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Who the hell said Jew$ don't control America?

ETHNIC Jew$ are 2% OF THE US POPULATION but control ALL KEY AREAS of US politics/media/banking $$$ (American Financial CHAOS) Head of US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, 1987-2006 (JEW) Head of US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke (JEW) Janet Yellen, vice-chairman US Federal Reserve (JEW) Head of International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde (JEW) Head of World Bank, Robert B. Zoellick (JEW) Goldman Sachs head (Wall Streets largest bank), Marcus Goldman (JEW) National Economic Council Director, Gene Sperling (JEW). POLITICS (and pro-Israel support) Most Neo-cons are JEW$. United States Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Dianne Feinstein (JEW) Deputy Secretary of State, Jim Steinberg (JEW) Supreme Court of the United States (9 total) Stephen G. Breyer, Elena Kagan. Ruth Bader Ginsburg, (3 JEWS) - can overturn laws and executive actions it deems unlawful or unconstitutional Chief Performance Officer of the United States (responsible for federal budget and government reform), Jeffery Zients (JEW) Senior advisor to the President, David Plouffe (JEW) Speaker of House of Representatives John Boehner (JEW) Senate leader Joe Biden (JEW) MEDIA (Control the media - control peoples minds) tip of the iceberg Wikipedia boss - Jimmy Wales (JEW) Google founders - Sergy Brin (JEW) Facebook founder - Mark Zuckerberg (JEW) Pornographic Talk show host Howard Stern (JEW) Disney owner Michael Eisner (JEW) Pornography boss Steve Hirsch (JEW) owns 80% US porn industry MTV and Viacom owner Sumner Redstone (JEW) Anti-Christian apologists Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens (JEWS) Time Warner CEO Gerald Levin (JEW) L.A. Times Chairman - Sam Zell (JEW) New York Times Chairman Athur Sulzberger (JEW) ACADAEMIA Sigmund Freud, psychoanalyst (JEW) believed in sexual liberation, massive influence on corrupting western morals Karl Marx, Communist (JEW) Tens of millions died under communism in Russia and China Melvin Lipman, President of American Humanist Organization, (largest American atheist organization, ANTI-CHRISTIAN) PLUS hundreds more left-wing social group founders and presidents ETHNIC JEW$ must be RACIST because blacks outnumber JEW$ by 7 to 1 but there are no black names in the above lists. There are also no Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, Indian, or Arab names. Mmm... Could the above list of JEWI$H names have anything to do with the USA spending billions on supporting Israel and fighting in the Middle East? Could the above list of ETHNIC JEWI$H names have anything to do with the FED and US bankruptcy? I have given ENORMOUS proof, but people on this forum STILL CANT SEE who is running America. Most of these JEWS have DUAL CITIZENSHIP. (Do the research)

Also, many Americans are Christian ZIONISTS. They believe the crap that JEWS are God's chosen people and must do anything (including sending $ and sacrificing US soldiers) to help JEW$ America is ANTI-WHITE, NOT ANTI-$EMETIC.

Because... Mittens (hell of a sissy name) Romney has employed about 20 Zionist JEWS to be his advisors. ALL of these JEWS are pro Israel (read: they lobby the US government to spend BILLIONS on Middle East wars, mostly to defend Israel). US soldiers ARE DYING IN THE MIDDLE EAST defending Israel.

Mittens "no nuts" Romney will INCREASE WAR SPENDING AND SOLDIER DEATHS BECAUSE OF THESE ZIONIST JEWS. If Why? 1. It It It It is (All Paul will shut down the Federal Reserve system. is NOT Federal. It is A PRIVATE BANK. is NOT a reserve. It has NO RESERVES. is NOT a system. It is A CRIME SYNDICATE. owned and run by the Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs etc. ETHNIC JEWS). you love America, vote PAUL.

2. Paul wants to stop Middle East wars. JEWS control the US foreign policy (AIPAC, NORPAC, ADL, SPLC, Hudson Institute etc. are all Jewish lobby groups), and lobby the US government (with help from their Zionist Fed buddies) to spend TRILLION$ in the Middle East defending ISRAELS interests. 3. JEWS own most mainstream media. They don't give Paul much airtime because HIS POLICIES ARE ANTI-ISRAEL AND ANTI-FED (ie. anti-Zionist). why is America filled with so many mentally retarded whites that think races are equal, and don't realise that when whites become less than 50% of the US population the country will become 3rd world? why are whites the only race that celebrates diversity as their numbers become lower?

