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KSSR Bahasa Inggeris Year 1 Listening and Speaking Checklist

B A N D 1 Performance Standard Descriptor & Evidence Instrument B Know basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Know and understand words, phrases and sentences heard, spoken, read and written. Know, understand and apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing. B1D1 B1D1E1 B2D1 B2D1E1 Textbook Other resources Dialogue TB10 (a), TB6 (b), TB18(c), TB 64(d,e) TB109 (Buy and sell) C Assessment 1 G L LL M S B C Assessment 2 G L LL M S B C Assessment 3 G L LL M S

B3D1 B3D1E1

B3D2 B3D2E1

Simple instructions (i) classroom activities TB 78 (ii) Simple directions To places in school. TB79. WH-questions. TB102,103 AB 11

Apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing in various situations using good manners. Demonstrate well the ability to apply knowledge of listening, speaking, reading and writing for various purposes using admirable manners. Appreciating literary work by performance and representing ideas using exemplary manners.

B4D1 B4D1E1

B5D1 B5D1E1

Any suitable picture related to the theme.

B6D1 B6D1E1 B6D2E1

TB102 TB116 TB116

KSSR Bahasa Inggeris Year 1 Reading Checklist

B A N D 1 Performance Standard Descriptor & Evidence B1D2 B1D2E1 B1D3 B1D3E1 B1D4 B1D4E1 B1D5 B1D5E1 B2D2 B2D2E1 B2D3 B2D3E1 B3D3 B3D3E1 B3D4 B3D4E1 B3D4E2 B3D5 B3D5E1 B4D2 B4D2E1 B4D3 B4D3E1 B5D2 B5D2E1 Instrument B Know basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Alphabet cards/ poster TB5,TB15 AB18, TB11 AB13, TB29 TB11,AB12, 18, TB74, AB79, TB83, AB89 TB39, AB41, TB7, AB95 TB28,AB30, Word cards AB29 Word cards Sentence cards TB96, AB104 TB40,41, AB43 TB112,AB122 TB5, AB62 C Assessment 1 G L LL M S B C Assessment 2 G L LL M S B C Assessment 3 G L LL M S

Know and understand words, phrases and sentences heard, spoken, read and written. Know, understand and apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing.

Apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing in various situations using good manners. Demonstrate well the ability to apply knowledge of listening, speaking, reading and writing for various purposes using admirable manners. Appreciating literary work by performance and representing ideas using exemplary manners.

TB12, TB34, TB62

TB120 (Fiction) TB130 (Non Fiction)

B6D3 B6D3E1

Fiction and non-fiction texts

KSSR Bahasa Inggeris Year 1 Writing Checklist

B A N D 1 Performance Standard Descriptor & Evidence Instrument B Know basic skills in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Know and understand words, phrases and sentences heard, spoken, read and written. B1D6 B1D6E1 B2D4 B2D4E1 TB1,AB1,2,3,4 Configuration clueAB117 a.&b. AB36,58 c. AB35,45 d. AB1,37,38,39,41 e. AB60,124,125 f. AB59,63,66 AB67,135 C Assessment 1 G L LL M S B C Assessment 2 G L LL M S B C Assessment 3 G L LL M S

Know, understand and apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing. Apply knowledge obtained through listening, speaking, reading and writing in various situations using good manners.

B3D6 B3D6E1

B4D4 B4D4E1

AB 20,57,1

Demonstrate well the ability to apply knowledge of listening, speaking, reading and writing for various purposes using admirable manners.

B5D3 B5D3E1 B5D4 B5D4E1 B5D5 B5D5E1 B6D4 B6D4E1

AB70,103 AB111,150 AB56,71

Appreciating literary work by performance and representing ideas using exemplary manners.

Pupils activity: Create cards a. birthday b. Mother s Day c. Father s Day d. Teacher s Day

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