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Hello Rachit, Become a Master Hypnotist Home study video course Hurry up-only two days left (up

to 30th April) to grab the special discount offe r on Become a Master Hypnosis home study video course. So what are you waiting f or? Order now i.e., just $85 (downloadable) and $95 (INR Rs.4150/- physical copy). Rachit, Learn How to hypnotize anyone in seconds? Learn the Secrets of a Master Hypnotist? So many people have availed the benefits of this Master Hypnosis home s tudy video course, NOW it s YOUR turn. Remember it s now or never. You will not get this offer ever again. The choice is yours This course is for you, if: 1. You are intelligent and curious about hypnosis. 2. You just want to understand more about hypnosis. 3. You just want to use hypnosis to help yourself and others. 4. You might add Hypnosis to your professional toolkit. 5. You are considering studying Hypnotherapy as a career. You can watch sample videos at http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com/newbmh/ Advantages: You can induce Hypnosis, give such people the positive suggestions they have requested and feel great about helping them. Imagine how wonderful it would be to Hypnotize and Amaze your Friends Hypnosis is currently riding a wave of popularity among the public. Not only you will gain first hand knowledge from inside, but you will also enjoy the process, and obtain relief from your own problems. The rewards are immense. Millions of people suffer from "Fear of Public Speaking". Hypnosis is a fantastic tool that can help you eliminate the Fear of public speaking for ever. Just visualize how fantastic the feeling would be to stand in front of a large c rowd start speaking, impart knowledge, evoke laughter and get applauded. Complete details visit http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com/newbmh/ How much does it cost: This professionally digital broadcast quality video recording is now converted t o 4DVD s and 1 CD-PDF manual as a Home study course worth U.S $296. But, I've come up with the Special inaugural offer only till 30th April 2009 whe re you can buy this course at discounted prices i.e., For Downloadable price is just U.S $85 For physical copy price within India is U.S $96

How to Place your order: Within India: You can personally come and purchase the product or send us D.D/M.O/Cheque or ca n do fund transfer in our HDFC account 00212000022980 in the name of Institute of Mind Control and Development, 503, Sai Homes Apartment 6-1-68/1, Lakdi-ka-pool, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500 004, A.P. - INDIA. OR Direct payment for physical copy of the product (Only $96) https://www.paypal.co m/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2965993 Other than India: Payment through Paypal for immediate Downloadable Video link (Only US $ 85) http s://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2966036 In Your Success, Pradeep Aggarwal. ******************************************************* Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning three decades. He offers Video courses, and Books at website www.pradeepaggarwal.com He is a much sought after speaker on Hypnosis & NLP and peak performance consultant for Sports Teams and organizations. Visit http://www.hypnosisglobal.com and http://www.mindinsports.com for more information. ******************************************************* P.S. If you have any friends who will benefit then do them a favor and forward t his message to them now. imcd 503,Sri Sai Home Apartment,Lakdikapul Hyderabad AP 500004 India You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time. Hi Rachit, How To Hypnotize Others - Part IX Deepening Techniques Inducing Hypnosis And Testing For Depth Inducing the Hypnotic state "The ways to induce hypnosis are countless. And while some methods take longer than others. They can all be used to produce the deep state known as somnambulism. The methods of achieving the trance

state are limited only by your own imagination. There is no way, in which you cannot hypnotize a person, provided you know the art of suggestion. Since eye closure is your first goal, all you need is a device that will cause it. The reality is that people are different from each other. It stands to reason, proven in experience, that different induction techniques, produce different results with different individuals. It is also my experience that the same person may respond to the same induction in different ways at different time. Thus, a competent hypnotist must be proficient in many induction techniques and apply them according to the situation at hand. Deepening techniques To assist the subject in reaching a more profound hypnotic state, following the initial induction, we utilize what is know as "Deepening Techniques". It should be noted that the concept of "Deepening" is an abstract metaphor. It's a figure of speech since it is not known what is exactly happening to the hypnotee. Following are a few techniques that can be combined to fit a specific subject: 1) Rocking: (Requires the client be standing or sitting upright) Gently put your hand on the client's shoulder and, with small motions, rock him from side to side. Say, "The more I rock you, the deeper you go, deeper and deeper and drowsy, relaxation. Deeper and Deeper into a wonderful hypnotic rest, further and further into your inner self. Just rocking back and forth (or side to side) going deeper and deeper into drowsy relaxation" 2) The Countdown: "In a moment I'm going to count from 10 to 1. On each count allow yourself to drift deeper and into hypnosis. 10 - Deeper and deeper now. 9 - All the way down sleep. 8 - Tired and drowsy. 7 - Just letting go now. 6 - Deeper and Deeper. 5 - All the way down deep now. 4 - Deeper and deeper. 3 - Just letting go now. 2 - Feeling so good. And finally One - Deep deep, deep hypnosis. 3) The elevator You the the you and say: "Imagine yourself in an elevator. The elevator is now on 20th floor and slowly going down. Imagine yourself looking at numbers going down from 20 to 1. With each number going down, are going deeper into hypnosis. Here it goes, twenty.. lower lower - deeper and deeper...nineteen...etc".

4) The Escalator: "Imagine yourself standing on top of a long escalator. As you are riding this escalator down, you are going deeper and deeper into a nice comfortable and safe hypnotic state"

5) The Staircase: "Imagine yourself standing at the top of a beautiful staircase with a sturdy handrail and plush carpet of your favorite color. As you start walking down the stair, each step down takes you deeper into hypnosis. 6) Silence "I will keep silent for a moment allowing you to drift and deepen your state deeper and deeper etc" 7) Subject Counts Down: In a moment you will start counting backwards from 100. And every number you will say: "Deeper relaxed." Like this 100 - deeper relaxed...99 - Deeper relaxed...so on. With each count, double your mental relaxation. Soon your will be so relaxed; you will relax all the numbers out of your mind. You will allow your mind to relax so deeply that the numbers will just fade away. If you understand me, nod your head...good. Start counting now...That's right... Good... Let them fade away. Push them out of your mind.. Are they gone? Feels good doesn't it?... Good, go deeper now." (If client counts more than ten numbers say, "That's good enough; stop counting and relax deeper.") 8) The Arm Drop: "Now, I want to see just how relaxed you are. I'm going to pick up your right hand and just let it drop down. As I take your right hand and lift it, allow it to dangle freely, just like a piece of overcooked spaghetti; totally and completeely relaxed. As I drop your hand into your lap, you go deeper into relaxation and deeper into comfort. Twice as deep. Or could it be three times as deep? Perhaps it's really ten times as deep". Drop the client's arm into his/her lap and watch for signs of tension/ relaxation. 9) Fractionation: (The YO-YO effect) Hypnotizing and alternately rousing a person a few times causes a compounding of the hypnotic state. "Now, we are going to have an agreement. From now on when I say 'Sleep Now' and snap my fingers, you will immediately close your eyes and allow yourself to, instantly and effortlessly go into a deeper hypnotic state. Not because I say so but because you want the experience and because it is the wonderful nature of your inner creative mind to achieve a profound state of mind relaxation. Each time I say 'sleep now' (snap fingers) you will find yourself going deeper than before, easily and effortlessly. I am going to count now from one to three. Keep your eyes closed until I say 'three.' At the count of three you will open your eyes and emerge from hypnosis. One... Two... Three... open, GOOD. Sleep now!" (Snap fingers.) Repeat rhythmically until client is deep in hypnosis. Test by pausing between the count of two and three [One... Two... (pause.) Three]. If client opens eyes after the count of two, you need to deepen the hypnotic state. If he does not open eyes until the count of three, it is a good sign of being in hypnosis. 10) Association:

Tie the hypnotic state to an ongoing natural occurrence. Example: tie breathing to hypnosis. "Take a nice deep breath. From now on, in this session, every breath you take will cause you to go deeper and deeper." If intruding sounds occur like a plane or fire truck passing by, you may say: "Allow any noise you may hear to lead you deeper and deeper." Hypnotic Depth Tests Now that you have your subject in the hypnotic state you want to assess and quantify the depth of trance. Assessment of depth of trance serves two purposes. First and foremost, if you work with clients who want to undergo a medical procedure without chemical anesthesia, it is vital to find out if the client is indeed capable of reaching the necessary depth of hypnosis where total hypnotic anesthesia is possible. Secondly, by performing these tests successfully, the clients get proof of the efficacy of hypnosis. For people who are new to the experience, there is almost always the question: "Was I in hypnosis? I am not sure". By providing proof through these tests the client is more likely to accept and follow through with the therapeutic suggestions. The scoring system is by no means standardized. A few researchers have developed grading systems The one that is explained in this course is the Arons system. Arons' 6 Level Depth Tests Harry Arons was an active hypnotist who researched, tested and refined a systemic approach to analyzing and categorizing hypnotic states. Following are six tests that progress from easy to difficult and provide an assessment of the corresponding hypnotic depth. Test 1. Eye Catalepsy 2. Arm Catalepsy 3. Selective Amnesia Category Application

Hypnoidal Smoke, weight Catalepsy Behavior modification Full Body Catalepsy Psychotherapy, Stage show 4. Analgesia Total Amnesia Dental work 5. Positive Hallucination Somnambulism/Anesthesia Childbirth 6. Negative Hallucination Profound Somnambulism Surgery Note: Analgesia - Sensation of pressure but no pain. Anesthesia - Numbness with no sensation of pain. Partial Amnesia - Remembering but not able to articulate. Total Amnesia - No Memory at all.

The 20% 60% 20%

distribution of depth of population capable of population capable of population capable

level in the population is roughly: of reaching stages 1&2 of reaching stages 3&4 of reaching stages 5&6

You can watch and learn All the POWERFUL TECHNIQUES of Hypnosis with demonstrations in my Home Study Video Course that can make you a Master Hypnotist. Go here NOW for more details... http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com/hypnotize In your success, Pradeep Aggarwal Rachit Practice and do these exercises on your friends and family members, and see for yourself how it works. And do not forget to write me your feedback. As I said before, I would love to listen to your adventures as a hypnotist. P.S. In the next part of this ecourse, you will learn 8 best techniques for Deepening Hypnosis. *************************************************** Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning three decades. He offers Video courses, Audio Tapes and Books at website www.pradeepaggarwal.com. He is a much sought after speaker on Hypnosis & NLP and peak performance consultant for Sports Teams and organizations. Visit http://www.hypnosisglobal.com and http://www.mindinsports.com for more information. **************************************************** imcd 503,Sri Sai Home Apartment,Lakdikapul Hyderabad AP 500004 India You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time. Hi Rachit, How To Hypnotize Others - Part VIII Dangers and Precautions of Hypnosis Most professional men agree that hypnotism can be dangerous. But rarely if ever are the dangers specified. What are they then? First lf al, as far as it is known today, hypnosis per se is no more dangerous than natural sleep. There is no evidence that hypnosis in itself weakens the will, damages the nervous system, or in any other way adversely affects the mental and physical well being of the individuals. The danger lies in is misuse; especially in the mismanagement of subjects or patients before they are hypnotized, during the induction of a trance, in the hypnotic state, and following hypnosis. Managing hypnotic subjects would be relatively simple problem if

individual behavior were highly predictable. The hypnotist rarely, if ever, knows an individual well enough to predict with certainty his every reaction to suggestions or to hypnosis. The psychotherapist is probably in the best position to predict reactions, the non-professional is in the worst.

In most circumstances the majority of individuals submitting to hypnosis present no major problems. Unfortunately, there is an appreciable percentage who will react in such as way so as to cause all sorts of difficulties; furthermore, the best-behaved subject will occasionally become unexpectedly difficult to handle during hypnosis. These difficulties may range from minor emotional outbursts to full fledged convulsive seizures.

Post hypnotic difficulties may include mild to severe headaches, with vertigo and nausea; various degrees of depression, persistent drowsiness of other suggested effects; and neurotic and psychotic episodes; arising immediately or only much later. These incidences sometimes occur in spite of every precaution taken, but in the majority of cases they can be ascribed to flagrantly improper management of the subject.

The increase in the subject's responsiveness to the hypnotist as a result of having been hypnotized, or even having been given many waking suggestions, poses another serious problem. To what extent, as a consequence, is the subject likely to be too influenced by the hypnotist in interactions by whatever the hypnotist says or does, even though this may not be intended? On occasions, subject have spontaneously voiced uncertainty about whether or not they were free of influence when interacting with me in what was intended to be a non-suggestive situation. These were, by the way, individuals capable of developing very deep trance states.

A hypnotist must keep careful track of all suggestions given to the subject and make certain that their influence is completely removed before subject leaves, unless there is a specific reason for retaining their influence

A particular delicate situation frequently arises when a patient or experimental subject is to attend more than one hypnotic session and certain instructions are to be given in this regard. The ideal way of making sure that the instructions will be carried out and that the subject will keep his future appointments would be to give the instructions to him while he is hypnotized. However, even if they are given as instructions, and are not intended to be suggestions, they may become associated with a posthypnotic effect, and the hypnotist is faced with the question of to what extent he has the right to influence a person's behavior outside the hypnotic situation. This is a matter what each hypnotist must decide for himself.

There are situations, which warrant enforcing the instructions in the above manner, but where there are no good reasons for doing so, instructions should be given with considerable circumspection to avoid undue posthypnotic effects. For instance, if a hypnotized subject is told "when you come back next Thursday you will have no difficulty in visualizing a black circle on the wall as soon as I clap my hands twice," the intention being merely to prepare the subject for this particular effect, inadvertently he was also given a suggestion to "come back next Thursday". This sort of indirect suggestion may not be effective in all cases, but it can be expected to have an influence on some instances.

Since the reaction cannot be predicted it is necessary to guard against it all the times. It is best to give the hypnotized subject only necessary instructions in hypnosis, all others should be given in the waking state, at a time when his suggestibility is as normal as possible.

Other Dangers and how to avoid them.

Before you attempt to actually hypnotize anybody, you must know what precautions to observe and exactly what to do should an emergency arise.

The actual dangers of hypnosis can be minimized provided the hypnotist is thoroughly familiar with hypnotism. We might say that this is true in the sense that driving an automobile is harmless if the driver knows how to drive, or conversely that eating my be dangerous because a person might choke on the food he eats. You will agree that outlawing eating, driving because of these dangers would be ridiculous. On the other hand, practicing hypnosis without the hazards and being in familiar with the methods of meeting possible emergencies would certainly be unwise.

The first and the most important danger to consider is the danger to the hypnotist. Hypnosis is an interpersonal relationship of great delicacy and like other relationships can develop disturbances and trouble.

Because of the stigma attached to hypnosis, there is always a risk that a female subject may accuse a male hypnotist of improper conduct if, in doing so, she might be able to get some money out of the hypnotist. Such willful charges are comparatively rare, however, another possibility is that a certain type of subject, usually a female, may develop an undue attachment to the hypnotist.

This attachment, when occurring between a doctor and a patient, is often referred to as the "transference" and is a familiar phenomenon among, physicians, dentists, and psychologists.

With a certain type of female subject, generally the "frustrated old maid", there is a chance that the hypnotic relationship might cause what is known in the psychological circles as "rape fantasy". This is a feeling of conviction on the part of the subject that she was actually raped by the hypnotist. It has happened to professional people in various specialties, particularly when a general anesthetic was involved, that such disturbed patients brought charges of improper conduct against them, to the extent that there is actually have been court trials. With hypnotists the same thing may occur with the same type of subject.

The best precaution against this possibility is to have a third person present while hypnotizing females who appear disturbed. Of course, once you learn that the subject may be trusted, the precaution is no longer necessary. Ordinarily the presence of a third party will discourage unscrupulous people from attempting to take advantage of situations of this kind.

The above precaution is particularly important for a lay hypnotist. While the physician and dentist are covered by malpractice insurance policies, the layman is not. Therefore, should charges be brought against him, the liability is entirely his own.

Occasionally the question arises: what would happen to a subject should the hypnotist fall sick or for some reason is forced to leave a subject without awakening him. This is no danger at all. The simplest thing to do is to place the hypnotized person on a bed or couch ad let him "sleep it off". He will awaken of his own accord in a few minutes - never will a subject sleep without specific command for more than a half an hour or so. A hypnotist who expects to be called away for any reason can, as a precaution, instruct his subject to obey his commands of an assistant he names, who will then proceed to do the awakening.