Remember, a DIVERSIFIED America is good for JEW$ because no one group can threaten JEWI$H ingroup power. (ex. White nationalists). DIVERSITY is bad for WHITES because they have a weak racial consciousness compared to JEW$. JEW$ use their media control to promote lies that diversity is good for America, knowing full well diversity will destroy white culture. Diversity causes whites to embrace race mixing and different religions. However, during diversity JEW$ still remain together as a group. He who battles the JEW fights the Devil. Welcome to the JEWnited $tates of America. (I have a Ph.D in group evolutionary strategies.)

Terrorists did it. JEWISH terrorists. Google "Jewish Mossad 911"

Jews control US foreign policy. They 'did' the 911 job to scare Americans into believing the US needs more security. The JEWS own most mainstream media, so they blame the Arabs, and lobby the US government to increase military support in the Middle East to protect Israels interests. About me: I am an intolerant hater, racist, White supremacist, bigot, anti-Semite, neo-Nazi, xenophobe, homophobe, Islamophobe, Holocaust denier, and a far-right extremist. How do you do, my anti-White liberal friends?

Of the six(6) Federal Reserve Board governors, four(4) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 67%. Of the twelve(12) Federal Reserve District Bank presidents, seven(7) are Jews. This is a numerical representation of 58%. Jews are approximately 2% of the U.S. population.* Therefore Jews are overrepresented on the Federal Reserve Board of Governors by a factor of 33.5 times(3,350 percent), and overrepresented among the Federal Reserve District Bank presidents by a factor of 29 times(2,900 percent).
If it was a fact that it happened, why it is illegal to discuss the subject in nearly 20 European Countries, even just the scientific facts such as heating needed for Hydrogen Cyanide or that the Crematories cannot work 24/7 technically? If it was the truth, why raising your arm (Calculating as parallel to the ground is 0 degrees) 45 degrees can put you 5 years in prison in Germany (And in lots of European Countries, I don't know how many years the punishment is in those countries though)? If it was the truth, why it is saying "Hydrogen Cyanide cannot work effectively without heating, therefore it couldn't have been used on human beings in those buildings mentioned" can put you 5 years in prison in Germany? If it was the truth, why was Ernst Zundel, a person who did not give harm to any human being, spent time in prison in Canada and Germany? If it was the truth, why cannot someone in Germany raise his arm 45 degrees even in an art performance or entertainment activity such as a music concert or a theater play? (Again 5 years punishment in Germany) If it was the truth, why wearing/publishing a sign from thousands years ago can put you years in prison in all those countries? If it was the truth, why it is that publishing/carrying your country's WWII flag is a crime? Saying world is not round is not a crime, promoting communism is not a crime, Publishing Stalin's pictures is not a crime, wearing hammer and sickle is not a crime, promoting pedophilia is not a crime; but raising your arm, publishing your grandfather's pictures from WWII with his uniform on, wearing a thousand year old spiritual sign is a crime. If it is the truth, why are they so much afraid that in nearly 20 countries of Europe that freedom of speech and freedom of thought is a crime?

How World

many Almanac,


do 1929,

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this? 15,630,000

World Almanac, 1933, pg. 419 -- 15,316,359 (Must've been a little Holocaust in about 1931. ) World Almanac, 1936, pg. 748 -world jewish population = 15,753,633

World Almanac, 1938, pg. 510 -- world jewish population = 15,748,091, with 240,000 in Germany (Another tiny Holocaust. ) World Almanac, 1940, pg. 129: World Jewish Population -- 15,319,359 (Another little Holocaust, I guess.) World Almanac, 1941, pg. 510: World Jewish Population -15,748,091 )

World Almanac, 1942, pg. 849 -- 15,192,089 (Yup, that's six million dead, all right.

World Almanac USA, 1947, pg. 748: World Jewish Population -- 15,690,000 (D***ed Nazis making extra Jews! Those MONSTERS! ) World World Almanac, Almanac, 1949, 1996, pg. pg. 289: 646: World World Jewish Jewish Population Population --15,713,638 14,117,000

The "Holocaust" must have happened sometime between 1949 and 1996, right?

