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Page 2 Asian Journal - (619) 474-0588 Visit our website at http://www.asianjournalusa.

com November 7 -13, 2008

Padaca’s group urges Turban-clad Luli weds veterans living in the US.
Biazon said Democrats in both the
US Senate and House supported the

riders need investment veterans’ equity measure.

Pampanga folk: Reject

“In fact, both Senators Obama and
John McCain voted for its approval.

helmets, too banker It was with the Republicans in the

House that we had difficulty getting
support for the bill’s approval,” he

recall-Panlilio move
(Continued from page 1) (Continued from page 1) said.
no one – not even motorcycle-riding The groom is a former investment “But with the Democrats increas-
Indian nationals who wear the head- banker, working with Bear Sterns ing their numbers in both chambers
dress – is exempted from the “No International and Bankers Trust Co. of the US Congress in last Tuesday’s
Helmet, No Riding” ordinance to be He is the son of lawyer Antonio election, I am hoping this measure
passed in this city soon. Bernas, and was for a time a director will soon be approved,” he said.
By Ding Cervantes administrator, among others, we be- Robert Erfe-Mejia, chief of the at the Ayala Foundation. As for US policy toward the Phil-
Philstar lieve that a genuine effort to resolve city’s public order and safety office, Luli, the second of the First ippines, Biazon and Rep. Teodoro
them will be more beneficial to related to The STAR yesterday Couple’s three children, works with Casiño of the party-list group Bayan
SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga the Kapampangans than a political how an Indian national, who was the WWF or Worldwide Fund for Muna predicted that there would be
– Isabela Gov. Grace Padaca, exercise that will further polarize at Mejia’s office to settle a traffic Nature. She is a passionate scuba no substantial changes.
Ramon Magsaysay awardee for and divide the community,” Kaya violation, told Mejia that people like diver and environmentalist. She was By and large, American security
government service, and other lo- Natin! said in its statement. him who wear turbans are exempted among the top in the foreign service and economic interests remain the
cal officials who have formed the It further said: “We also recognize from wearing helmets. examinations years ago but did not same despite changes in the US
group Kaya Natin! have called on that there are members of the civil But Mejia said he was not aware pursue a diplomatic career because leadership, Casiño said.
Pampanga folk to reject the move society, church groups, business or- of such an exemption and asked his of her mother’s position. – Isaac “These interests transcend admin-
to recall Gov. Eddie Panlilio from ganizations and supporters of Gov. guest to show him a copy of this Belmonte istrations,” he said.
his post. Panlilio that have expressed disap- order – if it exists – so that he could However, because Democrats are
This, as the recall initiative seems pointment with his performance inform local lawmakers about it.
Isabela Gov. Grace Padaca Mejia said the intention of the generally more concerned about hu-
to have triggered a war of signa- during the past year.” man rights than Republicans, Casiño
tures. “Thus, while we continue to proposed ordinance as envisioned

Smooth sailing seen

Panlilio, started the digital signa- by Mayor Alipio Fernandez Jr. is to said he hoped the Obama leadership
As of noon yesterday, Panlilio’s support Gov. Panlilio’s crusade to would lift the terrorist tag the US
supporters who launched an online ture drive against the recall move show to all that while Dagupan City
promote good governance in his has put on the New People’s Army.
for Pinoy war vets bill
signature campaign ( on the Internet. is a “friendly city it is also a safety-
province, we also believe that he conscious place.” “This tag has stalled the peace
had already garnered 1,228 digital His e-mail is being passed on by should listen to the voices of these
Panlilio’s supporters to solicit more “While we encourage investors process here. Its lifting would help

