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Submitted by: Given Dave P. Layos BSCE II Submitted to: Ms.

Emma Sol Pelimer

Date of Submission: January 5, 2012 Remarks:

1. The person who tries to live alone will not succeed as a human being. His heart withers if it does not answer another heart. His mind shrinks away if he hears only the echoes of his own thoughts and finds no other inspiration. Pearl S. Buck

REACTION: I truly believe that living life alone is remarkably miserable, as the quote wishes to tell. I
have tried to live my life all by myself for a little while no friends to talk with, no people around. However, doing it just gave me boredom, sadness and emptiness. I later realized that being happy requires other hearts to be with in good and bad times, to celebrate with during joyous time or comforts in sorrows and pain, and most of all, would lift your self esteem whenever you are feeling down.

2. He has not learned the first lesson of life who does not everyday surmount a fear. Emerson

Ralph Waldo

REACTION: The aforementioned quote reflects an attitude humans most possess. It teaches us that we
need to face our fears before we will learn. For a number of times, I proved this quote to be true. For instance, I always wanted to play basketball but the fear of getting hurt and being put to shame (shame, due to my kind of playing which is awkward), it pushes me back. But then when I faced my fear and tried playing it, I learned there is nothing to worry about and learned that practice is necessary to play better. It must be noted down that if you will allow your fear to overcome you, you ll become a coward; however, if you will face your fear and go out from your comfort zone, you will learn more things you don t expect that you ll learn unless you ll do it.

3. The only certain means of success is to render more and better service than is expected of you, no matter what your task may be. Of Mandino

REACTION: Only wise people are doing what this quote wishes to imply to the reader. They always
consider the truth that goes You will reap what you sow . Sowing little and bad service expects also little and bad consequences in return but if you ll do the opposite, then, expect more and better things from whom you serve until there will be such a time that there is no room enough for those. 4. Climb high, climb far, you goal the sky, you aim the star. Anonymous

REACTION: This quote reminds me of a saying which says that the poorest man on earth is not the man
own not a single centavo but the man who has not a dream. How meaningless life of a man would be if he has no dream. Dreaming for the best is the best thing a man can do because it will motivate him to make a good living in earth. Spiritually, this quote would also mean setting your eyes to Jesus Christ, Lord and Savior, while living on earth and please Him who gave everything you have. 5. Me, I still believe in paradise, but now I know that its not some place you can find. Because its not where you go, its how you feel for a moment where youre a part of something. And if you find that moment, it lasts forever. The Beach

REACTION: I suspect that the author of this quote s belief of paradise was challenged by somebody who
does not believe it really does. In the first line, he was stating that he did underwent a process of realization wherein something made him knew and understand that paradise is not a place to seek but

instead, as what he implies in the following lines of the quote, a moment that everybody should be a part of. And on the last part, he states the conclusion of his innate feelings and the product of his contemplation: that it would last for eternity. It would be grammatically considered that his conclusion was an exaggeration though it s our initiative to believe on what on him.

6. Greatness is not on where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it but sail we must, and not drift, nor lie at anchor. Oliver Wendell Holmes


Greatness is synonymous to distinguished and famous . Oftentimes, people desire of

becoming one. In this quote, Holmes teaches us that Greatness is not on where we stand . meaning, you have not achieved it yet by what you are thinking right now that you are or whatever things you might have achieved in the moment. It implies that greatness is not stationary but rather is continuous, a process still on going. It also implies that greatness is not a position in life but instead, is a choice a choice that one should decide of where one would go, in a right or a wrong direction. In the second sentence, Holmes was metaphoric because the wind mentioned here refers to our life. Take note that the word must was used, We must sail as meaning, it is a must to live life. Sometimes we should sail with the wind meaning, enjoy life as it is, and sometimes against it meaning, we should also experience tough times. In this quote, the emphasis of the words we , must and sail took my attention and that it wants to teach us that no matter what the challenges may come, it s a must to face it.

7. Often, the difference between a successful person and a failure is not that one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has bet on ones ideas to take a calculated risk and to act. Maxwell Maltz.

REACTION: Maltz has a very good observation with regards to what he said in his quote. But one must
take note that the word often was used, meaning, it does not apply all the time. Speaking of the term courage as used in the sentence, it has the same sense with facing your fears. One really needs this courage which is one s motivation in order that he might take the risks the calculated risks. Notice that Maltz stated that courage is not enough. One still needs to act. Often we forgot that action speaks louder than words. 8. What we achieve inwardly will change outer reality. Otto Rank

REACTION: This quote stresses the impact of an inward achievement to our self esteem and to how we
treat others. Maybe Otto Rank experienced the same to himself that s why he stated it that way. Notice that he was referring to the outer reality which will be changed permanently (allow me to use this word) if somebody would do the initiative to achieve something. I believe that Rank was referring this outer reality to our attitudes towards others. A proof of this is the total change which happened to Manny Pacquiao as he achieved fame due to his boxing victory. From being a low-spirited poor individual, he transformed into a self-confident billionaire. 9. Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: it is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. Thomas Carlyle

REACTION: The three values mentioned were (1) permanence, (2) perseverance and (3) persistence.
These three are actually determinants also of successful individuals. Although Thomas Carlyle was not pinpointing that weak souls don t have this three, it was implied that they does. However, I categorically

believe that there are no such weak or strong souls. For God made man with a strong soul as the latter was made in the former s likeness.

