Barbara Hammer and Peter Tino - Recurrent Neural Networks With Small Weights Implement Definite Memory Machines

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Recurrent neural networks with small weights implement denite memory machines

Barbara Hammer and Peter Ti o n

January 24, 2003


Recent experimental studies indicate that recurrent neural networks initialized with small weights are inherently biased towards denite memory machines (Ti o, Cer ansk , Be ukov , 2002a; Ti o, Cer ansk , n n y n s a n n y Be ukov , 2002b). This paper establishes a theoretical counterpart: n s a transition function of recurrent network with small weights and squashing activation function is a contraction. We prove that recurrent networks with contractive transition function can be approximated arbitrarily well on input sequences of unbounded length by a denite memcomments on an earlier version of this manuscript.

We would like to thank two anonymous reviewers for profound and valuable

Department of Mathematics/Computer Science, University of Osnabr ck, Du

49069 Osnabr ck, Germany, e-mail: u

School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birming-

ham B15 2TT, UK, e-mail: 1

ory machine. Conversely, every denite memory machine can be simulated by a recurrent network with contractive transition function. Hence initialization with small weights induces an architectural bias into learning with recurrent neural networks. This bias might have benets from the point of view of statistical learning theory: it emphasizes one possible region of the weight space where generalization ability can be formally proved. It is well known that standard recurrent neural networks are not distribution independent learnable in the PAC sense if arbitrary precision and inputs are considered. We prove that recurrent networks with contractive transition function with a xed contraction parameter fulll the so-called distribution independent UCED property and hence, unlike general recurrent networks, are distribution independent PAC-learnable.

1 Introduction
Data of interest have a sequential structure in a wide variety of application areas such as language processing, time-series prediction, nancial forecasting, or DNAsequences (Laird and Saul, 1994; Sun, 2001). Recurrent neural networks and hidden Markov models constitute very powerful methods which have been successfully applied to these problems, see for example (Baldi, 2001; Giles, Lawrence, Tsoi, 1997; Krogh, 1997; Nadas, 1984; Robinson, Hochberg, Renals, 1996). Successful applications are accompanied by theoretical investigations which demonstrate the capacities of recurrent networks and probabilistic counterparts such as hidden

Markov models1 : the universal approximation ability of recurrent networks has been proved in (Funahashi and Nakamura, 1993), for example; moreover, they can be related to classical computing mechanisms like Turing machines or even more powerful non-uniform Boolean circuits (Siegelmann and Sontag, 1994; Siegelmann and Sontag, 1995). Standard training of recurrent networks by gradient descent methods faces severe problems (Bengio, Simard, Frasconi, 1994) and the design of efcient training algorithms for recurrent networks is still a challenging problem of ongoing research; see for example (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997) for a particularly successful approach and a further discussion on the problem of long-term dependencies. Besides, the generalization ability of recurrent neural networks constitutes a further not yet satisfactorily solved question: unlike standard feedforward networks, common recurrent neural architectures possess VC-dimension which depends on the maximum length of input sequences and is hence in theory innite for arbitrary inputs (Koiran and Sontag, 1997; Sontag, 1998). The VC-dimension can be thought of as expressing exibility of a function class to perform classication tasks. We will introduce a variant of the VC dimension the so-called fat-shattering dimension. Finiteness of the VC-dimension is equivalent to the so-called distribution independent PAC learnability, i.e. the ability of valid generalization from a nite training set the size of which depends only on the given function class (Anthony and Bartlett, 1999; Vidyasagar, 1997). Hence, prior distribution independent bounds on the generalization ability of general recurrent networks are not possible. A rst step towards posterior or distribution dependent bounds for general recurrent networks without further restrictions can be found in (Hammer, 1999; Hammer, 2000), how1

Although hidden Markov models are usually dened on a nite state space

unlike recurrent neural networks which possess continuous states.

ever, these bounds are weaker than the bounds obtained via a nite VC-dimension. Of course, bounds on the VC dimension of various restricted recurrent architectures can be derived, e.g. for architectures implementing a nite automaton with a limited number of states (Frasconi, 1995), or for architectures with activation function with nite codomain and nite input alphabet (Koiran and Sontag, 1997). Moreover, the argumentation in (Maass and Orponen, 1998; Maass and Sontag, 1999) shows that the presence of noise in the computation severely limits the capacity of recurrent networks. Depending on the support of the noise, the capacity of recurrent networks reduces to nite automata or even less. This fact provides a further argument for the limitation of the effective VC dimension of recurrent networks in practical implementations. However, these arguments rely on deciencies of neural network training: the bounds on the generalization error which can be obtained in this way become worse the more computation accuracy and reliability can be achieved. The argumentation can only partially account for the fact that recurrent networks often generalize in practical applications after appropriate training and that they may show particularly good generalization behavior if advanced training methods are used (Hochreiter and Schmidhuber, 1997). We will focus in this article on the initial phases of recurrent neural network training by formally characterizing the function class of recurrent neural networks initialized with small weights. This allows us to compare the behavior of recurrent networks at the early stages of training with alternative tools for sequenceprocessing. Furthermore, we will show that small weights constitute a sufcient condition for good generalization ability of recurrent neural networks even if arbitrary precision of the computation and arbitrary real-valued inputs are assumed. This argumentation formalizes one aspect of why recurrent neural network training is often successful: initialization with small weights biases neural network training 4

towards regions of the search space where the generalization ability can be rigorously proved. Naturally, further aspects may account for the generalization ability of recurrent networks if we allow for arbitrary weights, e.g the above mentioned corruption of the network dynamics by a noise, implicit regularization of network training due to the choice of the error function, or the fact that regions in the weight space which give a large VC-dimension cannot be found by standard training because of the problem of long-term dependencies. Alternatives to recurrent networks or hidden Markov models have been investigated for which efcient training algorithm can be found and prior bounds on the generalization ability can be established. One possibility constitute networks with time-window for sequential data or xed order Markov models. Both alternatives use only a nite memory length, i.e. perform predictions based on a xed number of sequence entries (Ron, Singer, Tishby, 1996; Sejnowski and Rosenberg, 1987). Particularly efcient modications are variable memory length Markov models which adapt the necessary memory depth to contexts in the given input sequence (B hlmann and Wyner, 1999). Various applications can be found in (Guyon u and Pereira, 1995; Ron, Singer, Tishby, 1996; Ti o and Dorffner, 2001), for examn ple. Note that some of these approaches propose alternative notations for variable length Markov models which are appropriate for specic training algorithms such as prediction sufx trees or iterative function systems. Markov models are much simpler than general hidden Markov models since they operate only on a nite number of observable contexts2 . Nevertheless they are appropriate for a wide variety of applications as shown in the experiments (Guyon and Pereira, 1995; Ron, Singer, Tishby, 1996; Ti o and Dorffner, 2001) and the dynamics of large denite memory n machines can be learned with neural networks as presented in the articles (Clouse

It is not necessary to do inference about the states for Markov models., 1997; Giles, Horne, Lin, 1995). However, hidden Markov models or recurrent networks can obviously simulate xed order Markov models or denite memory machines. We will theoretically show in this article that recurrent networks are biased towards denite memory machines through initialization of the weights with small values. Hence standard neural network training rst explores regions of the weight space which correspond to the simpler (but potentially useful) dynamics of denite memory machines before testing more involved dynamics such as nite state machines and other mechanisms which can be implemented by recurrent networks (Ti o and Sajda, 1995). This n bias has the effect that structural differentiation due to the inherent dynamics can be observed even prior to training. This observation has been veried experimentally (Christiansen and Chater, 1999; Kolen, 1994a; Kolen, 1994b; Ti o, Cer ansk , n n y Be ukov , 2002a; Ti o, Cer ansk , Be ukov , 2002b). Moreover, the structural n s a n n y n s a bias corresponds to the way in which humans recognize language as pointed out in (Christiansen and Chater, 1999), for example. This article establishes a thorough mathematical formalization of the notion of architectural bias in recurrent networks. Furthermore, initial exploration of simple denite memory mechanisms in standard neural network training focuses on a region of the parameter search space where prior bounds on the generalization error can be obtained. We formalize this hypothesis within the mathematical framework provided by the statistical learning theory. We prove in the second part of this article that recurrent networks with small weights are distribution independent PAC-learnable and hence yield a valid generalization if enough training data are provided. This contrasts with unrestricted recurrent networks with innite precision that may yield in theory considerably worse generalization accuracy. We start by dening the notions of denite memory machines, xed order Markov 6

models and variations thereof which are particularly suitable for learning. Then we show that standard discrete-time recurrent networks initialized with small weights (or more generally, non-autonomous discrete-time dynamical systems with contractive transition function) driven with arbitrary input sequences can be simulated by denite memory machines operating on a nite input alphabet. Conversely, we show that every denite memory machine can be simulated by a recurrent network with small weights. Finally, we link the results to statistical learning theory and show that small weights constitute one sufcient condition for the distribution independent UCED property.

