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The Lake Country Shopper

Volume 7, No. 1 Serving the Lake Corpus Christi Area and Other South Texas Communities January 2012


Best of the Lake & Country

Heres to a Prosperous New Year for All, Despite what Obama and Congress Were Doing To Us While We Decorated Our Trees, Shopped for Christmas and
Wondered What Lady Gaga or the Kardashians Were Doing Or How Our Favorite Sports Teams Were Doing
or Wondering What Congressman Weiner Was Up To Last June.
Are your local law enforcement officials keepers of the oath they took to support the Constitution of the United States? Are you sure? If you or a loved one, friend or neighbor is active duty military or reserve military, are they dedicated to the oath they took to support the Constitution? Are you sure? If you or friends of yours are military veterans, will they support the oath they took? If martial law were to come to your part of America, whose side will they be on? The side of the American citizen, or the side of Obama or the next statist, socialist president? . Will these military, law enforcement people and veterans turn against the citizens, or will they live by their oath to protect the Constitution and the citizens? Not all these people are actual members of Oath Keepers, as many may fear retribution if their names are associated with it, but to educate yourselves, go the website at I ask these questions because Obama has gone several steps further than his capacity to declare martial law. The amount of information on the internet is huge, and the amount I have read since the beginning of December is nearly overwhelming, so I am going to try to summarize parts of it, print parts of it and give links and references. It is hard to even know where to start. I have outlined this several times, and I am just going to have to do my best. Please bear with me and read every word of this. Think of it as following the dots. If your reading skills are not developed enough to read and comprehend this, find someone who graduated from high school before 1970 to read it and explain it to you. By way of background, below are the ten planks of the Marxist communist manifesto. Do any of them seem to have come about in America? If you think not, think again. As you will be able to see, the fulfillment of this agenda has become far worse under the Bush and Obama administrations, especially Obamas. The evils of socialism and humanism cannot survive exposure unless "good men and women do nothing". The following is offered in hopes that you will join our efforts to expose those evils. The 10 planks of the communist manifesto written in 1848 by Karl Marx appear below. taxes and they all violate our God-given property rights. They could be replaced with indirect taxes like sales tax, tobacco tax, alcohol tax, or gasoline tax. Some advantages of indirect taxes are: * They are indeed Constitutional. * Our privacy would be protected. * Everyone who spends money participates, including the super-wealthy, foreign visitors, illegal aliens, drug dealers, and others now in the underground economy. * It is a pay as you go system - no April 15th. * The IRS and all associated collection cost would be eliminated. * Lower production cost will allow business to compete internationally. * Prices would come down more than enough to cover the sales tax increase. *Business would expand creating new jobs. * The money now in offshore tax-havens would flood back into this country stimulating the economy. * Manufacturing would come back home absent the over-taxation and over-regulation that drove them to foreign countries. 4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels. Our government does not normally confiscate property of emigrants, however, many laws and regulations have been passed in recent years which allow many government agencies such as the I.R.S., O.S.H.A., E.P.A., B.L.M., and drug enforcement agencies to confiscate property from citizens that are considered rebels. Much of this confiscation is achieved without due process of law. 5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913. It is not federally owned and nothing is in reserve. It is a private corporation with the power to increase or decrease the money supply Although Marx advocated the use of any means, especially including violent revolution, to bring about socialist dictatorship, he suggested ten political goals for developed countries such as the United States. How far has the United States -- traditionally the bastion of freedom, free markets, and private property -- gone down the Marxist road to fulfill these socialist aims? You be the judge. The following are Marx's ten planks from his Communist Manifesto, along with a few notes. From: by changing the interest rates and the reserve requirements of its member banks. It can create money out of thin air, lend it to the government and then collect the principal and interest from the taxpayers. That is why its owners always have and always will promote war and socialism to create inextinguishable government debt. "Permit me to control the currency of a nation and I care not who makes its laws." --Baron De Rothschild, brainchild of the Federal Reserve Bank. "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them, will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." --Thomas Jefferson 6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State. Communication and transportation are controlled by a number of government agencies, e.g., The Federal Communication Commission (FCC), The Dept. of Transportation (DOT), The Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC), The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Public Television is also a good example of state control of communication for the indoctrination of the concepts of socialism and humanism. 7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State, the bringing into cultivation of waste lands, and the improvements of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. Dan Smoot's book, "The Business End of Government" revealed that, the federal government owned 1165 different businesses like AMTRAC. The Bureau of land Management, The Department of Agriculture, The Department of Commerce, The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), etc., all promote a common plan of more and more regulation and control from government with less and less freedom enjoyed by the people. 8. Equal liability of all to labor and the establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture. Heavy taxation, over-regulation, and other economic problems caused by our government's adoption of socialism has forced women to labor equally with men. Our industrial army is the Social Security System which requires membership at birth. 9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country by a more equitable distribution of population over the country. We are not living under this plank totally. However, we do have many large agriculture corporations who have combined all levels of production from the farm to the consumer. It appears that the goal of this plank is to reduce the number of family farms making it easier to gain control of all food and fiber production. This goal is fast becoming reality. [Read further to find out about Obamas Rural Council.] 10. Free education for all children in public schools.... Communist and socialist have long recognized the value of indoctrination through a free educational system. And, it has produced a people with no understanding of the vast differences between the Free Enterprise System and socialism. During our Bicentennial celebrations (1986), a national poll of school children revealed that 46% of them believed that "From him with the most ability - to him with the most need" was part of our Constitution. Today all socialist, all liberals and most democracts believe the same thing. See Tyranny Continued on Page 3

The Communist Manifesto

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes. Property tax paid annually prevents the outright ownership of property, because if property can be confiscated for taxes owed, it can never truly be owned. The application of our rents of land (property taxes)are used for public purposes as envisioned by Karl Marx. 2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax. The income tax was imposed upon the people briefly after the War Between The Southern States and The dictatorial Federal Government. In 1895, The US Supreme Court abolished it with the words, "The income tax is indeed a direct tax and therefore unconstitutional". The Court understood that, "No capitation, or other direct Tax shall be laid,..." Art. 1, Sec. 9, of the US Constitution, means exactly what it says. However, in 1913 there were enough socialist in Congress to again foist the income tax upon the people with the 16th Amendment to the Constitution. The income tax is not designed just to raise taxes, which could be accomplished very easily with a national sales tax. Instead, its goal is to punish achievement, invade privacy, and control the people through fear and intimidation from the most gestapolike arm of our government, the I.R.S. 3. Abolition of all right of inheritance. Our inheritance tax puts all rights of inheritance in jeopardy. Property tax, income tax, and inheritance tax, should be abolished because they are all direct

Are We Living Under the Communist Manifesto?

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known, and he carries his banners openly. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very hall of government itself. For the traitor appears no traitor. He speaks in the accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their garments, and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in hearts of men. He rots the soul of a nation. He works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city. He infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A Murderer Is Less To Be Feared." Cicero, 42 B.C. The only difference between communism and socialism is its method of imposition. Communism is forced upon the people against their will. Socialism on the other hand is entered into voluntarily by the majority of voters. Even though the goals are the same, socialism is much more dangerous because it gradually enslaves the people without the use of visible force, while artfully disguising its evil motives with a variety of so-called noble causes.

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January 2012

The Lake & Country Shopper - 2

From the Editor...

December in any part of Texas usually brings really great weather, and especially it does in our west side of Lake Corpus Christi. Of course I am disappointed that my tomato plants bit the dust earlier than expected, but who doesnt like fried green tomatoes? December 8 brought us the Lagarto VFD Christmas Party (though I heard it was actually a get-together, since these days it is politically incorrect to have Christmas parties. Ho-hum. I attended, and it was great to see so many friends and folks I had not seen for many months. One of the things that is truly wonderful about that kind of event is that there are people literally of all ages there, from very young children to the quite elderly (no, Im not yet quite elderly--just heading in that direction like all the rest of us). There were grandparents with their children and grandchildren. It was truly an enjoyable community event. My only regret was there were not more in the community who attended and participated. On a much more serious note, pay attention to what President Zero is doing to us, much of it behind our backs. Pay attention to what the Republican candidates vying for the nomination as the Republican candidate for President really stand for and where they are coming from ideologically. There are many devils in the rock pile, and OHB is not the only one. Remember that wolves may appear in sheeps clothing, just as, to many voters, Obama did. More than likely, with all that is going on with the Federal Reserve and the world-wide central banks, the European Union and the Arab Springs, the Occupiers,along with the agenda of the United Nations for One World Government , we are all in for a time we never dreamed we would live in. The occupiers are merely a portent of things to come. Be prepared. There is no way of knowing when or if the dollar could collapse, as many predict it will, but it could be as soon as next summer. Again, it could be ten more years from now. There is no way anyone can predict the future behavior of the governments of the world or of factions in this country or others. The important part to keep in mind is to be sure you have food, water, guns, ammo and a means of preserving all of the above in case of disaster. When the hard times come, and it seems they may, it will be very important to have access to the basics. In this issue, I have included an extremely long article which is actually composed of other articles and quotes from new laws and executive orders. I am breaking, at least temporarily, with my tradition of having photos of wildlife or wild flowers on the cover page in order to present you with important information you need to know about. The mainstream media newspapers and television shows only tell us what they want us to hear about, so I am reporting to you what is going on behind our backs and some commentary of others in response to some of these events. That is my new years gift to all my readers. All I want is for you to actually read all this material. It may take you all month to do so. If so, so be it. Keep this issue on your coffee table. Grab extra issues and send to friends and relatives around the state and country. The good news is that I believe all of us who call south Texas home have the guts, gumption, fortitude or whatever it takes to ride out whatever is going to happen and that Texas, if not the United States, will triumph for freedom and liberty and property rights, Obama may not like our clinging to our guns and our religion, but what would he know about either one? I doubt if he has ever handled a hammer or a shovel or ever even handled a gun. I would bet his hands are as clean and soft as a babys butt. I would bet he has never been in a fist fight and that he has almost daily manicures. I would bet he has not only never played to win in any kind of real sports event, but that he would be devastated if he participated and lost. And I would bet he has never had to compete in anything that has anything to do with the real world with which the rest of us are quite familiar. Yours truly, Penny Peavy Editor/Publisher 361-547-9062

Upcoming Events!
No events were reported to us for the month of January.

Church Directory
St. Michael's At The Lake Episcopal, Worship Sunday 3 pm, Healing Thursday 1111:30 am, Thrift Shop Thu 102 & Sun 1-4 Faith Church United Church of Christ, 106 Faith Dr., Orange Grove, 384-2414. Sunday School: 9:15, Worship Service: 10:30. St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church, FM 534, Mass: Sunday, 9:15. Call church for other times. West Shore Baptist Church, FM 534. 547-6153, Sunday School: Sunday 9:30 am. Services: Sunday 10:50 am. Lighthouse Faith Fellowship (charismatic, non-denominational), 331 FM 534, 547-6243. Sunday School: 9:15am Services: Sunday 10:00 am. Call for weekly home Bible studies. Grace Lutheran Church of Mathis, 1205 E. San Patricio Ave., Mathis, 547-2239 First United Methodist Church, 420 S. Duval, Mathis 5473381. Adult Bible Class 9:45 am, Worship Service 10:50 Brush Country Cowboy Church, Brush Country Cowboy Church, 1417 S. Hwy 37 access We are located 1 mile north of FM 799. Sunday Services at 10:00am. 361-449-2400. First Baptist Church, 404 S. Bee, Mathis, Texas, 547-2139. Services: Sunday Bible study: 9:45am. Worship 11:00am. Evening Worship 6:00pm. Wednesday Evening Service: 7:00pm St. John of the Cross Catholic Church, 20 S. Metz St., Orange Grove, Mass: Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am . & 11:00am, 361-384-2795.

Recycled Business News

If you are wanting a new place to eat out away from home or get carry-out locally, after the restaurant at the former Fiesta Marina closed last summer under the management of Ron and Nancy (pasta and pizza), Kelli Jensen has reopened it with a menu that includes a wide variety of sandwiches and burgers as well as catfish and shrimp. Grilled shrimp is available for those like me who do not eat breaded fried foods. Everything I have tasted is just as high quality as Kelli served before she closed up a couple of years ago. For the time being, it is BYOB and open only on Friday and Saturday evenings. Stay tuned for further developments there. Meanwhile, join the crowd there on a Friday or Saturday evening. Smoking allowed in the bar area. Setups available. Very reasonable prices. Many of you may have been friends and/or customers of Richard Blumberg who recently passed away and owned Blumberg Backhoe Services. He was possibly even better known for entertaining us with his wonderful steel guitar playing and singing. His son Frank Blumberg is taking over his dads buisness now (see his ad on page 10). The new name is Blumbert Construction Services. If you need his services, even as a sub-

Lagarto Community Church 287 FM 3162 Lagarto, Texas 78383 Sunday: Bible School 9:4511am, Church 11am, Bible Study Wed & Sunday 6pm Mathis Church of Christ 407 E. Rockport, Mathis, Texas 547-2016, Sunday Bible Study 9:30am, Worship 10:30am, Sunday Evening 6PM, Wednesday Bible Study 7pm.

First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 600 S. Dibrell St., Orange Grove TX, 361-3842712 Sunday School: Church of Christ, Exit 40 @ I37 9:00 a.m. Worship Service: N./Hwy 888, one mile east. Sun. 10:30 a.m. Bible Study 9:45. Sunday
ice 11am & 6pm. Wed. 7:00pm Lake View Baptist Church, 6 mi North of Mathis on Hwy 3024. Sunday Bible study 9:45am, Worship services at 11am and 6pm Wednesday night at 6pm. 361-547-6325 leave message. Cross Trails Cowboy Church 2 miles East of Orange Grove on FM 624, Sunday Morning Services 8:45 and 10:30am, 227-9828.

