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{none_desc}no description {A_Bishop}A Bishop {A_Bishop_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE - SHOULD BE HIDDEN.

This priest was promoted to the title of Bishop simply for being created in a city with a Cathedral. Silly h uh? {A_Bishop_effects_desc}+1 Piety {A_Bit_Odd}A Bit Odd {A_Bit_Odd_desc}There's something not entirely right about this man. {A_Bit_Odd_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {A_Bit_Rough}A Bit Rough {A_Bit_Rough_desc}Though he could be loved, no woman's fantasy looks anything li ke he does. {A_Bit_Rough_effects_desc}+1 Command, -1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order) {A_Few_Enemies}A Few Enemies {A_Few_Enemies_desc}Angry promises of revenge have been hurled at this merchant by those he has driven out of business {A_Few_Enemies_effects_desc}-1 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination) {A_Marked_Man}A Marked Man {A_Marked_Man_desc}It is whispered that the merchants that this man has personal ly ruined are unifying to seek their revenge. {A_Marked_Man_effects_desc}-4 from personal security (increases the chances of f alling victim to assassination) {A_Sense_of_Justice}A Sense of Justice {A_Sense_of_Justice_desc}This man's sense of justice is evident when he speaks o n matters both legal and moral. {A_Sense_of_Justice_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +1 to law (improves public order) {Abhors_Construction}Abhors Construction {Abhors_Construction_desc}This man hates little more than commissioning the cons truction of a new building. He does so poorly as a result. {Abhors_Construction_effects_desc}15% increase to construction costs, +3 to squa lor (decreases population growth and public order) {Abhors_Drink}Abhors Drink {Abhors_Drink_desc}This man has a tedious and overbearing grudge against alcohol . It does little to endear him to others. {Abhors_Drink_effects_desc}+1 Command, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefie ld, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assas sination attempts), -2 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order) {Abhors_Violence}Abhors Violence {Abhors_Violence_desc}So adverse to violence and bloodshed is this man that he p reaches these things to be sin. {Abhors_Violence_effects_desc}-3 Violence {Abhors_Violence_epithet_desc}the Peaceful {Academy_Trained}Academy Trained {Academy_Trained_desc}Has received training at a military academy, improving his ability to lead modern gunpowder troops. {Academy_Trained_effects_desc}+1 Command {Accepting}Accepting {Accepting_desc}Very accepting and tolerant, an excellent quality in a woman who visits foreign courts. {Accepting_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Active_Builder}Active Builder {Active_Builder_desc}Enjoys the process of improving the infrastructure of a set tlement. He likes to build. {Active_Builder_effects_desc}5% discount on construction costs, -1 from squalor (increases public order and population growth) {Actively_Disloyal}Actively Disloyal {Actively_Disloyal_desc}This man utterly resents notions of loyalty and servitud

e, to the point his betrayals are an inevitability. {Actively_Disloyal_effects_desc}+3 Dread, -4 Loyalty {Adept_Agent}Adept Agent {Adept_Agent_desc}Proven capable of seeing what needs to be seen, without being seen himself. {Adept_Agent_effects_desc}+2 to agent's skill, +2 to line of sight (increases th e range at which enemies are spotted) {Adept_Agent_gain_desc}This agent has improved his subterfuge skills thanks to a successful mission. {Adept_Agent_lose_desc}Failure during a mission has caused this agent to lose so me of his skill. {Adept_Assassin}Adept Assassin {Adept_Assassin_desc}A man capable of killing men of great importance, within th eir homes if need be. {Adept_Assassin_effects_desc}+4 to agent's skill {Adept_Assassin_epithet_desc}the Killer {Adept_Assassin_gain_desc}This assassin has improved his suberfuge skills thanks to a successful murder. {Adept_Assassin_lose_desc}Failure during a mission has caused this assassin to l ose some of his skill as a killer. {Adept_Scout}Adept Scout {Adept_Scout_desc}Makes a point of ensuring that he has scouts feeling out the l ands around his forces. {Adept_Scout_effects_desc}+2 to line of sight (increases the range at which enem ies are spotted) {Adept_Spy}Adept Spy {Adept_Spy_desc}A true adept in the ways of subterfuge and espionage, and one of the realm's finest set of eyes. {Adept_Spy_effects_desc}+4 to agent's skill, +4 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted) {Adept_Spy_gain_desc}This agent has improved his subterfuge skills thanks to a s uccessful mission. {Adept_Spy_lose_desc}Failure during a mission has caused this agent to lose some of his skill. {Adept_with_Artillery}Adept with Artillery {Adept_with_Artillery_desc}Commands artillery to great effect in battle, his exp erience invaluable. {Adept_with_Artillery_effects_desc}+2 Command when commanding artillery {Adept_with_Guns}Adept with Guns {Adept_with_Guns_desc}Boasts a wily ability to tear up enemy ranks with gun fire . {Adept_with_Guns_effects_desc}+2 Command when commanding gunpowder troops {Admirer_of_Beauty}Admirer of Beauty {Admirer_of_Beauty_desc}Actively seeks to gaze upon things of true beauty, and p ossess them if possible. {Admirer_of_Beauty_effects_desc}-2 Command, 10% decrease to cost to bribe, -1 fr om squalor (increases public order and population growth) {Admires_Technology}Admires Technology {Admires_Technology_desc}Finds machinery fascinating, and has a better grasp tha n most as to apply the use of technology in battle. {Admires_Technology_effects_desc}+20 Build Points (required for the construction of siege equipment) {Adopts_Scouting}Adopts Scouting {Adopts_Scouting_desc}Wise enough to employ the use of scouts to avoid nasty sur prises. {Adopts_Scouting_effects_desc}+1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted) {Adored_by_Pope}Adored by Grand Theogonist {Adored_by_Pope_desc}Some show their devotion through prayer, but this man shows it through battling in God's name.

{Adored_by_Pope_effects_desc}+2 Piety, +2 Command when fighting against Greenski ns {Adulterer}Adulterer {Adulterer_desc}This man avidly pursues various women. He commits acts of infide lity without remorse. {Adulterer_effects_desc}No Effects {Aesthete}Aesthete {Aesthete_desc}Seeks a paradise where nothing is displeasing to the eye. In love with beauty itself. {Aesthete_effects_desc}-3 Command, 20% decrease to cost to bribe, -2 from squalo r (increases public order and population growth) {AgentPiety}AgentPiety {AgentPiety_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden trait for agents {AgentPiety_effects_desc}+10 Piety {Aggressive}Aggressive {Aggressive_desc}A disturbing boost of conviction enters this priests voice when his sermons turn to Biblical conflict. {Aggressive_effects_desc}+1 Violence {Agitated}Agitated {Agitated_desc}Unsurprisingly, the attempts to do away with this crone have rubb ed her the wrong way. {Agitated_effects_desc}+2 Magic {Agitator}Agitator {Agitator_desc}Able to inspire malcontent feelings within an audience. {Agitator_effects_desc}+2 to popularity (improves public order) {Agriculturalist}Agriculturalist {Agriculturalist_desc}This man's interest in farming has grown into a serious st udy, one he believes can ensure prosperity for all of his people. {Agriculturalist_effects_desc}+3 to farming output {Alcoholic}Alcoholic {Alcoholic_desc}Drinking is no longer about celebration for this man, yet still he searching for all his answers in the bottom of a bottle. {Alcoholic_effects_desc}-3 Command, -3 Authority, 5% penalty on tax income {All_Conquering}All Conquering {All_Conquering_desc}This man is the greatest conqueror of his time, unable to f ind a foe capable of stopping his conquests. {All_Conquering_effects_desc}+4 Authority {All_Conquering_epithet_desc}the Invincible {Aloof}Aloof {Aloof_desc}Sometimes picky about his social encounters. {Aloof_effects_desc}-1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order) {Altdorfcapitan}Altdorf Captain {Altdorfcapitan_desc}This man is the Captain of Altdorf's Guard. {Altdorfcapitan_effects_desc}None {Altdorfcapitan_epithet_desc}- Captain of Altdorf's Guard {Altdorfcapitan_gain_desc}This man has distinguished himself and become the Capt ain of Altdorf's Guard. {Altdorfcapitan_lose_desc}This coward who fled from the field of battle is no lo nger the Captain of Altdorf's Guard. {Always_Ripe}Always Ripe {Always_Ripe_desc}Could fall pregnant at the whiff of a sweaty man. {Always_Ripe_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {An_Eye_for_Beauty}An Eye for Beauty {An_Eye_for_Beauty_desc}This man's eyes tend to be drawn toward all things beaut iful. {An_Eye_for_Beauty_effects_desc}-1 Command {Angry}Angry {Angry_desc}Being actively pursued has made this woman angry and spiteful. {Angry_effects_desc}+4 Magic {Arulrik}r-Ulric

{Arulrik_desc}High Priest of the Cult of Wolf God Ulric. {Arulrik_effects_desc}None {Arulrik_epithet_desc}- r-Ulric {Arulrik_gain_desc}r-Ulric {Arulrik_lose_desc}r-Ulric {Aspiring_Commander}Aspiring Commander {Aspiring_Commander_desc}This man has shown he has a sound set of battle tactics , and the ability to command men. {Aspiring_Commander_effects_desc}+2 Command {Aspiring_Commander_gain_desc}This man has once again gained a Command star than ks to his leadership in battle. {Aspiring_Commander_lose_desc}This man has lost a Command star due to his poor l eadership in battle. {Assassin}Assassin {Assassin_desc}This man is a trained killer, effective at ending the lives of ot hers. {Assassin_effects_desc}+2 to agent's skill {Assassin_gain_desc}This assassin has improved his suberfuge skills thanks to a successful murder. {Assassin_lose_desc}Failure during a mission has caused this assassin to lose so me of his skill as a killer. {Assassins'_Guild_Apprentice}Assassins' Guild Apprentice {Assassins'_Guild_Apprentice_desc}The presence of a Master Assassin's Guild with in the kingdom has made this man a more effective operative. {Assassins'_Guild_Apprentice_effects_desc}+1 to agent's skill {Assassins'_Guild_Journeyman}Assassins' Guild Journeyman {Assassins'_Guild_Journeyman_desc}The presence of Assassin's Guild HQ within the kingdom has afforded this man significantly enhanced training. {Assassins'_Guild_Journeyman_effects_desc}+2 to agent's skill {Athiest}Athiest {Athiest_desc}Not ashamed of the fact that he does not believe in a God. It is a theory few others believe, and even fewer are so foolish to admit to living by. {Athiest_effects_desc}-6 Piety, +6 to unrest (has a negative effect on public or der) {Attractive}Attractive {Attractive_desc}Nothing helps ensure a husbands eyes dont wander than a beautiful wife. {Attractive_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Austere}Austere {Austere_desc}This man is not interested in luxuries or beautification. Restrain t is the path to perfection! {Austere_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty, 200% increase to cost to bribe, 5% bonus on ta x income {Avoids_the_Truth}Avoids the Truth {Avoids_the_Truth_desc}Not a terrible liar, but commonly avoids telling the nece ssary truths. {Avoids_the_Truth_effects_desc}+1 Authority {Awful_with_Artillery}Awful with Artillery {Awful_with_Artillery_desc}Prone to either leaving his artillery for dead, or ha ving them fire upon their own infantry. {Awful_with_Artillery_effects_desc}-2 Command when commanding artillery {Awful_with_Guns}Awful with Guns {Awful_with_Guns_desc}Could be prone to leading his gunmen to their doom, or tha t of his front line. {Awful_with_Guns_effects_desc}-2 Command when commanding gunpowder troops {Awkward_Diplomat}Awkward Diplomat {Awkward_Diplomat_desc}Though he has been schooled in the arts of diplomacy, it would seem he did not quite grasp all of the lessons he was taught. {Awkward_Diplomat_effects_desc}-1 Influence {Awkward_Speaker}Awkward Speaker

{Awkward_Speaker_desc}This man is not graceful with words, making his speeches s omewhat of an ordeal to suffer. {Awkward_Speaker_effects_desc}No Effects {Basic_Necromancy}Basic Necromancy {Bastion_of_Chivalry}Bastion of Chivalry {Bastion_of_Chivalry_desc}Is becoming known for making selfless acts of sacrific e and courage in battle. {Bastion_of_Chivalry_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry {Bastion_of_Chivalry_epithet_desc}the Chivalrous {Bastion_of_Chivalry_gain_desc}This valiant and brave in battle warrior is renow ned for his generosity. {Bastion_of_Chivalry_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the final battle, this warrior is not so noble as before. {Bastion_of_Health}Bastion of Health {Bastion_of_Health_desc}This man simply doesn t get ill, and would probably reco ver swiftly if ever he were to become so. {Bastion_of_Health_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children, +6 to y our general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Battler_of_Heresy}Battler of Heresy {Battler_of_Heresy_desc}Has managed to drive heresy from a place that was once r ife with it. {Battler_of_Heresy_effects_desc}+1 Piety, +1 for election, +1 Purity, +1 Violenc e {Beacon_of_Faith}Beacon of Faith {Beacon_of_Faith_desc}A true champion of spreading the faith. He always leaves a trail of believers in his wake. {Beacon_of_Faith_effects_desc}+3 Piety, +2 for election, +3 Purity, -2 Violence {Beacon_of_Faith_epithet_desc}the Missionary {Bean_Counter}Bean Counter {Bean_Counter_desc}Some early success in this budding merchant s career suggests he could become a true asset. {Bean_Counter_effects_desc}+1 Finance {Bean_Counter_gain_desc}This man s Finance rating has increased thanks to his su ccessfully putting a foreign merchant out of business. {Bean_Counter_lose_desc}This man s Finance rating has lowered due to his lack of good money investment. {Beaten_by_Odds}Beaten by Odds {Beaten_by_Odds_desc}When defending against the odds, this man s shoulders slump in defeat before he is truly beaten. {Beaten_by_Odds_effects_desc}-2 Command when defending {Beaten_by_Walls}Beaten by Walls {Beaten_by_Walls_desc}So feeble are this man s siege exploits, enemy defenders a lways wave in greeting upon approach. {Beaten_by_Walls_effects_desc}-3 Command when assaulting walls {Befuddled_by_Machines}Befuddled by Machines {Befuddled_by_Machines_desc}So confused by the workings of siege machinery that he simply doesn t grasp their potential. {Befuddled_by_Machines_effects_desc}-2 Command when assaulting walls {Bends_the_Truth}Bends the Truth {Bends_the_Truth_desc}Prepared to add a little poetic license to his tales to ge t the message he wants across. {Bends_the_Truth_effects_desc}-1 Authority {Benevolent_Ruler}Benevolent Ruler {Benevolent_Ruler_desc}Devoted to improving the quality of lives in those under his rule. If anything, a servant to his people. {Benevolent_Ruler_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry, -3 from squalor (increases public or der and population growth) {Benevolent_Ruler_epithet_desc}the Good {Berserker}Berserker {Berserker_desc}When this man descends into battle, friend and foe alike part in

his wake. He is a notorious and dangerous berserker! {Berserker_effects_desc}+4 Dread, -4 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, + 3 Command when attacking, -3 Command when defending, +4 to your general s hitpoi nts (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Berserker_epithet_desc}the Bloody {Berserker_gain_desc}This man s berserk rages are now talked about with amazemen t and fear! {Betrothed_to_Mother}Betrothed to Mother {Betrothed_to_Mother_desc}Likely to sire children with his mother, and maybe wit h one of them once they re at breedin age. {Betrothed_to_Mother_effects_desc}-3 Command, -3 Authority, 15% penalty on tax i ncome {Betrothed_to_Mother_epithet_desc}the Idiot {Beyond_Battle}Beyond Battle {Beyond_Battle_desc}This man is no longer physically capable of taking the field of battle any longer. {Beyond_Battle_effects_desc}No Effects {Beyond_Battle_gain_desc}This man has lost the will to fight. {Bilingual}Bilingual {Bilingual_desc}Speaks both his faction s tongue, plus that of the locale he gre w up in. {Bilingual_effects_desc}+1 Influence {Bishop}Bishop {BishopToCardinal}BishopToCardinal {BishopToCardinal_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE {BishopToCardinal_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Bishop_desc}This priest was granted the title of Bishop at the Cathedral he pre ached at prior to his dealings with the crown. {Bishop_effects_desc}No effects {Blackomur1}Biography - Beginning {Blackomur1_desc}On the night of the Death of Witches Tulluh abducted the boy fr om his home. His fate was sealed - he was supposed to be an Assassin - a ruthles s killer and an avenging hand of Khaine himself. Helleborn long look at the slee ping baby, silently whispering something to her toothless gums, and in her pale eyes he could not read what I thought at that moment. Finally with a sharp finge rnail, she held the baby on the forehead, leaving a bloody scratch, and turned a way from the cradle. - It will be a great Assassin. The rulers of the Old World will live in horror when, in the folds of tapestry or window openings in the dar k they will see his shadow. But now I regret that I did not kill him then. He wa s named Blackomur, passing through the blood and sweat of the temple training fi elds, hardened like steel blade in an icy water of norther wastelands. He was th e best Assassin of Khaine. He penetrated into the most fortified castles, and ki lled with pleasure and ease his targets. He could not be traced and any pursuers would die quickly and painfuly. {Blackomur2}Biography - Continues {Blackomur2_desc}His poisoned sword drank the blood under the canopy of emerald jungle and in the dark caves of Dwarf Kingdom. But one day Blackomur did not com plied with the will of his masters and the will of Khaine. During one of his mis sions when he climbed like a cat on a steep wall and made his way to the room. H e drew back the curtains over the bed and drew his sword, oozing a purulent smel l of poison. He froze not knowing what to do. He began to question the motives o f strucking the sleeping beauty Elf - daughter of the Phoenix King. She was not a real threat to Khaine. For long moments the Assasin stood and stared at the sl eeping girl, seeing nothing around, and hearing only her soft breathing. His col dblooded heart trembled. For the first time he heard a bang of his own heart. Th en another and another ... He left as silently as he had appeared, leaving on th e table beside the bed a white rose cut in the garden. Gone, for the first time unable to cope with the task. The Elf princess died half an hour after his depar ture. From the poisoned dagger of another Assassin, sent there by Helleborn. She was worthy the name of the Queen of witches. After returning Blackomur has been