after Dems victory

signatures. Among the signatories groups and work at immediately to come in, we would like also to revive such process,” he added.
identified themselves as Solita Col- signatures not only from Pampanga addressing and resolving these
but also from other parts of the encourage our people and our visi- Meanwhile, Albay Gov. Joey Sal-
las-Monsod and Susan A. Roces. growing concerns in order for him tors to observe safety at all times,” ceda said he does not see a change
On the other hand, Rosve Hen- country and apparently, even from to become a more effective gover- (Continued from page 1)
he said. in US policy toward the Philippines
son, president of the Kapanalig at Filipinos abroad. nor,” it added. Indian nationals living in the some lobbying work at a dinner with
Addressing “fellow Filipinos” in under the leadership of President-
Kambilan ning Memalen Pampanga Noting that “reforms do not come country number in the thousands US congressmen. elect Obama.
(Kambilan) which launched the re- his e-mail, Keh said the recall move easy” and “require continuing en- and are very entrepreneurial, often The US Senate has approved the
was “started by people closely But Salceda, who is also Mrs.
call move last week, said his group gagements between the provincial engaged in the business of selling measure, which got stuck in the Arroyo’s economic adviser, said he
has started its signature drive in all affiliated with Lilia Pineda, the leadership and the other stakehold- household wares and fixtures, in- House of Representatives because
gubernatorial candidate that Gov. expects the new administration to
of Pampanga’s 21 towns. ers in the locality,” Kaya Natin! cluding umbrellas, blankets, electric several American congressmen make the US take the lead in tack-
While Henson could not say how Panlilio defeated and wife of al- said, “We do believe that given fans and mats. Buyers are allowed wanted to limit its coverage and the
leged jueteng lord Bong Pineda.” ling global climate change. – With
many have already signed their re- time, Gov. Panlilio’s initiatives will to pay in installments. benefits for Filipino veterans. Celso Amo
call petition, he said that from their “If you will recall, just last ultimately result in better delivery They also offer “instant loans” One proposal is to have the
original 5,000 members last week, month, Gov. Panlilio courageously of basic services to his constitu- paid on installment on a daily basis, proposed law apply only to Filipino
they have issued 1,000 more identi- filed plunder charges against Bong ents.” and they personally make the rounds
fication cards for new signatories. Pineda for his alleged involvement “We ask all Kapampangans to be of the residences to collect the pay-
“Each of these members has been in jueteng operations and payoffs in patient with Gov. Panlilio because ments.
asked to gather as many signa- Pampanga. If they succeed in doing Last Tuesday, a public hearing
we believe that despite the current on the proposal was held at the city
tures as they can, but we are doing this, we can expect that Pampanga situation, he is at the moment still
this very carefully so that all the will once again go back to the dark council and was attended by 12
the best person who can govern the active motorcycle riding associa-
requirements of the Commission on ages of patronage politics that has province in an effective and ethical
led to the propagation of graft. We tions and 11 motorcycle dealers in
Elections will be complied with,” manner,” it said.
he said. cannot just sit back, relax and allow It added: “Should there be a need,
the city who strongly endorsed the Jocelyn Del Castillo
a good and upright Filipino leader proposed ordinance.
In a statement, Padaca’s group
to fail. We cannot allow evil to
the members of Kaya Natin! are Mejia said the proposed local President
said, “We believe that this at- willing to help organize and/or ordinance seeks to impose tougher
tempt to recall him is politically ultimately prevail.” facilitate a dialogue between Gov. penalties on violators who do not JCDC Inc.
motivated and would only serve to “We cannot allow Gov. Eddie Panlilio and disgruntled mem- wear safety helmets as a way of Agency Operator
benefit the vested interests of a few Panlilio to be recalled,” he added, bers of the civil society, business strengthening the national law to 716 Rancho Santa Fe Rd.
politicians in Pampanga.” urging Filipinos to sign up in sup- groups, people’s organizations and prevent serious head injuries in road San Marcos, CA 92069
The group described itself as a port of Panlilio at his former supporters in Pam- accidents involving motorcycles. Tel: (760) 740-5020
“movement for genuine change and petition/supportgovpanlilio. panga.” Once approved, billboards will be
“While we are aware that there Fax: (760) 598-8795
ethical leadership.” Apart from Padaca, the signato- placed around entry points in the
“We urge the people of Pampanga are escalating problems in Pam- ries to the Kaya Natin! statement city to inform motorists and visitors
not to support the recall initiative. panga such as the continuing included Naga City Mayor Jesse about this ordinance. Joy Del Castillo
We ask the Kapampangans to give conflict between Gov. Panlilio and Robredo, Ifugao Gov. Teddy Bagui- Currently, motorcycle riders who
the Provincial Board, the unre- do not wear helmets are left in the Travel Consultant
Gov. Panlilio a chance to fully lat Jr., and San Isidro, Nueva Ecija
serve his term and continue the re- solved issue on the striking Balas Mayor Sonia Lorenzo. hands of agents of the Land Trans- Cell: (619) 808-9412
quarry workers and the calls for the portation Office.
forms that he has begun,” it added.
One Harvey Keh, a supporter of resignation of the current provincial

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