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GEOG 101 Introduction to Geography

October Session 11-52 Monday, October 24, 2011 Saturday, December 17, 2011 Course Description
Introduction to the distribution of people, activities, and environments around the world; geographic patterns and the interaction of humans with their surroundings are emphasized. Course meets multicultural graduation requirement. Prerequisite: None Proctored Exams: None

Instructor Information
Peter S. Johnson, Ph.D. , Geography, University of Arizona Email:

Getis, Arthur, Judith Getis, Mark Bjelland and Jerome D. Fellmann (2011). Introduction to Geography, 13th ed. McGraw Hill. ISBN: 978-0-07-352287-6 Textbooks for the course may be ordered from Missouri Book Services. You can order online at (be sure to select Online Education rather than your home campus before selecting your class) by phone at 800-325-3252 For additional information about the bookstore, visit Please note that the use of an eBook carries certain risks: information may be missing due to copyright restrictions, the book cannot be resold to MBS, and an eBook purchase cannot be refunded.

Course Overview
Welcome to Introduction to Geography (GEOG 101), online! Material in this course is presented from the four organizing traditions that have evolved over time within the field of geography: earth science, culture-environment, location, and area analysis. Within this framework, the student will develop an understanding of the broad range of geographic subfields including physical geography, climatology, biogeography, human impact on the environment, population geography, cultural

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geography, the geography of spatial behavior, political and economic geography, the geography of natural resources, urban geography, and finally regional geography. Through studying the highly integrated relationships between the physical world and the spatial patterns of cultural, political, and economic activities, the student will see the significance of the geographic perspective and gain a new appreciation of this complex world in which we live. Each week we will focus on a different aspect of the field of geography with class discussion based on online articles and other activities relating to material covered in our text that will help us understand the concepts and issues encountered while looking at the world from a geographic perspective.

Technology Requirements
Participation in this course will require the basic technology for all online classes at Columbia College: A computer with reliable Internet access, a web browser, Acrobat Reader, Microsoft Office or another word processor such as Open Office.

You can find more details about standard technical requirements for our courses on our site.

Course Objectives
To understand the diversity that exists in world geography. To explain the interconnectedness of people and places. To illustrate how the themes of environment, politics, economics, culture, religion and geological aspects contribute to the larger understanding of geography.

Measurable Learning Outcomes

Identify locations of the major physical, political and urban features on earth. Identify key characteristics which explain the economic, political and cultural processes affecting individual location choices and spatial patterns. Define and describe how the concepts of population settlement, geopolitical frameworks and cultural diversity contribute to geographic development. Explain the major aspects of the human/environment interaction (e.g. resource use and natural hazards). Explain the major geologic and meteorological processes and the resulting patterns in the environment. Define and explain the methods used for geographic investigation

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Grading Scale
GRADE A B C D F POINTS 450-500 400-449 350-399 300-349 0-299 PERCENT 90-100 80-89 70-79 60-69 0-59

Grade Weights
ASSIGNMENT Discussion Dropbox Assignments Quiz Exams TOTAL POINTS 75 150 15 260 500 PERCENT 15% 30% 3% 52% 100

Schedule of Due Dates

WEEK Discussion #1-1 1 Quiz Discussion #1-2 ASSIGNMENT POINTS 5 15 5 DUE DATE Wednesday Sunday Sunday

Discussion #2-1 2 Dropbox Assignment (paper) #1 Discussion #2-2

5 30 5

Wednesday Sunday Sunday

Discussion #3-1 3 Dropbox Assignment (paper) #2 Discussion #3-2

5 30 5

Wednesday Sunday Sunday

Discussion #4-1 4 Midterm Exam Discussion #4-2

5 130 5

Wednesday Sunday Sunday

Discussion #5-1 5 Dropbox Assignment (final exam questions) #3 Discussion #5-2

5 30 5

Wednesday Sunday Sunday

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Discussion #6-1 6 Dropbox Assignment (paper) #4 Discussion #6-2