2 Finite memory models for sequence prediction


, the -truncation

of a sequence


, which allow us, e.g. to predict the next symbol

or its probability, respectively,

when the sequence has been observed. We assume that the sequences are ordered

symbol prediction setting,

indicates that the sequence

b xwY `

H(G$%$%" Gv  ' !###! !

completed to

in the next time step. Obviously, a function

u'(G"#%%#$"t  s@ ! # ! D )(&$%%$"V  ' !###!

 rCA@9 Y DB

right-to-left, i.e.

is the most recent entry in the sequence

3 qq

, or probability distributions


given a sequence

. In the nextis

` aY

We are interested in predictions on sequences, i.e. functions of the form


 Bp C@ P 9 i

  G$#$%#%"X  ! # ! RT D B  8 @ QR S PCI@9

the rst part of length

of the sequence, i.e. if

31 542

H'(G!F%#%%"  DE@  # #! 0

 B CA@9 8

7 3 56 )(&$%%$"  ' !###! @


denotes the sequence of length and elements


. The sequences of length at most

are denoted by

denotes the empty . For

is dened as

@  hgA@9 fedc D B Y! b


is a set. We denote the set of all nite length sequences over


induces the probability


therefore be seen as a special case of the probabilistic formalism. Assume

is a nite alphabet. A classical and very simple mechanism for

next-symbol prediction on sequences over

is given by denite memory machines

or their probabilistic counterparts, xed order Markov models, (Ron, Singer, Tishby, 1996).

A xed order Markov model (FOMM) denes for each sequence

Note that

if the above formalisms are used for predictions on sequences. is necessary for inferring the next symbol. FOMMs

dene rich families of sequence distributions and can naturally be used for se-

FOMMs on a nite set of examples becomes very hard. Therefore variable memory length Markov models (VLMM) have been proposed, where the memory length may depend on the sequence, i.e. they implement probability distributions with

where the length

1999; Guyon and Pereira, 1995). The length of the memory is adapted to the con-

Ilv kj

text. Since

IlvPiU gA@9 kj B e ! 3 @ h &CI@9 Ihgf 8 P 9 i hC@ P 9 i ! 3 p DBp BB

may depend on the context (B hlmann and Wyner, u

is universally limited by some value

quence generation or probability estimation. However, if

Only a nite memory of length

# 3 @ Pq GCI@9  8 P 9 i Pg@ P 9 i ! 3 BB p D B p

7 3 q

B CI@9



with the following property: Some

can be found with

increases, estimation of

, VLMMs constitute

# 3 @X B&gA@9  8 9 Y PCI@9 Y B DB 7 3


, such that some

Denition 2.1 Assume

is a set. A denite memory machine (DMM) computes a exists with

 PCA@9 Y C@ P 9 i DBp DB

!y B p %g3 g@ P 9 i

and can

c Y b `

` D

B C@ p 9 i

a probability

a specic efcient implementation of FOMMs. Their in-principle capacity is the same. VLMMs are often represented as prediction sufx trees for which efcient learning algorithms can be designed (Ron, Singer, Tishby, 1996). Alternative models for sequence processing which are more powerful than DMMs and FOMMs are nite state machines and nite memory machines, respectively. The behavior of a nite state machine does only depend on the input and the actual state. Thereby, the state is an element of a nite number of different states. Finite memory machines

memory machines can be alternatively dened as nite memory machines which

. Formal denitions can be found e.g. in (Kohavi, 1978). Note that denite

and nite memory machines cannot produce several simple languages, e.g. they cannot produce the binary number representing the sum of two bitwise presented binary numbers. A nite state machine with only one bit of memory could solve the task. There exists a rich literature which relates recurrent networks (with arbitrary weights) to nite state machines (nite memory machines) and demonstrates the possibility of learning/simulating these models in practice (Carrasco and Forcada, 2001; Frasconi, 1995; Giles, Lawrence, Tsoi, 1997; Omlin and Giles, 1996a; Omlin and Giles, 1996b; Ti o and Sajda, 1995). Note that denite memn ory machines constitute particularly simple (though useful) models where only a xed number of input signals uniquely determines the current output. DMMs are alternatively called DeBruijn automata (Kohavi, 1978). Large DMMs have been successfully learned from examples with recurrent networks as reported e.g. in the articles (Clouse, 1997; Giles, Horne, Lin, 1995). A very natural way of processing sequences is in a recursive manner. For this 9

depend only on the last

input symbols, but no outputs need to be known, i.e.

symbols and the last

output symbols, for some xed numbers

and . Denite

implement functions the behavior of which can be determined by the last


D n

purpose, we introduce a general notation of recursive functions induced by standard functions via iteration:

Starting from the initial context , the sequence iteratively, starting from the last entry

Recurrent neural networks which we will introduce later, constitute one popular mechanism for recursive computation which is more powerful than FLMM. However, we will rst shortly mention an alternative to FLMMs which explicitly uses recursive processing. Fractal prediction machines (FPMs) constitute an alternative approach for sequence prediction through FOMM as proposed in (Ti o and Dorffner, 2001). Here n


number of prototypes or codebook vectors. The probability of the next symbol

in a fractal way. Then the fractal codes of


most recent entries of a sequence

are rst mapped to a real vector space -blocks are quantized into a xed

Cuv Y

cessing. General recursive functions of the form

|u v Y


share the idea of DMMs that only a nite memory is available for prohave more powerful properties.

into an account only the

most recent entries of the sequence. Functions of the

v u Y

contribute to the output, not just the most recent ones. On the other hand,

Cuv Y


may use innite memory in the sense that all entries of a sequence may takes

Y ' 2 H'(G$#%$#%%{(G"v Dq@ ! # ! ! s # GCI@9  8 9 Cuv Y hCI@9  v u Y BB DB

o cx` 2u v Y b

dened by

is processed in each

, applying a transition function

is called the initial context. The induced function with nite memory length

H'(G!$%#$%!"X y@ &B H(GF%%%z(  9 zuv Y "X 9  # #  D B ' !###!{ !  y@ D o cxwCuv Y b `

if if

DB s RT S hgA@9 Cuv Y s


o 3 ts


induces a recursive function

o dr qpY b o `

Denition 2.2 Assume


are sets. Every function



is dened by the probability vector which is attached to the corresponding nearest codebook vector. Formally, a FPM is given by the following ingredients: The elements are identied with binary vectors , the mapping

Denote by

is a xed scalar. Some memory depth , where

is rst mapped to

fractal way such that all sequences of length at most eral, if two sequences

share the most recent entries then their images

lie close to each other. A nite set of prototypes

gether with a vector components of

for each

), which represents the probabilities for the next element in the denotes the Euclidean metric. Assume

sequence. Hereby, The probability of

given equals the th entry of the probability vector attached

to the codebook vector which is nearest to the fractal encoding of , i.e.

