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operations/welcome Responsibility : Manufacturing and Distibutions Manager.

Discrete Jobs
Go to Bills Of Material > Bills BOM for item AS18947 Senital Deluxe Desktop

Tools > Indedend Bills Indented Bill showing componets at various levels. The first level components are already completed and present in RIP subinventory and hence no need to manufacture components using sub-components in this case we are doing.



Tools > Routing Routings for the assembly


> Operation Resources Item Resources for assembly at sequence 40. See multiple resources


Creating a WIP discrete job to manufacture 5 items


Change job status from unreleased to released to start working on job Material requirements for the job.


See the supply type. Push components have to be manually issued to the job. Pull will be automatically added. Operation pull specifies it is automatically pulled at the end of operation from sub inv [RIP].

Operation requirements for the job [WIP_REQUIRMENT_OPERATINS]


You can move the transactions using this form


Note: The screenshot above is not correct. I had scrapped one quantity to scrap of step 30 instead of 20 and I accidentally saved.

See the move transaction as per the window. [WIP_MOVE_TRANSACTIONS]


See the scrapped quantities [WIP_OPERATIONS]


We can do a reverse scrap and see the quantity available for reverse scrap as 1 as per below screenshot.


I am not saving this reverse scrap now. Rather showing the transactions created for the scrap.


Moving to scrap 30 has done an operation pull for material[item/component] happened which is a component item as per the BOM. This record is stored in mtl_material_transactions as it is an inventory issue to WIP Floor


See the accounting created in mtl_transaction_accounts. The multiple lines are for various cost elements viz Material, Resource, Overhead, Material Overhead [moh] and Outside Processing OSP. The inventory accounting is WIP Valuation Dr and Inv Valuation Cr.


The Resource Transactions specifying the operation sequence is available as per the below screenshot which shows the resources, overheads, osp, moh if incurred any. This is stored in WIP_TRANSACTIONS and WIP_TRANSACTION_ACCOUNTS. Accounting is WIP Valuation Dr Corresponding Resource Absorption Account Cr.

Note: You can launch cost manager as per below screenshot if it is not already launched.


Now going to complete the other 4 quantities in the job. See that the quantity available as 4 as 1 is already scrapped.


Additional Move transaction is created


Additional material transaction is created. Another item SB32982 is also pulled for some another operation sequence post 30.


Additional Resource Transactions created


Issuing the Push components manually. Provide supply subinventory as RIP. Operation sequence is automatically populated as 60. This will create two transactions in MMT and corresponding accounting is created after it is saved.


The transaction created in MMT for that component.


Creating an additional manual resource transaction which is different from operation pull.

Creating completion transaction for 4 quantities.


Completion transaction for 4 quantities created in INV. Accounting is INV Valuation Dr WIP Valuation Cr



Accounting for the transaction

Job History for the Job


Closing Discrete Job Tools > Close1




Concurrent Job submitted.

WIP Value summary [WIP_PERIOD_BALANCES] grouped by accounting_period_id is updated. I think it is grouped by accounting period to tackle cases where a job spans across multiple periods and each period need to be closed. Period variance will be carried over to the next period ??? The distributions are shown by CST_DISTRIBUTION_V which gathers data from MTA[Material] and WTA[Resources]


In the above case we had not defined that we should use a scrap account and hence the scrap transaction is not created and scrap is present as the job variance.


If you need a separate scrap account and a transaction we need to specify a scrap accounts follows.


Creating a new job with the scrap account.


See the 3 departments used for this assembly manufacturing.


Using discrete workstation to do transactions rather than forms.

Drag and drop from 10 to scrap Scrapping one item


Moving to completion of operation 30. 60 not displayed as in another department.


See that an assembly scrap transaction is created in this case.


The accounting is Cr WIP Valuation and Dr the scrap account.


All Material transactions. Note:The WIP Assembly Scrap only creates an accounting and does not update the onhand quantity of the assembly.


Closed the job


Repetitive Schedule
It is similar to discrete job and the difference is that it is having an assembly line which will have operation and resources. A line is associated to an assembly using WIP_REPETITIVE_ITEMS. We can create schedules for this lineassembly combination by providing any of these two. Number of days, Quantity per day or Total quantity. All reporting is done based on the is line-assembly combination and its schedules. Associating Assembly Line [wip_repetitive_items]

Creating Repetitive Schedule [wip_repetitive_schedule]



Creating another repetitive schedule to see whether it spans across multiple transactions. See that overlapping dates are not allowed for the same assembly item as it throws an error.


Associating another assembly AS35300 to this repetitive line and created an overlapping schedule to test the functionality of repetitive schedule. It is allowing another assembly in the same line with overlapping.


From now onwards repetitive schedule is similar to discrete jobs and the difference lies in that we refer it by line-assembly rather than a job name. When we go to move transaction window and query for job and assembly, we can see that it displays a total of 8 available quantities combining two schedules for the assembly[4 each].Completing 8 assemblies to see the effect of mtl_material_txn_allocations table.


Querying the transactions by Assembly source. As opposed to discrete job name this form is now supporting assembly line. [transaction_source_id points to wip_repetitive_items]


Transaction quantity is 8 combining two repetitive schedules. To bridge this a table mtl_material_txn_allocations exists [only for repetitive schedules] which bridges single transaction_id in mmt to multiple repetitive_schedule_id. That is the reason our queries have a group by when considering repetitive scheuldes.


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