You should avoid subjecting person to sudden shocks. The sudden announcement of the death of a loved one, for example, or the declaration that the building is on fire, would shock him exactly the same way as it would if he were in waking state. Should the person be prone to heart attacks, such a shock might cause a heart attack. The fact that he is hypnotized would not obviate the possibility.

Avoid changing the subject's emotions from one extreme to another. There is a favorite hypnotic stunt in which the subject is made to

see a comedy on television, causing him to laugh. Then he is told to see a tragedy and to cry. Changing emotions too quickly, from laughing to crying, may be upsetting to a delicate nervous system. Commonsense will tell you to avoid such antics.

Catalepsy should be induced gradually. For example, if catalepsy of the arm is induced suddenly, at the snap of the fingers, the sudden movement, the sudden stiffening of the arm, can conceivably strain a muscle or crack or tear something. The thing to remember is that a source of danger at any time can be similar source of danger under hypnosis.

Some people are still laboring under the fallacious belief that hypnotic subjects can withstand the destructive influence of heat, cold, injuries, and so on. This is not true. A subject might be anesthetized and told to hold his fingers in a flame without feeling the pain, but his flesh would be seared nevertheless. With his arm anesthetized he would not feel the pain of a needle under his skin, but if the needle is not sterile, infection may result. The old catalepsy test, where the body is made rigid and supported between two chairs with weights being placed on the subject middle is also dangerous. While a hypnotized person can support such weights, should he have an inner weakness, such as hernia, this stunt might easily do real damage.

Common sense will tell you that if you make a subject stare wide-eyed at the sun, hypnotized or not, this could cause blindness. The person under hypnosis might be able to lift weights, which he could not lift in a waking state, but unless he knows how-to-lift, such exercise may cause a strain. A subject might be tricked into eating ground glass and other harmful substances. It must not be forgotten that a person, though hypnotized, is still human, and cannot do anything harmful without suffering the consequences attendant upon such actions.

You can watch and learn All the POWERFUL TECHNIQUES of Hypnosis with demonstrations in my Home Study Video Course that can make you a Master Hypnotist.

Go here NOW for more details... http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com/hypnotize

In your success, Pradeep Aggarwal Rachit Practice and do these exercises on your friends and family members, and see for yourself how it works.

And do not forget to write me your feedback. As I said before, I would love to listen to your adventures as a hypnotist.

P.S. In the next part of this ecourse, you will learn Deepening Techniques. *************************************************** Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning three decades. He offers Video courses, Audio Tapes and Books at website www.pradeepaggarwal.com. He is a much sought after speaker on Hypnosis & NLP and peak performance consultant for Sports Teams and organizations. Visit http://www.hypnosisglobal.com and http://www.mindinsports.com for more information. **************************************************** imcd 503,Sri Sai Home Apartment,Lakdikapul Hyderabad AP 500004 India You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time Hello Rachit, Hypno-NLP for Self Improvement Video Course Do you want to effortlessly transform our lives and become Happier, Healthier an d Wealthier through Hypnosis? If YES then this home study video course teaches y ou myths about hypnosis, Instant self hypnosis, goal settings, rapid Induction t echniques, control pain, remove fear and phobia, past life regression and many m ore . Hurry up! Rachit, so many people have already availed the benefits of this Hypno -NLP for Self Improvement home study video course (5 DVD s and 2 CD Bonus) NOW it s YOUR turn. You will not get this offer ever again. So what are you waiting for? Order now i.e., just $85 (downloadable) and $95 (INR Rs.4150/-physical copy). Advantages: 1. Able to go into the self-hypnosis and program your subconscious mind. 2. Able to remove your stress and anxiety and control your emotions. 3. Able to formulate creative, powerful and positive suggestions and program your subconscious mind. 4. Identify your negative blocks and remove them. 5. Control pain. 6. Able to hypnotize others instantly. 7. Teach them hypnosis to solve their problem. 8. Able to find out the cause of your problem and heal it. 9. Learn a formula to create your own imagery and heal it.

10. Learn other from distance; this is called

Psychic Healing.

11. Able to develop a rapport with any one within 90 seconds whether it is per son or the group. 12. Learn to set up a goal and put it into future time using the Line Technique. 13. To have confidence at your fingertips and at any time. 14. Start enjoying the subject which was previously difficult for you. 15. Remove your fear and become super-confident. 16. Develop your psychic power. 17. And many more Complete details visit: http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com/hypnew http://www.hypnosisglobal.com/hypnew/ How to Place your order Within India: Payment through Credit card for the physical copy of your product ($95) https:// www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=3417900 OR You can send us D.D/M.O/Cheque or can do fund transfer in our HDFC account 00212 000022980 in the name of Institute of Mind Control and Development, 503, Sai Homes Apartment 6-1-68/1, Lakdi-ka-pool, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500 004, A.P. - INDIA. Other than India: Payment through Pay pal/Credit card for immediate Downloadable Video links (Only US $ 85) https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4 965063 In Your Success, Pradeep Aggarwal. ******************************************************* Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning three decades. He offers Video courses, and Books at website www.pradeepaggarwal.com He is a much sought after speaker on Hypnosis & NLP and peak performance consultant for Sports Teams and organizations. Visit http://www.hypnosisglobal.com and http://www.mindinsports.com for more information. ******************************************************* P.S. If you have any friends who will benefit then do them a favor and forward t Advanced Time

his message to them now. imcd 503,Sri Sai Home Apartment,Lakdikapul Hyderabad AP 500004 India You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time. Hi Rachit, How To Hypnotize Others - Part VII Waking Suggestions Instant & Indirect Methods and Waking Hypnosis Some methods that produce immediate hypnosis are called as Instant. And to produce this immediate or instant hypnosis we have two techniques and these techniques ppropr iately are called as rapid induction techniques. 1. The first technique is based on post hypnotic suggestions. The subject when enters the third stage is given a signal which is an indication for him to go into hypnosis immediately. This signal can be anything. A simple word, counting of a few numbers or even a few deep breaths. But this should be agreed upon between the hypnotist and his subject (the person being hypnotized). The instruction or signal has to be given in a precise manner for the subject to carry it immediately. This indication in form of a signal becomes permanent after a few repetitions. 2. The first one was inducing instant hypnosis after being hypnotized. Now in the second method, even without being hypnotized previously. For this method to work, the person being hypnotized instantly has to believe that something usual is going to happen. After that, a sudden instruction of 'sleep' will make the person go into hypnosis. The hand clasp exercise you learned in Part V is a good example for this. The subject is told to clasp his hands and that at the count of three he cannot free his hands. An instruction 'sleep' at the time when the subject is trying to free his hands takes his into hypnosis. The very fact that he is trying but unable to free hands is an indication that he is almost in a hypnotic state. All the techniques of speed hypnosis, instant hypnosis or

rapid techniques are based on the same principle that the subject should feel that something unusual is going to happen. A command to go into hypnosis does the rest. Indirect or Disguised Technique The hypnotist can use hypnosis in a disguised manner to induce hypnosis on someone making it look as the subject do not know he is hypnotized. This simply does not mean that a person is being hypnotized against his will. It simply means the approach is made in such a way that the person is guided into hypnosis without making him aware that the condition he is in is hypnosis. This indirect method of hypnosis depends on the subject misconception of hypnosis. The average person's knowledge of hypnosis is that he has to be unconsciousness or asleep to be in a hypnotic state. Since unconsciousness and sleep has nothing to do with hypnosis, a person can be guided into hypnosis without he being aware of it. Waking Hypnosis Two ways to waking hypnosis The first method is with post hypnotic suggestion. It means when the person is hypnotized and in a hypnotic stage he is told when he awakens, although he is wide awake in every respect, he will do exactly what is told. When the hypnotist wakes the person he hypnotized and give simple suggestions which are within the scope of his level of hypnosis. For example when you tell him to raise his foot from the floor he cannot do it. You tell him he cannot separate his hands he cannot. This is waking hypnosis. The second way is by extending the suggestibility tests. You can start this with simpler techniques like arm rising and falling test. And when this works you can do falling backward test and then later hands clasp test. When a person is not able to separate hands in waking state it mean he is actually in hypnosis. The acceptance levels of some people are low and therefore they may require actual hypnotic trance. These people just don't believe that without being hypnotized they can do these things. And if they do believe, they can respond to suggestions. The important thing is the ability to accept or not accept suggestions depends upon thoughts, beliefs of the person being hypnotized. The mind is capable of doing many different things, but the person being hypnotized has to keep his mind exclusively focused on one main thing.

