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Verbal abuse could arise from any place at any time. It can be at school, on the streets or even in our own home. Verbal abuse is the act on which a person says something unpleasant at you that could degrade you as a person. Some examples of this are comments that are criticizing, insulting, degrading, and/or threatening to the reciever. Bullying and reviling are other words for verbal abuse. Emotional intellegence (EQ) is a self-perceived ability to identify, assess, and influence the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. According to Erik Eriksons Stages of Psychosocial Decelopment, half or four out of eight crisis should be resolved from birth to early adolescence.

We believe that experiences during childhood influence the behavior of the teenagers.

STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The objective of the study is to identify the effects of verbal abuse to the emotional development of teenagers during childhood. 1. Is there any significant relationship between verbal abuse and emotional intelligence? 2. Is gender a factor on being emotionally affected by verbal abuse? 3. How did the teenagers cope up in being verbally abused? HYPOTHESIS There is a significant relationship between verbal abuse and emotional intelligence.

THEORETHICAL FRAMEWORK Potential Negative Outcome (from unhelpful experiences) Sensory Distortion / Withdrawal

Erik Eriksons Psychosocial Crisis Stages

Age Range/ Other Description



Potential Positive Outcome

Trust vs. Mistrust

0-1 yr - birth to walking


Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt

1-3 yrs toddler, toilet training 3-6 yrs pre-school, nursery 6-12 yrs - early school


Initiative vs. Guilt

Family School, Teachers, Friends, Neighborhood Peers, Groups, Influences

feeding and being comforted, teething, sleeping bodily functions, toilet training, muscular control, walking exploration and discovery, adventure and play achievement and accomplishment resolving identity and direction, becoming a grown-up intimate relationships, work and social life 'giving back', helping, contributing meaning and purpose, life achievements

Hope and Drive

Willpower and SelfControl Purpose and Direction

Impulsivity / Compulsion

Ruthlessness / Inhibition Narrow Virtuosity / Inertia

Industry vs. Inferiority

Competence and Method

Identity vs. Role Confusion

12-19 yrs puberty, teens

Fidelity and Devotion

Fanaticism / Repudiation

Intimacy vs. Isolation Generativity vs. Stagnation Integrity vs. Despair

20-25 yrs courting, early parenthood 26-64 yrs middle-age, parenting 65-death old age, grandparents

Lovers, Friends, Work Connections Children, Community Society, the World, Life

Love and Affiliation Care and Production Wisdom and Renunciation

Promiscuity / Exclusivity Overextension / Rejectivity Presumption / Disdain

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