Safe Harbor - a Lutheran mission (ELCA) meeting at St. Michael's Episcopal Church on FM 534. We meet at 5 p.m. each Saturday evening. Contact us at or 361-244-6045. All are welcome! December 24, 5pm Candelight Christmas Eve service at 5pm. All are invited.

contractor, please call him. I knew Richard for many years, and he did some very kind deeds for me as well as provided reasonably priced dirt services. Although I have not known Frank as well as I knew Richard, he has done work for me when helping out his father, and I was always quite satisfied with it. Frank aims to please.

Community Organization News

Lagarto Community Club News
by DeOtta Meyer

Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote.
--Benjamin Franklin

From the Far West Side

by Farris West Abraham Lincoln won the presidency as a third-party candidate. At the time, there were two parties in American, the Democrats and the Whigs. Lincoln won as a representative of the newly formed Republican Party. Though many believe Lincoln was a great president because he freed the slaves by executive order, after studying his presidency closely, I believe Lincoln was not a good president, despite freeing the slaves. He was as bad as our current one, as he began the erosion of our liberty and rights, declared war on the southern states who had a right to secede, maintained an incomprehensible martial law upon the south after the war, and established a large national debt, but it is significant that he won as a third-party candidate. Although I had planned to write an article myself on why Ron Paul could win as third party candidate, I recieved an e-mail message from James Jaeger of Jaeger Research Institute, who probably says it all much better than I can about how this could happen. --------------------------------From:

Editorial -Why Ron Paul Can Win

Thursday, December 22, 2011 by James Jaeger If you have been watching the news, you know that Ron Paul is now beating both Gingrich and Romney in the polls and could walk away with a win in Iowa. Some say he could also walk away with a win in New Hampshire, and possibly even win the Republican (GOP) nomination. For the Republican National Committee (RNC), this must be uncomfortable the idea that they would be forced to

The Lake & Country Shopper, an independent newspaper, is published monthly. Distributed for free to consumers around Lake Corpus Christi, including Mathis, Orange Grove, Swinney Switch, George West, Pernitas Point, Lagarto, Calallen, Sinton, Annaville, Alice, parts of Corpus Christi and other south Texas locations. Mailing Address: 111 Pack Trail, Sandia, Texas, 78383 PHONE HOURS: 9:00 - 5:00, M-F, 361-547-9062 OFFICE HOURS: BY APPOINTMENT ONLY E-mail: Letters: Advertising: Deadline for payments and copy for ads, 20th of month preceding publication. Subscriptions by 1st class mail: $42 per year Subscriptions by e-mail in PDF format: $24 per year Copyright: Penny Peavy dba The Lake Country Shopper

nominate a principled, Consti- tion. If he were to walk away tutionalist just because WE for a third party, he would take THE PEOPLE demanded it. at least 12% of the Republican vote with him. He would also But here's what really terrifies take another 15% from the Inthem: Ron Paul is in a position dependents and at least 11% to hand the election of 2012 from the Democrats. This over to Barack Obama and the would give him 38% enough Democrats because he would of the vote to win the Presibe a "spoiler." But even more dency in a three-man race. GOP strategists know all this terrifying is the fact that Dr. Paul is in a position to be much and this is why you will never more than a "spoiler" he's in hear them utter these statistics in the mainstream media. If the a position to be a "winner." public were to become too Etymology of the term "hopeful" if they were to understand the mathematics of SPOILER: The term "spoiler" is a the situation even more peoderogatory term that was ple would vote for Ron Paul if dreamt up by statists in the for no other reason than to be Democratic and Republican on the winner's bandwagon. So, the GOP has some seriparties in order to sucker the public into continuously voting ous choices to make. Either they morph into a for no one outside the Establishment. In other words, if you small-government party and vote your conscience, YOU are support the Ron Paul Revolua "spoiler." If you run on prin- tion of "getting back to the ciples of your conscience and Constitution," or they risk lostake votes away from an Estab- ing their power to a new politlishment candidate, YOU are ical party. And a new political party would not only mean the also a "spoiler." Thus, since Ron Paul votes demise of the Republican his conscience, since he rejects party, but the Democratic party certain aspects of the Estab- as well. Since the Democratic Party lishment such as the Federal Reserve's abuse of the mone- AND the Republican Party are tary system and its financing of BOTH the parties of BIG govthe welfare-warfare empire we ernment, a new political party have now become there is no of SMALL government would way apparatchiks in the GOP reveal to the public more will nominate Dr. Paul no mat- than ever what the two mainter what WE THE PEOPLE stream parties have become. want. The two mainstream parties And to this end, lackey pun- the Democrats and Republidits in the CFR-dominated, cans have become, in mainstream media continu- essence, two departments of ously chant that Ron Paul has the same police state. They are "no chance to get the Republi- the same political party, in efcan nomination." They spew fect: growing the government this so often, it's obvious they ever larger and ever more mildon't believe their own lies. itaristic, both domestically and But here's the joker: Ron internationally. The PATRIOT Paul does not even need the Act expands the police state GOP to win the general elec- domestically, and the UN, IMF,

LAGARTO December 19 The December meeting for the Lagarto Community Club was a fun day with the exchange of gifts by playing the Chinese Christmas Exchange. Before the gift exchange Trish Arink conducted the business meeting and there were brief discussions concerning last months bazaar, our participation in Story Fest, the cancellation of the Vendors Sale with the possibility of rescheduling, along with a few other minor topics. The Inspirational was read by Linda Black and was the interesting story of how Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer came to be written by Robert L. May. Our program was led by Lee Smith and the group sang a few Christmas Carols sounded pretty good too! Finally, a game called Sweet Tooth was played and in it we WTO, NAFTA, GATT and NATO which they BOTH continuously and blindly support expand the police state internationally. Due to serious abridgments of the US Constitution and principles stated in the Declaration of Independence, the United States are now run by a dictating oligarchy known as the UNITED STATES. And this dictating oligarchy is dominated by cultural Marxists and corporate fascists who have hijacked the Democratic and Republican parties, respectively. The "DemoPublicans" have established the Department of Homeland Security for the purpose of administering their police state and the PATRIOT Act has become their new Constitution. If you accept the idea that the Democrats and Republicans (again the "DemoPublicans") have become two departments of the same police state two wings of the same ugly bird you will have to accept that ultimately it does not matter whether a Democrat or Republican is elected to the presidency. It does not matter if Obama or Romney is elected

each were to read a description for a candy bar and come up with the name of the candy. At a special called meeting earlier in the month the members had decided to donate this year to the Womens Shelter in Corpus Christi. Some of our ladies donated cash while others elected to purchase various clothing articles. Our Christmas Basket was picked up by a representative from the Shelter after December 8th. For those in our neighborhood who are curious about the winners for the raffle back in November: Joyce Sattler of Arrowhead won the barbeque grill; Lamon Bennett of George West won the quilt; Erica Perez of Pernitas Point won the tablecloth; B. J. Northcut of Arrowhead won the Academy Gift Certificate. The Community Club wants to thank our neighbors for their continued support by purchasing these tickets every year. Our January meeting will be on the 12th starting at 11:00. New member prospects are invited to join us at the Lagarto School and, as usual, we will be enjoying a bring-a-dish luncheon.

president. Establishment politicians in either of these "two" parties will continue to use the Federal Reserve System to monetize debt (print money out of thin air) and use this fraudulent "fiat" currency to build their welfare-warfare state. It could be said that Republicans specialize in printing money to build weapons and wage wars Democrats specialize in printing money to address the sick and the poor. The Republicans thus CREATE the sick and the poor with their WAR-fare policies and the Democrats HEAL the sick and the poor with their WELL-fare policies. Thus when an entity controls the HEALING and HURTING of Humankind, doesn't that entity, in essence, CONTROL Humankind? Well, welcome to the DemoPublican control mechanism something you might think about the next time you vote or mindlessly scream out for your Clinton-, Bush-, Obama-, Gingrich- or Romney-candidate. Taken as a whole, the Demopublican machine now asSee Paul Can Win Continued on Page 9

January 2012

The Lake & Country Shopper - 3

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Tyranny Continued from Page 1 People are being taxed to support what we call 'public' schools, which train the young to work for the communal debt system. We also call it the Department of Education, the NEA and Outcome-Based "Education." -------------------------------Just in case you are not familiar with the UNs Agenda 21, it is about global takeover and management of the land resources of the entire world, including the United States. It is couched in those scary and nebulous terms such as sustainable development and eco-friendly, but, remember, those are just the new more politically correct terms for socialism, facism and communism. Think of these terms like the the line from a Mary Poppins song ...just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down. In reality these kinds of terminology are the new words of the progressives, the far left, the socialist and communists. Green Agenda equals Progressive Agenda equals Agenda 21. The agenda was developed in 1992 and is sometimes called the Rio+5 agreement because it was concocted in Rio de Janerio, Brazil. The United States signed this agreement. If successfully implemented, the end result of a complete loss of sovereignty of the United States and slavery for all of its citizens. Agenda 21 is available for reading at the following link: Read it and be afraid. It is all about environment, sustainable development, and eco-friendliness and other communist, one-world government agendas. Remember Weinergate last summer? All the media was all over Weiner and his weiner for

weeks. I kept wondering what our government must be doing behind our backs while this meaningless charade was going on Fox News and all the other the other mainstream media. Here it is:

Agenda 21 and Obamas Rural Council?

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh, June 14, 2011, Canada FreePress On June 9, 2011, an Executive Order established the White House Rural Council with 25 executive branch departments including Defense, Justice, Homeland Security, National Drug Control, Environmental Quality, Labor, Commerce, Interior, EPA, Housing, Health, Education to name just a few. The order covers 16% of the American population who lives in rural counties because they supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential in winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. What kind of future are we supposed to win? Are we losers right now? This is very vague, what years ahead? To enhance the Federal Governments efforts to address the needs of rural America, this order establishes a council to better coordinate Federal programs and maximize the impact of Federal investment to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in our rural communities. As a world traveler, I can attest that Americans already have the highest standard of living in rural areas, prosperity, and excellent quality of life when compared to anybody else. A recent article in Washington Post appeared with the in-

nocuous title, What we need: Smarter growth plans. The author is Roger K. Lewis, a practicing architect and professor emeritus at the University of Maryland. Who can possibly object to smarter growth plans? Except that smart growth plans is the euphemism used by the United Nations for its Agenda 21, a direct assault on private property rights and American sovereignty. Roger K. Lewis suggests that smart growth was designed by market forces driven by green building. He makes no mention of Agenda 21 and ICLEI objectives and intrusion into our society since the early 1970s or the agreement signed in 1992 that went under the radar of the American peoples understanding of the complex negative ramifications for our economy and our liberties. I have not met Americans who think, sprawl-producing planning, zoning and mortgage templates are obsolete as the author claims. Would Americans willingly give up their land and homes with or without compensation in exchange for a move to a densely populated high-rise, with no parking garages, no access to cars, like rats fenced in a grey concrete maze? Communist social engineering confiscated land and homes for agriculture. People were forced to move into many-storied, tiny cinder block apartments without any compensation for the land or homes bulldozed. They were forced to commute by bicycles or public transit. Lewis deems subdivision developments with low-density, detached, single-family homes as outdated. He calls the areas educationally dysfunctional and unsafe. American suburbia was built, he says, on four assumptions that have lost validity today: 1. Unlimited supply of land

2. Inexpensive and inexhaustible supply of oil 3. Homogenous land use 4. The American dream to own and inhabit a mortgaged house. I am not sure on what research Lewis based his conclusions, but we have huge domestic oil reserves if permits were issued to drill. We also have a vast land mass. Some areas have 70 or less inhabitants per square mile. Americans still want to own their own home and want to live in a homogeneous community of other homeowners. Just because power hungry bureaucrats at the United Nations have decided to preserve land and the environment for the future of the planet and its animals, neglecting the future of humans, does not mean Americans agree to this vision. Much of Americas land cannot and should not be developed. Who are you to decide for us, Mr. Lewis and why? Last time I checked we were free people who determined their own life choices. Dependency on oil and limitless use of cars pose daunting environmental, economic, and geopolitical problems. Who is going to decide the limit to our car use? Is it going to be done by law, more regulations, or executive order? A handful of environmentalists, the EPA, and the United Nations dictators, using faulty debunked data from the University of East Anglia or phony research are trying to separate Americans from their land use, cars, trucks, and the open-wide roads. Lewis continues his Agenda 21 fallacy. The traditional nuclear familymom, dad, two to three kids and one or two petsis now a minority of Americas households. I am positive that this man is not describing America that I know and see every day. His

statements continue, Today a majority of households are people, young or old, living alone; couples or sets of unrelated individuals of various ethnicities, ages and tastes. Agenda 21 and Mr. Lewis suggest building high-rises in designated areas within municipalities where new development and re-development is feasible and desirable. Affordable housing is a priority and so are environmental standards. It is obvious that smart growth plans or Agenda 21 designed by United Nations will affect our future choices in how we live and where. EPA will be involved and will twist the arms of those who do not adopt smart growth plans, denying grants to states and cities and levying other penalties. By the time Americans realize the implications of Agenda 21smart growth, they will lose their homes and lands with no compensation. At least people who lost property under Eminent Domain have been compensated. The International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) is a conglomerate of 600 national, regional, and local government associations who promote sustainable development and protection of the environment because of man-made global warming that does not exist. Sustainable development is the United Nations effort to contain and limit economic development in developed countries and thus control population growth. It is sustainable de-growth, plain and simple. The focus is low-income agriculture and to set limits on the developed world. United Nations and its affiliates believe that first world countries polluted significantly during their development while urging third world countries to reduce pollution thus impeding their growth. Implementation of sustain-

able development would revert our society to a pre-modern lifestyle. ICLEI wants to keep the environment as pristine as possible through ideal-seeking behavior. These euphemisms are not clearly defined in terms of what or who will evaluate or set the standards for this ideal-seeking behavior. Agenda 21 sets up the global infrastructure to manage, count, and control assets. It is not concerned with protecting the environment or the worlds resources. Agenda 21 wants change from old sector-centered ways of doing business to new approaches. The desired future state should be to pursue economic prosperity, environmental quality, and social equity. Social equity is the new euphemism for social justice the Marxists in our government have been using a lot lately. Who gave them the authority and the mandate to initiate such change? I do not remember the American people being asked through a referendum whether we wanted our way of life to be fundamentally changed according to mandates set up by the United Nations. How will population growth control be achieved in order to protect the precious environment? There are four tiers to UNs sustainable development plan: 1. Environmental sustainability 2. Economic sustainability 3. Socio-political sustainability 4. Cultural diversity. In 2001 UNESCO, in The Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity, stated that cultural diversity is as important as biodiversity in the sense of a more satisfactory, intellecSee Tyranny Continued on Page 4