This notation has the advantage that an efcient training procedure can immediately be found: If a training set of sequences is given, rst all -blocks are encoded

e.g. a self organizing map (Kohonen, 1997). Finally, the probability vectors attached to the prototypes are determined such that they correspond to the relative frequencies of next symbols for all -blocks in the training set codes of which are located in the receptive eld of the corresponding codebook. Note that a variable length of the respective memory is automatically introduced through the vector quantization: Regions with a high density of codes attract more prototypes than regions with a

in the former regions compared to the latter ones. 11

low density of codes. Hence the memory length is closer to the maximum length

!  $%


. Afterwards, a standard vector quantization learning algorithm is applied,


1 xi 1 D 1  (G !  3 1  $%p(i v B  I@9 u  { y D s 7 3 p @ i xB E| 9 x} bhB Iiv 9 ~ ! p p x D ` g%gy "} ! ~

in , is xed. A sequence , with ( minimal

!###!  D GF%%%fVzy

CI@9 v u " B

 !   $%3 BgA@9 v u ! 3 gxC$ 9 !  !  `  $% b  $$Er 3  !  IF%p3 1 1 D B G i p1 C@ 9 @ {@ @ 1 ( 1 B { I@9 v u

, where

. Sequences are encoded in a are encoded uniquely. In gen,

is given, todenotes the

It is obvious that at most FOMMs can be implemented by FPMs. Conversely,

approximated up to every desired accuracy with a FPM: We can choose the param-

only if the next-symbol-prediction probabilities given by

coincide. If enough data points are available, all possible codes in

the rst step of FPM construction. Clustering with a sufcient number of prototypes can simply choose all codes as prototypes, where the nearest prototypes for two codes are identical iff the codes itself are identical. Hence the probabilities attached to a prototype which correspond to the observed frequencies converge to the correct probabilities for every

which is mapped to the corresponding

prototype. FPM constitute one example for efcient sequence prediction tools. As we will see, recurrent networks initialized with small weights are inherently biased towards these more simple and efciently trainable mechanisms. Naturally, situations where more complicated dynamics is required and hence recurrent networks with large weights are needed can be easily found.

3 Contractive recurrent networks implement DMMs

We are interested in recursive processing of sequences with recurrent neural networks. The basic dynamics of a recurrent neural network (RNN) used for sequence prediction is given by the above notion of induced recursive functions: A RNN

some function

, which together with

tions of a specic form which dened later. Recurrent networks are more powerful


` b '

Cuv Y

computes a function

, where

is the function induced by are func-

F% !

nonzero probability prediction contexts of length


can be observed in

!  F% @

` ' b ' r 6Y ` b B 9 qCuv Y

B p1 C@ ( 9 i

{@ B { A@9 v u 4B  I@9 v u D


in FPM equal to the order of FOMM. Then the encoding in the FPM yields and of

it can be seen easily that each FOMM with corresponding probability

can be

than nite memory models and nite state models for two reasons: They can use an innite memory and using this memory they can simulate Turing machines, for example, as shown in (Siegelmann and Sontag, 1995). Moreover, they usually deal with real vectors instead of a nite input set such that a priori unlimited information in the inputs might be available for further processing (Siegelmann and Sontag,

has a specic property: It forms a contraction. We will see later that this property is automatically fullled if a RNN with sigmoid activation function is initialized with small weights, which is a reasonable way to initiate weights, unless one has a strong prior knowledge about the underlying dynamics of the generating source (Elman, 1996). We will show that under these circumstances RNNs can be seen as denite memory machines, i.e. they only use a nite memory and only a nite number of functionally different input symbols exists. This result holds even if arbitrary real-valued inputs are considered and computation is done with perfect accuracy. Hence RNNs initialized in this standard way are biased towards denite memory machines. First, we formally dene contractions and focus on the general case of recursive

real value

exists such that the inequality


If the transition function is a contraction and

o 3{  t| v

3 ee

holds for all


. is bounded with respect to the metric

Denition 3.1 A function

p{  U { ! Y  ! g(X p p B (v 9 5 B Xv 9 Yp

p{ (V p

o br |Y o ` o ( v { 

distance of two elements


is a function. Assume the set

is equipped with a metric structure. We denote the in by . if a

is a contraction with respect to

o 6tY b o r `

functions induced by contractions. Assume


are sets and

1994). Here we are interested in RNNs where the recursive transition function

!  3 B %

induced function with only a nite memory length: Lemma 3.2 Assume with respect to

for memory length

for every initial context Proof. Choose ately. Assume


Hence we can approximate the dynamics by a dynamics with a nite memory length if the transition function is a contraction. The memory length depends on the

subset of a real vector space, e.g. the set

denoting the respective dimen-

sionality. We have already seen that we need only a nite length if we approximate recursive functions with contractive transition function. We would like to go a step further and show that we do not need innite accuracy for storing the intermediate

intermediate result.

real vectors in

. Rather, a nite set

will do. For this purpose, we rst need an


GB % 9 !


9 B PxWD !  F D D U p B  9 zuv Y B )(&$%%$" x  9 Cuv Y p  U  ' !###! ## %%# U p B   G$%$%z( 9 z B u(G"%%$z( 9 zzYuv p U  ! # # # ! { vuY '  ! # # # ! { p GB   &$#%%#$z{( 9 zPfX 9 5 GB H(G$%$%z( 9 CPfX 9 Yp D B  ! # ! vuY !  Y B '  ! # # # ! { vuY !  p B   G$$%%"X  9 C B H(G$%$%"X 9 CzYuv p D p gA@9 | gA@9 CzYuv p  ! # # # !  vuY '  ! # # # !  B v u Y B 0 U 0 )(&$%%$"  @ 3 ' !###! D q3 @ o 3 ts p CA@9  v u Y gA@9 Cuv Y p U B B 9 B PxWD 6w os| X 3 {  pU((5q p p{ o o r |5Y b o `
. Assume for all , and x , we have and every sequence . If . Then . of the contraction. Usually, the space of internal states

is a contraction with parameter

, the inequality follows immedi-

is a compact

!  3 B $

then we can approximate the recursive function induced by

by the respective

. Then,

that by

is equipped with a metric

. For ,

we denote the maximum distance

accuracy consists of a set of functions for , such that for all


may be arbitrary can be found with

a function

Note that for every function class an external covering, the class itself, can be found.

such that

. Choose a value


It follows by induction over the length of a sequence as follows:


te3 @ !###! F%%%fXCy

o 3 qs

9 B  9 B  ' 4

U p 6vYp 3 wY

Proof. Assume


. Choose a function

from the covering such that that

U B B p CI@9 &u CI@9 zzYuv p U p r ps B 9


is an external covering of

is an external covering of

!###! "%%%vCy

bounded and the constants


with parameter . Then with parameter

B s 9 3&r&u y p o

. Assume

is an external covering of

with parameter . Assume

with parameter

forms a contraction with respect to

with parameter

B 4 9 V!"%#%%!x D ! B 9 p G u y n # # 3 n!###! VF$%%x D ! B 9

Lemma 3.4 Assume

is a set of functions mapping

B 9

coverings of

extend to external coverings of


, respectively: to , such that every . Assume

o 3 s

v u Y

denotes the set of all functions of the form



 u s o 3

3 5Y

od r u p3Y zuv Y

Denote by

the set of all functions of the form

and some



. External


U p{  c(rt p

covering for every bounded set in a metric space, i.e.

