesters of study earning 60 credits at this University shall be required before the student is considered for the award of an undergraduate degree; (b) for the 4-year cohort, a minimum of four semesters of study earning 120 credits at this

University shall be required for the award of an undergraduate degree.

The number of credits to be granted to students will be considered by Faculties after their admission to the University. Advanced credits granted are not normally included in the calculation of the student's GPA, but may be recorded on the transcript of the candidate. Application for transfer of credits and / or direct entry to the second or later year of study should be made at the same time of application for admission. Application will be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Please provide copies of your academic transcripts to support your application. PERSONAL STATEMENT Enter your reasons for applying to HKU, the chosen curricula, extra-curricular activities, etc. in the space provided. You may prepare the statement using a text editor or word processor first and then copy and paste it to the space provided. OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION (For BA (6054) applicants only) Please indicate the Arts subject(s) which you are interested in. The list of Arts subjects can be viewed here.

* OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED DOCUMENTS Photocopy of your original documents (transcripts, examination results or, in the case of mature applicant, HKID card / passport / birth certificate) must be certified by the issuing authority concerned, or a school principal, or a notary public e.g. district office in Hong Kong. The name, status, and position of the person certifying the copies must be clearly stated in English. In the case of documents supplied by universities and colleges, they should either bear the seals of the institutions and be signed by an appropriate official or be sent to the University directly by the institutions concerned. Documents which are not in English should be accompanied by an official translation in English. If you are in Hong Kong, you may call at the Academic Services Office at Room G04, Ground Floor, Run Run Shaw Building, The University of Hong Kong during office hours (Mon. - Fri. : 9am - 5:30 pm, Sat. : 9am 12:30pm. Closed on Sundays, Public Holidays and University Holidays (i.e. Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve (p.m.), The day preceding Lunar New Year (p.m.) and Foundation Day (March 16)), bringing with you the original documents and one set of photocopy for our verification. Please

do not send your original documents by post. The University is not responsible for any documents lost in the post. Documents once submitted will not be returned, and will be destroyed if the application is unsuccessful. The University may, at its discretion exercisable at any time, request you to produce original copy of certificates in support of all qualifications claimed by you in your application form, regardless of whether such certificates have been previously submitted to it. If there should be any discrepancy which the University deems to be material between your original certificates and the qualifications claimed in your application form, the University has the right to withdraw at any time the offer of admission and / or to treat any acceptance of the offer as null and void. The tuition fee and other fees paid may be refunded, wholly or in part, at the discretion of the University.

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