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An Officially Wacky Boolprop Challenge

Prologue Part 1: Sky University

By: EveningSky

My name is Katrina Sky and I the founder of the Sky family. I am putting together this biography to add to my scrapbook for my family so that the legacy can carry on for the generations to come. My story starts at Sky University where I lived out the days of my young adulthood. I moved into a dorm that housed 12 sims including myself. I was eager to make friends but even more eager to begin my studies. Im a knowledge sim (secondary family) so learning is very important to me. I only hope to uphold the tradition in my family of attending college. This time of my life was very exciting. I had a whole life ahead of me and it was full of possibilities!

~Authors note: Katrina is a knowledge sim with a secondary aspiration in family. Her lifetime want is to become a Media Magnet. Her personality is: Aquarius with:

5 Neat

6 Outgoing 4 Active 5 Nice~ 5 Playful

Immediately upon arriving, I noticed that there were 3 pink flamingos on the front of my lawn at the expense of my own money! Whyyyy? I wailed, I only had 500 to begin with!

~Youd think shed be happy with the nice new neighborhood I just made for her but oh well. Shes going to have to get used to these flamingos. Trust me , Katrina, theyre going to be around for your kids, their kids and their kids kids.~

Take that ugly flamingo, I said as I kicked that distasteful little piece of lawn trash.

~*Face palm* Well this is off to a great start~

I wasnt so much angry at the fact that there was a flamingo on my lawn as I was angry at the fact that I had wasted 36 on them. I mean 12 for one flamingo is bad enough

~Katrina, you do not even know the meaning of wasting money and such, sims dont have economical downturn!~

My transition to college life went well. I got my own room, although all it had was a bed and a desk, I couldnt ask for much more with all the facilities around, such as the pool table. I declared a major in Psychology right away. I knew that, being a founder, I would have to provide a lot for my children, their children and the generations to come. My dream was to become a Media Magnet but I chose Psychology because I knew I had to secure an education bookcase for my family first. After all, the most important thing to me is passing down knowledge to my family. Between making friends, skilling and avoiding creepers, I was a very busy young woman.

I wasnt at Sky long before I went down to breakfast only to spot someone who caught my eye. I remember walking into the dinning hall, intent on getting my breakfast and racing off to class. One sight of Pong Cox stopped me in my tracks. It wasnt his crazy punk outfit, or even his attractive face that caught my attention. I felt a surge of energy and my heart swelled as I noticed his fit body and his obvious work ethic. I just had to talk to him.

When I came in to eat lunch, I was focused on getting food and then going to skill some more but when I searched for a place to sit, there was Pong! My heart started racing as I walked over but I sucked up my nerves to make a confident stand, Can I sit here? Pong looked up at me and said with a certain distinction, I dont see why not. At those words, I felt like my heart filled. I sat down and we began talking about being new to the area. It was nice to have someone who finally seemed to be interested more in philosophical questions than simple small talk like I am (Why are we here? Is it really possible to see a ghost? What would it feel like to become a different creature?)

Pong and I hung out later that night. It was great getting to know him better. He seemed a lot like me and was very skilled, something that would be invaluable for supporting a family in the future. I wasnt quite thinking that far into the future at that particular moment but I guess being a (secondary) family sim didnt help the daydreams about weddings and babies stay completely off my mind. They seemed to plague me the worst while I was writing term papers and sometimes even in class!

~I thought Pong was so perfect for her. Later on I had her ask him his zodiac sign for sake of personality (I dont want the kids to be slobs.) Turns out hes a Sagittarius , theyre not very neat But then again has astrology ever been very accurate?~

I was so flustered. My hands were shaking and sweating and I couldnt help but feel overwhelmed. However, I had to make a move. I started with a subtle flirt, which he seemed to like and ended with asking him out. He did admit that he thought I was hot. My chest leapt when he said yes to a date! I was suddenly overcome by all these desires to get to know him better and go out to have some dinner. The date did get out to a good start.

Then Pong locked himself inside his room DURING OUR DATE! The result? A good date from his point of view. I had no idea where that came from. I worried that I had maybe screwed up but I rationalized that I was in a wonderful mood already so things couldnt get too much better. I needed to skill and work toward a 4.0 anyway, so it was probably for the best in the end.

