Childhood Episode 1

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by Seth Kazzim

My Childhood

Characters: Main 1. Seth 2. David 3. Javan 4. Lois 5. Noah Supporting 1. Auntie Dawn 2. Auntie Stella 3. Auntie Olga 4. Uncle Phil Background 1. Lukey


My Childhood

FADE IN: SCENE 1. EXT. LOCATION #1 DAY 1 [10:00] A busy metropolitan area, buses wiz by, people are shopping and on mobile phones. (City Noises) The number 262 bus pulls up, like an old steam train, the buses hydraulics releases some gases and the bus sinks to curb level. The doors swing open and people bustle into the stuffy bus. The characters Seth, Lois and Dawn board the bus. Some school children (late primary, early secondary) slam their oyster cards onto the reader and rush up the stairs (Loud Laughter). They push past an old lady; she swings her handbag at them. CUT TO: The characters David, Noah and Olga leave their house and then get into Olgas olive green Saab. The olive green Saab is seen driving down the A406. The olive green Saab is seen driving into the cul-de-sac, it parks opposite Javans house. CUT TO: The characters Seth, Lois and Dawn exit the bus. They walk through a park. They walk up the driveway to Javans house and ring the bell.

SCENE 2. INT. LOCATION #2 DAY 1 [11:00]


My Childhood

CHARACTER #Seth Javan!!! (Pause) David!!! (Arms extended)

CHARACTER #Javan (Turns to look at Seth from PC (Same time as David)) Heeeey Seth, how u doin?

CHARACTER #David (Turns to look at Seth from PC (Same time as Javan)) Come here man! (Grabs Seth roughly)

CHARACTER #Seth Im good, Im good (Muffled, face in Davids armpit)

CHARACTER #Lois (Walks past Seth in smelly headlock) Hi Noah.

CHARACTER #Noah (Nonchalantly/Laid back) Heeey Lois.



My Childhood

What are you guys playing?

CHARACTER #Javan Prince of Persia, were on the last level. *Prince of Persia MS-DOS OST* (Javans hands move towards the keyboard, but dont make it)

CHARACTER #Stella Boys, computer off please, thank you!!!

CHARACTER #Javan (Groans (same time as David))

CHARACTER #David (Groans (same time as Javan))

The characters Seth, Javan and David join Lois and Noah on the sofa. They sit silently. Lois and Noah exchange knowing glances, they nod and slowly rise from their seats. Unsuspectingly they rush at Javan. Javan reacts before they get to him.

CHARACTER #Lois Donkey!!!!! (Rushes at Javan)



My Childhood

Donkey!!!!! (Rushes at Javan)

CHARACTER #Javan (Yelps) Bring it on! (Assumes a on all fours stance in the middle of the carpet)

The characters Seth and David join Lois and Noah in attacking/circling Javan. Javan is baying like a trapped wild-beast, tossing his head from side-to-side. *A rolling Jungle drum beat starts* The standoff doesnt last long, Lois and Noah make the first move and they rush at Javan simultaneously but are knocked back by powerful blows/pushes. Now David and Seth attack, with the same results. Seth flops back onto the sofa and David into a pile of clean, freshly washed clothes, scattering them across the floor. Several waves are repelled by Javan; he starts to show signs of tiring. The attackers smell blood, for the first time they all rush at once! Once more, they are pushed back, but Javan falters and Noah remains atop his back, hanging on for dear life. Noah is laughing manically! David dives in to support his brother and Lois to help her friend. Seth is seen sneaking behind Javan, just in shot. With Noah on his back and David and Lois on each arm, Javan is fully occupied.


My Childhood

Seizing this opportunity, Seth attacks from the rear, narrowly dodging a scything kick from Javan and jumps on top of Noah, adding further weight to Javans back. CUT TO: Stella, Olga and Dawn are enjoying a nice cup of tea with some biscuits. In the background, loud animalistic grunts are heard but they ignore them. The radio is playing the Archers theme song. CUT TO: The loud grunts continue as Javans energy is being sapped, David and Lois have pinned his shoulders and arms to the ground. Noah and Seth keep the rest of him from moving. Javan is still. Like a tsunami after the quiet of the retreating tide, Javan violently erupts like a once dormant volcano! Seth, Lois, David and Noah go flying in all directions, arms and legs in the arms. Javan is roaring like an angry lion. CUT TO: Stella, smiles, points to the door and walks out of the kitchen. CUT TO: (POV) Javan is on floor. Stella is towering above, with a face like thunder. Just on the edge of shot, the garden door opens and Phil half enters then quickly retreats, gently closing the door. David is spread out on the floor panting. Noah is upside down, head buried in the pile of clean, freshly washed clothes. Lois head is peeking out from behind the curtains, her face is flushed red. Seth is hiding in the corner with a Horrible Histories comic/book covering his face, he is trying to stay inconspicuous. Javan sneaks a look at David, David replies with a worried grimace.