Rachit Practice and do these exercises on your friends and family members, and see for yourself how it works. And do not forget to write me your feedback. As I said before, I would love to listen to your adventures as an hypnotist. You can watch and learn All the POWERFUL TECHNIQUES of Hypnosis with demonstrations in my Home Study Video Course that can make you a Master Hypnotist. Go here NOW for more details... http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com/hypnotize In your success, Pradeep Aggarwal Rachit Practice and do these exercises on your friends and family members, and see for yourself how it works. And do not forget to write me how you felt. As I said before, I would love to listen to your adventures as a hypnotist. P.S. In the next part of this ecourse, you will learn Dangers and Precautions of Hypnosis. *************************************************** Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning three decades. He offers Video courses, Audio Tapes and Books at website www.pradeepaggarwal.com. He is a much sought after speaker on Hypnosis & NLP and peak performance consultant for Sports Teams and organizations. Visit http://www.hypnosisglobal.com and http://www.mindinsports.com for more information. **************************************************** imcd 503,Sri Sai Home Apartment,Lakdikapul Hyderabad AP 500004 India You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time. Hello Rachit, Have you ever wondered,'' Why do some people feel an uncontrollable magnetic att raction to someone and others have no spark ?'' The answer is hidden in the internal "mental processes". Now you can control thi s process-in yourself and others and this course 'Discover the Secrets to Creati ng Chemistry' helps you to do that. You don't have to roll the dice or simply leave the most important decision of y our life to chance. Up until now, romance, relationships and specially ''sexual chemistry'' has been left to the Goddess of Luck but now no more. It's totally in your hand.

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In your Success, Pradeep Aggarwal. ************************************************************************ Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning two and half decades working, teaching Hypnosis Globally. He has author ed many Hypnosis Books including work with sports people on Mind in Sports. ************************************************************************ Hi Rachit, How to hypnotize others - Part V Induction Techniques

"With every breath you take, with every beat of your heart... you will find your self going deeper and deeper to sleep... drifting deeper and deeper, d-e-e-p-e-r and d-e-e-p-e-r..."

Till now, you have been practicing waking hypnosis with suggestibility tests. In waking hypnosis, you pass suggestions to your subject to do some simple hypnosi s.

Now what you are going to learn is - Inducing the subject into hypnotic conditio n, or hypnotic trance. And this is where, Rachit, the fun begins.

The "Eye Fixation" Method

Let's start with my favorite, and one that's proven standard, the Eye Fixation m ethod.

By now, the subject should be well conditioned to react as you desire to command s given. Make certain you have advised the person that: he has nothing to fear; he will not fall asleep, and at all times will be fully awake and conscious of e verything happening to him; you will do nothing to harm him, and, in fact, being hypnotized is a wonderful-feeling experience, so he should site back, relax, an d enjoy it; and finally, to gain the maximum out of this encounter, he must conc entrate intently on everything you say, and be open to take all your suggestions freely and willingly.

"In a minute or two we're going to begin the next phase of your experiments. Bef ore we start, though, I would like to describe to you what's about to take place . First of all, you will be conscious throughout the entire session, and you wil l hear everything I say to you. You will feel something different about yourself , however, a sort of heightened awareness of your mind and body. That's good, be cause the most important thing for you to remember, is that if you open your min d to all I have to say, accept the ideas without question, let whatever happens

happen, you'll do great! In fact, the best way to help me is to just listen to w hat I say and let whatever you feel is going to happen or is happening to happen , without interference. It may not be what you expect. That's all right. Don't f orce it to happen. But if it does, just allow it to happen."

Two things you'll notice about what I just said: I never used the word "hypnotiz e," and I spoke only in positive tones. It's perfectly okay to use the word "hyp notize," but be careful that you not say it in such a way that it puts up a chal lenge. "I'm about to hypnotize you," immediately challenges that person to be hy pnotized. You'll probably get on of two reactions: either, "I'm too strong to be hypnotized, so just let them try. I'll resist!" Or, "Okay, I'm ready to be hypnotized. When is it going to happen? It's not happ ening yet....I'm waiting!" You'll also note the positive tone in my words, "...y ou will feel..." and the spirit of cooperation involved, "...the best way to hel p me..."

If the subject is not seated, have him take a (armless) seat in the Chair with u ncrossed legs. He should be sitting uprights, his feet on the ground, with his h ands placed lightly on each leg.

"I want you to site comfortably in this chair with uncrossed legs, feet firmly p lanted on the ground, with your hands, palm down, resting lightly each hand on each one of your legs."

The room you've chosen for this should be free of distractions, particularly wit hin the field of vision of the subject. This includes objects on the wall direct ly in front of him. The room should have a normal amount of light. Avoid having the primary illumination coming from an overhead light that is in front of the s ubject. That can be very distraction. Try to position the subject's chair so tha t he is about ten or so feet from the wall he is facing.

At a level high enough that the person must turn his eyes up to look, you should have already placed a small, bright object from him to focus on: a thumb tack ( my favorite), button, or similar object held on the wall with double-faced tape. You may want to fashion something, a small circle, out of paper. Make sure the color of this object contrasts the wall. A bright white thumb tack on a white wa ll is obviously no good. As you're talking to the subject, you should be positioning yourself off to the side, just out of the way of his field of vision, so as not to distract him. Try remaining in a stationary position to minimize extraneous noise. Avoid walking around. You may wish to even sit in a chair. "Do you see that small object (let's assume from now on it's a button) I've plac ed on the wall over there? I want you to keep your eyes on it, to look at it all the while I'm talking. Pay close attention only on the button, and listen caref ully to my words. Do not permit any other thoughts to enter your mind. Forget th

e rest of the world. Give up the outside world. Think only of what I say, and fo cus only on that button. If, at any time, your eyes should wander off the button , don't worry. Just bring your eyes back to it. You may see shapes or colors ema nating out from the button, the button may get bigger or smaller, it may start m oving, a halo may appear around it, or it may get very blurry, or vanish. Whatev er happens, let it happens.

"Oh, let me remind you now that at anytime your eyes get so tried they want to c lose, go right ahead. You don't need me to tell you. You can close them anytime you want.

"Right now, while you watch the button, I want you to begin to notice your body relaxing. As you concentrate, the more you do, you will begin to feel your whole body relax...every muscle will free itself of any stress or tension...your head is beginning to relax, your neck and shoulders...down your arms...throughout yo ur back...into your feet. As you focus your attention more and more, you'll notice your legs getting very heavy, your whole body will begin to sink into the chair....your feet will be ro oted to the floor."

It is impossible to give you a precise word-for-word script to follow, since all subjects react differently. I've had people who were under hypnosis and I wasn' t even finished telling them it was okay to close their eyes when they wanted to ! And some people take fifteen minutes or more. That's why it's always important to look for feedback from the subject. Remember what I told you before: You nee d to constantly monitor the person and factor his response, or lack of response into your work. The situation should always dictate the course of action, not t he other way around. Feel free to use the person's name, too. "Ravi, I want you to fix your eyes on t he button...as you do, you will feel that your whole body is getting relaxed...y our muscles are getting relaxed...you can feel a heaviness coming over your whol e body...your feet and legs are getting very heavy...you fell your body sinking deeper into the chair...it feels very good...now I want you to concentrate on yo ur hands...they are feeling very heavy, too...at any time you fell that they are getting so heavy that they want to move off your legs and fall down by your sid e, I want you to let them. Don't force it to happen, but if one or both or your hands feel like falling down by your side, you can let it happen...think about y our fingers...they are getting very heavy...they feel very relaxed...you may fee l that they may want to slide off your legs and help your arms fall down by your sides...if they do, you should let them...don't force it to happen, but if it d oes, just let it happen.

