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Contents Editorial
CULTURE Dear readers,
4 Simple Aesthetics
6 Colorful Stages It is commonly known that opposites attract and its precisely
8 Lively Cities this combination - this merging of opposites into something
new that makes the region on the Austrian side of Lake
Bregenz: The Lake City Constance so thrilling.
Dornbirn: The Creative City
Feldkirch: The Medieval City Without the mountains, the backdrop of Lake Constance
wouldnt be half as beautiful. By the same token, the view from
Hohenems: City of Recreation the mountains overlooking the lake is an impressive sight. The
NATURE | MOVEMENT cities of the region Bregenz, Dornbirn, Hohenems and Feld-
10 Enchanting Lakes kirch combine rural idyll with urban flair. Today, Bregenz
Festival with international renown, tomorrow the convivial
12 Enticing Mountains village fair. A little classical here, contemporary installations
CULINARY DELIGHTS and performances there.
14 The Savory Taste of Freshness
Like nowhere else in Austria has the juxtaposition of old and
SERVICE new architecture become a matter of course, even defining the
16 Excursions! Map and destinations landscape. In the cities as well as the towns and villages, it is
precisely the new architecture that brings to light what is close
18 Travel tips: Arrival & Service to peoples hearts in this country: aesthetics, functionality and
carefully considered economy - the houses are also distinguish-
ed in their exemplary low consumption of energy.

Center of force at the heart of Europe, says the futurologist

Matthias Horx. At Lake Constance, a mood of awakening is in
the air - in the economy, in the culture, and in tourism, which
goes hand in hand with the economy and culture.

Do you feel that mood of awakening as well? If you are planning

a trip to Lake Constance, contact our office. Our expert team
will reserve your train and flight tickets, accommodations and
package offers to cultural events, as well as to the Bregenz
Festival or the Feldkirch Festival.

We look forward to welcoming you here!

Publisher: Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourismus
Design and Layout: Redball Marketing Communications I GmbH
Text/Coordination/Research: Ulrike Willam-Kinz Harald Khlmeier
Print: Buchdruckerei Lustenau Managing Director of Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourism Board
Photos: Bodensee-Vorarlberg Archive, Bregenz Festival, Vorarlberg Tourism
Board, Bregenz Tourism Board, Dornbirn Tourism Board, Feldkirch Tourism
Board, eduard hueber/, M. Tretter, B. Klomfar, Laterns Tourism
Office, Bregenz Festival Theatre, D. Walser/Pfnderbahn AG, MO-MA, A.
Engstler, C. Branz, B. Wilfing, Alexander Ess
Translation: Lydia Wazir

As of June 2007 3 ARCHITECTURE

I stand there in front of a house, with nearly nothing built, at first sight it seems
provocative, without formal or individualistic attitude, but with amazing wealth of
spatial and functional qualities. (Otto Kapfinger, architecture critic)

Vorarlberg, and particularly the region between Bregenz and Feldkirch, has developed into

a European center of modern architecture in the last two decades, although building is
otherwise not a pronounced art form in this country. Here architecture is what it achieves:

Wolfurt Cubus
(Lothar Huber/Andreas Cukrowicz/Anton Nachbaur-Sturm)
Bregenz Festival Theater Enlargement
(Helmut Dietrich/Much Untertrifaller)
Detached House Schlins
Kunsthaus Bregenz, Exterior view with caf
(Peter Zumthor)
Rehearsal room in Zwischenwasser
(marte.marte Architekten ZT GmbH)
Ambach Culture Stage, Gtzis
(Hubert Bischoff)
Lochau Parish House
Frick Office Building, Rthis
(Reinhard Drexel)
Hard Town Hall
(FAB 02)
Fuach Fire Brigades
(Gohm and Hiessberger)
Rohner Harbour Building, Fuach
SIE System Industry Electronic, Lustenau
(marte.marte Architekten ZT GmbH)
Public Elementary School and Special Education Centre, Lauterach
(Elmar K. Ludescher)


Adventure is an important part of the spirit of the Bregenz Festivals, Conrad Sohm
The Dornbirn Glory Club for DJ-ing and concerts - a multi-
a recurring ritual of recovery and renewal.
cultural meeting point.
(David Pountney, Director of the Bregenz Festival)
Concerts and cabaret evenings take place in one of the former
The culture scene between Bregenz and Feldkirch is quite a sight to see and hear. There is textile factories in Hard.
much ado on the large and small stages, as well as in the exhibition houses. The varied
attractions range from dance to operas, from the traditional to the contemporary, from the Vorarlberg State Theater
Its seat is in Bregenz but it tours with its performances all across
humorous to the experimental. the country.

