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1) In her dream she saw two palaces made of glass... *Please appropriately reference this quote to: www.fatwa-online.

com, thankyou!* Concerning the Imaam, the Shaykh - 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), a woman narrates that: "A woman had a dream 12 years ago during (the month of) Ramadhaan, that she entered Jannah through a huge door and saw two palaces made of glass. The two palaces were not completely built yet, (but) from the outside you could see what was inside. Inside the two palaces were luxurious floor coverings which were not laid out as yet, but were piled up on one side of the palace." She then said: "The first palace was for Shaykh Ibn Baaz and the other was for Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen..." al-Imaam Ibn Baaz - duroos wa mawaaqif wa 'ibar - Page 97

2) "Where is Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz, and when will he arrive?" *Please appropriately reference this quote to:, thankyou!* Concerning the Imaam, the Shaykh - 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), Dr. Muhammad ibn Sa'd ash-Shuway'ir narrates: "During the Hajj of 1406 A.H. (1986 C.E.) the first official group of pilgrims came to Saudi Arabia from communist China, and along with this group came some scholars who visited Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz to convey their greetings to him. The head of the group was a very old man who had studied at alAzhar. He led the group of these scholars, who were seven in total, to greet Shaykh Ibn Baaz. After having conveyed their greetings to the gathering of people, the head of the group turned to me and asked me: "Where is Shaykh 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz, and when will he arrive?" So I said to him: "There, he is the one you conveyed your greetings to just now." But this old man did not believe me, and speaking in fluent Arabic he demanded: "I want to see him now." So I said to him: "There he is", firmly pointing him (Shaykh Ibn Baaz) out. So he stood up from his gathering and presented himself before Shaykh Ibn Baaz for a second time to greet him. I then informed the Shaykh about the eagerness of this old man, so the Shaykh stood to embrace him. I saw the old Chinese man affectionately cling to the Shaykh's chest and cry, saying:

"All Praise be to the One Who has permitted me to see you; We used to hear about you whilst in China, that you give hope to the Muslims and are their "saviour" and support them." Then one of his companions said (to Shaykh Ibn Baaz): "Pray to Allaah O Shaykh, that He takes ten years of my life and adds it to yours, for that which you have benefited Islaam and it's people, as for me, then I am just a (simple) human being like others from the children of Islaam." Then the old Chinese man began crying profusely turning again to embrace him (Shaykh Ibn Baaz) and repeating: "All Praise be to the One Who has permitted me to see you before my death, since I used to long for this (opportunity) all my life. Mawaaqif madhee.ah fee hayaat al-Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baaz - Page 8-9 3) One of the pious people had a dream about Shaykh Ibn Baaz shortly before his death... *Please appropriately reference this quote to:, thankyou!* Concerning the Imaam, the Shaykh - 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), a student of Shaykh al-Albaanee (rahima-hullaah) narrates that: "One of the pious people from amongst us in Syria had a dream shortly before the death of Shaykh Ibn Baaz. He saw two stars in the sky heading at great speed towards the earth. The first of the two reached the earth, whilst the other remained close to the earth. As for the one which reached the earth, then it made a terrifying sound causing the people to panic and ask: "What is the news?" He (the one who had the dream) then woke up and asked one qualified in the interpretation of dreams about this dream. So the dream interpretor said: This is something which will happen, leaving the people trembling, and its effect would be grave, then it would be followed by that which is similar, that being the second star. A short time passed and news came of the death of Shaykh Ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), then Shaykh alAlbaanee (rahima-hullaah) died a short while after, and that was the interpretation of the second star which was delayed in reaching the first star." al-Imaam Ibn Baaz - duroos wa mawaaqif wa 'ibar - Page 98 4) "This is not enough for my needs *Please appropriately reference this quote to:, thankyou!* Concerning the Imaam, the Shaykh - 'Abdul-'Azeez ibn Baaz (rahima-hullaah), Raashid arRaajih narrates: Once, while I was in the presence of the Shaykh, a man came asking the Shaykh for (financial) assistance, so the Shaykh gave him a generous amount. However, the man was not satisfied,

and said to the Shaykh This is not enough for my needs. So the Shaykh, most humbly and respectfully, said to him: Take it, and there will be barakah in it, with the permission of Allaah. And it appeared the man understood what the Shaykh had intended, so he took the money, thanking the Shaykh as he left. Mawaaqif madhee.ah fee hayaat al-Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn Baaz - Page 196

5) In the dream, the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: ((Ask Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee))... *Please appropriately reference this quote to:, thankyou!* Concerning the Imaam of Hadeeth, the Shaykh - Muhammad Naasiruddeen al-Albaanee (rahima-hullaah), it has been narrated: And in my last meeting with him (rahima-hullaah), I narrated to him a dream which one of the brothers had. And it was that this brother saw the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam), so he (the brother) asked him: If I find some difficulty in (any aspect of the science) of hadeeth, then who should I ask? So the Prophet (sal-Allaahu `alayhe wa sallam) said: ((Ask Muhammad Naasiruddeen alAlbaanee)). So, just as I completed this narration, I saw the Shaykh cry profusely, and he was continuously repeating: ((O Allaah do not take me to account for what they say (about me), and make me better than what they suspect (of me), and forgive me for that which they do not know (about me))). Safahaat baydhaa. min hayaat Shaykhinaa al-Albaanee Page 45

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