January 2012 Oval Office and signs Executive Order to ensure Rural America will participate in Agenda 21 goals. Globalization and its implementation arm - ICLEI getting a Partner to reach into Rural America. SUMMARY OF THIS EXECUTIVE ORDER: 1. Federal Control of Rural American Resources (Food, Health, Energy, Education/Schools, Property, Water and Lives). 2. Increased Federal Regulation through Executive Order (Legislation from the Oval Office) ( vpt/lpbr/subpages/reviews/warber0606.htm ) 3. More Regulation of Food production 4. More Regulation of Land use 5. Agenda 21 implementation accelerates in Rural America 6. Implementation of Cap and Trade identify and facilitate rural economic opportunities associated with energy development, outdoor recreation, and other conservation related activities. 7. No definitions of what Rural America is. Matter of fact, no definitions at all. 8. More Lawmaking through Regulation (State and Local levels) 9. More State/County Control over your city/town due to grant money distribution 10. Less Local participation due to Regionalization 11. More Federal Jobs funded at Tax Payer Expense 12. Rights Issues: Your Voice. You can not Un-elect appointed committee members. You can not contact your elected representative on an issue because this is legislation through committee regulation. (Strings attached to all that tax payer funded grant money) Through grants. Yes -money. Your tax dollars. The feds will set aside money for rural communities, administered by the state, to institute grant (free money) programs that local communities gladly participate in. Local governments will look at this grant money as a way to supplement its dwindling budgets, and without question will agree to Federal requirements. Not only is this the process that has overburdened states and local budgets for years this is the process that has moved the federal agenda into every community in America. This Executive Order gives control over our local planning and development to a Federal committee. We will no longer be able to voice our concerns, opinions, or grievances at the local level. This Executive Order virtually eliminates local governments ability to set policies that benefit rural areas without approval from the Feds. Why an APPOINTED committee to coordinate this effort? Committee members will be made by appointment of agencies, offices, and departments. This Executive Order sets up another committee to regulate all aspects of rural life. Residents and local governments will have no opportunity to redress any grievances as these appointees are not elected. Why is the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) involved so the Federal government can promote economic prosperity and quality of life in rural America? The majority of agencies listed in this Executive Order are already under DHS, and Janet Napolitano will sit on the council. The Department of Agriculture shall provide funding and administrative support for the Council to the extent permitted by law and within existing appropriations. So the funds are set aside. Right. We are broke yet we have money sitting ready for yet another expansion of the Federal government. With DHS oversight and the DHS unlimited budget - yes unlimited, I am sure the Feds have plenty of money to move this agenda right into rural America. (The Department of Homeland Security has no oversight as they directly report to the President, and the perk is that DHS can demand more funds from Congress as part of their written budget through fiscal year 2012 - not ask but demand) Remember no matter what YOU, the taxpayer will foot the bill for this expansion of government. The Council shall coordinate its policy development through the Domestic Policy Council and the National Economic Council. WHY do we need yet another council to cover a specific 16% of the country? Because Rural America still has some degree of control over resources, and we are resistant to globalization. This Executive Order allows the federal government to implement Agenda 21 right in the heart of Americas food basket. This ultimately could bring the end to rural life as we know it. By asking for the Agricultural departments to participate, they will mitigate resistance. Yes, control the food and you control the population. Think about this and research how well it worked out for California. ( 2009/08/23/dying-on-thevine.html ) This Executive Order will coordinate Federal efforts directed toward the growth and development of geographic regions that encompass both urban and rural areas; and identify and facilitate rural economic opportunities associated with energy development, outdoor recreation, and other conservation related activities. Geographic regions i.e. Target Areas. Just like FEMA or states ( 10/10/25/regionalism-deathof-the-american-system-ofgovernment/ ) completely regionalized. This Executive Order sets up regions and removes the barrier to ICLEIs town-by-town focus and stream lines the effort to implement Agenda 21. Finally: This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations. Remember there are no laws that restrict the Department of Homeland Security thus, unlimited power over Rural America. SUMMARY: Under pretenses that are false (based on past statements, actions and performance), the Federal Government is attacking the United States using Agenda 21, ICLEI tactics but it is much more direct this time. The actions are simple and the results - measured but disastrous. Ask yourself how the Federal Governments agenda gets into our schools into the thoughts of our children? The States offer grants or loans to schools. The State then promotes to or seeks out interested School Districts to apply. The same rules apply here. Every dollar has federal strings attached. The very same way this Executive Order will ensure rural Americas compliance and put our food supply in absolute danger through the Rural Council. The government has the Rural Council to help "stimulate" the rural economy. The Feds just want to help, right? Their initial target audience will be agricultural organizations, Why? Say you are a farmer and a Federal Government representative knocks on your door asking you to apply for a loan or grant - just to help you out - would you think they would get very far? But if the [trusted cattle or growers' association, your neighbor] promoted it then you might be a lot more interested and believe everything to be on the up and up, right? There is no doubt at all that Rural America in general is hurting right now; farmers are stretched and some have already had to suck in their pride to take one form of government assistance or another just to feed their families in this declining economy. When the government starts throwing this money out there with the support of trusted agricultural organizations the temptation to apply will be huge. But if the "help" is accepted the risk of losing is even greater. The government never wants to give you something for nothing and while they speak out one side of their mouth telling you that this is to boost the dying economy, to help the rural communities and push forward on energy solutions... there will remain the high risk of default on loans and loopholes that farmers or businesses will have to jump through to receive grants. The red tape has "control" written all over it; it may even dictate what can or must be grown on a property just in order to be eligible to apply, whether accepted or not. In the short term, it may sound great but in the long term it will bankrupt farms and businesses, discredit once-trusted organizations and break the hearts and pride of generations of Rural Americans while at the same time limiting Americans who depend on our rural breadbaskets for food and further destroy the American Dollar. I just want to remind everyone that Government money does not come from thin air; it comes from you and me, the American taxpayers. Every time the Feds hand out grants or loans we are footing the bill. The dollar is in free-fall, our economy is in the toilet, and we barrow 41 cents of every dollar. Just ask yourself, can we afford another Federal program? Some say a one world government would be a good thing See Tyranny Continued on Page 5

The Lake & Country Shopper - 4

Tyranny Continuedfrom Page 3 tual, emotional, moral, and spiritual existence. Who is to decide the level and quality of the populations satisfaction, intellectual, emotional, moral, and spiritual existence? Human needs must be met while preserving the environment for the future. Again, who will decide what our needs are in order to preserve the future? In February 2011 in Nairobi, Kenya, ICLEI attended a United Nations conference as representative of the interests of local governments. In collaboration with partners such as UN-Habitat, Cities Alliance and ICLEI, UNEP (United Nations Environmental Protection) is working to make cities more livable, better prepared for the multiple environmental challenges they are facing, as well as giving them a stronger voice in the international climate negotiations. Last time I checked, global warming has been debunked as a hoax and UN rapidly changed its name to climate change, continuing the attempt to fleece developed countries. In addition, who decides these international climate negotiations and why? What are we negotiating? Carbon credits? In October 2009 in Bangkok, ICLEI stated, local governments are offering national governments our partnership in the fight against climate change. ICLEI wants local governments to collaborate with national governments to fight against climate change, the very change that has been scientifically debunked. Article I, Section 10 of the Constitution states clearly, No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation, ...No State shall,... enter into an Agreement or Compact with another State or with a foreign power The counties and cities that are members of ICLEI in the U.S. through its national organization are attempting to implement foreign policy, which our Constitution forbids. What mayors and municipal governments are doing is plain unconstitutional. Mayors and local governments set forth the following commitments to implement sub-national, national, and international frameworks by providing resources, authority, and mandate to carry forward climate protection roles and responsibilities. There is no law or act of Congress to authorize the aiding and abetting of foreign policy globalism by state and local governments. We have to protect our sovereignty by banning cities and counties to be members of ICLEI, an organization that promotes United Nations Agenda 21/smart growth which is detrimental to American economic interests, liberty, and sovereignty.

You Decide
by Armando Conde

Who Are You?

Authors Note: The following article should not be construed as legal advice. The information is simply a stepping stone to reclaim your Sovereignty. I implore you to further your knowledge on the subject and consult a licensed attorney of law to either confirm or deny any information you may acquire.

EXECUTIVE ORDER TO ESTABLISH THE WHITE HOUSE RURAL COUNCIL ites/default/files/uploads/201 1ruralcouncil_eo_rel.pdf WHAT DOES THIS MEAN TO YOU? First of all I want you to read the opening paragraph: See the word sustainable? Replace it with the word ACCEPTABLE. That is what sustainable means. This Executive Order is all about the Feds telling rural America what is acceptable to THEM. It is no longer a local choice, or locally controlled. The Feds, several states, counties, and local governments have already fallen into the ICLEI ( p?id=global-themes ) trap and have begun to implement parts of Agenda 21 through their governments. With this Executive Order, the Feds have moved to escalate their implementation in Rural America. Ask yourself why do we need a rural program that proposes: The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands? We just passed universal health care, and I do not know of any community that does not have educational facilities for all of its residents. How do you think the Feds foster economic growth under this plan? (Jobs, deficits, spending, economic decline not revenue is the problem.) This executive Order touts the expansion of outdoor activities on public lands when the reality the feds have already exposed their plans to cut back access to public lands, and have infringed on property rights, land and water rights.

Dr. Ileana Johnson Paugh is a freelance writer (Canada Free Press, Modern Conservative,, Romanian Conservative, Lucianne) and speaker who recently published a book about her 20-year experience with communist life, Echoes of Communism, available at Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Short essays describe health care, education, poverty, social engineering, and confiscation of property, among other subjects.


Executive Order 13575 of June 9, 2011 Go to this link to read: g/FR-2011-06-14/html/201114919.htm

Rural Americans Farmers Anyone Who Eats: Beware "We are from the Government ome/90-epic-fail-globaland We are here to Help!" warming-solutions JUNE 9, 2011 Just how will the Feds conPresident legislates from the trol the local government?

If I were to tell you that you were two persons you would more than likely tell me that Im the one that is crazy. The idea of someone being two persons is synonymous with schizophrenia; however I am not talking separate identities rather I am speaking of two types of citizenships. Are you a sovereign Citizen of your State or are you a federal citizen under the 14th Amendment to our Constitution? Many will argue that the 14th Amendment has secured us the Rights detailed in the Bill of Rights of the U.S. Constitution. Though I am not a Constitutional scholar, I have done copious research on the document which outlines the limits of our government. First we must understand what the difference between a Citizen and a citizen is. Looking at the two words the only difference is the capitalization of the C of the word. In our Constitution a Citizen is referred to as a Citizen to their respected State. There was much controversy over the adoption of the Constitution by each Sovereign State of the union. Many of the Anti-federalists believed that it would create a powerful central government; however, others believed that a central government was necessary. Both of these opinions were expressed through what has been known as the Anti-federalists and Federalists papers. Regardless of the Anti-federalists opinions, the Constitution was adopted by the States in 1787. The fear of a power-grab by such a centralized government is what led to the creation of the first Ten Amendments (Bill of Rights) of the Constitution. Many may not know of the Preamble to the Bill of Rights which is as followed: The Conventions of a number of the States having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confidence in the Government, will best insure the beneficent ends of its institution. The Bill of Rights was established as a restriction to the inevitable attempts of a central government to impede on our God-given rights as Citizens of the States in the union. The Constitution is a very important document to our survival as Sovereigns. Although government may be a necessity, many of our Founding Fathers realized that the importance of government leads to corruption. Thomas Jefferson is quoted as saying, "The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first." As you may come to realize, the Founders foresaw what is happening today: a criminal element becoming the legal version via government and one way they (government) has achieved this is through the 14th Amendment. The 14th Amendment was created as a way to ensure that the newly freed slaves after Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation, were to enjoy the same privileges and immunities as the free man (a white property

owner.) Although the 14th Amendment held good intentions, it has since categorized every Citizen in the U.S. as a U.S. citizen rather than a Citizen of the State. Section 1 of the 14th Amendment states, All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any Stated deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Before the supposed ratification of the 14th Amendment, there have been many arguments as to the validity of the ratification including one opinion written in the Dyvett v. Turner case in the Utah Supreme Court, the 13th Amendment abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. It is important to note that any State of the union is able to pass legislation so as long as it does not conflict with the U.S. Constitution. Remember, the Bill of Rights was only included as means to restrict the federal government from infringing on the rights of the Citizens of the States; and the freedmen (newly freed blacks) were not Citizens of the States, nor were they federal citizens since they were not born in a U.S. territory. What this means is that the Constitution did not protect the freedmen as it would the free-white man. This also meant that they were aliens on the land that they were born on. Almost immediately after the South surrendered, many southern States proceeded to enact Black Codes which made the freedmen apply for licenses as a means of conducting business or even hunting for food. Sound a bit familiar? A license is a granting of permission to do certain things. The south was under occupation as a defeated foe and fell under the category of a U.S. territory rather than a Sovereign State; however, the U.S. was not able to alter the States Constitutions. As a means to combat the Black Codes, Congress passed laws such as the Civil Rights Act of 1866 and the Enforcement Act. One Senator who had sponsored the Enforcement Act illustrates that the bill simply extends to foreigners, not citizens, the protections of our laws and that the bill extends [the equal protection of laws] to aliens, so that all persons who are in the United States shall have the equal protection of our laws. The Senators statements clearly define the freedmen as aliens. Before reinstating the status of a Sovereign State in the union back to the southern States, they were practically forced to ratify the 14th Amendment. The first sentence of the 14th Amendment, Section 1 clearly states that persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. Notice how it states that all persons are subject to the jurisdiction thereof. Also note how the amendment puts us first as citizens of the United States, then as citizens of our State of residence. What I have come to understand is that as a Sovereign, I am only subject to God, and not to any form of government. We must remember that God created Man, Man created State govSee 14th Continued on Page 10

January 2012

The Lake & Country Shopper -5

Dr. Quack
A health opinion column by Jenell Redding, DCT, (P), ND The information or opinions provided herein should not be used for diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. A licensed physician should be consulted for diagnosis and treatment of any and all medical conditions.

