Global Food and Beverage Survey: Private Label Manufacturing & Innovative Packaging, Trends and Opportunities, Budget Allocation and Key Growth Markets

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More information at: 1 Introduction 1.1 What is this report about? 1.2 Definitions 1.3 Methodology 1.

4 Profile of survey respondents 1.4.1 Profile of buyer respondents 1.4.2 Profile of supplier respondents 2 Executive Summary 3 Private Label Manufacturing in the Global Food and Beverage Industry 3.1 Prerequisites for Private Label Agreements 3.1.1 Prerequisites for private label agreements all respondents 3.2 Chief Demand Drivers for Private Label Products 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 Chief Chief Chief Chief demand demand demand demand drivers drivers drivers drivers for for for for private private private private label label label label products products products products buyers suppliers region turnover

3.3 Principal Advantages of Private Labels to Manufacturers 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 Principal Principal Principal Principal advantages advantages advantages advantages of of of of private private private private labels labels labels labels buyers suppliers region turnover

3.4 Key Concerns of Private Label Manufacturers 3.4.1 Key concerns of private label manufacturers buyers 3.4.2 Key concerns of private label manufacturers suppliers 3.4.3 Key concerns of private label manufacturers region 4 Future Growth of Private Label Manufacturing in 2012 4.1 Key Markets for Growth of Private Label Products 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 Key Key Key Key markets markets markets markets for for for for growth growth growth growth of of of of private private private private label label label label products products products products buyers suppliers region turnover

4.2 New Trends in Private Label Manufacturing 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 New New New New trends trends trends trends in in in in private private private private label label label label manufacturing manufacturing manufacturing manufacturing buyers suppliers region turnover

4.3 Expected Change in Sales of Private Label 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 Expected Expected Expected Expected change change change change in in in in sales sales sales sales of private labels buyers suppliers region turnover

4.4 Projected Change in Retailers Private Label Activities 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 Projected Projected Projected Projected change change change change in in in in retailers retailers retailers retailers private private private private label label label label activities activities activities activities buyers suppliers region turnover

4.5 Saturation of Private Label Market 4.5.1 Saturation of private label market all respondents 4.5.2 Saturation of private label market region 4.5.3 Saturation of private label market turnover 5 Packaging Techniques and Solutions 5.1 Key Packaging Materials 5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3 5.1.4 Key Key Key Key packaging packaging packaging packaging materials materials materials materials buyers suppliers region turnover

5.2 Packaging Techniques for Food Safety 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4 Packaging Packaging Packaging Packaging techniques techniques techniques techniques for for for for food food food food safety safety safety safety buyers suppliers region turnover

5.3 Expenditure on New Packaging Solutions 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4 Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure Expenditure on on on on new new new new packaging packaging packaging packaging solutions solutions solutions solutions buyers suppliers region turnover

6 New Packaging Trends 6.1 Important Trends in Packaging 6.1.1 Important trends in packaging buyers 6.1.2 Important trends in packaging suppliers 6.1.3 Important trends in packaging region 6.2 Key Drivers of Packaging Trends 6.2.1 6.2.2 6.2.3 6.2.4 6.2.5 Key drivers of Key drivers of Key drivers of Key drivers of Implementation packaging packaging packaging packaging of refill trends buyers trends suppliers trends region trends turnover packaging

6.3 Selection Criteria for Sustainable Packaging

6.3.1 6.3.2 6.3.3 6.3.4

Selection Selection Selection Selection

criteria criteria criteria criteria

for for for for

sustainable sustainable sustainable sustainable

packaging packaging packaging packaging

buyers suppliers region turnover

6.4 Key Demand Drivers for Environment Friendly Packaging 6.4.1 6.4.2 6.4.3 6.4.4 Key Key Key Key demand demand demand demand drivers drivers drivers drivers for for for for environment environment environment environment friendly friendly friendly friendly packaging packaging packaging packaging buyers suppliers region turnover

6.5 Popular Materials for Sustainable Packaging 6.5.1 6.5.2 6.5.3 6.5.4 Popular Popular Popular Popular materials materials materials materials for for for for sustainable sustainable sustainable sustainable packaging buyers packaging suppliers packaging region packaging turnover