punished. Defyning the will of Khaine meant death but but instant death would b e too easy a punishment for this. Blackomur was subjected to ritual torture - a terrible posion from the leaves of Black Lotus was injected into his veins - a p osion that kills its victim for years. {Blackomur3}Biography - End {Blackomur3_desc}His Sacrifice covered horrific visions, terrible pain tormented his mind, body and soul. His fate was sealed - to die slowly in the temple vaul ts. But after learning of the death of that young Elf girl, which he could not k ill, Blackomur cursed Khaine, and escaped from the temple, killing the guards. H e gave a terrible oath, vowing Slaanesh, that he will not die until he sees the death of Helleborn. Since then, his heart is no longer beating. It has again bec ame a piece of ice. Now, he sells his terrible skills to anyone who pays enough gold. And he waits for the right moment. For the time will come and the Queen of Witches will choke in her own black blood and Blackomur will have his revenge. {Blackomur_effects_desc}Note: The man with the nickname Blackomur died in 2010. He was only 21 years old. This character and his story were created in order to honour his memory. {Blessed}Blessed {Blessed_Survivor}Blessed Survivor {Blessed_Survivor_desc}Has survived enough assassination attempts to be able to claim either divine protection, or a sixth sense. {Blessed_Survivor_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +3 to personal security (improves th e chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Blessed_With_Vigor}Blessed With Vigor {Blessed_With_Vigor_desc}Has insatiable energy and drive to achieve his goals, b ut finds it somewhat difficult to relax. {Blessed_With_Vigor_effects_desc}+2 Authority, +25% to Movement Points (gives ar mies the ability to forced march) {Blessed_by_the_Gods}Blessed by the Gods {Blessed_by_the_Gods_desc}This man has been touched by his Gods. {Blessed_by_the_Gods_effects_desc}+2 Valour {Blessed_desc}Appears to be somewhat more in touch with God and his spirituality than most. {Blessed_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Blessedly_Lucky}Blessedly Lucky {Blessedly_Lucky_desc}Suspects that his faith alone has kept him safe from morta l danger. {Blessedly_Lucky_effects_desc}+1 Violence {Blighted}Blighted {Blighted_desc}His encounter with crone most foul has left this man blighted, so mething he fixates upon sadly. {Blighted_effects_desc}-1 Piety, -3 Command, -1 Authority, -3 Morale for all tro ops on the battlefield {Blissfully_Ignorant}Blissfully Ignorant {Blissfully_Ignorant_desc}It is a wonder one so ignorant can manage to have live d as long as this clueless dolt has. {Blissfully_Ignorant_effects_desc}-2 Authority, 10% penalty on all trade income, 10% penalty on tax income {Blood_dragons}Knight of the Blood {Blood_dragons_desc}Knight of the Blood {Blood_dragons_epithet_desc} - Blood Knight {Bloodthirsty}Bloodthirsty {Bloodthirsty_desc}This man s lust for blood is insatiable, and known to be a ma dness of gruesome sorts. {Bloodthirsty_effects_desc}+3 Dread, -1 Command, -3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Boil-ridden}Boil-ridden {Boil-ridden_desc}The impure magicks worked upon this man have manifested themse lves in weeping boils. Ghastly stuff. {Boil-ridden_effects_desc}-1 Piety, -3 Command, -2 Authority, -3 Morale for all

troops on the battlefield {Bold_Attacker}Bold Attacker {Bold_Attacker_desc}Not only prepared to go on the offensive when the odds are p oor, but also prepared to succeed! {Bold_Attacker_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +1 Comm and when attacking {Bold_Barterer}Bold Barterer {Bold_Barterer_desc}A healthy track record of moving into other markets make thi s merchant a reliable source of income. {Bold_Barterer_effects_desc}+2 Finance {Bold_Barterer_gain_desc}This man s Finance rating has increased thanks to his s uccessfully putting a foreign merchant out of business. {Bold_Barterer_lose_desc}This man s Finance rating has lowered because he lost t he nerves when he needed them. {Born_Conqueror}Born Conqueror {Born_Conqueror_desc}A military savant, blessed with a mind that pioneers winnin g battle tactics. {Born_Conqueror_effects_desc}+4 Command {Born_Inquisitor}Born Inquisitor {Born_Inquisitor_desc}Pursues heretics with a passion and fervour that is in its elf somewhat disturbing, albeit effective. {Born_Inquisitor_effects_desc}+6 Piety {Born_Mediator}Born Mediator {Born_Mediator_desc}Her highness speaks with rare conviction and poise, making h er an ideal selection for diplomatic missions. {Born_Mediator_effects_desc}+3 Charm {Born_to_Command}Born to Command {Born_to_Command_desc}Born with both the will and ability to lead other men deci sively in battle. {Born_to_Command_effects_desc}+3 Command {Born_to_Kill}Born to Kill {Born_to_Kill_desc}Can find a way to kill anyone, almost like an art form, but m ore truly an instinct. {Born_to_Kill_effects_desc}+3 to agent s skill {Brave}Brave {Brave_Woman}Brave Woman {Brave_Woman_desc}Some consider her willingness to wield a weapon unladylike, bu t nobody can deny her courage. {Brave_Woman_effects_desc}+1 Charm, +1 to personal security (improves the chance s of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Brave_desc}This man does not balk at the sight of danger - he has shown he can overcome fear when need be. {Brave_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Brazen_Hussy}Brazen Hussy {Brazen_Hussy_desc}Though her promiscuity may make the hearts of men pound, it i s also likely to scare off serious suitors. {Brazen_Hussy_effects_desc}-2 Charm {Breaks_Loyalties}Breaks Loyalties {Breaks_Loyalties_desc}Very good at exposing any lingering resentment men have f or those they answer to. {Breaks_Loyalties_effects_desc}20% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the chan ces that a bribe will be successful) {Bright_Wizard}Bright Wizard {Bright_Wizard_desc}The Bright Wizard is a master of destruction by magic and a specialist in fire. Fire is at the heart of his every ability, and indeed at the heart of the Wizard himself. Using the power of the wind of fire, he can lay wa ste to swathes of enemies, or incinerate select foes with white hot energy. His magic feeds upon itself, upon the enemy, and upon the Wizard. Embracing the fire s within his mind, the Bright Wizard himself is engulfed in flame. He directs th is inferno against his foes, filling them with searing power until they burst, i

ncinerated by arcane flames so hot they threaten to ignite the air itself. {Bright_Wizard_epithet_desc}- Bright Wizard {Bronzino}Biography {Bronzino_desc}Bronzino s Gallopers were first employed at the Battle of Pattio. These were, in fact, lightweight cannons removed from their mountings on the ga lleys of Remas and fixed to specially made carriages. This was done on the instr uctions of the Master Gunner Bronzino who had been hired by Borgio the Besieger, Prince of Miragliano. This innovation contributed in no small measure to the vi ctory. {Bruised_Confidence}Bruised Confidence {Bruised_Confidence_desc}Why anyone would refuse the hand of a princess is utter ly beyond her Others have an inkling though. However, for now, her pained feelin gs have brought out certain attractive features to her that any red blooded lusty man can appreciate: a certain desperation. {Bruised_Confidence_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Brutal_Conqueror}Brutal Conqueror {Brutal_Conqueror_desc}It takes a certain kind of man to execute peasants and in nocents, even if it is in times of war. {Brutal_Conqueror_effects_desc}+1 Dread, 10% bonus to cash gained from looting {Brutally_Obvious}Brutally Obvious {Brutally_Obvious_desc}This man is so unsubtle he could wake the dead. Why he co ntinues to attempt to take his foes by surprise is a mystery his troops want sol ved. {Brutally_Obvious_effects_desc}-3 Command when ambushing {Brutally_Scarred}Brutally Scarred {Brutally_Scarred_desc}Brutally scarred so as people do not know which way to lo ok when addressing him. Can any mortal blow fell him? {Brutally_Scarred_effects_desc}+2 Authority, +8 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Brutally_Scarred_epithet_desc}the Scarred {Brutally_Scarred_gain_desc}This general s many scars now prove that he is very difficult to kill! {Budding_Bureaucrat}Budding Bureaucrat {Budding_Bureaucrat_desc}Seems quite capable at managing the affairs of a settle ment, enough to entrust to govern efficiently. {Budding_Bureaucrat_effects_desc}3% bonus on all trade income, +1 to law (improv es public order) {Bugman}Biography {Bugman_desc}Josef Bugman is one of the best ale brewerers in the Old World. {Butcher}Butcher {Butcher_desc}The sort of man ready to hack an endless number of people limb fro m limb - or at least see it done by his men. {Butcher_effects_desc}+3 Dread, 30% bonus to cash gained from looting {Butcher_epithet_desc}the Butcher {Calm}Calm {Calm_When_Outnumbered}Calm When Outnumbered {Calm_When_Outnumbered_desc}Does not panic at the sight of a larger army bearing down upon him, instead choosing the best spot he can make a stand. {Calm_When_Outnumbered_effects_desc}+1 Command when defending {Calm_desc}Surviving an attempt on his life has instilled this man with a little more confidence than he had before the event. {Calm_effects_desc}+1 Influence {Camp}Van Klumpf {Camp_desc}He s the famous van Klumpf - leader of the dreaded Van Klumpf s Bucca neers. {Camp_epithet_desc}Van Klumpf {Can_Tell_a_Tale}Can Tell a Tale {Can_Tell_a_Tale_desc}Able to hold an audience well enough when trying to get a story or message across. {Can_Tell_a_Tale_effects_desc}+1 to law (improves public order)

{Capitalist}Capitalist {Capitalist_desc}Now that he has achieved sole control over his market, this mer chant is learning how best to keep it to himself. {Capitalist_effects_desc}+1 Finance {Cardinal}Cardinal {Cardinal_desc}Now holding the rank of Cardinal, a position granted to this man by the Pope himself. {Cardinal_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Caring_Commander}Caring Commander {Caring_Commander_desc}So commonly does this man let his enemy prisoners go, the y actually expect it. {Caring_Commander_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry, +2 Morale for all troops on the batt lefield {Champion_of_Honour}Champion of Honour {Champion_of_Honour_desc}So chivalrous is this man that his opponents consider i t an honour to die upon the sword of such a worthy foe. {Champion_of_Honour_effects_desc}+4 Chivalry, +1 Authority {Champion_of_Honour_epithet_desc}the Champion {Champion_of_Honour_gain_desc}This valiant and brave in battle warrior is renown ed for its generosity. {Champion_of_Honour_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the final battle, this w arrior is not so noble as before. {Changes_Loyalties}Changes Loyalties {Changes_Loyalties_desc}So great at skewing perceptions that he could convince a man to betray one he loves for one he despises. {Changes_Loyalties_effects_desc}30% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the cha nces that a bribe will be successful) {Character_Is_Pope}Character Is Pope {Character_Is_Pope_desc}This priest was promoted to the title of Bishop simply f or being created in a city with a Cathedral. Silly huh? {Character_Is_Pope_effects_desc}No Effects {Charming_Consul}Charming Consul {Charming_Consul_desc}Those of noble birth always display a more effective grasp of etiquette and courtesy. {Charming_Consul_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Cheap}Cheap {Cheap_desc}Not one to spend money unless it is for a good reasons, and preferab ly at a good price. {Cheap_effects_desc}5% discount on construction costs, 5% bonus on tax income, + 1 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order) {Chekist}Ivan Petrel {Chekist_desc}Ivan Petrel {Chivalrous_Father}Chivalrous Father {Chivalrous_Father_desc}He has managed to pick up some of his father s sense of honour and chivalry. {Chivalrous_Father_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry {Chivalrous_in_Rule}Chivalrous in Rule {Chivalrous_in_Rule_desc}People under the rule of this man feel as if led by a k night, driven to a higher set of ideals. {Chivalrous_in_Rule_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry, +1 Authority {Chivalrous_in_Rule_epithet_desc}the Chivalrous {Chivalrous_in_Rule_gain_desc}The subjects of this ruler admire his generosity. {Chivalrous_in_Rule_lose_desc}Recently, this man is too resourceful. His behavio r cannot be considered noble. {Chosen_One}Chosen One {Chosen_One_desc}So strong and unyielding is his connection with God that some s peculate he could later be recognised as a prophet. {Chosen_One_effects_desc}+3 Piety {Chosen_by_the_Gods}Chosen by the Gods {Chosen_by_the_Gods_desc}The gods themselves favour this One. He can accomplish

many things! {Chosen_by_the_Gods_effects_desc}+2 Piety, +2 Valour {Chosen_by_the_Gods_epithet_desc}Chosen {Chousen}Chosen of Chaos {Chousen_desc}Archaon the Everchosen, Lord of the End Times {Chousen_effects_desc}+1 Command. {Chousen_gain_desc}This powerful individual had become the Chosen of Chaos. {Chousen_lose_desc}This weak fool has lost the bleasing of the gods of Chaos. {Clumsy_Ambusher}Clumsy Ambusher {Clumsy_Ambusher_desc}Although capable of positioning for an ambush, this man ha s only ever failed at executing his plans of attack. {Clumsy_Ambusher_effects_desc}-2 Command when ambushing {Cold}Cold {Cold_Commander}Cold Commander {Cold_Commander_desc}Has refused to agree to ransom back his own men several tim es. {Cold_Commander_effects_desc}+2 Dread, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefie ld {Cold_Killer}Cold Killer {Cold_Killer_desc}This man can kill pragmatically, a quality that makes him well suited to his profession. {Cold_Killer_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Cold_desc}Unlike most other ladies in the court, her majesty holds no fascinati on over being courted. {Cold_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Commercial_Conqueror}Commercial Conqueror {Commercial_Conqueror_desc}This man doesn t break into new markets, he simply ta kes them. {Commercial_Conqueror_effects_desc}+3 Finance {Commercial_Conqueror_gain_desc}This man s Finance rating has increased thanks t o his successfully putting a foreign merchant out of business. {Commercial_Conqueror_lose_desc}An attempt to eliminate competitors failed - and with it the promiss of gold. {Compassionate_Victor}Compassionate Victor {Compassionate_Victor_desc}Known to generally show mercy and compassion to those he has defeated in battle. {Compassionate_Victor_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry {Competent_Sailor}Competent Sailor {Competent_Sailor_desc}This man has proven he at least has the seafaring legs re quired to survive a scrap at sea. {Competent_Sailor_effects_desc}+1 Command at sea {Competent_Sailor_gain_desc}This man s naval command ability has begun to improv e. {Completely_Paranoid}Completely Paranoid {Completely_Paranoid_desc}Utterly unable to relax or trust anyone, this man is a total wreck, afraid of possibility itself. {Completely_Paranoid_effects_desc}-2 Command, -2 Authority, +4 to personal secur ity (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Confident_Attacker}Confident Attacker {Confident_Attacker_desc}This man is more confident when entering battle as the aggressor. {Confident_Attacker_effects_desc}+2 Command when attacking {Confident_Defender}Confident Defender {Confident_Defender_desc}When under attack, this man keeps a calm that filters d own through the ranks of his men. {Confident_Defender_effects_desc}+2 Command when defending {Conforming}Conforming {Conforming_desc}Having been tried for heresy, this man is now more careful to f ollow the mandate properly. {Conforming_effects_desc}+1 Piety

{Confused_with_Infantry}Confused with Infantry {Confused_with_Infantry_desc}Should they charge or withdraw? Who has a coin? {Confused_with_Infantry_effects_desc}-3 Command when commanding infantry {Conquering_Hero}Conquering Hero {Conquering_Hero_desc}This man s name is mantra of pride for his people, who ado re him utterly for his glorious achievements in war. {Conquering_Hero_effects_desc}+3 Authority, -2 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination), +3 to popularity (improves pub lic order) {Conquering_Hero_epithet_desc}the Conqueror {Conqueror}Conqueror {Conqueror_desc}This man has lead his people to victory over a former world powe r. {Conqueror_effects_desc}+1 Authority {Conqueror_of_Heretics}Conqueror of Heretics {Conqueror_of_Heretics_desc}Famous for facing and defeating heresy and those who harbour it. {Conqueror_of_Heretics_effects_desc}+4 Piety {Conqueror_of_Heretics_gain_desc}This man s piety has increased thanks to succes sfully denouncing another blasphemer. {Conqueror_of_Heretics_lose_desc}The man was defeated in the fight against the p agans, and lost part of his piety. {Conscientious_Trainer}Conscientious Trainer {Conscientious_Trainer_desc}A believer that hard training leads to success on th e battlefield, and life in general. {Conscientious_Trainer_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +10% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march) {Conspicuous}Conspicuous {Conspicuous_desc}Not quite as sneaky and cunning as he d like to believe he is. {Conspicuous_effects_desc}-1 from agent s skill {Convincing}Convincing {Convincing_desc}Understands the basic principles of how to craft a lie, avoidin g overembellishment. {Convincing_effects_desc}-1 Loyalty, +1 Authority {Corrupt}Corrupt {Corrupt_desc}Devoid of conscience, this man is only interested in what is possi ble, unconcerned about what is deemed proper. {Corrupt_effects_desc}-2 Loyalty, 60% decrease to cost to bribe, 30% penalty on tax income, -3 from law (has a negative effect on public order) {Counter-Espionage}Counter-Espionage {Counter-Espionage_desc}This man is not paranoid, he simply knows exactly when t here is need to be concerned of watching eyes. {Counter-Espionage_effects_desc}+3 to public security (improves the chances of d etecting and capturing enemy agents) {Counter-Spy}Counter-Spy {Counter-Spy_desc}This man has shown the capability to oversee a security force after having successfully located and deal with a foreign spy. {Counter-Spy_effects_desc}+2 to public security (improves the chances of detecti ng and capturing enemy agents) {Courageous}Courageous {Courageous_desc}Known to embrace the act of taking on dangers as both an exampl e to others, and personal test of character. {Courageous_effects_desc}+3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Cowardly}Cowardly {Cowardly_desc}Known to run as soon as there is a threat to his person, this man is now openly referred to as a coward. {Cowardly_effects_desc}-3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Crazy_in_Battle}Crazy in Battle {Crazy_in_Battle_desc}Enters a rage in battle so fierce that he loses all sense of danger and direction.

