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Efforts aimed at discouraging (not destroying) the demand for a product which (1) a firm cannot supply in large-enough quantities, or (2) does not want to supply in a certain region where the high costs of distribution or promotion allow only a too little profit margin. Common demarketing strategies include higher prices, scaled-down advertising, and product redesign

mega marketing
Management activity that involves (in addition to the typical marketing activities) other elements of a firm's external environment such as government, media, and pressure groups. The term was coined by the US marketing academic Philip Kotler who suggests that a market mix must have two more P's: public-relations, and power.

marketing strategy
A marketing strategy allows you to create tactics better than those of your competition. You would study the competition through market research to find out what is being done and how you can do it better. You will be able to develop your own innovative techniques that give you an edge over your competitors who may have been in the market longer than you have and have not revised their marketing strategy to fit the current changes in the market.

Turbo Marketing
Our slogan is covering with the concept of Turbo Marketing. Basically, it means providing the products or services of high quality in a cheap and different way, and delivering them to the customers as fast as possible. Our vision is to have a different view in the trade way of global world by changing rapidly. We are dreaming about establishing an Eiffel Tower that is made from cement, and Egyptian Pyramids that are made from steel, Statue of Liberty that is dressed by nano fabrics, and Chinese people who are not only eating rice but also noodles. So, our mission is to be a strong part of this supply chain about all kinds of these products. The only thing you should do is to inform us about your target product, sectors or country which will be sold to or bought from. Then, we contact with our fixed business partners, check the situation ,and finally we report you back about all the story from zero to the end.


marketing activity intended to shift the pattern of demand to that it equates more suitably with the ideal pattern of supply. Marketing efforts aimed at trying to bring inconsistent or seasonal demand levels in synch with supply levels. Restaurants use early-bird dinner specials to bring in customers during the slow period between normal lunch and dinner hours. Ski resorts promote summer activities and festivals to bring in tourists during the summer months. brand manager: Person who has marketing responsibilities to develop and execute marketing programs that increase brand identity and awareness for a specific product. Channel distribution.combination perform all the functions required to link producers with end customers to accomplish the marketing task.

Cost Per Inquiry: The cost of getting one person to inquire about your
product or service. This is a standard used in direct response advertising.

Corroborating Signals: Signals sent regarding your website or your

brand. These signals are the result of human engagement including social media, reviews, and feedback to search engines to share their opinions. It's important to stay in tune with these corroborating signals in order to hear the outside opinion of what you are offering.

Generic Brand: Products not associated with a private or national brand name Galvanometer Test: A research method that measures physiological

changes in consumers when asked a question or shown some stimulus material such as an ad.

Marginal Analysis: Technique of setting the advertising budget by assuming

the point at which an additional dollar spent on advertising equals additional profit.

Macromarketing: A type of marketing in which a company adapts itself to

uncontrollable factors within the industry.

Lifestyle Segmentation: Separating consumers into groups, based on

their hobbies, interests, and other aspects of their lifestyles.

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