7 Appendix 7.1 Survey results closed questions 7.2 About Canadean 7.3 Disclaimer List of Tables Table 1: Total Global Food and Beverage Industry Survey Respondents by Company Type, 2011 Table 2: Buyer Respondents: Job Role (%), 2011 Table 3: Buyer Respondents: Region (%), 2011 Table 4: Buyer Respondents: Global Turnover (%), 2011 Table 5: Supplier Respondents: Job Role (%), 2011 Table 6: Supplier Respondents: Region (%), 2011 Table 7: Supplier Respondents: Global Turnover (%), 2011 Table 8: Prerequisites for Private Label Agreements: Buyers (Rank), 2012 Table 9: Prerequisites for Private Label Agreements: Suppliers (Rank), 2012 Table 10: Chief Demand Drivers for Private Label Products: Buyers (%), 20112012 Table 11: Chief Demand Drivers for Private Label Products: Suppliers (%), 2011201 2 Table 12: Chief Demand Drivers for Private Label Products: Region (%), 20112012 Table 13: Chief Demand Drivers for Private Label Products: Turnover (%), 20112012 Table 14: Principal Advantages of Private Labels: Buyers (%), 20112012 Table 15: Principal Advantages of Private Labels: Suppliers (%), 20112012 Table 16: Principal Advantages of Private Labels: Region (%), 20112012 Table 17: Principal Advantages of Private Labels: Turnover (%), 20112012 Table 18: Key Concerns: Buyers (%), 2012 Table 19: Key Concerns: Suppliers (%), 2012 Table 20: Key Concerns: Region (%), 2012 Table 21: Key Markets for Growth of Private Label Products: Food Manufacturers ( %), 2012 Table 22: Key Markets for Growth of Private Label Products: Beverage Manufacture rs (%), 2012 Table 23: Key Markets for Growth of Private Label Products: Suppliers (%), 2012 Table 24: New Trends in Private Label Manufacturing: Buyers (%), 2012 Table 25: New Trends in Private Label Manufacturing: Suppliers (%), 2012 Table 26: New Trends in Private Label Manufacturing: Region (%), 2012 Table 27: New Trends in Private Label Manufacturing: Turnover (%), 2012 Table 28: Expected Change in Sales of Private Labels: Buyers (%), 2012

