Table For Two Feature 2nd Draft 338

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TABLE FOR TWO by Warren Paul Glover

Warren Paul Glover, 2011 Registered with the Australian Writers Guild No: JB007938

6 Moncur Street Woollahra NSW 2025 Australia +61 411 782 888

INT. FIONAS HOUSE - KITCHEN DAY A spacious, bright designer kitchen. All mod cons. Rain spatters the windows, drowning out The MUFFLED SCREAMS of PETER (mid-50s, slim, thinning hair, nothing special). Peter lies face-down on the large wooden kitchen table. Hes naked, gagged and his wrists and ankles are handcuffed. The handcuffs are covered in faux pink fur. PETER Adie! Ag! Aga! A perspiring FIONA (40s, a voluptuous Venus, volcanic in intensity) whips Peters back and buttocks with leather tassles. She wears a black basque, stockings and suspenders. Peters face turns red then purple as he tries not to choke on the gag. A clockwork egg-timer TRILLS an alarm. Peters head THUMPS the table in relief. Fionas ample chest heaves and she GASPS for breath as she turns off the alarm and sets down Peters instrument of torture. She wipes her brow. FIONA My! Doesnt time fly when youre having fun? PETER Adie! Ag! Aga. Fiona rolls her eyes as she approaches Peter. FIONA Ok, ok! Keep your hair on. Im coming. She unties the gag from around Peters mouth and bends forward to kiss him on the back of the head. PETER (breathless) At last! Whats the fucking point of having a safe word if you cant fucking hear me say it? Fiona recoils, shocked and cross.

FIONA Language darling! Werent you enjoying it? I know I was. (beat) What is our safe word anyway? Ive forgotten. PETER (irritated) Lady Gaga. FIONA But thats two words! How am I supposed to understand when to stop when the safe word is actually two words? PETER Couldnt you see the pain I was in? Fiona narrows her eyes at such a stupid question. FIONA Theres a fine line between pleasure and pain, Peter. You should know that by now. But ok, I see your point. Next time I wont tie the gag so tight. Peter stares at Fiona in fear. PETER Next time? Therell be no bloody gags next time. Blindfolds, maybe. And were keeping it in the bedroom next time. Do you know how bloody uncomfortable it is on here? Come on, take these things off. Peter shakes his arms and legs to indicate the handcuffs. PETER (CONTD) Be quick. Ive got to get back to work. Not that Ill be able to sit down much. I hope you havent left any marks? Fiona glances guiltily at the red welts on Peters back and buttocks. She bites her lip. FIONA Mmmm... She shakes her head.

3 EXT. LONDON STREET DAY (LATER) Peter, dressed in a gray, several seasons-old suit of accountant-type anonymity, crosses the road and heads for the entrance of an office building. He pauses at the door, twitching his back and wincing as if in discomfort. He composes himself and goes in.

INT. OPEN PLAN OFFICE DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Peter scuttles past several drab desks staffed with hardworking COLLEAGUES. As he reaches his office GERALDINE (40s, a smart, overlyglamorous secretary) appears at his shoulder. GERALDINE Your wife called. Peter jumps at Geraldines voice. He turns around to find her standing extremely close, invading his personal space. Peter offers a nervous smile of thanks as he breathes in Geraldines recently-applied perfume. He stifles a COUGH. Geraldines eyes linger on Peters, a smile playing on her lips. Peter looks away as he pushes open his office door. GERALDINE (CONTD) Twice. Peter stops, turning back to acknowledge Geraldines comment. PETER Thanks. He goes inside and closes the door. Geraldine gives a slight shrug of her shoulders as she emits a dreamy SIGH, and walks away.

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Peter winces as he eases off his jacket. He sits down, and immediately jumps up again.

4 PETER Ouch! He touches his bottom with one hand, wincing. PETER (CONTD) Why do I let her do this to me? He gently parks himself on the edge of his chair and looks at the telephone on his desk. He lets out a deep SIGH. PETER (CONTD) And how am I going to hide it from Carol? (beat) Youre such an idiot. Peter rubs his hand over his mouth then reaches for the telephone. He dials a number he knows off by heart.

INT. PETERS HOUSE BEDROOM DAY A typical urban middle class bedroom, decked out in rural escapist country-style floral prints and rustic wooden furniture. CAROL (late 40s, a mousey non-descript, plain-Jane housewife) SHRIEKS along to the cranked-up RADIO as she vacuums. The telephone on the nightstand RINGS. Carol, in the cleaning zone, doesnt hear it.

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Peter listens patiently to the RINGING TONE of his telephone. He winces as he shifts buttocks on the edge of his chair. His home ANSWERING MACHINE MESSAGE kicks in. Peter hangs up. Almost immediately his telephone RINGS. Peter snatches the receiver.

5 PETER (into phone) Peter Cummings.

INT. FIONAS CAR DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Fiona, dressed in a smart business suit, speaks to Peter on the hands-free phone as she drives her white Mercedes coupe. FIONA Hello darling. I just wondered how that pert little backside of yours was getting on. Not having to stand up all afternoon are we?

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Peter, his telephone clamped to his ear, smiles then grimaces as he realises its Fionas voice. PETER Dont call me that on the phone. Sometimes I cant tell who it is.

INT. PETERS HOUSE BEDROOM DAY Carol sits on the edge of the bed, the telephone held to one ear. In her other hand a feather duster hovers in midair, mid-clean. She frowns as she hears the ENGAGED TONE.

INT. FIONAS CAR DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Fiona frowns. FIONA Dont be silly darling. Your wife cant possibly sound as sexy as me.


6 PETER No, of course not. But best not to take any chances. (wincing) Not like today.

INT. FIONAS CAR DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Fiona BLARES her horn at a white van that cuts her up. FIONA Prick. (beat) Not you darling. Some arsehole who thinks hes Michael Schumacher. So, how is that baby bottom of yours? Tender?

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Peter stands up and gingerly rubs his bottom as he speaks into the telephone. PETER Like one of your steaks. The telephone line goes dead. PETER (CONTD) Hello? Peter frowns, shrugs and replaces the receiver. He sits back down and reaches for a file from his in-tray. The telephone RINGS again. Peter answers the phone. PETER (CONTD) Like one of your steaks.

INT. PETERS HOUSE BEDROOM (SIMULTANEOUS) Carol sits on the edge of the bed holding the telephone to her ear. She drops the feather duster on her lap and frowns as she hears Peters voice.

7 CAROL Oh! But Ive got us some fish for dinner. Hang on. How did you know it was me, darling? Does our number flash up or something?

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Peters eyes grow wide in horror at the sound of Carols voice at the other end of the telephone. He glances at the clock on the wall. PETER You always call me about this time. About what to have for dinner, darling.

INT. PETERS HOUSE BEDROOM (SIMULTANEOUS) Carol picks up the feather duster and casually dusts the bed frame as she speaks into the telephone. CAROL No I dont, darling. Ok. But only sometimes when I have to do the shopping. We did the shopping together yesterday, though. Dont you remember? Honestly, I think your memorys going. Anyway, what time will you be home?

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Peter grimaces as he shifts uneasily in his seat. PETER (into phone) Actually, darling, Ive just been asked to work late. New client. Needs some paperwork reviewing. You go ahead and eat. Dont wait for me. Must dash. Bye. Peter puts down the receiver, buries his head in his hands and emits a deep SIGH. PETER (CONTD) Oh, Lord.

8 Almost immediately the telephone RINGS again. Peter snatches it up to his ear. PETER (CONTD) Yes?

INT. FIONAS CAR DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Fiona sits in her now stationery car, parked outside an office. Shes checking herself in the vanity mirror as she speaks into the hands-free. FIONA Sorry I lost you, darling. Anyway, you look after that tender bottom of yours. When shall I see you again?

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Peters eyes are closed and his face looks drained as he listens to Fiona on the telephone. He opens his eyes. They look haunted. PETER (into phone) Ill call you. Peter listens for a second then slowly replaces the receiver. He closes his eyes again and leans back into his chair. His eyes fly open and he immediately leaps up. PETER (CONTD) Ouch! The door to Peters office is thrust open and in rushes Geraldine. She wears a look of anguished concern. GERALDINE You alright? Peter grimaces and begins to hop around as he looks sheepishly at Geraldine.

9 PETER Banged my knee. Ill live. Geraldine shoots a warm, mothering smile at Peter. GERALDINE Thank God for that. We wouldnt know what to do without you. Peter stares at Geraldine, trying to get her meaning. GERALDINE (CONTD) Get you a coffee? Peter nods his head as he bends down to rub his knee. PETER Yes, thanks. Peter watches Geraldine as she sashays out of the office. He stops rubbing his knee and commences to rub his back.

INT. PETERS OFFICE NIGHT Outside the windows darkness has descended. Peter reads a document by the light of a table lamp. Peter looks up. Through his open office door Peter spies empty workstations. A few lights have been switched off. Peter resumes his reading. Moments later Geraldine silently enters his office. She stands just inside the door, watching him. Peter becomes aware of a presence. He looks up, startled. Geraldine smiles warmly at him. GERALDINE You know what they say about all work and no play? Peter blinks rapidly, his mouth opening and closing but no words coming out. GERALDINE (CONTD) That it makes Peter a very dull boy. (beat) Buy you a drink?

10 Peter GULPS down a dry swallow and makes a show of examining his watch. Geraldine takes a step closer to Peters desk. GERALDINE (CONTD) Go on. One wont hurt. Peter glances up to find Geraldine perching on the side of his desk. His eyes linger on her shapely, nylon-clad leg. He can see the top of her stocking. Peter licks his lips. He glances upwards and meets Geraldines challenging gaze. PETER I guess one would be alright. Geraldine beams a big smile, swings herself off Peters desk and strides towards the door. She flings her head back in Peters direction. GERALDINE Ill just get my coat. Peter tosses his document onto the desk, bends his head backwards and emits a deep SIGH as he stares at the ceiling. He closes his eyes for a second, gathers himself, opens his eyes and turns off his computer. PETER I hope you know what youre doing. He stands up and grimaces.

EXT. LONDON STREET NIGHT Peter, carrying a briefcase, walks head down, almost furtive. Geraldine, wearing a trendy overcoat, brushes against him, LAUGHING as she tries to break the ice. Peter stops at the door of a pub. He pulls open the door and lets a wall of NOISE escape. He waits for Geraldine to step inside.

11 GERALDINE Why dont we go somewhere quieter, where we can talk? Theres a wine bar around the corner. Peter lets go of the door, offers Geraldine a weak smile and falls into step.

INT. WINE BAR NIGHT Geraldine leads the way down some darkened stairs into a cosy, intimate, subterranean wine bar. Small candle-lit tables are occupied mostly by COUPLES of OLDER MEN and YOUNGER WOMEN. All wear the uniform of the business suit. Peter peers into the darkness. He points to a free table. GERALDINE You grab it. Ill get the drinks. White wine ok? Peter opens his mouth but Geraldine is already at the bar before he can answer. Peter makes for the table and grimaces as he stares at the wooden seats. He gingerly sets himself down on a rickety chair and gazes around at his surroundings, surreptitiously checking out the other tables. Geraldine is all smiles as she brings over a bottle of wine in a cooler and two glasses. Peter looks up, dismayed. PETER A bottle? Geraldine grins. GERALDINE Whats the matter? Lost yours? Geraldine flashes Peter a saucy smile. Peter watches Geraldine sit down and pour two very large glasses of wine. He shifts uneasily in his chair, wincing as he moves.

12 Geraldine makes a performance of slowly crossing her legs. Peter raises his eyes to find Geraldine smiling at him, her eyes twinkling in the candle light. PETER Look, Geraldine. I dont know what this is all about but... Geraldine raises her glass towards Peter; a challenging cheers. GERALDINE Just a friendly drink with the boss. She uncrosses her legs, leans forward across the table and discreetly slips off a shoe. Peter attempts a smile and CLINKS his glass against Geraldines. PETER Cheers, then. Geraldines eyes hold Peters. She raises an eyebrow. GERALDINE You know Id do anything for you, Mr Cummings. Peter takes a gulp from his glass. GERALDINE (CONTD) Anything at all. Peter nearly chokes on his wine as Geraldines stocking foot makes contact with his groin under the table. GERALDINE (CONTD) Sorry, was that too forward? Peter stares aghast at Geraldine. PETER What are you doing? If Ive given you cause to think (beat) If Ive sent you some sort of mixed signal? Geraldine leans across the table and searches Peters face, all earnest.

13 GERALDINE You just look so unhappy all the time. I only want to make you feel good. And have some fun myself at the same time. Theres nothing wrong with that, is there? Nobody will get hurt. Peter necks down his glass of wine. PETER Geraldine. Im married. So are you. Geraldine GUFFAWS. Peter pours himself another glass of wine. GERALDINE Its not much of a marriage. And Im guessing yours isnt either. Peter stares at Geraldine. PETER I love my wife. Geraldine hides her hurt by taking a long draught of her wine. Peter nods his head, as if something has occurred to him for the first time. PETER (CONTD) I love my wife! Geraldine places her glass on the table. GERALDINE This is not about love. Its about fun. Geraldine examines Peters face. Shes quizzical. Peter looks like hes a million miles away, deep in thought. GERALDINE (CONTD) Who cant use a little fun in their life? Peters lips break into a reluctant smile. PETER Quite.

