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Ronald Donaldson January 3rd, 2011

Describe the five layers in the Internet networking model and what they do.
Layer 1: The Physical Layer - The first layer in the five-layer Internet networking model is the physical layer. The physical layer consists of all the various physical hardware components comprising a network. Examples of components at this level are computers, servers, cabling, routers, hubs, and in general, any other hardware. The physical layer is responsible for transmitting electrical signals between end-users, and is the foundation upon which all other layers in the Internet networking model, function.

Layer 2: The Data Link Layer - Fitzgerald, J. and Dennis, A., in our text, describe the data link layer as being responsible for three primary functions, communicating when messages should be sent to the physical layer, when the messages start and stop, and also for detecting and correcting errors in transmission. In summary, this layer moves messages between end-users. Ethernet and Token-Ring are protocols that may be utilized at this level.

Layer 3: The Network Layer - The network layer of the Internet networking model is responsible for getting messages from one computer to another, through routing. Kozierok, C., of TCP/, describes this layer as the first in which the more abstract or logical functions of the upper layers become more prominent. While the aforementioned website pertains specifically to the OSI networking model, as it is mentioned within our text, the functionality between the TCP/IP or Internet networking model and the OSI networking models are exactly the same. Having said this, some tasks performed by the network layer include logical addressing, routing, encapsulation, and fragmentation. Layer 4: The Transport Layer - In the Internet networking model, the transport layer is often coupled with the network layer to form the popular description TCP/IP. From our

text, (Fitzgerald, J. and Dennis) the transport layer is primarily responsible for supporting the application layer and for establishing host-to-host transportation. In some respects, this layer is seen as the major division, along with the third layer, (Network or IP layer) of the more hardware oriented layers below, and the higher, logical layers above. To that extent, the transport layer pertains to the protocols characterizing the manor in which transmissions are sent and received. TCP and UDP are amongst the most well known protocols on this level.

Layer 5: The Application Layer - The application layer is responsible for granting user access to the network, it is the topmost layer which is supported by all lower layers, and is the point where user oriented software, like web-browsers, translate user commands down to the lower, supporting layers as initiated network traffic.

Compare and contrast two-tier, three-tier, and n-tier client-server

architectures. What are the technical differences, and what advantages and disadvantages does each offer?

Two-Tier Client-Server Architectures- In a two-tier client-server application architecture, the four fundamental application functionalities (i.e. data storage, data access logic, application logic, and presentation logic) are distributed between two sets of computers, the clients and the servers. The client assumes responsibility for presentation logic, while the server manages access logic and storage. Application logic is processed on a per-application basis, depending upon the program. Technically, this is the most simplistic client-server architecture of those in the category, but with that simplicity comes the potentiality of low performance due to a high capacity utilization. However, when implemented along with the appropriate middleware and when characterized by optimal client application processing, (thin/fat) this is likely the best place to start. Three-Tier Client-Server Architectures- In three-tier client-server application architectures, the client processes presentation logic, while the server is divided into two sets of computers, one for the application logic, and the other for access logic and storage. Naturally, this increased the complexity bears an impact upon management and cost. This also means there will be more traffic to consume network capacity due to the additional packet transaction involvements. On the positive side though, having a dedicated application server may increase network throughput and performance in general, which in certain instances might outweigh the cost of added complexity. N-Tier Client-Server Architectures- The n-tier client-server application architecture is configured just as the three-tier, yet with more than one set of computers dedicated to the application logic, typically segregated by logical parameters. The aggregation of logical responsibilities between servers enables for increased scalability and the benefits of load balancing. On the other hand, in addition to needing a network with greater capacity to function efficiently, programming and testing difficulties are multiplied in proportion to network complexity.


Kozierok, C. (2005). The TCP/IP Guide. Retrieved Jan 3rd, 2010 from, Link Layer Protocols. Retrieved Jan 3rd, 2010 from,

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