5 30 5

Wednesday Sunday Sunday

Discussion #7-1 7 Dropbox Assignment (paper) #5 Discussion #7-2

5 30 5

Wednesday Sunday Sunday

Discussion #8-1 8 Final Exam

5 130

Wednesday Saturday



Assignment Overview
Text and Website readings should be completed prior to submitting assignments or taking quizzes for the week. Discussion postings should be complete by Wednesday and Sunday of each assigned week, and responses to at least two classmates should be posted for each discussion topic by their respective due dates for the assigned week. They will be graded according to the discussion grade criteria table. While I will accept late work, one point will be deducted from late postings to discussion and 5 points will be deducted from late written assignments. No credit will be given for late responses to classmates. Discussion should be posted to the appropriate topic in the Discussion area of the course. Dropbox Assignments will each be graded according to the point system presented in the assignment table below. Each dropbox assignment will be worth 30 points, assigned on the basis of percent of completeness, correct spelling, and neatness. Quiz - There will be one quiz that should be completed by midnight Sunday of Week 1. The quiz can be accessed through the Quizzes area of the course. The purpose of the quiz is to help you increase your knowledge about where places and features are located and familiarize yourself with the text, so please use your book as a resource when taking the quiz. The Quiz is worth 15 points. Exams - There will be a Midterm exam and a Final exam, each worth 130 points. Each exam will consist of 100 multiple choice and 30 true/false questions. Exams are not proctored and will be taken in D2L using the Quizzes area of the course. The Midterm exam should be completed by midnight Sunday of Week 4, and the Final exam should be completed by midnight Saturday of Week 8.

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Course Schedule
Week 1 Geography: The Spatial Perspective
Readings: Read Chapters 1 and 2. (Become familiar with highlighted terms and concepts in each week's readings that may be included in exams.) Also, there will be a tutorial on plagiarism that Columbia College and Online education wants each student to become familiar with, which can be found in the Content area of the course. Class Activities: Visit the course Links page for some suggested websites of interest, but that is by no means exhaustive. Visit the Geographic Information Systems (ESRI) website. Navigate to the "What is GIS?" page, found under Learn the Basics in the left-hand menu (click on "What is GIS?"), and read ESRI's definition of GIS and "Three Views of GIS. Then view the What is GIS demo by clicking on the "Related Learning Links" on the left-hand menu. The demo is three links down, center page. While on the page, look at the variety of examples by selecting the GIS Showcase tab and looking at the options listed under GIS for Your Organization and under Real World Examples (center page). Click on "Case Studies" for other examples. Discussion: Topic #1-1 . Introduce yourself in "Discussion Topics Week #1-1. Think of "Discussions" as our "virtual classroom". Please give us more than your name. Include your profession, hobbies, interest in geography, and any other information that can help us get to know you. From the plagiarism tutorial, please answer the following questions in your own words. When summarizing or paraphrasing source material, how often should you acknowledge the author in your paper? If you cite your source at the end of a statement, is it plagiarism to use some of the authors key words without using quotations? What does the handout say about using material from an online source in your paper? Please post your response in the appropriate topic by midnight Wednesday. Topic #1-2. Please respond to the question in your own words: "How does GIS work as a tool in each of the four geographic traditions?" (give examples supported by the material on the ESRI site, or other sites you may discover). Also answer the question: "Why is the study of geography important in today's world?" While there are no wrong answers for this question, please give this some thought based on what you have learned in your introductory readings. Please post your response by midnight Sunday. Quiz: You will be going to D2Ls Quizzes to take a 15 point multiple choice quiz that will allow you to test your geographic knowledge of the location of some physical, political, and urban features on earth. I will email the date and time the quiz will be available. The quiz will be corrected online and the correct answers made available to the class when all have been completed. Please complete your work by midnight Sunday.