They are almost all perverted, with the average fag having sex with over 75 men. They are rampant with disease (even worms), have to wear diapers, and are more prone to having sex with minors.

There is no reason to accept such degenerates into a white society, unless of course you wish to encourage our children to be faggots and teach them that it is normal!

For decades, the White people of America have been subjected to a continual barrage from Blacks and others that you and I are somehow "responsible" for the African slave trade and that we need to "atone" for our "guilt." Their are a number of flaws with the idea that we are somehow "responsible" for the African slave trade. First of all, very few White people even owned slaves-slavery was a rich man's pursuit and slavery did not exist amongst the middle and working classes of White people. Second of all, even if every one of us had an ancestor who owned slaves (which is an extremely unlikely proposition), it makes little sense to blame the children for the supposed sins of their fathers. Third of all, it is a fact that Blacks sold their own kind into slavery. As this is the case, Blacks are every bit as much to blame for slavery as are Whites. Fourth, European Whites did not bring the slaves to America. On the contrary, it was the Asiatic Jews who brought them here (as Louis Fahrakkan has also pointed out). Below is a listing of the Jewish slave ships and the Jewish owners of them. FACT:

The overturning of the Jim Crow laws gave whites NO LEGAL WAY TO PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST BLACKS ex. 36,000 white women are RAPED BY BLACKS EVERY YEAR IN THE USA.

In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man. What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man. FARKING WE IF RETARD ARE EVERYONE RACE LIBERALS A MIXED, (with SPECIES THERE IS their 'race is just skin INTO UNIQUE RACES color' crap) RACES. LEFT USA







Also, if you marry a black man, you will be more likely to be raped, have a lower income, and be left a solo mother as the black male looks for other women, be physically abused, etc. FACT: The overturning of the Jim Crow laws gave whites NO LEGAL WAY TO PROTECT THEMSELVES AGAINST BLACKS ex. 36,000 white women are RAPED BY BLACKS EVERY YEAR IN THE USA.

In the United States in 2005, 37,460 white females were sexually assaulted or raped by a black man, while between zero and ten black females were sexually assaulted or raped by a white man. What this means is that every day in the United States, over one hundred white women are raped or sexually assaulted by a black man.












America (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW).

Head of US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, 1987-2006 Head of US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke Janet Yellen, vice-chairman US Federal Reserve Head of International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde Head of World Bank, Robert B. Zoellick Goldman Sachs head (Wall Streets largest bank), Marcus Goldman National Economic Council Director, Gene Sperling















ETHNIC JEWS employ gentiles to make it look like the FED is not under the control of ETHNIC JEWS Prove me wrong. I'll give you US$1000.

1. Paul will shut down the Federal Reserve system. It is NOT Federal. It is a private bank. It is NOT a reserve. It has NO RESERVES. It is NOT a system. It is a ZIONIST JEWISH crime syndicate. It is owned and run by Rothschilds, Morgans, Rockefellers, Schiffs, Warburgs etc. (All JEWS). 2. Paul wants to stop Middle East wars. JEWS control the US foreign policy (AIPAC, NORPAC, ADL, SPLC, Hudson Institute etc. are all Jewish lobby groups), and lobby the US government (with help from their Zionist Fed buddies) to spend TRILLION$ in the Middle East defending ISRAELS interests. 3. JEWS own most mainstream media. They don't give Paul much airtime because HIS POLICIES ARE ANTI-ISRAEL AND ANTI-FED (ie. anti-Jewish).

Israel, a country the size of New Jersey can only claim to the following achievements: * Israel was established upon the ruins of another nation that it destroyed; Palestine * Israel holds the world record in the number of towns & villages it ethnically cleansed... 500+ * Israel holds the world record in the number of refugees it deported... 4 million + * Israel holds the world record in the number of homes it demolished... 60,000 + * Israel is the country with the highest record of UN condemnation... 500 + times * Israel is the country with the highest number of protective US Security council vetoes... 100 + times * Israel has killed more innocent civilians per capita than any other country... 50,000 + * Israel has imprisoned more civilians per capita than any other country... 250,000 + * Israel has injured more innocent civilians per capita than any other country... 200,000 + * Israel has only two countries to defend its policies in the

