Information Literacy Lesson Plan

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Information Literacy Lesson

Kelly Stibrich
Georgia Southern University
FRIT 7136 Dr. Stephanie Jones
Research Pathfinder:


TEACHER(S): Kelly Stibrich

Christina Signore
CONTENT TOPIC: Topographical features of the United States
1. Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.
3. Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our
democratic society.
Skills Indicator(s):
1.1.1 Follow an inquiry-based process in seeking knowledge in curricular subjects, and
make the real-world connection for using this process in own life.
1.1.3 Develop and refine a range of questions to frame the search for new
1.1.4. Find, evaluate and select appropriate sources to answer questions.
1.1.6 Read, view, and listen for information presented in any format (e.g., textual, visual,
media, digital) in order to make inferences and gather meaning.
3.1.4 Use technology and other information tools to organize and display knowledge
and understanding in ways that others can view, use, and assess.
Generate questions and practice different way to locate and evaluate sources
that provide needed information.
Formulate questions about the topic with guidance.
Assess questions to determine which can be answered by simple facts, which
cannot be answered, and which would lead to an interesting inquiry.
Revise the question or problem as needed to arrive at a manageable topic.
Understand the librarys organizational scheme and what main topics are
included in each section.
Select and use appropriate sources, including specialized reference sources
and databases, to answer questions.
Use multiple resources, including print, electronic, and human, to locate
Use text features and illustrations to decide which resources are best to use and
Use various note-taking strategies.
Paraphrase or summarize information in various formats.
Draw conclusions based on facts and premises.

Use different technology tools to retrieve and organize information.

Use a variety of media and formats to crete and edit products that communicate
syntheses of information and ideas.
Dispositions Indicator(s):
1.2.2 Demonstrate confidence and self-direction by making independent choices in the
selection of resources and information.
1.2.5 Demonstrate adaptability by changing the inquiry focus, questions, resources, or
strategies when necessary to achieve success.
Responsibilities Indicator(s):
1.3.3 Follow ethical and legal guidelines in gathering and using information.
1.3.5 Use information technology responsibly.
Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s):
1.4.1 Monitor own information-seeking processes for effectiveness and progress and
adapt as necessary.
1.4.3 Monitor gathered information, and assess for gaps or weaknesses.
1.4.4 Seek appropriate help when it is needed.
CC.3.R.I.1 Key Ideas and Details: Ask and answer questions to demonstrate
understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
CC.3.R.I.7 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Use information gained from
illustrations (e.g., maps, photographs) and the words in a text to demonstrate
understanding of the text (e.g., where, when, why, and how key events occur).
CC.3.R.I.9 Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Compare and contrast the most
important points and key details presented in two texts on the same topic.
CC.3.SL.1 Comprehension and Collaboration: Engage effectively in a range of
collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners
on grade 3 topics and texts, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.
CC.3.W.6 Production and Distribution of Writing: With guidance and support from
adults, use technology to produce and publish writing (using keyboarding skills) as well
as to interact and collaborate with others.
CC.3.W.7 Research to Build and Present Knowledge: Conduct short research projects
that build knowledge about a topic.
CC.3.W.8 Research to Build and Present Knowledge: Recall information from
experiences or gather information from print and digital sources; take brief notes on
sources and sort evidence into provided categories.
SS3G1 The student will locate major topographical features.
Mrs. Signores 3rd grade class will learn about different research resources available to
them and then use those resources to search for information regarding a topographical

feature of the United States. They will find information that they believe would convince
others to visit this place. Using the information that they find, they will create a one page
document with information that would persuade someone to visit this place.
Students will create a one page word document with images and information about their
chosen topographical feature. This information should be a handout designed to
persuade someone to visit this place.
The students will learn how to search for and find resources on the electronic school
library catalog, the districts elementary virtual library, and the SLMS created pathfinder.
-The students, SLMS, and teacher will use the attached rubrics to self-assess
(students) and assess (teacher and SLMS) the report assignments.
-Students will use the given guidelines (see logbook handout attachments #1, #2,
and #3) to record their search and information throughout the process.
-The teacher and SLMS will observe throughout the process to see if the
students are able to successfully locate information using the online catalog,
databases, and pathfinder.
-The teacher and SLMS will monitor to see that the students are taking detailed
notes in their logbook throughout the process.
Student self-questioning
-What keywords should I use?
-Am I searching for information that will persuade someone to go to this place?
-Am I recording my progress and notes in my logbook?
-Am I taking detailed enough notes to complete my project?
-Am I recording my sources?
Resources students will use:
Online subscription database(s)
Web sites
Other: Research Pathfinder:

Day One
o Direct instruction: The SLMS will introduce the electronic school library catalog, how
to access it, and its different features using the Smartboard. She will then review the
nonfiction areas of the library (students have already had a introduction to the library at
the beginning of the school year). The important focus to impart is that the online
catalog is to find books from the library, not to gain information immediately regarding a
research topic.
o Modeling and guided practice: Using one of the assigned topographical features,
the students, teacher, and SLMS will brainstorm a list of keywords to use when
searching. The SLMS will model how to use the online catalog to search for relevant
sources and how to use the logbook to record source information to use later when in
the library.
o Independent practice: Students will begin to work with partners to look up relevant
books for their topographical feature on the online catalog. They will record their
findings in their logbook (see logbook handout attachment #1). During their free library
time, they will go to the library and check out books they believe would be helpful in
their assignment. They will then use these books to take relevant notes in their logbook
(see logbook handout attachment #2). The SLMS and teacher will monitor, helping
when necessary.
o Sharing and reflecting: Students will share how it went using the online catalog.
They will discuss difficulties and if they found useful sources to use in their project.
Day Two
o Direct instruction: The SLMS will introduce the districts elementary virtual library
and the SLMS created pathfinder on the Smartboard. She will show the many different
resources available on the virtual library and how to access them. Since this is the third
graders first time using this resource, 3 or 4 databases should be sufficient. She will
also show how to access and use the pathfinder for their project. The teacher will
discuss how to record sources after a search.
o Modeling and guided practice: Using one of the places on the topographical feature
choice list, the SLMS will model using relevant keywords to search for resources in the
Britannica Online School Edition for elementary school that was accessed using the
districts elementary virtual library. If more practice is needed, the SLMS will search for
another topic using a different database. Students will guide the SLMS throughout the
search. A handout of user names and passwords to access these databases will be
given to students.
o Independent practice: With partners, students will start researching their topic using
the databases and pathfinder. They will record their sources and take notes on their
findings in their logbook (see logbook handout attachment #3).
o Sharing and reflecting: Students will share how it went using the virtual library and
pathfinder. They will discuss difficulties and sources that they found.
Follow-up days: Over the next few days, students will work on their projects in class
and during free library time. Students will then begin working on their word documents.
The teacher and SLMS will be available for help finalizing their research and creating

their document. The students, teacher, and SLMS will assess their final project using
the rubric (see rubric attachment #4)
Research Pathfinder:
Reflection of Both Lesson and Collaboration:
To be honest, as far as collaboration goes, we could have planned this more
together. I think I did most of the planning because I knew she was overwhelmed with
her own work. I knew that science and social studies dont get as much focus in our
school as math and reading so I decided to ask her if we could use one of the standards
from those subjects for our lesson. Christina suggested social studies because it would
then lend itself to being the background knowledge for a writing lesson later on. We
looked through the standards and decided upon topographical features because we
thought the kids would be the most engaged on this topic. I kind of took the planning on
from there. We talked back and forth about four times about what I wanted to do
regarding the lesson and she gave her input. I learned from her throughout this that her
kids had had an introduction to the library and were pretty self sufficient at finding
books. I also learned that the kids were great at using programs on the computer so
these things definitely were things to consider when planning the lesson and activities. I
think it would be easier to plan something like this if both people sat down from the
beginning to sketch the entire lesson out together. I think I just knew what I needed to
do and didnt want to infringe on her valuable time too much.
On the first day, I began by introducing Cybercat, our online catalog. Many of the
students had seen the media specialist or teachers use this tool but had never used it
themselves. They were amazed to see how easily they could find where books were
located in the library! Most students said they usually chose books from a certain
section in the library, or from sections that they knew had sports or animal books. We
discussed the many other nonfiction topics there were and how they were separated in
the library. One of the hard parts was that many of the students had never heard of
many of the topographical features listed on the chart, so they were having trouble
coming up with any other keyword besides the name. Just using the names as
searching keywords seemed to give us good results so we just stuck with that. The
students did a great job using Cybercat to look up books for their assigned feature.
They had a little trouble recording information correctly and detailed enough in their
logbook handout. If I had to go back, I would have modeled filling this out more in front
of the class and maybe even had them copy an example of how it should look that they
could go back to. The students, on their own time, were supposed to check out books
related to their assigned topic on their library time. Due to schedules and what not,
many students didnt have their books by the time I went back for the second lesson. I
think it would be easier to make sure these things get done if the lesson and learning is
something that has to be done rather than doing me a favor by letting me work on a
lesson in your classroom. I think more time would be made for the project. The second
day seemed to go a little rougher. I didnt feel like I had enough time to teach all of the
information they needed well enough to do the project. I think simply starting off with a
lesson on how to search would have been better than actually trying to complete an

entire project. Giving the students too much choice with regards to databases and
online encyclopedias did not work out. We ended up teaching them how to use only one
and the pathfinder to use for research. Since the kids really had never researched
anything before and had never used these resources, the teacher and I spent a lot of
time helping them navigate the database/encyclopedia. I think next time I would just like
to give them some time to play around and explore with the resources. I think future
projects would benefit from this. We ended up rushing through the rest of the lesson
due to time constraints. The students were able to use their notes to complete the paper
during their technology time. It didnt turn out how I had hoped, and not having enough
time had a lot to do with it. I think I should have tried to do less and make sure the kids
understood it really well.

Logbook handout attachment #1

Call Number___________________________________________________________
Call Number___________________________________________________________
Call Number___________________________________________________________

Logbook handout attachment #2

Call Number___________________________________________________________
Call Number___________________________________________________________

Logbook handout attachment #3

Encyclopedia Name/Website_____________________________________________
http address___________________________________________________________
Encyclopedia Name/Website_____________________________________________
http address___________________________________________________________

Rubric attachment #4



On Track


I used one

I used two to three


I used four or more


I found one reason

to persuade

I found two reasons

to persuade

I found three
reasons to
persuade someone.

My reason was
basic with few

My reasons had
included details.

My reasons were
fully developed with
many details.

I used complete
thoughts in my note

I used some
keywords and
phrases and
included relevant

I used many
keywords and
phrases. I used my
own words. I found
a lot of information
to use in my

Many of my
sentences were not
complete. I left out
a lot of capital
letters and
punctuation in my

Most of my
information was
listed in complete
sentences. Most of
my sentences had
capital letters to
begin them and
punctuation to end

Most, if not all, of

my information was
listed in complete
sentences. All of my
sentences had
capital letters to
begin them and
punctuation to end

My final product
met the minimum
requirements of the

My final product is
neat and attractive
and all parts are

My final product is
neat, attractive, and
with lots of attention
paid to details.

Rubric ideas taken from

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