Week 2 Physical Geography: Landforms, Weather and Climate

Readings: Read Chapters 3 and 4. Class Activities: Take a look at the sites listed on your reference page which are by no means exhaustive. Begin to collect resources of your own including websites that enhance each chapter's material to bookmark and share with your instructor and fellow classmates. Visit the USGS website, and when the USGS homepage opens, click on "Earthquakes" under "Science Topics" on the righthand side of the page. Then when the "Earthquake" page opens, click on "Earthquake occurrences" on the upper left-hand side of the page just under "Subtopics:" Finally, when the "Earthquake occurrences" page opens, click on "Latest earthquakes in the USA - Past 7 days" where you will find

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the recent earthquakes mapped. Then, visit the NOVA website for "Warnings from the Ice" to learn about current scientific research being conducted on Antarctica, and the record of pollution and climate change recorded in the ice sheets. Investigate the Ice Core Timeline, visit the Water World page along with the other pages on the site. Using your favorite search engine, look up climate change and bookmark those sites that look the most interesting. Discussion: Topic #2-1. In this topic we will discuss the issue of natural hazards produced by physical processes that actively forge the landscapes we inhabit. What are some of the other hazards in addition to earthquakes? And describe at least two of them. Should humans be permitted to build in places subject to these natural hazards? Where was the latest earthquake in California? What was its magnitude and where was its epicenter? Please post your response by midnight Wednesday. Topic #2-2. Why is it Winter in the United States when the Earth is closest to the Sun? What conditions would prevail if the Earth's axis was not inclined 23.5 degrees away from the perpendicular? What is the relationship between air pollution and global climate change? Based on what you have read in Ch. 4, what does NOVA's Ice Core Timeline (click on "Stories in the Ice" on the NOVA page) tell us about pollutants recorded, climate change, and rising temperatures? What do the maps shown on the "Water World Page" indicate regarding the rise in global sea level over time? Share at least two climate change websites with the class. Please post your response by midnight Sunday. Dropbox Assignment: #1. Paper: The instructor will post an article from the Getis Annual Editions website, Global Warming: The Contrarian View, by William K. Stevens, under "Announcements." What is the main point of the article? Based on your readings so far, what is your position in this argument. Back up your point of view with at least three web sources. Paper should be 3 pages long, double-spaced with one inch margins. Please use standard 12 pt. font and stick with Times New Roman, Courier, or Calibri. Please do not use Verdana. Your own choice of citation style will be allowed. Please submit this assignment in the dropbox by midnight Sunday.

Week 3 The Geography of Natural Resources and Population Geography

Readings: Read Chapters 5 and 6 Class Activities: Access the Sustainable Development website. Visit the International Summary Demographic Data website provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. When the International Programs page opens, select the country of your choice from the first drop-down menu. Under "Years," scroll down to 2009 and click "Submit" at the bottom. When the International Data Base page opens, select the "Country Results" tab. On this page you will select the table by clicking on drop-down "table" menu and click on "Components of Population Growth." You will find the "Rate of Natural Increase (Percent)" in the blue box next to the last. You will use the Natural Increase rate to determine where your chosen country lies in the demographic transition. Discussion: Topic #3-1. What is "sustainable development?" Given the finite nature of most exploited natural resources, in your opinion is it possible for developing countries to achieve the same level of development as the Western core countries? According to our text, if all the worlds proven oil reserves were extracted, how long would supplies last? How does this compare the length of time U.S. proven reserves would last at current rates of consumption? (See