U p1 W&( p

1 |

o 3 te

that for every



exists. Note that we can nd a nite for all ,

!###! F%%%tCy

A nite -covering of a set

consists of a nite number of points

. Assume

. An external covering of

U p i vYp 3 3Y 3 B 9 6 B 9 6 ` b B 9 p 4 p B  9 B  9 Yp F%~ x&D vYp 3 Y p p

Denition 3.3 Assume

is a function class with domain

and codomain

, such



3 Y

o 3{ (


9 9 B 4 9 B  ' 4  D B  9 B ' 4  U ' !###!{ ' !###!{ 5Fp B )(&$%%$z( 9 &gu B H(GF%%%z(  9 zzYuv p U p BGB H'(G$%$%z( 9 Ggu fX 9 w GB )(&$%%$z( 9 &gu fX 9 Y6 !###!{ ! B ' !###!{ ! p p &B H(GF%%%z(  9 &gu "X 9 5 GB )(&$%%$z( 9 zPfX 9 Yp U B '  ! # # # ! { !  Y B '  ! # # # ! { vuY !  p GB H(G$%$%z( 9 Ggu fX 9 w GB )(&$%%$z( 9 zPfX 9 Yp D B '  ! # # # ! { !  B '  ! # # # ! { vuY !  p B H(G$%$%"X 9 Ggu B )(&$%%$"X 9 zzYuv p ' !###! ' !###! H(GF%%%"X  y@ ' !###! D # 4 4 D p w ps D p CA@9 &gu CI@9 Cuv Y p U B B  4
we nd we nd

by induction.

 y@ D




is bounded and

is an -covering of

!###! F%%%vCy o boerxqY ` !###! F%%%f Cy

viously approximate every function

which is contained in

tions mapping to

by functions with images in the discrete set

!###! F%%%tCy


Since the initial contexts in the above Lemma can be chosen as elements of the

we obtain as an immediate corollary that a nite set

Corollary 3.5 Assume

!###! $$%%fXCy


and the approximations in the cover only yield values in that set,


are as above. Assume

only. Hence we can cover every set of func-

by a function the codomain of

is sufcient for internal pro-

; assume

!###! F%%%tCy

!###! F%%% Cy u n!###! V$%$%x B 4 9 ! 3 n!###! V"%%%x D ! D 6Yxp G B u Y 9 y u B 9 3qIYp& B u Y 9 y ! XY BGB v 9 Y 9 PB v 9 XY D ! 1 ( 1 2 o 3 te !###! b o ` F$%%fvCy o 4 o
forms an only. forms an the composition to the nearest value -covering of -covering of (some xed nearest and . Then

which maps a value

is an -covering for . Denote by


unique). Denote by


. Note that these functions use values the quantization mapping, . Then we can ob. if this is not

by assumption. Hence we can apply Lemma 3.4. As a consequence, the recursive and


Hence, we can substitute every recursive function where the transition consti-

tutes a contraction by a function which uses only a nite number of different values

get the following result:

such that the following holds: there exists a function such that

Proof. As a consequence of Lemma 3.2 and Corollary 3.5 we can approximate

only a nite number of equivalence classes. Choose a xed value


equivalence class. Dene

, such that

lies in the equivalence class of

`  b 2

3 q 

for ,


for all

# #! y !F%#%% Cw3

and a nite memory length . Dene equivalence classes on

via the denition . This yields from each

!###! $$%%fvCy

B ! 9 DB G!v 9


by a function


can be chosen as the identity.

which uses only a nite number of values


denotes the element-wise application of

to the sequence . If

U BBB p &GCI@9 u 9  8 9 w CI@9 C%Yuv p B

can nd a memory length

, a nite set


, and a quantization

o 3 s

o x GF%%%Xzx b   !###! y ` &$%%$"Xzy b ` !###! 

B gA@9 u



such that

is a contraction with parameter

GF%%%"vzy !###!  o b r wY o `

Corollary 3.6 For every

, function

, initial context


can be substituted by values consisting of sequences in


and a nite memory length. Depending on the form of

, the internal values . More precisely we

with bounded do, we


-covers of


, respectively.

n!###! tG$%%$x D ezp & B u Y 9 y ! 3 Y

outputs are changed by at most . Moreover,

constitutes an -cover of

!###! F%%%fvCy

 u u B 4 9 n!###! t"%%$x D eC& B u Y 9 y ! 3 Yp Cuv Y

3 p Y eqIYXy

Proof. Note that

constitutes an external -covering of

because the



. Then the choice

This result tells us that we can substitute recursive maps with compact codomain and contractive transition functions by denite memory machines if the input alphabet is nite. Otherwise, the input alphabet can be quantized accordingly such that an equivalent denite memory machine with a nite number of different input symbols and the same behavior can be found. In case of RNNs, further processing is added

ously similar approximation results can be obtained, since we can simply combine

on the modulus of continuity of .

We are here interested in recurrent neural networks and their connection to definite memory machines. We assume that and

spaces equipped with the maximum norm which we denote by

, where


are of the form


, and


, and .

denotes the component-wise application of a

transition function

In the above denition,

constitutes a so-called feedforward network with one 18

` wzuv Y

Denition 3.7 A recurrent network (RNN) computes a function of the form

z r % E{ 3 g r z  3 B }5 { E  IPB v 9 Y 9 D ! % b % r g qY `

p p z D o

g D

` b t 3 3 % } $ 3 3 zg$ { %g$  ! B 5 { IC  PB 9 9 D % b z ` % b B g 9

vuY zw

to yields approximation of


up to a value which depends

are real vector .

u  s 8

u  c4s 8 Cuv Y

compact domain

. Therefore, approximation of

the above approximation

with . Note that

is then uniformly continuous on the by the function up

but itself does not contribute to the recursive computation. If


is some function which maps the processed sequence to the desired output, is continuous, obvi-

vuY z

to the recursive computation, i.e. we are interested in functions of the form


possible if

itself is nite and

"u D  `

yields the desired approximation. The same choice is is the identity.

hidden layer which maps the recursively processed sequences to the desired outputs,

values are contained in a bounded set. Under these circumstances, RNNs simply implement a denite memory machine and can be substituted by a fractal prediction

Lemma 3.9 The function


above is Lipschitz continuous with respect to the second input parameter

and the are the .

components of matrix Proof. We nd

. The mapping is a contraction for

Hence if we can in addition make sure that the image of the transition function is bounded, e.g. due to the fact that

and the elements of input sequences are

contained in a compact set, we can approximate the above recursive computation

on the degree of the contraction, i.e. the magnitude of the weights and the desired accuracy of the approximation. 19

by a denite memory machine. The necessary length of the sequences


Obviously, a contraction is obtained for

{n p gCp g  p w p p p g z 2U B p p p p 9 g z 2n U {n { p B 9 p g WD p B w  { p D 9 p B {   A9 B 5 { E  I9 p } }

D }

maximum norm

with parameter



with respect to metrics




for all ,

{n zp } 5 {

p  p i2p B  9 B  9 Yp  U Y

E  hB Gv 9 % b % r g Y ` b !

g p p g F Xn D p {

pp b XY `

Denition 3.8 A function

is Lipschitz continuous with parameter

machine, as an example. We rst refer to the case where

above results if the transition function

p p


or the logistic function sgd

 "&B V "5 hB  9 B  9 9 D

constitutes a contraction and the internal

is the identity.

denes the recurrent part of the network. Popular choices for

are the hyperbolic . We can apply the

3 e|

Note the following simple observation which allows us to obtain results for non-


. Hence they yield to contractions. Since many standard activation functions

like the hyperbolic tangent or the logistic activation function fulll this property and map, moreover, to a limited domain such as

obtained the result that recurrent networks with small weights can be approximated arbitrarily well with denite memory machines. Note that, before training, the weights are usually initialized with small random vectors. If they are initialized in a small enough domain, e.g. their absolute value

tive transition functions, i.e. act like denite memory machines. This argumentation implies that through the initialization recurrent networks have an architectural bias towards denite memory machines. Feedforward neural networks with time window input constitute a popular alternative method for sequence processing (Sejnowski and Rosenberg, 1987; Waibel, 1989). Since a nite time window corresponds to a nite memory of denite memory machines, recurrent networks are biased towards these successful alternative training methods where the size of the time window is not xed a-priori. We add a remark on recurrent neural networks used for the approximation of probability distributions as proposed for example in (Bengio and Frasconi, 1996). Denition 3.10 A probabilistic recurrent network computes a function of the form 20

is not larger than, e.g.

if the logistic function

! ! B $x 9 B % 9

can be uniformly limited by a constant

are Lipschitz continuous with param-


only, we have nally

is used, they have contrac-

. In particular, differentiable activation functions

{n X

{ p B n 9 Cp g

with parameter

lead to contractive transition functions

if the weights


. Hence arbitrary activation functions

{Y  gvY

{  { 


, respectively, the composition

{ gY


linear activation functions : If


are Lipschitz continuous with constants is Lipschitz continuous with conwhich are Lipschitz continuous fulll

such that


is of the form


the component-wise application of a transition function a conditional probability distribution on a set a sequence via the choice

output component of . Note that elements in ity distributions over

induces a distribution for the next symbol given a sequence

ponents of the network are interpreted as a probability distribution over the alpha-

nonlinear transformation and followed by normalization. In (Bengio and Frasconi,

interpreted as a probability distribution on a nite set of hidden states and training can be performed for example with a generalized EM algorithm (Neal and Hinton, 1998). Note that the above approximation results can be transferred immediately to a probabilistic network if the transition function is a contraction and the set of intermediate values is bounded. Here we obtain the result that the function which maps a sequence to the next symbol probabilities can be approximated by a function implemented by a denite memory machine. Such probabilistic recurrent networks can be approximated arbitrarily well by FOMMs.