"Think of sleep...think about how it feels to be asleep...think about how tired your eyes are becoming...your eyes may burn...feel tired...feel heavy..."

When you're working with commands as specific as asking that the person's hands fall off to the side, you need to pay very close attention to any signs, any sig nals of reaction to your words. If, for instance, you see the subject's left han

d start to twitch, or a finger or thumb starts to move, adapt your induction spe ech to fit. Let's assume the subject's left thumb is moving slightly. "As this heaviness fal ls over your body, you may feel one of your hands wants to move off your lap mor e than the other. Or, maybe you feel a thumb or finger wanting to lift off. Conc entrate, focus on this hand...feel it wanting to lift off...feel your thumb want ing to lift and slide your hand off to the side..."

Don't be concerned about whether the person's hand or hands do fall of to the si de. The object is to move that person into his subconscious mind, and the hands falling down are only a manifestation of that action-taking place, it's signal t hat you've reached a certain level in the induction process. If you don't get th e desired effects within a minute or two, move on to other areas. "You may be noticing that the more you relax, the more you focus on the button, how heavy and tired your eyes are getting. Remember, anytime your eyes get so ti red you want to close them, allow them to close. You don't need me to tell you. Your eyes can close anytime they want...focusing intently now on the button...re lax every muscle in your body...relax your legs...relax your feet...relax your a rms...relax your hands...relax your fingers...relax your eyes...your eyes are ge tting heavy...your eyes are feeling very tired...your eyes are starting to blink more (time this to actual blinking)...each time your eyes blink you will find i t gets harder to open them...with each effort, it will get harder and harder to keep your eyes open...when they get so heavy that you can't keep them open, I wa nt you to allow them to close...and when they do close, they will want to remain closed...and you will let them...your eyes are burning now...they're getting ve ry blurry...they are so-o heavy you can hardly keep them open...with every breat h you take, with every beat of your heart, you will find yourself drifting off.. .your body getting very relaxed...very heavy...it feels very good..."

Again, the eyes closing, like the arms falling by the side, are signs of the per son slipping into the subconscious state. If he is not responding to your comman ds, you need to improvise. Always keep your voice level even, and speak in a cal m, cool, monotone. Never seem surprised. Act as though whatever is happening is what you expect to happen. Throughout this induction process, work on three area s of the body: the eyes closing, the hands falling by the side, and the feet fee ling firmly planted on the ground. The latter, however, will not give you the sa me physical manifestations. I can't stress enough, you will need to modify your speech according to what the subject does or doesn't do. For instance, using the eye example, you don't want to send mixed or confusing signals. If you keep talking about the subject starr ing at the button, and his eyes have already closed, it will interfere with the flow, and probably slowdown or even ruin the induction.

Stay alert. Be empathetic. Try to feel what the subject is feeling. You'll find it will greatly improve your ability to keep the tempo of the induction speech i n tune, so to speak, with how the subject is thinking and reacting. Occasionally , I find myself briefly closing MY EYES trying to picture not only what the sub ject is feeling outwardly, but what all his inner senses may be feeling: what he sees, what he hears, what his mind and body are experiencing.

You don't want to force a person to close his eyes until he is ready. The one ex cepting is where a person has given a number of outside signs of being hypnotize d, but his eyes remain open. It's possible in certain subjects that they can be fully hypnotized but their eyes remain open. In this case you can say, "Your eye s are very tired...it's ok to close them now...that's right, allow your eyes to close...and allow them to stay closed...very good!"

Here are some outward signs and signals to look for that indicate that the subje ct is entering the trance state: A noticeably change in the breathing pattern heavier and slower; a general lethargy or slowness in movement; the body becomin g limp; and a visible sweatiness.

Many people under hypnosis actually can feel their body's system changing as the y gain a heightened awareness of their inner self. Many times, when you see the outward signs, you might say, "You might notice your breathing feels like it's s lowing down...this is normal...its your body in a more relaxed state..."

When the subject's eyes have not closed after a reasonable time, you might say, "Keep starting at the button, allow your eyes to focus on that one spot...keep l ooking at the button even though your eyes are getting more and more tired..." T his acknowledges that his eyes are open, but it's okay. At all times, watch for any other signs of anxiety or discomfort that may be interfering with the induct ion. If there are noises coming from outside the room, remind the subject, "Forg et the outside world, focus ONLY on the button and listen ONLY to my words..."

If after closing his eyes, a subject should open them, tell him. "You just prove d that you're not FULLY relaxed, I want to close your eyes, to close them tightl y (make sure the subject is complying) and to think of nothing but sleep, deep, deep s-l-e-e-p!..." Awakening

There are many different methods available to awaken a person from hypnosis. I w ill show you one best technique that I consider is very effective, widely used a nd easy to learn for beginners.

Tell the subject (person under hypnosis) that you are about to awaken him. It mu st be told very clearly, convincingly that when he awakens he will feel good, al right in every way. Mention that you are going to count to five and when you say "five" he will be perfectly awake and feel good in all aspects. And even better than what he was before being hypnotized. Now count one-two-three-four-five-wake up. You are wide awake, quite sharply and clasp your hands or snap fingers to emphasize your commands.

Remember one thing. Never slap a subject's face to awaken him. and also dont awa ken suddenly. It is always good to bring the subject slowly by counting.

If the subject is not awakened properly gradually with suitable suggestions of h ealth and well being then the person is likely to experience headaches, eye stra in or other discomforts.

Two Rapid Induction Techniques

If you have ever seen a stage hypnotist perform, that person probably led you to believe that he could hypnotize a subject almost instantly, sometimes by just s napping his fingers. While most stage hypnotists are very fast at inducing a tra nce, most of the reasons have to do with the setting, not the hypnotist. Being o n stage gives most people stage fright.

What stage hypnotist do is to make you feel that the nervousness you are experie ncing is part of the hypnotic experience. They channel your anxiety and tensenes s back into something positive. With great stage presence and style, they make their venue work in the favor. Th ey also have several other factors working for them: subjects typically voluntee r, so they want to be hypnotized; there is a strong desire to do as the hypnotis t tells you, because you are a part of the "act", and being in a group, you tend to feel peer pressure. If the three people before you fall into a deep sleep, y ou feel more compelled to follow the lead.

Rapid induction techniques work best with subjects who have tested well and exhi bit quick responsiveness. As you explained before, if you are in the middle of t esting a person and they are responding to your suggestions with remarkable ease , you may want to move right into the induction process, using one of the rapid methods mentioned in this lesson.

Rapid induction requires you to move forcefully in your approach, more direct. I t will be quite noticeable in the speeches. Here are two methods to try, the Eye -To-Eye and Special Nerve techniques.

You can watch and learn these techniques and All the POWERFUL TECHNIQUES of Hypn osis with demonstrations in my Home Study Video Course that can make you a Maste r Hypnotist.. Go here NOW for more details... http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com/hypnotize

In your success, Pradeep Aggarwal

Rachit Practice and do these exercises on your friends and family members,and se e for yourself how it works. And do not forget to write me your feedback. As I s aid before, I would love to listen to your adventures as a hypnotist.

P.S. In the next part of this ecourse, you will learn some more Induction Techni ques. ******************************************************************** Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning two and half decades working, teaching Hypnosis Globally. He has author ed many Hypnosis Books including work with sports people on Mind in Sports. ******************************************************************** Hi Rachit, How to Hypnotize Others - Part IV - More Suggestibility Tests & Exercises I was just wondering Rachit, did you try any of the exercises from the previous chapter? Please let me know how you did it and what your and your subject s experi ences were. I love to listen to your experience. Meanwhile continuing with the suggestibility tests, today in this part IV, I wil l teach you some more test, which I'm sure you would love to test and experience . The first test today is - The "Pendulum Swing" Test This is another good suggestibility test to start out with. Have the subject sit in the chair. You'll need a pendulum, which you can make with a piece of string , about two feet long. On one end tie a weight (like a fisherman's weight), a po cket watch, or any similar object. Hand the pendulum to the subject, asking him to hold it at the top of the string between his thumb and index finger. Have the person then rest the elbow of the hand holding the pendulum on his leg, just a bove the knee, suspending the pendulum between his two feet, which should be spr ead apart. Leaning forward, the person should have the pendulum dangling above t he ground, with enough space around it to freely move. Holding the object attached to the string so that it cannot move, you say, "In a few seconds, I'm going to release my hand. When I do, I want you to focus all o f your attention on the (object) ... At all times I want you to keep your eyes o n the (object). I'm letting go of the (object) ... now. Okay, I want you to see the (object) swaying back and forth, rocking back and forth, moving forward and backward, and as you do, you'll see it follow your mind's thoughts. Don't force it to happen. But if it does, just let it happen. "Back ... and forth ... forwar d and backward ... to ... and fro ..."