{Crazy_in_Battle_effects_desc}+2 Dread, +2 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld, +2 Command when attacking, -2 Command when defending, +2 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Creature_of_Dark_Arts}Creature of Dark Arts {Creature_of_Dark_Arts_desc}The church deems this woman to be nothing short of a threat to all that is holy and right in the world. {Creature_of_Dark_Arts_effects_desc}+5 Magic {Crude}Crude {Crude_desc}Prone to outbursts of base humour that noble folk tend not to find a musing. {Crude_effects_desc}-1 Authority, 20% decrease to cost to bribe {Cruel_Leader}Cruel Leader {Cruel_Leader_desc}Flogging for insubordination, or perhaps for amusement, is pl ausible with this one. {Cruel_Leader_effects_desc}+2 Dread {Cruel_Leader_gain_desc}The harsh methods of governing earned him ill reputation . {Cruel_Leader_lose_desc}The softness in dealing with people - evidence of how li ttle violence is in this man. {Cruel_Mistress}Cruel Mistress {Cruel_Mistress_desc}Displays a perverse pleasure in seeing those who put a foot out of place punished. {Cruel_Mistress_effects_desc}-3 Charm {Cruel_Ruler}Cruel Ruler {Cruel_Ruler_desc}Actually enjoys the act of making those under his dominion suf fer, so that they may fear and respect their master. {Cruel_Ruler_effects_desc}+3 Dread, -2 from personal security (increases the cha nces of falling victim to assassination), +2 to squalor (decreases population gr owth and public order), +3 to law (improves public order) {Cruel_Ruler_epithet_desc}the Cruel {Cruel_and_Cunning}Cruel and Cunning {Cruel_and_Cunning_desc}It s not a mistake when this man unleashes death most pa inful upon his foes, he s taking a liking to it. {Cruel_and_Cunning_effects_desc}+2 Dread {Cruel_and_Cunning_gain_desc}Knows no mercy in battle, notorious for his cruelty . {Cruel_and_Cunning_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the last battle, this man is difficult to be accused of cruelty. {Cruelly_Deformed}Cruelly Deformed {Cruelly_Deformed_desc}This man s features are what most would consider either d eformed or inhuman. It is frightening and sad. {Cruelly_Deformed_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Cruelly_Deformed_epithet_desc}the Ugly {Cruelly_Exacting_Taxman}Cruelly Exacting Taxman {Cruelly_Exacting_Taxman_desc}Not a single taxable coin passes by this man unnot iced. This exacting efficiency does nothing to endear him unto the people. {Cruelly_Exacting_Taxman_effects_desc}30% bonus on tax income, +2 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order) {Crusader}Crusader {Crusader_desc}Lords who have no qualms about traveling to far off lands for nob le, spiritual causes serve as a great example to their men. {Crusader_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +1 Piety, +1 Command when fighting against G reenskins {Cuckold}Cuckold {Cuckold_desc}It is not a secret that this man has horns on his forehead. {Cuckold_effects_desc}-2 Influence {Cultured}Cultured {Cultured_desc}This man has some understanding and appreciation of the arts. {Cultured_effects_desc}+1 to popularity (improves public order) {Cunning_Ambusher}Cunning Ambusher

{Cunning_Ambusher_desc}This man is most effective at attacking an enemy, using c unning to position his forces well. {Cunning_Ambusher_effects_desc}+2 Command when ambushing {Cursed}Cursed {Cursed_desc}This man has been cursed by a practitioner of foul arts. He is cons tantly braced against its effects. {Cursed_effects_desc}-2 Command, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {DE_mage}Druchii Sorceress {DE_mage_desc}Druchii Sorceress {DE_mage_epithet_desc}- Druchii Sorceress {Daemon_prince}Daemon Prince {Daemon_prince_desc}This Khorne warrior has been blessed with the powers of the Chaos gods and been turned into a demigod. {Daemon_prince_epithet_desc}- Daemon Prince {Daft_Dealer}Daft Dealer {Daft_Dealer_desc}Has already failed in an attempt to put another merchant out o f business. {Daft_Dealer_effects_desc}-1 Finance {Damaged_Faith}Damaged Faith {Damaged_Faith_desc}Realising so many see the divine a different way is making t his man question if he can see it at all anymore. {Damaged_Faith_effects_desc}-3 Piety {Damned}Damned {Damned_desc}This poor man now believes agents of pagan nightmare shall take him , his fate sealed. {Damned_effects_desc}-3 Piety, -4 Command, -2 Authority, -4 Morale for all troop s on the battlefield {Dangerous_Captain}Dangerous Captain {Dangerous_Captain_desc}An experienced cutthroat, accustomed to boarding the shi ps of more noble captains. {Dangerous_Captain_effects_desc}-1 Loyalty, +1 Command at sea {Dangerous_with_Cavalry}Dangerous with Cavalry {Dangerous_with_Cavalry_desc}Boasts an outstanding grasp of how to utilise caval ry in battle to devastating effect. {Dangerous_with_Cavalry_effects_desc}+2 Command when commanding cavalry {Dangerously_Mad}Dangerously Mad {Dangerously_Mad_desc}No longer acting with any sense of rational or consequence . Literally a danger to others around him. {Dangerously_Mad_effects_desc}-3 Command, -3 Authority, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, 10% penalty on all trade income, 5% penalty on tax income {Dangerously_Mad_epithet_desc}the Mad {Dauntless}Dauntless {Dauntless_Woman}Dauntless Woman {Dauntless_Woman_desc}Pity the poor assassin that is sent to cut down this deli cate flower . {Dauntless_Woman_effects_desc}+2 Charm, +2 to personal security (improves the ch ances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Dauntless_desc}Fear is not something that troubles this man. He will valiantly accept grim odds without complaint. {Dauntless_effects_desc}+2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Decadent}Decadent {Decadent_desc}It s natural to show off the rare goods that he deals in, but at what cost does this display of the exotic come? {Decadent_effects_desc}-2 Finance {Deceptive}Deceptive {Deceptive_desc}This man can hold himself in such a manner that others find it v ery difficult to glean when he is lying. {Deceptive_effects_desc}-2 Loyalty, +2 Authority {Declining_with_Age}Declining with Age {Declining_with_Age_desc}Time takes its toll. His stamina is not what it was few

years ago. {Declining_with_Age_effects_desc}-2 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits y our general can take before dying) {Declining_with_Age_gain_desc}People of his age should not engage in battles. {Deep_Pockets}Deep Pockets {Deep_Pockets_desc}Has made a habit of finding ways to acquire money that other people will not realise should be theirs. {Deep_Pockets_effects_desc}10% penalty on tax income {Delicate_Diplomat}Delicate Diplomat {Delicate_Diplomat_desc}When ladies of noble birth can handle negotiations so de licately, diplomats fear for their jobs. {Delicate_Diplomat_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Delicate_Diplomat_gain_desc}This lady s Charm has increased thanks to her effor ts in diplomacy. {Delicate_Diplomat_lose_desc}The beautiful lady was unable to conclude a diploma tic agreement and lost her Charm. {Delusions_of_Illness}Delusions of Illness {Delusions_of_Illness_desc}Slips into periods where he stubbornly swears blind t hat he is in grave health. It is a worrisome trait. {Delusions_of_Illness_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -1 Command when attacking, -4 from your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Deranged}Deranged {Deranged_desc}Is clearly dealing with things only he can see or understand. Not that he seems to understand a lot properly now. {Deranged_effects_desc}-2 Command, -2 Authority, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, 5% penalty on all trade income, 2% penalty on tax income {Desperate}Desperate {Desperate_desc}So keen on wedlock is this woman that men fear getting drunk nea r her, lest they wake up married. {Desperate_effects_desc}-3 Charm {Desperate_epithet_desc}the Man Hunter {Despises_Aztec_Ways}Despises Aztec Ways {Despises_Aztec_Ways_desc}Knowing that the Aztecs practise live sacrifice upon t heir victims fuels this man s desire to see them dead. {Despises_Aztec_Ways_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Aztecs {Despises_Foreigners}Despises Foreigners {Despises_Foreigners_desc}Resents having to talk to them, and abhors the prospec t of wedding one. {Despises_Foreigners_effects_desc}-3 Charm {Despises_Religion}Despises Religion {Despises_Religion_desc}Feels that religion is a diabolical sham, used to contro l the masses under threat of eternal spiritual suffering. {Despises_Religion_effects_desc}-8 Piety, +8 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order) {Despises_Religion_epithet_desc}the Faithless {Determined_in_Defence}Determined in Defence {Determined_in_Defence_desc}It seems that the need to defend themselves against an enemy superior in numbers, awakens the man hidden reserves... {Determined_in_Defence_effects_desc}+1 Troop Morale, +2 Command when defending {Devoid_of_Subtlety}Devoid of Subtlety {Devoid_of_Subtlety_desc}This man simply has no idea about how to prevent everyo ne within line of sight from knowing what he is up to. {Devoid_of_Subtlety_effects_desc}-3 from agent s skill {Devoutly_Religious}Devoutly Religious {Devoutly_Religious_desc}So pro-active in raising religious buildings and financ ing missionaries that his devotion is not in question. {Devoutly_Religious_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +4 Piety {Diabolical_with_Artillery}Diabolical with Artillery {Diabolical_with_Artillery_desc}Both artilleryman and fellow soldier alike are i

n trouble when under this fool s command. {Diabolical_with_Artillery_effects_desc}-3 Command when commanding artillery {Diabolically_Degenerate}Diabolically Degenerate {Diabolically_Degenerate_desc}A list of the sexual preferences of this man sends shivers down even the most liberal people. Necrophilia, bestiality, torture ... {Diabolically_Degenerate_effects_desc}-4 Piety, -2 Influence, -5 Popularity {Diabolically_Degenerate_epithet_desc}Filthy {Diplomatic_Ability}Diplomatic Ability {Diplomatic_Ability_desc}Early success with her diplomatic missions suggest that this lady may represent her people more often in the future. {Diplomatic_Ability_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Diplomatic_Ability_gain_desc}This lady s Charm has increased thanks to her effo rts in diplomacy. {Diplomatic_Ability_lose_desc}The beautiful lady was unable to conclude a diplom atic agreement and lost her Charm. {Diplomatic_Genius}Diplomatic Genius {Diplomatic_Genius_desc}All his life this man has always been able to make other s see things in a way they will be able to agree with him. {Diplomatic_Genius_effects_desc}+3 Influence {Diplomatic_Nature}Diplomatic Nature {Diplomatic_Nature_desc}Has always had a talent for being able to talk things th rough amiably. {Diplomatic_Nature_effects_desc}+1 Influence {Diplomatic_Weapon}Diplomatic Weapon {Diplomatic_Weapon_desc}This graceful creature s experience at playing on her fe minine charms has made her brilliant at having others see things her way. {Diplomatic_Weapon_effects_desc}+3 Charm {Diplomatic_Weapon_gain_desc}This lady s Charm has increased thanks to her effor ts in diplomacy. {Diplomatic_Weapon_lose_desc}The beautiful lady was unable to conclude a diploma tic agreement and lost her Charm. {Discreet}Discreet {Discreet_desc}Can be relied upon not to be bringing to light things that should be kept in the dark. {Discreet_effects_desc}+1 Influence {Disgusted_by_Blood}Disgusted by Blood {Disgusted_by_Blood_desc}Would plead for an administrative role to avoid the sig ht of bloodshed, and should be restricted to one. {Disgusted_by_Blood_effects_desc}-2 Authority, -2 Morale for all troops on the b attlefield {Dislikes_Catholics}Dislikes the Empire {Dislikes_Catholics_desc}Those filthy Imperials should be taught a lesson or two . {Dislikes_Catholics_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Imperials {Dislikes_Heretics}Dislikes Heretics {Dislikes_Heretics_desc}Nobody should see this - there are no heretic armies {Dislikes_Heretics_effects_desc}No effects {Dislikes_Hungarians}Dislikes Sylvania {Dislikes_Hungarians_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Sylvanians cause his bl ood to boil. {Dislikes_Hungarians_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Sylvania {Dislikes_Milanese}Dislikes Hochland {Dislikes_Milanese_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Hochlanders cause his blo od to boil. {Dislikes_Milanese_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Hochland {Dislikes_Moors}Dislikes Night Goblins {Dislikes_Moors_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Night Goblins cause his bloo d to boil. {Dislikes_Moors_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Night Goblins {Dislikes_Muslims}Dislikes all Greenskins

{Dislikes_Muslims_desc}Those good for nothing sorry excuses for living beings death to them all! {Dislikes_Muslims_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Greenskins {Dislikes_Orthodox}Dislikes non believers {Dislikes_Orthodox_desc}Hunt them down and burn them till they scream. {Dislikes_Orthodox_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against non believers {Dislikes_Pagans}Dislikes Pagans {Dislikes_Pagans_desc}How dare they to walk on this soil. They will pay with the ir blood for their actions. {Dislikes_Pagans_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting Pagans {Dislikes_Portugese}Dislikes Wissenland {Dislikes_Portugese_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Wissenlanders cause his blood to boil. {Dislikes_Portugese_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Wissenland {Dislikes_Rebels}Dislikes dirty rebels {Dislikes_Rebels_desc}Those arrogant, self-important rebel scums cause his blood to boil. {Dislikes_Rebels_effects_desc}No effects {Dislikes_Russians}Dislikes Kislev {Dislikes_Russians_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Kislevits cause his blood to boil. {Dislikes_Russians_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Kislev {Dislikes_Scots}Dislikes Middenland {Dislikes_Scots_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Middenlanders cause his bloo d to boil. {Dislikes_Scots_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Middenland {Dislikes_Sicilians}Dislikes Nordland {Dislikes_Sicilians_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Nordlanders cause his bl ood to boil. {Dislikes_Sicilians_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Nordland {Dislikes_the_Byzantines}Dislikes Ostland {Dislikes_the_Byzantines_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Ostlanders cause hi s blood to boil. {Dislikes_the_Byzantines_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Ostland {Dislikes_the_Danes}Dislikes Undivided Chaos {Dislikes_the_Danes_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Undivided Chaos Champion s cause his blood to boil. {Dislikes_the_Danes_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Chaos Undivide d {Dislikes_the_Egyptians}Dislikes Beastmen {Dislikes_the_Egyptians_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Bestmen cause his bl ood to boil. {Dislikes_the_Egyptians_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Egyptians {Dislikes_the_English}Dislikes High Elves {Dislikes_the_English_desc}Those arrogant, self-important High Elves cause his b lood to boil. {Dislikes_the_English_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against High Elves {Dislikes_the_French}Dislikes Ostermark {Dislikes_the_French_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Ostermarks cause his bl ood to boil. {Dislikes_the_French_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Ostermark {Dislikes_the_Mongols}Dislikes Dark Elves {Dislikes_the_Mongols_desc}Those pointy ears will be good snacks for our dogs. {Dislikes_the_Mongols_effects_desc}+1 Command fighting against Dark Elves {Dislikes_the_Papacy}Dislikes Grand Theogonist {Dislikes_the_Papacy_desc}Those arrogant, self-important followers of Sigmar ca use his blood to boil. {Dislikes_the_Papacy_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against the Grand The ogonist s forces {Dislikes_the_Poles}Dislikes Dwarfs

{Dislikes_the_Poles_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Dwarfs cause his blood t o boil. {Dislikes_the_Poles_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Dwarfs {Dislikes_the_Reich}Dislikes Reikland {Dislikes_the_Reich_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Reiklanders cause his bl ood to boil. {Dislikes_the_Reich_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Reikland {Dislikes_the_Spanish}Dislikes Talabecland {Dislikes_the_Spanish_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Talabeclanders cause h is blood to boil. {Dislikes_the_Spanish_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Talabecland {Dislikes_the_Timurids}Dislikes Timur {Dislikes_the_Timurids_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Timurids cause his bl ood to boil. {Dislikes_the_Timurids_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Timurids {Dislikes_the_Turks}Dislikes Orcs {Dislikes_the_Turks_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Orcs cause his blood to boil. {Dislikes_the_Turks_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Orcs {Dislikes_the_Venetians}Dislikes Averland {Dislikes_the_Venetians_desc}Those arrogant, self-important Averlanders cause hi s blood to boil. {Dislikes_the_Venetians_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting against Averland {Disloyal}Disloyal {Disloyal_desc}Quite apparent that this man selectively ignores or disobeys orde rs. {Disloyal_effects_desc}+2 Dread, -3 Loyalty {Disrespects_Prisoners}Disrespects Prisoners {Disrespects_Prisoners_desc}Has shown that he is prepared to coldly execute pris oners captured in battle. {Disrespects_Prisoners_effects_desc}+1 Dread {Disrespects_Prisoners_lose_desc}Compassionate acts committed by this man, force d others to forget about his former cruelty. {Distrusts_Evil_Machinery!}Distrusts Evil Machinery! {Distrusts_Evil_Machinery!_desc}This simpleton believes that machines are not to be trusted, and that any reliance upon them is a shameful weakness. {Distrusts_Evil_Machinery!_effects_desc}-3 Command when assaulting walls {Distrusts_Foreigners}Distrusts Foreigners {Distrusts_Foreigners_desc}This man disrespects any aliens and is very caucious when dealing with them. {Distrusts_Foreigners_effects_desc}+2 to public security (improves the chances o f detecting and capturing enemy agents) {Divine_Connection}Divine Connection {Divine_Connection_desc}There is no doubt in this man s mind that God speaks to him directly, and that he must heed his call. {Divine_Connection_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Divine_Protection}Divine Protection {Divine_Protection_desc}Quite certain that the Lord is watching over him, keepin g him safe no matter what the adversity. {Divine_Protection_effects_desc}+1 Piety, +1 Violence {Divorced}Divorced {Divorced_desc}Very happy man! {Divorced_effects_desc}No effects {Dogmatic}Dogmatic {Dogmatic_Beliefs}Dogmatic Beliefs {Dogmatic_Beliefs_desc}When one grows up being subjected to only one faith, acce pting the others is always very difficult. {Dogmatic_Beliefs_effects_desc}-1 Influence {Dogmatic_desc}Has spent much time in places his faith is already dominant, and finds adhering to doctrine easy as a result.

{Dogmatic_effects_desc}-2 Unorthodoxy {Dogmatically_Religious}Dogmatically Religious {Dogmatically_Religious_desc}Is more concerned with the spiritual character of t hose he deals with than striking the best deal. {Dogmatically_Religious_effects_desc}-2 Finance {Doomed_Defender}Doomed Defender {Doomed_Defender_desc}This man is constantly caught defending against impossible odds, making both he and his men are understandably glum. {Doomed_Defender_effects_desc}-3 Command when defending {Doomsayer}Doomsayer {Doomsayer_desc}Now utterly convinced that all the attempts on his life are test s from above, and that he is destined to fail one. {Doomsayer_effects_desc}+2 Unorthodoxy, -2 Violence {Doomsayer_epithet_desc}the Doomsayer {Dramatic_Visions}Dramatic Visions {Dramatic_Visions_desc}They certainly are dramatic - waving his arms about and s wooning like a besotted girl while the almighty sends word. {Dramatic_Visions_effects_desc}+3 Piety {Dreaded_Father}Dreaded Father {Dreaded_Father_desc}This man s father was feared enough that the people expect the same in his own behaviour. {Dreaded_Father_effects_desc}+1 Dread {Drillmaster}Drillmaster {Drillmaster_desc}This man drills his troops very hard, enough to both harden th em, and instil a little resentment. {Drillmaster_effects_desc}+25% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to f orced march), 10% discount on agent training {Driven}Driven {Driven_by_Rage}Driven by Rage {Driven_by_Rage_desc}So constantly maddened with rage is this man that he is qui te frightening to behold once he unleashes his anger. {Driven_by_Rage_effects_desc}+2 Dread, +2 Command, -2 Morale for all troops on t he battlefield {Driven_by_Rage_epithet_desc}the Wrathful {Driven_desc}This man does not let petty concerns or self indulgence get in the way of realising his ambitions. {Driven_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +20% to Movement Points (gives armies the abi lity to forced march) {Drong}Biography {Drong_desc}Long Drong (who as his name suggests was a rather tall Dwarf and cla imed a dubious line of descent from Drong the Hard a legendary Dwarf ancestor kn own from many sagas), began his career as a Dwarf seafarer in Barak Varr. He wor ked his way up from cabin Dwarf to captain. That was until one terrible voyage a round the coast of Sartossa. A storm blew up, the worst for a hundred years, and the ship foundrered on the treacherous rocks, the entire cargo of rare Dwarf al e was lost. This disaster was something no Dwarf could bear, and no self-respect ing Dwarf captain would wish to survive. Long Drong knew his career as a Dwarf t rader was over. He resolved to become a Slayer on the seven seas and to seek a h eroic end worthy of a saga. His crew, who were just as shamed by the loss of the cargo as their captain, followed his example and swore upon their ancestors to lead a life of roving Sea Slayers until a worthy death ended their shame and red eemed them in legend. {Drunken_Heathen}Drunken Heathen {Drunken_Heathen_desc}This man s drinking has become a problem, and he now regul arly makes a royal arse of himself. {Drunken_Heathen_effects_desc}-2 Command, -1 Authority, 2% penalty on tax income {Dubious}Dubious {Dubious_Denouncer}Dubious Denouncer {Dubious_Denouncer_desc}Although his desire to eradicate heresy is not in questi on, his ability to do so is.