!###!  GF%%%" zy

possible events

up to degree

here means that

U 1  1 p B  9  B | 9 i p

Note that approximation of probability distributions

1996), the outputs of

bet. Usually,

@ n 1 ! 1 Gx D   % 1 qp zy 3  1 x B 9 3 @ BB 1 D B p1 &gA@9 zuv Y 9 x Pg@ G( 9 i n !###!  $$G$$%%"Vzy vuY z b ` 3 % r z y{ r z r 3 % 3y} } B {   IqB v 9 Y 9 D !

and are matrices, , and . of cardinality , where and

discrete elements. Hence a probabilistic recurrent network if the output com-

consists of a linear function combined possibly by component-wise

are normalized, too, such that the intermediate values can be

1 ! 1 &x D   $ 1 p 5zy b w 3  `

` b r qY b ` vuY s B 9 C

, and

denotes denes given

denotes the th

correspond to probabil-

on the nite set of

for all . Based on this estimation, and assuming a bound on the Kullback-Leibler divergence smaller than
 99 B  B 5 &(x

. This term becomes arbitrarily small if approaches . such that the contraction

One can obtain explicit bounds on the weights

wise nonlinearity like the logistic function. Assumed a normalization of the outputs is added in the recursive steps of , too, as proposed in (Bengio and Frasconi, 1996) then alternative bounds on the magnitudes of the weights can be derived using the


denotes the Euclidean metric.

4 Every DMM can be implemented by a contractive recurrent network

We have seen that, loosely speaking, recurrent networks with contractive transition functions implement at most DMMs (or FOMMs). Here we establish the converse direction, every DMM or FOMM, respectively, can be approximated arbitrarily well by a recurrent network with contractive transition function. Note that several possibilities of injecting nite automata or nite state machines (and thus also denite memory machines) into recurrent networks have been proposed in the literature, e.g. (Carrasco and Forcada, 2001; Frasconi, 1995; Omlin and Giles, 1996a; Omlin and Giles, 1996b). Since these methods deal with general nite automata, the transition function of the constructed RNNs is not a contraction and does not fulll the condition of small weights. We assume that

is a nite alphabet. We are interested in pro-

cessing of sequences over . We assume that input sequences in 22

are presented

fact that the mapping

!###!  D GF%%% zy

 P|2 b 

condition is fullled as above if

consists of a linear function and a component-

is Lipschitz continuous with parameter


{  1 9 1 B&B 1 9  B  9 i B  9 i 1  1 w B | 9 

, we can obtain , which is


the coding

. Denote by

of sigmoid type, i.e. it has a specic form which is fullled for popular activation functions like the hyperbolic tangent. More precisely, we assume the properties

Lemma 4.1 Assume nite limits

computed by a DMM, i.e. there exists some . Assume . Then there is and

functions that

Proof. Assume

dene the transition function

Because of the continuity of , we can nd some positive such that contraction with respect to the second argument and inputs in if the absolute value of all coefcients in as blocks of

outputs of

input sequence , coefcient input sequence is

enumerate the coefcients of

! { & B0 GB ! '&9 ! B G 9 9 tn D "%%%y wtGF%$%xF%$%xy m!###! b n!###! y r !###! `  @ @ Y n zuv Y  { # C%!0 Y  } B 9 B {  D Y  I B v 9 Y 9 D ! s n D m p p D n Y 3 @ BB GCI@9 9 GCI@9 u 9 C5 D B B vuY vzu Y ` ` b b r qY 3 7 3 m ! 3 3 @ s B % 9 a  7 3 q BB GCI@9 8 9 PBCI@9 D b ` p B  9 q ~  D `#$0` B  9  ~ " D B  9  ~ "WB  9 4 ~  !D

with respect to the second argument. . We choose


is a monotonically increasing and continuous function which has nite limits .

is a monotonously increasing, continuous function with . Assume is

such that and

of a recurrent network

, for all


is a contraction with parameter

and let

of the recursive part of the form

. We start constructing the recursive part for the case

is at most . We can think of the such that, given the of the

coefcients. We will dene of block is larger than

and it is , otherwise. For this purpose, denote by index

a xed bijective mapping. We index where , are

by tuples index 23

tries of a sequence . We assume that the nonlinearity

B CI@9 u

1 $ b 1

with entry

at position and

for all other positions. Denote by

the element-wise application of

1 2

to a recurrent network in a unary way, i.e.

corresponds to the unit vector

used in the network is

, so that we can nd , such

be the origin. First, we

with parameter

iff the element

b ` 31 Vz

to the en-

for all

constitutes a


where and

, ,

are in

. We choose for

all entries of and


except for for




. This choice has the

are stored in the activations of the network. Precisely all different prexes of length

Assume that

. Then we can construct a recursive part of a network

1 2

is a monotonously increasing and continuous function with

1 5

is of the form

. We nd for all sequences


, and

is the vector with components uniquely iff

encodes the prexes of length uniquely, hence

constitutes a recursive part of a network with the desired proper-

ties and activation function .

the recursive transformation in both cases. It follows immediately from well-known approximation or interpolation results, respectively, for feedforward networks that


feedforward network with one hidden layer.

1993; Hornik, Stinchcombe, White, 1989; Sontag, 1992).

Cuv Y


can be found which maps the outputs of

Hence we obtain a unique encoding of the last

B CI@9 zuv Y 9 B BCI@9 Cuv Y B 9 } B 9 GB { pe { q 

. Obviously,

encodes the prexes

entries of the sequence through

to the desired values (Hornik, can be chosen as a

6 9u B 9 B  { D 8 9 u I9dB v 9 D ! B gA@9 7 gA@9 Cuv Y 9 B 6 D B B }W {   I9 1 Cuv Y

sive part of a network

with the above properties, where the transition function the equality ,

nite limits and the property

. Hence we can use

to construct a recur-

which uniquely encodes prexes of length

zuv Y

of sequences yield unique outputs of

as follows: The function

transferred to the second to th block. Hence the last

steps, which can be found in the rst to

st block in the previous step, are values of an input sequence

effect that the actual input is stored in the rst block and the inputs of the last

VnF#$%%x ! ##!y 3 D}

tnF%%%x  D hh )( 1 e ( h (1 e e B { I9 !###! y 3 D h ( h )( e e B  I9 {  n! ##! tGF#%$%xy F%%%c !###!y 3 B ! x& ! B & 9 9 n!###! tGF%$%xy 0 F%%%xy !###!