If you see movement in the pendulum, continue the directions, "Now the (object) is swinging farther back and forth, it's moving farther and farther out ..."

If the motion of the pendulum is not as you directed, say, "Or it can move in a (circle or left to right) ..."

If you're getting good results, try to get the movement to change. "Now I want y ou to imagine the (object) swinging around in a circle, picture it moving around and around, it's changing from its back and forth motion, its starting to circl e around ... the circle is getting bigger, its moving faster ..."

Once you get the desired effect, grab a hold of the object and say, "That was pe rfect. Let's try something else."

The "Hands Up" Test Have the subject stand facing you. Say, "Please stand with your feet shoulder-wi dth apart. At no time during this experiment will I (or anyone else) touch you i n any way, unless I tell you first. Before we start, and don't do anything yet, just watch what I do." You should be standing opposite the subject with your feet in the same position you want the subject to be in (normal stance). Slowing lift both of your hands s traight up to their sides, lifting both hands at the same time. When your hands are at shoulder level, briefly pause for a few seconds, stop, look at the subjec t and say, "Now I want you to close your eyes." When the person's eyes are close d, "I want you to picture the way my hands are rising in the air. Now concentrat e on YOUR hands. Picture you hands like wings on a bird. The more you concentrat e on your hands, the more you may feel like they are getting LIGHTER, and if you concentrate hard enough you'll feel them actually LIFTING up, like I just showe d you. Don't force anything to happen, but if it does, just allow it to happened . Again, picture you hands getting very light, forget about everything else, only listen to my voice and focus all you attention on your hands. As you feel you ha nds getting lighter, and one had many feel lighter than the other, or they may b oth feel light together, just allow them to drift up. And as your hands rise, yo u will notice that as they rise, the more they do rise the lighter they'll get."

If the subject's hands are rising, continue to give them additional suggestions. "Your hands are feeling very light, lighter, lighter, lighter....drifting highe r, higher, higher! Once the person's hands have moved up in the air, stop the te st. "Okay, I want you to stop lifting you hand snow. But leave them in the posit ion they're in. Now open your eyes and observe what's happened to you hands." By

seeing their hands in the air, you reinforce this power you have. Ask the subje ct to now relax their hands allowing them to drop back down by his side. If you feel that the subject has sufficiently responded to your commands and tha t they were easily controlled into following your suggestions. If the subject's hands have not risen, try saying, "Imagine that I'm attaching a giant helium balloon on a string to each one of your wrists. I'm going to be to uching your wrists now one at a time." You will approach the subject. "I'm attac hing one balloon to your left wrist now." As you say this reach over with your t humb and index finger and lighter swipe your fingers around the person's wrist, gently removing your hands as you complete the action. Now do the other hand. "I want you to picture the balloons, and imagine that the y are filled with helium, that the balloons are straining to rise into the air, and as they do, you fell the strings I tied to your wrists pulling, tugging on y our hands, making your arms very light. A giant helium balloon attached to each of you wrists. Picture yours hands getting lighter, picture the strings pulling on your wrists, allowing you hands to rise up, up, up! Concentrate, focus all yo ur attention on your hands, picture them getting lighter and lighter!" If this doesn't produce any results, say, "I've just attached another helium bal loon to each wrist, and this one is BIGGER that the other one. Your hand is goin g to start to feel very light now, your hand is going to want to rise up in the air. And as it does, you're just going to let it. You're not going to force it t o happen. It will happen on its own. Feel your hands getting lighter, feel the s tring pulling your hands up..." If the subject begins to respond in any way keep telling the person you're addin g more and more balloons. Do this until you get the desired results. If no resp onse is shown after a few minutes, stop the test. Don't let the subject know you didn't get the results you wanted, or that he was less than perfect in his test . Dismiss it all by saying you're going on the next test. "Okay, you can stop no w and open your eyes. That was very good. Now let's try something else." This exercise points out the subtle differences in how you word a command. If yo u say, for instance. "Your hand is rising," the latter will achieve much better results. It makes the suggestion non-voluntary. The subject is thinking, "I'm no t doing it, it's my hand that is making it happen." It may seem like a minor poi nt, but is has great significant in eliciting proper responses. If the subject fails to raise his hands in this test, and you want to "help" the process along, here's something you can do. Ask the person to stand in a narrow doorway, hands at his side. Keeping his arms straight, have him press the backs of his hands against the door frame with all his strength, as though he is trying to push the fame out. Have him exert this force for ten to fifteen seconds and count out loud, as you say, "Keep pressing your hands...pressing out...harder...harder...keep pressing...." As he reaches the last number, ask him to step forward, away from the door, and

just as he does, raise your arms up to shoulder height as you say, "Watch as you r hands get s-o light they rise up...they're as light as a feather, aren't they? You'll notice his arms will rise up like an elevator, caused by a natural muscl e response. To the subject though, it will be very convincing. The "Hands Magic" Test The Hand Magic Test is another good test to perform. It involves having the subj ect hold his hands out in front about twelve inches from his face, palm facing i n and the fingers held together pointed upward. "I'd like you to pick a spot in the middle of your hand (feel free to actually t ouch the spot you want that person to stare at) and focus all your attention the re. As you concentrate, and again, forget about anything or anyone else in the r oom, only listen to the sound of my voice... you may notice a couple of things. First, you may notice that your fingers will want to separate and open up. And s econdly, you may notice that your hands will feel like it wants to move in towar ds your face.

But if it does, jus allow it to happen, right now, as you focus all your attenti on on that one spot, you may find it difficult to do. Shapes and colors may begi n to emanate out from that spot. Your eyes may begin to hurt. Keep focused. Only think of that one spot. As you do, imagine a force, an invisible force lightly pushing on the back of your hand, drawing it in towards your face. If it fells l ike to wants to move in towards your face, let it. Don't force it to happen. But if it does, just allow it to happen. You may also find it hard to keep your fin gers together. If they feel like they want to separate let them. Don't force it to happen. But if does, jut allow it to happen."

Watch for signs of either the fingers separating or the hand begin drawn in. if the subject is experiencing either or both actions, take advantage of it. Say, f or instance, you see the subject's hand being drawn in. You might offer, "Concen trate on your hands being drawn in towards your face. You can feel the invisible force working, and as your hands move in towards your face, the more it moves, the easier and faster it will happen." Or, assuming you see a finger or the thum b move, "You may feel your thumb wants to move away from your fingers, just let it." By the way, if the subject seems to be reacting differently than your comma nds, say his thumb begins twitching, then you want to say, "I see your thumb is moving. I wonder what it will do next? If the subject is resisting or shows no signs of movement, encourage him to conc entrate more. "Relax, don't try to force any movement, but I'd like you to think about your fingers, think about your fingers wanting to separate, of moving apa rt, and as you do, you will find it harder and harder to keep them together." This experiment, like the Hands Up test should take only a few minutes. If you'r e getting good results early on, shorten up the test and move on to the next, If the results are not as expected, try relaxing the subject, assuring him that if he concentrates enough, and trusts you, the results will be there.