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Fuel Economy and CAFE Standards, p.126.) What are some of the renewable energy sources suggested by your text? Select at least two of these "renewables," then search the web for at least one site that interests you for each of your choices to share with the class. Please post your response by Wednesday midnight. Topic #3-2. Name the country whose demographics you studied. What was their natural increase rate (NIR)? Where are they in the "demographic transition?" (Be sure to understand this concept and be aware that on page 176 in Getis it says the first stage of the demographic transition model is no longer found in any country.) What does the overall population pattern say about their level of development? About the status of women in that country (with reference to rights, level of participation in the economy, etc.)? What are some of the problems facing countries in stage 4 of the demographic transition? Please post your response by midnight Sunday. Dropbox Assignment: #2. Paper: Choose one of the websites on renewable energy resources, read thoroughly and discuss the positive and negative characteristics of your chosen "renewable" (i.e. solar energy, wind, etc.). Support your opinions with at least three sources, one of which may be Ch.5 of the textbook. Paper should be 3 pages long, double-spaced with one inch margins. Please use standard 12 pt. font and stick with Times New Roman, Courier, or Calibri. Please do not use Verdana. Your own choice of citation style will be allowed. Please submit this assignment in the dropbox no later than midnight Sunday.

Week 4 Cultural Geography and Geography of Spatial Interaction

Readings: Chapters 7 and 8. Class Activities: Visit the New York Times or other news media websites of your choice for news articles featuring culturally-based ethnic conflict (i.e., Ireland, Israel, Quebec, the Pyrenees, the former Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, etc.) and pick one that most interests you. Also visit the Afghanistan Women's Movement website. Also, access the Center for Immigration Studies website on your resources page. Read the Immigration from Mexico article summary. Review some of the current news articles dealing with immigration issues on the left-hand menu. Visit the US Immigration Services website and read about the LIFE Act at: Discussion: Topic #4-1. Chapter 7 explains that Language and Religion are part of the ideological subsystem of beliefs and ideas of a culture. What are some of the issues leading to tensions over these two cultural attributes? Which of these cultural attributes is at the root of conflict in the articles you chose? What are your thoughts on why these are such strong elements of cultural cohesion and or separatism? What Islamic movement was causing suffering for the women of Afghanistan? Was the September 11th terrorist attack on the World Trade Center a "Holy War" or politically motivated? Please post your response by midnight Wednesday. Topic #4-2. Does the Immigration from Mexico article appear to be biased? What sector of the U.S. population stands to benefit from increased numbers of immigrants? What economic group will suffer negative impact? What positive suggestions were made to improve the lot of Mexican immigrants? What are the "push" and "pull" factors behind the immigration numbers? Is the LIFE Act an amnesty program? Please post your response by midnight Sunday.

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Midterm Exam (Chapters 1-7): You will be taking the midterm in the Quizzes area of D2L. The instructor will email you the date the exam will be available along with the time frame in which to complete the exam. The exam is worth 130 points and will be multiple choice and true/false. This is an open-book exam. The exam will be corrected online and the correct answers made available to the class when all have been completed. Please complete your exam by midnight Sunday.

Week 5 Political Geography and Economic Geography

Readings: Read Chapters 9 and 10 Class Activities: Explore the European Union website, and look at the Padania website as well. On the EUs website Gateway to the European Union, choose "Basic Information" just under "About the EU, then also click on "Facts and Figures." Visit the NAFTA, FTAA, and World Bank websites found on your resources page to explore global economic patterns. Under "Announcements," I have posted an article, "Poverty in the Age of Globalization, from the World Bank's website, to explore globalization's impact on developing countries. Four of the questions in Topic #5-2 are based on information in this article. Discussion: Topic #5-1. What was the main goal of the European Union? How many countries are now members? What was the 1995 Transatlantic agenda based on? How is the EU's government different from that of the U.S? What is Padania, where is it located, and what are some of the issues involved? Do you think regional alliances render the concept of the sovereign state obsolete? Please post your response by Wednesday midnight. Topic #5-2. Our text discusses the transition from the primary through quaternary economic sectors and evolution of the "postindustrial" economy. Inherent in this progression is increasing global economic interaction. What is globalization? What are its benefits? In what developing regions has the share of population in poverty not declined? Is "absolute poverty" decreasing? What is the trend in global inequality (gap between richest and poorest countries)? What is NAFTA and how has it facilitated globalization. Do you think FTAA would be good for the Western Hemisphere countries? According to the World Bank article (posted under Announcements), what are the critical areas where global collective action is needed? Post your response by Sunday midnight. Dropbox Assignment: #3 Final Exam Questions. From your readings in Chapters 9 and 10, please formulate five multiple choice and five true/false questions. Please include the answers and the page number where the subject matter is located. Make sure they are your own original questions and that alternative choices for the M/C questions are logical and close enough to be challenging. From these questions, I will select some of the questions for the final. Please submit this assignment in the dropbox no later than midnight Sunday.