, ,

are in

. We enumerate the entries of

by tuples , and ,

B 9 4 D 1

0B 9 !D

B 9 B  9 B  9 3 D 1


Note that we can obtain the further extension of the above result that every DMM can be approximated by a RNN of the above form with arbitrarily small weights in the recursive and feedforward part. We have already seen, that the

weights in

can be chosen arbitrarily small. Choosing the entry in

bolic tangent) if the bias and the weights are chosen from an arbitrarily small open interval (Hornik, 1993).3 Hence we can limit the weights in the feedforward part, too. The above result can be immediately transferred to approximation results for the probabilistic counterparts of DMMs. Note that even if the output of the recursive part is in addition normalized as in (Bengio and Frasconi, 1996), the fact that all

network followed by normalization. Therefore, FOMM can obviously be approximated (even precisely interpolated) by probabilistic recurrent networks up to any desired degree, too. stricted. For unlimited weights, we can bound the number of hidden neurons in by Note that the number of hidden neurons in might increase if the weights are re-





Cuv Y

the nite number of possible different outputs of

, which depends (exponentially)

probabilities of the next symbol in a sequence.

can be computed by a feedforward

computation is not altered. Hence we can nd an appropriate

sequences of length at most

are mapped to unique values through the recursive which outputs the

mation capability of feedforward networks also holds for analytic

instead of

does not change the argumentation. Moreover, the universal approxi(e.g. the hyper-


5 Learnability
We have shown that RNNs with small weights and DMMs implement the same function classes if restricted to a nite input set. The respective memory length sufcient for approximating the RNN depends on the size of the weights. Since initialization of RNNs often puts a bias towards DMMs or their probabilistic counterpart and FLMMs possess efcient training algorithms like fractal prediction machines, the latter constitute a valuable alternative to standard RNNs for which training is often very slow (Ron, Singer, Tishby, 1996; Ti o and Dorffner, 2001). n Another point which makes DMMs and recurrent networks with small weights attractive concerns their generalization ability. Here we rst introduce several denitions: Statistical learning theory provides one possible way to formalize the learn-

of the algorithm refers to the fact that the functions

on all possible inputs if they coincide on the given nite set of examples. Denote by

The empirical distance between



!###! 9 Y q3 B &$%%$fV D E  # B  9 Bp B  9 w B  9 Yp DPB G(Y 9 B A ! A C D


m 1 1 p B  9 t B  9 Yp


D E ! ! hB G|G(Y 9


is denoted by

and given

measure induced by


. The distance between functions

the set of probability measures on

and by

its elements.

Y 3 eY

for an unknown function

3 5

B Y! !### B  Y! GB  9  9 $%$%! &B X 9 "X 9

learning algorithm for

outputs a function

given a nite set of examples . Generalization ability

and approximately coincide

is the product

and with respect

refers to the

tion or set which occurs is measurable. Assume


with domain

and codomain

. We assume in the following that every funcdenes a metric on . A

ability or generalization ability of a function class. Assume

is a function class

The aim in the general training scenario is to minimize the distance between the function to be learned, say , and the function obtained by training, say . Usually, this quantity is not available because the function to be learned is unknown.

if the empirical distance is representative of the real distance. Since the function obtained by training usually depends on the whole training set (and hence the error on one training example does not constitute an independent observation), a uniform convergence in (high) probability of the empirical distance
E E ! ! B G|G(Y 9 F

Since one can think of

learning algorithm, this property characterizes the fact that we can nd prior bounds (independent of the underlying probability) on the necessary size of the training set, such that every algorithm with small training error yields good generalization with high probability. For short, the UCED-property is one possible way of formalizing the generalization ability. Note that the framework tackled by statistical learning theory usually deals with a more general scenario, the so-called agnostic setting

unknown function which is to be learned, and the error is measured by a general loss function. Valid generalization then refers to the property of uniform convergence of 27

(Haussler, 1992). There, the function class

Y P # DhB p B ET|G|Y 9 B &|Y 9 Bp G|SeE  9 QA 4 ! ! ! A 3 ! Y Rp xG F 4

pirical distances property (UCED-property) if for all

Denition 5.1

fullls the distribution independent uniform convergence of em-

as the function to be learned and of

as the output of the

used for learning need not contain the


nearly coincide for large enough

! A B G(Y 9 I

E ! ! B G|G(Y 9 F

given set

of training examples. A justication of this principle can be established

for arbitrary


and sample

is established. Generalization then means that uniformly for and .

Hence standard training often minimizes the empirical error between


which is obtained if the distance of


is evaluated at

given data points.

on a

1997). For simplicity, we will only investigate the UCED property of recurrent networks with small weights. The following is a well known fact: Lemma 5.2 Finite function classes fulll the UCED-property.

can be computed by a DMM with xed nite memory length . Then

obviously the UCED-property because the function class is nite. Hence DMMs

shown in (Bartlett, Long, Williamson, 1994; Hammer, 1997; Koiran and Sontag, 1997), for example. Hence general recurrent networks with no further restrictions do not yield valid generalization in the above sense unlike xed length DMM. One can prove weaker results for recurrent networks, which yield bounds on the size of a training set such that valid generalization holds with high probability as derived in (Hammer, 2000; Hammer, 1999), for example. However, these bounds are no longer independent of the underlying (unknown) distribution of the inputs. Training of general RNNs may need in theory an exhaustive number of patterns for valid generalization and certain underlying input distributions. One particularly bad situation is explicitly constructed in (Hammer, 1999) where the number of examples necessary for valid generalization increases more than polynomially in the required accuracy. Naturally, restriction of the search space e.g. to nite automata with a 28

computation accuracy is assumed. Then


are xed, but the entries of the matrices can be chosen arbitrarily and arbitrary does not possess the UCED-property as

1 vn

recurrent neural networks as dened in Denition 3.7 where the dimensionalities


is the function class which is given by the functions computed by all

with xed length

can generalize, when provided with enough training data.


is a nite alphabet and

is the class of functions from

class can be related to learnability of

under several conditions on

and the loss function, learnability of this associated (Anthony and Bartlett, 1999; Vidyasagar,

empirical means (UCEM) of a class associated to

via the loss function. However,


which fullls

xed number of states offers a method to establish prior bounds on the generalization error of RNNs. Moreover, in practical applications, because of the computation noise and nite accuracy, the effective VC dimension of RNNs is nite. Nevertheless, more work has to be done to formally explain, why neural network training often shows good generalization ability in common training scenarios. Here we offer a theory for initial phases of RNN training by linking RNNs with small weights to the denite memory machines. Note that RNNs with small weights and a nite input set approximately coincide with DMMs with xed length, where the length depends on the size of the weights. Hence we can conclude that RNNs with a priori limited small weights and a nite input alphabet possess the UCED property contrarious to general RNNs with arbitrary weights and nite input alphabet. That means, the architectural bias through the initialization emphasizes a region of the parameter search space where the UCED property can be formally established. We will show in the remaining part of this section that an analogous result can be derived for recurrent networks with small weights and arbitrary real-valued inputs. This shows that function classes given by RNNs with a priori limited small weights possess the UCED property in contrast to general RNNs with arbitrary weights and innite precision.

equipped with the maximum norm. Moreover, we assume that the constant function

can be found in the literature which relate the generalization ability to the capacity of the function class. Appropriate formalizations of the term capacity are as follows:



denotes the size of the smallest external -covering of

Denition 5.3 Assume

p! ! B p e&$ 9

is contained in

, too. Then alternative characterization for the UCED property

is a function class. Let

. The external covering with

! F%

We consider function classes

with domain

and codomain equal to

respect to the metric exists.

nite) of a set of points


which can be shattered with parameter

for each function

some function


Both, the covering number and the fat-shattering dimension measure the richness

where a rich behavior can be observed within the function class, respectively. AsE

. Proofs for the following

alternative characterizations of the UCED property can be found in (Anthony and Bartlett, 1999; Bartlett, Long, Williamson, 1994; Vidyasagar, 1997):

fullls the UCED-property.

denotes expectation with respect to


holds for every

W V GF%%% zy D E  !###!  B 9 vus X2U D f g h{ p! p ! huh W e t { e )rqp m dU B p "`~ G$ 9 s i GF%%%"vzy D E  !###! 

is nite for every



m # D &B p "`~ G$ 9 { 9 B p! p !

