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Misconception of beauty Although beauty is meant to signify the art of life, or also known as the quality or aggregate of qualities

in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit, defined by the Merriam Webster dictionary. This definition is not the same as what it used to be known as back in the 40s or 50s. There is many examples to support a conclusion of such misconception of beauty, such as old paintings, love, music, and other various forms of art. The Naked Maja (1958), is an Italian-French-American designed by Francisco de la Goya, is one of the examples of beauty, and what it used to be like. This painting is presented by the sculpture of a naked woman who is not skinny, but rather husky; thus beauty used to be valued through the inside and the nature of a person or thing, rather than the outside. Now in days, the beauty of a woman carries the definition of been skinny, to a point where all bones are visible; the beauty of a woman carries the definition of who shows more skin; the definition of a woman now carries the definition of who acts less as a woman. This world is so caught up on material things, that little by little, unconsciously, each individual neglects the reality of beauty. Music, is such a wonderful form of art, which also represents a part of beauty. Music from our ancestors form a part of poetry, a piece of soul and mind; all in one to define emotions or feelings of certain individuals. The art of performing or elaborating music, is simply beauty. A beauty, which has a big contrast between the 20th century and the 21st century; back in the 20th century music had not such words of sexual content as

now in 21st century were is hard to find songs that do not have any inappropriate language. Our society has changed throughout years and the change has included the basic part of life, beauty. Many traditions have been broken, all because the definition of beauty all through out the world has change to a degree level, where few people may know the real significance of family, and life. Love, is one of the most significant symbols of beauty. Throughout love individuals can show diverse ways of beauty, such as respect, appreciation, kindness, affection, and much more. Love has an important insight, it allows people to become closer. This is one of the other significant problems now in our society, people have a misconception of love, believing that such love has to be more physical rather than chemical, internal. Beauty is simply love, and vise versa, this generation needs a better insight of the reality of beauty; beauty is pleasure in diverse ways. In conclusion beauty has various significant parts which equal the real meaning. Is just like taking the word apart b-e-a-u-t-y, where each letter has a different content. Beauty is seen now in days in a different aspect than what it used to be like. Just to think what will beauty mean to individuals in the future is terrifying. Beauty is simply life.

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