Again, never tell a subject he has failed a test or is not producing good result s. If you have to, blame the conditions, the room, the lightening, etc. If he f eels it's his fault, his concentration will be misplaced. The best state of mind for a subject is total relaxation and trust. The "Falling Forwards - Falling Backwards" Test This is actually a two-part test. Part one is the falling backwards experiment. Have the subject stand up erect, with his back to you, feel together, hands by h is side. With both your hands, one at the subject's forehead and the other at th e nap of his neck, gently lean the person's head back. "I'd like you to remain a s relaxed as possible, and tilt your head back (this has the effect of slightly offsetting the person's natural equilibrium) and hold it in this position. If yo u will." While you're doing this make certain the subject is relaxed. Do this by holding the person's shoulders and slowly pulling him back. If he comes back ea sily, he is relaxed. If he's not, remind him to relax. "Now close your eyes. At any time during this experiment, you have the sensation of falling backwards, don't worry, I'm standing right behind you, and I'll hold you up. In a few seconds I'm going to place both of my hands on your forehead. As I slowly remove them, you will likely feel a sensation of falling backwards. If you do fell like falling back, let it happen. Don't force it to happen. But i f it does, just allow it to happen. I'll catch you." I should point out that many words and expressions used in these tests are repea ted. That's all part of conditioning, getting subjects used to responding to cer tain commands. Most of the commands are passive. It's not the old, "You are fall ing back!" If you said that, and the person has no urge to fall back, then you l ose credibility. The subject sees your failing. By saying something like, "When you feel like falling backward...." you don't make the test a clear win-or-lose . "Okay, I'm going to put my hands on your forehead now." As you do, place them fi ngertip-to-fingertip across the person's temple, with the hands meeting in the m iddle. "As I remove my hands, you may feel the sensation of falling backwards. I f you do, just allow yourself to fall back, and I'll catch you." Very slowly and with gentlest of touch, bring both your hands back, drawing them back across the temple, just above the ears, and the downward towards the back of the neck, and finally drawing them back, lifting them off ever so softly and slowly. Stand ready, with your hands out in front of you about one foot from the subject's back ready to catch him. "Feel yourself wanting to fall backwards, feel the mysterious force driving your body back, ever so gently, you fell yourself falling backwards. I'm here, I'll catch you. Anytime you do feel like failing back, let it happen. Don't force it to happen. But if it does, just allow it to happen." If you see the subject start to sway backwards, play it up. "You feel it. You fe el you're wanting to fall back. Go ahead, allow yourself to fall back into my ar

ms!" if it appears that the person is resisting, urge him to relax. "Don't fight your inner feelings. Let go! If you want to fall back, do it!" Either way, allow about a half-minute at most for the subject to respond to your commands. If you get a good response, re-enforce it by repeating the test, exce pt, this time, have the subject face you. In the falling forwards experiment, have the subject stand directly in front of you, again, feet together. You should be standing with your feet about shoulderwidth apart and one foot just in back of the other. "This time I'm going to ask you to concentrate and imagine the feelings of falling forward, towards me. If y ou do, I'll catch you, so don't worry." State the subject directly in the face, but instead of looking at the person eye ball-to-eyeball, center your attention at the bridge of the person's nose, in a spot just below and between the subject's eyebrows, placing both your hands behi nd the above the person's ears, fingertips lightly touching the subjects head, r epeat. "I'd like you to look into my eyes. I want you to think about the sensati on of falling forward. If, at any time you do feel like falling forward, let it happen. Don't force it to happen. But if it does, just allow it to happen. I'll catch you." Still staring intently at the subject (and make certain the subject is constantl y staring at you, and if not, direct him to do so) slowly allow your fingers to be drawn forward towards you, stopping for a second on the person's temple, and then very lightly lifting them off his head. As you draw your hands back, do so in a slightly downward motion, fingers spread, palms facing the subject, until t hey stop to each side of your face, about chin level, and a foot away. Your hand s should be just in the visual field of the subject. In as subtle a way as possible, with your actions not being too obvious, lean yo ur body back very, very slowly, imperceptibly in fact, back about six to twelve inches. All the movement should be from the waist up. "Now feel me drawing you forward, feel that mysterious force pulling you towards me. If you do feel like falling forward, let it happen. Don't force it to happe n. But if it does, just allow it to happen. I'll catch you. Feel yourself being drawn forward..." Continue the suggestions for no more than a half-minute. If the subject falls fo rward, tell him, "Excellent, you're doing great." If he doesn't fall, and say he hasn't done well on any of the previous tests, you will need to discuss the "bl ock" this person has. Maybe he's nervous, or doesn't fully understand what kind of response to give. Generally, though, you can be fairly certain that subjects who respond well in testing will respond equally well in the hypnosis process. T he reserve is usually true, too. If a subject is resisting you all the way, don' t try to hypnotize that person. Instead, say, "I don't think the conditions are right today for us to proceed. I get a strong feeling you are inwardly fighting me. Let's try this another time." Some Concluding Thoughts

Hypnosis may be a science, yet may times it's the art in what you do that makes the difference. Don't look at the language above as a script to be memorized, or the techniques offered as formulas with consistent results. Many times you'll n eed to ad lib, to go "off-the-script." That's where practice and experience pays off. It's good to practice your testing technique thoroughly, using a willing s ubject or two, before you attempt to move further into hypnosis. One other thought. Don't get so caught up in what you're doing that you forget a bout the subject. You need to constantly monitor the person and factor his respo nse, or lack of response, into your work. The situation should always dictate th e course of action, not the other way around.

When you feel confident with this section, you can move on to the most fascinati ng part of hypnosis, inducing the hypnotic state. The Five Rules of Testing

ALWAYS CANCEL ANY SUGGESTION GIVEN BEFORE GIVING ANOTHER. If you told the person he would not be able to bend his arm, remove the suggestion first, before going on to another test: "you can now bend your arm." BE CONFIDENT. For a suggestion to be accepted and locked in the subconscious min d it must bypass the critical facilities of the conscious mind. To be that convi ncing requires absolute confidence and self-assurance. HYPNOSIS IS AS MUCH ART AS SCIENCE. Don't look at the language in this book as a script. Be prepared to ad lib.

MAKE TESTING A POSITIVE CHALLENGE. The objective here is to make the subject fee l he wants to perform well, not to fight your suggestions or work had to resist. PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT. Don't expect to be a professional the first time out. Pr actice, experiment, work at being a successful hypnotist like you would expect t o have a work to perfect any skills. You can watch and learn All the POWERFUL TECHNIQUES of Hypnosis with demonstrat ions in my Home Study Video Course that can make you a Master Hypnotist. Go here NOW for more details... http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com/hypnotize

In your success, Pradeep Aggarwal

************************************************************************ Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning two and half decades working, teaching Hypnosis Globally. He has author ed many Hypnosis Books including work with sports people on Mind in Sports.

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Complete details visit http://www.pradeepaggarwal.com/newbmh/ How much does it cost: This professionally digital broadcast quality video recording is now converted t o 4DVD s and 1 CD-PDF manual as a Home study course worth U.S $296. But, I've come up with the Special inaugural offer only till 30th April 2009 whe re you can buy this course at discounted prices i.e., For Downloadable price is just U.S $85 For physical copy price within India is U.S $96 How to Place your order: Within India: You can personally come and purchase the product or send us D.D/M.O/Cheque or ca n do fund transfer in our HDFC account 00212000022980 in the name of Institute of Mind Control and Development, 503, Sai Homes Apartment 6-1-68/1, Lakdi-ka-pool, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500 004, A.P. - INDIA. OR Direct payment for physical copy of the product (Only $96) https://www.paypal.co m/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2965993 Other than India: Payment through Paypal for immediate Downloadable Video link (Only US $ 85) http s://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2966036 In Your Success, Pradeep Aggarwal. ******************************************************* Pradeep Aggarwal is a renowned Hypnosis & NLP guru with career spanning three decades. He offers Video courses, and Books at website www.pradeepaggarwal.com He is a much sought after speaker on Hypnosis & NLP and peak performance consultant for Sports Teams and organizations. Visit http://www.hypnosisglobal.com and http://www.mindinsports.com for more information. ******************************************************* P.S. If you have any friends who will benefit then do them a favor and forward t his message to them now. imcd 503,Sri Sai Home Apartment,Lakdikapul Hyderabad AP 500004 India You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