! $%

with codomain

which contains the constant function :

. Furthermore, the esti-

Lemma 5.4 The following characterizations are equivalent for a function class


is a vector. Denote the restriction of

B  9 Y DcB  9 63tYQp GF%%%"Xz(zy D "`~ 1 1 R b !###! y ` p !###! 3 B G$$%%"X 9 D E 

e 5A

W V B 9 2U cdbA 4 P x& "

e 5A


: the number of essentially different functions up to , or the number of points

p3pY %#


. Shattering with parameter

means that real values

1 1# 1 B  9 B $Y B ( 9 Y 9 IGFY B  9 Yp p1# 1 ! b !###! y ` %y GF%%% z GF%%% zy !###!  W V B 9 X2U

The -fat shattering dimension of

p! ! B p e&$ 9 p p

is innite if no nite external covering of

is the largest size (possibly in-

, ...,

exist such that exists with



Using this alternative characterization, we can prove that recurrent networks with

common domain of

and codomain of and

, respectively.

. Because of Lemma 3.2 and because every , we can nd some by at most

is Lipschitz continuous with in deviates from

parameter in

such that every

for all input sequences . Hence


denotes the application of the truncation

to every

we can bound the term where

for every by

is nite because

fullls the UCED property. Hence

the quotient , every

becomes arbitrarily small for large

, and every

As a consequence, standard recurrent networks with small weights in the recur-

sive part such that the transition function constitutes a contraction and with limited weights in the feedforward part such that Lipschitz continuity is guaranteed fulll


 u w

the UCED property: the function classes

from the above proof correspond

Proof. Assume

3 c 4 m @ m p ! `f u $ 9 { 5A p p w! e  B B w  u x 9 W V u B w 9 s X2U D m p fp w ! hh e W su { r)q B { 9  E @ B p ! `u q%$ 9 e pi  E 8 @ 1@ B CE @ 9 8 p Ahf e  w D p f  w ! p fp w ! B p ! ` Q p u !x 9 hB p ! `p u q 9 U B p ! `u e$ 9  u ew 2 x v u Y @ u 6 Cuv Y { wy 3 !###! 9 D B @ "%%$" I@aE @

w 7 3 q

property for every

u w


fullls the UCED property if the function class .

. Assume

is a vector of

 u w {

every function in

is Lipschitz continuous with parameter

. Then the function fullls the UCED

sequences over

! $%

ment. Assume

function in

is a contraction with parameter

with respect to the second arguand codomain such that

is a function class with domain


is a function class with domain

and codomain

Lemma 5.5 Assume

are xed. Assume

is a bounded set. such that every

in . Hence

 or { B % 9 ry ! 3  w 3 Y! w 3 p Y efxG4wzy

the class of compositions

for function classes



small weights and arbitrary inputs fulll the UCED property, too. Denote by


in this case to simple feedforward networks with more than one hidden layer which have a nite fat-shattering dimension and therefore fulll the UCED property for standard activation functions like the hyperbolic tangent (Baum and Haussler, 1989; Karpinski and Macintyre, 1995). An alternative proof for the UCED property given real valued inputs can be

to the second argument. Assume that in addition, every function in


Proof. Note that

can nd a nite covering

with parameter


p! ! B p z 9

U B p z 9 U B p C 9 p! ! p! !

are contained in

function class

o wr

of the set

. Denote by

the smallest size of a -covering of a such that all functions in the cover

with respect to the metric

itself. Because of the triangle inequality, the estimation

{ B  9 

p p p! ! B p C 9 B G4 9 F%%%! B X"  9 y D e( ! !###  ! ` E { 

for some

which depends on ,

p! w! p! w! B p ez 9 U B p u qF 9

with parameter

, we nd

, and

. Because


are bounded, we

for all . Because of Lemma 3.4 and the Lipschitz continuity of all functions in

p! w! p fp w ! B p u e$ 9 U B p ! `u q$ 9


. Then

fullls the UCED property if

u ew ! $%


such that every function in

is Lipschitz continuous with parameter does.

continuous with parameter

. Assume

is a function class with domain


such that every function in

is a contraction with parameter

o r

bounded sets. Assume

is a function class with domain

and codomain with respect is Lipschitz and

Lemma 5.6 Assume

{ B % 9 y ! 3  w u qw

obtained relating

to the class

, which is non recursive, as follows: are xed. Assume and are

because of the following: choose for in a function

such that the distance to

Since the UCED property holds for

where only depends on , the UCED property of

by a nite number for xed . Therefore, the UCED property of Hence the additional property that the set

the learnability of recurrent architectures with contractive transition function to the learnability of the corresponding non-recursive transition function. We conclude this section by performing two experiments which give some hints on the effect of small recurrent weights on the generalization ability. We use RNNs for sequence prediction for two sequences: the Mackey-Glass time series with dyk

namic and

related discrete-time series

u qw p fp w ! w B p ! `u F 9 V { B qw 9 u { s h 2U D   e g { p! p w! p! p w uhh ih e s g { e )rqp d f U B p ~`  9 U B p ~` t!  9 f f e i ew # D {  PB  '9 S  B  9 S  U {  { { p GGB v G9 Y 9 w G&B I! &9 Y 9 BB ! 9 BB 1 1 9 p p G&B I! G9 Y 9 &GB (GI! G9 Y 9 BB 1 1 9 BB 1 1 9 p p G&B A! G9 Y 9 w &GB v &9 Y 9 p U BB 1 1 9 BB ! 9 p &GB v G9 Y 9 w &GB v &9 Y 9 p BB ! 9 BB ! 9 E ( Y s ! p Y Y (yw 2V B p p~` (w%!  9 ( B I!12 9 E 1 o r ! 3 B v 9 p! p w p! w! B p ~` e!  9 U B p ez 9
a closest in corresponding to a function in is minimum on . Then , we can bound the quantity , and , and . Hence the quantity follows. with : for 33

(Mackey and Glass, 1977). The task for the RNN is to predict the with values in

u D } D # #

#%$#!x%! to p &59  tn # D # Bo  m d D k j   &B j 9 5c 9 B 5j 9  l B j 9  } D 92x B 

follows immediately for every function class

. Now we nd

and for

is nite because of can be limited

is bounded allows us to connect

servation noise by ipping each entry with probability


RNN is to predict the related sequence

generalization ability of networks which t these sequences with different sizes of

the logistic activation function is used for prediction. To separate effects of RNN training from the effect of small weights, we use no training algorithm but consider only randomly generated RNNs. For different sizes of the recurrent weights we

consists in our case only of accepting or rejecting networks based their training set performance. To separate the positive effect of weight restriction for the recurrent dynamic from the benet of small weights for feedforward networks (Bartlett, 1997) we initialize the output weights and the weights connected to the input randomly in the interval
y y B !z 9 B ! 9

in all cases. The recurrent connections are randomly initialized

mapping need no longer be a contraction for

. The relationship between the and

x d

Fig. 2 shows the mean absolute training and test set error for the two tasks. For

our experiments, the mean error on the training set remains almost constant whereas the mean error on the test set increases for increasing size of the recurrent weights. 34

{ vn

and the default classication according to the majority in

gives the error

u #


comparison, the constant mapping to the expected value for

the size

of recurrent connections is presented in Fig. 1.

has an error

u #

fraction of randomly generated networks with training error smaller than

z #

{y #

in the interval


is varied from


. Note that the recurrent

x d

u #

which have the mean absolute training error smaller than


compare the test set error of the fraction of

randomly generated networks . Hence training

the weights on recurrent connections. A small network with



training instances and

! 3 # B # B $ 9 wu &qo9  wv { u # B 9  hB 9  D D
with :

#$%#%!  # ! D ho B 5 po9  tursB qo9  Dh&po9  B ! B % 9

and quasiperiodic behavior. In addition, we consider the Boolean time series . We introduce ob-

. The second task for the . For both tasks we

test instances. We are interested in the

hidden neurons and

. In

0.014 0.012 0.01 0.008 0.006 0.004 0.002 2 4 6



0.058 0.056 0.054 0.052 0.05 0.048 0.046 0.044 0.042 0.04 2 4 6



Figure 1: Fraction (max ) of randomly generated networks with training error


of recurrent connections. Among


{ Xn


up to

hits for

, and

up to

tn  xxxz { Xn


x d

u #

smaller than


(top) and

(bottom), respectively, depending on the size

randomly generated networks, we obtain hits for .