14 Geraldine downs her wine. GERALDINE Well. Having made a fool of myself Id better go. Geraldine stands up and searches for her shoe. GERALDINE (CONTD) Look, this is awkward. You being my boss and everything. Can we pretend this never happened? Peter beckons her to sit back down. PETER Geraldine. Im flattered. Really, I am. Let me buy you dinner. No hard feelings. Geraldine flashes a rueful smile and sits down.

INT. INDIAN RESTAURANT NIGHT An upmarket Indian restaurant; uniformed waiters, Indian MUSIC playing softly in the background. Peter and Geraldine sit across from each other on comfortably upholstered chairs. They LAUGH as they eat. A half-finished bottle of wine stands on the table between them.

EXT. LONDON STREET NIGHT Peter and Geraldine stand on a street corner. Geraldine sways slightly on her feet as she gathers her coat around her. Peter scans the road for a taxi. PETER Well, that was nice. Thank you, Geraldine. Im glad we got over our little misunderstand Geraldine grabs Peter by the neck and kisses him. Peter initially struggles but relents.

15 He allows the kiss to go on. And on. With her free hand Geraldine reaches between Peters legs and squeezes. Peter jumps and struggles free. PETER Geraldine! Geraldine stares at Peter in horror, bursts into tears and runs away. PETER (CONTD) Geraldine! Peter shakes his head in disbelief as he watches her put distance between them.

INT. PETERS HOUSE HALLWAY/STAIRS - NIGHT Peter opens his front door and slips quietly into the hall. He closes the door and creeps upstairs, careful not to make any noise. At the top of the landing he sees light shining through the open door of his and Carols bedroom. PETER (under his breath) Shit. CAROL (O.S.) That you, darling? PETER (urgently) Need to pee. Peter dashes into the bathroom.

INT. BATHROOM NIGHT Peter switches on the light and locks the door. He stares at himself in the mirror. PETER Fuck.

16 He strips his jacket from his shoulders and lets it fall to the floor. With haste he unbuttons his shirt and flings it aside. He turns around to check the reflection of his back in the mirror. He catches sight of the welts. PETER (CONTD) Fuck. He unbuckles the belt on his trousers, lets them fall to the floor and steps out of them. He yanks down his underwear and turns around to examine the damage on his derriere. PETER (CONTD) Oh my Lord. Fuck. A GURGLING noise erupts from Peters stomach. His hand darts to cover it. His eyes widen as he rushes to the toilet. He YELPS as he sits down.

INT. PETERS BEDROOM NIGHT (LATER) Peter sneaks into the bedroom. Hes wearing pyjamas. Carol lies in bed reading de Laclos Les Liaisons dangereuses. She wears an old lacy nightie and reading glasses. She peers over the rim of her spectacles as Peter enters. CAROL Good Heavens! What are you wearing those for? Peter stops dead in his tracks. His face shows his dismay as he notices Carols wearing her special nightie. PETER I think Im coming down with something. I dont feel very well. Carol closes her tome as Peter eases himself into bed. CAROL Thats a shame. I thought we could

17 Carols hand snakes under the covers in the direction of Peters groin. Peter winces. PETER Not tonight, darling. Carol looks peeved as she snatches her hand back. CAROL Have you been drinking? Peter grimaces. PETER Just a glass of wine. Roger took a few of us out for a curry, to say thanks for staying late to look over the new client papers. Carol feels Peters forehead with her hand. CAROL Looks like you had more than a glass to me. You dont appear to have a temperature. Maybe it was something you ate? She raises her eyebrow at Peter. PETER Yes, its probably just indigestion. Carol rolls her eyes, turns over and switches off the light. PETER (CONTD) I think I bit off more than I could chew. CAROL Stop mumbling and get some sleep. Hopefully youll feel better in the morning. Peter grimaces at the note of expectancy in Carols voice. He lies on his back staring at the ceiling, waiting for Carol to settle herself. When he hears her breathing steady he turns over to lie on his side.

18 PETER (whispering) Fuck.

INT. KITCHEN DAY Peter sits at the kitchen table, fully dressed in his gray suit. Hes eating toast and reading a newspaper as his and Carols twins, EMILY and MARK (boisterous six-year olds), chase each other around the table. Carol pads in wearing a dressing gown over her nightie. CAROL Youre up early. Pipe down kids. Peter waves a coffee pot at her. PETER Couldnt sleep. Carol nods her head. Peter pours her a cup. The twins run out of the room. CAROL You must be feeling better? Coffee and toast. Peter stops chewing his toast. He pushes the plate away. PETER Actually, no. I wondered if it might help but CAROL Why dont you take the day off? Peter stands up and gathers his newspaper. He frowns at Carol. PETER I wish! Weve got so much work on at the moment. Carol stops sipping her coffee. CAROL Dont I know it! I hardly get to see you these days. Peter walks towards the door.

19 CAROL (CONTD) I might have to have a word with Roger about that, next time I see him. Peter stops at the door and turns around. PETER Dont do that, darling. Carol puts down her coffee cup. CAROL Why not? Hes seeing more of my husband than I am. Hed better give you a damn good bonus this year! Peter gives a wry smile, walks towards Carol and kisses her on the top of her head. Carol wraps her arm around Peters legs then gives his bottom a playful squeeze. Peter screws up his face and bites his lip as he stifles a scream. Emily and Mark run into the kitchen. EMILY Urgh! Gross.

INT. OPEN PLAN OFFICE DAY Peter wanders down the corridor past Geraldines empty desk. He stops, doubles back and peers over the partition to see whether the computer is switched on. Its a black screen. Peter glances at his watch. Its 8.30. He looks around. The floor is empty, devoid of people. He walks on into his office.

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY (LATER) Peter sits at his desk, consulting papers and typing data into an Excel spreadsheet. He checks his watch. Its 9.30. Peter peers through his open door. He watches a couple of COLLEAGUES walk past holding coffees, CHATTING.

20 Peter bites his lip and looks towards his telephone. His hand reaches out for it but stops mid-air as he reconsiders. Peter gets up and walks towards the door.

INT. OPEN PLAN OFFICE DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Peter emerges from his office and walks towards Geraldines desk. Its empty. No sign of Geraldine. Peter walks around the desk so he can see the computer screen. Its still black, not turned on. Peter turns around and addresses JAN (mid-20s, an office junior). PETER Is Geraldine in yet? Jan looks up and smiles. JAN Shes just called in sick. Peter nods his head. PETER Ah! He turns around, walks back into his office and closes the door.

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Peter sits at his desk biting his nails. He opens a desk drawer and rummages around, retrieving an address book. He flips open the address book and skims through it until he finds Geraldines details. He bites his lip before reaching for the telephone. He takes a deep breath and dials. Peter listens to the RINGING TONE of the telephone. He fidgets and grimaces as the telephone RINGS and RINGS.

21 A sharp KNOCK on Peters door presages the entrance of DOROTHY (late 50s, the stern personal assistant of the Chief Executive). Peter looks up, surprised. He hangs up the telephone. DOROTHY Roger would like to see you. Immediately. Peter rises to his feet. He fixes his tie as he tries not to look worried at the lack of ceremony. PETER Do you know what about, Dorothy? Dorothy holds the door open and merely indicates with a slight nod of her head that he shouldnt dally. Peter glances at Dorothys unsmiling face as he passes her. He wears the look of a condemned man as he heads off down the corridor.

INT. OPEN PLAN OFFICE DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Dorothy escorts a worried-looking Peter through the office. Peter stops to turn down a corridor as Dorothy strides on. Dorothy turns around. DOROTHY He wants to see you in the boardroom. Peter cant quite understand what this all might mean. PETER Oh. They reach the door of the boardroom. Without knocking, Dorothy opens the door and shows Peter in.

INT. BOARDROOM DAY A large polished wooden table dominates the boardroom. At the far end sits ROGER DELANCEY (50s, urbane, overweight pin-stripe suited Chief Executive) and ALASTAIR HOLMES (50s, thin, a sharp-suited shark and the companys head of legal services).

22 Peters heart sinks as he sees Alastair flash a toothy grin. Roger is stoney-faced. ROGER Sit down, Peter. You know Alastair, our head of legal. Peter smiles uneasily as he settles himself into a chair. Alastairs eyes twinkle as they scrutinise Peter. PETER Roger, Alastair. How can I Roger cuts him off. ROGER What did you do last night, Peter? Peter blinks rapidly. He gaze flits from Roger to Alastair and back again. PETER Last night? Peter GULPS down a dry swallow. He looks around for some water. ALASTAIR Last night. Yes. Peter stares at a mid spot between the two men. PETER Well, I worked late for a bit ROGER Was anyone else in the office? Peter touches his dry throat. ALASTAIR Its a simple question, Peter. Peters tongue emerges from his mouth and licks his lips. PETER Look, whats all this about? Roger leans forward, propping his elbows on the table. He points his forefinger at Peter.

23 ROGER Geraldine Hutchinson has alleged that you sexually assaulted her. The colour drains from Peters face. PETER What? ALASTAIR Did you, or did you not, take Geraldine out for a few drinks, followed by dinner last night? Peter sits up in his chair, agitated. PETER Yes! But... Alastair leans forward towards Peter. ALASTAIR What happened? Had a few too many and crossed the line? Peter leaps out of his chair. PETER It was the other way round! She assaulted me! Alastair LAUGHS. ALASTAIR Come off it, Peter. Thats the most ridiculous thing Ive ever heard. Roger holds out a restraining arm to Alastair. ROGER Sit down, Peter. Peter smoothes his suit jacket as he sits down. ROGER (CONTD) This is serious, Peter. Geraldines raised a formal complaint against you. Its not looking good. PETER But its her word against mine!

24 ALASTAIR Did you kiss her? Touch her in any way? PETER She kissed me! She... Peter buries his head in his hands. ALASTAIR What? Peter looks up into the faces of the two men staring at him from the far end of the table. PETER Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. She harassed me. When I resisted, she ran away. Roger turns towards Alastair and gives him a slight nod of the head. ROGER Give us a few minutes, will you Alastair. Alastair gets up and casually strolls past Peter out of the room. He gives Peter a hard stare as he passes. ROGER (CONTD) Youre one of our top men, Peter. Itd be a shame to lose you. Peter sits up, startled. ROGER (CONTD) But Geraldines an asset too. A good secretary. And I play golf with her husband, Derek. Which makes it all kind of tricky. It puts me in a delicate situation, Peter. I dont mind telling you. Peter holds out his hands, appealing. PETER I didnt do it, Roger. She came on to me. Roger leans forward across the table, his forehead furrowed.

25 ROGER But youre not exactly George Clooney, are you Peter? Peter stares blankly at Roger. ROGER (CONTD) If you see what I mean? Why would an elegant woman like Geraldine find you attractive? It just doesnt make sense. Peter sinks back into his seat. PETER Ask Derek. She said she had a loveless marriage and wanted some fun. Shes a man-eater, Roger. Roger LAUGHS. ROGER And you werent tempted? Didnt lead her on? Peter sinks deeper into a sullen silence. ROGER (CONTD) He is a bore, Ill grant you. I only golf with him because his handicap is worse than mine. Peter attempts to LAUGH. PETER I dont know what else to say. ROGER Hows Carol? Everything all right at home? Peter stares at Roger. PETER Yes, fine. Shes fine. Were fine. Everythings fine... Peters voice begins to CHOKE. He struggles to compose himself.

26 ROGER Now, now. No need for that, old chap. (beat) Lovely woman, Carol. Peter lowers his gaze in an attempt to hide his tears. PETER Are you going to fire me, Roger? Roger erupts into a rumbling LAUGH. Peter looks up as Alastair walks back into the room with DIANNE (40s, smart suited with a determinedly efficient manner befitting the head of personnel). Peter rubs his eyes dry. ROGER Ah! Dianne. You have Geraldines files? Dianne nods, and smiles at Peter. ROGER (CONTD) Good. Now, let the Council of War commence! Dianne and Alastair sit down and begin scrutinising papers. ROGER (CONTD) Peter. The firm will stick by you if we can. Youve been with us a long time, brought in a lot of money to the company. We value loyalty here. We will have to send you on gardening leave, pending an investigation and all that. We have to be seen to do things properly. Understand? Peter stares blankly at Roger. ROGER (CONTD) Well, go on then. Spend some time with your lovely wife. And try not to worry. Run along now. Peter gets up from his chair and shuffles slowly to the door. At the door he turns back towards Roger. PETER How will I know when its over?