United Nations. These countries are America & Micronesia. The population for Micronesia as of June 2008 is only 108,000 * Israel is the only country on Earth that denies the right of return of refugees * Israel is the only country on Earth that publicly, steals the water of its neighbors * Israel is the only country on Earth that has legalized home demolishing as a method of collective punishment * Israel is the only country on Earth that deliberately targets civilian infrastructure and justifies it * Israel stands unique in using human shields in military operations * Amongst all countries, Israel is the only one that has legalized torture * Israel is the only country on Earth that builds illegal settlements in occupied lands * Israel is the only country on Earth that publicly jails activists without trial * According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel has created the highest number of checkpoints * According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Israel holds the world record in the number of curfew its installed on the Palestinians * Israel is the only country on Earth who checkpoints school children, denies them access to school, and puts an end to their classes * Israel is one of two countries that, against International Law, use cluster bombs and depleted uranium bombs. America is the other... what a surprise huh? * Israel despite being a rich country, receives the highest financial aid, more than the sum aid to all sub-Saharan Africa! * Israel claims its enemies want to wipe it off the map, but it

has indeed has nearly wiped a whole country called Palestine off the map! * Israel is the county that has introduced nuclear weapons into the Middle East. But the only country in the Middle East that refuses to sign the nuclear non-proliferation treaty * After East Germany, Israel is the only country that is building a segregation wall * Second to South Africa, Israel is the only country to establish an apartheid regime * Israeli engineers developed the worlds' first iron gates on roads * Israeli engineers developed the worlds' first cities turned into jails with gates and opening hours * Israeli engineers developed the worlds' first apartheid walls * Israeli engineers developed the worlds' first electrified segregation fences timeless immaterial omnipotent omnipresent a being locus of absolute goodness entity premise 1: if objective moral values exist then God exists premise 2: objective moral values exist, therefore God exists he presupposes that theism is the only foundation for objective morals and values contemporary moral philosophers tend to subscribe to some form of non-reducible materialism

It is shown that on a theistic worldview an adequate foundation exists for the affirmation of objective moral values, moral duties, and moral accountability. By contrast, naturalism fails in all three respects.

the progress of science has made the idea of a Creator and Designer of the universe more acceptable than ever before



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race. crypsis.

Here is an example.(remember, ethnic Jews are only 2% of the US population! There are no Chinese, Black, Indian, or Mexican names in this list!): Head of US Federal Reserve, Alan Greenspan, 1987-2006 Head of US Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke Janet Yellen, vice-chairman US Federal Reserve Head of International Monetary Fund, Christine Lagarde Head of World Bank, Robert B. Zoellick Goldman Sachs head (Wall Streets largest bank), Marcus Goldman National Economic Council Director, Gene Sperling Political Tyrant, George Soros Stole 50 Billion, Bernie Madoff, Stole 20 Billion, Jon Corzine, (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW) (JEW)

Now, most people think these people are WHITE. But when you research these people's backgrounds, you find out they are ETHNIC JEWS. Of course, they don't go around telling people they are ETHNIC JEWS, because if they did, people would awaken to the fact that JEWS are hijacking the US financial system. Think for a moment, if these ETHNIC JEWS happened to be all CHINESE instead, most Americans would immediately be on the attack, claiming America was under control of the Chinese. The difference is, of course, ETHNIC JEWS look very similar to WHITES, so ETHNIC JEWS take advantage of this similarity and use it to their advantage. Because ETHNIC JEWS control Mainstream media, they have the power to use the words 'anti-Semitism' as a weapon if anybody exposes their JEWISH ethnicity.