10. Courage is the price what Life exacts for granting peace, the soul that knows it not, knows no release from little things. Amelia Earhart

REACTION: I am a little bit confused why Earhart stated that soul does not know peace However, it
could be hypothesized that she is referring to the unending struggle of man for survival where eternal peace has no place . She even accentuates this by saying that soul knows no release from little things like doing daily household chores, unending problems, etc. But on the first part of the quote, she told us that the only thing that we need for us to survive amidst this situation is courage courage to face life s challenges wholeheartedly.

11. Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose. Lyndon B. Johnson

REACTION: Many people are slaves of their past. They keep on reminisce of all things which happened
already, wishing to go back and correct all mistakes. However, this quote encourages us to look forward unto tomorrow because all miserable memories yesterday is now impossible to alter. All we can do is to forget everything in the past and do not to repeat all those mistakes again.

12. Begin where you are; work where you are; the hour which you are not wasting, dreaming of some far off success may be crowed with grand possibilities. Orison Sweet Marden

REACTION: I believe that this quote is for people who are planning to go abroad and began looking for
greener pastures. Nationalistic it may sound, but the quote is speaking in terms of reality. Many people became successful in their career though they are employed in their country. Aside from helping yourself, you are also helping build your country s development. Though the difficult part is just the beginning of the process, be courageous to do it and you ll just find out.

13. You should not scuff the past. You should be able to wear it like a loose garment, take it off and let it drop. Eva Jessye

REACTION: This quote was stating same sense with Lyndon Johnson put it in his words. What took my
eyes is when he considered the past as something to be worn like a loose garment. I appreciate Jessye s metaphoric representation of our past. She perfectly demonstrated that our disturbing past must be taken off like a loose garment and should be dropped. But then again I thought that if we are going to take our garments off, we would be left naked! Well, that s life. 14. Know that the true value of time; snatch, seize and enjoy every moment of it. No idleness Chesterfield Lord

REACTION: As implied by his words, Lord Chesterfield is quite imperative. He commands us to know the
value of our time. I often reprimand myself for sometimes I waste my time with senseless things. I even tried subscribing from an internet-based site abut time management lessons. Anyway, his words seem

that there is something behind the wall that pushes us back to value our time. If we will jut try, I believe it would be worthwhile because we can get something out of it. Let us do the initiative!

15. Do not be timid and squeamish about your actions. All life is an experiment. Ralph Waldo Emerson

REACTION: I am afraid that this quote of Emerson does not necessarily applies to

ALL our actions since

there are also times that we must be conscious with them. If misunderstood, the reader would be lead to Hedonism that is doing every kind of enjoyable actions either good or bad since he encourages us to do actions without anything to worry about. We could not deny that bad actions stealing, killing, etc. are meant to be squeamished. Although if taking the latter sentence of the quote which says that all life is an experiment is partly true, I would totally disagree to this quote since it is proven to be not universal.

16. Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier

REACTION: Collier is right. Success is an accumulation of every effort you exert in everyday life. Every
single sacrifice gives us lesson that would be useful in the future. Although at the moment it may have no significance, later it would me remembered and recognized. This is just another reason for us to be tactful in dealing with every single move done. Reflecting upon this another truth, there s no reason to feel burden about life s complexity.

17. To love what you do and feel that it maters how could anything be more fun? Katherine Graham

REACTION: I guess I should agree with this quote since putting love in everything makes it easy. The
Holy Bible affirms that there s nothing impossible with love as the song, Love can move a mountain says. I do not know why it is possible but it is certain that it really does. I do believe that this attitude of humans is designed by his Creator. We should be thankful that we are blessed with this kind of ability.

18. We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.- George Bernard Shaw


If you ll read behind the lines of this quote, you would observe that Shaw refers to

consuming of things which are stolen. Logically, how could enjoy something that you don t have, unless you got it from somebody. He also implies that happiness and wealth likewise are really meant to be enjoyed with the right process of producing it through hard work and perseverance. Let us therefore start our quest of producing our own happiness without offending anyone else!

19. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Anonymous

REACTION: This is one common saying man often fails to act. We Filipinos are famous because majority
possess the so called ma ana habit . The campaign to eliminate this habit from us is outnumbering but only few achieve to overcome this habit. If you notice, the word being used is never meaning do not try even once. Consequences are just waiting if you ll do the opposite. I guess there is no more answer for this kind of problem!

20. Life without Jesus Christ in life is meaningless. Billy Graham

REACTION: One truly missed the point of existing above this round world if one fails to receive Jesus as
his Savior. The Bible clearly says that there is no other way to the Father except through Jesus, only Him, no other. However, millions fail to make it. They just believe but Jesus does exist but they do not receive Him nor do His will. Millions are disappointing God by honoring other gods (e.g., statues of mortal people) taught by false teachers. Millions will also be doomed on the day when Jesus would come back to earth and get them who are His. Millions will say I believe in you Lord Jesus but He would answer them saying, I do not know you. Millions became blind because of that one big religion which teaches things not even mentioned in the Bible which is best described to be the harlot that would deceive many nations. And also million s lives are meaningless until this time.

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