How to Make It to age 100

Scientists recently surveyed 50,000 Americans who are 100 or older. They wanted to know the secret of their longevity and what they found certainly was surprising. They all had three things in common for their age: Normal blood sugar, normal insulin and normal triglycerides. How about that! All three of these factors are linked to healthy levels of blood sugar and insulin! And now you can have them too! As long as your governmentapproved medical world says you can. Remember nothing here replaces your AMA approved medical doctor. Dont forget that most modern drugs actually were derived from plants and herbs! I will share with you what I have found out about blood sugar. Chromium polynicotinate is the most biologically active form of chromium, which is more absorbable by the body. We need to provide a full 200 mcg dose of chromium polynicotinate to help regulate our blood sugar and your cholesterol. Tumors use blood sugar as their primary fuel for growing and spreading. (This discovery won the Nobel Prize.). Can eating too much sugar promote these tumors? The answer seems to be yes. Blood sugar, you see, is highly inflammatory, creating harmful free radical molecules which damage DNA, initiating the tumor process. Vanadyl Sulfate is most important for protecting your blood sugar. If you are like most of us you are mineral-deficient. And minerals are essential for health, healing, and essential metabolic functions. One trace mineral is especially important for healthy blood sugar levels. Its Name Is Vanadium...vanadyl sulfate (VS). VS acts just like insulin to remove excess glucose from your bloodstream and push it into your muscles and cells. And thats important because high blood sugar levels can make you fat! Left in your bloodstream, excess glucose turns into blood fats called triglycerides and are stored in your fat cells. This can lead to rapid weight gain and fatty tissue accumulation around your belly and hips. Sugar levels drop and your insulin levels also go down with VS. The American Diabetes Association show that VS improves insulin sensitivity in people with elevated blood sugar. But Mother Nature has some wonderful plants and herbs that have a remarkable effect on blood sugar, too. So I am going to share those with you all in the name of curiosity and in no way telling anyone what to do or what to take, so call this just a fun bunch of information. For instance the spice that gives apple pie its wonderful taste also regulates blood sugar. Cinnamon makes your body more responsive to insulin -- so excess glucose is removed from your blood stream. The active ingredient in cinnamon is a mouthful to pronounce: methylhydroxy chalcone polymer -- so I just call it MHCP. What it does for your blood sugar is simply

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Tyranny Continued from Page 5

For Immediate Release June 9, 2011 ESTABLISHMENT OF THE WHITE HOUSE RURAL COUNCIL By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America and in order to enhance Federal engagement with rural communities, it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. Policy. Sixteen percent of the American population lives in rural counties. Strong, sustainable rural communities are essential to winning the future and ensuring American competitiveness in the years ahead. These communities supply our food, fiber, and energy, safeguard our natural resources, and are essential in the development of science and innovation. Though rural communities face numerous challenges, they also present enormous economic potential. The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public lands. To enhance the Federal Government's efforts to address the needs of rural America, this order establishes a council to better coordinate Federal programs and maximize the impact of Federal investment to promote economic prosperity and quality of life in our rural communities. Sec. 2. Establishment. There is established a White House Rural Council (CounSee Tyranny Continued on Page 9

while others shy away but otherwise do nothing to stop it. Most Americans that do know there is more than a strong potential for a New World Order don't think it would be so bad assuming that the world would be governed by a document like the United States Constitution. But it has been proven by performance that Globalization will not be ruled by anything close to the rule of law. The freedoms that have been known by older generations will not be shared by the new. The destruction of the United States Constitution is all but complete. We no longer have a 2 party system... we have the party of "d" AND "r" as one. We no longer have 3 branches of effective government... we have runaway presidents (plural), a legislative branch that either works against the people, puts on a show (generally right before an election cycle) or is bypassed altogether by executive order, presidential directorate or backdoor regulation (mainly through DHS agencies) AND lifetime justices who have done and will continue to do nothing about it. There is no 10th Amendment or 4th Amendment. The Patriot ACT supersedes the Constitution and the majority of your rights and freedoms are mere illusions that the government GRANTS you in order to keep you passive while they keep chipping away at the last bits of our foundation of freedom. There is no doubt that we are sitting on a time bomb.

THE WHITE HOUSE (Executive Order 13575)

amazing. Cinnamon increases glucose metabolism by up to 2,000%!. Scientists have tested more than 50 plant extracts, but none came anywhere near MHCPs fantastic effect on balancing blood sugar - and increasing your energy. An example was when Dr. Richard Anderson gave two groups of patients with blood sugar problems either a capsule containing cinnamon or a placebo, those taking the cinnamon showed reductions in blood sugar of up to 29%! Cinnamon helps your cardiovascular system, too. A recent study found that cinnamon significantly helps total cholesterol and lowers bad LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Gymnema Sylvestre is referred to as a sugar destroyer. It has been used for generations in India to help regulate their blood sugar. Its so effective that its name means destroyer of sugar. Unlike cinnamon, which helps pull sugar out of your blood stream, Gymnema prevents glucose from getting into your bloodstream too quickly. When using both at the same time is gets awesome. As your body digests sweets and refined carbohydrates, the sugars become small enough to cross through the walls of your intestines and enter your bloodstream quickly. Then your blood sugar shoots up. But the gymnemic acids in Gymnema sylvestre actually slow the travel of sugar into your bloodstream. Which is less sugar for your insulin to metabolize. This means your blood sugar is better stabilized and controlled. These findings are backed by clinical studies. The Gymnema decreases the sensation of sweetness in many foods to help lessen your sugar cravings. You just naturally desire sweets less without struggle. Just be glad knowing that you can take 200 mg of Gymnema sylvestre to help you naturally balance your blood sugar. Bitter Melon is like exercise in a just in a capsule. When you learn there are so many natural substances with powerful medicine-like properties you know you can have control on what is going on inside your body.. Bitter Melon is one of the best sugar busters. Known as Momordica charantia, this tropical fruit contains a substance called lectin which lowers blood sugar concentrations and actually helps suppress your appetite. You see, some peoples metabolism has difficulty in converting blood sugar into energy. This is partly because they dont produce enough insulin -- and also because their fat and muscle cells dont use insulin effectively. But bitter melon has been shown to produce the same effect on blood sugar as exercise. Scientists have identified four compounds in bitter melon which activate the same enzyme that physical exercise does to facilitate glucose uptake. This moves blood sugar out of your bloodstream and into your muscles where it can be converted into energy. Proven in scientific research! In vivo studies have demonstrated bitter melons blood glucose-lowering effect. Your blood sugar is metabolized along several different biochemical "pathways." Glucose is the main fuel of your body and brain. So when it remains stuck in your bloodstream, your physical energy and mental functions suffer. You feel tired and cant think straight. So you might just talk to your AMA approved MedSee Quack Continued on Page10

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January 2012

The Lake & Country Shopper - 6


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(713) 828-9339 Aesops Fables The Miller, His Son, and Their Ass
"how can you ride upon the beast, while that poor little lad there can hardly keep pace by the side of you?' The good-natured Miller immediately took up his son behind him. They had now almost reached the town. "Pray, honest friend," said a citizen, "is that Ass your own?' "Yes," replied the old man. "O, one would not have thought so," said the other, "by the way you load him. Why, you two fellows are better able to carry the poor beast than he you." "Anything to please you," said the old man; "we can but try." So, alighting with his son, they tied the legs of the Ass together and with the help of a pole endeavored to carry him on their shoulders over a bridge near the entrance to the town. This entertaining sight brought the people in crowds to laugh at it, till the Ass, not liking the noise nor the strange handling that he was subject to, broke the cords that bound him and, tumbling off the pole, fell into the river. Upon this, the old man, vexed and ashamed, made the best of his way home again, convinced that by endeavoring to please everybody he had pleased nobody, and lost his Ass in the bargain. Moral: Try to please all and you end by pleasing none.

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A MILLER and his son were driving their Ass to a neighboring fair to sell him. They had not gone far when they met with a troop of women collected round a well, talking and laughing. "Look there," cried one of them, "did you ever see such fellows, to be trudging along the road on foot when they might ride?' The old man hearing this, quickly made his son mount the Ass, and continued to walk along merrily by his side. Presently they came up to a group of old men in earnest debate. "There," said one of them, "it proves what I was a-saying. What respect is shown to old age in these days? Do you see that idle lad riding while his old father has to walk? Get down, you young scapegrace, and let the old man rest his weary limbs." Upon this the old man made his son dismount, and got up himself. In this manner they had not proceeded far when they met a company of women and children: "Why, you lazy old fellow," cried several tongues at once,

Sudoku Puzzle
Fill the grid with numbers 1 to 9 so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1-9, without repeating any numbers.

Western Auto / Ace Hardware

10605 Leopard
ACROSS 1. Stalks 6. Dirty air 10. Part of a comparison 14. Pontifical 15. Gangly 16. Be worthy of 17. Girlfriend (Spanish) 18. District 19. Doing nothing 20. A verbatim performance 22. Its symbol is Pb 23. Biblical garden 24. Stylish 26. Matured 30. Beer 31. Consume 32. Achy 33. Bacterium 35. Award 39. Underwear 41. Hug 43. Horse 44. Bristle 46. Away from the wind 47. Comes after Mi and Fah

ties 11. God of the underworld 12. Collection of maps 13. Poverty-stricken 21. Maxim 25. Young sheep 26. Vipers 27. Satyr 28. Sea eagle 29. Abhorrent 34. Space rock 36. Broad valley 37. Cards with 1 symbol 38. Dregs 40. False god 42. Devilfish 45. Version 48. Wellness 51. Urgency 52. Up to 53. Spirits 55. Pains 58. Novice 59. Hefty volume 60. Ancient Peruvian 61. Swerve 62. Visual organs

Crossword Puzzle

49. Lair 50. Not more 51. Get by trying hard 54. Greek letter 56. Dwarf buffalo 57. Beautiful 63. Counterfoil 64. 53 in Roman numerals 65. Product of bees 66. Cultivate 67. Gait faster than a walk 68. Master of ceremonies 69. If not 70. Sharpen 71. American retailer DOWN 1. Box 2. Docile 3. Sweeping story 4. Wise men 5. Tablet 6. Without nationality 7. Sailor 8. Margarine 9. Peek 10. Involving three par-