They also cry out "Remember the 'Holocaust'". Strange how ETHNIC JEWS never use their media power to remind people it was JEWS who communized Russia and China, resulting in tens of millions of deaths. The JEWS also spew lies like "" when the total number was around 300,000 and most died from typhus or starvation. An often heard epithet is "I was gassed 3... No, wait... 6 times!" O Vey! These lies serve to make people feel sorry for JEWS, and these simpletons are willing to give $$$ to Jewish causes: ex. US troops sent to the Middle East to defend Israel, resulting in US SOLDIERS DEATHS. Now, you may say 'But we are all humans, we are all the same.' This, my friend is EXTREMELY NAIVE. Why? We are a species, divided into different races. From before Christ until now, JEWS and gentiles (non-JEWS) have been historical enemies. Every race prefers its own to a certain extent. This is called in-group/out-group competition. FACTS: Like I said, Zionist Jews control US foreign policy. They lobby the US government to sent troops and spend Trillions of dollars in Mid East wars defending Israels interests. Lobby groups include AIPAC, NORPAC, Ariel Institute, Hudson Institute, and many others. All these lobby groups are led by ETHNIC JEWS. (Research the names). Most have dual citizenship. Who does the War in Iraq really help? Who sits on the sidelines without casualties while Americans bleed and die to fight their enemy? Israel. Look beneath surface reasons for the War in Iraq and you will find the Jews and the Christian Zionists. Look for who manufactured the rationale for the war and you will find neo-con (neo-conservative) Jews who, as Patrick Buchanan said "have a passionate attachment to a nation not their own" and Christian Zionists. We do not need a war with Iran. The US is already broke and too many US soldiers have lost their lives.The average insurgency lasts 9 years. Ask yourself a simple question. Why doesn't China or Russia send troops to the Middle East? Because their government is not under the financial and political AND media control of the JEWS. Like I also said,, many Americans are Christian ZIONISTS. They believe the crap that JEWS are God's chosen people and must do anything (including sending $ and sacrificing US soldiers) to help JEWS

Dear Mr Taylor, I consider myself a White racial realist. I also make money by translating between Chinese and English. I am based in both Taichung, Taiwan and Chengdu, China. Now, you might ask me the question, "Gary, why would you

live in Taiwan if you are a White racial realist?' An interesting question, indeed. I read your article about being victimized by Jews, and took the liberty to share a moment with you. One of the satisfying things about living in Taiwan is that there is no Jewish control over the media; no SPLC or ADL (which I would call a Defamation League, no anti required here). Of course, I want to go back to my country, New Zealand, and live with White folk. But I want to gain the respect of the Chinese . I have had positive feedback from the local Chinese about promoting my racially homogenous ideas, as they have no qualms with my reasoning for doing this! I wrote a music album in Chinese, and each song has something to do with Chinese/Taiwanese culture. Now I am in the process of completing a book written in Chinese. The content focuses on the importance of maintaining a free speech and a free press. I also focus on the importance of maintaining racially homogenous societies. As you know, China is fraught with racial conflict. Throughout the book I compare and contrast differences between Chinese and White people, and try to convey the message that races should maintain their uniqueness. Professor Putnam has written about the failures of racially diverse societies and the associated reasons involved. Living in this different culture has served to strengthen my racial feelings for White identity, and fuelled my passion to

renew efforts to help Whites realise the dangers of diversity. I also talk to many different Chinese about the importance of maintaining a homogenous society. They fully understand this racial ideology. The experience of living in a different culture started me along the path of a racial awakening. I have learnt much. Now, this is important for several reasons. One is that Jews have had a huge influence on Chinese history more than any other race; they financed the Communist Party of China, and Jews were the only ethnic group to become Communist Party members in the Chinese Communist Party. Most Chinese don't know this. NeoCon Paul Wolfowitz is also good friends with the Taiwan President, but almost no one in Taiwan can see who these Jews are or what they represent in terms of global political influence and connections. Now, my book also explains to the Chinese that Western and Eastern culture have been heavily influenced and damaged by Jews, and will continue to suffer unless more information is brought to media attention concerning Jewish influence. I notice you never really mention the Jew, although you do mention Jewish groups like the SPLC and ADL. You have mentioned before that it is up to Whites to help themselves. The solution to this problem requires a multi=faceted approach. Helping ourselves, AND naming the Jew as a huge thorn in the side of the White racial consciousness may well

