ATP and NADPH Couple Anabolism and Catabolism

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ATP and NADPH Couple Anabolism and Catabolism Metabolic intermediates are consumed by anabolic reactions and must

be continuously replaced by catabolic processes. In contrast, the energy-rich compounds ATP and NADPH are recycled rather than replaced. When these substances are used in biosynthesis, the products are ADP and NADP+, and ATP and NADPH are regenerated from them by oxidative reactions that occur in catabolism. ATP and NADPH are unique in that they are the only compounds whose purpose is to couple the energy-yielding processes of catabolism to the energy-consuming reactions of anabolism. Certainly, other coupling agents serve essential roles in metabolism. For example, NADH and [FADH2] participate in the transfer of electrons from substrates to O2 during oxidative phosphorylation. However, these reactions are solely catabolic, and the functions of NADH and [FADH2] are fulfilled within the block called catabolism. The ATP Value of NADH, FADH2, and NADPH Because of metabolic interrelationships, it is possible to express all metabolic conversions in terms of ATP equivalents and to assign values, or prices, to

metabolic intermediates. Such expressions are particularly useful for describing the values of common coupling agents such as NADH, NADPH, and FADH2 in metabolic transactions. The value of NADH is 3 ATP (2.5 in mitochondria) the number of ATPs formed as a consequence of NADH oxidation in the process of oxidative phosphorylation. In like fashion, FADH2 oxidation yields 2 ATP (1.5 in mitochondria), so FADH2 has an ATP value of 2. The metabolic value of NADPH is less obvious. NADPH is not oxidized via electron transport to generate ATP. Also, NAD and NADP do not serve the same purposes in metabolism, despite their great chemical similarity. For the most part, only NADPH couples catabolism to anabolism by carrying the reducing power released in certain catabolic sequences to reductive biosynthetic processes. The metabolic value of NADPH is greater than that of NADH. Even though the standard reduction potentials for the NAD+/NADH and NADP+/NADPH couples are the same, -320 mV (Table 21.1), in the cell, [NAD+]>[NADH] and [NADP+], [NADPH] (see Chapter 23). Because of these inequalities, the cellular reduction potentials of these two pyridine nucleotides are not equivalent, and under prevailing cellular conditions, the NADP+/NADPH couple is a much better electron donating system than the NAD+/NADH couple. Because each NADH is worth 2.5-3 ATP, each NADPH can be assigned a value of 3.5-4 ATP.

Energy Coupling (ATP & NADH)

As discussed in an earlier section about coupling reactions, ATP is used as free-energy currency by coupling its (spontaneous) dephosphorylation (Equation 3) with a (nonspontaneous) biochemical reaction to give a net release of free energy (i.e., a net spontaneous reaction). Coupled reactions are also used to generate ATP by phosphorylating ADP. The nonspontaneous reaction of joining ADP to inorganic phosphate to make ATP (Equation 8, below, and Figure 2, above) is coupled to the oxidation reaction of NADH or FADH2 (Equation 9, below). (Recall, NADH and FADH2 are produced in glycolysis and the citric-acid cycle as described in the blue box). For simplicity, we shall henceforth discuss only the oxidation of NADH; FADH2 follows a very similar oxidation pathway. The oxidation reaction for NADH has a larger, but negative, G than the positive G required for the formation of ATP from ADP and phosphate. This set of coupled reactions is so important that it has been given a special name: oxidative phosphorylation. This name emphasizes the fact that an oxidation (of NADH) reaction (Equation 9 and Figure 5, below) is being coupled to a phosphorylation (of ADP) reaction (Equation 8, below, and Figure 2, above). In addition, we must consider the reduction reaction (gaining of electrons) that accompanies the oxidation of NADH. (Oxidation reactions are always accompanied by reduction reactions, because an electron given up by one group must be accepted by another group.) In this case, molecular

oxygen (O2) is the electron acceptor, and the oxygen is reduced to water (Equation 10, below) . The individual reactions of interest for oxidative phosphorylation are:
phosphorylation ADP3- + HPO42- + H+ --> ATP4- + H2O oxidation NADH --> NAD+ + H+ + 2e Go= +30.5 kJ (8) (nonsp ontane ous) Go= -158.2 kJ (9) (sponta neous) o G = -61.9 kJ (10 (sponta neous)


/2 O2 + 2H+ + 2e- --> H2O

The net reaction is obtained by summing the coupled reactions, as shown in Equation 11, below.
ADP3- + HPO42- + NADH + 1/2 O2 + 2H+ --> ATP4- + NAD+ + 2 H2O Go= -189.6 kJ (spont aneous )


The molecular changes that occur upon oxidation of NADH are shown in Figure 5, below.

Figure 5
This is a two-dimensional (ChemDraw) representation showing the change that occurs when NADH is oxidized to NAD+. "R" represents the part of the structure that is shown in black in the drawing of NADH in Table 1, and does not change during the oxidation half-reaction. The molecular changes that occur upon oxidation are shown in red. In this tutorial, we have seen that nonspontaneous reactions in the body occur by coupling them with a very spontaneous reaction (usually the ATP reaction shown in

Equation 3). We have just seen that ATP is produced by coupling the phosphorylation reaction with NADH oxidation (a very spontaneous reaction).

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