Table 29: Expected Change in Sales of Private Labels: Suppliers (%), 2012 Table 30: Projected Change in Retailers Private Label Activities: Food Manufact urers (%), 2012 Table 31: Projected Change in Retailers Private Label Activities: Beverage Manu facturers (%), 2012 Table 32: Projected Change in Retailers Private Label Activities: Suppliers (%) , 2012 Table 33: Saturation of Private Label Market: All Respondents (%), 20112012 Table 34: Saturation of Private Label Market: Region (%), 20112012 Table 35: Saturation of Private Label Market: Turnover (%), 20112012 Table 36: Key Packaging Materials: Buyers (%), 20112012 Table 37: Key Packaging Materials: Suppliers (%), 20112012 Table 38: Key Packaging Materials: Region (%), 20112012 Table 39: Key Packaging Materials: Turnover (%), 20112012 Table 40: Packaging Techniques for Food Safety: Food Manufacturers (%), 2012 Table 41: Packaging Techniques for Food Safety: Beverage Manufacturers (%), 2012 Table 42: Packaging Techniques for Food Safety: Suppliers (%), 2012 Table 43: Expenditure on New Packaging Solutions: Buyers (%), 2012 Table 44: Expenditure on New Packaging Solutions: Suppliers (%), 2012 Table 45: Expenditure on New Packaging Solutions: Region (%), 2012 Table 46: Expenditure on New Packaging Solutions: Turnover (%), 2012 Table 47: Important Trends in Packaging: Food Manufacturers (%) Table 48: Important Trends in Packaging: Beverage Manufacturers (%), 2012 Table 49: Important Trends in Packaging: Suppliers (%), 2012 Table 50: Key Drivers of Packaging Trends: Buyers (%), 20112012 Table 51: Key Drivers of Packaging Trends: Suppliers (%), 20112012 Table 52: Key Drivers of Packaging Trends: Region (%), 20112012 Table 53: Key Factors Driving Packaging Trends: Turnover (%), 20112012 Table 54: Implementation of Refill Packaging: Buyers (%), 2012 Table 55: Implementation of Refill Packaging: Suppliers (%), 2012 Table 56: Selection Criteria for Sustainable Packaging: Buyers (%), 20112012 Table 57: Selection Criteria for Sustainable Packaging: Suppliers (%), 20112012 Table 58: Key Demand Drivers for Environment Friendly Packaging: Buyers (%), 201 2 Table 59: Key Demand Drivers for Environment Friendly Packaging: Suppliers (%), 2012 Table 60: Key Demand Drivers for Environment Friendly Packaging: Region (%), 201 2 Table 61: Key Demand Drivers for Environment Friendly Packaging: Turnover (%), 2 0112012 Table 62: Popular Materials for Sustainable Packaging: Food Manufacturers (%), 2 0112012 Table 63: Popular Materials for Sustainable Packaging: Beverage Manufacturers (% ), 20112012 Table 64: Popular Materials for Sustainable Packaging: Suppliers (%), 20112012 Table 65: Survey Results Closed Questions List of Figures Figure Figure Figure Figure 2 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 012 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: Prerequisites for Private Label Agreements: Buyers (Rank), 2012 Prerequisites for Private Label Agreements: Suppliers (Rank), 2012 Chief Demand Drivers for Private Label Products: Buyers (%), 20112012 Chief Demand Drivers for Private Label Products: Suppliers (%), 2011201 Chief Demand Drivers Chief Demand Drivers Principal Advantages Principal Advantages Principal Advantages for Private Label Products: Region (%), 20112012 for Private Label Products: Turnover (%), 20112012 of Private Labels: Buyers (%), 20112012 of Private Labels: Suppliers (%), 20112012 of Private Labels: Buyers vs. Suppliers (%), 20112

Figure 10: Principal Advantages of Private Labels: Region (%), 20112012 Figure 11: Principal Advantages of Private Labels: Turnover (%), 20112012 Figure 12: Key Concerns: Buyers (%), 2012 Figure 13: Key Concerns: Suppliers (%), 2012 Figure 14: Key Concerns: Region (%), 2012 Figure 15: Top Markets for Growth of Private Label Products: Global Food and Bev erage Industry, 2012 Figure 16: Key Markets for Growth of Private Label Products: Food Manufacturers (%), 2012 Figure 17: Key Markets for Growth of Private Label Products: Beverage Manufactur ers (%), 2012 Figure 18: Key Markets for Growth of Private Label Products: Suppliers (%), 2012 Figure 19: Key Markets for Growth of Private Label Products: Region (%), 2012 Figure 20: Key Markets for Growth of Private Label Products: Turnover (%), 2012 Figure 21: New Trends in Private Label Manufacturing: Buyers (%), 2012 Figure 22: New Trends in Private Label Manufacturing: Suppliers (%), 2012 Figure 23: Expected Change in Sales of Private Labels: Buyers (%), 2012 Figure 24: Expected Change in Sales of Private Labels: Suppliers (%), 2012 Figure 25: Expected Change in Sales of Private Labels: Region (%), 2012 Figure 26: Expected Change in Sales of Private Labels: Turnover (%), 2012 Figure 27: Projected Change in Retailers Private Label Activities: Food Manufac turers, 2012 Figure 28: Projected Change in Retailers Private Label Activities: Beverage Man ufacturers, 2012 Figure 29: Projected Change in Retailers Private Label Activities: Suppliers (% ), 2012 Figure 30: Projected Change in Retailers Private Label Activities: Region (%), 2012 Figure 31: Projected Change in Retailers Private Label Activities: Turnover (%) , 2012 Figure 32: Saturation of Private Label Market: All Respondents (%), 20112012 Figure 33: Key Packaging Materials: Buyers (%), 20112012 Figure 34: Key Packaging Materials: Suppliers (%), 20112012 Figure 35: Packaging Techniques for Food Safety: Food Manufacturers (%), 2012 Figure 36: Packaging Techniques for Food Safety: Beverage Manufacturers (%), 201 2 Figure 37: Packaging Techniques for Food Safety: Suppliers (%), 2012 Figure 38: Packaging Techniques for Food Safety: Region (%), 2012 Figure 39: Packaging Techniques for Food Safety: Turnover (%), 2012 Figure 40: Expenditure on New Packaging Solutions: Buyers (%), 2012 Figure 41: Expenditure on New Packaging Solutions: Suppliers (%), 2012 Figure 42: Expenditure on New Packaging Solutions: Region (%), 2012 Figure 43: Expenditure on New Packaging Solutions: Turnover (%), 2012 Figure 44: Important Trends in Packaging: Food Manufacturers (%), 2012 Figure 45: Important Trends in Packaging: Beverage Manufacturers (%), 2012 Figure 46: Important Trends in Packaging: Suppliers (%), 2012 Figure 47: Important Trends in Packaging: Region (%), 2012 Figure 48: Key Drivers of Packaging Trends: Buyers (%), 20112012 Figure 49: Key Drivers of Packaging Trends: Suppliers (%), 20112012 Figure 50: Key Drivers of Packaging Trends: Region (%), 20112012 Figure 51: Key Factors Driving Packaging Trends: Turnover (%), 20112012 Figure 52: Implementation of Refill Packaging: Buyers (%), 2012 Figure 53: Implementation of Refill Packaging: Suppliers (%), 2012 Figure 54: Selection Criteria for Sustainable Packaging: Buyers (%), 20112012 Figure 55: Selection Criteria for Sustainable Packaging: Suppliers (%), 20112012 Figure 56: Selection Criteria for Sustainable Packaging: Region (%), 20112012 Figure 57: Selection Criteria for Sustainable Packaging: Turnover (%), 20112012 Figure 58: Key Demand Drivers for Environment Friendly Packaging: Buyers (%), 20 12 Figure 59: Key Demand Drivers for Environment Friendly Packaging: Suppliers (%),

