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1. Are you computer literate? a. Yes b. No 2. If Yes in question #1 above, which computer skills do you have? a. Computer basics like Ms-office b. Email and Internet c. Advanced applications 3. Is there Internet access in your office? a. Yes b. No 4. If Yes in question #3 above, for what applications you use it? a. Email service b. As a source of information browsing c. Data sharing

5. Do you use and/or read health related publications? a. Yes b. No 6. If Yes in question #5 above, would you mention few of them? a. __________________________________________ b. __________________________________________ c. __________________________________________ 7. If Yes in question #5 above, where you get them from? a. from in office b. from the Internet. c. from library 8. Does your office have its own health related publications? a. Yes b. No 9. If Yes in question #7 above, in format are these publications? a. Hard copy b. Soft copy c. In Hard and Soft copy 10. Where you keep these publications? a. On the website b. In a local computer c. In a library d. In office shelf 11. If Yes in question #7 above, are you willing to share your own health related publications for others? a. Yes b. No 12. Does your organization have its own website? a. Yes, please write down the uniform resource locator (URL) of the site: www._______________________._________.____________ b. No

13. Which one is your intention? a. Sharing your own health related publications for others. b. Sharing health related publications from others. c. Both sharing to/from others. d. No intention. 14.

Survey Interview Schedule Name of enumerator:__________________________ Signature:___________________________ Date of data collection :___________________________
I. Area Information

Organization:___________________________ II. Demographic Data Serial Number of interviewee___________________(to be given by interviewer) Codes for Gender, level of education, Organization and occupation Code Type of Code Age Code Gender Code Level of Male Female
1 0 education High school graduate Diploma holder Degree >=Masters Degree 1 2 3 4 occupation Clerk and/or technician 1 2 3 4

Organization Code PVT Govt NGO

1 2 3


1 2

Web administrator Database administrator ICT general manager

Gender :------------Age: ------------Level of education: ------------Type of occupation: -------------

1. Did you slaughter any animal in 1999 E.C? a) Yes b) No 2. Did you sell Hides or Skins to market in 1999 E.C? a) yes b) no 3. If no, why? 4. If yes, where did you sell your Hides or Skins? a) at village market b) at wereda market c) Other (specify) ------92 5. To whom did you sell your Hides? a) Local tanners b) Collector c) Broker d) Farmer e) Wholesaler f) Other (specify) ------6. How much did you sell as per number 5? a) Local tanners --------- b) Collector ------------ c) Broker ------------d) Farmer ----------- e) Wholesaler --------- f) Other (specify) ------7. At what price did you sell as per number 5? a) Local tanners --------- b) Collector ------------ c) Broker ------------d) Farmer ----------- e) Wholesaler --------- f) Other (specify) ------8. To whom did you sell your Skins? a) Local tanners b) Collector c) Broker d) Farmer e) Wholesaler f) Other (specify) ------9. How much did you sell as per number 8? a) Local tanners --------- b) Collector ------------ c) Broker ------------d) Farmer ----------- e) Wholesaler --------- f) Other (specify) ------10. At what price did you sell as per number 8? a) Local tanners --------- b) Collector ------------ c) Broker ------------d) Farmer ----------- e) Wholesaler --------- f) Other (specify) ------11. Why did you sell to as per number 5 and 8? a) lesser transport cost b) higher price c) Fair scaling of quality d) Other (specify) -12. What type of Hides did you sell in 1999 E.C?* a) Fresh b) Sun dried c) Salted 13. What type of skins did you sell in 1999 E.C?* a) Fresh b) Sun dried c) Salted 14. When did you sell your Hides and Skins to the market in1999 E.C? a) Immediately after slaughtering b) after a day c) after 2 days d) after a week 15. Did you face difficulty in finding buyers when you wanted to sell? 1= yes 2= No 30. What problems did you face to your animals in 1999 E.C? a) disease and parasites b) injury c) lack of veterinary service d) others (specify) -31. What did you do if your animal gets sick? * a) Traditional treatment (specify) -- c) Taking to vet. Clinic -- d) Other (specify) --32. What problems did you face to your hides and skins during slaughter and flaying in 1999 E.C?

a) Flay cut b) hole c) silts and stains d) other (specify)----------33. What problems did you face to your hides and skins after slaughter in 1999 E.C? a) silts and stains b) preservation c) lack of transport d) Other (specify) ----------34. What problems did you face to your hides and skins at marketing in 1999 E.C? a) price setting b) lack of competitive market c) lack of price information d) Other (specify) ----------------94 35. What is your suggestion to solve each problem? 36. How did you slaughter your animal? a) In the backyard b) In clean area c) Other (specify) --37. Did you care for the hides & skins during slaughtering & transporting? a) Yes b) No

38. If yes, how? 39. If no, why? 40. Did you have extension agent contact in 1999 E.C? a) Yes b) No 41. If yes, how often? a) Weekly c) Monthly e) Once in a year b) Once in two week d) Twice in the year f) any time when I ask them

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