27 DIANNE Well call you when its safe to come back in. Peter turns away, bites his lip then turns back. PETER Can I ask you not to call me at home? Roger, head down looking at Geraldines personnel files, waves Peter away. ROGER Of course, old chap. Peters haunted face looks unconvinced as he leaves the room.

INT. PETERS CAR DAY Peter sits staring out of the window of his old silver Saab. He looks pale and drawn. He retrieves his mobile phone from the pocket of his suit jacket and dials a number. PETER (into phone) I need to see you. Now. Your place. He hangs up, his jaw set in grim determination. He starts the car.

INT. PETERS CAR DAY (LATER) Peter sits in his parked car outside Fionas house. Hes staring at an old photograph of a younger, more glamorouslooking Carol and the twins when he spies Fionas Mercedes through the rear view mirror. He hurriedly returns the photograph to his wallet and gets out of the car.

EXT. FIONAS HOUSE DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Fiona waves at Peter through the window as she steers her Mercedes into the drive.

28 Peter doesnt acknowledge the wave. His expressions stern. Fiona gets out of the car. FIONA I do love it when youre so masterful. I need to see you. Now. Your Place. She gives an elaborate shiver and flutters her eyelashes. FIONA (CONTD) You have no idea how much that turns me on. Peter walks towards the door. PETER Lets go inside. FIONA Easy, tiger!

INT. FIONAS HOUSE HALLWAY DAY Fiona unlocks the door and leads the way inside. She automatically begins to climb the stairs. Peter stands motionless. PETER I havent come for fun and games. Fiona stops climbing the stairs and turns around. FIONA Oh? What have you come for then, Mr Cummings? Peter nods his head in the direction of the living room.

INT. FIONAS LIVING ROOM DAY (MOMENTS LATER) An elegant living room; an original fireplace in pristine condition, silver candlesticks on the mantelpiece, pieces of expensive art, large coffee table with arty coffee table books. Peter sits in an armchair, agonising over where to begin. He puffs out his cheeks as Fiona, draped over the sofa, regards him with curiosity.

29 PETER I dont Peter looks up and catches sight of Fionas sheer stockings as she crosses her legs. He swallows hard. PETER (CONTD) I, er. Fiona raises an eyebrow, a mischievous smile playing on her lips as she fiddles with the top button of her blouse. FIONA Yes? Peter breathes in deeply. PETER I dont think this is working out, Fiona. I think we should call it a day. Fionas eyes flash with anger. She uncrosses her legs and faces Peter directly. FIONA Dont be ridiculous, Peter. Its working out perfectly. Whats brought this on? Peter looks away from Fionas challenging stare. PETER You havent got a drink, have you? I mean a proper one. Fiona stands up. She looks down on Peter with a mixture of disdain and puzzlement. FIONA Somethings happened for you to be asking for a drink this early. Its not even lunchtime yet. Fiona steps towards a drinks cabinet and pours Peter a whisky. FIONA (CONTD) I think Id better have one myself while Im at it.

30 Fiona pours herself a drink, hands Peter his whisky and tilts her glass in his direction. FIONA (CONTD) Bottoms up. Peter drains his whisky and holds his glass out for a refill. Fionas blinks her eyes in shock, takes his glass and refills it. She hands it back to Peter, takes a seat and sips at her own drink. FIONA (CONTD) You havent just found out youre dying have you? Its not cancer or some other ghastly terminal illness? Peter shakes his head. PETER No, no. Nothing like that. FIONA Your wife, then? Peter shakes his head. PETER No, thank God. Fiona SLAMS her glass down on the table and leans forward towards Peter. Peter watches her cleavage rise up and down as she breathes. FIONA What is it then? Peter stares into Fionas face, as if savouring her beauty for the last time. He licks his lips. PETER Can we go to bed? Fionas eyes light up as she smiles.

31 INT. FIONAS BEDROOM DAY (LATER) A plush boudoir oozing sensuality and sex. Peters and Fionas clothes are strewn across the room. Peter and Fiona lie on their backs side-by-side. Fiona breathes heavily, perspiration matting her hair. Peter has a beatific expression on his face. FIONA Wow! You should drink whisky in the mornings more often if it makes you this frisky, lover boy. Peter smiles and turns towards Fiona. PETER And to think I came here to end this. Peter turns away and looks at the ceiling, suddenly serious. PETER (CONTD) What a fool Ive been. Fiona pats Peter on the head. FIONA There, there. But you saw sense in the end. Peter LAUGHS grimly. PETER Can I stay here for a few days? Fiona sits bolt upright, gathering the bed clothes around her. FIONA Certainly not. Im your mistress Peter. Not your wife. You go home to her. You come here to play. Peter sits up, pleading. PETER Please, Fi. You dont understand. Something awfuls happened at work. Ive been suspended. I need some time to think. Besides

32 Peter turns sideways on to Fiona to show her the welts on his back from their previous encounter. PETER (CONTD) youre responsible for these and I dont know how much longer I can hide them from Carol. Fiona stares at Peter. FIONA Suspended? What have you done? Peter grabs Fiona by the arm. PETER Nothing. Nothing. It was all a big misunderstanding. My boss has told me to take some gardening leave for a few days until it all blows over. Fiona extracts herself from Peters grasp and heads towards the en suite bathroom. FIONA So why dont you? Tend to your garden. Peter stares after her. PETER I cant let Carol see these. Besides, shell know that somethings up. Shes (beat) uncanny like that. I need somewhere to lay low for a week. At least until all these bruises subside. Fiona appears at the doorway, all rosy cheeked with the afterglow of great sex. FIONA Well, I guess that was my fault. (beat) Look, Im going to a conference in York tomorrow, for the whole week. You can come with me. Take a tour of the city, walk around the old Roman walls, go to the museums. Whatever you like during the day while Im conferencing. We can even spend the weekend there if you can think of an excuse to stay away.

33 Peter looks glum. FIONA (CONTD) Hopefully by then your bruises would have subsided. Your work problem too, whatever that is. Peters face lights up, then just as quickly darkens. PETER York! Thats where Toms at university. Peter buries his head in his hands. PETER (CONTD) No. I cant. Its too risky. What if he sees us? Fiona shrugs. FIONA Thats the best I can do, lover boy. I can always buy you a hat and a false moustache. You can creep around York in disguise and we can have secret assignations. Fiona SQUEALS with delight and CLAPS her hands. FIONA (CONTD) Oh, yes! This will be so exciting! Fraught with the danger of discovery! (beat) And anyway, Toms hardly likely to be frequenting the places well be going to, will he? Not if hes a poor student. Peters face furrows with a deep frown. PETER But what will I tell Carol? Fiona smiles as she steps out of the bathroom and sashays towards Peter. FIONA Thats your problem, Peter Weter. She reaches out a hand and pushes Peter in the chest. He falls back onto the bed.

34 Fiona straddles him. FIONA (CONTD) Now, you naughty boy. Lets see just how bad you can be.

INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN - DAY (LATER) Carol sits on a chair, her head rolling from side-to-side. A POP SONG plays loudly on the radio. Carol SHRIEKS along to it. As the washing machine reaches the end of its spinning cycle Carols SHRIEKS reach a crescendo. Peter enters the kitchen, unnoticed. He stops in the door way and watches Carol quizzically. Peter COUGHS, trying to get her attention. PETER Ahem. Carol SHRIEKS even louder as the pop song playing on the radio goes into a catchy chorus. Peter winces at the tuneless racket Carols making. He steps towards the radio and turns it off. PETER (CONTD) Hard to believe you used to be in the choir. Carol jumps out of her skin at Peters voice, her face frozen in horror. She quickly retrieves a vibrator from under her skirt and turns it off. CAROL W-w-what are you doing home so early? Peter stares at Carol. Carol dashes towards the washing machine, hiding the vibrator by her side then burying it amongst the clothes as she pulls them out of the machine. PETER Bad news Im afraid. Carol drops the laundry onto the floor.

35 CAROL What? Is it the children? Which one? Peter shakes his head. PETER No. Its not the kids. The children are fine. At least as far as Im aware. (beat) But what do I know? Im only their father. No. Its me. Ive got to go away for the week, some new business conference. Carol looks relieved as she rolls her eyes and goes back to attending to the laundry. She bites her lip as a MUFFLED BUZZING noise emanates from the clothes. She gathers them to her chest and hurries past Peter. CAROL Where is it this time? Peter tries a disarming smile. PETER York. And I have to stay the weekend. Whats that buzzing sound? CAROL I cant hear anything. Back in a sec. Carol rushes out of the kitchen and into the garden. Peter watches from the window as Carol hangs up the washing. Carol comes back in. She appears more composed. CAROL This weekend? Of all the weekends. Youll miss mums birthday! Peter attempts to look apologetic. PETER I know, I know. But what can I do? Weve got to chase the business where we can these days. Its a big conference, then an off-site strategising, that sort of stuff. CAROL You know how she looks forward to seeing you. The other ladies do too.

36 PETER Wish her a happy 90th from me and give her a big kiss, wont you? Carol frowns. CAROL Shell be so disappointed. Youd better go see her when you get back. She might not be here for much longer. Peter GUFFAWS. PETER Youre joking arent you? Shes as strong as an ox. Shell outlive everyone in that place, including the nurses. Carol springs towards Peter and plays with his lapel. CAROL Actually, now that her memory is going a bit I can probably put it off until next week too. She wont mind if I tell her we had to go see Tom. Peter looks horrified. PETER No, darling. Dont do that. As you say, she might not be here for much longer. You never can tell with those places. There was something in the paper the other day... Carol throws her hands up to her ears. CAROL Oh! Dont tell me about it. You know how it upsets me hearing about those stories. If I could Id have mum here with us. Carol screws up her face, fighting back tears. Peter steps towards Carol and envelops her in a hug. PETER Im sorry, darling. That was careless of me. Im sure shes going to be all right. But best be on the safe side

37 Carol plants a hungry kiss on Peters lips. PETER (CONTD) It would be horrible if you didnt and Carol kisses Peter again, harder and more urgent than before. PETER (CONTD) something happened. Carol kisses Peter again. This time Peter responds in kind. Carol slides Peters jacket from his shoulders and begins to unbutton his shirt. She kisses his chest and moves south, undoing his belt. Peter closes his eyes and GASPS. Carol steps away, a big smile on her face. She starts to undress.

INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN - DAY (LATER) A naked Peter lies on top of a naked Carol on the kitchen floor. Both are PANTING heavily. CAROL Oh. My. God. That was. Amazing. Peter raises his head and smiles into Carols face. PETER We havent done it like that since 1977. Carol slaps him on the arm. CAROL Let me up. Peter gets off her and starts to gather his clothes. CAROL (CONTD) Oh my God! Peter! What have you done to your back? Peter freezes. His face breaks into a grimace. He turns around and smiles at Carol.

38 PETER That was you, darling. Carol looks shocked. CAROL What? Just now! My, I really let myself go didnt I? Peter turns away, clutching his clothes to his chest. PETER You certainly did.

INT/EXT. PETERS HOUSE DAY Carol stands at the door as Peter leaves the house. CAROL Ask Tom when hes coming home next. PETER I doubt whether Ill get to see him. Im going to be so busy. But if I do, Ill give him your love, of course. CAROL Ill ring him tonight. Let him know youre coming. Peter winces. PETER Dont bother him, love. Ill call him if I get any free time. Carol steps towards Peter and gives him a kiss. She looks him straight in the eye. CAROL We should do more of that, you know. Carol smiles. Peter checks his watch. PETER I should go. Carol hands Peter a sandwich wrapped in foil.

39 CAROL Take this with you. Have it on the train. Peter takes it. PETER Ill call you later.

INT. TRAIN NIGHT (LATER) Peter and Fiona sit in the First Class carriage of an inter-city train bound for York. Fiona reaches for her bag and pulls out a large file of conference papers. She drops them on their table with a loud THUD. Peter, morose, glances at them. PETER Interesting? Fiona picks up the conference agenda and scans it. FIONA It will be, actually. Good range of speakers. Some of the break-out sessions look interesting. But its all about the networking, of course. She scans the list of conference delegates. FIONA (CONTD) Oh, yes. Some very interesting people here. Peter peers at the list. PETER Movers and shakers. Fiona nods and smiles. FIONA Exactly. Fiona picks up more conference papers, peruses them and lets them drop on to the table.

40 FIONA (CONTD) I dont need to read all this. Why dont you move your ass down to the restaurant car and get us a couple of vodka and tonics. Shaken, not stirred. Fiona LAUGHS. FIONA (CONTD) This is quite exciting, dont you think? Going away together. Secret assignations. She turns to Peter and gives him a long, lingering kiss. Peters eyes are wide open when Fiona allows him up for air. He cracks a big smile as he gets to his feet. As Peter staggers down the carriage to the restaurant car Fiona catches the eye of RUSSELL (30s, a well-groomed, confident smart-suited business man) sitting across the aisle. He smiles knowingly at her. Fiona looks down and fiddles with a conference paper, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.