~*Sigh* I know it was the games fault, not Pongs but I couldnt help holding it against him for a while. If this had happened IRL it wouldve been a terrible date!~

Eventually I forgave Pong. He told me that he was really tired that night and he used all the energy he had to walk up to his room. We talked and flirted a little bit in the gaming room until I felt something more for him. I started to really like Pong. I hoped we could be more than just friends and I also felt we were meant to be together. A rush of energy came up through my chest like I had never felt before and gave me the courage to ask him on another date. We explored the campus and town a little. It was so much fun! We played chess in the bookstore, got some coffee at the caf and finally found this cute ice and roller skating rink with a shop and a restaurant! We were relieved because we were so hungry but when we got there we realized we were poor students and shouldnt waste our money on food.

So we ran around exploring like the crazy knowledge sims we are and took pictures. Pong was being so romantic that night. After we took pictures together we walked outside and admired the beauty of the beautiful garden and lovely trees.

And underneath weeping willow tree, we had our first kiss! In that moment, it almost seemed like that night could last forever. My heart was beating so fast with anticipation and in the second it took me to realize what was happening, it had slowed to a delicate rhythm of continent. It was as if for that brief time we had together, life was truly magical.

I wanted that night to last forever but we both were tired, hungry and had work to do. The moonlit pavement we walked down seemed to go on forever until we arrived at our dorm. In the end, it was too short.

The next morning, Pong and I were having a peaceful breakfast together when

The dining staff actually caught the kitchen on fire! I couldnt think of anything more awful that could have happened. Luckily, there were sprinklers installed that doused the fire in seconds.

That day wasnt too bad in the end. I perfected my xylophone shot that night on the pool table. I also started making progress with befriending others who lived in my dorm. It was the end to my freshman year as well. I came out on the Deans list and kept a 4.0.

See that guy up in the right hand corner? Thats Christopher. My dorm mates and I all wondered why he wasnt given the name Goopy because we were all compelled to call him that. Doesnt he just look like a Goopy? I was going on some outings and racking up friends during my sophomore year.

It wasnt just my friendships that grew early in that year, but my feelings for Pong grew as well. I knew it, I adored him and it could only be true love! We had a date that seemed like it could have only been made of dreams at a beautiful park with a restaurant. I will never forget how we got so caught up in each other that we danced the night away. Its obvious that the creepers didnt stop either, just look at that creeper watching us make-out!

This just goes to show how chaotic living in a dorm was at times. I was skilling at the mirror when a fight broke out just very randomly in the middle of the study area. As you can see, someone left their dirty plate on the table. That plate seriously was never cleaned up. I wondered why the university hadnt hired anyone to clean up the dorms in other places than in the dining hall.

On a winter night near the end of my sophomore year, a mysterious limo pulled up in front of the dorm. I was going to clean the toilet to gain some more cleaning skill when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to see a girl in a familiar looking suit headed straight toward me. She did some sort of chicken dance and poked me. Owww! I exclaimed, What did you do that for? Were going to have to take you in, she said. Huh? Why? What did I do? She grabbed my hand and pulled it behind my back. I turned around Stop that! I yelled. Before I knew it she had me handcuffed and began to drag me outside. I was so scared. What was happening? My heart was racing. We went outside in the ice cold. There was a limo waiting there at the front. Wait! At least let me get my jacket on! You can put it on in the limo, she said, dragging me down the steps and to toward the limo. She opened the door to the back of the limo and shoved me inside. I had no idea where we were going but there was a mysterious person in the limo that helped me get the cuffs off.

The limo seemed to drive for ages, getting farther and farther away from civilization until we were out in the middle of nowhere. Then I saw this huge mansion and the limo stopped right in front of it. I sat there for a second overcome by what was happening then I got out and who did I see but my friends April, Mehrissa and Darren with my future friends Destry and Ocean. They were all wearing the same suit and they handed me one of my own. Welcome to the Secret Society of Sky, they said, youre now one of us since we know we can trust you. Feel free to explore the mansion. I did explore the mansion. They had all sorts of interesting things to help Sims skill and make money. I gained all sorts of skills from the objects they had there. When I was done exploring I hugged April, Oh April this is so wonderful! Im so honored to be your friend. Me too. Im glad that you were able to be a part of us. Ive been telling the guys about you for some time.

One of those guys happened to be a guy by the name of Destry. He had been staring at me from across the room. My heart leapt when I looked at him. And we met eyes He was quite a bit more fit and hard working than Pong, I could tell. He was a lot like me as well. We even agreed about our stances on pollution! For that night, I forgot about Pong. I felt like I was falling for Destry. We just had so much in common, I couldnt stop talking to him or complimenting him. His personality is what won me over. Unlike Pong, Destry was more relaxed and clean. He seemed like someone that would be more to himself but he opened up to me and that fact about him made me feel very special.