{Dubious_Denouncer_effects_desc}-2 Piety {Dubious_desc}Capable of bringing himself to commit rather shameful acts. {Dubious_effects_desc}20% decrease to cost to bribe, 10% penalty on tax income, -1 from law (has a negative effect on public order) {Dutifully_Religious}Dutifully Religious {Dutifully_Religious_desc}Has spent considerable time dealing with men of faith, and is seen as pious for it. {Dutifully_Religious_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Dysfunctional}Dysfunctional {Dysfunctional_desc}This man has times when his madness prevents him from dealin g with what s at hand at all. {Dysfunctional_effects_desc}-1 Authority, -1 Morale for all troops on the battle field {Eager}Eager {Eager_desc}This man prefers activity to idleness. {Eager_effects_desc}+10% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march) {Easily_Riled}Easily Riled {Easily_Riled_desc}It only takes the mention of the wrong people or topic to set this man s temples throbbing. {Easily_Riled_effects_desc}+1 Authority {Eastern_Warlord}Eastern Warlord {Eastern_Warlord_desc}This eastern warlord has ridden to victory in many battles beyond the horizon. {Eastern_Warlord_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +2 Command {Easy_Target}Easy Target {Easy_Target_desc}His clumsy attempts at taking down his rivals suggest he would be an easy target himself. {Easy_Target_effects_desc}-2 Finance {Easy_on_the_Men}Easy on the Men {Easy_on_the_Men_desc}More concerned with whether or not the men like him as whe ther or not they are truly prepared for battle. {Easy_on_the_Men_effects_desc}+2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -10% to Movement Points (reduces the distance armies can march) {Edgey_Around_the_English}Edgey Around High Elves {Edgey_Around_the_English_desc}The warriors of Ulthuan have a quality which sets this man on edge somewhat. {Edgey_Around_the_English_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against High Elv es {Edgey_around_Egyptians}Edgey around Beastmen {Edgey_around_Egyptians_desc}The observant have noted this this man loses his gr ip ever so slightly at the sight or mention of a Beastman. {Edgey_around_Egyptians_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Beastmen {Edgey_around_Imperials}Edgey Around Reiklanders {Edgey_around_Imperials_desc}The sight of the Reikland banner takes this man bac k to a time he would sooner forget. {Edgey_around_Imperials_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Reiklander s {Educated}Educated {Educated_desc}Eloquence and wit make this bright young woman engaging and inter esting company. {Educated_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Effective_Ambusher}Effective Ambusher {Effective_Ambusher_desc}This man has shown a talent for choosing the right time and place to launch a surprise attack. {Effective_Ambusher_effects_desc}+1 Command when ambushing {Effective_at_Night}Effective at Night {Effective_at_Night_desc}Adept at using the cover of night to disguise his tacti cal manoeuvres on the battlefield. {Effective_at_Night_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting at night

{Effete}Effete {Effete_desc}Seems drained and spent - something that could be adversely affecti ng his ability to spawn heirs. {Effete_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Embezzler}Embezzler {Embezzler_desc}Has both the raw nerve and skilful cunning to take more than his share from those he answers to. {Embezzler_effects_desc}30% penalty on tax income {Employs_Security}Employs Security {Employs_Security_desc}The costs of guarding a small fortune can sometimes be a small fortune in itself. {Employs_Security_effects_desc}-1 Finance, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Enemy_of_Heresy}Enemy of Heresy {Enemy_of_Heresy_desc}His record of eradicating heresy from the lands he preache s in is most impressive. {Enemy_of_Heresy_effects_desc}+2 Piety, +1 Eligibility, +2 Purity, +2 Violence {Enemy_of_Heretics}Enemy of Heretics {Enemy_of_Heretics_desc}Is developing a reputation for being able to expose acts of heresy where few suspected any lurked. {Enemy_of_Heretics_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Enemy_of_Heretics_gain_desc}This man s Piety rating has increased thanks to suc cessfully denouncing another blasphemer. {Enemy_of_Heretics_lose_desc}The man was defeated in the fight against the pagan s, and lost part of his piety. {Energetic}Energetic {Energetic_desc}This man is never at a loss for something to do, even when he ma y rest. {Energetic_effects_desc}+15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to for ced march) {Engaging}Engaging {Engaging_desc}Few men are so keen to take on the challenges facing them as this spirited woman is. {Engaging_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Engineer}Engineer {Engineer_desc}Considered a qualified military engineer, this man is an expert a t ensuring he can get the absolute most out of his siege artillery. {Engineer_effects_desc}+2 Command when assaulting walls, +60 Build Points (requi red for the construction of siege equipment) {Engineer_epithet_desc}the Engineer {Engineer_gain_desc}This man now has matchless technical expertise in siege warf are. {Enjoys_a_Wager}Enjoys a Wager {Enjoys_a_Wager_desc}Prepared to stake a sizable amount of money on something, i f the wager and occasion are right. {Enjoys_a_Wager_effects_desc}5% penalty on all trade income, 10% decrease to cos t to bribe {Espionage}Espionage {Espionage_Expert}Espionage Expert {Espionage_Expert_desc}Focused upon maintaining an effective network of agents t o assist him in his strategies. {Espionage_Expert_effects_desc}+1 to public security (improves the chances of de tecting and capturing enemy agents), 20% discount on agent training costs {Espionage_desc}Has taken an interest in the field of espionage, having recruite d numerous spies and agents. {Espionage_effects_desc}10% discount on agent training costs {Everyone s_Friend}Everyone s Friend {Everyone s_Friend_desc}Enjoys his popularity, always keen to assemble a group o f friends, or friends to be. {Everyone s_Friend_effects_desc}+2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3

to popularity (improves public order) {Evil_Illness}Evil Illness {Evil_Illness_desc}Haunted by an illness that he has not been able to fully shak e since encountering a witch. {Evil_Illness_effects_desc}-2 Command, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefie ld {Excellent_Attacker}Excellent Attacker {Excellent_Attacker_desc}This man s confidence in attack rubs off on those he le ads into battle. {Excellent_Attacker_effects_desc}+4 Command when attacking {Excellent_Defender}Excellent Defender {Excellent_Defender_desc}This man s troops stand confidently when under attack, knowing their commander shall help them endure. {Excellent_Defender_effects_desc}+4 Command when defending {Exhalted_by_Pope}Exhalted by Grand Theogonist {Exhalted_by_Pope_desc}To devote one s life to Sigmar is the sort of thing even most knights would deem to be above and beyond the call. {Exhalted_by_Pope_effects_desc}+3 Piety, +3 Command when fighting Greenskins {Exhalted_by_Pope_epithet_desc}the Adored {Exotic_Tastes}Exotic Tastes {Exotic_Tastes_desc}Almost obsessive about finding the finest things the world h as to offer. {Exotic_Tastes_effects_desc}10% bonus on all trade income, 30% decrease to cost to bribe {Expensive_Tastes}Expensive Tastes {Expensive_Tastes_desc}This man s taste is not in question, but its extravagance sometimes is. {Expensive_Tastes_effects_desc}5% bonus on all trade income, 20% decrease to cos t to bribe {Expert_Necromancy}Advanced Necromancy {Expert_Saboteur}Expert Saboteur {Expert_Saboteur_desc}This man is very successful in the art of sabotage. {Expert_Saboteur_effects_desc}+2 to agent s skill {Expert_with_Artillery}Expert with Artillery {Expert_with_Artillery_desc}Has repeatedly proven his expertise at using artille ry to horrible effect. {Expert_with_Artillery_effects_desc}+3 Command when commanding artillery {Expert_with_Guns}Expert with Guns {Expert_with_Guns_desc}A commander that truly knows how to get the most of his t roops armed with guns. {Expert_with_Guns_effects_desc}+3 Command when commanding gunpowder troops {Exterminator}Exterminator {Exterminator_desc}Ready to slay the conquered peoples the instant victory arriv es. This is war, and these are the messages the enemy hears best. {Exterminator_effects_desc}+2 Dread, -2 Piety, +2 Unrest, 30% bonus to cash gain ed from looting {Extravagant}Extravagant {Extravagant_desc}Developed a habit of misspending wealth on the frivolous and u nnecessary. {Extravagant_effects_desc}5% increase to construction costs, 10% penalty on tax income {Faction_Leader}Faction Leader {Faction_Leader_desc}This man is the leader of one of the world s major powers, and commands respect and obedience as a result. {Faction_Leader_effects_desc}+1 Command, +2 Authority, +3 to personal security ( improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Fair_Fighter}Fair Fighter {Fair_Fighter_desc}Has shown that he can abstain from lowly acts on the field of battle. {Fair_Fighter_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry

{Fair_Fighter_gain_desc}This valiant and brave warrior is renowned for his gener ousity. {Fair_Fighter_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the final battle, this warrior is not as noble as he might have been before. {Fair_Jouster}Fair Jouster {Fair_Jouster_desc}Has entered enough jousts to have become an improved man in t he saddle. {Fair_Jouster_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +1 Command when commanding cavalry {Fair_Ruler}Fair Ruler {Fair_Ruler_desc}Sees little use in oppressing the people simply because he has opportunity to do so. {Fair_Ruler_effects_desc}-2 from unrest (improves public order), -1 from law (ha s a negative effect on public order) {Fair_and_Just}Fair and Just {Fair_and_Just_desc}At present the Catholic church is championing ideals of fair play and justice, making this man s job much harder than usual. {Fair_and_Just_effects_desc}-2 Piety {Fair_in_Rule}Fair in Rule {Fair_in_Rule_desc}His actions suggest he favours a path of fairness to his peop le when ruling. {Fair_in_Rule_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry {Fair_in_Rule_gain_desc}The subjects of this ruler admire his generosity. {Fair_in_Rule_lose_desc}Recently, this man has been too resourceful. Such behavi our cannot be considered noble. {Faithful}Faithful {Faithful_desc}Quite happy to make a lifelong commitment and stick to it, for be tter or for worse. {Faithful_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Faltering_Courage}Faltering Courage {Faltering_Courage_desc}Has shown more concern for his personal safety on the ba ttlefield than a commander should. {Faltering_Courage_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Faltering_Courage_gain_desc}This man has finally - and accurately - been accuse d of running away from the enemy! {Faltering_Courage_lose_desc}Although this man has run from battle in the past, his stain of cowardice is now washed away. {Famous_Pirate}Famous Pirate {Famous_Pirate_desc}A pirate captain of some infamy, all attributed to grizzly d eeds at sea. {Famous_Pirate_effects_desc}-2 Loyalty, +2 Command at sea {Famous_Racer}Famous Racer {Famous_Racer_desc}To be known as one of the better riders throughout Islam is q uite an honourable distinction. {Famous_Racer_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +10% to Movement Points (gives armies t he ability to forced march), +1 Command when commanding cavalry {Famous_Victor}Famous Victor {Famous_Victor_desc}This man is the toast of the people, always admiring those w ho bring them victory. {Famous_Victor_effects_desc}+2 Authority, -1 from personal security (increases t he chances of falling victim to assassination), +2 to popularity (improves publi c order) {Farming_Knowledge}Farming Knowledge {Farming_Knowledge_desc}Has a grasp of how to work the land, having overseen the establishment of several farming districts. {Farming_Knowledge_effects_desc}+1 to farming output {Fascinated_by_Foreigners}Fascinated by Foreigners {Fascinated_by_Foreigners_desc}This man is more to strangers than to his own, he likes outlandish customs. {Fascinated_by_Foreigners_effects_desc}-3 from public security (reduces the chan ces of detecting and capturing enemy agents)

{Fear_of_the_Dark}Fear of the Dark {Fear_of_the_Dark_desc}This man is afraid of the dark, like a little kid. He was unable to cope with their fear. {Fear_of_the_Dark_effects_desc}-2 Command when fighting at night, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Fears_Aztecs}Fears Aztecs {Fears_Aztecs_desc}This man s fear of the Aztecs has grown strong enough for his troops to see it in his eyes, and it a worry to them and him both. {Fears_Aztecs_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Comma nd when fighting against Aztecs {Fears_Blood}Fears Blood {Fears_Blood_desc}Usually turns at the sight of blood, and he if cannot do so, i s immediately sick. {Fears_Blood_effects_desc}-3 Authority, -3 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld {Fears_Catholic_Warriors}Fears Catholic Warriors {Fears_Catholic_Warriors_desc}This man showed a clear fear of the warriors of Or der of Light, that takes away the ground from under the feet of his soldiers. {Fears_Catholic_Warriors_effects_desc}-1 Troop Morale, -2 Command when fighting forces of the Light {Fears_Conflict}Fears Conflict {Fears_Conflict_desc}A man who fears getting hurt should not be leading men into battle. {Fears_Conflict_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Fears_Danes}Fears Chaos Undivided {Fears_Danes_desc}A clear fear of any connections to the Norsca bloodlines make this man a poor leader against the Chaos Undivided forces. {Fears_Danes_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Comman d when fighting against Chaos Undivided {Fears_Heretics}Do not translate {Fears_Heretics_desc}Do not translate {Fears_Heretics_effects_desc}Do not translate {Fears_Hungarians}Fears Sylvanians {Fears_Hungarians_desc}The Carsteins are a menace! Those tales of horror from Dr akenhof are likely true as well! {Fears_Hungarians_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 C ommand when fighting against Sylvanians {Fears_Milanese}Fears Hochlanders {Fears_Milanese_desc}Surely those misers from Hochland have bought a murderous m ilitary machine that cannot be stopped! {Fears_Milanese_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Com mand when fighting against Hochlanders {Fears_Mongols}Fears Dark Elves {Fears_Mongols_desc}This man showed a clear fear of the Druchii, that takes away the ground from under the feet of his soldiers. {Fears_Mongols_effects_desc}-1 Troop Morale, -2 Command when fighting with the D ark Elves {Fears_Muslims}Fears Greenskins {Fears_Muslims_desc}This man showed a clear fear of the Greenskins, that takes a way the ground from under the feet of his soldiers. {Fears_Muslims_effects_desc}-1 Troop Morale, -2 Command when fighting with the G reenskins {Fears_Orthodox_Warriors}Fears Orthodox Warriors {Fears_Orthodox_Warriors_desc}This man showed a clear fear in the face of Orthod ox Christians, that takes away the ground from under the feet of his soldiers. {Fears_Orthodox_Warriors_effects_desc}-1 Troop Morale, -2 Command when fighting with the Orthodox Warriors {Fears_Pagans}Fears Pagans {Fears_Pagans_desc}Rightly fears get in the hands of the Pagans, and shall take all possible measures against such a catastrophe.

{Fears_Pagans_effects_desc}-1 Troop Morale, -2 Command when fighting with the Pa gans {Fears_Portugese}Fears Wissenlanders {Fears_Portugese_desc}Goes on about how fierce and terrible the Wissenlanders ar e that now his own men are taking heed. {Fears_Portugese_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Co mmand when fighting against Wissenlanders {Fears_Rebelling_Forces}Fears Rebelling Forces {Fears_Rebelling_Forces_desc}The people of petty fiefdoms are fierce and without reason! His fear shows for others to see. {Fears_Rebelling_Forces_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Fears_Russians}Fears Kislevites {Fears_Russians_desc}His open fear of Kislevites makes him a poor commander to l ead an army against them. {Fears_Russians_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Com mand when fighting against Kislevites {Fears_Scots}Fears Middenlanders {Fears_Scots_desc}The Middenlanders may be notoriously hardy, but to openly fear them is shameful for a leader. {Fears_Scots_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Comman d when fighting against Middenlanders {Fears_Sicilians}Fears Nordlanders {Fears_Sicilians_desc}Knowing what the Nordlanders are capable of has forced thi s man to give them too much respect. {Fears_Sicilians_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Co mmand when fighting against Nordlanders {Fears_Venetians}Fears Averlanders {Fears_Venetians_desc}Events have driven this man to a point where his fear of A verlanders is shamefully apparent. {Fears_Venetians_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Co mmand when fighting against Averlanders {Fears_no_Odds}Fears no Odds {Fears_no_Odds_desc}This man does not mind if the odds are stacked against him, as he has stood in defiance of those odds many times. {Fears_no_Odds_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3 Comm and when defending {Fears_no_Odds_epithet_desc}the Steadfast {Fears_the_Byzantine}Fears Ostlanders {Fears_the_Byzantine_desc}An outwardly apparent lack of self-control becomes cle ar when this man comes into contact with Ostlanders. {Fears_the_Byzantine_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, 2 Command when fighting against Ostlanders {Fears_the_Egyptians}Fears the Beastmen {Fears_the_Egyptians_desc}Talk of this man going yellow at the sight of a Beastm an has graduated from speculation to known fact. {Fears_the_Egyptians_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, 2 Command when fighting against Beastmen {Fears_the_English}Fears High Elves {Fears_the_English_desc}Clearly harbours a belief that there s something to be s cared of about Elvish warriors, and his men find that hard to respect. {Fears_the_English_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Command when fighting against High Elves {Fears_the_French}Fears Ostermarkers {Fears_the_French_desc}The Ostermarkers may boast many champions of feudal warfa re, but that is no good reason for a leader to fear them. {Fears_the_French_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 C ommand when fighting against Ostermarkers {Fears_the_Moors}Fears Night Goblins {Fears_the_Moors_desc}Has seen what hell Night Goblins can bring with them, and is too fearful of it to have the stomach to face them in battle.