INT. TRAIN NIGHT (LATER) A wine bottle, two vodka miniatures, two empty cans of tonic water and a half-eaten sandwich resting on a foil wrapper litter the table in front of Peter. Peter snoozes as Fiona tries to read a conference paper. Her attention is continually distracted by Russell. She keeps stealing glances at him. Each time she looks up hes hiding behind his copy of the Financial Times. When Fiona looks down at her conference paper, he peers over his newspaper to catch a look at her.

INT. TRAIN NIGHT (LATER) Russell stands as the train nears the station.

41 He smiles at Fiona as he grabs his luggage from the overhead rack and walks towards the door. Fiona elbows Peter awake. FIONA Wake up sleeping beauty. Were here.

EXT. TAXI RANK NIGHT Peter drags Fionas suitcase behind him, shouldering his own bag as they head towards the taxi rank. Fiona spots Russell at the front of the queue. She studies him then glances towards Peter. The hint of a frown plays on her lips. Russell turns around and smiles directly at Fiona as a taxi pulls up. He gets in. Fiona SIGHS.

INT. HOTEL NIGHT Fiona stands at the reception desk, checking-in. Peter hovers a little apart, looking up at the ceiling. The YOUNG RECEPTIONIST hands over the room key to Fiona. RECEPTIONIST Would you like a hand with your bag, Mr Fox? Peters oblivious to the receptionist. Fiona smiles as she plucks the key from the receptionists hand. FIONA That wont be necessary. (beat) Come along Mr Fox! Fiona LAUGHS as she walks past Peter. Peter starts as he realises hes being addressed as Fionas husband.

42 INT. HOTEL BEDROOM NIGHT A small but tastefully decorated hotel room. Peter tries to squeeze past Fiona as she hangs up clothes in the wardrobe. He brushes against her. PETER Its a tight fit in here. Fiona reaches behind her and caresses Peters head. FIONA I bet you say that to all the girls, Big Boy! Peter nuzzles against Fionas neck. PETER Ill call Carol while youre doing that. Fiona frowns and drops her hand. FIONA You do know how to kill the moment, Peter. I dont want to hear her name again this trip, ok? Peter opens his mouth but thinks better of saying anything. PETER Where shall we eat? When youve finished that. Fiona pouts as she holds up a blouse, examining it for creases. FIONA Why dont you ask the concierge for a recommendation? Peter nods as he exits the room.

INT. RESTAURANT NIGHT A classy, intimate restaurant; dimly lit with candles. Peter and Fiona are shown to a table in the middle of the room by the MAITRE D.

43 MAITRE D Some water while you peruse the wine list? Peter and Fiona look up and smile. PETER Still. FIONA (overlapping) Sparkling, please. Peter and Fiona look at each other. PETER Sparkling. The maitre d nods his head slightly and vanishes. Fionas eyes sparkle in the candlelight as she surveys the room then gazes at Peter over her menu. FIONA Nice place. Peter studies his menu. PETER Mmmm. A WAITER (TOM, early 20s, athletic and handsome with a shock of red hair) appears with a bottle of mineral water. TOM Dad! Peters head jerks up from his menu, horror stamped on his face. PETER Tom! Tom glances at Fiona. Fiona attempts to disarm the suspicion in Toms eyes with a warm smile. Peter starts to get to his feet. Tom looks from Peter to Fiona. FIONA Water. Yes, please.

44 Tom rushes to fill Fionas glass. His hand shakes and he spills water on the tablecloth. FIONA (CONTD) Oops! TOM Oh, Im sorry. Fiona waves away his hand as he tries to grab her napkin. FIONA Its alright. Dont worry. Peter clasps Tom by the shoulder. PETER Tom, this is my, er... Fiona looks up at Tom, extends a hand and beams a big smile. FIONA Careful, Peter. Tom will think Im your mistress if you bumble around like that. Peter and Tom LAUGH nervously. FIONA (CONTD) Fiona Fox. A client of your fathers. Pleased to meet you. Tom sets the bottle of water on the table and limply shakes Fionas hand. Peter shifts uneasily on his feet. He catches the maitre d looking their way. PETER Your boss is staring want to get you into Fetch us a bottle of theres a good chap. this way. Dont trouble, old boy. Chianti will you, Well talk later.

Tom looks relieved as he goes off. The maitre d whispers in his ear as he walks past. Peter stares at Fiona. Fiona is unsuccessfully stifling the giggles. PETER Oh my Lord.

45 Peter puts his head in his hands and stares at the table. PETER (CONTD) Why did you have to say that? Fiona LAUGHS. FIONA Relax. It was a joke, to distract him and to cover your bumbling. Peter stares at Fiona. PETER But what if he believes you? Fiona leans forward. FIONA Believes the truth, you mean? Peter motions for Fiona to stop talking. PETER Shush. Hes coming back. Tom returns with a bottle of wine. He shows the label to his father with trembling hands. Peter glances cursorily at the label and nods his head. FIONA So, Tom. How long have you been working here? Tom looks at Fiona and cant help but greet her smile with a shy one of his own. TOM Not long. (beat) About five weeks. Peter stares at the bottle Tom grips in his hand. FIONA And what are you studying at University? Tom glances towards his father. TOM Politics and economics.

46 Peter raises his head and looks at Tom. PETER I thought you were studying accountancy? Fiona LAUGHS. Tom blushes. TOM (stammering) I changed courses. Peter stares at Tom, blinking in astonishment. FIONA Quite right too, Tom. Dont want to become a boring number cruncher do you? Politics is so much more exciting. The cut and thrust of debate. Power and influence. And economics too? Who knows, Peter. Perhaps were looking at a future Chancellor of the Exchequer. Wouldnt that be something? Fiona flashes a huge smile at Tom. Tom blushes. PETER Pour the wine, Tom. Well speak later. Tom pours a taster into his fathers glass with shaky hands. PETER (CONTD) Im sure itll be fine. Thanks, Tom. Tom pours wine into Peters glass, overfilling it. Fiona smiles as he pours her wine. She looks him in the eye when hes finished. FIONA Thank you, Tom. Tom leaves them to peruse the menus. Fiona stares at Peter, amused.

47 FIONA (CONTD) Quite a handsome boy youve got there, Peter. Doesnt get his looks from you though, does he? Peter glares at Fiona. PETER Very funny. Peter leans over the table, closer to Fiona, drawing her in. PETER (CONTD) (whispering) I suppose youre getting quite a kick out of this. Fiona leans back and LAUGHS. She glances around her to see if Tom is watching. FIONA Relax. I do think its quite funny. But of course it means well have to be serious and pretend were here for work. (beat) I guess it wont kill me to have a grown-up conversation with you for once. Is Carol a red head? Peter frowns and looks at the menu. PETER No. Have you decided what youre having? Fiona glances at the menu. Tom approaches. FIONA Yes, what were looking to do is to expand the portfolio into new business areas. Build up our brand. Thats why I wanted to pick your brains ahead of the conference. Tom COUGHS shyly to get Fionas attention. Peter pretends hes just noticed Tom.

48 PETER Ah! Tom. What do you recommend? Anything particularly good? Tom shrugs. TOM Its, er, all good. I think. I cant actually afford to eat here. Fiona looks up and gives Tom a sultry pout. FIONA Well, it all looks ravishing. I think Ill go for the steak. Medium rare. Fiona hands her menu to Tom. TOM Any starter? Fiona shakes her head. She runs a hand down her front, over her breast and stomach, ironing out imaginary creases. FIONA I have to watch my figure, Tom. Just the meat for me, if you dont mind. Tom blushes. Peter shoots Fiona a sharp glance then looks down at his menu. TOM Dad? Peter attempts a smile as he looks up and hands Tom the menu. PETER Ill go for the same. Tom nods at Peter and Fiona as he backs away. Fiona bites her lip as she tries not to laugh. Peter takes a big swig of this wine.

INT. RESTAURANT NIGHT (LATER) Peter and Fiona are half-way through eating their steaks. Peter spots Tom approaching to fill up their wine glasses.

49 PETER Yes, well, the tax implications are wide-ranging of course. Its an interesting strategy youre developing and Im sure we can be of great benefit in helping you cut through the red tape (beat) Ah, Tom. Thank you. Tom fills their wine glasses and looks slyly at Fiona. Fiona pretends to be enthralled by Peters improvised speech. FIONA Yes, I always seem to be tied up. In red tape or...meetings.

INT. RESTAURANT NIGHT (LATER) Peter and Fiona have empty plates in front of them. Theyre finishing off their wine when Tom approaches the table. Tom takes their plates. TOM Would you like dessert? Fiona smiles. FIONA Thats very tempting Tom, but no. I have a big conference tomorrow. Well just get the bill. Tom smiles at Fiona and Peter. Peter smiles back and watches Tom disappear into the kitchen. PETER Thank you. For the charade. I think he bought it. Fiona drains her glass and winks at Peter. FIONA Cute boy. You must be proud of him. Peter nods. Tom reappears with the bill.

50 Peter glances at it and reaches for his wallet. PETER Allow me, Fiona. And thanks for the opportunity to explore where we might be able to help you out with your business plan. Im sure we can do a job for you. Fiona smiles. Tom takes Peters credit card. Peter and Fiona sit back and wait for Tom to return. Fiona starts to play footsie with Peter under the table. Her eyes sparkle as she revels in Peters discomfort, watching him squirm. Tom reappears with Peters credit card and the receipt. Fiona drops her foot from Peters groin. FIONA Well, Peter. Ive been very happy with the way youve serviced my needs so far. Fiona turns to Tom and smiles. FIONA (CONTD) Very dedicated man, your father Tom. Always eager to please and rarely does he disappoint. (beat) Anyway, nice to meet you. And good luck with your studies. Tom smiles. TOM Thanks. PETER Ill give you a ring sometime in the week, Tom. Maybe we can meet up for a beer? Peter squeezes a twenty pound note into Toms hand. Tom grins and watches Peter and Fiona leave the restaurant. He shakes his head as he turns to go into the kitchen.

51 EXT/INT. HOTEL BEDROOM NIGHT Peter stands extremely close to Fiona as she searches in her handbag for her room key. Peters hands are all over her as she GIGGLES. Fiona stabs the key into the lock and they fall inside. The door closes. Peter kisses Fiona passionately, suffocating her GIGGLES. Fiona pushes Peter against the wall and pushes his jacket over his shoulders. Peter begins to undo the buttons on Fionas blouse.

INT. HOTEL ROOM NIGHT (LATER) Peter and Fiona make very NOISY love. The headboard THUMPS against the wall as Fiona GROANS in ecstasy. PETER Oh my God, Fiona! Oh my God! Both Peter and Fiona explode into SCREAMS as they climax. Peter collapses onto Fiona. Their HEAVY BREATHING is the only sound in the room apart from a television BLARING through the walls from the room next door. Peter rolls over onto his back and stares at the ceiling. PETER (CONTD) That. Was. Sensational. Fiona purrs as she smiles. FIONA See what a little bit of danger does to the sex drive? Youve got your son to thank for that. Peters eyes fly wide open. He props himself up on his elbow and faces Fiona. PETER What? You werent thinking of Tom just then were you?

52 Fiona GUFFAWS. FIONA Dont be silly. I mean the danger of discovery in the restaurant. It heightened the passion. Dont you think? Peter lies back down. PETER Well. I cant say I enjoyed it at the time. But I did get a kick out of it once I knew we were in the clear. A big grin covers Peters face and he dives onto a SQUEALING Fiona. PETER (CONTD) Now, about that dessert.

INT. HOTEL ROOM DAY Fiona is getting dressed into a smart business suit. Peter stirs from his slumber. PETER Do you have to go to this blasted conference? Fiona checks her hair and make-up in the mirror. FIONA Stop whining. Youll have the whole day to yourself. Peter rubs the sleep from his eyes. PETER Thats what Im afraid of. I might get bored. Fiona turns to face him, her hands on her hips. FIONA Well use your imagination, lover boy. Or did you exhaust it all last night? She grins and steps over to plant a kiss on Peters forehead.

53 FIONA (CONTD) Well catch up later. Have a good day. Relax. Enjoy yourself. Peter frowns. PETER What time will you be finished at the conference? Shall I book a table somewhere for 8.30? Fiona turns and rolls her eyes. FIONA You can. But itll have to be a table for one. PETER What? Fiona stares at Peter, her patience wearing thin. FIONA Conference dinner, darling. I might be back very late. Peter GROANS and covers his eyes with his arms. FIONA (CONTD) Dont behave like a spoiled child. Im doing you a favour, remember, letting you be here. Peter uncovers his eyes and nods an acknowledgment. FIONA (CONTD) Look, why dont you call Tom? Take him out for dinner or a few pints tonight. Peter re-covers his eyes. PETER Yes, yes. Of course. Great idea. Happy conferencing. FIONA Bitter sarcasm doesnt become you, Peter. Fiona shakes her head at Peter, gathers her bag and conference papers and leaves. Peter turns over and goes back to sleep.

