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By, @Seth_Kaplan Show me a bracket-style tournament and theres only one option left for me.

Look at the statistics. Analyze it. Break-it-down match-up vs. match-up. Then, make predictions. March Madness is clearly the Taj Mahal of brackets, but give me a bracket of best actors, worst one-hit wonders or a Minnesota Manuary and Ill give you my opinion. This Manuary bracket is a little tougher to analyze, because people are voting through the winners. So, I will need to add to my analysis the mind set of the voter. Also included in the formula, the competitors "reach of voice," their shameless self-promotion and the opinion of some women I will look to for advice. Finally, with some opinion from Twitter followers and my wife, I will give you my analysis of the "myTalk 107.1 Manuary" Tournament. Disclaimer: Its not advisable to use my opinion as a tool to win money in Las Vegas. You can bet on this at Caesars, right? REGION 1 Ricky Rubio vs. Ken Barlow For those of you who follow NCAA basketball, you know a 16-seed has never beaten a 1-seed. Thats what we have here. Rubio is the new-kid in town, the exotic guy from Spain. He should not only run away with this one, but if he was smart, hed give himself one of those fancy assists hes so famous for by tweeting out to his followers to vote for him. He has over 506,000 followers. Barlow has 1,500 followers. One tweet... could equal defeat... for the opponent. *Prediction: This is the weakest bracket, which means Rubio should easily find himself in the Final Four. Twitter opinion from @KarleeKanz: "Rubio is adorable as a kitten, but Ken's aged nicely and came back to MN, still sizzling. Barlow." John Hanson vs. Dave Dahl Dave Dahl has been forecasting the weather since I was a wee-lad. Hes wellknown in the market and that means good things when it comes to garnering the local vote. John Hanson is somewhat unknown to the locals, which makes this one of those intriguing 8-seed/9-seed 1st round match-ups. You have to give the nod to Dahl here for his longevity. *Prediction: Dahl advances, but goes down to Rubio in the 2nd Round.

Glen Perkins vs. Eric Perkins Its the Clash of the Perkins. Both of these guys are active on Twitter and of any of the 1st round match-ups, they have the closest number of followers. 6,325 for Glen and 6,582 for Eric. Knowing Eric, its been much to my surprise he hasnt done more self-promotion. But, maybe that will come when voting opens up. He strategic like that. Glen, on the other hand, is embracing Manuary early and if he gets the Twins fans to support him, hell be tough to beat. Eric also has solid "reach of voice" with his new radio gig, anchoring and a loyal Twitter following. This is a 4-seed, 5-seed toss-up game. *Prediction: Eric does something goofy to get the vote and wins, but that may be as far as he goes. Quote from my wife: "Glen is just hot." Keith Marler vs. Phil Mackey This is one of the most fascinating early round match-ups. Marler has a rabid, loyal morning show fan base. He may not have the Twitter followers Mackey has, but his Facebook page is full of fanatics. Marler has tweeted about this contest and working with Jason Matheson could push him over the edge. Mackey has also tweeted about #Manuary and he will have no problem shamelessly asking people to vote for him. He also will, no doubt, talk about this on his radio show since he and his tag-team partner Patrick Reusse are both in the tourney. Finally, lets be honest, P-Mac is a young, good-looking guy. Known as a numbers guy (for baseball stats, not with women), P-Mac has to find the right balance of promotion to seal a victory. *Prediction: Mackey squeaks by in one of the closest 1st round games and advances to face Eric Perkins in the next round, he also probably wins that one, but than losses to Rubio. Quote from my wife: "I like shorter guys. Plus, have you ever had a hug from Phil?" Region 1 Analysis from @LindsayGuentzel: I think Ricky Rubio obviously has a lead over any man in Region 1, but the most unfair matchup goes to Keith Marler vs. Phil Mackey. Mackey is an ace when it comes to monopolizing social media, so I've got to take @PMac21 into the next round. I've got a soft spot for dorky short guys with too many gaming systems at home.

