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Healthy Living
Naturally Healthy Living is the new paradigm. Healthcare as we know it is fast becoming a thing of the past far from relying 100% on orthodox medical therapy and prescription drugs, we are now more enlightened about alternative therapies and healthy diets. Empowerment leads to cheaper, more effective and definitely safer choices. Its definitely an exciting time for wellness and a far cry from the confusion and ignorance of the past!

Some doctors prescribe therapeutic drugs to protect themselves from malpractice suits instead of allowing Nature to extend a helping healing hand. This safety net sentiment is never admitted in public but runs as a common thread among practitioners, especially those who work within the system of managed care. Today, healthcare practitioners in the field of traditional and conventional medicine are equipped with the ability to think and do outside the box - should they dare venture away from their comfort zone. As consumers of medical service from whatever discipline, we too have choices backed by the most recent scientific findings including the option to take active part in our own healing. Self-help therapies are no longer confined to simple ministrations like using soothing menthol balm to relieve congestion or sipping the famous chicken soup to treat colds. Taking care of your health involves a holistic package of nutrition, supplementation, prevention and real cure not limited to mere suppression of symptoms. In this day and age, the Internet has made health information available to common folks keen on seeking the best care information that was once held classified and available only to doctors. The impact is revolutionary since passive recipients of medical care can now be active participants in their own treatment. These days, doctors have also done some cross-overing themselves, blurring the once well-defined and immovable line that separated conventional and complementary alternative medicine. In fact, more and more conventional doctors are now prescribing probiotics to cure various ailments and using diet as prescription to manage diabetes, immune deficiency and heart disease. What was seen as quackery or snake oil in the past is now fast gaining a foothold in modern therapy after scientists discovered that some staples of Chinese, Ayurvedic and

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Indian medicine have active substances that combat bacteria, viruses and diseases that are difficult to diagnose and treat the traditional medical way.


The competition between orthodox and alternative medicine is far from over but regardless whether these factions peacefully dovetail sometime in the near or far future, the public is clearly the winner. Its easy to point fingers and claim that the top pharmaceutical companies are robbing us dry and doctors are over treating. That may be true (in some cases) but Id like to believe that advanced pharmaceutical research has saved a lot of lives and doctors have taken great strides in diagnosing and treating diseases to improve longevity and quality of life. However, some statistics need explaining and the public deserves answers to quell misgivings. Despite the sheer amounts spent on healthcare (topping the GNP of all but 6 countries) the U.S.A.: v continues to have rising incidence of degenerative diseases including osteoporosis, v highest death rates (worldwide) from cardiovascular disease and diabetes, v alarming cancer rates with 50% of men and 30% of women projected to have cancer during their lifetime. Cancer incidence rose by 26% (leukemia) and 62% (brain) within the seven-year span from 1992-1999. Thirty years ago, breast cancer was scary at an incidence of 1 in 20. Today, its a terrifying 1 in 7. Even cancers like colorectal cancer, virtually unheard of in the 1950s are now on a rise, alongside prostate cancer.

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What is the price we pay for the wrong use of prescription drugs -ask Heath Ledger who paid with his life at the height of a burgeoning career. You do not have to be a celebrity to be a statistic. All you need is the wrong prescription, the desire to abuse such and creative access to more of the same. To make matters worse, every year, approximately 195,000 Americans die from preventable hospital deaths due to medical errors. If this iatrogenic or medical death can happen in a controlled setting such as the hospital where proper dosage of drugs are prescribed and administered, you can imagine how much more dangerous it becomes in a nonclinical setting. Since 1998, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had been operating the Adverse Event Reporting System with reports gathered by the agency or endorsed by the pharmaceutical agencies. Based on FDA records gathered from 1998-2005, Thomas J. Moore together with fellow doctors and researchers reported that drugs effects posed serious life threats and recommended the need for a strict system to manage the risk of prescription drugs. The eye-opening salient points of the study as reported in the Archives of Internal Medicine: v Serious adverse drug events increased 2.6 times from 1998-2005 v Fatal adverse drug events increased 2.7 times from 1998-2005 v Reported serious events increased 4x more than the total number of prescriptions implying potential drug abuse v Safe withdrawal was an issue especially during the early part of the study. The incidents reported are only the tip of the iceberg since FDA claims that these known incidents are probably just 1% of the total; in fact, the American Medical Association itself claims that prescription drugs the 4th leading cause of death. The real figures are outstanding and damaging to the pharmaceutical industry and to the doctors who prescribe without due care. Prescription drugs, expensive for the nation and our pockets can harm through: v v v v Side effects and toxicities Respiratory and cardiovascular depression Increased temperature Seizures

v Adverse reactions like allergy and organ damage

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v Inhibition of immune and hematopoietic system v Hormonal effects v Withdrawal v Addiction.