0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 0.12 2 4

training error test error default


0.28 0.26 0.24 0.22 0.2 0.18 0.16 0.14 2 4

training error test error default


Figure 2: Mean training and test error of RNNs with randomly initialized weights

the interval in which recurrent weights have been chosen. The default horizontal

models represent naive memoryless predictors.


{ vn

the error of constant classication to the majority class for

(right). The default


line shows the error of constant prediction of the expected value for

{ Xn


on the two time series

(top) and

(bottom). The x-axes shows the radius


(left) and

0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.02 0

S1 S2


on the size of the recurrent connections.

Note that this increase is smooth, hence no dramatic decrease of the generalization ability can be observed if non contractive recursive mapping might occur, i.e. the

alization can here be observed even for large recurrent weights. The generalization error, i.e. the absolute distance of the training and test set errors, is depicted in Fig. 3.

weights and is much smaller for small weights. As shown in Fig. 4, the percentage of networks with low training error and test error comparable to the training error

decreases with increasing radius

} B

of the size of recurrent connections. For small , respectively, of the networks with small , whereas the percentage decreases to
m } x 99


training error have a test error of at most

recurrent weights, nearly


u #

The mean generalization error reaches values of

{ Xn

g #


which almost corresponds to random guessing. The test error approximates which is still better than a majority vote, hence gener-

for large weights for



weights come from an interval with

. For

, the test error becomes as large


{ n


Figure 3: Mean generalization error of RNNs for


, respectively, depending

, respectively, for large

1 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 2 4 6

0.16 0.17


0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 2 4 6

0.16 0.17



{ n


various sizes of the recurrent connections for

(top) and


x d

u #

tively, among all randomly generated networks with training error at most

m d

u #

u #

Figure 4: Percentage of networks with test error smaller than


, respecand

tions. These experiments indicate that in this setting the generalization ability of RNNs without further restrictions is better for smaller recurrent weights. However, particularly bad situations which could occur in theory for non-contractive transition function cannot be observed for randomly generated networks: the increase of the test error is smooth with respect to the size of the weights. Note that no training has been taken into account in this setting. It is very likely that training adds additional regularization to the RNNs. Hence randomly generated networks might not be representative for typical training outputs and the generalization error of trained networks with possibly large recurrent weights might be much better than the reported results. Further investigation is necessary to answer the question whether initialization with small weights has a positive effect on the generalization ability in realistic training settings; but such experiments are beyond the scope of this article.

6 Discussion
We have rigorously shown that initialization of recurrent networks with small weights biases the networks towards denite memory models. This theoretical investigation supports our previous experimental ndings (Ti o, Cer ansk , Be ukov , 2002a; n n y n s a Ti o, Cer ansk , Be ukov , 2002b). In particular, by establishing simulation of n n y n s a denite memory machines by contractive recurrent networks and vice versa, we proved an equivalence between problems that can be tackled with recurrent neural networks with small weights and denite memory machines. Analogous results for probabilistic counterparts of these models follow from the same line of reasoning and show the equivalence of xed order Markov models and probabilistic recurrent networks with small weights.

} B


} B

, respectively, for increasing size of the weights of recurrent connec-


We conjecture that this architectural bias is benecial for training: it biases the architectures towards a region in the parameter space where simple and intuitive behavior can be found, thus guaranteeing initial exploration of simple models where prior theoretical bounds on the generalization error can be derived. A rst step into this direction has been investigated in this article, too, within the framework of statistical learning theory. It can be shown that unlike general recurrent networks with arbitrary precision, recurrent networks with small weights allow bounds on the generalization ability which depend only on the number of parameters of the network and the training set size, but neither on the specic examples of the training set, nor on the input distribution. These bounds hold even if innite accuracy is available and inputs may be real-valued. The argumentation is valid for every xed weight restriction of recurrent architectures which guarantees that the transition function is a contraction with a given xed contraction parameter. Note that these learning results can be easily extended to arbitrary contractive transition functions with no a-priory known constant through the luckiness-framework of machine learning (Shawe-Taylor, 1998). The size of the weights or the parameter of the contractive transition function, respectively, offers a hierarchy of nested function classes with increasing complexity. The contraction parameter controls the structural risk in learning contractive recurrent architectures. Note that although the VC-dimension of RNNs might become arbitrarily large in theory if arbitrary inputs and weights are dealt with, it is not likely to occur in practice: it is well known that lower bounds on the VC dimension need high precision of the computation and the bounds are effectively limited if the computation is disrupted by noise. The articles (Maass and Orponen, 1998; Maass and Sontag, 1999) provide bounds on the VC dimension in dependence on the given noise. Moreover, the problem of long-term dependencies likely restricts the search space 40

for RNN training to comparably simple regions and yields a restriction of the effective VC-dimension which can be observed when training RNNs. In addition, the choice of the error function (e.g. quadratic error) puts an additional bias towards training and might constitute a further limitation of the VC-dimension achieved in practice. Hence the restriction to small weights in initial phases of training which has been investigated in this article constitutes one aspect among others which might account for good generalization ability of RNNs in practice. We have derived explicit prior bounds on the generalization ability for this case and we have established an equivalence of the dynamics to the well understood dynamics of DMMs. As a consequence small weights constitute one sufcient condition for valid generalization of RNNs, among other well known guarantees. The concrete effect of the small weight restriction and other aspects as mentioned above has to be further investigated in experiments. Two preliminary experiments for time series prediction have shown that small recurrent weights have a benecial effect on the generalization ability of RNNs. Thereby, we tested randomly generated RNNs in order to rule out numerical effects of the training algorithm. We varied only the size of the recurrent connections to rule out the benecial effect of small weights in standard feedforward networks (Bartlett, 1997). For randomly chosen small networks, the percentage of networks with small weights which generalize well to unseen examples is larger than the percentage among RNNs initialized with larger weights. Thereby, the increase of the generalization error is smooth compared to the size of the weights, i.e. networks with particularly bad generalization ability for larger weights can hardly be found by random choice. Since efcient training of RNNs is still an open problem, we did not incorporate the effects of training in our experiments which might introduce additional regularization into learning such that the effect of small weights might vanish. Nevertheless, restriction to the smallest possible weights for a given 41

task seems one possible strategy to achieve valid generalization and we have derived explicit mathematical bounds for this setting. In (Ti o, Cer ansk , Be ukov , 2002a; Ti o, Cer ansk , Be ukov , 2002b) n n y n s a n n y n s a we extracted from recurrent networks predictive models that operated on the network dynamics. The networks were rst randomly initialized with small weights and then input-driven with training sequences. The resulting clusters of recurrent activations were labeled with (cluster conditional) empirical next-symbol distributions calculated on the training stream. Hence training takes place in one epoch on the output level only. No optimization of the representation of the sequences in the hidden neurons was done but the sequence representation provided by the randomly initialized recurrent network dynamic was used. By performing experiments on symbolic sequences of various memory and subsequence structure we showed that predictive models extracted from these networks where internal representation of the sequences is given by randomly initialized (with small weights) networks achieved performance very similar to that of variable memory length Markov models (VLMM). Obviously, recurrent networks have a potential to outperform nite memory models and they indeed did so after a careful and (often rather lengthy) training process. But, since the predictive models extracted from networks with untrained recurrent connections initialized with small weights4 correspond to VLMM, depending on the nature of the data, the performance gain resulting from training the appropriate recursive representation in the hidden neurons of recursive neural networks can be quite small. In (Ti o, Cer ansk , Be ukov , 2002b) we argue n n y n s a that to appreciate how much information has really been induced during the training, the network performance should always be compared with that of VLMM and predictive models extracted before training as the null base models.

training is performed in one epoch to adjust hidden-layer-to-output mapping


Interestingly enough, the contractive nature of recurrent networks initialized with small weights enables us to perform a rigorous fractal analysis of the statespace representations induced by such networks. The rst results in that direction can be found in (Ti o and Hammer, 2002). n

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