{Fears_the_Moors_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Co mmand when fighting against Night Goblins {Fears_the_Papacy}Fears Grand Thogonist {Fears_the_Papacy_desc}To be Godfearing is not so outlandish, but to fear the Gr and Theogonist It s no way for a warrior to be. {Fears_the_Papacy_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 C ommand when fighting against the Grand Theogonist {Fears_the_Poles}Fears Dwarfs {Fears_the_Poles_desc}Is openly fearful of Dwarf ways, particularly those he has seen in battle. {Fears_the_Poles_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Co mmand when fighting against Dwarfs {Fears_the_Reich}Fears the Reikland Principality {Fears_the_Reich_desc}The sturdy warriors of Reikland clearly shatter this man s resolve in battle. {Fears_the_Reich_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Co mmand when fighting against the Reikland Principality {Fears_the_Spanish}Fears Talabeclanders {Fears_the_Spanish_desc}His unwillingness to face Talabeclanders in battle is so mething his men are saddened to notice. {Fears_the_Spanish_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Command when fighting against Talabeclanders {Fears_the_Timurids}Fears the Timurids {Fears_the_Timurids_desc}Unable to hide his fear of facing the Timurids in battl e, only a foolish ruler would make him do so. {Fears_the_Timurids_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Command when fighting against Timurids {Fears_the_Turks}Fears Orcs {Fears_the_Turks_desc}It has become apparent to others that this man has let Orc s get to him. {Fears_the_Turks_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Co mmand when fighting against Orcs {Fecund}Fecund {Fecund_desc}Nothing wrong with this lady s ability to produce heirs. {Fecund_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {Feeling_Invulnerable}Feeling Invulnerable {Feeling_Invulnerable_desc}Survived so many attempts on his life that he now hol ds himself with extreme confidence in all situations. {Feeling_Invulnerable_effects_desc}+3 Piety {Feeling_Poorly}Feeling Poorly {Feeling_Poorly_desc}Often mistakes a bad night s sleep for an oncoming bout of illness. {Feeling_Poorly_effects_desc}-1 Command when attacking, -2 from your general s h itpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Feeling_Vulnerable}Feeling Vulnerable {Feeling_Vulnerable_desc}So suspicious of another attempt on his life he has los t much of his ability to convey any sense of trust. {Feeling_Vulnerable_effects_desc}-3 Piety {Feeling_the_Risks}Feeling the Risks {Feeling_the_Risks_desc}Concerned for his safety, this diplomat has taken to kee ping a guard with himself, even during private audiences. {Feeling_the_Risks_effects_desc}-2 Influence, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Feeling_the_Years}Feeling the Years {Feeling_the_Years_desc}This man is not so enduring, as in previous years. {Feeling_the_Years_effects_desc}-1 from your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Feels_Appreciated}Feels Appreciated {Feels_Appreciated_desc}Feels he is treated accordingly for his efforts. {Feels_Appreciated_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty

{Feels_Appreciated_gain_desc}This man is satisfied with hir life and faithful to the governor more than ever before. {Feels_Appreciated_lose_desc}This man is unhappy with the way he is treated. {Feels_Dishonoured}Feels Dishonoured {Feels_Dishonoured_desc}Dwells on a belief that he is intentionally being treate d poorly by his master. {Feels_Dishonoured_effects_desc}-5 Loyalty {Feels_Dishonoured_gain_desc}This man is unhappy with the way he is treated. {Feels_Dishonoured_lose_desc}This man is satisfied with his life and is faithful to the governor, more than ever before. {Feels_Disrespected}Feels Disrespected {Feels_Disrespected_desc}Prone to thinking about how his talents could be better used by his rulers. {Feels_Disrespected_effects_desc}-3 Loyalty {Feels_Disrespected_gain_desc}This man is unhappy with the way he is treated. {Feels_Disrespected_lose_desc}This man is satisfied with his life and is faithfu l to the governor, more than ever before. {Feels_Honoured}Feels Honoured {Feels_Honoured_desc}Has been made to feel like a truly valued and honoured memb er of his people. {Feels_Honoured_effects_desc}+5 Loyalty {Feels_Honoured_gain_desc}This man is satisfied with his life and faithful to th e governor, more than ever before. {Feels_Honoured_lose_desc}This man is unhappy with the way he is treated. {Feels_Respected}Feels Respected {Feels_Respected_desc}Believes he is treated with respect by his ruler. {Feels_Respected_effects_desc}+3 Loyalty {Feels_Respected_gain_desc}This man is satisfied with his life and faithful to t he governor, more than ever before. {Feels_Respected_lose_desc}This man is unhappy with the way he is treated. {Feels_Unappreciated}Feels Unappreciated {Feels_Unappreciated_desc}Is somewhat disgruntled about his lot in life of late. {Feels_Unappreciated_effects_desc}-1 Loyalty {Feels_Unappreciated_gain_desc}This man is unhappy with the way he is treated. {Feels_Unappreciated_lose_desc}This man is satisfied with his life and faithful to the governor, more than ever before. {Feracious}Feracious {Feracious_desc}Understood to be in perfect health to bear children. {Feracious_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {Fernando}Biography {Fernando_desc}Pirazzo s Lost Legion are all that remains of the expedition sent to Lustria by the merchants of Tobaro. The regiment was one of three recruited in Tobaro from among the reckless and poverty-stricken youths of the city. The p romise of untold wealth to be found in the jungles of Lustria was a temptation n one could resist and they joined the colours in droves. {Fertile}Fertile {Fertile_desc}This man is of the strongest sort of breeding, a potent agent in t he expansion of his bloodline. {Fertile_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {Field_Tyrant}Field Tyrant {Field_Tyrant_desc}He exerts his malevolent plans upon his enemies in ways that suggest he is devoid of a conscience. {Field_Tyrant_effects_desc}+4 Dread, +1 Authority {Field_Tyrant_epithet_desc}the Tyrant {Field_Tyrant_gain_desc}Knows no mercy in battle, notorious for his cruelty. {Field_Tyrant_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the last battle, this man is d ifficult to be accused of cruelty. {Fierce_in_Battle}Fierce in Battle {Fierce_in_Battle_desc}Gets worked up into a frenzy as battle commences, making him both reckless and frightening.

{Fierce_in_Battle_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlef ield, +1 Command when attacking, -1 Command when defending {Fierce_in_Battle_gain_desc}This man is beginning to frighten people just by his menacing presence. {Financial_Training}Financial Training {Financial_Training_desc}The influence of the local merchants guild house have made this man more shrewd with money. {Financial_Training_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Fine_Officer}Fine Officer {Fine_Officer_desc}This man has developed a sound understanding of navigation an d naval tactics, making him a worthy officer. {Fine_Officer_effects_desc}+2 Command at sea {Fine_Officer_gain_desc}This officer is showing a new degree of competency after his last victory. {Fine_with_Blood}Fine with Blood {Fine_with_Blood_desc}Most pleased to see blood, particularly if it belongs to t he enemy. {Fine_with_Blood_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +1 Command, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Firm_Ruler}Firm Ruler {Firm_Ruler_desc}This man believes that exerting authority is necessary to maint ain order. {Firm_Ruler_effects_desc}+1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), + 2 to law (improves public order) {First_Among_Firsts}First Among Firsts {First_Among_Firsts_desc}Boasts a proud legacy of being a man that other rulers bow to, his authority and will are rarely challenged. {First_Among_Firsts_effects_desc}+4 Authority {Fiscally_Challenged}Fiscally Challenged {Fiscally_Challenged_desc}Simply isn t any good at spotting problems in an urban trade system. {Fiscally_Challenged_effects_desc}10% penalty on all trade income {Flatulant}Flatulant {Flatulant_desc}Ever since this man s encounter with that horrid pagan crone, hi s stomach has been turning endlessly. {Flatulant_effects_desc}-2 Command, -1 Authority, -2 Morale for all troops on th e battlefield {Flawed_Attacker}Flawed Attacker {Flawed_Attacker_desc}This man has yet to show the right mindset to lead an atta ck. {Flawed_Attacker_effects_desc}-1 Command when attacking {Flawed_Defender}Flawed Defender {Flawed_Defender_desc}This man is not entirely comfortable with defending, possi bly intimidated by the scale of it all. {Flawed_Defender_effects_desc}-1 Command when defending {Flawed_Features}Flawed Features {Flawed_Features_desc}This woman has received many gifts throughout the years, b ut good looks are not among them. {Flawed_Features_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Former_Successor}Former Successor {Former_Successor_desc}Was once at the head of the line of succession to the thr one, but has lost this position, along with the influence that came with it. {Former_Successor_effects_desc}-3 Loyalty {Forsaken}Forsaken {Forsaken_desc}Very aware that mortal danger can still reach those who are reach ing for the divine. {Forsaken_effects_desc}+1 Unorthodoxy, -1 Violence {Foul_Mouthed}Foul Mouthed {Foul_Mouthed_desc}Dresses his sentences in expletives, endearing him to the rab ble, but not to royalty.

{Foul_Mouthed_effects_desc}+1 Dread, -1 Piety, +1 Command, +2 Morale for all tro ops on the battlefield {Fraudulent}Fraudulent {Fraudulent_desc}This man is prepared to mask his movements and mislead others t o bolster his own personal fortune. {Fraudulent_effects_desc}20% penalty on tax income {Gambler}Gambler {Gambler_desc}Enjoys the thrill of chance enough to indulge in it regularly. Oft en to the detriment of his coffers. {Gambler_effects_desc}10% penalty on all trade income, 20% decrease to cost to b ribe {Gaudy}Gaudy {Gaudy_desc}Known for surrounding himself with the costly commodities he deals i n, he can neither be fully trusted, nor fully trust others. {Gaudy_effects_desc}-2 Finance, -1 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination) {General_Religion}General Religion {General_Religion_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden trait for inquisitors {General_Religion_effects_desc}+3 Piety {Generally_Loyal}Generally Loyal {Generally_Loyal_desc}Typically does the right things by those he has pledged to serve. {Generally_Loyal_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty {Generous}Generous {Generous_desc}Has no problem in parting with his coin for those in greater need . It will help them more after all. {Generous_effects_desc}2% penalty on tax income {Genius}Genius {Genius_desc}Blessed with a superior intellect, this man s genius is an asset th at he can apply to all aspects of his life. {Genius_effects_desc}+3 Command, 10% bonus on all trade income, 10% bonus on tax income {Geologist}Geologist {Geologist_desc}Has developed a passion for understanding the lay of the land, a nd how to locate rich seams of metallic ore. {Geologist_effects_desc}30% bonus on mining income {Gets_Merry}Gets Merry {Gets_Merry_desc}Not at all opposed to letting his guard down when drinking amon g friends. {Gets_Merry_effects_desc}+1 to popularity (improves public order) {Glorious_Fool}Glorious Fool {Glorious_Fool_desc}His quest for glory in battle makes him an inspiration to th e men That will likely die for his cause. {Glorious_Fool_effects_desc}-3 Command, +6 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld {Glorious_Fool_gain_desc}This man s daring attacks are brave, but are costing th e lives of many men. {Glory_Hunter}Glory Hunter {Glory_Hunter_desc}Clearly better at convincing his troops that he will lead the m to glory than actually doing so. {Glory_Hunter_effects_desc}-2 Command, +4 Morale for all troops on the battlefie ld {Godfearing}Godfearing {Godfearing_desc}So diligently has this man reformed his spiritual ways, he is u nbearable, but beyond all suspicion. {Godfearing_effects_desc}+3 Piety, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Godfearing_epithet_desc}the Godfearer {Good_Diplomat}Good Diplomat {Good_Diplomat_desc}Understands both how to act, and how to read while at the di plomacy table.

{Good_Diplomat_effects_desc}+2 Influence {Good_Jouster}Good Jouster {Good_Jouster_desc}More than competent with a lance in hand, and quite a contend er at the tourney. {Good_Jouster_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +1 Command when commanding cavalry {Good_Racer}Good Racer {Good_Racer_desc}Has taken to entering the races and is learning much about ridi ng mounts better. {Good_Racer_effects_desc}+5% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to for ced march) {Good_at_Math}Good at Math {Good_at_Math_desc}Well versed enough in the way of numbers to be considered ade pt at mathematics. {Good_at_Math_effects_desc}+1 Command when assaulting walls, +20 Build Points (r equired for the construction of siege equipment), 10% bonus on all trade income {Good_at_the_Walls}Good at the Walls {Good_at_the_Walls_desc}This man has an basic grasp of how to stave off a besieg ing enemy. {Good_at_the_Walls_effects_desc}+1 Command when defending walls {Good_with_Artillery}Good with Artillery {Good_with_Artillery_desc}Has shown some ability at using artillery effectively on the field of battle. {Good_with_Artillery_effects_desc}+1 Command when commanding artillery {Good_with_Cavalry}Good with Cavalry {Good_with_Cavalry_desc}Possesses a feel for how to direct cavalry units in batt le. {Good_with_Cavalry_effects_desc}+1 Command when commanding cavalry {Good_with_Guns}Good with Guns {Good_with_Guns_desc}Understands how to effectively use guns in battle. {Good_with_Guns_effects_desc}+1 Command when commanding gunpowder troops {Good_with_Infantry}Good with Infantry {Good_with_Infantry_desc}Has a good grasp of how to utilise infantry units effec tively in battle. {Good_with_Infantry_effects_desc}+1 Command when commanding infantry {Good_with_Money}Good with Money {Good_with_Money_desc}Displayed an uncommon understanding of how to work with mo ney from an early age. {Good_with_Money_effects_desc}+1 Finance {Good_with_Taxes}Good with Taxes {Good_with_Taxes_desc}Has an innate sense for knowing when people are avoiding p aying tax, and how to fix the problem without chronic oppression. {Good_with_Taxes_effects_desc}10% bonus on tax income {Gossips}Gossips {Gossips_desc}Is careless in the way he trades secrets, he enjoys it too much to hold back. {Gossips_effects_desc}-2 Influence {Gotrek}Biography {Gotrek_desc}Gotrek Gurnisson is the greatest Dwarven Slayer ever to have lived. A vision of Arek Demonclaw shows that after returning from his first incursion into the Chaos Wastes, Gotrek found his wife and children dead. The vision then shows Gotrek in the court of an unnamed dwarf lord, and Gotrek arguing with the said lord. Afterwards the dwarf lord sentences Gotrek to an unnamed fate, at whi ch Gotrek kills the Lord and his bodyguard and all others that do not flee. Wrac ked with guilt and shame, Gotrek shaved his hair, becoming a Slayer. It is rumor ed that in the early days of his wandering he ventured into the Chaos Wastes and returned with his axe. This weapon may be one the reasons Gotrek has lived so l ong. Its power rivals that of the legendary Axe of Grimmir born by the Dwarf Hig h King Thorgrim Grudgebearer. Since acquiring the axe Gotrek has become all but invincible in battle. {Gotrek_effects_desc}+6 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general

can take before dying), +8 Dread {Graceful_Traveller}Graceful Traveller {Graceful_Traveller_desc}Well versed enough in foreign ways to be greeted as a l ocal, even when far from home. {Graceful_Traveller_effects_desc}+2 Finance {GrandMasterBull}Grand Master {GrandMasterBull_desc}This man is the Grand Master of the Order of the Bull. {GrandMasterBull_effects_desc}Grand Master {GrandMasterBull_epithet_desc}- Grand Master {GrandMasterBull_gain_desc}Grand Master {GrandMasterBull_lose_desc}Grand Master {Grand_Conspirator}Grand Conspirator {Grand_Conspirator_desc}This man weaves complex webs that are too complicated to be called plans - only he can follow them. {Grand_Conspirator_effects_desc}+3 to agent s skill {Grand_Crusader}Grand Crusader {Grand_Crusader_desc}To devote one s life to the Crusades is the sort of thing e ven most knights would deem to be above and beyond the call. {Grand_Crusader_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry, +3 Piety, +3 Command when fighting aga inst Greenskins {Grand_Crusader_epithet_desc}the Crusader {Grand_Inquisitor}Grand Inquisitor {Grand_Inquisitor_desc}Known far and wide as an absolute authority on spiritual purity, utterly unafraid to denounce even royalty. {Grand_Inquisitor_effects_desc}+5 Piety {Grand_Inquisitor_epithet_desc}the Inquisitor {Grand_Inquisitor_gain_desc}This man s piety has increased thanks to successfull y denouncing yet another blasphemer. {Grand_Inquisitor_lose_desc}The man was defeated in a fight against the pagans, and lost a part of his piety. {Grand_Jaguar}Grand Jaguar {Grand_Jaguar_desc}Has been responsible for many great victories, a truly mighty Cuman commander. {Grand_Jaguar_effects_desc}+3 Dread, +6 Command {Great_Admiral}Great Admiral {Great_Admiral_desc}So fierce and capable is this experienced naval commander, m ost pirates mention his name in nervous whispers. {Great_Admiral_effects_desc}+4 Command at sea {Great_Admiral_gain_desc}After this admiral s last victory, it is obvious his co mmand ability is continuing to improve. {Great_Ambusher}Great Ambusher {Great_Ambusher_desc}This man has repeatedly proven his ability to take out an e nemy force when striking from an ambush position. {Great_Ambusher_effects_desc}+3 Command when ambushing {Great_Aptitude}Great Aptitude {Great_Aptitude_desc}Has always shown a natural ability to channel spirits and o ther unholy acts. {Great_Aptitude_effects_desc}+3 Magic {Great_Builder}Great Builder {Great_Builder_desc}Has left a legacy in stone that is sure to endure. He inspir es his workers to complete great buildings with even greater efficiency. {Great_Builder_effects_desc}15% discount on construction costs, -3 from squalor (increases public order and population growth) {Great_Builder_epithet_desc}the Builder {Great_Cavalry_Commander}Great Cavalry Commander {Great_Cavalry_Commander_desc}A true master of cavalry tactics, his troops utter ly confident in his commands. {Great_Cavalry_Commander_effects_desc}+3 Command when commanding cavalry {Great_Cavalry_Commander_epithet_desc}the Horseman {Great_Cavalry_Commander_gain_desc}This man is now seen as one of the great cava

lry commanders of the current day. {Great_Commander}Great Commander {Great_Commander_desc}This man boasts a proud legacy of decisive command in batt le, reliable and effective. {Great_Commander_effects_desc}+4 Command {Great_Commander_gain_desc}This man has gained another Command star thanks to re lentless success in battle. {Great_Commander_lose_desc}After the defeat this commander lost one of his Comma nd stars. {Great_Conqueror}Great Conqueror {Great_Conqueror_desc}The fall of two great peoples are just a part of the legac y this man is forging. {Great_Conqueror_effects_desc}+2 Authority {Great_Conqueror_epithet_desc}the Conqueror {Great_Crusader}Great Crusader {Great_Crusader_desc}Some show their devotion through prayer, but this man shows it through battling in God s name. {Great_Crusader_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +2 Piety, +2 Command when fighting aga inst Greenskins {Great_Racer}Great Racer {Great_Racer_desc}Now a master in the saddle, able to drive any animal further, and faster. {Great_Racer_effects_desc}+5% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to fo rced march), +1 Command when commanding cavalry {Great_Speaker}Great Speaker {Great_Speaker_desc}Capable of inspiring tears or cries of joy when addressing a group of men on a serious matter. {Great_Speaker_effects_desc}+1 to law (improves public order) {Gregarious}Gregarious {Gregarious_desc}A man of the men, more at home when surrounded with friends tha n alone on a throne. {Gregarious_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 to popu larity (improves public order) {Grim_Commander}Grim Commander {Grim_Commander_desc}Has passed the opportunity to pay a reasonable sum for the lives of his captured troops. {Grim_Commander_effects_desc}+1 Dread {Grim_Commander_lose_desc}Compassionate acts committed by this man forced others to forget about his former cruelty. {Grosskomtur}Exalted Chaos Champion {Grosskomtur_desc}This one is the second in command of the armed forces of Chaos . {Grosskomtur_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Influence, +1 Troop Morale, +2 to perso nal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attemp ts) {Growing_Conviction}Growing Conviction {Growing_Conviction_desc}Surviving an attempt on his life has instilled this man with a little more confidence than he had before the event. {Growing_Conviction_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Growing_Faith}Growing Faith {Growing_Faith_desc}Seeing that his preaching has made a difference is helping t his priest s faith grow. {Growing_Faith_effects_desc}+1 Piety {HE_mage}High Elf Archmage {HE_mage_desc}High Elf Archmage {HE_mage_epithet_desc} - Archmage {Handsome}Handsome {Handsome_desc}Considered by most to be a good looking man. {Handsome_effects_desc}+1 to popularity (improves public order) {Hard_But_Fair}Hard But Fair