Week 6 Urban Geography

Readings: Read Chapter 11 Class Activities: Visit the "Smart Growth Online" and Association of Bay Area Governments' websites. On the "Smart Growth Online" site, read about what constitutes smart growth and why these planning strategies are necessary. Click on "Why Smart Growth?, then scroll down and under the heading "Smart Growth Principles" explore some of the links listed under the heading Smart Growth Issues. For individual community Smart Growth project examples, use this link where you will find An Overview of Smart Growth Projects

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with examples to choose from (dropbox paper #4). In addition, when you click the link to ABAG (in Links), it will open to What is Smart Growth, then click on The 3 Es to learn what Equity encompasses. Discussion: Topic #6-1. Please read chapter 11 carefully and understand the concepts, especially "world cities," "edge cities," and "zoning ordinances." On page 369, our text describes world cities as being at the top of the national system of cities . . . that are control points for international production, marketing, and finance. As such, world cities can be seen as cultural symbols that project power. Why was New York City and the World Trade Center attacked on 9/11 and not Sedalia, MO, or Arcata, CA, for that matter? Touching on another urban issue, our text says zoning ordinances act as "exclusionary" devices in residential land use development (p.383). How might this be seen as a form of "legal segregation?" What are edge cities, and how did changes in transportation contribute to these new urban forms? After reading through the "edge cities" site found at Matt Rosenberg's Geography website, give an example of an "edge city" in your area, indicating some characteristics that fulfill the edge city definition. Post your response no later than Wednesday midnight. Topic #6-2. What are some of the issues involved in ABAG's "smart growth?" What issues are addressed within the concept of "equity?" What are some of the smart growth "principles" and "issues" addressed by "Smart Growth Online" and describe at least two. Are these issues similar to those found in ABAG's smart growth? Using your favorite search engine, find two smart growth websites from your own area to share with the class. Post your response no later than Sunday midnight. Dropbox Assignment: #4. Paper: Choose a city project listed on the "Smart Growth in Action" site. Describe strategies employed by the city of your choice to promote a "livable place." Using one of the smart growth websites from topic #6-2, compare the efforts to create livable cities in your own area to those of your chosen smart growth project. Paper should be 3 pages long, double-spaced with one inch margins. Please use standard 12 pt. font and stick with Times New Roman, Courier, or Calibri. Please do not use Verdana. Your own choice of citation style will be allowed. Please submit this assignment in the dropbox no later than Sunday, midnight.

Week 7 Human Impact on the Environment

Readings: Read Chapter 12. Class Activities: Visit University of Illinois Online Meteorology Guide site to learn more about the hydrologic cycle. Also look at the Environmental Protection Agencys Clean Air Act site (scroll down to Plain English Guide to the Clean Air Act for easier reading) and the EPAs Clean Water Act site. To help you choose a polluted river in your region, visit the Environmental Working Groups site, Dishonorable Discharge: Toxic Pollution of Americas Waters, for a starting point. Also, check out the EPAs Waste website for a wide variety waste management links. Discussion: Topic #7-1. After reading chapter 12 and University of Illinois Online Meteorology Guide, describe the hydrologic cycle. What is the difference between evaporation and evapotranspiration? Then, discuss how human activity affects water quality according to our text. At what point does the text say that substances released into water or air become

