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Atomic Cafe

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Atomic Cafe 1957

Rules for After the Apocalypse
1957 is drawing to a close. The U.S.S.R. launched a multi-stage ballistic missile earlier in the year and the U.S., not wanting to fall behind in the missile race, launches its first ICBM on December 17th. Sometime between that launch and the next day, something happens. Bombers from both sides are in the air, and nuclear war arrives. Soon the world is blasted to ruins and only small pockets, isolated from the destruction and ensuing radioactive fallout, prove habitable over the long term. And between those pockets, battles rage between gangs of survivors (The 8th Avenue Greasers, The Michigan State Bowling League, and others) and rogue military units. All of them seeking food, fuel, or a place free of radiation. This is the world of the atomic cafe. Atomic Caf 1957 is a game of gang warfare set in the post-apocalyptic 1950s of B-Movies. Roving gangs battle each other for survival. RadZombies seek out the living. Mutated men, animals and insects wander the blasted ruins. And all the while, unseen hosts watch and wait for their chance to take control.

Each player will roll a d6. The player who rolls higher will have initiative and activate first (or defer to later in the order). The next highest roll will then activate and so forth. Note that only the player who won initiative may defer until later in the activation. All other players must activate in the order they are assigned. Each player then takes his action deck (the action deck will have one card to represent each, squad, vehicle, solo) and pulls one card of his choice out. The rest of the cards from each player are shuffled together into one deck. On each player's turn he reveals the card held and activates that model or squad. Once all players have activated a unit or model, then a card is drawn from the deck. That unit or model activates. This continues until all cards have been drawn. If a unit or model is killed, its card is ignored if drawn from the deck and a new card is drawn. A models Activation consists of two actions. Actions All models get 2 actions. Only one of those actions can be a combat action. Non-Combat Actions: Aim, Knowledge/Smarts Ability, Move, Prone. Combat Actions: Ranged Attack, Close Combat Attack, Psychic Attack, Wait

Close Combat
Attacker (2d6 + CC score + modifiers) > Defender (Defense + modifiers) = Hit Leaving close combat If a model attempts to leave close combat, then the model it is combat with it will receive a single free attack (regardless of whether it has used its actions or not).

Ranged Combat
Attacker (2d6 + RC score + modifiers) > Defender (Defense + modifiers) = Hit

Cover A model that is in cover (defined as any model that is partly obscured by terrain that comes between it and the model attacking it in ranged combat) is more difficult to hit. When shooting at this model, the attacker must subtract 1d6 from the roll. This is done before the dice are rolled. Prone Models that use an action to go Prone are more difficult to hit. A Prone model is considered to be in Cover (see above). The model must spend an action to get up from Prone before they can Move. A model that remains Prone can move at half their Movement (rounded down) without having to get up. Aim Action A model that spends an action to Aim, negates the cover bonus of the target model.

Armor Penetration
If a model is hit in combat, the attacking player rolls for armor penetration. Attacker (2d6 + Strength + modifiers) Defender (Armor + modifiers) = Failure to Wound Attacker (2d6 + Strength + modifiers) > Defender (Armor + modifiers) = Wound The critical hit If you roll doubles and you successfully hit, then on your armor penetration roll, you get to add an additional d6.

When rolling for Morale, the player rolls 2d6 and attempts to roll under their Morale score.. Morale is rolled for each unit or Individual at the end of each turn if the players force lost two or more models during the turn. If a unit or individual model fails its morale, then that model(s) is shaken. Models that are Shaken cannot attack and must move to cover on their activation. If already in cover, they can take no other action. If a Shaken model(s) fails the morale test at the end of the turn, then it is broken. The model(s) must move to their starting board edge. They can take no other action. The model will continue to take morale tests until it passes or exits the board. Coherency There is no required unit coherency, but any model more than 3 from its starting unit, must roll for morale separately. Units get +2 to their morale roll if there are 3 or more models in the unit within 3 of one another.

Reputation Points
Often times when building a force, you cannot exactly reach the point level determined. Those points were lost in the game or used on pointless add-ons. Now, you can have something useful to do with them. Any points left over after you build your force, become Reputation Points. For every 2 Reputation points, you can re-roll one d6 at any time. Points can only be used once. You can only re-roll your own die rolls, not your opponents. A player can never have more than 10 Reputation points. Points in excess of this that are not spent, are lost.

To take part in the development of these rules, simply join the Brigade Games forum at: There you can post the results of your own playtest games and offer comments and suggestions to the designers.

8th Avenue Greasers

Brute Pts: 47 Movement: 7 Morale: 6 Wounds: 3 Defense: 6 Armor: 12 CC: 5 CC Strength: 6 RC: 2 RC Strength: 5 Smarts: 2 Knowledge: 0 Special: Combat Rage: When this model is wounded in combat the first time, its CC strength and Morale get +2. If wounded a second time its CC strength and morale get +5. Once wounded, this model can only move in a straight line toward an enemy model or attack in close combat. Chain Attack: This model is armed with a length of industrial size chain. Instead of its normal close combat attack, it can use the chain to strike up to 3 models within 3 with a single close combat attack at CC Strength -1. Club [+3 CC Strength, can attack all models in base contact with one attack action] +5 points Gang Member Pts: 12 Movement: 6 Morale: 4 Wounds: 1 Defense: 8 Armor: 5 CC: 3 CC Strength: 1 RC: 2 RC Strength: 1 Smarts: 3 Knowledge: 1 Special: Blade, short [+1 CC Strength] +1 point Blade, long [+3 CC Strength] +2 points Club [+3 CC Strength] +2 points Pistol [12 range, +3 RC strength] +5 points Shotgun [18 range, +6 RC strength] +6 points Rifle [24 range, +5 RC strength] +7 points Gang Leader Pts: 28 Movement: 6 Morale: 7 Wounds: 2 Defense: 8 Armor: 5 CC: 5 CC Strength: 2 RC: 5 RC Strength: 2 Smarts: 5 Knowledge: 3 Special: Leader: All models within 6 can use this models Morale score. Blade, short [+1 CC Strength] +1 points Blade, long [+3 CC Strength] +2 points Club [+3 CC Strength] +2 points Pistol [12 range, +3 RC strength] +10 points Shotgun [18 range, +6 RC strength] +13 points

314th National Defense Force

Soldier Pts: 14 Movement: 6 Morale: 6 Wounds: 1 Defense: 8 Armor: 5 CC: 2 CC Strength: 1 RC: 3 RC Strength: 2 Smarts: 2 Knowledge: 1 Special: Blade, short [+1 CC Strength] +1 points Shotgun [18 range, +6 RC strength] +6 points Rifle [24 range, +5 RC strength] +7 points Light machine gun [30 range, +6 RC strength, 2 shots per action---requires 2 actions to use] +16 points Officer Pts: 35 Movement: 6 Morale: 8 Wounds: 2 Defense: 8 Armor: 5 CC: 4 CC Strength: 2 RC: 6 RC Strength: 2 Smarts: 5 Knowledge: 3 Special: Leader: All models within 6 can use this models Morale score. Pistol [12 range, +3 RC strength] +10 points Sub-machine gun [24 range, +5 RC strength, 2 shots per action] +16 points Man in Black Pts: 55 Movement: 6 Morale: 9 Wounds: 2 Defense: 10 Armor: 5 CC: 6 CC Strength: 3 RC: 6 RC Strength: 3 Smarts: 5 Knowledge: 5 Special: Immune to Psychic Attacks The Man in Black is a hard-bitten veteran of the toughest situations, he can re-roll any 1d6 from a failed Morale check. Pistol [12 range, +3 RC strength] +13 points

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