54 INT. CONFERENCE CENTRE DAY Fiona registers for the conference. The mostly MALE CROWD around her check her out.

INT. HOTEL BEDROOM DAY Peter is fast asleep in bed. He SNORES loudly.

INT. CONFERENCE CENTRE DAY A tea break. Fiona is chatting and LAUGHING with a group of MALE CONFERENCE DELEGATES.

INT. HOTEL BEDROOM DAY Peter is fast asleep in bed. A KNOCK on the door makes no dent in Peters consciousness. A MAID enters, plugs the vacuum cleaner into a socket in the hall and starts to VACUUM. Peter jumps up. Hes awake now.

INT. CONFERENCE CENTRE DAY Fiona is queuing for lunch when Russell, the handsome young man from the train, joins the queue. RUSSELL So what do you think? Learnt anything useful? Fiona turns around at the mans deep voice. She smiles when she recognises him. FIONA I dont think its quite got going yet. Im Fiona. Fiona Fox. Fiona holds out her hand while she tries to peer at his delegate badge, which is round his neck but facing the wrong way.

55 RUSSELL Of course you are. He clasps Fionas hand and shakes it. He doesnt let go. RUSSELL (CONTD) I recognise you from the trade press. Very impressive piece they did on you. Im looking forward to your presentation. Fiona is pleasantly surprised. FIONA You read that? Fiona smiles warmly as she holds his hand and gaze. RUSSELL Sorry, Im Russell. Russell Blade. FIONA As sharp in business as you are in suits and compliments, Russell? Russell LAUGHS and drops Fionas hand. RUSSELL Ill tell you over lunch. Russell smiles and ushers Fiona along the queue.

EXT. YORK CITY CENTRE DAY Peter walks down the street clutching a street map of York City Centre. He stops and studies it as heavy rain starts to fall. Peter looks up and squints at the sky. He frowns and uses the map as an umbrella as he runs for cover from the rain.

INT. CONFERENCE CENTRE DAY Fiona and Russell are chatting animatedly at a table as they finish their lunch of curried chicken and mineral water. Its an easy-going conversation. Both are LAUGHING.

56 FIONA That sounds a very interesting project Russell. Let me give you my card and if I can be of any help, any help at all, just let me know. Fiona fishes a business card out of her bag and hands it over. Russell fishes a card out of his jacket pocket as a WAITRESS arrives to clear their plates. FIONA (CONTD) (to waitress) Thanks. Russell smiles. RUSSELL No, thank you. For brightening up an otherwise dull morning. Fiona smiles. FIONA Dont worry. Itll get better as the week goes on. RUSSELL At least youve escaped the graveyard shift. I cant stand those seminars immediately after lunch. Its such a struggle to keep ones focus. Fiona LAUGHS. FIONA Think yourself lucky. I went to a conference in Madrid once. If you think the post-lunch graveyard shift is bad here, you should try it after a two hour lunch break and several bottles of vino tinto! Russell LAUGHS. RUSSELL Ha ha! Speaking of vino. Are you going to the drinks reception this evening? Fiona nods. RUSSELL (CONTD) Bringing your husband?

57 Fiona recoils in horror. She holds out her left hand to indicate no wedding ring. FIONA Im not married. Russells face contorts with apology. RUSSELL Oh, your travelling companion. On the train. I thought... Fiona waves her hand dismissively. FIONA Oh, no. Hes not my husband. Hes...a friend. He wont be there tonight. Russell recovers his composure. RUSSELL Good. Well, see you tonight. Enjoy your afternoon. Russell walks off, leaving Fiona to ponder their encounter. She bites her lip as she watches Russell disappear out of sight.

INT. PUB DAY A sodden Peter sits at a bar. He makes a mess of folding his soggy map into a square, gives up and screws it into a ball. He takes a sip of beer as he looks at the rain hammering down outside. He retrieves his mobile phone from his pocket and dials Toms number. The telephone RINGS until, finally, Toms sleepy voice answers. TOM (O.S.) Hello? PETER Tom! Its dad. Have I woken you up? (beat) What? Late night clearing up at the restaurant. Yes, quite. Anyway, can I buy you lunch?

58 Peter looks around the pub for a sign of where he is. He spots a bar snack menu and reads from that. PETER (CONTD) Im in the Nags Head. See you in half an hour?

INT. CONFERENCE CENTRE DAY Fiona strides into a seminar room. The sign on the wall says WOMEN ON TOP HOW TO SMASH THROUGH THE GLASS CEILING. She has a playful smile on her face as she finds a seat and nods a greeting to some of the other DELEGATES.

INT. PUB DAY Peter is drinking a pint of beer when a bedraggled Tom, wet with the rain, enters. Peter smiles warmly and waits for Tom to take off his coat. He holds out his arms and Tom gives him a quick, awkward, hug. PETER What will you have? Tom nods towards the bar. TOM Pint of lager. Peter orders the drink and they move away from the bar to sit at a table. Tom sips at his pint as Peter watches him, hesitant. PETER Nice steak at your restaurant last night. Tom looks around the pub. PETER (CONTD) Do you drink in here? Is this one of the student pubs?

59 Tom shakes his head. TOM Why arent you at the conference? Peter holds out his arms. PETER Its a bit boring. And I thought Id buy you lunch. Peter shoves a menu over to Tom. Tom looks up at Peter with a cheeky smile. TOM I dont think Id be bored if I had someone that hot to keep me company. Peter chokes on his beer and spits some of his mouthful out. PETER I beg your pardon? TOM Fox by name, foxy by nature, hey dad? Does mum know you take sexy women to romantic restaurants? Tom takes a sip of his pint, his smiling eyes peering at Peter over the top of his glass. PETER I...I dont...Fionas not... TOM Relax, dad. Im just pulling your leg. How is mum, anyway? Peter grabs a menu and stares at it. PETER Missing you terribly. Now lets order some food. Im famished.

INT. PUB DAY (LATER) Peter and Toms table is stacked with empty pint glasses. Both are looking worse for wear.

60 TOM Id better go. Ive got an essay to finish. Peter holds up an admonishing finger. PETER Thats no way to treat your studies, Tom. Lets have another pint and brainwash it. Tom nearly falls off his chair, LAUGHING. TOM Brainstorm, dad. You brainstorm ideas. Brainwash minds. Peter sways on his stool as he considers this. PETER Thats right! Let me give you a piece of advice, son. Dont let anyone brainwash your mind. Follow your heart, in everything. Dont just pick a job because you think its a safe option, like I did. Follow your dreams, son. Follow your dream. Tom rises unsteadily to his feet. TOM Right-o, pop. Same again? Peter nods his head as Tom fishes around in his pockets. TOM (CONTD) Lend us a tenner.

INT/EXT. CONFERENCE CENTRE DAY Fiona breezes out of a conference session. She checks her watch. Its 5.38pm. FIONA Time to freshen up, I think. She strides out of the conference centre to a nearby taxi rank and joins the queue. As she waits Fiona retrieves her mobile phone and calls Peter.

61 The phone RINGS out. No answer. Fiona purses her lips.

INT. HOTEL ROOM DAY (LATER) Fiona opens the door to the hotel room, walks in and sees Peter splayed out on the bed, face down. Hes SNORING like a trooper. Fiona shakes her head and starts to undress.

INT. HOTEL ROOM BATHROOM DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Fiona takes a shower, bathing herself in soap suds.

INT. HOTEL ROOM DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Fiona, freshly dressed in a flattering skirt and low-cut blouse, applies make-up in front of a mirror. She puckers her lips. FIONA Gorgeous. Behind her, Peter lies in the same position. Hes still SNORING. Fiona grabs her jacket, glances at Peter and shakes her head as she leaves.

INT. CONFERENCE CENTRE NIGHT A drinks reception is in full swing. Fiona CHATS with a group of DELEGATES. They LAUGH. Russell, standing opposite Fiona, can barely keep his eyes off her.

INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM (NIGHT) Carol sits in the middle of the sofa holding a bowl of home-made popcorn. Sandwiching her are the twins, Emily and Mark. They snuggle up to her as they watch a film on TV. EMILY Wheres dad?

62 Carol keeps eating popcorn and watching TV. CAROL I told you, sweetheart, hes away for work. Mark looks up at Carol. MARK Is he coming back? Carol stares down at her son. CAROL Of course hes coming back. Whatever made you say that?

INT. HOTEL ROOM NIGHT Peter awakes with a start in the gloom of the hotel room. He looks down at the bed hes lying on then holds his head in pain. He switches the light on, gets gingerly to his feet and goes into the bathroom. He stares at himself in the mirror, his reflection all haggard and dishevelled from drunken sleep. He reaches into his pocket and retrieves his phone. Checking his messages he has one missed call from Fiona and five from Carol. Peter closes his eyes. He opens his eyes and takes a good look at himself in the mirror. He goes and sits on the end of the bed and makes a telephone call.

INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM (NIGHT) Carol and the twins are glued to the TV, eating popcorn. The telephone RINGS. Carol rolls her eyes, hands the bowl of popcorn to Emily and races to the phone.

63 CAROL (into phone) Hello?

INT. HOTEL ROOM NIGHT Peter sits on the edge of the bed, rubbing his forehead with his free hand while holding the phone to his ear with the other. PETER (into phone) You sound breathless. What you doing?

INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM (NIGHT) Carole covers the mouthpiece of the telephone with one hand. Her eyes are on the film on the TV. CAROL (into phone) Watching a film with the kids. Youve phoned at an exciting bit.

INT. HOTEL ROOM NIGHT Peter stands up and goes to the window. He parts the curtain and gazes down at the lights and streets below. PETER (into phone) Sorry. Just checking in. Ill let you get back to it.

INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM (NIGHT) Carols eyes grow wide and her mouth drops open as she watches the TV. The twins SQUEAL and SHRIEK. CAROL (into phone) Ok. Bye love.

64 INT. HOTEL ROOM NIGHT Peter drops the curtain and turns back to face the room. His feature crease up as he fights back tears. PETER CarolI But shes already hung up. Peter tosses the phone onto the bed and stares around at the room. PETER (CONTD) What am I doing? He spots the mini-bar, opens the fridge door and takes out two miniatures of whisky. Peter throws himself on the bed and opens a bottle.

EXT. YORK STREET DAY Peter wanders around ancient Yorks city centre, looking up at the buildings and trying his best to enjoy being a tourist.

EXT. YORKS ROMAN WALLS DAY Peter strolls along the ancient Roman walls encircling York. A JAPANESE TOURIST interrupts his reverie and asks him to take a photo. Peter nods and obliges with zero enthusiasm.

INT. PUB DAY Peter sits at a table on his own. He reads the paper while eating a lonely lunch.

INT. HOTEL ROOM NIGHT Peter lies on the bed when the door opens and in strides Fiona.

65 PETER At last! He starts to get up. Fiona frowns and breezes past him into the bathroom. PETER (CONTD) What do you fancy doing? Fionas head peeps out of the bathroom. FIONA Ive got a drinks reception on. Youll have to entertain yourself. Sorry. Fionas head disappears back into the bathroom, leaving Peter staring at the closed door. PETER But you had a drinks reception last night! Cant you skip it? Theres no answer from Fiona except for a TINKLING as she uses the lavatory. The toilet FLUSHES. Taps GUSH. The bathroom door opens. FIONA No. I cant skip it. This is my work, Peter. I cant waste any opportunities. Peter screws up his face. PETER What am I supposed to do? Ive been entertaining myself all day. Im bored. Fiona raises an eyebrow. FIONA Now you know how I feel. Peters face falls to the floor. Fiona tries to recover and LAUGHS. FIONA (CONTD) Only joking! Dont look so hurt. Peter turns his back to Fiona and glares at the walls. PETER Some trip this is.

66 Fiona grabs Peter and spins him round so he faces her. FIONA Dont give me that. If you dont like it you can always go back to your wife. Peter collapses onto the bed. Fiona steps out of her dress and picks a new one from the wardrobe. Peter stares at Fionas body as she gets changed. He pats the bed. PETER (CONTD) Cant you be a little late? Fiona stares at Peter and pouts as she considers. She glances at her watch. FIONA Youll have to wait, lover boy. Peter THUMPS his head back on the bed. PETER Great. Dinner for one it is then. FIONA Go to the theatre or the cinema or something. Do something cultural. PETER What time will you be back? FIONA Late. Dont wait up. She leans forward to kiss Peter. He doesnt respond and remains lying there, refusing to lift his body to meet Fiona half-way. Fiona gives him a look that says Your loss, waves her fingers at him in goodbye and leaves the room. The door closes slightly LOUDER than normal.

INT. HOTEL LOBBY NIGHT Fiona steps out of the lift and strides towards the entrance.

67 Russell, sitting in an armchair, sees her and stands. He raises his eyebrows and smiles. Fiona returns the smile and pats him on the small of his back as she joins him. They exit the hotel LAUGHING.

INT. PETERS HOUSE DAY Carol stands clutching the telephone, tears streaming down her cheeks, her eyes red raw. CAROL (sobbing, into phone) Shes dead, Peter. Mums dead. Youve got to come home.