{Hard_But_Fair_desc}Feels that it is the people s duty to obey the laws of the l and, not question them. {Hard_But_Fair_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Hard_Justice}Hard Justice {Hard_Justice_desc}States that justice is about crime, and crime is about punish ment. Thus, justice is about punishment. {Hard_Justice_effects_desc}+1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +2 to law (improves public order) {Harsh_Commander}Harsh Commander {Harsh_Commander_desc}Commonly deems that those of his men that fall to the enem y are not worth paying for again. {Harsh_Commander_effects_desc}+3 Dread, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld {Harsh_Justice}Harsh Justice {Harsh_Justice_desc}Believes that if punishment is not being administered on a r egular basis, then crime will spread unchecked! {Harsh_Justice_effects_desc}+2 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order) , +4 to law (improves public order) {Harsh_Mistress}Harsh Mistress {Harsh_Mistress_desc}Considers the need for order justification for rather heavy -handed laws and punishment. {Harsh_Mistress_effects_desc}-2 Charm {Harsh_Ruler}Harsh Ruler {Harsh_Ruler_desc}Makes the lives of the people less bearable. He often humiliat es peasants simply out of spite. {Harsh_Ruler_effects_desc}+2 Dread, -1 from personal security (increases the cha nces of falling victim to assassination), +1 to squalor (decreases population gr owth and public order), +3 to law (improves public order) {Harsh_Taskmaster}Harsh Taskmaster {Harsh_Taskmaster_desc}This man drives his troops to breaking point with an iron fist. As much as they despise him for it, he makes them better warriors. {Harsh_Taskmaster_effects_desc}+1 Command, +1 Authority, -2 Morale for all troop s on the battlefield, +20% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to force d march), +1 to law (improves public order) {Has_no_Fear}Has no Fear {Has_no_Fear_desc}Somewhere there is a line between bravery and foolishness This man has crossed that line plenty of times. {Has_no_Fear_effects_desc}+2 Authority, +2 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld {Has_no_Fear_epithet_desc}the Fearless {Has_no_Fear_gain_desc}This man is now lauded as a hero by all - an inspiration to those he leads into battle! +3 Hit Points {Hashashins _Guild_Apprentice}Hashashins Guild Apprentice {Hashashins _Guild_Apprentice_desc}The presence of a Master Hashashins Guild wi thin the kingdom has made this man a more effective operative. {Hashashins _Guild_Apprentice_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Hashashins _Guild_Journeyman}Hashashins Guild Journeyman {Hashashins _Guild_Journeyman_desc}The presence of Hashashins Guild HQ within t he kingdom has afforded this man significantly enhanced training. {Hashashins _Guild_Journeyman_effects_desc}+2 to agent s skill {Hates_Aztecs}Hates Aztecs {Hates_Aztecs_desc}There is no mercy in this man s heart for the Aztecs heathens that inhabit this rich New World. {Hates_Aztecs_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Comma nd when fighting against Aztecs {Hates_Catholics}ates the forces of Light {Hates_Catholics_desc}This man is full of hatred for the warriors of Light, and is ready to kill them without mercy. {Hates_Catholics_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against the forces of Lig ht

{Hates_Heretics}ates Heretics {Hates_Heretics_desc}Nobody should see this - there are no heretic armies {Hates_Heretics_effects_desc}No effects {Hates_Muslims}ates Greenskins {Hates_Muslims_desc}This man is full of hatred towards Greenskins, he is ready t o kill them without mercy. {Hates_Muslims_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Greenskins {Hates_Orthodox}ates Orthodox {Hates_Orthodox_desc}This man is full of hatred for the Orthodox, he is ready to kill them without mercy. {Hates_Orthodox_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Orthodox {Hates_Pagans}ates Pagans {Hates_Pagans_desc}This man hates pagans, both current and former. The names of pagan gods make him hurl curses. {Hates_Pagans_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Pagans {Hates_Portugese}Hates Wissenlanders {Hates_Portugese_desc}Strikes with extra sting and zeal when his blows are aimed at a wretched cur from Wissenland. {Hates_Portugese_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Co mmand when fighting against Wissenlanders {Hates_Rebels}Hates Rebels {Hates_Rebels_desc}Crushing rebel forces is a task this man relishes, and manage s to excel at accordingly. {Hates_Rebels_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Hates_Russians}Hates Kislevites {Hates_Russians_desc}Bears a grudge against the Kislevites, and has thought abou t how best to face them in battle. {Hates_Russians_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Kislevites {Hates_Scots}Hates Middenlanders {Hates_Scots_desc}This man bears an irrational hatred of the Middenlanders in hi s heart, that unnerves him a little. {Hates_Scots_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Middenlanders {Hates_Sicilians}Hates Nordlanders {Hates_Sicilians_desc}Most men deserve an honourable death, but that is because most men aren t Nordlanders. {Hates_Sicilians_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Nordlanders {Hates_the_Byzantines}Hates Ostlanders {Hates_the_Byzantines_desc}There s enough conviction in this man s drive to defe at the Ostlanders in battle that his men are inspired themselves. {Hates_the_Byzantines_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Command when fighting against Ostlanders {Hates_the_Danes}Hates Chaos Undivided {Hates_the_Danes_desc}A leader who can show raw enthusiasm about engaging the ha rdy Norscans is an example to his men. {Hates_the_Danes_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Co mmand when fighting against Chaos Undivided {Hates_the_Egyptians}Hates the Beastmen {Hates_the_Egyptians_desc}The only good thing to come out of thick forest lands is the road to somewhere else. {Hates_the_Egyptians_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, + 2 Command when fighting against Beastmen {Hates_the_English}Hates the High Elves {Hates_the_English_desc}Has no qualms about showing his disdain for the Elvish s cum, and his men respect his conviction. {Hates_the_English_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Command when fighting against High Elves {Hates_the_French}Hates Ostermarkers {Hates_the_French_desc}Known to strike with extra malice when it s an Ostermarke r that he faces in battle, much to his men s approval. {Hates_the_French_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 C

ommand when fighting against Ostermarkers {Hates_the_Hungarians}Hates Sylvanians {Hates_the_Hungarians_desc}Has a deep seated hatred of the Sylvanians, and excel s at ordering brutal attacks against them.. {Hates_the_Hungarians_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Sylvanians {Hates_the_Milanese}Hates Hochlanders {Hates_the_Milanese_desc}Always eager to prove that courage and honour will triu mph over pathetic money-grubbers like the vile Hochlanders. {Hates_the_Milanese_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Command when fighting against Hochlanders {Hates_the_Mongols}ates the Dark Elves {Hates_the_Mongols_desc}Has no mercy in his heart when dealing with a Dark Elf. They deserve none. {Hates_the_Mongols_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Command when fighting against Druchii {Hates_the_Moors}Hates Night Goblins {Hates_the_Moors_desc}Bears a deep seated hatred of Night Goblins that he deals with most effectively when battling with them. {Hates_the_Moors_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Co mmand when fighting against Night Goblins {Hates_the_Papacy}Hates the Grand Theogonist {Hates_the_Papacy_desc}Utterly resents men of the cloth that use their spiritual authority in ways most unjust, believing them corrupt and in some cases, evil. {Hates_the_Papacy_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 C ommand when fighting against the Grand Theogonist {Hates_the_Poles}Hates Dwarfs {Hates_the_Poles_desc}Has no mercy in his heart when dealing with a Dwarf. They deserve none, except perhaps a quick death. {Hates_the_Poles_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Co mmand when fighting against Dwarfs {Hates_the_Reich}Hates the Reikland Principality {Hates_the_Reich_desc}Would much sooner gut a Reiklander than give him the chanc e to reconcile their differences. {Hates_the_Reich_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Co mmand when fighting against the Reikland Principality {Hates_the_Spanish}Hates Talabeclanders {Hates_the_Spanish_desc}Keen to come into conflict with the Talabeclanders, a gr udge fuelling his conviction in battle. {Hates_the_Spanish_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Talabeclanders {Hates_the_Timurids}Hates the Timurids {Hates_the_Timurids_desc}The arrogance of riding elephants into battle! Tamerlan e s scourge must end! {Hates_the_Timurids_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Timurids {Hates_the_Turks}Hates Orcs {Hates_the_Turks_desc}His desire to bring down the Orcs helps him focus on that task when called to do so. {Hates_the_Turks_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Orcs {Hates_the_Venetians}Hates Averlanders {Hates_the_Venetians_desc}Quite adamant that he should be chosen to lead when wa ging war with the Averlanders. {Hates_the_Venetians_effects_desc}+2 Command when fighting against Averlanders {Head_Turner}Head Turner {Head_Turner_desc}Nothing can disarm a man so easily or swiftly as a woman so di stractingly beautiful as this one. {Head_Turner_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Healthy}Healthy {Healthy_Caution}Healthy Caution {Healthy_Caution_desc}Aware that a little vigilance is necessary, even in one s own home. {Healthy_Caution_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of d

etecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Healthy_desc}Appears to have a reasonable constitution to stave off most physic al complaints. {Healthy_effects_desc}+2 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Heir_Apparent}Heir Apparent {Heir_Apparent_desc}As the next leader of his people, this man is already an ind ividual of immense importance. {Heir_Apparent_effects_desc}+1 Command, +1 Authority, +2 to personal security (i mproves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {HeresyImmunityNC}Do not translate {HeresyImmunityNC_desc}Do not translate {HeresyImmunityNC_effects_desc}Do not translate {Hernan}Biography {Hernan_desc}Hernan Kotrez is the Captain of the Bandolleros Gringos. {Hernan_effects_desc}None {Hero_epithet_desc}- Hero {Heroic_Attacker}Heroic Attacker {Heroic_Attacker_desc}Known far and wide for being an unstoppable force when bri nging the fight to the enemy. {Heroic_Attacker_effects_desc}+5 Command when attacking {Heroic_Attacker_epithet_desc}the Attacker {Heroic_Attacker_gain_desc}Thanks to his aggressive nature this man now has few equals when attacking in battle. {Heroic_Defender}Heroic Defender {Heroic_Defender_desc}This man makes his army an immovable object, a barrier tha t wears down any foolish enough to approach it. {Heroic_Defender_effects_desc}+5 Command when defending {Heroic_Defender_epithet_desc}the Bastion {Heroic_Defender_gain_desc}Thanks to his tenacious nature, this man has few equa ls when defending in battle. {Hesitant_Attacker}Hesitant Attacker {Hesitant_Attacker_desc}One to get close enough to engage before making a decisi on to fight. {Hesitant_Attacker_effects_desc}-1 Command when attacking {Hexxed}Hexxed {Hexxed_desc}Said to be under a minor hex, by an annoying wretched witch. {Hexxed_effects_desc}-1 Command, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Hideous}Hideous {Hideous_desc}So vile is her visage, even members of the clergy mutter that ther e is no God when spying this poor, hideous woman. {Hideous_effects_desc}-2 Charm, Decreases the chance of having children {Hideous_epithet_desc}the Gorgon {Hired_Blade}Hired Blade {Hired_Blade_desc}A man willing and able to go in and take another man s life fo r a price. {Hired_Blade_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Hired_Blade_gain_desc}This assassin has improved his suberfuge skills thanks to a successful murder. {Hired_Blade_lose_desc}This assassin has lost what little skill he had in sendin g men to the afterlife thanks to his failure on a mission. {Hires_Guards}Hires Guards {Hires_Guards_desc}The attempt on his life by a hired blade has warranted spendi ng a little on security. {Hires_Guards_effects_desc}+1 to personal security (improves the chances of dete cting and foiling assassination attempts) {Hoarder_of_Wealth}Hoarder of Wealth {Hoarder_of_Wealth_desc}This man is interested in keeping his wealth, not partin g with it. {Hoarder_of_Wealth_effects_desc}2% bonus on all trade income, 5% bonus on tax in

come, +2 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order) {Hochmeister}Chaos Lord {Hochmeister_desc}This man is the leader of the Chaos Undivided. {Hochmeister_effects_desc}+3 Command, +2 Authority, +2 Troop Morale, +3 to perso nal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attemp ts) {Holier_than_Thou}Holier than Thou {Holier_than_Thou_desc}Conducts himself in a manner that is utterly noble and im maculate, distancing himself from the common man. {Holier_than_Thou_effects_desc}-1 Command, +2 Authority, 40% increase to cost to bribe, -1 from squalor (increases public order and population growth), +3 to un rest (has a negative effect on public order), +3 to law (improves public order) {Holy_Defender}Holy Defender {Holy_Defender_desc}Some show their devotion through prayer, but this man shows it through battling in God s name. {Holy_Defender_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +2 Piety, +2 Command when fighting agai nst Good Factions {Holy_Soldier}Holy Soldier {Holy_Soldier_desc}Lords who have no qualms about travelling to far off lands fo r noble, spiritual causes serve as a great example to their men. {Holy_Soldier_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +1 Piety, +1 Command when fighting again st Good Factions {Holy_Warrior}Holy Warrior {Holy_Warrior_desc}To devote one s life to the Crusades is the sort of thing eve n most knights would deem to be above and beyond the call. {Holy_Warrior_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry, +3 Piety, +3 Command when fighting again st Good Factions {Holy_Warrior_epithet_desc}the Holy Warrior {Honest}Honest {Honest_desc}Generally will choose the path of honesty and righteousness. {Honest_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty, 100% increase to cost to bribe, +2 to law (impr oves public order) {Honourable_Commander}Honourable Commander {Honourable_Commander_desc}Known to generally show mercy and compassion to those he has defeated in battle. {Honourable_Commander_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Honourable_Ruler}Honourable Ruler {Honourable_Ruler_desc}Not even his enemies would declare this man anything shor t of honourable in intentions as a ruler. {Honourable_Ruler_effects_desc}+4 Chivalry, +2 Authority {Honourable_Ruler_epithet_desc}the Honourable {Honourable_Ruler_gain_desc}The subjects of the ruler admire his generosity. {Honourable_Ruler_lose_desc}Recently, this man is too resourceful. This behavior cannot be considered noble. {Humanist}Humanist {Humanist_desc}More interested in exploring how humans work than skipping that a nd dwelling on the possibilities of the divine. {Humanist_effects_desc}-4 Piety, +4 to unrest (has a negative effect on public o rder) {Humble}Humble {Humble_desc}Despite her station and royal blood, this lady gracefully accepts h er role in the feudal system without fuss. {Humble_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Hunter}Witch Hunter {Hunter_desc}Witch Hunter {Hunter_of_Heretics}Hunter of Heretics {Hunter_of_Heretics_desc}Not only does this man have the ability to sense and ex pose heinous acts of heresy, he also appears to enjoy doing so. {Hunter_of_Heretics_effects_desc}+4 Piety

{Hypochondriac}Hypochondriac {Hypochondriac_desc}There is no convincing this man that there is nothing wrong with him. If anything, this fatalistic condition is his sickness. {Hypochondriac_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 Comm and when attacking, -6 from your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {ICE_mage}Ice Mage {ICE_mage_desc}Ice Mage {ICE_mage_epithet_desc}- Ice Mage {Ice_Queen}Ice Queen {Ice_Queen_desc}Despite her beauty, her heart radiates an icy barrier that it wo uld seem no man can melt. {Ice_Queen_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children. But gods benea th us! If this woman would have a man, he would have to be singled out from amo ng the many who have wanted her all her life but never had her her charm is eleva ted (-2) {Ignorant}Ignorant {Ignorant_desc}Has a habit of annoying those around him with his lack of knowled ge. {Ignorant_effects_desc}-1 Authority, 2% penalty on all trade income, 2% penalty on tax income {Immaculately_Pure}Immaculately Pure {Immaculately_Pure_desc}So pure of thought is this man of the cloth, it would ne ver dawn on him to take any advantage of his station or power. His path is unque stionably most righteous. {Immaculately_Pure_effects_desc}+3 Purity {Immaculately_Pure_epithet_desc}the Righteous {Impossible_to_Read}Impossible to Read {Impossible_to_Read_desc}Able to mask every word and gesture in a manner that gi ves absolutely nothing away he doesn t wish given. {Impossible_to_Read_effects_desc}+3 Influence, 10% bonus on bribery attempts (in creases the chances that a bribe will be successful). {In_Good_Health}In Good Health {In_Good_Health_desc}Robust enough to survive ailments that most others would st ruggle to shake off, though he rarely gets ill. {In_Good_Health_effects_desc}+4 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Inbred}Inbred {Inbred_desc}Men like this bring into question if there are enough noble familie s for proper courting anymore? {Inbred_effects_desc}-1 Command, 2% penalty on tax income, Decreases the chance of having children {Incompetent_Attacker}Incompetent Attacker {Incompetent_Attacker_desc}There is something fundamentally wrong with this man s plans of attack. {Incompetent_Attacker_effects_desc}-2 Command when attacking {Incompetent_Commander}Incompetent Commander {Incompetent_Commander_desc}This man has a knack for making a meal of things whe n attempting to take command. {Incompetent_Commander_effects_desc}-2 Command {Incompetent_Defender}Incompetent Defender {Incompetent_Defender_desc}This man is not one to stand his ground effectively, making assigning him to a defensive post a risky proposition. {Incompetent_Defender_effects_desc}-2 Command when defending {Incompetent_Trader}Incompetent Trader {Incompetent_Trader_desc}Either disinterested or simply pathetic at dealing with trade affairs. {Incompetent_Trader_effects_desc}20% penalty on all trade income {Inconspicuous}Inconspicuous {Inconspicuous_desc}Able to blend in most places without drawing attention to hi

mself. {Inconspicuous_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill, +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted) {Inconspicuous_gain_desc}This agent has improved his subterfuge skills thanks to a successful mission. {Inconspicuous_lose_desc}This agent has lost what little skill he had due to his failure during his last mission. {Incredibly_Accepting}Incredibly Accepting {Incredibly_Accepting_desc}Open to any and all foreign ways and customs. It is n ot within her to judge them at all. {Incredibly_Accepting_effects_desc}+3 Charm {Incredibly_Boring}Incredibly Boring {Incredibly_Boring_desc}This man couldn t excite a prisoner with a tale of freed om - he is simply incredibly dull to talk to. {Incredibly_Boring_effects_desc}No Effects {Indecisive_Attacker}Indecisive Attacker {Indecisive_Attacker_desc}This commander has all but forgotten the notion of att acking. He is now a master of packing up and withdrawing aimlessly. {Indecisive_Attacker_effects_desc}-3 Command when attacking {Indecisive_Attacker_epithet_desc}the Unsure {Indolent_Lump}Indolent Lump {Indolent_Lump_desc}A self indulgent, tubby lump of inactivity. Lacks any sense of life or ambition. {Indolent_Lump_effects_desc}-2 Authority, -20% to Movement Points (reduces the d istance armies can march), 15% penalty on tax income {Indolent_Lump_epithet_desc}the Fat {Inefficient_Administrator}Inefficient Administrator {Inefficient_Administrator_desc}Sloppy with paperwork and government issues, thi s man makes a poor governor. {Inefficient_Administrator_effects_desc}5% penalty on all trade income {Inept_Saboteur}Inept Saboteur {Inept_Saboteur_desc}Perhaps he could not even set fire to dry straw. {Inept_Saboteur_effects_desc}-2 from agent s skill {Inept_with_Cavalry}Inept with Cavalry {Inept_with_Cavalry_desc}Liable to send more of his cavalry into certain death t han to glory. {Inept_with_Cavalry_effects_desc}-2 Command when commanding cavalry {Inept_with_Infantry}Inept with Infantry {Inept_with_Infantry_desc}Commanding infantry is not among this man s talents at all. His second in command would do a better job. {Inept_with_Infantry_effects_desc}-2 Command when commanding infantry {Infantry_Master}Infantry Master {Infantry_Master_desc}Knows all there is to know about infantry tactics, through study both scholarly, and first-hand. {Infantry_Master_effects_desc}+3 Command when commanding infantry {Infantry_Master_epithet_desc}the Infantryman {Infantry_Master_gain_desc}This man is now seen as one of the great infantry lea ders of the current age. {Infecund}Infecund {Infecund_desc}Not every queen or princess can easily produce an heir. {Infecund_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Infertile}Infertile {Infertile_desc}It is worrisome when a man who must carry on a family legacy is unable to carry the family on at all. {Infertile_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Insatiable}Insatiable {Insatiable_desc}This noble nymph is clearly interested in the act of producing an heir, or several. {Insatiable_effects_desc}+2 Charm, Increases the chance of having children {Insecure}Insecure