My Childhood

CHARACTER #Stella What (pause) is this?!

CHARACTER #Javan Well Ahhh.

CHARACTER #Stella Boys, put my clean clothes in the basket and go to the park!

SCENE 3. EXT. LOCATION #2 DAY 1 [11:20] The five walk out the house. Javan, David and Seth are arm over arm, swinging their legs in unison. (Sings) We are the three amigos, And amigos forever well be We are the amigos And many adventures well see

SCENE 4. EXT. LOCATION #3 DAY 1 [11:30] Javan, David, Seth, Lois and Noah are walking through the park. The park has a wide path, with thin patches of forest on both sides. The park is empty.


My Childhood

CHARACTER #Javan Lets go through here! (Points toward a path leading into the forest)

CHARACTER #Noah Wooooo!!!! (Rushes past Javan)

CHARACTER #Lois HaHaHaHa!!!!! (Chases after Noah)

Javan, David, Seth, Lois and Noah are slowly walking through the thin forest in a staggered line formation. They pick their way through as if looking for something, they are searching for junk. Noah trips over; he flies forward and lands out of sight as if he has fallen into a (hidden) pit. The others rush over to help him up. David and Seth grab each of Noahs arms and haul him up. Javan and Lois kick at the ground where Noah tripped, revealing the corner of a buried sink. Noah dusts off his knees and gives the sink a kick.

CHARACTER #Noah What is that? (Bends and squints at sink)



My Childhood

Hey Noah, heres a tip: look where youre stepping! (Slaps Noah around the back of the head)

CHARACTER #Javan Lets get this thing up (Rubs his hands)

CHARACTER #David (Look at Seth, nods, bends down to grab sink)

CHARACTER #Seth Yeah, lets do this! (Look at David, nods, bends down to grab sink)

The sink is unearthed; Seth and David are carrying it. They are struggling under the weight. Javan directs the way. Lois and Noah follow behind Seth and David.

CHARACTER #Seth This aint half heavy!

CHARACTER #David HeHaHe! (Leans forward and starts to run)


~ 10 ~

My Childhood

This way, I found a new place, we can hide stuff there. (Points ahead of himself)

CHARACTER #Seth Ahhh! (David is forcing Seth to faster)

CHARACTER #Javan Hold on! Youre going the wrong way! (Points in the opposite direction)

SCENE 5. EXT. LOCATION #3 DAY 1 [12:00]

The Five walk out of the forest, over the path and into the opposite side of the forest. They walk toward a part of the forest, adjacent to some houses.

CUT TO: Javan pushes through some bushes, they swing back into Seths face. David guffaws loudly. CUT TO: Javan proudly shows his newly found storage hide. He smiles broadly, arms outstretched. It is piled high with bits of scrap wood, metal, plastic and stuff that has been dumped locally. Seth and David drop the sink, it falls on Davids feet and he exclaims loudly.

~ 11 ~

My Childhood

CHARACTER #Javan What do you guys think?

CHARACTER #Noah This is amazing, how did you find this?

CHARACTER #Lois Was it when you were looking for some tasty organic grubs to eat Javan? (Tongue-in-cheek)

CHARACTER #Javan Get out of it! (Pulls a face and tries to swat Lois but she dodges)

CHARACTER #David Whats this? (Pointing to a wheel sticking out of a pile of wood fencing)

CHARACTER #Javan That is a fully working trolley, took me months of planning to smuggle it out. We can use it to transport heavy stuff.

CHARACTER #Seth Now he tells me! (Pause)

~ 12 ~

My Childhood

You know, I bet I could use that trolley and some of this stuff to make a go-kart van. Say Javan, do you still have that go-cart at your house?

CHARACTER #Javan Yeah, why? (Looks suspiciously at Seth)

CHARACTER #Lois Here we go. Mr Professor!

CHARACTER #Seth (Fixes glasses back up his nose) Well, Ive been doing research into gears lately and I could use them, well apply the science of them to this trolley to increase the capaCI capacity!

CHARACTER #David Well quit your jibber-jabber and lets do this!

CUT TO: The five walk out of the forest and onto the pathway back toward Javans house.

SCENE 6. EXT. LOCATION #3 DAY 1 [12:15] CUT TO: The five walk into Javans house and straight into the waiting arms of Olga.


~ 13 ~

My Childhood

Right children, get your books please.

CHARACTER #Stella Javan, clear the table please!

Javan begrudgingly shuffles over to the table, throwing his coat onto the banister as he walks past. He looks at the table piled high with clothes, bulging folders and other items. David launches himself onto the bench against the wall on the left hand side of the table. He starts to drum a beat with his hands on the table. Seth settles himself in a pile of cushions on the right hand side. He is tapping a tune on the table, with his fingers. Lois and Noah go underneath the table and pop out on the far side. They are sitting beneath the bookshelves. On the bookshelves are Video Game cases and board game boxes. They are swaying in time to Seth and Davids tapping.