Theatre Kosmos
The platform for contemporary theater presents premieres and
German-language performances.
Bregenz Spring Festival
Cultural Stage Ambach
Modern ballet and modern dance are the focus of the Bregenz Spring
The architecturally interesting and varied event center in Gtzis.
Festival (April/May), which has developed into the largest dance festi-
On the program: Concerts, theater, readings, fashion shows or balls.
val far and wide.
Altes Kino (Old Cinema)
Feldkirch Festival
The culture stage in Rankweil. Specialized in small art and cabaret,
The young Feldkirch Festival (June) combines old and new music and
open-air cinema and concerts.
enriches the medieval city Feldkirch with unusual impulses.
City of Festivals Feldkirch
Bregenz Festival
The city really knows how to celebrate. The medieval Monfort
Since 1946 the region has been transformed summer after summer
Market in May, the Festival of Street Artists and the Wine Festival
(July/August) into an international culture metropolis. The spectacular
in July, idyllic markets and concerts during Advent, boisterous
opera productions on the largest lake-stage of the world are naturally
processions in the carnival season.
and tastefully appealing. The program surprises with rare opera pieces,
classical and Boulevardian theatre, and contemporary art.
The Art Gallery Bregenz, the glass house at Lake Constance, pre-
Tip: All summer, guided tours take place on the lake-stage and in the
sents contemporary art. Inspiring and from time to time provocat-
Festival Theater.
ive. Magazin 4 and the palace Thurn & Taxis in Bregenz, the private
collection Art in the Rohnerhaus in Lauterach, the Kunstraum
Dornbirn as well as numerous galleries feature visual arts.
After a break of 15 years, the Schubertiade features concerts in
Hohenems in addition to the usual dates in the Bregenzerwald.
Jewish Museum Hohenems
From October to May. The venue is the renovated Markus Sittikus
The museum in the Villa Rosenthal sheds light on the 300-year
House at the palace square.
history of the Jewish community of Hohenems.
Dornbirn fair
The music and cabaret festival (July) in the Bregenz theater tent
On the extensive fairground with its modern halls, public and trade
Freudenhaus (House of Joy).
fairs as well as concerts and conferences take place.
The Dornbirn culture stage: center of young and cheerful art, dance,
Advent markets enchant the cities and villages with pre-Christmas
song, humor, music and theater.
spirit and cheer.


Lively Cities
The quality of life is high: in the villages and cities, at the banks of Lake
Constance, in the plains of the Rhine Valley and on the sun terraces. The
regional centers are Bregenz, Dornbirn, Hohenems and Feldkirch - friendly
small towns with 14,000 to 44,000 inhabitants.

Bregenz Feldkirch
the Lake City the Medieval City
The lake looks like the sea when you look at it from the waterside promenade In Feldkirch visitors can stroll along lanes paved with cobblestone, under
in Bregenz. The cruises on Lake Constance to the Zeppelin Museum shaded arbor alleys, past centuries-old buildings such as the St. Nikolaus
Friedrichshafen and the Flower Island Mainau start off from the harbor. The Cathedral or the round Katzenturm. As the literati James Joyce and Sir
city center of this festival town is easily negotiable. Leutbhel, a large square, Arthur Conan Doyle once did while attending school at the famous Feldkirch
is located at the heart of a pedestrian zone lined with many shops. The Jesuit College Stella Matutina. The Feldkirch landmark, the Schattenburg
numerous restaurants, cafs and bars and the casino at the lake are popular Castle, once seat of the counts of Montfort and the Habsburg bailiff, stands
meeting points. A few meters away from the lively center you will find the majestically on a hill overlooking the city. Feldkirch is known for its festivals,
tranquil Old Town of Bregenz, also known as the upper town. Here the remains for the active culinary trade scene and for the lively cultural attractions.
of what was once the citys walls can still be seen, as well as the towns Summer highlights include the Feldkirch Festival which combines classical
landmark: the Martins tower. The Kunsthaus Bregenz, distinguished through music with world music - and Poolbar, a 6-week long festival featuring pop
multiple international architecture awards, houses exciting exhibitions of music. The idyllic winter enchants with the Blosengel Market, Advent
contemporary artists all year round. A cable car will take you up 1064 meters concerts and colorful carnival processions.
in just a few minutes to the lookout mountain Pfnder.