~Destry is obviously a knowledge sim and hes a Virgo and theyre my favorite sims. At least their children would be neat. He only has 2 skills vs. Pongs 3. But seriously, was she trying to start an uglacy here?~

I stayed at the secret society house for another day, until my final exam and even got a ride home from that in the limo. That ride seemed like one of the longest rides of my life. Thoughts of Destry had taken over my head, it was as if he was seeping into my very being. I knew it sounded bad, but I thought he was the man I wanted my kids to be like, not Pong. I felt terrible though, Pong was my boyfriend! I couldnt let some guy I had just met get in the way of that. What was I going to do? I felt like I couldnt live not knowing what life would be like without either of them but that obviously wouldnt be fair, I had to settle down sometime. What was I going to do? I had a 4.0, surely I could figure this out! The thoughts continued to torture me until the limo pulled up to my dorm. Reluctantly, I got out. Now what? Should I tell Pong, should I just try to forget Destry?

I went to eat breakfast but Pong wasnt there. As I was easting, I noticed the mailman bringing a strange package. I immediately went to check the mail when I was done eating and found a letter that had glitter dust and hearts all over it. I opened it immediately and read it. I said:

Dear Katrina, I had fun, I hope you know That dating you was good And if you wonder, Should I ask again? I say you should Love,

My heart filled with joy! I loved Pong, I really did. How could I have even considered being with another man? I thought.

I spent most of that semester cleaning other peoples messes for cleaning skill points, studying and maximizing my creativity skill. It was work, work, work for me. I guess in a way I buried my conflicting feelings in my work.

One day, the worker in the dining hall caught the kitchen on fire twice, not just in one day but one fire right after the other! I know most sims are that bright when it comes to cooking, even when they are maximized in their cooking skill but this was just ridiculous! I can understand a fire ever so often but twice consecutively is just going too far. Those who start fires, deserve to get fired.

After what seemed like an eternity of working my butt off, I finally saw Pong again. I was having dinner and bumped into him just before leaving, literately. I looked up and my heart leapt. Pong! I exclaimed. Katrina! he said, I havent seen you in a while are things going okay? Yeah Ive just been really busy trying to skill and get my term paper done, you know, the usual stuff. Well are you free right now? I know an awesome place we could go. And just like that, Pong swept me away for a date.

Pong insisted on going to Downtown Legacyland. It was a new part of town, just built so he just had to check it out. I loved exploring new places so I was excited. He said he wasnt quite sure where exactly we should go so we asked the taxi driver. He said Theres quite a few poppin clubs around town, Ill just take you to my favorite. A thrill rushed over me when I thought about dancing with Pong a sort of This will be fun attitude. When we got there we saw it had this sleek almost futuristic look to it. Too bad because the place was dead! I know, Pong said, we can just make our own fun

~I downloaded this lot from Holy Simoly.~

Pong and I ran around exploring the place, we even met a vampire! Well, I did, Pong was too scared to talk to him. I didnt know where he went while I was talking to Count Marcel but I soon found out when he came back outside and dragged me inside and away from Marcel. Once we got inside he led me into a little side room where he started kissing me heavily. We stopped only to look at each other and giggle. There was a photo booth to our right. Still giggling and kissing, we hastily made our way into the photo booth. We both knew this was coming but there were no double beds in the dorms so we werent able to there

It was a little awkward and cramped but at least it was more spacious than a car (which was what we were thinking until we remembered that neither of us owned a car, nor was there one parked outside). Since there was no one around we werent too worried about it being too public, besidesthe bigger the risk, the bigger the thrill. Ahmy first woohoo. Thats what I call fun I thought, and I hoped we could do it again. Pong seemed to get an ego boast from it while I was just swooning over him. I didnt expect much of a crowd, as I said the place was empty but one of the bar tenders came up to us and cheered us. Youre not going to kick us out? I asked, dumbfounded. No way! she said, Thats the most action Ive seen all night! I couldnt stop smiling the whole night after that.

Despite the bar tender being cool about us woohooing in the photo booth, we decided we should go ahead and ditch the defunct club. So we walked up the street until we found a place with an ice skating rink. The place itself was closed but the rink was right out in the open. Being sims, we just happened to have ice skates too. Were so sneaky arent we, I whispered to Pong. Theres no need to whisper, babe, Pong replied, No one else is here! I know right?! Oh Pong, this is so much fun! I giggled and grabbed his hand. He then grabbed my other hand and pulled me close to him, twirling us around.

