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Guidelines to Citing References

The Online Referencing Generator is provided by SLASA (School Library Association of South Australia). A password is required to use this. Please obtain this from the library desk or go to the following link - Passwords for SBSC Library Databases (you will need to log in to your college GMail account to view this page). More free citation tools on the web Introduction to citing references,and plagiarism What is a reference list? Links to citation and referencing styles for senior students Citing references for years 7-9 (pdf) Download pdf document of examples of citations How to cite: y y y y y y y y books periodicals, journals, magazines or newspapers encyclopedias pamphlets CD-ROM internet sites and other online publications films, TV, video and audio personal communications

What are textual references?

When completing a report or an assignment, it is necessary to acknowledge the source of any information used. This is called referencing. Any time you quote, refer to, or use data (in any form including maps, tables, graphs, or on-line) from other people's work, the source must be clearly acknowledged. Failure to do so is called plagiarism, a dishonest practice, because you pretend that someone else's words or ideas are your own. Penalties for plagiarism are severe. For further information on plagiarism and referencing, senior secondary students should refer to the TQA's Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Referencing Guide. This guide tells you about what you must do to show which parts of the work you hand in for assessment are yours and which parts you have got from other people's work. The system of referencing recommended by the SBSC library is the Harvard or 'Author-Date' system detailed in the Australian Government Publishing Service's Style Manual : for Authors, Editors and Printers.

However, requirements vary. The exact details of how you reference your sources of information will vary from subject to subject. When you leave school you will find requirements differ, depending on where you study and your subject area. However the instructions given in this document are widely used and provide a good starting point.


Senior students will find the following links useful for providing more details and examples of citations for their assignments. TQA's Academic Integrity, Plagiarism and Referencing Guide This document also refers students to guides on using the various referencing styles on the University of Tasmania Library's Referencing and Assignment Writing web page . Always check with each subject teacher for their preferred format. For example, Psychology and Sociology students are required to use the APA style. Harvard System y y y y APA Style y y y APA Style examples - Monash university Library Referencing using the APA system - Deakin University APA Style American Psychological Association Harvard Style examples - Monash University Library Referencing using the author-date (Harvard) system - Deakin University Referencing internet and other electronic sources - Harvard Style Deakin University Referencing electronic sources - Deakin University


This is an alphabetical list of all the sources of information which you have referred to, or cited in your assignment. It is placed at the end of your work. It is normally headed "Reference List" and should be arranged alphabetically by the author's surname.


Online Referencing Generator - provided by SLASA (School Library Association of South Australia) - Junior (abridged), Middle and Senior levels for the Harvard system. - Creates citations for a comprehensive range of sources copy & paste into bibliography

- Rollover describes each element of the citation - Example of in-text reference for each source NoodleBib Express - Just need one or two quick citations? Use this tool to generate them in NoodleBib Express and copy and paste what you need into your document. Note: citations are not saved and cannot be exported to a word processor using this version of the tool. OSLIS Middle and High School MLA Citation Maker - Oregon School Library Information System BibMe - This is another fast and easy bibliography maker that is free.You will need to set up an account before you start using it. We suggest you use the APA format.


Author's name
y y y y y surname first. if there are two authors give details of both. if there are three or more authors give all their names separated by commas and an "&" between the last two. if the work is edited, - after the author's name, add abbreviation (ed). if the work has no author, the title is given first.

Year of publication Title of the book underline if hand written ; in italics if word processed. Publisher Place of publication Examples
Ebury, S. 1994, Weary : the life of Sir Edward Dunlop, Penguin, Melbourne. Molyneux, B. & MacDonald, R. 1983, Native gardens, Nelson, Melbourne. Grivas, J., Down, R. & Carter, L. 1996, Psychology VCE Units 3 & 4, Macmillan, South Melbourne. May, J. (ed). 1990, The Greenpeace book of dolphins, Hutchinson, Milsons Point, N.S.W. Oxford dictionary of quotation 2nd edn, 1963, Oxford University Press, London.