INT. CONFERENCE CENTRE DAY Peter stands at the registration desk, his luggage by his feet. He writes a message and seals it in an envelope, then writes Fionas name on the front and hands it to an ASSISTANT. PETER Can you please make sure Fiona Fox gets this? Its urgent. Ive tried calling her but her phones switched off. The assistant smiles and nods her head. ASSISTANT Ill make sure she gets it. Peter nods his thanks, grabs his luggage and scurries out of the conference centre towards the taxi rank.

INT. CONFERENCE CENTRE DAY (LATER) Fiona, surrounded by gushing CONFERENCE DELEGATES, walks towards the exit. Russell walks beside her. CONFERENCE DELEGATE That was a really inspiring presentation, thank you.

68 Fiona smiles and accepts several business cards from her posse. RUSSELL Youre the toast of the conference. Buy you a drink? Fiona is about to answer when the assistant rushes over waving Peters envelope. ASSISTANT Ms Fox, Ms Fox! A gentleman left this for you. Said it was urgent. Fiona takes the envelope, thanks the assistant and reads the message. Russell tries to read over her shoulder. RUSSELL Bad news? Fiona pouts as she reads. FIONA No, no. Not for me. Not so good for a friend of mine. Ill call him later. Fiona looks up to find Russells sparkling eyes drinking her in. She smiles. FIONA (CONTD) Now, what was that you were saying about being the toast of the conference? She theatrically checks her watch. FIONA (CONTD) I think its bubbles oclock, dont you?

INT. BAR NIGHT A small table shared by Fiona, Russell and SEVERAL SUITED BUSINESS MEN. A tipsy Fiona smiles as Russell fills her glass with more champagne. She holds up a finger to indicate one moment, and totters off to a quieter part of the bar.

69 She checks her mobile phone. There are no messages. She frowns and sends a text message to Peter HOPE YOURE OK. F x. She rejoins the boys who have ordered more bubbly.

INT. PETERS HOUSE HALLWAY/LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Peter enters, closes the door behind him, drops his luggage on the floor in the hall and goes into the living room. Carol lies curled up on the sofa. By the light of a table lamp she gazes red-eyed at a framed photograph of her mother. She clutches a glass of whisky. Peter gazes down at her and raises an eyebrow when he sees the whisky. Carol doesnt look up from the photograph. She SNIFFLES. CAROL She would have been ninety on Saturday. Carols voice cracks and tears fall. Peter approaches Carol, takes the whisky glass from her hand and places it on the table and offers Carol his arms. She falls gratefully into his embrace. As Peter hugs her Carol clings on to him, SOBBING. Tears begin to well in Peters eyes and he bites his lip. After a while Peter eases himself free and stands up, shaking his leg to get rid of pins and needles. Carol reaches for her glass of whisky and takes a big GULP. PETER Mind if I join you? Peter doesnt wait for an answer. He goes to the drinks cabinet, pours himself a large whisky and takes his glass and the bottle. He tops Carols glass up and sits beside her on the sofa. Carol and Peter sip their whisky in silence. Peter reaches for the photo of Carols mum and gazes at it.

70 PETER (CONTD) She had a good innings, bless her. Did she go peacefully? Carol nods her head and SNIFFLES. CAROL In her armchair. The nurse brought her a cup of tea but she Carol bursts into SOBS. Peter puts his arm around Carol. She snuggles in close. CAROL (CONTD) I know she was old and losing her marbles, but I was so looking forward to spoiling her on Saturday. Peter sips his whisky and gazes into the unlit fireplace. CAROL (CONTD) Im glad youre back. How was the conference? Did you tell Tom? Carol sits up and twists around to face Peter. PETER Toms getting the train tomorrow. He was working tonight. Carol settles back down and lays her head on Peters chest. CAROL What about your conference? I hope you havent missed anything important. Peter takes a large slug of whisky. PETER It was all rather boring, actually. Im glad to be back. Well, not glad about the circumstances but you know what I mean. CAROL What about your weekend get together? Your away-day? PETER Its fine. Dont you worry about that.

71 INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN - DAY A sombre atmosphere as Peter, Carol and Tom, all dressed in black funeral garb, stand around. Carols sister, SARAH (50-ish, a prettier version of Carol) sits at the kitchen table SOBBING. Her husband, TREVOR (55, balding and wearing round glasses) tries to comfort her. Emily and Mark run into the kitchen playing a game of tag. Emily SQUEALS as Mark catches her. Peter grabs hold of them and squats down to their level. PETER Hey, calm down. Its grannys funeral today. A serious day. Be good for mummy, ok? Emily and Mark stare at Peter with creased faces and pouts. TOM Ill take them outside. Carol, fighting back tears, nods her appreciation to Tom. Carol places a hand on Sarahs shoulders. Trevor gets off his chair and Carol takes his place. She embraces her sister. Trevor looks at Peter and shrugs. Peter checks his watch. PETER Drink? Trevor nods gratefully. TREVOR Great idea. Peter and Trevor leave the kitchen. INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM DAY Peter leads Trevor into the living room. He heads straight for the drinks cabinet and begins pouring two large whiskies. The doorbell RINGS.

72 TREVOR Ill get that. Peter sips his whisky, staring out of the window at a florists van. Trevors head appears at the door, almost obscured by a large bouquet of lilies. TREVOR (CONTD) For Carol. Ill take them through. Peter nods and carries on sipping his whisky as he stares out of the window. His mobile phone CHIRRUPS the arrival of a text message. Peter retrieves the phone from his pocket and checks the screen. Its a message from Fiona CALL ME WHEN YOU CAN. Peter frowns and deletes the message. He puts his phone back in his pocket and heads out of the room.

INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Carol looks up from comforting Sarah as Trevor walks in holding the enormous bouquet. Trevor grins at Carol. Carol stands up and takes the flowers. She looks for the card, finds it buried deep amongst the arrangement and starts to read. She SWALLOWS hard as she blinks tears from her eyes. Almost immediately they start to moisten again. The card reads SORRY TO HEAR ABOUT YOUR MOTHER. WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOU. T x A telephone number is written underneath the message. Carols mouth hangs open as she stares at the card. TREVOR Everything alright? Lovely flowers. Who they from?

73 Carol SWALLOWS hard. CAROL Yes. Eran old Carol heads to the sink with the flowers as Peter walks in. PETER Theyre nice. Who are they from? Carol hides the card in her bra as she busies herself with the flowers. CAROL ErThe people at the nursing home. (beat) They loved her in there. Carols neck is flushed red with the lie. PETER Didnt they send flowers already? The doorbell RINGS again. TOM (O.S.) Mum, dad. The cars are here. Peter forces a smile and exits the kitchen.

EXT. PETERS HOUSE DAY A hearse and funeral cortege await as Peter ushers the family down the garden path towards them. Trevor closes the door of the house.

INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN - DAY (LATER) A wake is in full sway. MOURNERS stand around, eating and drinking and making conversation. Some LAUGH at recollections of the deceased. Carol stands next to the lilies drinking a glass of white wine as an OLD WOMAN talks at her. OLD WOMAN Lovely service. Agnes would have approved. Youre a credit to her, Carol.

74 Carol smiles at the old woman. OLD WOMAN (CONTD) You and your three lovely children. And whats-his-name. Paul. Carols gaze keeps flitting to the flowers. CAROL Peter.

INT. PETERS HOUSE BATHROOM DAY Peter stands in the bathroom, his mobile phone clamped to his ear. PETER (into phone) I cant say when I can see you. Not today, its the bloody funeral. (beat) Yes, yes. It went fine. Of course I want to see you but A sharp RAP on the bathroom door cuts Peter off. PETER (CONTD) Got to go. Ill call you. Yes, of course I want you. More than anything. Another sharp KNOCK on the door. Peter pockets his phone and opens the door. Toms crimson face confronts him. TOM Who were you talking to? Hurry up, Im busting. PETER No one. Here you go. Peter steps out of the bathroom. Tom rushes in and closes the door. Peter screws up his face in worry. PETER (CONTD) Were you eavesdropping?

75 Through the door the SOUND of Tom peeing. TOM (O.S.) How could I be eavesdropping if you werent talking to anyone? Peter bites his lip, hovering uncertainly by the door. PETER Quite. Peter skulks away and heads downstairs.

INT. PETERS HOUSE - KITCHEN NIGHT (LATER) Carol clears up plates and glasses from the wake. Peter and Tom help. PETER Leave that, love. Its late. Well do it in the morning. CAROL No, its fine. I want to do it. Im not tired anyway. Im going to stay up for a while. TOM Well, Im wrecked. Tom kisses his mum goodnight. Peter watches Tom leave the kitchen and approaches Carol. PETER Ill wash, you dry. CAROL No! Leave me alone. Peter is taken aback by the sharpness of Carols tone. Carol turns around to face him. She wears a softening smile. CAROL (CONTD) Im sorry. Its been a stressful day. You go up to bed. Peter hesitates, offers a smile and leaves the room.

76 Carol stands at the sink, staring at the bouquet of lilies and listening for Peters retreating footsteps. Satisfied hes gone she reaches inside her dress and retrieves the crumpled card from her bra. She reads the note again and leans over to the flowers, drinking in the scent with a great intake of breath. When she opens her eyes they are moist and sparkling. She plants a tender kiss on one of the flowers.

INT. PETERS HOUSE UPSTAIRS LANDING NIGHT Peter stands at the top of the stairs, uncertain. He looks towards his and Carols bedroom then to Toms room. He steps towards Toms room, his knuckles poised to knock on the door. He pushes the door open a fraction. The room is lit by a bedside lamp. PETER Tom? Peter pushes the door open wider. Tom lies in bed, staring at the ceiling. He turns to look at Peter. PETER (CONTD) Everything alright? Tom stares at Peter. He nods his head. TOM Its a shame about granny. Peter nods and waits until its evident no further words are going to be forthcoming. He nods at Tom and backs out of the bedroom, closing the door.

INT. PETERS HOUSE BEDROOM NIGHT Peter lies on his back, asleep in his pyjamas. Carol enters the bedroom and gazes at Peter as he sleeps. She turns away and heads back downstairs.

77 INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM NIGHT (MOMENTS LATER) Carol sits legs crossed on the sofa, a glass of wine nearby. She holds her mobile phone in one hand and the sympathy card from the bouquet of lilies in the other. She starts to type a message THANK YOU FOR FLOWERS. CANT BELIEVE YOUVE GOT IN TOUCH. LOVE TO SEE YOU TOO. C x She hesitates before pressing SEND. CAROL Why now, Tim? Why wait til now? She presses SEND.

INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN DAY Peter and Tom sit at the table drinking coffee and reading newspapers. Carol appears in her dressing gown, YAWNING and stretching. Peter and Tom look up as she enters the room. PETER Morning! He checks his watch. PETER (CONTD) It just about is morning. What time did you come to bed? Carol sits down. TOM Coffee, mum? Carol nods her head and smiles tenderly at Tom. PETER What do you want to do today? Shall we do something together? As a family? Tom and Carol turn their heads to face Peter. Both wear a slight disbelieving look. CAROL Im going to go shopping. Treat myself.

78 Peter looks disappointed. CAROL (CONTD) Where are the twins? PETER You hate shopping. Theyre in the front room. Where do you think they are? Carol sips her coffee. CAROL Well, I dont hate it today. Im going to have a me day. If thats ok with you boys? You can look after the kids, cant you, Peter? Peter and Tom exchange looks. PETER Well, I suppose so. I guess Tom and I can take them to the park. TOM Count me out. Im going to meet up with some friends. Peter SIGHS. PETER Ok. Just me and the twins then.

INT. SHOPPING MALL DAY Carol stands in the centre of the mall. Shes the only person not heading any place. She looks up, bewildered, taking in the shops, getting her bearings as other SHOPPERS navigate around her.

INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM - DAY Peter stands in the centre of the room holding a childs coat. Emily chases Mark as he runs around Peter, holding Emilys shoe. The twins SQUEAL with delight at their game as Peter looks totally lost.

79 INT. BOUTIQUE DRESS STORE DAY Carol stands in front of a mirror, trying on a stunning dress. It reveals a glimmer of Carols beauty, something previously hidden behind her drab clothes and plain style.

EXT. PARK DAY Peter watches the children chase each other across the grass. He spots a bench, sits down and surveys the scene, taking in the duck pond and LOVERS walking arm-in-arm. He bends down and picks a flower from the grass at his feet. He starts to pluck the petals, one-by-one. PETER I dump her. I dump her not. I dump her

INT. FIONAS HOUSE BEDROOM (DAY) Clothes are strewn across the floor of Fionas bedroom: a blouse, a bra, mens trousers, a mans shirt and tie. WILD GROANS increase to a deafening level. Fiona lies on her back, legs in the air as Russell pummels away.

EXT. PARK DAY Peter sits on the park bench. Several flower stems and discarded petals rest on his leg as he pulls more petals from another flower. PETER I dump her. I dump her not

INT. LINGERIE STORE DAY Carol, carrying shopping bags, browses through some sexy underwear.