Heath Ledger, gone too soon. Dead from a mixture of 6 prescription drugs - Oxycodone, Hydrocodone, Diazepam, Temazepam, Alprazolam, and Doxylamine.


Racket may seem too strong a word for the practices of drug companies that come with an imprimatur from the FDA in the guise of regulation or standardizing the quality of medicine. Marcia Angell, M.D. in her book, The Truth About the Drug Companies: How they Deceive Us, 2004, says, Drug companies promote diseases to match their drugs. Millions of normal Americans have come to believe that they have dubious or exaggerated ailments like generalized anxiety disorder, erectile dysfunction, PMDD, and GERD. Another problem of drugs openly promoted on TV, billboards and ads is the tendency of patients to specifically name the drug during consultation. A study on test subjects who mentioned Paxil during consultation showed that half of the time (even if they didnt seem clinically depressed), they were given the exact prescription they quoted. Is this a coincidence or is a sign that doctors are lackeys of the big pharmaceutical firms, writing unnecessary prescriptions?

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Direct to consumer advertising was illegal until 1997 when the FDA lifted the ban. Whatever gains are achieved by increasing patient knowledge is definitely counteracted by the fact that around 40% of the population is on medically unnecessary prescription. Adding insult to the proverbial injury is that some prescription drugs do not actually cure the disease but merely mask the symptoms or temporarily alter biochemical conditions which can result to dangerous rebounds. Media, FDA, drug companies and even the Senate are condoning this because of the billions of profit generated. Drugs are a two-edged sword and as they say, buyers beware. Based on the National Drug Intelligence Center (U.S. Government) the most commonly abused prescription drugs are:


It doesnt take rocket science to figure out that the mind-body-spirit connection is for real. You may have noticed how prone to colds and flu you get when you are stressed or how energized you are after eating certain food. Living healthy is a lifestyle that can be achieved in subtle ways. You can of course go cold turkey on unhealthy habits but for those who prefer to ease into a healthy lifestyle gradually, think green, lean and clean; keep your spirits high and your weight, blood sugar and blood pressure low. A quick check on your body mass index (go below 24) and your blood pressure (must be 120/80 or lower) gives you a glimpse on whats going on inside the body. As a yo-yo dieter who succeeded in gaining 20 pounds after almost starving myself, I can attest to the fact that the body has its own quirks and own interpretation of self-preservation. Base your calorie intake on your level of activity and your body frame. Should you want to go on any weight loss diet, keep in mind that losing in small increments is more long-lasting; attempt no more than a cut of 500 calories

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from your daily diet. You can speed up the weight loss by increasing the frequency, duration and intensity of exercise. Ten things you can do to live a bit healthier each day: 1. Drinks lots of water (8-12 glasses should be fine). 2. Eat lots of leafy greens, mushroom, lean cuts, avocado, yogurt, nuts, soya and a variety of fruits and vegetables for the optimum protein-carbohydrate and fat balance as well as to ensure adequate fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. Go for unprocessed carbohydrates and multi-grains. 3. Exercise good judgment when taking medicine. Opt for natural treatment whenever possible. 4. Choose good lipids which are heart-friendly like olive oil, fatty coldwater fish like salmon, and dark chocolate which is a good source of MUFA (monounsaturated fatty acids) and antioxidants. 5. Enjoy your bites give in to cravings, but sparingly. 6. Exercise to give your cardiovascular system a workout and to burn those calories. Better still work those muscles by planting a garden with your favorite tisane ingredients like lemon grass, tarragon and mint. 7. Go for a massage or do self-acupressure to stimulate points and improve lymphatic drainage for effective release of toxins. 8. Nurture your soul and spirit. Being your own best friend does wonders. 9. Nix nicotine and go easy, really easy on the alcohol. 10.Get enough sleep relax and smile.

Naturally Health Living Copyright 2011

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