{Insecure_desc}This eligible maiden focuses on her destiny of becoming a wife ab ove all other things to the point where there seems little else to her. {Insecure_effects_desc}-2 Charm {Inspirational_Speaker}Inspirational Speaker {Inspirational_Speaker_desc}When this man speaks, other men become better than t hemselves, ready to live or die for his cause. {Inspirational_Speaker_effects_desc}+2 to law (improves public order) {Inspirational_Speaker_epithet_desc}the Silver-Tongued {Inspirationally_Brave}Inspirationally Brave {Inspirationally_Brave_desc}A truly fearless warrior that has been through too m uch to fear any one man or moment. He is an inspiration. {Inspirationally_Brave_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +4 Morale for all troops on th e battlefield {Inspirationally_Brave_epithet_desc}the Brave {Instigator}Instigator {Instigator_desc}Often the first man to say something to start a heated debate, but not always the one to finish it. {Instigator_effects_desc}+1 to popularity (improves public order) {Instinctive_Survivor}Instinctive Survivor {Instinctive_Survivor_desc}Although clearly fortunate to be alive, this man is n ow genuinely adept at avoiding attempts on his life. {Instinctive_Survivor_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +1 to line of sight (increases t he range at which enemies are spotted), +4 to personal security (improves the ch ances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Instinctive_Survivor_epithet_desc}the Fortunate {Intelligent}Intelligent {Intelligent_Lady}Intelligent Lady {Intelligent_Lady_desc}Years of tutelage have made her brighter than the average lady about court. {Intelligent_Lady_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Intelligent_desc}Understands things others can t without having to try much of the time. {Intelligent_effects_desc}+2 Command, 5% bonus on all trade income, 5% bonus on tax income {Intolerant}Intolerant {Intolerant_desc}Unable to prevent her dislike of foreign people and customs fro m affecting her composure. {Intolerant_effects_desc}-2 Charm {Introverted}Introverted {Introverted_desc}Typically prefers his own company, or that of those very close . {Introverted_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -2 from p opularity (has a negative effect on public order) {Intuitive_Inquisitor}Intuitive Inquisitor {Intuitive_Inquisitor_desc}Even if he can t prove it at first, this man has a kn ack for being able to tell if someone has sins that need forgiving. {Intuitive_Inquisitor_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Iron_Fisted}Iron Fisted {Iron_Fisted_desc}Rules with an iron fist - it is the lot of the common people t o serve him. He enjoys reminding them of this. {Iron_Fisted_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +1 to law (improves public order) {Just}Just {Just_and_Fair}Just and Fair {Just_and_Fair_desc}Only expects the people to respect the laws that are just an d fair in the first place. {Just_and_Fair_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Just_desc}A genuinely just man, fair and even handed in judgement. {Just_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +2 to law (improves public order) {Kaspar}Biography {Kaspar_desc}A grizzled ex-general, Kaspar von Velten is the new Imperial ambass

ador to the court of Tzarina Katarin of Kislev. {Kaspar_epithet_desc}- Ambassador of the Empire {Khan s_Conqueror}Khan s Conqueror {Khan s_Conqueror_desc}A notorious conqueror from the east that brings with him a reputation for brutally decisive victories. {Khan s_Conqueror_effects_desc}+3 Dread, +6 Command {Killer_on_Edge}Killer on Edge {Killer_on_Edge_desc}This man has proven prone to losing his focus at the moment of truth. {Killer_on_Edge_effects_desc}-1 from agent s skill {Kind_Judge}Kind Judge {Kind_Judge_desc}Would probably let murderers go with a warning were it not for the people s expectations of a more permanent punishment. {Kind_Judge_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, -3 from law (has a negative effect on publ ic order) {Kind_Ruler}Kind Ruler {Kind_Ruler_desc}Has developed a reputation as a kind hearted ruler, with the pe ople s interests in mind. {Kind_Ruler_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, -2 from squalor (increases public order an d population growth) {KingSlayer}Slayer King {KingSlayer_desc}Karak Kadrin, otherwise known as Slayer Keep, is a Dwarf strong hold and part of their ancient empire of Karak Ankor. The hold is home to the Sh rine of Grimnir, Dwarfen god of warriors and Slayers. It is tradition that all w ould-be Slayers travel to Karak Kadrin to have their name scribed at the temple of Grimnir, and to offer up their shaven hair to their god. Karak Kadrin is uniq ue among all the holds of the Dwarfs in that its ruler, Ungrim Ironfist, is hims elf a Slayer. Bound by his duties as a monarch, he cannot leave and seek death i n combat, and so he fulfills his Slayer oath by providing for other Slayers as t hey seek to fulfill their vows. At Karak Kadrin, a weary Slayer may find lodging , food and hospitality for as long as he needs it before resuming his quest for death. In return, those Slayers who remain at the keep are expected to help the King uphold his pledge to guard the Peak Pass, in particular the stretch which r uns nearest to Karak Kadrin, which is known as Kadrin Valley. {KingSlayer_effects_desc}This Dwarf is the Slayer King of Karak Kadrin. {KingSlayer_epithet_desc}- Slayer King {KingSlayer_gain_desc}Slayer King {KingSlayer_lose_desc}Slayer King {Knight_of_Renown}Knight of Renown {Knight_of_Renown_desc}Now a tournament veteran, this man has become famous for his dashing skill at the lists. {Knight_of_Renown_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +1 Authority, +2 Command when comman ding cavalry {Knowledge_of_Customs}Knowledge of Customs {Knowledge_of_Customs_desc}Has learned enough about foreign customs to help ensu re he never offends those he works with abroad. {Knowledge_of_Customs_effects_desc}+1 Finance {Komturei}Aspiring Chaos Champion {Komturei_desc}By proving himself worthy of the Chaos gods he comes one step clo ser to his destiny. {Komturei_effects_desc}+1 Command, +1 Troop Morale, +2 to personal security (imp roves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Lacks_Caution}Lacks Caution {Lacks_Caution_desc}Simply doesn t really believe that a grim or diabolical fate will befall him. {Lacks_Caution_effects_desc}-2 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination) {Lacks_Compassion}Lacks Compassion {Lacks_Compassion_desc}Not known to show any mercy or compassion to those he has defeated in battle.

{Lacks_Compassion_effects_desc}+2 Dread {Lacks_Justice}Lacks Justice {Lacks_Justice_desc}Doesn t really see the merit of justice, it is simply in the way of expedient rule. {Lacks_Justice_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +2 to unrest (has a negative effect on pub lic order) {Lacks_Manhood}Lacks Manhood {Lacks_Manhood_desc}His wife laughs in his face, so do other men. The reputation of this man is terrible. {Lacks_Manhood_effects_desc}-4 Influence {Lacks_Manhood_epithet_desc}Cuckold {Lame_of_Loin}Lame of Loin {Lame_of_Loin_desc}There seems absolutely no hope at all that this man will ever sire a child. He is known to be lacking in potency. {Lame_of_Loin_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Landmeister}Warrior of Chaos {Landmeister_desc}This man showed great zeal in achieving his goals. {Landmeister_effects_desc}+2 Command, +1 Troop Morale {Laughing_Stock}Laughing Stock {Laughing_Stock_desc}People laugh over this man s shoulders - he is unable to ca ll to order even his own wife. {Laughing_Stock_effects_desc}-3 Influence {Lazy}Lazy {Lazy_desc}Inactivity would be this man s favourite pastime, if he could find th e energy. {Lazy_effects_desc}-5% to Movement Points (reduces the distance armies can march ), 2% penalty on tax income {Leader_of_the_Mob}Leader of the Mob {Leader_of_the_Mob_desc}The kind of man who can champion the people with words, their belief in his ability and ideals, absolute. {Leader_of_the_Mob_effects_desc}+2 Authority, +4 to popularity (improves public order), +2 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order) {Lecherous_Fiend}Lecherous Fiend {Lecherous_Fiend_desc}This man is no longer even concerned whether or not the wo men he pursues desire him or not. It is shameful! {Lecherous_Fiend_effects_desc}+1 Dread, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld {Legacy_of_Chivalry}Legacy of Chivalry {Legacy_of_Chivalry_desc}Thanks largely to his noble father s influence, this ma n shows a very strong sense of chivalry. {Legacy_of_Chivalry_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry {Legacy_of_Dread}Legacy of Dread {Legacy_of_Dread_desc}The tyrant that sired this man has clearly passed on his d readed nature. {Legacy_of_Dread_effects_desc}+2 Dread {Legal_Expert}Legal Expert {Legal_Expert_desc}If there s a legal loophole in a contract or trade agreement, this man will spot and exploit it. {Legal_Expert_effects_desc}+2 Finance {Legal_Nouse}Legal Nouse {Legal_Nouse_desc}Has enough understanding of the law to both avoid trouble, and to sometimes cause a little without risk. {Legal_Nouse_effects_desc}+1 Finance {Legendary_Admiral}Legendary Admiral {Legendary_Admiral_desc}Sailors throughout the known world speak of this old sea dog with reverence and awe. {Legendary_Admiral_effects_desc}+5 Command at sea {Legendary_Admiral_epithet_desc}the Great {Legendary_Admiral_gain_desc}There is nobody capable of teaching this fine admir al anything more about naval warfare, as he has mastered the art through many ye

ars of active duty. {Legendary_Commander}Legendary Commander {Legendary_Commander_desc}Countless victories have made this man is a legendary commander, respected by both his own troops and those that oppose him. {Legendary_Commander_effects_desc}+5 Command {Legendary_Commander_epithet_desc}the Mighty {Legendary_Commander_gain_desc}This great field general has earned another Comma nd star, his continued success not going unrecognised. {Legendary_Commander_lose_desc}The defeat reduced the Command of this commander. {Legendary_Conqueror}Legendary Conqueror {Legendary_Conqueror_desc}Having swept aside his third rival during his reign, h e commands the respect and admiration of his people. {Legendary_Conqueror_effects_desc}+3 Authority {Legendary_Conqueror_epithet_desc}the Great {Leopoldo}Biography {Leopoldo_desc}After much hard campaigning the regiment had been mauled in many unlucky battles. The superstitious soldiers regarded this as the vengeance of th e leopard which they had sworn to protect and whose temple they had pillaged. Le opold called a meeting and told his men that they must regain the favour of the gods. So they voted to appease the leopard by sending back a portion of everythi ng they captured as loot to the temple in Luccini. The next battle ended in over whelming victory against all the odds. Leopoldo earned the nickanme di Lucci m eaning the fortunate . After every victorious battle the regiment always send s omething back for the priests of the temple at Luccini. {Lewd}Lewd {Lewd_desc}A purveyor of smutty antics, and ungodly behaviour. {Lewd_effects_desc}-2 Authority, 30% decrease to cost to bribe {Liability_In_Defence}Liability In Defence {Liability_In_Defence_desc}No sane soldier would wish to be garrisoned under thi s man s command. Those he defends are doomed! {Liability_In_Defence_effects_desc}-3 Command when defending walls {Liar}Liar {Liar_desc}The truth is often ugly, and this man means to hide it - especially i f it involves his own antics. {Liar_effects_desc}-2 Authority {Liberal_Leader}Liberal Leader {Liberal_Leader_desc}A firm believer that allowing the people their personal fre edoms makes for a more prosperous society. {Liberal_Leader_effects_desc}-2 Authority, -6 from unrest (improves public order ), -3 from law (has a negative effect on public order) {Liberal_Leader_epithet_desc}the Kind {Likes_the_Dark}Likes the Dark {Likes_the_Dark_desc}The dark is not something to be feared, but rather, somethi ng to take advantage of in battle. {Likes_the_Dark_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting at night {Little_Aptitude}Little Aptitude {Little_Aptitude_desc}Though dubbed a witch, her powers are barely tangible, if at all. {Little_Aptitude_effects_desc}+1 Magic {Loathes_Catholics}Loathes forces of the Light {Loathes_Catholics_desc}This man is ready to erase all Men, Dwarfs and Elves fro m the earth, and he does not disdain the use of malicious means in order to ach ieve this goal. {Loathes_Catholics_effects_desc}-1 Troop Morale, +3 Command when fighting agains t forces of Light {Loathes_Disgusting_Danish}Loathes Disgusting Chaos Undivided {Loathes_Disgusting_Danish_desc}His hatred of the Chaos Undivided is unfathomabl e, his drive to slay them in battle, unmatched. {Loathes_Disgusting_Danish_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Chaos U ndivided

{Loathes_Heathen_Aztecs}Loathes Heathen Aztecs {Loathes_Heathen_Aztecs_desc}This man s zealous hatred of the Cumans borders on frightening to many, particularly the Aztec warriors themselves. {Loathes_Heathen_Aztecs_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Aztecs {Loathes_Heretics}Loathes Heretics {Loathes_Heretics_desc}Nobody should see this - there are no heretic armies {Loathes_Heretics_effects_desc}-1 Troop Morale {Loathes_Muslims}Loathes Greenskins {Loathes_Muslims_desc}This man s zealous hatred of the Greenskins borders on the frightening to many. {Loathes_Muslims_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3 Co mmand when fighting against Greenskins {Loathes_Orthodox}Loathes Orthodox {Loathes_Orthodox_desc}This man s zealous hatred of the Orthodox borders on frig htening to many. {Loathes_Orthodox_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3 C ommand when fighting against Orthodox {Loathes_Paganism}Loathes Paganism {Loathes_Paganism_desc}For this man pagans embody all imaginable and unimaginabl e evils. He is ready to destroy each and every one the people whom he suspects o f being heathens. {Loathes_Paganism_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3 C ommand when fighting against Pagans {Loathes_Poland}Loathes Dwarfs {Loathes_Poland_desc}The Dwarfen Kingdom should never have been born. This man i s driven to be there to see its death. {Loathes_Poland_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Dwarfs {Loathes_Portugal}Loathes Wissenlanders {Loathes_Portugal_desc}Wissenland should never have become a province, and this man would die to see it undone. {Loathes_Portugal_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Wissenlanders {Loathes_Rebelious_Scum}Loathes Rebellious Scum {Loathes_Rebelious_Scum_desc}Cleans rebels up on the field of battle like the sc attered rubbish that they are - it is a fate that such people deserve! {Loathes_Rebelious_Scum_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty {Loathes_Rebelious_Scum_gain_desc}He hates those that follow Rebel lordlings eno ugh to make him less inclined to rebel himself. {Loathes_Russians}Loathes Kislevites {Loathes_Russians_desc}Hell bent on teaching the Kislevites a deadly lesson - an ideal man to do so on a large scale. {Loathes_Russians_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3 C ommand when fighting against Kislevites {Loathes_Scottish_Scum}Loathes Middenland Scum {Loathes_Scottish_Scum_desc}Though his ability to slay Middenlanders is never qu estioned, how healthy his obsession with doing it so often is. {Loathes_Scottish_Scum_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3 Command when fighting against Middenlanders {Loathes_Sicilian_Scum}Loathes Nordland Scum {Loathes_Sicilian_Scum_desc}His obsession with bringing down the Grand Barony of Nordland is absolute and unnerving - most obsessions are. {Loathes_Sicilian_Scum_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3 Command when fighting against Nordlanders {Loathes_all_Byzantines}Loathes all Ostlanders {Loathes_all_Byzantines_desc}This man passionately insists that the Ostland Prin cipality is an aging boil that must be lanced from this world. {Loathes_all_Byzantines_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Ostland {Loathes_the_Empire}Loathes Reikland {Loathes_the_Empire_desc}So fierce is this man s hatred of the people of Reiklan d, he considers committing genocide against them a noble cause. {Loathes_the_Empire_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against the Reikland P

rincipality {Loathes_the_Evil_Egyptians}Loathes the Evil Beastmen {Loathes_the_Evil_Egyptians_desc}This man s hatred of the Beastmen has become an obsession. Their existence is a threat to all that is right. {Loathes_the_Evil_Egyptians_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Beastm en {Loathes_the_Evil_English}Loathes the Evil High Elves {Loathes_the_Evil_English_desc}Often relates his fantasises about riding down an d lancing High Elves with a Maypole to others, as though they were evil. {Loathes_the_Evil_English_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against High Elv es {Loathes_the_French_Fools}Loathes the Ostermarker Fools {Loathes_the_French_Fools_desc}Ostermarkers smell better dead, as awful as that stench may happen to be. His hatred of Ostermark is an obsession. {Loathes_the_French_Fools_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Ostermar k {Loathes_the_Invading_Timurids}Loathes the Invading Timurids {Loathes_the_Invading_Timurids_desc}A master at battling the Timurids, but his i nspiration is a seething hatred that is worrisome. {Loathes_the_Invading_Timurids_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the batt lefield, +3 Command when fighting against Timurids {Loathes_the_Magyar}Loathes Sylvanians {Loathes_the_Magyar_desc}The Carsteins are a misguided people that should have d ied long ago - something this man wishes to address. {Loathes_the_Magyar_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3 Command when fighting against Sylvanians {Loathes_the_Miserly_Milanese}Loathes the Miserly Hochlanders {Loathes_the_Miserly_Milanese_desc}Those weak, miserly Hochlanders are self-serv ing, corrupt pigs that should be put on a spit and burned alive. {Loathes_the_Miserly_Milanese_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Hoch landers {Loathes_the_Moors}Loathes Night Goblins {Loathes_the_Moors_desc}Night Goblins do not deserve to live at all. All their h olds should be razed to the ground! {Loathes_the_Moors_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Night Goblins {Loathes_the_Murderous_Mongols}Loathes the Murderous Dark Elves {Loathes_the_Murderous_Mongols_desc}This man is ready to erase all the Dark Elve s off the face of the earth, and he does not disdain the use of malicious means in order to achieve this goal. {Loathes_the_Murderous_Mongols_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against Dru chii {Loathes_the_Papacy}Loathes the Grand Theogonist {Loathes_the_Papacy_desc}His views on Sigmar aside, this man considers the Grand Theogonist and his servants to be a heretical blight upon this land. {Loathes_the_Papacy_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting against the Grand Theo gonist {Loathes_the_Spanish}Loathes Talabeclanders {Loathes_the_Spanish_desc}Though his zeal for dispatching the Talabeclanders is effective, it is also overbearing and off-putting. {Loathes_the_Spanish_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, + 3 Command when fighting against Talabeclanders {Loathes_the_Turkish}Loathes Orcs {Loathes_the_Turkish_desc}Has made a perverse pledge to kill Orcs that dominates his thoughts and demeanour. {Loathes_the_Turkish_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, + 3 Command when fighting against Orcs {Loathes_the_Venetians}Loathes Averlanders {Loathes_the_Venetians_desc}Brutally effective at dispatching Averland troops, f uelled by a zeal most find sickening. {Loathes_the_Venetians_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield,