Puzzle Solutions on page 11

January 2012

The Lake & Country Shopper -7

Isabelles Garden Tips

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Happy New Year! Gosh I never felt I would live as long as this. But things are changing and I want you to have fresh vegetables all year long and during the cooling time here in South Texas it can be done as well as up in the Texas Panhandle. The following is from a friends web-site, Off The Grid newsletter. It is so true and remember we will all need to make a lot of lemonade. The year 2011 is finally winding down. As we look back, I think the only thing that can be said is that it has been a whopper of a ride! Fuel has gone up and its come down and its back on the rise. The job market is bleaker than ever. Weve had regimes topple across the world, new ones rise up, and now we live in even more fear than before because of the hardline extremists that are taking over. The jobs market is still a dismal affair, and no matter how the government skews the numbers or the data to make rosy predictions completely unsupported by fact, the American people are not stupid. They know how things really are. They live those realities every single day. However, I dont want to harp on this picture of doom and gloom but rather, as 2011 winds down, I want to focus on the hope of the coming New Year. You see, for too long weve bought into the paradigm that its the actions of others that control usthe bankers, the corporations, the schools, society, the government, fate, or whateverand

we allow that paradigm to suck the hope of a bright future away from us. To an extent these entities do influence the quality and direction of our lives but they are obstacles to be worked around, not barriers that should stop us. Will our future look like our parents did? Probably not. But Im here to tell you that our future can be just as rewarding, significant, and full of hope as any generation before us. We just have to quit believing that its someone elses responsibility to provide that future for us. The future is ours, if were willing to reach out, do the hard work, and take hold of it. For instance, food prices are crazy. You may feel that youre captive to whatever the grocery stores want to charge you, but Im here to tell you that you have options you dont even know about. Whether you live in the country or live in the cityyou have options! For example, were just now coming into winter. In fact, as I write this, its the first day of winter. Its raining and cold outside where I live. In the North, the ground is frozen and hard, the trees lifeless. Gardening is something far off, something that comes with warmth and sunshine, with harvests of tomatoes, peppers, corn, beans, and squash in August and September, right? Sure, if thats all youre looking at. But I wanted you to look with hope, and a new paradigm, remember? And that new paradigm includes cool weather crops. Were talking crops like

peas, radishes, spinach, carrots, arugula, lettuce, beets, and Swiss chard that actually THRIVE when temperatures are between 32 and 60F. Peas can even be frozen solid and will display no ill effects, and when they thaw, they simply continue growing! But even better than the temperature range, is the time factor. Most cool-season vegetables produce in 60 days or less, some in as little as 25 days. When the soil warms and their production slows or ceases, we can then replace our cool-season vegetables with peppers or tomatoes, or any other warm-season crop, making efficient use of garden space or containers. Some of those vegetables are Arugula, Grown for both its sharp nutty-flavored leaves and seeds, first noted during Roman times. The leaves are used as edible salad or sandwich greens, and the seeds can be used for flavoring oils. Best picked when young and tender. Does well in early spring or fall, prefers cool weather. Make successive sowings for a continuous supply. Will produce 3-5 cuttings if kept well picked. Very low in calories, high in vitamins A & C. Ready to pick in as few as 25 days from sowing. Buttercrunch Lettuce, AllAmerican Selections winner from 1966, bred by Dr. Raleigh at Cornell. Well known with growers and consumers. Small heads weigh 12-14 oz. each. Very tender, nice flavor, does well in the Midwest heat. 5060 days. Packet (1,000 seeds)

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Green Oakleaf Lettuce, French variety that has been grown since the 1700s. This strain is very tolerant of hot weather and bolting. Long standing and never bitter. Good cutting variety, plants will grow back time after time when cut back. Start eating as a baby leaf at 25 days or as a full sized, looseleaf head at 50 days. Rhubarb Swiss Chard, Introduced in 1857 and has stood the test of time. Deep crimsoncolored stalks and leaf veins contrast sharply with green crumpled leaves. Ornamental enough for the flower garden, but also very well-flavored for See Isabelle Continued on Page10

Its a Dogs Life

by Miss Daisy Duke My peeps are so stupid. Every night, once all the lights are out, I sneak up on the sofa to sleep. I know I am not supposed to get on the furniture, but, hey, if they get to sleep in a bed off the floor, so should I be able to do so. Right? Yeah! If I hear one of them get up in the night, I return to the floor with great stealth so that it looks like I have been there all along. They never know I have been on the sofa. Or do they? One day Little Mom covered my favorite sofa with an old bed sheet. Hmmm. Then she sat on it and actually invited me up there, but Mom was watching, and I didnt want to get in trouble, so I refused to get on the sofa. (See how smart I am?) So, that night, I climbed back up on the sofa to sleep, and I made it a point not to move around or scratch my itches. until I got down the next morning, I swear they couldnt even tell I had been there. Now I am a little confused: Is it OK or not OK to get on the sofa at night? Life is confusing at times. For no reason I could figger out, I was banned from the garage for several days. Maybe it was because I had escaped out the back through Moms ridiculously easy-tobust-through barrier. Then one day this guy who lives across the street came over (I like him -- he has lots of doggy smell on his shoes). He came for a couple of days. Then, all of a sudden, I was allowed into the entire garage area once again. When I got there, I found out Mom was a little smarter than I thought. There was a wooden wall too high for me to climb over or even see over. Im glad to get to go in there again, but Im pretty sore that I cant escape. Sometimes its hard being a dog. Maybe I wont like that man anymore. He did the work. I just know he did! I have what seems to be a new job now. Even though I cannot get out of the garage and yard, those lousy cats can get in. I enjoy my work. It involves barking at those cats, chasing them out of my area and scaring them half to death. I love it! They have no rights to occupy my garage. Then I have another job I just sort of slipped into. That one is guarding the hen house and watching Little Mom when she feeds and waters the hens. She always brings in a handful of those egg things. In a way Im jealous of the hens. They get more attention than I do. Or at least it seems that way. On the other hand, Little Mom gets really excited and happy about those eggs, and sometimes she uses them magically to make me my doggy cookies. Yum! There was this one day when my peeps took off from work, and they were just hanging around doing nothing. They had some kind of new people toy they seemed to be playing with, and there were boxes hanging around on the floor and lots of paper. I couldnt figger out what was going on. Then, after they quit playing with their toys, they gave me a box and opened it for me. It was so exciting! Inside was a brand new bone! They opened another one, and it was full of my cookies! I ate nothing but cookies that day. Then there was still another one. It had some sort of soft toy in it. I didnt especially like it at first, but soon I found out I could tear it apart with my teeth, and I had a heck of good time tearing it up and pulling out all the stuffing. Somehow, though, I dont think my peeps were all that happy about this turn of events. But what did they expect? Im a dog, and I like to chew and tear and dig. Besides, Im Queen of the World, and when something I dont like comes into my world, I eat em up, and thats just the way a dogs life is, I tell you. Mom said the special lazy day was called Christmas and New Years Day was coming. Wonder what I get for that?



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"Yesterday I was a dog. Today I'm a dog. Tomorrow I'll probably still be a dog. Sigh! There's so little hope for advancement." - Snoopy

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January 2012

The Lake & Country Shopper - 8

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Lulabelles Household Hints

the way. It is a sad day when we do not even visit the people who just moved in or have lived next door for years and never once invited them over for a visit. Shame on us for being so self-centered. We really do need to start looking out for each other. Especially when trash is blowing in from somewhere, just be nice and at least clean up the front of the road at your place. You know some people toss trash out to get your attention so they can get to know you. Dont let it come to that, invite them over. People who know you somehow will treat you better. Oh yes, ask them to help pick up trash while they are at your place. Might as well pull out your valentine stuff and recipes and plan a great party, adult style and send out the kids to the movie, yes and then enjoy for probably the first time a Valentine day party (only at night time). That sounds like fun! So, if you are as brain dead as I am this year, I have this to tell you each and every month will be better and then we be on a roll by December 2012. Just take care of your family and yourself. Look around and see how blessed we really are and the abundance we have in material as well as spiritual life all around. So, next month February we will be ready to go and buy at the after the white sale. Oh! Yes I am going to build a Solar Cooker and, when finished, will put pictures in the paper and let you know how it worked out for cooking. Talk to you next month, Lulabelle.

The Texas Country Chef

by Penny Peavy

You could cook it crisp, but I like mine when it is still just a little bit chewy rather than crisp. Cut the cooked bacon up into bits about an inch long and 1/2-inch wide. Press these bits into the top of the sausage, being careful not to break up the sausage. After spreading the bacon, spread a layer of your favorite barbeque sauce all over the bacon bits and sausage. Remember if you are a low-carbohydrate diet to use either your own homemade sugarfree sauce or purchase a sugarfree sauce. (I use my own homemade mustard-based sauce, as tomatoes are a little high in carbohydrate.) Very carefully separate the front edge of the sausage layer from the bacon weave and begin rolling backwards. You want to include all layers EXCEPT the bacon weave in your roll. Try and keep the sausage as tight as possible and be sure to release any air pockets that may have formed. Once the sausage is fully rolled up, pinch together the seams and ends to seal all of the bacon goodness inside.

Its Your Life, Your Money, Your Freedom

by V. J. Alford

The Bacon Explosion

This is not my own recipe creation. I cannot take credit for it (though I wish I could). This is one of the most delicious, fabulous, sumptuous things I have ever consumed. (Warning: If you are on one of those low-fat diets or lowcalorie diets, stop reading now! This is high fat, high protein, hign in calories.) It is easy to make. Although this is one of recipes in which a picture says a thousand words, I will try words and photos to tell you how to do it. This basic recipe comes from where you can find more detailed instructions and large color photos. I have added my own tips to preparation. Ingredients:

So we have all made through those holidays. Boy is there a mess to clean up. Well, hop to it! No, do not start the cleaning. Prepare your favorite beverage because it is going to be a boozy of a day. And you certainly need to do have your refreshment to make it a very delightful day. Dont you agree? So, lets go to the kitchen and start with the dishes, and finally move on to the bedrooms. Follow me to the lovely bathrooms. Dont you wish you only had one inside and maybe a fancy port-a-potty outside for the kids. Then we will do the vacuuming and dusting and you can wait and do the wash and outside chores tomorrow. Sounds great to me! I have a new attitude for 2012. Less work and more and more play because we are worth it. Now for dinner, oh well just pick your favorite restaurant and tell everyone you are eating out. The kids will love it. Your husband? Well he might think you have gone off the deep end but goes along anyway. Dream on. It will work at least while dreaming! Go ahead clean the garage and do the outside stuff and come this weekend all the kids will help take down and pack up the outdoor ornaments. Give advance notice. That way you will have no inference with your plans. Now with that taken care of it is time to start a club or something like that so you can have your girlfriends over and maybe have tea and crumpets or whatever all of you would like to have or do. Make 2012 the best year ever and include everyone in it somewhere along

Is there any difference between Linda and Bob?

Linda likes to go shopping and buy whatever strikes her fancy. She especially likes to buy things for her children because it makes them seem so happy, and she wants her children to love her and cherish her as their mom. Bob looks at the debt she has racked up and hits the ceiling. He says they must cut back all expenses. Linda and Bob decide to compromise. (Remember that compromise is where everyone gives up at least part of what they want, and no one actually gets what they want.) Instead of buying the 52" TV they were planning to buy in the future, they would instead buy a 40" TV. Instead of buying a top-of-the-line new car next year, they would buy a more stripped-down model. Linda could continue buying cool stuff for the kids, and everyone would be happy, though the kids might be mad at dad over the smaller TV. (They soon call him the parent of no.) The idea of trimming the entire budget never even comes up in the conversation about money. Only items of future expenditure are discussed. No mention of selling the house and moving into a smaller one, no mention of letting the maid go, no debate about whether they actually need a brand new car and no mention of trimming the food budget by actually cooking and eating at home. Even though they both feel it would be better for the kids if Linda quit her job and stayed at home, they decided that she would keep her job and that Bob would work all the overtime hours he could get so they could pay off their debt. Isabelle Continued from Page 7 baby greens or cooked. Good vigor, can be sown early in the spring. 50-60 days. Were not talking about Big Ag-produced seed. Were talking heirlooms, those seeds that are just the way God made them, able to reproduce after their own kind. And right now, heirlooms are in great demand and short supply. Here in the South, you can have those cool-weather crops producing even after the seed for your summer and fall harvest are in the ground. This year, dont look back at what has been. Look forward, look at a future that you alone can create. Hopefully, you have listened

To complte the constuction process, roll the sausage for2 pounds thick cut bacon ward completely wrapping it 2 pounds Italian sausage in the bacon weave. Make 1 jar of your favorite barbeque sure it sits with the seam facsauce ing downward to help keep it 1 jar of your favorite barbeque all sealed up. (See photo rub below.) Directions: Using about 12 to 14 slices of bacon, create a bacon weave. (See photo below) Now, sprinkle some more rub all over your roll. Smoke it at 225 degrees with lots of smoke until the internal temperature is 165 degrees. Total time will probably be 2 1/2 to 3 hours. Baste with more barbeque Next, sprinkle your favorite sauce if desired. pork rub all over the bacon fairly liberally. Let this baby cool before slicing. I wrapped mine in aluNow, put your two pounds of minum foil for about half an ground sausage into a gallon- hour and then removed the foil size freezer bag. Seal the bag to cool down some more. Slice and run over it with a rolling into 1/2 or smaller pieces. pin until it completely fills Enjoy!! even the corners of the bag. (I used the ground sausage from See this link for detailed Super S just as is, but you graphic instructions on how to could spice it up if you like.) weave bacon: pull your huge rums/showthread.php?669square sausage patty from the Bacon-Weave-101 bag. (Its best to cut the bag with scissors so that you can Variation: Put a layer of pepget it out in one piece.) Lay the perjack cheese on top of the sausage squarely on top of your cooked bacon layer before bacon weave. rolling. I have not tried this, but it sounds good! Now, cook all the rest of your bacon until it is like you like it.

Im sure you have noticed by now that there has been no cut in spending, only cuts in their ideas of future spending. Along comes Bobs father, who is aware of the familys money problems and debt issues. He suggests they cut all current spending and learn to live within a budget. He suggests they forget about the new car and new TV. He explains to them that they are slaves to the banks and to their jobs as long as they keep spending money they dont have. It makes Bob and Linda both angry about his ideas and interference in their handling of money and what Bobs dad considers false ideas about cutting spending.t Linda and Bob are simply individual versions of Democrats and Republicans when it comes to cutting spending. Bobs father, on the other hand, sees how they are ruining their lives and the lives of their children by continued debt and making no plans to cut current expenses. He makes desperate pleas to them, but to no avail. Soon Bob and Linda cannot continue to make minimum payments on their credit cards and cannot pay the mortgage on their home. The phone calls from creditors are driving them crazy. The kids are angry because they are no longer getting designer clothes, cheer lessons and all the latest electronic toys. The last straw was when the bank foreclosed on their home. They were homeless and completely without credit. They were last seen living in their SUV and constantly fighting among themselves for their plight and even for morsels of food. Bobs father, having given up on them, shrugged his shoulders and though to himself, You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make him drink.

over the years when I have almost begged you to have a garden so that now you would be full of knowledge and able to really know what was going on in your garden. If you did and you see a friend or neighbor having a problem that you have overcome, give a hand and teach if the party is willing to listen. That is what charity is about, something you pass along..