help Whites. I feel if the Chinese are alert to the dangers Jews pose as political and social antagonists, they may avert another Cultural Revolution, such is the power of the Jew. I feel a future target of race mixing, media interference, and financial hegemony for Jews will be Japan, China, and Taiwan. David Duke, Kevin MacDonald, even your good friend James Edwards have spoken openly about the Jew. I think there is a racial niche that needs to be explored here. If the Jew is the master of dividing and conquering by living amongst different cultures for their own benefit, we need more Whites like ourselves to experience the feel of living in another culture to strengthen their racial convictions and use their knowledge like us to help promote White racialism Whites need to stop sitting on the defensive, and go out to face the enemy, understand how they think and act, and use this knowledge against the enemy of anti-White culture. Who was it that said, if you want to defeat your enemy, you must lead them. And that, my good friend, is an area where Whites need to actively pursue. The Jews are winning because they are masters at leading their enemy. They use their huge experience gained from living within different countries as a tool against the local populations to serve their own interests. The time for White altruism is over. We need to take the fight to the enemy in order to make more ground.

Thanks for listening, Mr Taylor. I enjoy your broadcasts and articles. We will be successful. The spirit of White man is too strong to fail.
Self-abuse has two very serious psychological effects. Firstly, it focuses human sexuality away from the interpersonal dimension and thus distorts its natural goal: procreationwhich in turn involves two people, a man and a woman. In so doing, it individualizes human sexuality and turns one entirely to himself. This narcissism can be unhealthy for the psyche, leading to selfishness, a lack of concern for others, and, in fact, sexual dysfunction. And to the extent that this practice focuses one on the self, it is perfectly possible that it leads one to the abnormality of fixation on those of them same sex. This in turn can lead to HOMOSEXUALITY. Thus, it is perhaps no accident that, at a time when society and even clergymen teach that self-abuse is normal, homosexuality (or bisexuality) is at least more open, if not more prevalent in the human population. The other negative consequence of self-abuse is that it fosters delusions and fantasy. Human sexuality is bridled. Sexual passions are, indeed, quite quickly satisfied (for which reason they are reasonably easily controlled). Thus, whatever the fantasy one may have, in actuality sexual behavior is bounded on all sides by physical limits. Moreover, normal sexuality, involving both a man and woman, also rests on the personal, loving relationship of two people, which tends to transform passionate fantasy into a form of intimacy and into a union which is both decent and capable of sanctification (within the bonds of the Mystery of marriage). When the reality of an interpersonal relationship is absent, fantasy allows one to do whatever he wishes. And this acting-out, should it ever become real, can lead to poor and even violent relationships. Solutions? 1. Fasting 2. Intense prayer 3. Meditation on the Scriptures 4. Manual labor "Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust...But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts." (Romans 13:13-14) Homosexual Pedophiles are Vastly Overrepresented in Child Sex Abuse Cases Homosexual pedophiles sexually molest children at a far greater rate compared to the percentage of homosexuals in the general population. A study in the Journal of Sex Research found, as we have noted above, that "approximately one-third of [child sex offenders] had

victimized boys and two-thirds had victimized girls." The authors then make a prescient observation: "Interestingly, this ratio differs substantially from the ratio of gynephiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature females) to androphiles (men who erotically prefer physically mature males), which is at least 20 to 1."[17] In other words, although heterosexuals outnumber homosexuals by a ratio of at least 20 to 1, homosexual pedophiles commit about one-third of the total number of child sex offenses.
David Thorstad is a homosexual activist and historian of the gay rights movement.[48] He is a former president of New York's Gay Activists Alliance (GAA), a prototype activist group founded in December 1969. The GAA at its inception opposed age of consent laws, which prohibited adults from having sex with children.[49] Thorstad is also a pedophile and founding member of the North American Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

The inaugural issue of the Gay Community News in 1979 published a "Statement to the Gay Liberation Movement on the Issue of Man/Boy Love," which challenged the movement to return to a vision of sexual liberation. It argued that "the ultimate goal of gay liberation is the achievement of sexual freedom for all--not just equal rights for 'lesbian and gay men,' but also freedom of sexual expression for young people and children."

They promote Jewish supremacism, especially Haredi (Ultraorthodox Jewish sect)

They provide religious and political direction in ETHNIC Jews lives

They are almost beyond reproach

Although they are part of a minority Jewish sect, they influence is more than obvious on the global Jewish diaspora

Their 'bible' is the Talmud, and their written law the Torah. It promotes the ideology that Jews are 'above' Gentiles and provides numerous excuses that allow bias in Jewish behavior

that is acceptable, and even encouraged, in order to secure the existence of Jews and a future Zion.

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