Dornbirn Hohenems
the Creative City City of Recreation
Textiles, design and creativity have always played a central role in Dornbirn. The Renaissance palace is located in full splendor in the city center; it was
The textile barons once set important trends. Today Dornbirn is the largest built in the 16th Century by the Italian architect Martino Longo and was once
city in Vorarlberg. Vibrant and dynamic, with an active cultural scene and seat of the counts of Ems. In the year 1755 the original script C of the Nibe-
museums well worth a visit, such as the interactive nature museum inatura lungen Lied was discovered here. Today the palace hosts numerous concerts
and the worldwide largest Rolls Royce Museum. and events. The Jewish Museum details the more than 300-year history of
With some 300 well-assorted shops, Dornbirn is considered THE shopping city the Jewish community, and regularly features special exhibitions. At the
in Vorarlberg. The old and new side by side fascinates: numerous construc- end of April/beginning of May Hohenems hosts the Homunculus Festival,
tions of modern architecture in Vorarlberg harmonize with the overall appear- a festival for puppets, story telling and poetry. After a break of 15 years, the
ance of the city, which is defined by gardens and parks. The new Home of Schubertiade returned to Hohenems, featuring concerts in the renovated
Balance is a center for fitness, wellness and lifestyle medicine at the Four "Markus Sittikus" hall (October until May).
Points by Sheraton Hotel: 11 stories high, and at the very top a restaurant
and lookout terrace.


Lake Excursions

Enchanting The Austrian banks of Lake Constance are 27 km long. Publicly

accessible all the way and with neatly located natural bathing
areas, waterside promenades similar to parks, beaches and small

Lake ports.
How about a cruise on a ship? From April to October the white
ships start off from Bregenz to the flower island Mainau, and to the
Zeppelin Museum at Friedrichshafen.
It should be stylish and elegant? Then we recommend a journey
with the Hohentwiel. This paddle steamer was launched in 1913.
The landscapes are full of flair. Day after day, hour after hour, Lake Constance stages a
For many years it was part of the Lake Constance fleet, until it was
new sight. Sleepy gentle one day, vibrant and effervescent the next. The lake rewards retired in 1964 and almost scrapped. Today the affectionately
lovers of colorful sunsets many times over all year round. restored Hohentwiel takes passengers on excursions, and gourmet
and festival cruises on the lake from May to October. The ship is
easily recognizable by its elegant form and the distinctive tone of
its horn.

Nature Preserve Area Rhine Delta

The Rhine flows into Lake Constance in an extensive delta.
Between Hard, Fuach, Hchst and Gaiau. This important protect-
ed area is 2,000 hectars large, with meadowed woods, marshes
and litter meadows, reed areas and extensive sand beaches. Over
330 rare bird species live here. Hiking and cycling tracks lead
along the Rhine delta. The team of the Rhine Delta House at the
Rhine dam near Fuach offers information and expert guidance.

Cycle Away!
On average, statistically speaking, every Vorarlberg native cycles
235 km per year by bike. That is a record for Austria and speaks
for the good infrastructure. Vorarlberg has an optimal cycling trail
network. And cycling in this country is just pure and simple fun.
The distances at the lake and in the Rhine Valley are pleasantly
even and lead along landscapes, which one could not explore by car
in the same way: directly along the lakeshore and the Rhine dam,
through the nature preserve area of the Rhine delta, through the
primitive reed landscapes in the Rhine Valley. Those in search of
more challenge, simply cycle up one of the mountains.


Enjoy spectacular views from the nearby summits overlooking Lake Constance in the Alps Wonderful Mountains for Walking
of Switzerland and Austria. And those who want to can soar to great heights with the Even courageous mountaineers will find plenty of challenging spots
here for instance the bizarre lions teeth, which rise up into the
cable car. Or hike. Or ski in winter down the slopes of the family-friendly ski regions. sky near Hohenems. The climbing towers offer routes up to the
degree of difficulty 10.
Most people prefer gentler mountain adventures, however. And
there is an abundance of those. Particularly comfortable are the
cable cars that take you to the summits. The Bregenz Pfnder rail-
way takes you up 1,064 m in 6 minutes to the lookout and hiking
mountain Pfnder. Directly at the mountain station are the alpine
game park, the bird of prey station, the restaurant and a children's
The destination of the Karren funicular in Dornbirn is the 900 m
high, rocky Karren. Here numerous hiking trails have their starting
point, for example the trail to the wild Rappenloch gorge.
Those who would like to enjoy a fortifying meal beforehand can do
so at the glass panorama restaurant, which rises above the rocks
at the mountain station. The view from here is particularly delight-
ful in the evening, when the lights are turned on everywhere in the

