Industrial Engineering Technology Management

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Industrial Engineering Technology Management

Cooperative Education Three-year Diploma Program Co-op Format

Sept - Dec Jan - Apr May - Aug Sep - Dec Jan - Apr May - Aug Sep - Dec Jan - Apr May - Aug Sep - Dec Jan - Apr Semester Semester 1 2 Vacation Semester Semester 3 4 Work Term 1 Semester 5 Work Term 2 Work Term 3 Work Term 4 Semester 6

Program of Studies
SEMESTER 1 Manufacturing Management Communications Engineering Drawing 1 Metrology Lecture Lab Manufacturing Processes Mechanical Basic Algebra SEMESTER 4 Teamwork and Motivation Properties of Materials Lecture Properties of Materials Lab Design of Experiments Materials Management 1 Management of Human Resources Automation 1 WORK TERM 2 WORK TERM 3 WORK TERM 4 SEMESTER 6 Materials Management 2 Project Management ISO9000-14000 Capstone Project Law and Ethics One of Below: Melting and Heating Cast CIM and CNC Casting Simulation

SEMESTER 2 Problem Solving Engineering Drawing 2 Mechanical Intermediate Algebra Electricity Lecture Lab General Education

WORK TERM 1 SEMESTER 5 Plant Layout & Materials Handling Operations Management Financial Management Six Sigma Quality Advanced Metallurgy Quality Assurance 2

VACATION SEMESTER 3 Electricity Productivity Improvement Mathematics Applied Mechanics Automation 1 General Education 1

Maureen Minaker, Employment Consultant Mohawk College, P.O. Box 2034, Hamilton, Ontario L8N 3T2 Tel: 905-575-2161 | Fax: 905-575-2359



(Semester skill is acquired on campus as outlined below. Additional experience and exposure is also gained on work term assignments and is not necessarily reected in capabilities.)

Work Term Capabilities Work Term 1

Metrology Total Quality Management Production Control Inspection Automated Manufacturing

Methods Analysis Quality Assurance Work Measurement Productivity Improvement

2D Drawing eg. AutoCAD 3D Drawing eg. SolidWorks

Work Term 2, 3 and 4

Capabilities as outlined in Work Term 1 plus Metallography Financial Management Inventory Control Industrial Relations

Manufacturing Processes Materials Engineering Materials Handling Purchasing

Additional Information Program Objectives

The general objective of this three-year program is to prepare students in the use of science, mathematics and technology, together with an understanding of human behaviour in order to increase the effectiveness of industrial, institutional and commercial practices. Specic objectives are as follows: developing new systems and procedures for production and administrative functions often utilizing computers to process data innovating and using control techniques such as production, inventory and statistical process control detailed analysis and measurement of work, using a variety of quantitative techniques, for the purpose of methods improvement and/or incentive payment plans using proper communication skills, both oral and written, in dealing with people a fundamental understanding of industrial relations and personnel management

Program Recognition
Technology or Applied Science Programs
The Ontario Association of Certied Engineering Technicians and Technologists (OACETT) conditionally recognizes this program as meeting all of the academic requirements for certication in the Certied Engineering Technologist (CET) or Applied Science Technologist (AscT) category. Graduates and nal year students are immediately eligible to be registered as Associate members of OACETT upon submission of the Graduate Application form available through OACETT. Additional requirements to become certied (work experience, the OACETT Professional Practice Examination, the OACETT Technology Report, peer references, etc.) will be requested once the application has been received. Requirements for certication are the jurisdiction of OACETT. Professional afliations the graduate will be eligible (immediately upon graduation) to be associated with are: The American Institute of Industrial Engineers, The American Society for Quality Control, Canadian Association Of Production and Inventory Control and the Canadian Institute of Management.

Salary Range
Range Average

Work Term 1 $11.00-19.00 $14.00

Work Term 2 $12.00-20.00 $14.00

Work Term 3 $12.00-16.00 $16.00

Work Term 4 N/A N/A

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