I am not a glutton I am an explorer of food -- Erma Bombeck

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January 2012 spoil nothing. It is impossible for Ron Paul to be a spoiler, because: a) the dems and gop are the same party in effect, and; b) even if Obama gets reelected, the dems and gop will be gridlocked and thus nothing will get done. .... The reason the statist propaganda-merchant is trying to perpetuate the meme that there is a difference between the two major parties is so the general public will not look elsewhere for the solution to their problems. If one can get the Democrats and Republicans fighting with each other, it gives the illusion that they are "different" to the degree they "fight." Indeed they DO have "differences"; however, the differences are over trivial issues. On all the major issues the Democrats and Republicans are identical, overtly and covertly, thus they are the same political party in effect. You saw how many of Bush's policies Obama kept in place when he came into office ostensibly to "change" things. The same thing will happen if the Republicans take back the White House, ad infinitum. So this is why Ron Paul is such a threat to the Establishment. He's running on the GOP ticket basically so he can get mainstream media exposure. The mainstream tried to ignore him in the last election. Remember how Hannity practically spat on Dr. Paul in the 2008 election? Remember how all the other pundits treated him? Then, when he suddenly raised millions of dollars with his "money bombs" and millions of voters started joining the grassroots Ron Paul Revolution which kicked off the Tea Party Revolution it wasn't "politically correct" to spit on him any longer. Worse, they couldn't ignore him into oblivion like they ignored all other dissenting candidates. Thirdparty candidate Ross Perot was only able to get mainstream (24) the White House Office of Public Engagement and Intergovernmental Affairs; (25) the White House Office of Cabinet Affairs; and such other executive branch departments, agencies, and offices as the President or the Secretary of Agriculture may, from time to time, designate. media exposure because he purchased it with his personal wealth. Neither Ralph Nader nor Harry Brown, on the other hand, have been able to purchase such exposure; thus they have never been able to get an alternative vision into the public domain. Thus, if Ron Paul continues to get support from the rest of the nation he's currently getting in Iowa, the GOP should technically nominate him, but it's a long-shot they will. After all, for Ron Paul to win and use the vote to destroy the cultural Marxist-infested, totalitarian fiat empire, being built by controllers of the "liberal world order" is incomprehensible to them even though Pat Buchanan details in his new book, Suicide of a Superpower, the reasons why the moment of globalism and "free" trade has passed. But such is the power of the zeitgeist for the world is in revolt, from the Middle East to Wall Street. The 99-percent don't know exactly HOW they have been screwed, but they do know that they HAVE been screwed at least for the past 100 years. From the Tea Partiers to the Wall Street Occupiers in America, WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with: 1) a Congress that has been bought and sold by corporate fascists, 2) Presidents that start wars and act like Marxist dictators, 3) an activist Supreme Court that legislates from the bench making one-size-fits-all laws that ignore the original intent of the Founders. WE THE PEOPLE are fed up with many other things, but both the "Right" and the "Left" can agree with much of what Ron Paul offers, because his principles are American principles, and American principles are Constitutional Principles which accommodate both liberals and conservatives, Left or Right. So don't let CFR-infested, Establishment propaganda spewed through the mainstream media or the DemoPublican police state dissuade you from voting for Ron Paul, whether he stays on the GOP ticket, goes Independent or starts a new party. It is vital that all Americans stay true to their conscience, NOT their political parties. Remember, the US Constitution does not even mention political parties. In fact, many of the Founders warned us against them; they called them "factions" and said that membership in them is dangerous to a democratic form of government. They warned us to stay away from entrenched political parties such as the Democrats and Republicans because entrenched political parties are only one step away from dictatorships. It is not too late to act. Vote out the incumbent congressmen and vote in Ron Paul no matter what scare tactics the pundits on CNN, FOX News or MSNBC attempt to use on you. Ron Paul CAN get 38% of the vote and win the presidency. This is not an opinion; it's mathematical fact.

The Lake & Country Shopper -9

Paul Can Win Continued from Page 2 sembled more by supra-national, international banking families than American citizens has destroyed US politics that used to center on constitutional principles. Controllers in this CFR-led embryonic world government have created a well-oiled machine to maximize the plunder of millions, if not billions of people, through the mechanism of central banking, debt and the hurting-healing cycle. Would it not be reasonable to posit that the Democratic and Republican Parties are thus primary tools in what seems to be a master plan of globalization? Ron Paul a strict limitedgovernment Constitutionalist with an appreciation for ethnonationalism does not fit in with the New World Order's management plans. Therefore, if he wins the popular vote not only in Iowa and New Hampshire but across the nation, the DemoPublican controllers have a serious problem. They can either rig the elections so it looks like Dr. Paul did "not" win, or they can blackmail him by threatening his family, like they did when Ross Perot was getting too popular. If Dr. Paul walks away from the GOP to go Indy, in reality he will "spoil" nothing, for as discussed above, the Democrats and Republicans are the same political party in effect, so there is nothing that CAN be "spoiled". Also, since the DemoPublicans must continue the cockfight between them so the illusion that they are "different" parties can be maintained this fighting has been, of necessity, escalating into a GRIDLOCK. Note the endless fighting about extending payroll tax cuts, Obamacare and illegal immigration. Thus, even if Ron Paul is labeled a "spoiler" for thwarting the Establishment Controller's plan to get one of their puppets nominated or elected he will


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Setting a good example is a far better way to spread ideals than through force of arms.
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Tyranny Continued from Page 5

cil). Sec. 3. Membership.

(a) The Secretary of Agriculture shall serve as the Chair of the Council, which shall also include the heads of the following executive branch departments, agencies, and offices:

(1) the Department of the Treasury; (2) the Department of Defense; (3) the Department of Justice; (4) the Department of the Interior; (5) the Department of Commerce; (6) the Department of Labor; (7) the Department of Health and Human Services; (8) the Department of Housing and Urban Development; (9) the Department of Transportation; (10) the Department of Energy; (11) the Department of Education; (12) the Department of Veterans Affairs; (13) the Department of Homeland Security; (14) the Environmental Protection Agency; (15) the Federal Communications Commission; (16) the Office of Management and Budget; (17) the Office of Science and Technology Policy; (18) the Office of National Drug Control Policy; (19) the Council of Economic Advisers; (20) the Domestic Policy Council; (21) the National Economic Council; (22) the Small Business Administration; (23) the Council on Environmental Quality;

(b) A member of the Council may designate, to perform the Council functions of the member, a senior-level official who is part of the member's department, agency, or office, and who is a full-time officer or employee of the Federal Government. (c) The Department of Agriculture shall provide funding and administrative support for the Council to the extent permitted by law and within existing appropriations. (d) The Council shall coordinate its policy development Sec. 5. General Provisions. through the Domestic Policy Council and the National Eco- (a) The heads of executive denomic Council. partments and agencies shall assist and provide information Sec. 4. Mission and Function to the Council, consistent with of the Council. applicable law, as may be necessary to carry out the funcThe Council shall work across tions of the Council. Each executive departments, agen- executive department and cies, and offices to coordinate agency shall bear its own exdevelopment of policy recom- pense for participating in the mendations to promote eco- Council. nomic prosperity and quality (b) Nothing in this order shall of life in rural America, and be construed to impair or othshall coordinate my Adminis- erwise affect: tration's engagement with rural (i) authority granted by law communities. The Council to an executive department, shall: agency, or the head thereof; or (ii) functions of the Director (a) make recommendations to of the Office of Management the President, through the Di- and Budget relating to budgetrector of the Domestic Policy ary, administrative, or legislaCouncil and the Director of the tive proposals. National Economic Council, (c) This order shall be impleon streamlining and leveraging mented consistent with appliFederal investments in rural cable law and subject to the areas, where appropriate, to in- availability of appropriations. crease the impact of Federal (d) This order is not intended dollars and create economic to, and does not, create any opportunities to improve the right or benefit, substantive or

quality of life in rural America; (b) coordinate and increase the effectiveness of Federal engagement with rural stakeholders, including agricultural organizations, small businesses, education and training institutions, health-care providers, telecommunications services providers, research and land grant institutions, law enforcement, State, local, and tribal governments, and nongovernmental organizations regarding the needs of rural America; (c) coordinate Federal efforts directed toward the growth and development of geographic regions that encompass both urban and rural areas; and (d) identify and facilitate rural economic opportunities associated with energy development, outdoor recreation, and other conservation related activities.

procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.

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U.S. hasn't gone quite that far, but the violent Police State did spy them in search of "domestic terrorists." Watch out, you may be a terror suspect if you sympathize with the 99%. 7 Days of Food: The Department of Justice and FBI considers you a terrorist threat if you have more than 7 days of food stored, as explained by Rand Paul on the Senate floor: Paul was referring to an official FBI/DOJ flyer given out to business owners to help them identify potential threats. And recently, Federal agents went to food storage facilities demanding customers lists, while citizens were harassed by the government with doorto-door "assessments" of their preparedness. Missing Fingers: The document referred to by Rand Paul above, also claims that if someone is missing a finger or has burn marks, they're more likely to be a terror suspect. Buying Flashlights: Also from the same official source, if you're buying night-vision devices including flashlights, you should be considered a terror suspect. Paying Cash at Hotels: Watch out if you want to pay with cash for hotel rooms. This DHS commercial indicates that you're a terror suspect if you do: The DHS has also launched their citizen spy program for hotels and has sent them hotel protection guidelines which lists suspicious activities like persons carrying observation equipment or standing around in the same area. Texting Privately in a Public Place: According to this DHS commercial for their citizen spy program, if you're texting while sitting in a public park, but trying to keep it concealed from people who pass by, you should be reported for suspicious terrorist activity: Ron Paul Stickers: A 2009 law enforcement report from the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) labeled Ron Paul supporters, Libertarians, and people sharing movies about the Federal Reserve as "domestic terrorists." When supporters of a political candidate who stands for peace and freedom become terror suspects, America is in big trouble. See Tyranny Continued on Page 10

BARACK OBAMA THE WHITE HOUSE, June 9, 2011. ----------------------------And now things get even worse: As though this is not enough to explode your brain and make your blood boil, in early December, 2011, with no mention in the mainstream media, the Senate passed S 1867, National Defense Authorization Act.. Before revealing what this means to you, I present first: 10 Ridiculous Things That Make You a Terror Suspect ----------------------------------So, what makes you a terror suspect in America? Here are 10 ridiculous things that make you a terrorist according to "officials" running the U.S. government: Tea Party Activists: The political Left demonized peaceful Tea Party activists as right-wing extremists, leading to the second most powerful official in the U.S. government, VP Joe Biden, to liken them to terrorists. Do you sympathize with those who are angry about bank bailouts on the backs of taxpayers? Well, you're likely a terrorist in the eyes of the State. Occupy Activists: Now, the "Occupy" movement, said to be made up of left-wing extremists, is enjoying the same treatment as the Tea Party's right-wing extremists. The United Kingdom has officially labeled "Occupy" demonstrators as domestic terrorists. The