Periodical journals, magazines or newspapers

Author's name - surname first. Year of publication Title of the article - in quotation marks. Name of magazine - underlined or in italics. Volume number and/or issue number, day and month. Page numbers used - p. for single page, pp. for multiple pages. Examples
Wear, P. 1996, "A town under fire", The Bulletin, 3 December pp.44-46. Eade, K. 1997, "Arson spree?", The Advocate, Devonport, 3 February, p.1.

Dewhurst, C. 1986, "Hot air over the Himalayas", World Geographic, vol. 1, no. 4, pp.44-55.

Title of encyclopedia - underlined if hand written; in italics if word processed. Year of publication Title of article- in quotation marks Volume number of encyclopedia. Publisher Place of publication Examples
World Book Encyclopedia 1995, "Middle Ages", vol. 13, World Book Inc., Chicago. If you refer to more than one article in an encyclopedia, give a general citation for the encyclopedia only Example Encyclopaedia Britannica 15th edn. 1993, Encyclopaedia Britannica, Chicago.

Title of pamphlet - underlined if hand written; in italics if word processed. Year of publication (where available) Pamphlet number (where available) Publisher Place of publication Example
Coastal weeds of the Cradle Coast region, 2003, Australian Plants Society, Tasmania Inc., Ulverstone (Tas)

ONLINE AND DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS CD-ROM Author's name (if known) - surname first. Year of publication. Title of article- in quotation marks.



Name of the CD-ROM - underlined if handwritten; in

italics if word processed.

(CD-ROM) in brackets. Publisher. Place of publication - if available.

Meyer, A. G.1996, "Communism", Microsoft Encarta, (CD-ROM), Microsoft Corporation.

World Wide Web article

To cite files available for viewing/downloading via the World Wide Web.
y y y y y y

Author's name or institution name (if known) Year of publication or last revision Full title of the document in italics The name of the organisation responsible for the website The date you viewed the material on the web URL or web address

Website with author St Brendan-Shaw College Library 2006, Guidelines to citing references, St Brendan-Shaw College Library, viewed 18 July 2006, <>. Website without author Antarctica: land of extremes 2006, Extreme Science, viewed 18 July 2006, <> (N.B. http addresses are 'case sensitive' - that means that the case, upper or lower, of every letter must be copied exactly).

Other Online Publications and Communications

Visit the following links for more examples of how to cite different types of WWW articles, FTP, Email, Gopher, online periodicals etc.
Referencing electronic sources - Deakin University


Cite the director/producer (if known), date of production, title and production company. If you have sourced a video or an audio tape, write (Videorecording) or (Audiorecording) in brackets after the title. If the source is directly from television or a film, the citation should be self evident.

Stigwood, R. 1977,Grease (Videorecording), Paramount Pictures. Guide to kids with LD, (Audiorecording), Hawker Brownlow Education, Cheltnam, Victoria. What are we going to do with money? 8 August 1992, ABC Television. Weir, P. 1998, The Truman Show, Paramount Pictures.

Details of personal communications do not need to be included in a bibliography. They should be presented as a textual reference within your assignment or as incorporated information in the assignment.

I understand a decision has not been made regarding the location of the bridge (Brown, P.C. 1988, pers.comm., 2 May). or In a interview I conducted on 2 May 1988, Mr P.C. Brown said....

A textual reference is an indication within your assignment of the source of your information. A bibliography is a list at the end of your project of all sources used. If you need to refer to an author or a work within your assignment, acknowledgement of the source is placed immediately at the end of the statement: Example:The author talks about the link between materialism and popularity (Jones 1983, 73). If you quote without mentioning the source, put the author's name, year of publication and page in brackets after the quote. Full details of the source are given in your bibliography at the end of the assignment.

"Success as Willy conceives it is largely material, for to be well liked and to be materially successful are inextricably linked in his mind." (Jones 1983, 73) If you want to preface the quote by acknowledging the source you write: Jones (1983, 73) states that "Success as Willy conceives it is largely material."

If you are quoting directly from a play or poem, you need to set it out on separate lines as it is in the text. Indent the quote and do not use inverted commas. Example: Toll for the brave The brave that are no more: All sunk beneath the wave, Fast by their native shore. (Cowper, 1782, 102.)

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