Benchbook Scoring Guidelines

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BENCHBOOK SCORING GUIDELINES INTRODUCTION The Benchbook lays out the new standards for quality of care that

PhilHealth will use for accrediting hospitals into the National Health Insurance Program. The Benchbook represents a shift from the old standards that govern only inputs to health care into the new standards that also evaluate processes and outcomes of care. The Benchbook is divided into seven performance areas: (1) Patient Rights and Organizational Ethics, (2) Patient Care, (3) Leadership and Management, (4) Human Resource Management, (5) Information Management, (6) Safe Practice and Environment and (7) Improving Performance. Each performance area is divided into sub-areas except for Patient Rights and Improving Performance. The sub-areas are broken down into several standards with one or several criteria to each standard; one or several indicators to each criterion; and one or several evidence to each indicator. Goal: declares the overall intent of the standards under it; picture of the desired-for situation targeted by a performance improvement program Standard: delineates the best possible condition that should exist in the organization for it to attain quality performance; sets the maximum achievable performance expectations for activities that affect the quality of care Criterion: lays down specific actions that need to be done to meet the standard Indicators: measurable variables or characteristics that can be used to determine the degree of adherence to a standard or achievement of quality goals Core indicators: characteristics that should be present for a hospital to function as a facility providing care, treatment and diagnosis in a manner that is safe and efficient for the patients and its staff Evidence: proof of compliance to the indicator which may be: document, interview or observation Since commitment to quality begins within the organization, PhilHealth employed a different process in the new accreditation system using the Benchbook. Hospitals will now be required to conduct a self-assessment as a requirement in the application for accreditation. The self-assessment allows the hospital to evaluate itself and discern clearly its strengths and areas in which improvements can be made. The self-assessment culminates in planned improvement actions which are then monitored for progress.

Figure 1. The Benchbook accreditation process The new accreditation system using the Benchbook starts with the self-assessment by the hospitals. The hospitals will set their own schedule (date and frequency) and process for the conduct of the self-assessment. The hospitals have to accomplish the Benchbook Self-assessment and Survey Forms which consist of three parts: 1. Self-assessment and survey tool 2. Score sheet 3. Benchbook self-assessment summary All three documents along with the PhilHealth application form for accreditation and other documentary requirements for accreditation, once accomplished, are submitted to the PhilHealth Regional Office (PhRO). Once the documents are assessed as complete and the hospital has paid the corresponding fees, the PhRO and the hospital shall agree on the schedule of the PhilHealth survey. Once conducted, the results of the PhilHealth survey are forwarded to the Accreditation Committee and the PhilHealth president for decision.

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