REGION 2 Adrian Peterson vs. Jared Allen Who will be victorious between these Vikings? After watching the 2011 season, maybe neither. Peterson just had knee surgery to repair a torn ACL. Allen just came off one of the most dominant defensive seasons in NFL history. This one is going to be decided by personality, not stats, or looks. And, for those of you who have heard #69 speak, you know, the personality cup runeth over. This is also the battle between the biggest Twitter followings. No other 1st round match has these many followers combined. 201,000 for AP and 144,000 for Allen. Neither has tweeted for votes, so one tweet could turn the tables. *Prediction: Allen wins because hes one of the funniest athletes in history... and the ladies love mullets. Quote from my wife: "Jared is just like my husband. Strong and hilarious." Twitter opinion from @KarleeKanz: "Peterson is handsome as all get out, but most women like the bad boy type. Allen." Schroeder vs. Frank Vascellaro Looks like Frank gets a first round bye. Is this because Joe Mauer isnt on the list? What happened there? However, never underestimate the power of the internet poll. People like to play games with this stuff (see: Vote For The Worst Idol) so I still expect Schroeder to get 25+% of the vote. Seems like this is a Mitt Romney in New Hampshire kind of race and Schroder is Ron Paul. *Prediction: Frank advances, but thats as far as hell go. Patrick Reusse vs. Cal Clutterbuck On paper, this is the biggest 1st round mismatch. Syracuse vs. North Dakota St. Clutterbuck and his moustache is loved by the ladies. But, Reusse has that ever important "reach of voice." Not only is he active on Twitter, but he has a radio show, where Im sure this topic will come up more than once (brought up by his partner Phil Mackey, of course). This is, by far, the toughest prediction to make. It could go so many ways. Thats right, with this one, there are more than two ways it could go.

*Prediction: Clutterbuck sneaks by. The my107.1 listener will make sure of it. Kris Humphires vs. Randy Meier Two high-profile pieces of eye candy face-off in this first round. Humphries has the Twitter following and the name-recognition. His 820,000 followers tops the list of Manuary contestants, but he can thank Kim Kardashian for 779,000 of those followers. Will he get the sympathy vote after Kim broke his fragile heart? On the other side, theres Meier, who is back in the Twin Cities and the woman are excited about that. Meier cannot be happy about his first round match-up, its like seeing Rafa Nadal is in your bracket at the French Open. Or Tom Hanks in your category for Best Actor. You know it most likely wont end well. Its too bad. Meier could have gone far if not for the 1st round roadblock. But, if he can strategize though Twitter and a couple radio appearances, we could be talking upset. *Prediction: Humphries wins this one, but in closer fashion than you think. Humphries and Allen will face off to go to the Final Four. Quote from my wife: "Oh my Gawd, Randy Meier." Region 2 Analysis from @LindsayGuentzel: You make this too easy. Kris Humphries, the most gullible man on Planet Earth, vs. Randy Meier, the man responsible for those awful TV commercials announcing his return to Minneapolis/St. Paul? The majority of people who vote are going to select Meier simply because he's up against Humphries. But -- being careful to discount anyone who remembers his first commercials back on the network, Randy Meier is a lying threat in Region 2 simply because he's the unknown link. I scan through the men in Region 2 & I don't hesitate until I land on Randy. REGION 3 Christian Ponder vs. Jeff Passolt A former athlete vs. a current athlete. The most veteran of news anchors in the Twin Cities vs. the rookie of the most popular team in the Twin Cities. This one has story lines, but Passolt isnt holding out hope. He believes the bracket was setup this way so Ponder could FINALLY win something! Ponder is the new heartthrob of the Upper Midwest and will have no problem rolling through this tournament. But, dont count Passolt out. This is a guy who still holds the St.

Cloud St. Hockey record for most penalty minutes in a game when he played for the Huskies. So, he'll put up a fight. *Prediction: Ponder is the man to beat in this tourney. He will be tough to beat and I expect him to be in the Championship. Odds on favorite. Twitter opinion from @KarleeKanz: "Ponder kind of looks like Joe Mauer so he wins this round strictly based on that fact." Eric Decker vs. Danny Valencia This is Duke vs. North Carolina. Packers vs. Vikings. Gaga vs. Katy Perry. Gary Busey vs. Sanity. This is, by far, its not even close, the best 1st round face-off. Decker is the former Gopher, now Denver Broncos wide receiver, who melted the hearts of women in Dinkytown for four years. Hes also getting the football thrown to him by Tim Tebow now, so he also has that going for him. Valencia is the Twins young 3rd baseman who is quickly becoming a fan favorite. Go to Target Field and along with Mauer and Morneau jerseys, youll see a ton of #19 jerseys as well. This is a pick em. Both are active on Twitter, the question is will Decker tweet to get votes. We're pretty sure Valencia will... since hes already talking about it on Twitter. *Prediction: Tebow Lovers Tebow Haters + a Gopher / Twins + Twitter activity * nice tan - square root of pi = a win for Valencia. Valencia/Ponder is a huge 2nd round match-up, but thats where it ends for Danny. Quote from my wife: "Danny Valencia. I've watched him in action at Target Field. I didn't even know Eric Decker until just now. (After seeing his picture) And... of course, thats his girlfriend." Jay Kolls vs. Sven Sundgaard Kolls is a mainstay in Twin Cities media and Sundgaard is the relative newcomer, who has gotten a lot of attention since his move to Minnesota. Not sure if woman care as much about height as they say, but that could be a factor in this one. But, in the end, Sven has the following, both on TV and Twitter to get him to the next round. *Prediction: Sundgaard by a wide margin and he could find himself vs. Ponder for the right to win his part of the bracket.