Wintry Delights
They are already treated as insiders tips here again. The family-
friendly skiing areas, where the inhabitants of the region had their
first skiing experiences and today are teaching their children how
to ski. Close by and uncomplicated.
The Pfnder near Bregenz, where one skis down the slopes with a
view of Lake Constance, the guaranteed snow of Bdele near Dorn-
birn, the small village Buch at the entrance to the Bregenzerwald,
and Schuttannen near Hohenems.
Or Laterns Gapfohl: with 9 lifts and 13 downhill runs of all degrees
of difficulty, it is the largest skiing area in the region. The slopes
are extensive and the lifts state-of-the-art. For snowboarders there
is a Halfpipe and a Funpark. The kids are cared for free of charge in
the Kinderland (childrens area) at the mountain station. The selec-
tion of lodgings ranges from the well-kept guesthouses to the cozy
holiday apartments.
That is why ever more skiers appreciate the Rhine Valley as resi-
dence in winter. First of all, rooms are more easily found here than
in the ski centers. Secondly, the large skiing areas - at the Arlberg
or the Montafon can be easily reached within a short time with
ski railways and ski buses.

Those who prefer other winter activities can glide on cross-country

skis through the magical landscapes - on the sun terraces or in the
Rhine Valley race on toboggans down to the valley, test their
skills at ice skating, or enjoy the soft wintry colors on a walk along
Lake Constance.


Crisp & Spicy

The Savory Taste Even if the Alemanns are popularly portrayed as serious and indus-
trious, one really knows how to enjoy oneself in this country. As
reward for all the work and because it is simply the way of life. The

of Freshness numerous toque-awarded restaurants are more than above average

there are 14 in the region. Fine and native cuisine is served by the
cooks in the numerous cozy inns. There are also experts in interna-
tional specialties, especially in the cities. Those who would like to
get an overview of the regional offer had best saunter through one
of the farmer markets and be guided by the different smells.
The climate is friendly, the soil is fertile. In the gardens of the Rhine Valley and all around
Lake Constance fruit and vegetables prosper. In the clear lake water fish bustle about and Fresh Fish
the farmers of the region know their trade of transforming milk into delicious cheese. The typical Lake Constance fish include Felchen and Egli, as the
perch is called here. Brown trout or salmon trout, grayling, pike,
carps, tench, pike-perch and burbot are also found in Lake
Constance. The municipalities in the Rhine delta (Hard, Fuach,
Hchst, Gaiau) are the fishery centers. There are also some
popular fish restaurants there.

Spicy Cheese
Cheese is probably the most well-known product of Vorarlberg.
The pallet ranges from mild cream cheese to creamy Camemberts
to mountain cheese, which is a basic ingredient in the typical
Kaesspaetzle (cheese dumplings).
This theme can be experienced extra ordinarily well on the Kse-
wanderweg (the cheese hiking trail) in Eichenberg offering lodge-
like stations with service staff, viewing opportunities and small
farmyard shops whose operators sell their own farm products.

Fine Spirits
Two unusual spirits are typical for the Vorarlberg Rhine Valley. The
Subirer, which is distilled from the inconspicuous Saubirne (a kind
of pear). This pear grows here and nowhere else particularly in
and around Lustenau, the center of schnapps distilleries. On the
sunny plains above the Rhine Valley, in Fraxern, plump cherries
grow on approximately 2,200 trees, which are processed in autumn
into the Fraxner Kriase. Kriase is the Alemann dialect word for
cherry and is derived from the French cerise. The experts from
the Rhine Valley play an important role in the top league of
Austrian liquor distilleries, which is impressively confirmed by
the repeated awards at international tastings.

Palatable Wine
Wine has prospered for centuries on the sunny plateaus near Lake
Constance and in the Rhine Valley. The cultivated areas shrank in
the course of the years: on the one hand, for a long time the wines
were only reaching average quality, on the other hand numerous
vineyards were transformed into building grounds.
For some years, the viticulture between Bregenz and Feldkirch has
been experiencing a renaissance, albeit to a modest extent. The
entire cultivated area lies at present at approximately 20 hectares.
Centers of the cultivation of wine are Feldkirch (Ardetzenberg), the
area around Rthis and the city Bregenz. Here the largest and sev-
eral times distinguished winegrower of the region, Sepp Mth, culti-
vates on approximately 4.5 hectares Grnen Veltliner, Welschries-
ling, Chardonnay, Zweigelt, Blauen Portugieser and Schiraz. One
can try this noble wine at his wine tavern, which is open from April
1 to September 30, and in the upscale culinary sector.

A big bonus: The Lake Constance Adventure Card

If you are planning several excursions in the Lake Constance area, you will profit from a Lake

Excursions! Constance Adventure Card. It is valid for over 170 swimming pools, museums and cable cars in
Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the Principality of Liechtenstein. From April to October.