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pollutants? What steps have been taken by the U.S. federal government to control air and water pollution? Please post your responses by midnight Wednesday. Topic #7-2. Our text describes the impact of human activity on the landscape. Name the ways that human activity helps produce or modify existing landforms and describe at least two of these activities. Discuss the impact of biocides on targeted and non-targeted species. How has DDT affected plant and animal life and what are two significant problems affiliated with its use? What are some problems associated with landfills and give one example. Name the two alternative waste management strategies and describe at least one in detail. Please post your response by midnight Sunday. Dropbox Assignment: #5. Paper: Using your favorite search engine, research water pollution of a river, stream, or water body in your own region. Describe the type and extent of the pollutants and what plans have been made and/or implemented to reduce pollutants. Include at least three sources, one of which can be your textbook. Paper should be 3 pages long, double-spaced with one inch margins. Please use standard 12 pt. font and stick with Times New Roman, Courier, or Calibri. Please do not use Verdana. Your own choice of citation style will be allowed. Please submit this assignment in the dropbox by midnight Sunday. Course Evaluation: Please log in to eServices and use the Course Evaluations link to evaluate the course. Evaluations will be open from Monday of Week 7 through Wednesday of Week 8 at 5:00 pm.

Week 8 The Regional Approach

Readings: Read Chapter 13. Class Activities: Access the article "Assessing Regional Integration in Africa II Then open the chapter "Highlights" which is an overview of the entire article and contains what you need to answer the question. Then go to the Land Use History of North America site, look at some of the regional studies included there and select one that interests you. Discussion: Topic #8-1. What is a region and give an example? Based on the information found at the UN Regional Cooperation for Development website, how will "regional integration" promote development in Africa? In your opinion, why would the regional approach toward development be the most efficient and offer the most possibilities? From the Land Use History of North America site, what land use region did you select and what was the topic being studied? In what way did using the regional approach enhance the study? Post your response no later than Wednesday, Midnight. Final Exam (Chapters 8-13): You will be taking the final in D2L in the Quizzes area of the course. The instructor will email you the date the exam will be available along with the time frame in which to complete the exam. The exam is worth 130 points and will be multiple choice and true/false. This is an open-book exam. The correct answers will be made available to the class when all have been completed. Please complete your exam by midnight Saturday. Course Evaluation: Please complete the course evaluation for this course. Be assured that your evaluation is anonymous and greatly appreciated. Evaluations are accessible through your eServices page under the Academics heading until Wednesday at 5 p.m.

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Course Policies
Student Conduct
All Columbia College students, whether enrolled in a land-based or online course, are responsible for behaving in a manner consistent with Columbia College's Code of Student Conduct and Ethics Code for Computer Users. Students violating these codes will be referred to the Campus Life Office for possible disciplinary action. The Code for Student Conduct and the Ethics Code for Computer Users can be found in the Columbia College Student Handbook. The Handbook is available online; you can also obtain a copy by calling the Campus Life Office at 573-875-7400. The teacher maintains the right to manage a positive learning environment and all students must adhere to the conventions of online etiquette.

Your grade will be based in large part on the originality of your ideas and your written presentation of these ideas. Presenting the words, ideas, or expression of another in any form as your own is plagiarism. Students who fail to properly give credit for information contained in their written work (papers, journals, exams, etc.) are violating the intellectual property rights of the original author. For proper citation of the original authors, you should reference the appropriate publication manual for your degree program or course (APA, MLA, etc.). Violations are taken seriously in higher education and may result in a failing grade on the assignment, a grade of "F" for the course, or dismissal from the College. Collaboration conducted between students without prior permission from the instructor is considered plagiarism and will be treated as such. Spouses and roommates taking the same course should be particularly careful. All required papers may be submitted for textual similarity review to for the detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers may be included in the reference database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. This service is subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use posted on the site.