80 EXT. PARK DAY Peter watches the twins play on the swings as he dials Fionas number. Fionas ANSWERING MESSAGE kicks in. Peter hangs up.

INT. CAF DAY Carol sits at a table with a coffee and cake. She LAUGHS and blushes as she speaks into her mobile telephone.

EXT. FIONAS HOUSE DAY Fiona stands at her doorway in a satin dressing gown. She has a dreamy, flushed look on her face as she kisses Russell goodbye. FIONA When can I see you again? RUSSELL Ill call you. Russell strides down the path like he cant get away quick enough.

INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM - DAY (LATER) Peter snoozes on the sofa as Mark and Emily play on the floor. The SOUND OF KEYS opening the front door. Carols head appears around the door. EMILY Mummy! Carol puts a finger to her lips. CAROL Quiet. Daddys sleeping. Emily goes back to her playing. Carols head retreats from the door.

81 INT. PETERS HOUSE STAIRS DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Carol tiptoes up the stairs, trying not to make any noise. She carries several shopping bags.

INT. PETERS HOUSE BEDROOM DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Carol stands in front of an open wardrobe, staring at her clothes. She bites her lip as she ponders where to hide her new gear. She takes her new lingerie from the shopping bag, places it in a pillow case and shoves it towards the back of the wardrobe. She turns around to face the door to check that no one is watching.

INT. FIONAS HOUSE DAY Fiona sits on the sofa with a phone to her ear. FIONA (into phone) I need to see you. We need to talk.

INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN DAY Peter stands at the kitchen door, peering up at the stairs as he listens to Fiona on the other end of the line. PETER I cant just disappear. Ive got the kids to look after. (beat) Its hard to say. Shes very upset. I have to go. Peter terminates the call.

INT. FIONAS HOUSE LIVING ROOM - DAY Fiona sits on the sofa, her mobile to her ear. Rage contorts her face as she SCREAMS in frustration and throws the phone down.

82 INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN NIGHT Peter, Carol and the twins are finishing their evening meal. MARK Please can I leave the table? Carol glances at his empty plate and at Emilys equally empty plate. CAROL Yes, ok. Twenty minutes of television then its off to bed. The twins scamper from the table. Peter reaches for his glass of wine and takes a long sip as he watches Carol eat. PETER You ok? Carol nods her head absently. Peter reaches for her hand and gives it a squeeze. PETER (CONTD) I want to be a better husband to you. Spend more time with you and the kids. Carol looks up, horrified. CAROL Whatever for? Peter looks stumped. PETER It was good to spend some time with the twins today. I dont do enough of it. I dont spend enough time with you. Carol pushes food around her plate. CAROL You work hard. You provide. Thats enough. Peter looks pained. PETER Is it? Dont you want more?

83 Carol stares into space. PETER (CONTD) Like the other day? Here in this very room. Carol drops her fork with a CLATTER and reaches for her glass of wine. CAROL When do you go back to work? Peter starts down at the table, disconsolate. PETER Er, no rush. Theyve given me compassionate leave. I can take as long as I want. Carol gives Peter a look and frowns. CAROL Compassionate leave? She was my mother, Peter. Wheres my compassionate leave? From all this. Carol waves her hand to indicate her domain: the kitchen. PETER Ill do all the housework this week. You take it easy. Maybe we can go somewhere? Carol stands up and starts to collect the dishes. CAROL Go back to work, Peter. I dont want you under my feet. INT. FIONAS HOUSE LIVING ROOM NIGHT Fiona lies curled up on the sofa, glass of wine in hand. She chews her lip as she twirls Russell Blades business card in her hand.

INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM NIGHT Peter and Carol sit on either ends of the sofa watching television. Each looks miserable as they glower at the screen.

84 EXT. PETERS HOUSE GARDEN DAY Peter tends to some weeds. His mobile RINGS. Peter removes his gardening gloves and answers the phone. PETER Dianne. (beat) What? (beat) That is good news! Yes. Im relieved. And Geraldine? (beat) Thank you. Yes. When do you want me back in? (beat) A couple of days? Great! Thank you. Thank you. Peter throws his phone in the air and dances a little jig, a big beaming smile on his face. When he stops he issues a stern warning to himself. PETER (CONTD) Let that be a lesson to you, old boy! Play safe from now on.

INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN DAY (MOMENTS LATER) Peter strides into the kitchen, a big smile on his face. It vanishes as he sees Carol wearing make-up and dressed in smart new clothes. PETER Going out? Carol gives him a Dont be so stupid look. CAROL Yes. The solicitors. Mums will. Peters face creases up. PETER Christ! You should have said. Ill come with you. Carol shakes her head.

85 CAROL No, no. You wanted to spend more time with the twins. This is your chance. Ive told them youll take them to the cinema. Peters mouth falls open. PETER Right. Good luck with the will. Dont let Sarah swindle you out of anything. Carol narrows her eyes and gives him another look.

INT. CINEMA DAY Peter buys cinema tickets as the twins bounce up and down in high excitement. MARK & EMILY Ice cream! Ice cream! Peter ushers the twins into the theatre and down the aisle towards their seat at the front. They settle down. The lights dim and the film starts. EMILY Daddy. I need to go to the toilet. Peter looks around in a panic. He points to the screen. PETER Look! You dont want to miss anything. A good bits coming up. Emily stares wide-eyed at the cinema screen and forgets about the toilet. Peter sighs in relief.

INT. FIONAS OFFICE DAY A plush, modern office, exquisitely furnished. Fiona chews her lip as she holds the phone to her ear. FIONA This is Fiona Fox again for Russell Blade.

86 Fiona raps her fingers impatiently on the desk. She raises an eyebrow. FIONA (CONTD) Hes in a meeting? The same meeting or is this a different one? (beat) Yes, theres a message. Tell him to call me. Fiona SLAMS the phone down and turns to glare out of the window. Shes trembling with rage.

INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM NIGHT Peter lies on the sofa, an airline eye mask over his face. A gin and tonic stands on the coffee table beside him. KEYS SOUND in the front door. A tipsy Carol totters in. She stops as she sees Peter. CAROL Where are the kids? Peter swipes the eye mask from his face. He squints at Carol. PETER What time do you call this? CAROL We went for a drink. PETER Or ten. Theyre upstairs. CAROL How was the film? PETER Not bad, actually. Ive got a blinding headache though. Carol smirks. CAROL Still want to spend more time with them?

87 PETER Id rather work. How was the will? CAROL Fine. Ill tell you tomorrow. PETER I might go back to work tomorrow. Carol grimaces. CAROL Do you have to? Only Ive promised a friend Id meet her for lunch. Peter sits up and takes a drink. PETER Fine. Which one? CAROL Which one what? PETER Which friend? Carol bites her lip. CAROL Oh, Tina. You dont know her. Old school friend. I bumped into her in the street today and we got chatting and... Peter holds his hand up. PETER Its fine, its fine. Carol turns away from Peter. As she walks out of the room her eyes are closed and her face tense with relief.

INT. FIONAS OFFICE DAY Fiona paces around her office, her mobile phone to her ear. FIONA (into phone) Russell Blade, please. Its his mother. (beat) Russell? Fiona Fox here. Why havent you been

88 Fiona pulls the phone away from her ear. Its a dead tone. Russells hung up. FIONA (CONTD) returning my calls? Fiona throws the phone at her chair. She stands by the window, blinking back tears. FIONA (CONTD) Looks like Peter wins by default.

INT. PETERS OFFICE DAY Peter sits at his desk, a big smile on his face as he surveys his work space. A KNOCK on the door is quickly followed by Rogers appearance. ROGER Welcome back Peter. Peter smiles. PETER Thanks, Roger. Roger turns to leave. PETER (CONTD) Roger. What happened to Geraldine? Roger closes the door. An apologetic smile appears on his face. ROGER Ah! Didnt Dianne tell you? I was going to transfer her to the Edinburgh office. Thought that with St Andrews being close and all that thered be no complaints from Derek. Turns out Derek cant stand the Scots so Ive had to... (beat) Shes working for me now, Peter. Dorothy took early retirement. Roger smiles sheepishly at Peter and opens the door just as Jan is about to knock.

89 ROGER (CONTD) Ah! Your new secretary. Come in young lady. A smiling Jan steps into Peters office holding a notebook.

INT. WINE BAR NIGHT Peter nurses a half-full glass of wine as he sits at a small table in the corner. He checks his watch. Fiona enters the bar, spots Peter and strides over. Shes dressed to kill and wears a serious look. Peter barely acknowledges her as she sits down. FIONA Hello stranger. Its been a while. I thought youd forgotten about me. Peter looks up at Fionas face and takes an involuntary breath. FIONA (CONTD) If this is what I think it is, let me get a drink first. She nods in the direction of Peters glass. Peter nods his head. Fiona disappears to the bar. Peter watches her as she moves, a wistful, pained expression on his face. Fiona carries two large glasses of wine to the table. Peter drains his glass and nods his head in thanks. Fiona sits down and stares at him. FIONA (CONTD) Im guessing you want to call the whole thing off? Peter nods his head. Fiona raises her glass. FIONA (CONTD) Well, it was fun while it lasted. No hard feelings. They CHINK their glasses. Both look utterly miserable.

90 They take a drink and put their glasses down. Each stares at the table, lost in thought. They both leap up from their seats, grab each other and start kissing passionately.

INT. PETERS HOUSE LIVING ROOM NIGHT Peter walks into the room. Hes wearing his work suit, his tie undone. A happy contented look rests on his face. It disappears when he sees a DEBBIE (16) sat on the sofa watching a film. DEBBIE Hi! You must be Peter. Im Debbie, the babysitter. Peter looks around, puzzled. PETER Wheres Carol? DEBBIE She went out. Peter shuffles out of the room, nodding his head in confusion.

INT. PETERS HOUSE KITCHEN DAY Peter sits at the table drinking coffee and eating toast. Carol drifts in wearing a dressing gown. PETER I didnt know you were going out last night? Carol YAWNS. CAROL Oh? Didnt I mention it? I was sure I had. I think your memorys going. Peter stares at Carol. PETER No. Who were you out with?

91 Carol pours herself a coffee and wanders over to the window. She beams a big smile. CAROL Tina. Peter takes a bite of his toast. PETER Ill have to meet her sometime. Carol turns around. Her smile has disappeared. CAROL Sure, darling.

INT. RUSSELLS OFFICE DAY Russell sits in his office, his feet up on the desk. He twirls Fionas business card in his hand, contemplating. He swings his feet off the desk, grabs the phone and punches in Fionas number.

INT. FIONAS OFFICE DAY Fiona sits at her desk, perusing papers. Her phone RINGS. FIONA (into phone) Fiona Fox. (beat) Well, well. Look who it is.

INT. RUSSELLS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Russell is hunched over the phone, concentrating on the call. RUSSELL (into phone) Look, I freaked when you said you were my mother. (beat) My mothers dead.

92 INT. FIONAS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Fiona winces, closes her eyes and bites her lip.

INT. RUSSELLS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Russell is smiling as he speaks into the phone. RUSSELL Thats ok. Ive been busy. Of course I havent been ignoring you. Come on! We were great together. We could be great together again.

INT. FIONAS OFFICE DAY (SIMULTANEOUS) Fiona chews her lip while she listens to Russell on the other end of the line. FIONA Im not the sort of woman who likes being taken for a ride. (beat) No, I dont think so. Fiona hangs up. She shakes her head and smiles a regretful smile.

INT. FIONAS OFFICE DAY (LATER) Fiona is working on some papers. A familiar brief KNOCK on her door. The door opens and STEPHANIE (24, Fionas glamorous secretary) walks in holding a huge bouquet of flowers. STEPHANIE Excuse me, Ms Fox. These came for you. Stephanie cant help but grin from ear-to-ear as she hands them over. She hovers at Fionas desk as Fiona fishes around for a card. FIONA That will be all. Thank you, Stephanie. Stephanie retreats to the door smirking.

93 Fiona watches her go with a smile. Fiona rips open the card. Her smile turns to astonishment as she reads GIVE ME ANOTHER CHANCE RUSS x Fiona narrows her eyes as she leans back in her chair. FIONA Too late, Mister. (beat) Or is it? Fiona stares off into space, pondering. The familiar KNOCK of Stephanie on the door. Stephanie enters, holding a small bouquet of flowers. She approaches Fiona apologetically. STEPHANIE Sorry Ms Fox. These came for you. Stephanie hands the flowers over to a puzzled Fiona. Fiona waits for a now-smirking Stephanie to leave the office before ripping open the card. It reads I KNOW YOURE SHAGGING DAD. DO ME AS WELL AND I WONT TELL MUM. TOM x Fionas mouth drops to the floor in shock.

