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GCN Cornwall Meeting 11th October 2010 Held at Vertigo, Truro

1. 2. 3. 4. Welcome Current Cornwall clubs Club reports Cornwall gaming expo 5. Other southwest events for 2011 6. 2010 Games Day report 7. Date of next meeting 8. A.O.B

Neil sharp- GCN Rep/WCGC Chris Ealy- Tags Vini Gardner- Mid Cornwall Gaming Danny Ohara & David Niblock- CMWA

Kurt Baker- Dice and Dagger Ian Henderson- Beasts and Bionics

1. 2. Neil welcomed everyone to the meeting. Neil ran through the current state of clubs in Cornwall: WCGC- full member club Dice and Dagger- full member club Beast and Bionics- full member club TAGS- stage one approved- need CRB forms Mid Cornwall gaming- stage one approved, CRBs submitted. CMWA- Awaiting their AGM (Dec) to ratify joining the GCN.

Club reports: Clubs continue to play various systems, ranging from 40k to ACW. There was a general feeling that we should maybe focus on one game system for say 3 months, and then any clubs who play that can visit other clubs to showcase that game. We loosely agreed that Warmachine/Hordes would be the first game. All clubs are planning their events schedule for next year, and most will be at the main southwest shows. Cornwall Gaming expo: Neil has spoken to Kingsley village about using their venue, and they seem very happy to accommodate us. Neil has provisionally booked 15th October 2011. He is awaiting a reply to an email to the manager, so that he can go and visit the venue.



Other southwest events: It was agreed that clubs would be attending PAW, Legionary, and The southwest model expo. All of these events will involve the clubs running either demo or participation games. Neil has agreed to transport boards and terrain to any events he is attending, which will allow others full use of cars to transport people. 2010 Games day report: Games day was well attended again, and the day was very enjoyable. The event focussed more on quality over quantity as in previous years, and it was felt this worked well. Neil attended to help Forgeworld and had a great day playing 40k scale Aeronautica Imperialis. A special notice has to go to young Saffy from WCGC, who has only just been painting for a year as she was short listed in the Golden Daemon young bloods, with her saint Celestine figure. Huge congratulations to her. Date of next meeting: Monday 10th January 2011 AOB: whose round is it? It was agreed that meeting in a bar is a good idea. Meeting closed




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