Hello Rachit, Did you register for Hypno-NLP for Self-Improvement workshop in Kolkatta on 18th & 19th April, 2009? If you haven t yet registered then hurry up and register NOW or else you might lose a chance to get the discounted price Rs.6000/- later it w ill be Rs.7500/-. Rachit, this workshop is going to be one of the most powerful and enthralling an d it may not happen again in Kolkatta. Grab the opportunity NOW!!! By attending this workshop you will learn 1. Hypnosis & Self Hypnosis 2. NLP Techniques 3. Psychic Power Hypnosis: 1. What is Hypnosis, Myths about Hypnosis and how it works? 2. What is conscious mind and subconscious mind & how it works? How subconscious mind is programmed? 3. How imagination affects you physically? 4. Why imagination is much more powerful than will power. 5. How to go into self-hypnosis instantly, program you subconscious mind and come out of it safely within 30 seconds. The NLP Techniques: Neuro linguistic programming is just another way of saying "programming people's mind using words". Different techniques includes >Developing Rapport >Mind Triggers >Developing Rapport with groups >How to improve >Goal Setting >Circle of Excellence >Accelerated Learning >Remove fear or Phobia Psychic Power: >Mental Projection >Past Life Regression >Guides and Masters >Miracle Manifestation Complete details visit www.pradeepaggarwal.com/kl

The Regular Price is Rs.7, 500/- but the special inaugural offer is just Rs.6,00 0/-; (Including tea, lunch and study material) but only if you register on or be fore 15th April, 2009. (Thus your saving would be Rs.1500) Direct payment for the workshop follow the link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4372531 Workshop Details Venue: The Senator Hotel, 15, Camac Street, Next to British Council, Kolkatta-700017. Date: 18th & 19th April, 2009 Timing: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Both Days) Hurry Up! The workshop is limited to 25 participants only. Hurry up Pick up your Phone Right Now And Call Mobile: 099639 10339, 040-66620294 / 95 Direct payment for the workshop follow the link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4372531 OR You can personally come and purchase the product or send us D.D/M.O/Cheque or ca n do fund transfer in our HDFC account 00212000022980 in the name of Institute of Mind Control and Development, 503, Sai Homes Apartment 6-1-68/1, Lakdi-ka-pool, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500 004, A.P. - INDIA. For complete details visit www.pradeepaggarwal.com/kl P.S. If you have any friends who will benefit then do them a favor and forward t his message to them now. In your success, Pradeep Aggarwal imcd 503,Sri Sai Home Apartment,Lakdikapul Hyderabad AP 500004 India You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time. Hello Rachit, Did you register for Hypno-NLP for Self-Improvement workshop in Kolkatta on 18th & 19th April, 2009 by Mr. Pradeep Aggarwal? Haven t yet registered then hurry up and register NOW because only 8 seats are available. Moreover you can register w ith discounted price Rs.6000/- only till 15th April later it will be Rs.7500/-. This workshop is going to be one of the most powerful workshops and it may not h

appen again in Kolkatta. Grab the opportunity NOW!!! By attending this workshop you will learn 1. Hypnosis & Self Hypnosis 2. NLP Techniques 3. Psychic Power Hypnosis: 1. What is Hypnosis, Myths about Hypnosis and how it works? 2. What is conscious mind and subconscious mind & how it works? How subconscious mind is programmed? 3. How imagination affects you physically? 4. Why imagination is much more powerful than will power. 5. How to go into self-hypnosis instantly, program you subconscious mind and come out of it safely within 30 seconds. 6. How to give positive suggestions to make positive changes in your subconscious mind 7. How to formulate effective suggestions. 8. Different methods of formulating suggestions 9. How to identify your negative blocks and release them. 10. How to control your emotions instantly by programming a trigger word in your subconscious mind. The NLP Techniques: Neuro linguistic programming is just another way of saying "programming people's mind using words". Different techniques includes >Developing Rapport >Mind Triggers >Developing Rapport with groups >How to improve >Goal Setting >Circle of Excellence >Accelerated Learning >Remove fear or Phobia Psychic Power: >Mental Projection >Past Life Regression >Guides and Masters >Miracle Manifestation Complete details visit www.pradeepaggarwal.com/kl The Regular Price is Rs.7, 500/- but the special inaugural offer is just Rs.6,00 0/-; (Including tea, lunch and study material) but only if you register on or be

fore 15th April, 2009. (Thus your saving would be Rs.1500) Direct payment for the workshop follow the link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4372531 Workshop Details Venue: The Senator Hotel, 15, Camac Street, Next to British Council, Kolkatta-700017. Date: 18th & 19th April, 2009 Timing: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Both Days) Hurry Up! The workshop is limited to 25 participants only. Hurry up Pick up your Phone Right Now And Call Mobile: 099639 10339, 040-66620294 / 95 Direct payment for the workshop follow the link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4372531 OR You can personally come and purchase the product or send us D.D/M.O/Cheque or ca n do fund transfer in our HDFC account 00212000022980 in the name of Institute of Mind Control and Development, 503, Sai Homes Apartment 6-1-68/1, Lakdi-ka-pool, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500 004, A.P. - INDIA. For complete details visit www.pradeepaggarwal.com/kl P.S. If you have any friends who will benefit then do them a favor and forward t his message to them now. In your success, Pradeep Aggarwal imcd 503,Sri Sai Home Apartment,Lakdikapul Hyderabad AP 500004 India You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time. Hello Rachit, Did you register for Hypno-NLP for Self-Improvement workshop in Kolkatta on 18th & 19th April, 2009 by Mr. Pradeep Aggarwal? Haven t yet registered then hurry up and register NOW because only 8 seats are available. Moreover you can register w ith discounted price Rs.6000/- only till 15th April later it will be Rs.7500/-. This workshop is going to be one of the most powerful workshops and it may not h appen again in Kolkatta. Grab the opportunity NOW!!! By attending this workshop you will learn

1. Hypnosis & Self Hypnosis 2. NLP Techniques 3. Psychic Power Hypnosis: 1. What is Hypnosis, Myths about Hypnosis and how it works? 2. What is conscious mind and subconscious mind & how it works? How subconscious mind is programmed? 3. How imagination affects you physically? 4. Why imagination is much more powerful than will power. 5. How to go into self-hypnosis instantly, program you subconscious mind and come out of it safely within 30 seconds. 6. How to give positive suggestions to make positive changes in your subconscious mind 7. How to formulate effective suggestions. 8. Different methods of formulating suggestions 9. How to identify your negative blocks and release them. 10. How to control your emotions instantly by programming a trigger word in your subconscious mind. The NLP Techniques: Neuro linguistic programming is just another way of saying "programming people's mind using words". Different techniques includes >Developing Rapport >Mind Triggers >Developing Rapport with groups >How to improve >Goal Setting >Circle of Excellence >Accelerated Learning >Remove fear or Phobia Psychic Power: >Mental Projection >Past Life Regression >Guides and Masters >Miracle Manifestation Complete details visit www.pradeepaggarwal.com/kl The Regular Price is Rs.7, 500/- but the special inaugural offer is just Rs.6,00 0/-; (Including tea, lunch and study material) but only if you register on or be fore 15th April, 2009. (Thus your saving would be Rs.1500) Direct payment for the workshop follow the link

https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4372531 Workshop Details Venue: The Senator Hotel, 15, Camac Street, Next to British Council, Kolkatta-700017. Date: 18th & 19th April, 2009 Timing: 9:00 AM to 6:00 PM (Both Days) Hurry Up! The workshop is limited to 25 participants only. Hurry up Pick up your Phone Right Now And Call Mobile: 099639 10339, 040-66620294 / 95 Direct payment for the workshop follow the link https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=4372531 OR You can personally come and purchase the product or send us D.D/M.O/Cheque or ca n do fund transfer in our HDFC account 00212000022980 in the name of Institute of Mind Control and Development, 503, Sai Homes Apartment 6-1-68/1, Lakdi-ka-pool, Saifabad, Hyderabad - 500 004, A.P. - INDIA. For complete details visit www.pradeepaggarwal.com/kl P.S. If you have any friends who will benefit then do them a favor and forward t his message to them now. In your success, Pradeep Aggarwal imcd 503,Sri Sai Home Apartment,Lakdikapul Hyderabad AP 500004 India You may unsubscribe or change your contact details at any time.

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