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Thermo-Nuclear World War is Upon us unless we wake up and STOP IT! * * * * Truth is not Found on a Pinhead. It takes a Lifetime of Searching and experience and comes through many windows!
A Journal for Overcomers in the 21st Century
Edited By Norman Green-Price
Friday January 13th 2012 (To-days 1st Posting)

Well here is what eight credible sources are saying about what lies ahead for 2012 and beyond?

How would you feel to wake up one morning and find you were wrong and you had let down your family and friends?
There are a lot of fearful people in the world to-day, because they do not understand what is happening. Knowledge based on Truth and provable fact, and acted on is Power and the road to SURVIVAL.

Who are these people? Colman Dr. John , Constitutional Authority and Author the Book The Committee of 300. Lyndon LaRouche, a former US Presidential Candidate and adviser to Ronald Regan, former US President. Jack Stockwell, one of Americas best known Radio Show Hosts. Dr Bill Deagle, regarded highly by many of his piers in medicine, science and biblical understanding and Harley Shlanger of the LaRouche Foundation. Mark Phillips and Cathy Obrien. Mark was a former CIA operative with top security clearance and experience in MK-Ultra Mind Control and was responsible for the release of

Cathy Obrien, who was a prostitute under Mind Control and was used and abused by several US Presidents, who now should be in jail but are not! Lindsey William has been asked by one of the New World Order Elite Globalists on his death-bed to tell everything about what he and his Evil crime syndicate are about to do to secure world domination. The Author of Confessions of an Economic Hitman,who led the operations of the CIA in most of the countries where regime change has taken place and has come clean. Ben Fulford Former Editor Asian Desk of Forbs Magazine, one of the Prime Economic World Publications. Rothschilds Control of Europe (Doc) by David Icke: A Comprehensive outline of who Controls Europe and the World Finally, there are now a few excellent websites with accurate Bible teaching for those interested. You will find two posted at the end of this document. Those who have found the strength of the One True G-d, Yahuwah or wish to do so, will understand and have no fear of what you have viewed. In His Mercy Yahuwah gives each person on this planet their opportunity to join Him and build a real relationship.

When this comes your way, which it will, grab it with both hands, and be great grateful! It can come at any time from early childhood like Samuel to old age as with Abraham or Paul, who at the time was on a killing-spree of the Followers of Jesus (Yahushua): This hymn is a favourite of mine.
Live Out Thy Life Within Me: v=eGSu5ymf8wY&NR=1

Colman Dr. John Author the Book The Committee of 300. This is 1 of 10 short videos which can be accessed at the end of each section: v=fPXl0XqHgEU&feature=related For those newly aquainted with Lyndon LaRouche, he was formerly political and international Adviser to Ronald Reagan and has been several times US Presidential Candidate. The Stockwell Audio Interview below gives added coverage of LaRouches background and character Through some original thinking, many leaders are coming to realise the valuable contribution LaRouche and his Basement Team of politicians, scientists and economists are now bring to the table. This site also carries an impressive, easily accessible range of information, which is updated daily to keep pace with the fast-moving confusing scene.

LaRouche on the Stockwell Show January 9, 2012 2:08 PM For anyone wanting to understand what is really going in the world to-day, and how near we are to a full-blownThermo-Nuclear World War, and what they can do about it, this Audio Interview with Lyndon LaRouche by the well-known Radio Host Jack Stockwell is essential listening.

Dr Bill Deagles Interview with Harley Shlanger of the LaRouche Foundation 11thJanuary 2012: January 11, 2012 (hour 1) This is essential viewing for parents -Mark Phillips & Cathy O'Brien - Trance formation of America 1:52:00: v=n5TqF43GEdM Lindsay Williams on the Alex Jones Show 8th Dec 2011 EDITED v=yvMN74PWXVA Video Confessions of an Economic Hitman (1:42:08) docid=808526880666247652#

Benjamin Fulford Former Editor Asian Desk of Forbs Magazine, one of the Prime Economic World Publications message1734428/pg1 Rothschilds Control of Europe (Doc): ing-about-rothschild-zionism.html
he hidden truth to my fellow human

Most of these people you have been listening to will tell you, without a good knowledge of the Bible, a true understanding of world events to-day is nigh impossible. Here are two recommended Biblical Websites anyone may study if they wish: Worlds Last Chance The Temple Website THEY CANT ALL BE WRONG! How would you feel to wake up one morning and find you were wrong and you had let down your family and friends? Fear Not Little Flock for I have given you the Kingdom
Its time Like These you need a Saviour: v=w2MP0E0vO1I&NR=1

My SCRIBD Networking Site: then click on required document.

I love you

al END


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