You know what? he said as my heart skipped a beat, in hope that he would tell me how he felt about me, I should have talked to that vampire. Ive always thought it would be cool to become one. I laughed, Yeah it would be, but you know what would be even better? To become a witch! That would be amazing! Think of all the good you could do! I would rather create chaos! Hehehe, wouldnt it be fun if I were an evil warlock?! He laughed and cackled like one would. I giggled, Look at you, staring into the face of a woman who just said she would do good for others and cackling at her. I guess I need to work on my cackle.

He began to cackle again, leaning back and back andhe was falling backward and I was falling with him as he had a hold of my hand. It was a frightening rush. I felt my heart stop my eyes widened I began to sweat profusely and.clunk. A numbing sort of pain was felt on my arms and torso. I didnt know what had happened for a second. It happened so fast. I was shaken. Hey Katrina, Pong said, Youre okay, right? I was okay. I lifted my head a bit and instantly scooted over. Pongs ice skate had nearly sliced me! Pong laughed, Maybe we should go home. It is getting late. I pushed myself up and brushed the ice off of the front of me. I was a little disappointed at the way the night had turned out. Dont get me wrong, the woohoo and the ice skating was great but I was putting so much effort into this relationship that I wanted to know if Pong really did feel the same way I felt about him.

I have to admit, junior year wasnt getting any easier. Between my newfound love for waterballoon fights and Professor Gos repeated checkups on my academic well being, I had almost no social life. My date with Pong was the only time I had really gotten out, other than going to class.

~That professor seriously came to the door and rung the bell EVERY DAY! Yet, he kept showing disgust toward her as in, he didnt even find her attractive! Some sims are just so weird!~

Not to mention Destry kept calling me everyday. I guess you could say that we were best friends by that point. I probably wouldnt have admitted it at the time but every time Destry called, I got so confused. I knew I was in love with Pong but Destry made me feel special in a way that Pong didnt. I never really told him much about Pong, other than the fact that he was my boyfriend but Destry seemed to sense when Pong would upset me. The morning after the photo booth and ice skating date, Destry told me that I was very special woman who deserves to be told so at least once a day and loved. My heart swelled.

It was then that I decided I needed a friend to hang out with. Someone who was female (so I wouldnt get any farther into this predicament) and someone who didnt know Destry so we didnt have to talk about him. Carla lived in the same dorm as me and I always thought she was really sweet so I invited her to the gym (which happens to have a beach and as well). We had so much fun building a sandcastle and swimming in the ocean that I forgot about my dilemma and just enjoyed a nice sunny day and my first swim in the ocean.

At dusk, Carla left and I worked out a little until I started walking home when I came upon a souvenir shop and decided to go in to see what they sold. There was none other than Destry. Hey Katrina! he said with a smile, What brings you to the beach? My heart began racing wildly. I was a little sweaty already but I really felt this rush of warmth run down my whole body. Here standing before me was a man who actually cared for me. A really, sweet, driven, fit, sexy man who I didnt have to worry over what he felt for me. I knew.

I dont know what overcame me to do this but I greeted him with a kiss! A kiss that clearly showed I was longing for him. In that moment, the moment when we first touched lips, I felt the biggest spark I had ever felt for anyone in my entire life. To hold him was comforting, to kiss him was welcoming. His lips seemed to be the perfect shape to fit mine. A moment later, I realized what I was doing. The warm rush was gone and overcome by a fiery rush of guilt. I threw him back and stepped back, wide eyed. Leave me alone! was all I managed to wail out at him through my shock. I ran out the door and back to the gym

~The stupid girl seriously did this! I guess I cant blame her. She has 2 bolts for Destry and only one for Pong. No one has exceeded Destry in boltage yet either. Surprisingly, they didnt fall in love. As much as I really like him I just cant stop thinking about the possibility of this turning into an uglacy due to him. At least Pongs pretty attractive.~

What was I thinking? What was I doing? I already have a boyfriend! Im partially a family sim, not some kind of romance skank! All these thoughts were running through my mind and the gym was the only place I could work off some steam form being so angry at myself. How did I let it get this far? I didnt have much time to think though, shortly after, it was exam time. I was about to become a senior.

~Im going to conclude it here for now. I really cant decide between Pong and Destry and I need everyones help. Ill be posting a poll and the link will be on the story page.~

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