There will be no discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, ideology, political affiliation, veteran status, age, physical handicap, or marital status.

Disability Services
Students with documented disabilities who may need academic services for this course are required to register with the Coordinator for Disability Services at (573) 875-7626. Until the student has been cleared through the disability services office, accommodations do not have to be granted. If you are a student who has a documented disability, it is important for you to read the entire syllabus before enrolling in the course. The structure or the content of the course may make an accommodation not feasible.

Online Participation
You are expected to read the assigned texts and participate in the discussions and other course activities each week. Assignments should be posted by the due dates stated on the grading schedule in your syllabus. If an emergency arises that prevents you from participating in class, please let your instructor know as soon as possible.

Attendance Policy
Attendance for a week will be counted as having submitted a course assignment during that week of

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the session. A class week is defined as the period of time between Monday and Sunday (except for Week 8, when the week and the course will end on Saturday at midnight). The course and system deadlines are all based on the Central Time Zone.

Cougar E-mail
All students are provided a CougarMail account when they enroll in classes at Columbia College. You are responsible for monitoring e-mail from that account for important messages from the College and from your instructor. You may forward your Cougar e-mail account to another account; however, the College cannot be held responsible for breaches in security or service interruptions with other e-mail providers. Students should use e-mail for private messages to the instructor and other students. The class discussions are for public messages so the class members can each see what others have to say about any given topic and respond.

Late Assignment Policy

An online class requires regular participation and a commitment to your instructor and your classmates to regularly engage in the reading, discussion and writing assignments. Although most of the online communication for this course is asynchronous, you must be able to commit to the schedule of work for the class for the next eight weeks. You must keep up with the schedule of reading and writing to successfully complete the class. Discussion assignments may not be made up. The only way to conduct a productive discussion online is to reply promptly. If you miss the opportunity to post your response by the deadline, you will receive a "zero" for that particular discussion topic. A single, weekly post to the discussion will meet the minimum requirements (5 points) and keep you from getting a zero for the week. Dropbox Assignments submitted late will result in the score being reduced by 5 points for each day the late. Late assignments will not be accepted after midnight on the Tuesday following the due date. Non-submission of an assignment will result in a grade of zero. Quizzes and Exams will not be accepted if submitted late, unless prior arrangements have been made. If authorization to turn in an exam after the deadline has been given, Ten percent (10%) of the total point amount will be deducted.

Course Evaluation
You will have an opportunity to evaluate the course near the end of the session. Course evaluations will open on Monday of the Week 7 and remain open until 5 pm Wednesday of the Week 8. You will be able to access the link from your eServices page. Be assured that the evaluations are anonymous and that your instructor will not be able to see them until after final grades are submitted.

Additional Resources
Orientation for New Students
This course is offered online, using course management software provided by Desire2Learn and Columbia College. The Student Manual provides details about taking an online course at Columbia College. You may also want to visit the course demonstration to view a sample course before this one opens.

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Technical Support
If you have problems accessing the course or posting your assignments, contact your instructor, the Columbia College Helpdesk, or the D2L Helpdesk for assistance. Contact information is also available within the online course environment. 800-231-2391 ex. 4357 877-325-7778

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Grading Criteria
GRADE 5=A 4=B 3=C 2=D CRITERIA FOR DISCUSSION POSTINGS Online posting is on time and answers given for all questions. Answers are complete and concise. Assignment is late, but has answers for all questions or, assignment is on time, but answers are not complete. Assignment is late, and answers are not complete. Assignment is late, or on time, but incomplete.

GRADE 27-30 = A 24-26 = B 21-23= C 18-20= D

CRITERIA FOR FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS ASSIGNMENT Online posting is on time; questions well thought out. Alternate choices on M/C reasonable. Answers included. Assignment is late, but questions well thought out, assignment is on time, but questions too easy. Assignment is late, and questions having less reasonable alternate choices. Assignment is late, or on time, but incomplete.

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