2012 Figure 60: Key Demand Drivers for Environment Friendly Packaging: Region (%), 20 12 Figure 61: Key Demand Drivers for Environment Friendly Packaging: Turnover (%), 2012 Figure 62: Popular Materials for Sustainable Packaging: Food Manufacturers (%), 20112012 Figure 63: Popular Materials for Sustainable Packaging: Beverage Manufacturers ( %), 20112012 Figure 64: Popular Materials for Sustainable Packaging: Suppliers (%), 20112012 Figure 65: Popular Materials for Sustainable Packaging: Region (%), 20112012 Figure 66: Popular Materials for Sustainable Packaging: Turnover (%), 20112012 List of Companies Aaron Thomas Company ACME Markets Inc Adept Technology Admix, Inc Amcor Limited American Italian Pasta Company (AIPC) Anheuser-Busch InBev APLIX S.A Asda Axon Corporation Baptista s Bakery Brassica Sprout Group Cada Design Group Carrefour Castel Group Coca Cola Coega Dairy ConAgra Foods Cott Corporation Danone Del Monte Delkor Systems Inc Eaton Eco Plastics EDV Packaging Elopak Enval Exal Corporation Fernqvist Labeling Solutions FineWaters Media FORMOST Equipment Corporation General Foods Corporation General Mills George Weston Global PET Greatpac Sdn Bhd Green Mountain Coffee Roasters GreenBlue GreenBottle Group Auchan Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG Heinz Henkel Ishida Europe ITW Muller

J.M. Smucker Company JaMar Packaging Kellogg Company Kraft Foods Loblaw Makedonik McCormick & Co Molson Coors Morrison Supermarkets PLC N. Jonas & Company Inc Nampak Plastics National Pretzel Co Nature Works LLC Nestl ORBIS Orion Packaging PepsiCo Prent Corporation Ralcorp Holdings Refresco REWE Sainsbury Soft Drinks International (SDI) Sonoco Stora Enso Oyj TerraCycle Tesco plc Trader Joe Company TreeHouse Foods Inc Unilever UPM Raflatac Walgreens Wal-Mart Stores Whole Foods Market Inc WRAP More information at:

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