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January 2012 Tyranny Continued from Page 9 Belief in Conspiracies -Obama's Information Czar, Cass Sunstein, has identified those who hold conspiracy theories as targets for online "cognitive infiltration." Do you question the motives for war? Question the motives of the private Federal Reserve bank? Question any government policies? Chances are you already have been marked as a suspect. Own Precious Metals -Despite the fact that the Federal Reserve paper note (a.k.a. the dollar) is only sustained by faith, you could now be a suspected terrorist if you would like to preserve your wealth with something that holds real value like precious metals. And forget about establishing an alternative currency made from silver or gold like Bernard von NotHaus as you may be lumped into a "unique form of terrorism." And now the bonus round for being registered as a potential terrorist -- #11-- Owning guns and ammo. Let's face it: you disagree with the American government colluding with international banks to rob you blind AND you've armed yourself? This also why returning veterans have also been labeled potential terrorists -- they have guns, know how to use them, and may be angry about the lies that sent them to war. As the Fast and Furious scandal has now revealed, it was done with a premeditated strategy to vilify the Second Amendment to the nation's Constitution. Wait -- actively planning to undermine the founding document of the country and plot criminal activity against citizens to spread fear and increase political power? Should that be considered under the definition of terrorism. . . .? ----------------------------------Now the National Defense Authorization Act has passed Senate and House and Obama seems to be ready to sign it and possibly will have signed it before the end of December. ----------------------------------would have still authorized indefinite detention even if a detainee was found innocent after a trial. The amendment was narrowly defeated by his son, Senator Rand Paul. This is big, emphasized Paul, adding This step where they can literally arrest American citizens and put them away without arrogant and bold and dangerous. Despite speculation that the Obama administration would veto the bill, it emerged yesterday that it was the White House itself which worked to remove language from the bill that would have protected American citizens from indefinite detention under Section 1031. The administration has been working with lawmakers to alter a separate provision, Section 1032, which pertains to the military being required to take custody of individuals. With the administrations concerns over Section 1032 now largely resolved, a revised and final version of the bill could be signed into law before the end of the week. The conferees said they plan to bring the bill to the House floor for a vote as soon as Wednesday afternoon and to the Senate soon thereafter, reports Politico. Despite the revisions, the bill still contains language that allows Americans to be detained without trial at a detention center anywhere in the world. Republican Congressman Justin Amash has again warned that lawmakers are attempting to mislead the American people by claiming U.S. citizens are exempt from the most dangerous provisions of the bill. Pres. Obama and many Members of Congress believe the President ALREADY has the authority the bill grants him. Legally, of course, he does not. This language was inserted to keep proponents and opponents of the bill appeased, while permitting the President to assert that the improper power he has claimed all along is now in statute, writes Amash. They will say that American citizens are specifically exempted under the following language in Sec. 1032: The requirement to detain a person in military custody under this section does not extend to citizens of the United States. Dont be fooled. All this says is that the President is not REQUIRED to indefinitely detain American citizens without charge or trial. It still PERMITS him to do so, warns the Congressman. 14th Continued from Page 4 ernment, and States created federal government. That is the hierarchy, and under our Declaration of Independence, it is self-evident that were endowed by our creator certain unalienable rights. United States Code (USC) Title 28 Sec. 3002 (15) (A) defines the United States as a corporation. What this means is, unless you rightfully claim your Citizenship, you and I are corporate citizens, we are chattel (property) of the U.S. And as chattel of the U.S. we must abide by its rules and are only granted privileges. Although privileges have become synonymous with rights it does not make it so. A privilege is something that is granted, just as is a license, and under the 14th Amendment we are granted privileges via the United States. Remember the Black Codes where the States were granting privileges and licenses to the freedmen; well, since the 14th Amendment and being under the jurisdiction of the U.S., we only have privileges, not God-given rights. And what is not God-given can be taken away. Has it ever crossed your mind why someone needs a license to cut hair or even to do someones nails? It is because we are owned by the corporate United States and cannot do anything unless granted permission by the U.S. As crazy as it sounds, you and I are slaves to the U.S. without even knowing it. The best slave is one who thinks he is free. To further evidence our enslavement to the corporate United States please allow me to reference an old Roman Law known as Capitus Diminutio. In the old Roman Law there are three forms of Capitus Diminutio: Capitus Diminutio Minima, Capitus Diminutio Media, and Capitus Diminutio Maxima. Under Roman Law these were the statuses given to its citizens. John Doe is an example of Capitus Diminutio Minima; it is the slight loss of rights; it is important to pay attention to the capitalizations in the name. John DOE is an example of Capitus Diminutio Media,and is when a man losses his rights of citizenship but not his rights of liberty. And finally we reach the most important: Capitus Diminutio Maxima (JOHN DOE); when a mans condition changes from freedom to bondage. Under Capitus Diminutio Maxima, all rights of citizenship and liberty are surrendered. I challenge you to take a look at any government issued document bearing your name, how does your name appear? Yes, everything from your birth certificate to your drivers license to your social security card has your name in all caps. Many will argue that Capitus Diminutio Maxima does not exist in the U.S., however, I will argue simply on the meaning of the Latin term. Remember it is a transition from freedom to bondage and, if I am not mistaken, bondage can be defined as servitude; and as a slave you may only be granted privileges. Although the 13th Amendment abolishes slavery and involuntary servitude, we gladly sign over our sovereignty once we sign our social security card. A drivers licenses does not qualify you to travel the roads; what it does is grants you permission to do so. Locomotion is not a privilege, it is a right. Now if you are transporting goods, in other words engaging in commerce, then you must obtain a license, and since Congress has the expressed authority to regulate commerce then you fall under the authority of the U.S. But if you simply want to travel then you do not need a license. Personal travel is a God-given right, and a God-given right cannot be granted to you by any form of government; however, they (government) tend to trick you into believing that it is a privilege (permission granted). As a Sovereign we must remember that we are the ultimate authority, second only to our Creator, and with freedom comes responsibility. Although our Declaration of Independence defines three God-given rights (Life, Liberty, and pursuit of Happiness) these are merely a few among many. As Sovereigns we may do as we please as long as we do not infringe on another Sovereigns rights or property. As an example: My right to sell you a car ends when I fraudulently sell you a car in good condition. In other words rights can only be defined in contrast to the violation of anothers rights. Throughout this article you may have noticed many things that may be categorized as semantics, and I empathize with you; however, Law is based on technicalities and is specific. The Law of Law is what the definition of a certain word is, and who has the authority to define said words. Well the fact is that you, as a Sovereign, have the right to argue the definition of such language. The worst of it is that if you do not refute the validity of such laws then it is automatically assumed that you consent to the terms. Remember ignorance is no excuse. Therefore it is of the utmost importance that we educate ourselves to the laws of Nature and the Sovereign rights endowed to us rather than the laws of man. Although throughout the evolution of our societal structure, laws have been enacted to help further America, we must always revert to the documents which have outlined that very same structure. Those documents are, in a particular order, the Bible, the Declaration of Independence, our State Constitutions, and the Constitution of the United States.

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Ron Paul: Defense Bill Establishes Martial Law In America

by Paul Joseph Watson Tuesday, December 13, 2011 Top tier presidential candidate Ron Paul has decried the indefinite detention provision of the National Defense Authorization Act, warning that it represents an arrogant, bold and dangerous attempt to establish martial law in America. Speaking with the Alex Jones Show today, Congressman Paul went on the offensive against the bill, which is set to be signed into law by President Obama later this week. Section 1031 of the NDAA bill, which itself defines the entirety of the United States as a battlefield, allows American citizens to be snatched from the streets, carted off to a foreign detention camp and held indefinitely without trial. The bill states that any person who has committed a belligerent act faces indefinite detention, but no trial or evidence has to be presented, the White House merely needs to make the accusation. Paul said he saw significance in the announcement and the arrogance of it all, making reference to the Obama administrations claim that it can now assassinate American citizens anywhere in the world and noting that the passage of the NDAA bill is an effort to codify the policy into law. This is a giant step this should be the biggest news going right now literally legalizing martial law, said Paul, noting that the subject did not come up at all in any of the Republican debates. The Congressman also decried the arrogance of an attempt to push through via a voice vote an amendment that

Quack Continued from Page 5 ical Doctor or if possible a nutritionist that is also approved via our Government take over your health progress. Maybe just doing research on the internet could prove helpful. Just remember Dr Quack can never ever take the place of your anointed by the AMA, Doctor. Anything in this column is for entertainment for you and your family. You still at this time get to make your choice. Have a Great New Year and keep praying for all of us! Dr Q.


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Obama to Use Local Schools in New Terror Scheme

Written by Alex Newman Monday, 12 December 2011 09:47 The White House unveiled its new domestic terror-war strategy, announcing that the federal government would be involving local schools and community-based officials in its efforts to identify and neutralize extremists. Critics in Congress blasted the Obama administration for omitting any mention of radical Islam, but there has been very little criticism so far of involving school children in the so-called war. The new plan was outlined in a 23-page document posted on the White House website entitled "Strategic Implementation Plan for Empowering Local Partners to Prevent Violent Extremism in the United States." (left) Among the cabinet departments involved in deliberations and approval of the strategy were the Departments of Education, Health and Human Services, Labor, Commerce, and more. "We had a long conversation about what kinds of things education can do," explained Quintan Wiktorowicz, a senior director of Obamas National Security Council responsible See Tyranny Continued on Page 12


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January 2012

The Lake & Country Shopper - 11

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Solution to This Months Crossword

Humor A Cowboy Named Bud

-- Author Unknown A cowboy named Bud was overseeing his herd in a remote mountainous pasture in California when suddenly a brandnew BMW advanced toward him out of a cloud of dust. The driver, a young man in a Brioni suit, Gucci shoes, RayBan sunglasses and YSL tie, leaned out the window and asked the cowboy, "If I tell you exactly how many cows and calves you have in your herd, Will you give me a calf?" Bud looks at the man, obviously a yuppie, then looks at his peacefully grazing herd and calmly answers, "Sure, Why not?" The yuppie parks his car, whips out his Dell notebook computer, connects it to his Cingular RAZR V3 cell phone, and surfs to a NASA page on the Internet, where he calls up a GPS satellite to get an exact fix on his location which he then feeds to another NASA satellite that scans the area in an ultra-high-resolution photo. The young man then opens the digital photo in Adobe Photoshop and exports it to an image processing facility in Hamburg, Germany . Within seconds, he receives an email on his Palm Pilot that the image has been processed and the data stored. He then accesses an MS-SQL database through an ODBC connected Excel spreadsheet with email on his Blackberry and, after a few minutes, receives a re-

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sponse.. Finally, he prints out a fullcolor, 150-page report on his hi-tech,miniaturized HP LaserJet printer, turns to the cowboy and says, "You have exactly 1,586 cows and calves." "That's right. Well, I guess you can take one of my calves," says Bud. He watches the young man select one of the animals and looks on with amusement as the young man stuffs it into the trunk of his car. Then Bud says to the young man, "Hey, if I can tell you exactly what your business is, will you give me back my calf?" The young man thinks about it for a second and then says, "Okay, why not?" "You're a Congressman for the U..S. Government", says Bud. "Wow! That's correct," says the yuppie, "but how did you guess that?" "No guessing required." answered the cowboy. "You showed up here even though nobody called you; you want to get paid for an answer I already knew, to a question I never asked. You used millions of dollars worth of equipment trying to show me how much smarter than me you are; and you don't know a thing about how working people make a living - or about cows, for that matter. This is a herd of sheep. ....Now give me back my dog.

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January 2012

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See Tyranny Continued from Page 10 Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.). But Democrats celebrated the new Obama plan. As this strategy is implemented, the Department of Homeland Security must ensure its effectiveness by overseeing the types of training state and local law enforcement agencies acquire, said Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), the ranking member of the Homeland Security Committee. Homeland Security has come under intense fire recently for spending tax dollars on propaganda films designed to terrorize Americans while encouraging snitching and paranoia over innocuous activities such as paying a hotel bill in cash or owning weapons. And through organizations it finances such as The Counterterrorism Education Learning Lab (The CELL), training is being rolled out literally teaching people that even their best friend or neighbor could be a terrorist. As The New American has documented extensively, Homeland Security admitted in recent documents that it considers rightwing extremists and veterans to be the top terror threat to the Homeland. In a widely criticized report released in 2009, for example, Janet Napolitanos department identified pro-lifers, supporters of states rights, and opponents of illegal immigration as being among the prime suspects. Following a tsunami of conservative outrage over the report, Napolitano was eventually forced to withdraw it and apologize. But activists continued to push for her to be fired after the document was shown to be based on preposterous sources including 11 references to, an odd website that features pictures of unicorns, tarot cards, and dragons across the top. The Obama administrations attitude, however, has not changed. As Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) explained recently while arguing against indefinite military detention of Americans suspected of posing a threat to the Homeland no charges, to trial, no jury the federal government is not just after Muslims. Some day, there could be a government in power that is shipping its citizens off for disagreements, Sen. Paul warned. There are laws on the books now that characterize who might be a terrorist: Someone missing fingers on their hands is a suspect, according to the Department of Justice. Someone who has guns. Someone who has ammunition that is weatherproofed. Someone who has more than seven days of food in their house can be considered a potential terrorist. Experts have noted that the probability of an American dying in a terror attack is about one in a million. The risk of being killed in a car accident, meanwhile, is about one in 7,500. But the government has spent unknown tens of billions dealing with the alleged threat over the last decade not even including the multi-trillion dollar wars overseas. Interestingly, U.S. Terror Czar John Brennan essentially admitted in a speech timed with the release of the administrations new strategy that much of the federal governments terror war has so far played right into the hands of al Qaeda. Officials must avoid falling for al-Qaedas strategy that "seeks to bleed us financially by drawing us into long, costly wars that also inflame anti-American sentiment," Brennan was quoted as saying by USA Today. But even as the White House purports to be concerned about al Qaeda, the administration by its own admission helped senior leaders in the organization overthrow the Gadhafi regime in Libya. Top terror leaders such as former Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG merged with al-Qaeda in 2007) chief Abdel Belhadj, who has boasted of fighting American troops, have now taken on prominent roles in the new Libyan regime. Meanwhile, one of Homeland Securitys flagship agencies, the Transportation Security Administration, has been exposed as a useless bloated bureaucracy in a recent congressional report. Investigators found that after $60 billion spent on the TSA so far, screening is based on theatrics and air travel is no safer than before September 11, 2001. It remains unclear exactly how local schools, American school children, and community institutions will be used to wage the terror war. But analysts suspect it could include spying on parents and families, as well as other measures that critics called troubling. Others said the scheme represented a major propaganda offensive. It was also uncertain where in the Constitution the administration believed it found authority to oversee local police training, spread propaganda, or prod schools into joining the terror war. Experts said that was because much of the new scheme is in fact unconstitutional. ----------------------------------- Is there anything we can do about the government is doing to us? Consider this editorial to the Daily Bell by Ron Holland and decide for yourself. ----------------------------------From: 2012 presidential campaign and the inability of citizens to influence government policy makes it clear to every American how broken the US political system has become. A few powerful interests run the entire show and the American people are being forced down a dark road to economic destruction. History shows us that Washington is immune to conventional national political action under the present system. What can freedom loving Americans do? We can't change Washington because Congress is owned and controlled by special interests. Neither can we take over the establishment control of either political party as the media elites can break, sideline or ignore any candidate that threatens the elite interests. Third party efforts at the national level are doomed to failure and an ineffective tool for promoting freedom principles when compared to the successful Ron Paul campaign effort inside the GOP. Finally, education, although important, is not a fast enough solution to save our nation when more than 50% of the electorate lives off the looting of taxpayers through government benefits or makework jobs. So do freedom advocates just give up or wait for the eventual collapse of the economy and the US political system? While this is a prevalent view in freedom circles, hyperinflation and economic collapse even if you are invested to financially benefit from this outcome is certainly not a recipe for restoring limited government and liberty to our country. Fascism and wealth confiscation are the probable result, just look at what followed the failed German Weimar Republic in the 1930's. There is only one effective, democratic and peaceful tool left to Americans to defend their liberties and restore the original republic of our found-

for the new terror initiative. "In the same way they fight gangs, or bullying, they can help here. Wiktorowicz told the government-funded National Public Radio that local partners in the terror war, such as schools, would be used to seek out potential behavioral signs that might help identify an extremist. Some of the examples he offered included watching extreme videos or talking about unbelievers. The challenge is going to be trying to put the violent extremism initiatives into existing programs, he noted, saying it was a public safety issue and that the federal government had a responsibility to help. But there are lots of ways to do it, and we'll work with the schools to tailor the approach to what they need." Among the new initiatives to be used in countering extremism will be after-school programs, the administrations plan states, without offering details or elaborating. All parents are concerned about these kinds of issues, not just Muslim parents," Wiktorowicz added. As part of the White Houses new plan, Homeland Security will review all terror training to weed out any lurking antiMuslim bias, NPR reported, citing Wiktorowicz. But despite what critics called the Orwellian nature of using school children to monitor extremism, the lack of emphasis on Islamic radicalism is what has attracted most of the criticism so far. Several lawmakers questioned the wisdom of comparing terror to gang violence and sexual offenses, as well as Obamas alleged failure to focus enough attention on Muslims. "We also continue to be disappointed by the administration's refusal to identify violent Islamist extremism as our enemy," noted a joint statement released by Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Sen.

