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theSun | FRIDAY NOVEMBER 7 2008 15

news without borders

California bans same-sex marriage

SAN FRANCISCO: California and two other “What lost last night was the Republican
states voted in Tuesday’s elections to ban same- Party, but it was not a rejection of traditional or
sex marriage, overturning a right given to gays moral values, because you have two states that
and lesbians in the liberal, trend-setting state voted for Barack Obama – Florida and California
just months ago in state court. – that also passed the marriage amendments.”
But in an indication of the complex cultural California’s Supreme Court declared same-
map drawn on Tuesday, voters also rejected sex marriage a right in May, unleashing a flood
limits on abortion in South Dakota and Colorado of weddings. But the state’s voters changed its
in a loss for social conservatives as the country constitution to rescind the right after one of the
elected its first black president, Barack Obama. most expensive ballot campaigns in history in
Voters in Florida and Arizona joined California which both sides raised roughly US$70 million
in banning same-sex marriages, adding to the (RM204 million).
list of dozens of states with similar laws. At least three groups on Wednesday launched
Obama, won California and Florida. Rival John legal challenges to the California ban with the
McCain won his home state of Arizona, which in state’s supreme court. Debates also erupted on
2006 rejected a ban on same-sex marriage. whether same-sex marriages over the last six
Tony Perkins, president of the conservative months would be recognised.
Family Research Council which worked for anti- Backers of same-sex marriage said they
gay marriage measures, said the votes showed were consoled by the victory of Obama who has
Obama’s mandate is for economic policy, “not a reached out to the gay community and supports
radical social policy.” civil unions, but not gay marriage. – Reuters

Newspapers score
big on election day
WASHINGTON: It was a good day to be in offered copies for sale on eBay.
the newspaper business. The historic Nov 5 Print newspapers have seen declining
editions proclaiming Barack Obama’s White readership in recent years, forcing cutbacks,
House victory flew off the newsstands and as more readers turn to Internet sources
major newspapers struggled to keep up with for news. But on such a historic occasion,
the demand for copies. traditional newspapers had their day.
Those who didn’t rise early enough or “This kind of demand for our papers is
who lacked the foresight to keep up their unlike anything we’ve experienced in recent
subscriptions to the print editions could find history,” Tribune Co chief operating officer
them online, but at a steep price. By early Randy Michaels said in a statement.
on Wednesday evening, nearly 800 sellers “This is a clear indication that people
continue turning to their local newspaper to

help them understand the news of the day,

and that is true with big events,” he said.
The New York Times and The Washington
Post put out special commemorative
editions when readers clamoured for more
– there just weren’t enough to go around.
Newspapers in San Francisco, Denver
and Chicago reported selling out and also
printed special editions. Thousands of extra
copies were printed in Baltimore, Hartford,
Connecticut, and Orlando, Florida.
Bids on eBay for The New York Times
with its headline “Obama” were up to
US$400 (RM1,194) by early Wednesday
evening. The Post’s “Obama Makes History”
edition was bid up to US$41 (RM147.60).
Meanwhile, more than 71 million
Americans tuned in to see Tuesday’s climax
to the historic US presidential campaign
A woman looks at a on television, far more than watched
newspaper with headline prime-time returns from the last two White
story on Barack Obama in House races, figures released on Wednesday
central Stockholm yesterday. showed. – Reuters

sen as vice president on John McCain’s defeated

ticket. Now Obama, who takes office in January,
briefs is in the firing line. – AFP

Two ‘skinheads’ charged in

US comedians sharpen claws alleged Obama plot
for Obama presidency WASHINGTON: Two white supremacists
NEW YORK: They love him now, but America’s have been charged with allegedly plotting
razor-tongued, left-leaning comedians say presi- to assassinate Barack Obama and violating
dent-elect Barack Obama will soon be the butt federal gun laws, court documents said on
of jokes. Wednesday.
Satirical cartoonist Ted Rall said he couldn’t Daniel Cowart, 20, and Paul Schlesselman,
wait to move on from Republican President 18, were charged by a federal grand jury in
George W. Bush. the southern state of Tennessee on seven
“Making fun of George Bush is so easy – it’s counts, officials said.
just kindergarten stuff,” Rall complained at a post- They were arrested last month for plotting
election comedy discussion panel on Wednesday. a killing spree of African-Americans, including
“Doing Obama is going to be so much more now President-elect Obama, officials said.
fun.” “The indictment against defendants Cowart
Political humor enjoys something of a golden and Schlesselman alleges several violations
age in the United States after a presidential of federal firearms laws and threats against
campaign where TV shows like Saturday Night a presidential candidate,” said Lawrence
Live not only made fun of news, but made news. Laurenzi, acting US attorney for the Western
Most comedians are strongly Democratic and District of Tennessee.
their juiciest targets were Republicans, especially The charges carry penalties of five to 10
Sarah Palin, the Alaskan “ice hockey mom” cho- years in prison. – AFP

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