The Lake Constance Adventure Card is offered in 3 different categories: The "Savings Ticket",
"Sea Bear Ticket" and "Landlubber Ticket" can be bought from 39 Euro for 3, 7 or 14 days.

The location is most favorable: the four-country cor-

ner, where Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the
Principality of Liechtenstein intersect. In the course of
centuries around the international Lake Constance, a
common cultural area has developed where state bor-
ders exist in theory but hardly play a role in practice.
Everything is so close! In the periphery of a 1 to 2 hour (waterfalls)
drive lie some of the most outstanding places and Reichenau
Airport Mnchen
sights of Central Europe. The public transportation Konstanz Friedrichshafen approx 200 Km
network is almost as developed as a large citys and
Lindau Schloss Neuschwanstein
some destinations are even accessible by ship. Which (castle)
we highly recommend, by the way: An excursion by Bregenz

ship on Lake Constance.

St. Gallen
Dornbirn Bregenzerwald
Hochtann- Innsbruck
Liechtenstein Lech/Zrs

Einsiedeln Arlbergpass
St. Anton Austria

Switzerland Silvretta

Chur Wolfgangpass


Via Mala

St. Moritz

Airport Milano approx 316 Km


How to get there?

Arrival Traveling at the change of seasons

from the North Spring

via Stuttgart Singen Meersburg Lindau
The enormous surface area of Lake Constance acts like a storage of
via Ulm Memmingen Lindau
via Augsburg or Munich Kempten Lindau or temperature values. Starting in April the orchards bloom in the Rhine
via Munich Memmingen Lindau Valley, somewhat later, in May, the cherry trees in the cherry village
Fraxern. The ships of the Lake Constance fleet lift their anchors start-
from the West ing in March with a reduced timetable, and their peak season begins in
via Zurich St. Gallen St. Margrethen
May. The largest festival is the Bregenz Spring (April/May) with per-
via Zurich Walensee Sargans
formances of international dance ensembles.
from the South
via Como (I/CH) San Bernardino Thusis Chur
via Reschenpass (I/A) Landeck or Brenner freeway (I/A) Innsbruck Landeck Arlberg-Tunnel or Pass Summer
At the height of summer the water temperature in Lake Constance
from the East
rises up to 26 degrees. Life is transferred to the outdoors, like in the
via Innsbruck Landeck Arlberg-Tunnel or Pass
South. One meets at the swimming pools, on the cycling tracks, at the
by plane waterside promenades, in the outdoor cafes, or at the large festivals:
The closest airports are Zurich (CH), Altenrhein (CH, scheduled flights with AUA from and to Vienna), the Feldkirch Festival (June), the Bregenz Festival (July/August), or at
Friedrichshafen (D, international flights with Intersky and ryanair) and Munich (D). one of the numerous town fairs.

One-Stop Service
Information and Reservation Center: The Bodensee Vorarlberg Tourism Board team provides you with This is the time of captivatingly clear days and views to distant hori-
competent advice and organizes your journey completely tailored to your needs. Just give us a call or send zons. Mountain tours and rides are now particularly rewarding. The
an email. We will reserve for you without any reservation or service fees. harvest time presents its crops at the markets and in the restaurants.
At the beginning of October the 3-country marathon takes place, the
Plane tickets
Accommodation of your choice: from upper class hotels to private rooms largest running event in the Lake Constance area. The ships of the
We also offer a series of package deals to cultural events such as the Bregenz Festival Lake Constance fleet operate until mid October.

Digital Brochure Service: Our local and regional brochures inform you about all facts and sights worth
knowing and seeing. You can indicate whether you would prefer to receive the brochures via the post or
would like to view them on the Internet and then print them yourself. On the Bodensee Vorarlberg Internet
pages you will find all the brochures in digital form. Advent markets cast a spell on the cities. The Alemannic carnival is
multicolored and boisterous, until it culminates in the traditional bon-
fire on the Saturday and Sunday after Carnival Sunday. Skiing is now
on everyones mind, whether in the small skiing areas of the region
for example in the Laternsertal or in the closeby areas at Arlberg
and in Montafon.

Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourism Board

P.O. Box 16, 6901 Bregenz, Austria
T +43 (0) 5574 / 43 443-0, F +43 (0) 5574 / 43 443-4
The Information and Reservation Center is open
Mondays Saturdays from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.

Bodensee-Vorarlberg Tourism Board
P.O. Box 16, 6901 Bregenz, Austria
Hotline Mo - Sa from 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
T +43 (0) 5574 / 43 443-0, F Ext-4

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