INT. PETERS HOUSE - LIVING ROOM DAY Peter, casually dressed, stands by a side table. He holds a telephone at arms length, staring at it incredulously, like he cant figure it out. His other hand is smoothing the receding hair on the top of his head. On the side table is a hand written list of restaurants and phone numbers. The first nine have a line through them, crossing them out. PETER (exasperated) Why is it so impossible to get a table in a decent restaurant around here?

94 He reaches for the pen by the notepad and angrily crosses out the next number. He lifts the telephone to his ear and SIGHS at the dead tone drone of the DIALLING TONE. He checks the next number on the list and starts to dial. He jumps out of his skin as some ghastly BARS OF A MODERN POP TUNE, all tinny distortion, BLARE OUT LOUDLY, assaulting his ears. PETER (CONTD) Shit! Peter hangs up the landline and frantically fumbles around for the offending mobile phone. Finally he retrieves it from his pocket. PETER (into phone) Hello? FIONA (O.S.) Hi, darling. Can you talk? Peter frowns as he looks at his watch. He takes a step closer to the window and looks out. PETER Ive told you before, dont call me that. Yes. Carols taken the kids shopping. She wont be back for hours. FIONA (O.S) Can you meet me for a drink? PETER Er FIONA (O.S.) (pleading, but with an undertone of menace) Peter Peter looks anxious. PETER Yes, ok. Ill see you in half-an-hour.

95 INT. PETERS CAR DAY Peter speeds down country lanes. Trees and stone walls whizz by as he passes. A picturesque country pub looms into view.

INT. COUNTRY PUB - DAY Fiona sits in a dark corner of the pub, in contemplative mood. Shes twirling Russells business card in her fingers as she ponders. A glass of wine stands on the table before her. A lipstick mark on the rim indicates she has already taken several sips. Peter arrives, sees Fiona, and acknowledges her with a small, almost imperceptible, nod of the head. He goes to the bar and orders a drink. Fiona drops Russells card into her bag.

INT. COUNTRY PUB DAY (LATER) Peter and Fiona sit side-by-side. Half full glasses of wine stand on the table in front of them. FIONA Weve got a problem. Peter looks up, worried. PETER What? Fiona looks at Peter. She thinks better of what she was about to say. FIONA Have you thought about my birthday? Peter fidgets, uncomfortable at the direction the conversation is taking. He turns his head to look directly at her. Fiona has been waiting for this. She catches and holds his gaze. She raises an eyebrow, quizzical yet challenging.

96 FIONA (CONTD) I hope youre going to take me somewhere special? Peter turns away, reaches for his glass and takes a long slug. PETER Funny you should ask. Ive tried all afternoon to book a table somewhere. Can you believe theyre all full? I mean, its not like its Valentines Day or anything. Fiona SIGHS heavily. Peter looks at her anxiously but Fiona has turned her head away. She is studiously ignoring him, leaving him in no doubt as to her disappointment. She looks stern. Peter is eager not to have an atmosphere between them. PETER (CONTD) I would have thought all these country places, away from prying eyes, would have a table for two. But no! The whole county must be having affairs! Peter glances at Fionas unhappy face. He takes her hand and squeezes it. Fiona deigns to look at him. PETER (CONTD) Im afraid well have to make do with a quiet night in at your place. Ill cook. Candles, music, the works! Peters attempt at lightening the mood falls flat. Fionas face is flush, her anger rising. She turns on him. FIONA Oh Peter! We always cook at my place! (beat) Dont you remember the early days, when things werefresh? We used to go out of our way to do exciting things. Where has it all gone? There is an uncomfortable silence between them. Peter is tight lipped, looking furtively around the pub.

97 FIONA (CONTD) We dont do anything, Peter. We dont go anywhere! This affair is getting stale, Peter. Peter looks alarmed. He turns to face Fiona, anguished. PETER No, Fiona! Dont say that. We went to York! Fiona flashes him an angry look. PETER (CONTD) Look, darling. Leave it with me. Ill sort something out, I promise. Fionas fierce gaze still burns. Peter catches a glimpse of the fire and passion that he will miss if she terminates the relationship. FIONA Youd better, Peter. If this relationship goes stale, then Im off the menu. Permanently.

INT. PETERS HOUSE - LIVING ROOM DAY (LATER) Peter sits down on the sofa. He takes a sip from his gin and tonic and runs his hands through his hair. He looks at his fingers as if checking that he hasnt lost any. He takes another, longer, drink of his gin and tonic. He leans back into the sofa and looks up at the ceiling. PETER Bloody hard work having a mistress. (beat) You really shouldnt be doing this, Peter. You promised youd stop. Listen to me. Ive started talking to myself. (beat) Who else am I going to talk to about this mess? Ive got to stop seeing her. If only Carol (beat) The kitchen. That was great. If only it wasnt a one-off.

98 Peter leans forward and reaches for a magazine sitting on the table. He idly flicks the pages between sips of gin and tonic. One of the pages opens to an advertisement for Eurostar trains to Paris. Peter pauses over the advert.

INT. FIONAS HOUSE BEDROOM NIGHT Fiona GROANS as Tom makes enthusiastic love to her, the headboard banging a percussion rhythm against the wall.

INT. FIONAS HOUSE HALLWAY NIGHT Fiona, in a dressing gown, bids goodnight to a very happy, smiling Tom. TOM That was great! Can I see you again tomorrow? Fiona frowns. FIONA Im busy tomorrow, Tom. I have to work. Tom frowns. TOM But I go back to York at the weekend. Fiona spreads her hands, emphasizing shes powerless to change her plans. Tom stares lustily at her body where her gown has parted. FIONA Well, then. Youll just have to be grateful we had tonight. Tom moves towards Fiona and snuggles against her neck, breathing in her perfume. TOM Youre so beautiful. I can see why Dad Fiona pushes Tom away.

99 FIONA Dont. Your father can never know about us. Ok? Tom nods, blows her a kiss and leaves. Fiona closes the door behind him, leans her back against it and shuts her eyes tightly. FIONA (CONTD) Oh God! What am I doing?

INT. FIONAS HOUSE - BATHROOM NIGHT Fiona is taking a bubble bath. The lighting is dimmed low, several candles surround the bath. A glass of wine sits on the side of the tub. Fiona, half-submerged in bubbles, stares glumly at the wall. The telephone RINGS. Fiona GROANS. She decides not to get out of the bath and instead takes a sip of wine. The telephone keeps RINGING until the answering machine kicks in. FIONAS VOICE (O.S.) Youve reached Fiona. Leave a message and if youre lucky Ill call you back. PETERS VOICE (O.S.) Fiona, its me. Listen Fiona GROANS LOUDLY. She pinches her nostrils together and plunges herself under the water. PETERS VOICE (O.S.) (CONTD) great restaurant, I promise youll love it. So what do you think? Birthday in Paris! Fiona emerges from the water, glistening and blinking the water from her eyes. She suddenly looks surprised. FIONA Did he just say Paris? Fiona half smiles in satisfaction. She raises an eyebrow as she reaches for her glass of wine.

100 FIONA (CONTD) Lets not dump him quite yet.

INT. PETERS HOUSE - KITCHEN NIGHT Carol is clearing supper plates from the table. She looks up at Peter. CAROL Youre going where? PETER Conference and off-site in Leeds. Not very glamorous Im afraid but Ive been roped in. Someones cried off sick. CAROL Oh, ok. Actually that works well. I meant to tell you, Ive made plans to visit Sarah next weekend. PETER Perfect then. Say hello to your sister for me. Carol looks at Peter hard, narrowing her eyes. CAROL You dont even like her, Peter. PETER Thats not true. Well, ok. Yes it is. But say hi anyway. And send Trevor my regards. And please stop the kids from changing the ringtone on my mobile. I almost had a heart attack when it rang earlier. Peter turns away from Carol, grinning. Carol smiles a huge smile that stretches from ear-to-ear.

INT. FIONAS HOUSE - BEDROOM NIGHT A happy Fiona, wearing a dressing gown with a towel wrapped around her newly washed hair, talks into the telephone. FIONA Whats this about Paris?

101 INT. PETERS HOUSE - LIVING ROOM NIGHT Peter holds his mobile close to his ear. Hes standing by the connecting door to the hallway, trying to peer down the corridor towards the kitchen, checking that Carol isnt listening in. PETER (into phone) Well, I said Id sort something. Theres just one snag. The trains pretty full so we wont be able to sit together, not unless we can persuade someone to swap seats. Peter grimaces and holds the phone at arms length away from his ears. A tinny GRUMBLING comes from the other end of the telephone line. PETER (CONTD) (into phone) Yes, yes! I know. But thats what happens when you try to book at the last minute. Dont worry, itll be fine. And Ive booked a very nice restaurant for Friday evening. Peter looks pleased with himself. PETER (CONTD) Made the reservation in French too, I might add. (beat) Ok, good. See you soon then. Bye. Peter returns his mobile phone to his pocket. PETER (CONTD) I fucking hate Paris.

EXT. STREET OUTSIDE PETERS OFFICE LATE AFTERNOON Peter races out onto the rainy street. He is carrying a small luggage bag and a briefcase. He throws the briefcase angrily to the floor.

102 PETER Shit! Fucking shitty shit taxi firm. Where are they? Peter looks at his watch. He scans the street, looking up and down both directions. There are no taxis to be seen. PETER (CONTD) Typical! Just typical. The bright yellow light of a black cab appears, illuminating the gloom of a gray rainy London day. Peter waves frantically at the taxi, flagging it down. Peter clambers in, dripping wet. PETER (CONTD) St Pancras station. And step on it! Ive got a train to catch. Peter slumps back into the seat. He checks his watch. He leans his head right back, closing his eyes. PETER (CONTD) Dont miss it, dont miss it, dont miss it.

INT. ST PANCRAS TRAIN STATION DAY (LATER) Fiona, elegantly dressed and vampish, arrives on the Eurostar platform, dragging some expensive luggage. She looks around, frowns, then checks her ticket. She heads towards her carriage. Carol, dressed up and almost unrecognisable from the putupon housewife look she normally wears, appears at the spot on the platform just vacated by Fiona. She checks her ticket and heads towards her carriage. Fiona stands by the train door. She holds her mobile phone to her ear and is gritting her teeth as she stares fixedly at the station clock. Carol stops by Fiona. She pauses to pick up her luggage then boards the train. Fiona steps aside to let her pass. As Carol passes Fiona she casts an envious glance at her glamour.

103 INT. TAXI LATE AFTERNOON Peter speaks into his mobile phone while gesticulating angrily with his free hand. PETER I cant believe it either! Yes, Ill have to get the next one. Im sorry. But theres nothing I can do about it now. Bloody stupid taxi. The TAXI DRIVER hears Peters conversation over the intercom and, thinking hes the subject of Peters comment, turns his head to address Peter. TAXI DRIVER Any more of that and you can fucking walk, mate. Peter glares at the taxi driver. PETER No, no, not you. (beat) Sorry, Fi. Look, lets keep the reservation. Its a great restaurant. Wait for me there, have a drink. Ill come straight from the station.

INT. EUROSTAR TRAIN NIGHT Fiona sits brooding in her seat. Movement a couple of rows ahead attracts her attention. Carol gets up from her seat and confers with her TRAVELLING COMPANION (TIM, 50s, tall, athletic, handsome, with a shock of red hair). Carol walks past Fiona to the restaurant car. She gives Fiona a sly smile of acknowledgement as she passes.

INT. PARIS RESTAURANT - NIGHT A typical Parisian restaurant: small tables, mirrors on the walls, chandeliers, WAITERS dressed in black with white aprons.

104 Fiona sits at a table laid out for two. Shes dressed to kill, her back to the wall, facing the door. She gazes at the ceiling and the walls, taking in her surroundings as she relaxes. She sips champagne. A bell over the door TINKLES. Fiona looks towards the door optimistically. Carol and Tim stand in the doorway. They look guiltily happy as they are greeted by a WAITER who takes their coats. Fiona stares at Tim. Her mouth drops open. Carol and Tim are led to the table next to Fiona. As Carol squeezes in past Fiona to get to her seat she smiles knowingly at her. Fionas face is frozen in shock. Carol sits down. Fiona reaches for her glass and gulps down her champagne. The bell above the door TINKLES a second time. Fiona looks up towards the door. She spits champagne from her mouth. Carol looks towards the door. Her mouth falls open. Peter stands in the doorway, aghast. He stares at Fiona and Carol. FIONA AND CAROL (in unison) Peter! Carol turns and glares at Fiona. Fiona turns to stare at Carol. Her gaze shifts to Tim. Peter looks quizzically at Tim, who begins to rise to his feet. Peter gawps at Carol as he realises who Tim is. Peter closes his eyes.

105 Carols attention turns repeatedly from Peter to Fiona. CAROL Peter, I can explain... (to Fiona) Who are you? TIM I know this must come as a shock but lets not cause a scene... The bell above the door TINKLES again. Tom stands in the doorway. He catches sight of Fiona. TOM Fiona! I love you. Toms proud smile fades as he notices Tim. FADE OUT: THE END

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