Mike Pomeranz vs. Reuvers Pomeranz is a former athlete and current TV anchor, not a bad combo. His work on the sports side of things recently has given him even more exposure. He has a solid Twitter following and makes his own BBQ sauce. That's a lethal combo. He hasnt tweeted about the contest, but you have to think thats coming soon. Reuvers has home-field advantage in this contest. Its like Kansas hoops getting to play in Omaha for the first two rounds and then going to Kansas City for the Sweet 16. In sports, Ive learned many things. One that's very important. Never underestimate home-field advantage. Just ask the 1987 and 1991 World Series Champion Minnesota Twins. They lost all their road games in both series, but won all their home games. *Prediction: Reuvers in a tight one, but his run ends with Sven. Region 3 Analysis from @LindsayGuentzel: Eric Decker vs. Danny Valencia? You're kidding right? I mean, right off the bat, I'm pulling for Decker because of his maroon & gold ties. But then I remember I have to withstand the retweets he constantly hands out to his semi-moronic, wanna-be pop star girlfriend (also Joe Mauer's ex) and immediately my alliance shifts. Danny Valencia, all the way. Think of how depressing last season would have really been for Twins fans had they not had Danny to count on. The kid had quite a few walkoffs at Target Field last year and he was smart enough to instigate The Outfield's 'Your Love' as his walk-up song. Number one killa. REGION 4 Rick Kupchella vs. Jason DeRusha In a battle of newsies, this is a good fight. Both have a solid Twitter following, but there aren't many better in the Twin Cities at the social media game than DeRusha. He has the backing of his groupies. Kupchella isn't afraid to promote this contest by putting a link to Manuary on his own news website. The big unknown... who can more effectively rally their followers to get them a win? Good question. *Prediction: DeRusha has the strong following, but he's losing his hair. Kupchella wins, but that's as far as he goes. Twitter opinion from @KarleeKanz: "Women love men who know food, and can figure out the weirdest of questions. DeRusha."

Visanthe Shiancoe vs. RT Rybak Sports and politics. People say they don't go together. Well. Today they do and only one can survive. As it is in real life, most people would rather see politics go away than sports. Even a player from the 3-13 Vikings can get more support than a politician. Even a popular one, like Rybak, who is big on social media and one of the friendliest guys in politics. If this was a competitor for nicest guy, it would be a draw... Shank is awesome and as cordial as anyone in the locker room. But, this comes to down to a Viking vs. a politician. Winner: Viking *Prediction: Shiancoe wins comfortably and not just because he's a tight end. In a weak region, he gets to the finals of his bracket. Mikko Koivu vs. Tim Pawlenty The recently named NHL All-Star is prime to do well in this tournament. He's a Scandinavian hockey player. Playing in Minnesota. And he's really good. And he's really rich. Score one for Koivu from his fans in the State of Hockey. As for Pawlenty, being a politician isn't going to help in this tourney. Plus, he failed in his bid to become President. By getting the boot in Iowa, of all places. Do the math folks, this one is over quickly, and in a landslide. Plus, Pawlenty is out of money to try and campaign for your vote. *Prediction: Koivu is loved by Wild fans. Just head to the "X" one night, they scream like he's Bieber. Koivu will win this bracket, earning a spot in the Final Four. Quote from my wife: "Koivu by far. Hockey players are just sexy when they skate." Antoine Winfield vs. Percy Harvin Another All-Purple showdown as the veteran Winfield goes up against the youngster Harvin. This may just come down to athletic ability. Harvin was one of the few standouts on a brutal Vikings team. Winfield is in decline and the fans only heard his name called probably 4 times all season. Harvin's name is called 9 times a GAME. Both are great guys, but Harvin has the youth and the looks... And now the fame. Trifecta.

*Prediction: Harvin has no trouble advancing past Winfield, something most NFL wide receivers had no problem doing either this season. But, Harvin gets bounced in Round 2 by Koivu. Region 4 Analysis from @LindsayGuentzel: First off, I'm taking Jason DeRusha over Rick Kupchella but I'm also calling for a Team DeRusha sweep in Region 4. Why? Because no one owns Minneapolis/St. Paul the way J. DeRusha does. The man has figured out a way to wittingly push buttons while still maintaining an incredible large circle of close friends. Plus, he's really good at answering questions and as someone who has a lot of them, that's a cherished characteristic in a man.

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