CHARACTER #Javan (Slides in (socks on lino)) *1:25* Ill send a SOS to the world! (Lois and Noah join in as backing) Message in a bottle yeaaahhh!

CHARACTER #Noah Message in a bottle!

CHARACTER #Lois Message in a bottle!

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My Childhood

Seth and David are really getting into the rhythm, bopping their heads in time with the beat. Lois and Noah are now standing on their chairs and waving their hands and swaying.

CHARACTER #Javan (Starts dancing like Carlton) Sending out an SOS!

CHARACTER #Lukey (Pops his head round the corner & raises his eyebrows)

CHARACTER #Javan Sending out an SOS!

CHARACTER #Noah (Air guitar solo power slide across table) SOS!

CHARACTER #Lois Sending out an SOS!

CUT TO: Stella, Olga and Dawn are in the kitchen talking about home education. The things they are saying are ironic when compared to what is happening in the other room.

~ 15 ~

My Childhood

CHARACTER #Stella Im worried about Javan; I really want him to come out of his shell.

CHARACTER #Olga Im trying to encourage Noah to talk and not feel selfconscious.

CHARACTER #Dawn Yeah, same with Lois, she would rather sit in the corner than join in with the boys.

CHARACTER #Olga Ill just go check on them.


All 5 are sitting quietly around the table. All you can see is their heads buried in some books. Olgas head pops round the door frame She smiles and her head disappears back around the door. The camera pans down to reveal Javan holding a deck of Flash Cards. He bends down and picks up a box of Lego.

CHARACTER #Javan Right, White a pound, Reds a Fiver and Blue is ten pounds. (Deals out an equal amount of blocks)

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My Childhood

CHARACTER #Lois Limit?

CHARACTER #Seth Same as always, minimum 5, max 30.

CHARACTER #Noah Come on J, deal!

CHARACTER #David Patience (Stretches out a calming hand)

CHARACTER #Javan (Dealing Cards) No Aces, all royals are equal and sequences are allowed.

CHARACTER #Lois What! What kind of game is this!

CHARACTER #Seth Keep ur voice down (!) Please.

CHARACTER #Javan Thats the game, now if you have an issue with it Id prefer you take it up with your respective mother I didnt think so.

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My Childhood

CHARACTER #David Shall I open the pot them?

CHARACTER #Javan Might as well.

The five continue to play

CHARACTER #Seth Javan, what did your mom say to do earlier? (Tries to hide a smile and suppress a laugh)

CHARACTER #Javan Um, fold th (Points at laundry)

CHARACTER #David Ha-ha, Javans folded, hes out!

CHARACTER #Javan No, No, No! (Laughs and waves his hands around)


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My Childhood

Aw, allow Javans brain, he cant help it.


CHARACTER #Javan Thank you. (Smiles, Closes eyes and nods head) (Snap head to look at Noah, pulls a face)


All five are laughing and giving each other high-fives. Lukey walks past carrying a bowl of cereal. Olga and Dawn appear at the door.


CHARACTER #Olga Time to go guys!

CHARACTER #Dawn Put your shoes on please!

Roll (overlay) Credits & Cue Music

Stella joins the group in the hallway.

~ 19 ~

My Childhood

The group talk loudly to each other. All the onscreen characters slowly file out of the front door, the last of the credits is timed with Stella closing the door behind her and she is the last to leave. Lukey can be seen starting up Odes World on the PC.


~ 20 ~

My Childhood

CHARACTER #Old Seaman Have you never heard of the famous Reuben Shark! A long time ago, a great white swam up the Thames, there was a young boy who was swimming, the shark, smelling blood, tried to eat him. But the boy was very clever and hit the shark on the nose! The shark swam away in a grumpy mood, from then on, the shark tried to eat any swimmer in the Thames. Many people call him the Reuben Shark, if you fall in the water, dont make any splashes or he will hear you! Javan, get back to work!!!

CHARACTER #Javan (Swabs deck with dirty mop.) *Yo ho, Yo ho, a pirates life for me*

It is now midnight and Javan is still swabbing the deck. He is slightly upset as everyone-else has gone below to their bunks/berths. He is venting his frustration by angrily using the mop to hit the deck with a more then necessary force. The mop gets stuck in a rut, in Javans over-eagerness, he pulls the mop stick from the still stuck mop head, causing him to fly over the rails. He splashes around in the water. CHARACTER #Javan Help! Man over-board!

CHARACTER #Old Seaman Pipe down or youll have the shark down on us!!!

CHARACTER #Reuben Shark (Shark attack) *Jaws*

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My Childhood

(Dorsal Fin breaks the surface)

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