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Tackling Corruption; the ipaidabribe.

com way

T.R. Raghunandan, Programme Coordinator,

Corruption, seven invalid excuses for it Excuse 1: corruption is everywhere, Excuse 2: corruption always existed, Excuse 3: concept is vague and culturally determined, Excuse 4: cleansing will require whole change in attitudes & values, Excuse 5: corruption is not harmful; it is the grease that moves the economic engine, Excuse 6: Nothing can be done if the top is corrupt and corruption is systematic, Excuse 7: Dont worry, with free markets, it will eventually go away

Corruption, a systems approach

Most opportunities for corruption arise from systems failure The Klitgaard formula: C=M+D-A C=M+DCorruption equals Monopoly + Discretion Accountability Petty (Retail) Corruption: Corruption in over the counter transactions for govt services; examples - Ration cards, passports, driving licences, registration, khatas, certificates, house building and trade licences, filing of FIRs, Grand (Wholesale) Corruption: Large scale behind the scenes corruption examples Urban land allocation, land use planning, licences for exploiting natural resources, government procurements,

Why tackling retail corruption is important

Widespread retail corruption makes citizens dispirited, All pervasive corruption reduces citizens will to fight back Citizens rationalise corruption, make room for it, even justify it There is immediate spillover effect on bad quality of government services, Inaction reduces government will to reform Bribe paying raises cost of service delivery beyond the affordability of the poor, Much of retail corruption now linked to Wholesale corruption syndicates

What widespread corruption does to officials

The corrupt: The demanders (+ +) The takers (+ + +) The intellectually dishonest (+ + + +) The honest: The honest doer (+ + +) The honest non-doer (+ -) The honest un-doer (- -)

The approach- the initial idea Crowdsourcing of stories on corruption using new media A one stop shop on insights into corruption Provide the market price of corruption


What Ipaidabribe.coms strategy leads to


Analysis for systemic reform

Database of corruption experiences

Instant feedback on quality of services

Redressal of individual Grievances (infrequently)

Responsive action

The approach further evolution Study corruption prone systems, recommend reforms and help in implementation Advise citizens how to avoid bribery (The ten commandments of avoiding corruption) Celebrate honesty and success of system reforms

The picture so far (30-12-2011)

16725 corruption experiences, 820000 hits, I paid a bribe, (86.3%) I didnt pay a bribe, (10.4%) I didnt have to pay a bribe. (3.3%)

Extensive coverage by national and international media, followed by imitations, offers for collaboration, Capturing interest of national and local policy makers, academia Analytical report on Transport Department, Registration department; more departments in pipeline Nuanced advocacy for anti corruption reform, campaign for India to ratify UN Convention against Corruption. Imitations now in at least 2 countries; China & Pakistan

What people ask us most often and what we reply

Why do you insist on no names? We are interested in improving systems. We do not take any responsibility for complaining against or prosecuting anyone How are you so sure that the reports are accurate? We trust people to say the truth. There is no incentive to lie. Nobody gains or loses through anonymous reports What are your next steps? We will work with the government to reduce corruption through systems reform. Peopless suggestions will go to the government

Broad strategy for next two years Increase web presence:

Language websites, SMS and Mobile,

Develop more content:

National FAQs, Blogs & discussions Video reports, serials

Reach out to larger universe of stakeholders:

Conferences, webinars, More engagement with governments, More initiation and participation in ground level campaigns

Some emerging activitiesTackling private sector corruption New page opened for tracking corruption in private sector Content development for mentoring pvt. sector organisations Developing protocol for measuring and POA for reducing and eliminating private sector corruption concept of bribe free company.

Some emerging activitiesEnhancing grassroots level effect Teaming up with India Against Corruption group; Mentoring citizens groups Identifying selected govt office for bribe free campaign; Joint hands in negotiations, and change management.

Regular measurement

System reforms

High Corruption

Stressing ethics and values

Low Corruption

Whistleblower protection

Swift punishment

Where contributes to measuring corruption

Public Expenditure Surveys

Quality of Service Delivery Surveys

Measuring corruption
Citizens Satisfaction Surveys Crowdsourcing of Reports, the way

Thank you!

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