State Sovereignty: America's Final Solution to Tyranny

Thursday, November 24, 2011 by Ron Holland At the end of this article is a copy of the proposed state sovereignty amendment that Ron and Donnie Kennedy are promoting as the final solution to federal abuse. They believe that anything less will only continue the course of federal supremacy and the ultimate destruction of real American liberty. I sadly agree with them. Just following Congress, the

ing fathers. It is the right of state sovereignty and nullification, so effectively explained by Tom Woods in his book Nullification: How To Resist Federal Tyranny in the 21st Century ks/nullification Many other freedom advocates have proposed nullification and state sovereignty including the Kennedy Brothers who have developed a State Sovereignty Amendment strategy that should be launched in all 50 states. Although the elites ruling our nation have total control over the federal government and the two-party system nationally, they have neglected to extend this top-down control to the state level. This is because over the last 50 years states have become mere powerless appendages of Washington without influence and this is an opportunity for the Freedom movement. Americans can, of course continue feeling important and wasting time, money and efforts on establishment candidates for Congress and presidential campaigns claiming to represent our free-market views. But if we do we are just playing in a rigged game to keep productive Americans busy at doing nothing that matters and does not threaten those in charge. A decentralized national movement focused state-bystate at the legislature level is the only game left for us to play if we wish to be effective. When a state or states vote to nullify a congressional bank bailout, the sovereign debt of Washington or the Fed's dollar policy, this will attract media attention, especially uncontrolled foreign journalists and the alternative freedom media. Media coverage attracts investor and market attention and as we see today in the European sovereign debt crisis originally born on Wall Street with Goldman Sachs markets move politicians and governments.

This is our last and final soluSee Tyranny Continued on Page 13

January 2012

The Lake & Country Shopper - 13

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237 Lakeshore Dr - WATERFRONT - Totally updated and move-in ready! Enjoy a panoramic view of the lake and awesome sunsets from a covered patio at this 3 BD/2.5 BA home in Lakeshore Subdivision! Granite
in kitchen, bathrooms and utility room! Lots of storage in home and attic. Lighted pier makes fishing or boating a breeze!..........$370,000. $389,900.

16 foot ComPac Yacht Sailboat with lots of new equipment. Rebuilt trailer. New 2 HP 4 stroke outboard motor. $ 5250.00. OBO Do not call after 8 PM.. 361-547-8160 Sony Handycam Vision SteadyShot CCD-TRV608 NTSC Video Hi8. Comes with carrying case, extra rechargeable batteries, all cords and operating manual. Price - $150.00 For more info/pics, call/text 361-9606722.



102 Cirle Trl - Pernitas Point Waterview - 2 BD/2 BA home on two lots
with beautiful view of Lake CC! Detached oversized garage with half bath and additional storage building on slab. RV Hookup. Offered at $79,500.

372 Carmel Dr - NEW LISTING - Beautiful water view home with separate apartment above your 3 car garage! Main home features 2 BD/2 BA. Open kitchen, living and dining. Covered porches. Panoramic view of the lake from the inside and outside deck of apartment! WOW! $143,500. 139 Cenesia Dr-Carmel Hills Subdivision Move in ready! Perfect weekend getaway or home that has been remodeled inside & out! Spacious 2 BD/1 BA. with living area open to dining and kitchen. Enjoy
the lake view from a 12'x30' covered deck or the 8'x40 side deck. Property owners have access to boat launch/waterfront park. $97,900.

GUNS Buy-Sale-Trade!!!!!!! Call Jim @ 361 547-6474

For Sale
Boat Trailer for 18 foot boat. Heavy Duty, 2 axle custom angle iron. $850. Call Alice at 3 61-855-0743

Real Estate for Sale

Lots, near Lagarto Store, starting at, $6,500. Approx 1/4 acre each. $500 down and owner will finance. 956-6829281

Lost: 24 foot ladder in Arrowhead or Lakeshore subdivision.. Call Alice at 361 855 0743

16015 CR 1298 - Enjoy country living in this 3 BR/2BA home that sits on 2.5 acres located btwn Sinton and Odem. It is fenced, with the house, covered carport, barn and workshop being fenced separately. Lots of gates for easy accessed. $90,000. 1200 E. Wilson, Mathis - 5.05 Ac - This home offers the best of both worlds - country living and not far from town! 3/2 Rustic ranch home
complete w/horse barns, pens, arena, workshop, stable & support structure. Updated bathrooms. Located close to town. $179,000. 24894 Lakeshore Dr (CR 350) - Enjoy the lake life just across the water located on nearly half an acre. Unique home features 2 large living areas, 2 septic systems, 2 bedrooms away from the main living space and the master suite near the living space. $69,900. Vista Dr - Unique1 acre lot sports a large (52' across), clover leaf shaped pool, 2 bath, concession & a large covered area. Nice RV sites. Adjacent lot available. REDUCED $37,500.

137 Hillside Cove - Looking for your first waterfront home, weekend get-a-way, fishing or duck camp? Nice sandy shoreline allows you to dock your boat just steps outside your door. Large room can be converted to a bedroom or bunkroom for the fishermen or kids! $42,500. 128 Third St, Lake City - 2008 custom Palm Harbor home with 12' x 12' shop w/electricity. $65,000.
WATERVIEW RESIDENTIAL LOTS - CARMEL HILLS SUBDIVISION - 14 Interior lots available ranging in size and prices. Call 361-343-7400 for more information!

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Tyranny Continued from Page 12

tion available to restore freedom and limited government to these United States. Following the 2012 elections regardless of whether Romney or Obama win or which corrupt political party controls Congress this 1. State nullification of a fedis the only real game left in eral act must be approved by a town that matters. convention of the state. What do you think? 2. Upon passage of an act of After reviewing the sample nullification, all federal ausovereignty amendment below, thority for the enumerated and you can reach Ron and Donnie nullified act(s) shall be susKennedy on their website at pended. Re3. Upon formal acceptance member, a return to state sovereignty and nullification is our of nullification by threefourths of the conventions of last chance. Feel free to improve on the the states, including the origiproposed amendment and make nal nullifying state, the enuit more appropriate for the merated federal act(s) shall be unique needs and situation of prohibited in the United States your state, but do something of America or its territories. now before it is too late! - Ron 4. Upon formal rejection of Holland, email: skironholland nullification by three-fourths [at] of the conventions of the states, the enumerated federal THE STATE act(s) shall be presumed to be SOVEREIGNTY constitutional, notwithstanding AMENDMENT any judgment of any federal or (Sample) state court. 5. Until or unless there is a formal approval or rejection by the conventions of the states, the nullified federal act(s) shall remain non-operative as to the original and any additional nullifying states. A state that in its convention ratifies a particular act of nullification shall be construed to have nullified the same act as enumerated in the initiating state's nullification. 6. No federal elected official, agent, or any individual working within or associated with any branch of the federal government may harass or attempt to harass, intimidate, or threaten a Sovereign State or the people thereof for exercising their rights under this amendment. No federal elected official, agent, or any individual working within or associ-

authority between acts of the federal government and the liberties, property, and interests of the citizens of the state, thereby nullifying federal acts judged by the state to be an unwarranted infringement upon the reserved rights of the state and the people thereof.

ated with any branch of the federal government shall attempt to influence or use their office to attempt to influence the deliberations of the people regarding the nullification of a federal act(s) or the acceptance or rejection of a nullified federal act(s). 7. Any United States military officer, noncommissioned officer or federal official or agent who carries out or attempts to carry out any order by a federal official, officer or agent to deny or hinder the people of a Sovereign State from exercising their rights under this amendment shall be subject to the offended state's laws and may be tried accordingly. Jurisdiction in such cases is specifically denied to all federal courts, military courts, or any other court other than the courts of the offended state. Section II. The government and people of these United States approve the principle that any people have a right to abolish the existing government and form a new one that suits them better. This principle illustrates the American idea that government rests on the consent of the governed and that it is the right of a people to alter or abolish it at will whenever it becomes destructive of the ends for which it was established. Therefore, the right of a Sovereign State to secede peacefully from the union voluntarily created by the compact of the Constitution is hereby specifically reserved to each state. 1. An act of secession shall be executed by a convention of the people of the state. 2. The seceded state shall appoint representatives to negotiate settlement of all debts owed the federal government, the purchase of federal properties within the Sovereign State, and the removal of federal military installations and person-

nel. 3. Upon acceptable arrangement for the payment of sums owed the federal government, the representatives may negotiate treaties of friendship, common defense, and commercial relations. Said treaties are subject to the same constitutional ratification as other treaties. 4. Readmission of a seceded state shall follow the same constitutional requirements as for any new state. 5. No federal elected official, agent, or any individual working within or associated with any branch of the federal government shall attempt to influence the people of the Sovereign State regarding their decision to secede from, remain with, or join this union. 6. Any United States military officer, noncommissioned officer, or federal official or agent who carries out or attempts to carry out any order by a federal official, officer, or agent to deny or hinder the people of a Sovereign State from exercising their rights under this amendment shall be subject to the offended state's laws and may be tried accordingly. Jurisdiction in such cases is specifically denied to all federal courts, military courts, or any other court other than the courts of the offended state. 7. The inalienable right of the people of each Sovereign State to govern themselves is a right that existed before this formation of the federal government, and therefore nothing in this amendment shall be interpreted in such a manner as to deem the federal government to be the donor of the rights enumerated herein. ------------------------------


AG Holder: Obama Will Add Signing Statement to NDAA

Written by Joe Wolverton, II Friday, 23 December 2011 Excerrpts: ..."So we are in a better place, I think the regulations, procedures that will help, and well also have a signing statement from the president" which will help clarify how they view the law, Holder said.... This type of stroke of the pen, law of the land despotism is nothing new to President Obama. More on that in a moment. In the present case, the Presidents original opposition to the NDAA had nothing to do with preserving liberty, but with preserving the Presidents preeminence in matters relating to who has the final say on the tracking and torturing of those suspected of threatening the security of the homeland. ... ...The bottom line is, the President was just satisfied enough with the acquiescence of congress to let the bill get to his desk, but he wants to make sure everyone knows (especially the legislative branch) just who is the arbiter of who is and is not an enemy combatant and just how critical intelligence will be wrung from those suspects and by whom... ...Constitutionally speaking, if a President does not like a piece of legislation, the only recourse allowed him is a veto. Modern Presidents, however, have two self-perpetuating habits that obviate the use of veto: engorging themselves with power not delegated to them by the Constitution and disregarding the Constitution altogether.Constitutionally speaking, if a President does

These United States of America are a Republic of Republics deriving its authority from the consent of the governed residing within their Sovereign State. Each Sovereign State is the agent of the people thereof. The federal government formed by the compact of the United States Constitution is the agent of the Sovereign States. Federal authority shall be supreme in all areas specifically delegated to it by the Constitution. All acts or legislation enacted pursuant to the Constitution shall be the supreme law of the land. The Sovereign State reserves an equal right to judge for itself as to the constitutionality of any act of the federal government. Section I. The Sovereign State specifically reserves the right to interpose its sovereign

not like a piece of legislation, the only recourse allowed him is a veto. Modern Presidents, however, have two self-perpetuating habits that obviate the use of veto: engorging themselves with power not delegated to them by the Constitution and disregarding the Constitution altogether.... .... Presidential signing statements amount to cherry-picking the parts of a law that Presidents wish to follow or ignore...... ...James Madison, writing as "Publius," wrote in The Federalist, No. 47: "The accumulation of all powers legislative, executive and judiciary in the same hands, whether of one, a few or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny." Madison himself was restating in his inimitable style, one facet of federalism that was universally considered to be an essential pillar of liberty. If the opinions of these men are a worthy metric of the size of the impending threat of despotism, then President Obama is filling the shoes of a tyrant heel to toe. His latest decision to unilaterally demolish the walls of history, law, and constitutional barriers that separate the executive and legislative powers demonstrates his intent to persist down the path of despotism by decree so well trodden by many of his forerunners.

An elective despotism was not the government we fought for.

--Thomas Jefferson

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