+3 Command when fighting against Averlanders {Logistician}Logistician {Logistician_desc}Completely organised when it comes to military logistics, enou gh so to maintain a huge fighting force without issue. {Logistician_effects_desc}+3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +20% to M ovement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march) {Logistician_gain_desc}This General is now seen as highly skilled in keeping his troops well fed - and therefore happy! {Logistics_Expert}Logistics Expert {Logistics_Expert_desc}An expert at ensuring his forces are well supplied and in good condition. {Logistics_Expert_effects_desc}+2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +15% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march) {Looter}Looter {Looter_desc}Has learned how to sack a conquered place effectively rather than m indlessly. {Looter_effects_desc}10% bonus to cash gained from looting {Lost_Faith}Lost Faith {Lost_Faith_desc}Has seen the efforts of the church bear little fruit over the y ears, shattering his faith and drive. {Lost_Faith_effects_desc}-4 Piety {Lost_in_Conversation}Lost in Conversation {Lost_in_Conversation_desc}Although comfortable around the court, her highness s hows little aptitude for talking on matters of state. {Lost_in_Conversation_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Lost_the_Plot}Lost the Plot {Lost_the_Plot_desc}This man s left hand would readily plot against his right, b ut would he notice? His skills as a conspirator are worthless. {Lost_the_Plot_effects_desc}-3 from agent s skill {Loyal}Loyal {Loyal_Beyond_Question}Loyal Beyond Question {Loyal_Beyond_Question_desc}Thoughts of betrayal do not enter this man s mind, i t is not something he is capable of. {Loyal_Beyond_Question_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry, +4 Loyalty {Loyal_desc}Only the most difficult of situations would make this man forsake hi s master. {Loyal_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +2 Loyalty {Loyal_to_Coin}Loyal to Coin {Loyal_to_Coin_desc}Aware that his master is too far away to know exactly what h e gets up to {Loyal_to_Coin_effects_desc}-1 Finance {Loyalty_Starting_Value}Loyalty Starting Value {Loyalty_Starting_Value_desc}Sets starting loyalty value. {Loyalty_Starting_Value_effects_desc}+4 Loyalty {Luka}Biography {Luka_desc}The famous regiment of Besiegers was originally employed by the ingen ious Borgio The Besieger , Prince of Miragliano, as a special siege unit of cro ssbowmen. Borgio wanted marksmen who could pick off defenders on the walls at cl ose range in the face of a hail of enemy missiles or provide missile support for advancing units. Braganza s troops soon proved their worth and turned out to be equally good as a rearguard in open battles. {Malevolent_Leader}Malevolent Leader {Malevolent_Leader_desc}As likely to skewer his own guards on spikes to ward off an enemy siege as the corpses of his foes. {Malevolent_Leader_effects_desc}+4 Dread, +2 Authority {Malevolent_Leader_epithet_desc}the Malevolent {Malevolent_Leader_gain_desc}Very harsh methods of government earned him an ill reputation. {Malevolent_Leader_lose_desc}The softness in dealing with people - evidence of h ow little violence is in this man.

{Market_Controller}Market Controller {Market_Controller_desc}Time spent with a monopoly has allowed this man to disco ver new avenues of how to expand, and exploit it. {Market_Controller_effects_desc}+2 Finance {Marks_of_War}Marks of War {Marks_of_War_desc}Has a few scars to prove he s been in proper battle, where hi s life was clearly at risk. {Marks_of_War_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 to your general s hitpoints (how man y hits your general can take before dying) {MarriedWithLover}Do not translate {MarriedWithLover_desc}Do not translate - this man has an adultress ancillary {MarriedWithLover_effects_desc}Do not translate {Master_Assassin}Master Assassin {Master_Assassin_desc}Has turned killing others into an artform, one that most i nvolved never get to see. {Master_Assassin_effects_desc}+5 to agent s skill {Master_Assassin_epithet_desc}the Killer {Master_Assassin_gain_desc}This assassin has reached the top of his profession, thanks to his cunning and skill. {Master_Assassin_lose_desc}This assassin has lost the finely honed skills that m ade him a superb killer due to the last failed mission. {Master_Necromancy}Expert Necromancy {Master_Saboteur}Master Saboteur {Master_Saboteur_desc}He can destroy any enemy building with ease. {Master_Saboteur_effects_desc}+3 to agent s skill {Master_Spy}Master Spy {Master_Spy_desc}No door can hold this man, no secret can remain safe. A true ma ster spy, and a key asset to your intelligence network. {Master_Spy_effects_desc}+5 to agent s skill, +5 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted) {Master_Spy_epithet_desc}the Clever {Master_Spy_gain_desc}This agent has reached the pinnacle of his profession than ks to his almost matchless skills. {Master_Spy_lose_desc}This agent has failed on his mission, and his skills and c onfidence have lost their finely honed edge. {Master_Trader}Master Trader {Master_Trader_desc}This man actively supports trade industries, believing a thr iving trade network to be the backbone of a thriving empire. {Master_Trader_effects_desc}30% bonus on all trade income {Master_of_Assassins}Master of Assassins {Master_of_Assassins_desc}Has recruited enough killers in his time to know the m easure of a man almost immediately. {Master_of_Assassins_effects_desc}+1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts), 20% discount on agent training costs {Master_of_Assassins_epithet_desc}the Killer {Master_of_Assassins_gain_desc}This man s reputation as an employer of killers n ow strikes fear into many. {Master_of_Diplomacy}Master of Diplomacy {Master_of_Diplomacy_desc}This man is so cunning at leading a conversation, he c an make people agree to things before they realise what they have done. {Master_of_Diplomacy_effects_desc}+5 Influence {Master_of_Diplomacy_gain_desc}This man now has few equals in the arts of persua sion and diplomacy. {Master_of_Espionage}Master of Espionage {Master_of_Espionage_desc}This man can feel out plots and schemes before they ha ve even begun to unfold - nothing escapes his eye for espionage. {Master_of_Espionage_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +2 to public security (improves the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), 30% discount on agent training costs

{Master_of_Espionage_epithet_desc}the Watcher {Masterful_with_Artillery}Masterful with Artillery {Masterful_with_Artillery_desc}Becomes a truly menacing commander when given art illery to wreak havoc among enemy lines. {Masterful_with_Artillery_effects_desc}+4 Command when commanding artillery {Masterful_with_Guns}Masterful with Guns {Masterful_with_Guns_desc}A pioneer of modern warfare, and absolutely dangerous when leading soldiers toting guns. {Masterful_with_Guns_effects_desc}+4 Command when commanding gunpowder troops {Mathematician}Mathematician {Mathematician_desc}Has a complete enough understanding of mathematics to be con sidered a scholar of sorts. {Mathematician_effects_desc}5% bonus on all trade income, 5% bonus on tax income , +1 Command when commanding artillery {Maximilian}Biography {Maximilian_desc}One of the most famous regiments to use the crossbow is known s imply, but aptly, as the Marksmen. The Marksmen have been going for a hundred ye ars or more, under several different Captains. As one Captain fell in battle or retired, the most senior surviving Marksman would assume leadership. The regimen t always recruits its soldiers from Miragliano. Any recruit must prove his marks manship by shooting a bolt through the head of the Prince on a gold ducat. The c oin is placed in the centre of a target set at a range of 300 paces. {Mean_Leader}Mean Leader {Mean_Leader_desc}Has not shown too much concern for the plight of the peasants lately. {Mean_Leader_effects_desc}+1 Dread {Mean_Leader_gain_desc}Very harsh methods of government have earned him an ill r eputation. {Mean_Leader_lose_desc}The softness in his dealings with people is evidence of h ow little violence is in this man. {Mean_with_Money}Mean with Money {Mean_with_Money_desc}Uncomfortable with letting go of money unless it is sure t o bring a worthy return. {Mean_with_Money_effects_desc}2% bonus on tax income, +1 to squalor (decreases p opulation growth and public order) {Mechanically_Minded}Mechanically Minded {Mechanically_Minded_desc}This man has made a point of learning the principles o f machinery, and how to maintain and tune siege artillery. {Mechanically_Minded_effects_desc}+1 Command when assaulting walls, +40 Build Po ints (required for the construction of siege equipment) {Mercantile_Genius}Mercantile Genius {Mercantile_Genius_desc}Able to make money without even trying, this man was bor n to work with coin. {Mercantile_Genius_effects_desc}+3 Finance {Merccapitan_epithet_desc}- Mercenary Captain {Merccapitan_gain_desc}This man has become a Mercenary Captain. {Merccapitan_lose_desc}This man is no longer a Mercenary Captain. {Merchant s_Guild_Apprentice}Merchant s Guild Apprentice {Merchant s_Guild_Apprentice_desc}The presence of a Master Merchant s Guild with in the kingdom has made this man a more effective operative. {Merchant s_Guild_Apprentice_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Merciful_Champion}Merciful Champion {Merciful_Champion_desc}A truly merciful champion of chivalry who always shows t he utmost courtesy to those he has bested. {Merciful_Champion_effects_desc}+4 Chivalry {Merciful_Champion_epithet_desc}the Humane {Merciful_Champion_gain_desc}This person does charitable acts and is rightly con sidered noble. {Merciful_Commander}Merciful Commander {Merciful_Commander_desc}A truly merciful champion of chivalry who always shows

the utmost courtesy to those he has bested. {Merciful_Commander_effects_desc}+4 Chivalry, +3 Morale for all troops on the ba ttlefield {Merciful_Commander_epithet_desc}the Merciful {Merciful_Commander_gain_desc}This person does charitable acts and is rightly co nsidered noble. {Merciful_Judge}Merciful Judge {Merciful_Judge_desc}Believes that the people will believe in justice when justi ce is shown to contain mercy. {Merciful_Judge_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, -2 from law (has a negative effect on public order) {Merciless_Commander}Merciless Commander {Merciless_Commander_desc}Coldly informs his own men that if they fall into enem y hands, that they deserve the death that awaits them. {Merciless_Commander_effects_desc}+4 Dread, -3 Morale for all troops on the batt lefield {Merciless_Commander_epithet_desc}the Merciless {Merciless_Commander_gain_desc}In battle, this warrior knows no mercy to enemies . {Merciless_Conqueror}Merciless Conqueror {Merciless_Conqueror_desc}This merciless warlord invariably commits genocide aft er every battle he wins. To him, compassion is a wretched weakness. {Merciless_Conqueror_effects_desc}+4 Dread {Merciless_Conqueror_epithet_desc}the Merciless {Merciless_Conqueror_gain_desc}In battle, this warrior knows no mercy to enemies . {Merciless_Leader}Merciless Leader {Merciless_Leader_desc}The people are not this man s concern, they are there to serve, and not ask for better. {Merciless_Leader_effects_desc}+3 Dread, +1 Authority {Merciless_Leader_epithet_desc}the Merciless {Merciless_Leader_gain_desc}Very harsh methods of government earned him an ill r eputation. {Merciless_Leader_lose_desc}The softness in dealing with people - evidence of ho w little violence is in this man. {Merciless_Mauler}Merciless Mauler {Merciless_Mauler_desc}This man is not beneath mutilating a fallen foe to make h is next enemy lose his nerve. {Merciless_Mauler_effects_desc}+3 Dread {Merciless_Mauler_epithet_desc}the Mauler {Merciless_Mauler_gain_desc}He knows no mercy in battle and his enemies tremble before him. {Merciless_Mauler_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the last battle, this man is difficult to be accused of cruelty. {Mighty_Eagle}Mighty Eagle {Mighty_Eagle_desc}A true Cuman warrior, who has lead the eagle warriors into ba ttle several times before. {Mighty_Eagle_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +2 Command {Mighty_Jaguar}Mighty Jaguar {Mighty_Jaguar_desc}A leader of the Jaguar warriors, and a highly respected lead er among the Cumans. {Mighty_Jaguar_effects_desc}+2 Dread, +4 Command {Mighty_Legacy}Mighty Legacy {Mighty_Legacy_desc}Like his father before him, this man is expected to do great things. It is in his blood after all. {Mighty_Legacy_effects_desc}+3 Authority {Mighty_Warlord}Mighty Warlord {Mighty_Warlord_desc}This man is a successful warlord, one whose abilities shoul d be respected. {Mighty_Warlord_effects_desc}+2 Dread, +4 Command

{Mindful_of_Risks}Mindful of Risks {Mindful_of_Risks_desc}Realises that he should be careful not to trust everyone he comes into contact with. {Mindful_of_Risks_effects_desc}+1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {MinerLeader}Lord of Miners {MinerLeader_desc}He is the leader of the Miners Guild. {MinerLeader_effects_desc}None {MinerLeader_epithet_desc}- Lord of Miners {MinerLeader_gain_desc}In recognition for his service this individual has become the Leader of the Miners Guild. {MinerLeader_lose_desc}After failing his duties this person cannot longer be the Leader of the Miners Guild. {Mining_Expert}Mining Expert {Mining_Expert_desc}Has been involved with establishing enough mining operations to be capable of improving any given mine s efficiency. {Mining_Expert_effects_desc}20% bonus on mining income {Mining_Knowledge}Mining Knowledge {Mining_Knowledge_desc}Has made a point of learning the basic principles of mini ng. {Mining_Knowledge_effects_desc}10% bonus on mining income {Miserly}Miserly {Miserly_desc}Wouldn t spare a coin to the dying man who had left him all his we alth in his written will. {Miserly_effects_desc}5% bonus on all trade income, 10% bonus on tax income, +3 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order) {Miserly_epithet_desc}the Mean {Missionary}Missionary {Missionary_desc}Bringing the entire flock into the one true faith is an admirab le achievement. {Missionary_effects_desc}+1 Piety, -1 chances of election, +1 Purity, -1 Violenc e {Mistress_of_Negotiations}Mistress of Negotiations {Mistress_of_Negotiations_desc}Known throughout courts of the land as a diplomat ic predator, her majesty can smooth out the most tenuous of situations. {Mistress_of_Negotiations_effects_desc}+4 Charm {Mistress_of_Negotiations_gain_desc}This lady s charm has increased thanks to he r efforts in diplomacy. {Mistress_of_Negotiations_lose_desc}The beautiful lady was unable to conclude a diplomatic agreement and has lost some of her charm. {Mixed_Loyalties}Mixed Loyalties {Mixed_Loyalties_desc}Wrestles with the problems of trying to serve his own inte rests, as well as that of his superiors. {Mixed_Loyalties_effects_desc}+1 Dread, -2 Loyalty {Mixes_with_Killers}Mixes with Killers {Mixes_with_Killers_desc}Regularly employs assassins to see the interests of the people done, without them knowing who did it. {Mixes_with_Killers_effects_desc}+2 Dread, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts), 20% discount on agent training costs {Monopolist}Monopolist {Monopolist_desc}Years of mastering the art of cornering a market has produced b oth healthy profits, as well as some murderously jealous peers. {Monopolist_effects_desc}+3 Finance,-1 from personal security (increases the cha nces of falling victim to assassination) {Morbid}Morbid {Morbid_desc}Has become concerned that his faith alone may not see him through a ll manner of adversity. {Morbid_effects_desc}+1 Unorthodoxy, -1 Violence {Morbidly_Mortal}Morbidly Mortal

{Morbidly_Mortal_desc}Is either extremely paranoid, or is simply a believer that one can never have enough safeguards against an assassin s blade. {Morbidly_Mortal_effects_desc}+4 to personal security (improves the chances of d etecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Mostly_Rational}Mostly Rational {Mostly_Rational_desc}More of this man s beliefs are based on his own common sen se than what others would preach to him. {Mostly_Rational_effects_desc}+1 Authority {Multilingual}Multilingual {Multilingual_desc}Can speak fluently in several languages, making his work in f oreign courts much more effective. {Multilingual_effects_desc}+2 Influence {Murderer}Murderer {Murderer_desc}Has developed a reputation as an ender of lives, even if nobody k nows who he really is. {Murderer_effects_desc}+3 to agent s skill {Murderer_gain_desc}This assassin has improved his suberfuge skills thanks to a successful murder. {Murderer_lose_desc}Failure during a mission has caused this assassin to lose so me of his skill as a killer. {NU_mage}Sorcerer of Nurgle {NU_mage_desc}Sorcerer of Nurgle {NU_mage_epithet_desc}- Sorcerer of Nurgle {Naive}Naive {Naive_desc}This man is simply a bit too innocent to understand why others would ever do anything underhanded. {Naive_effects_desc}-1 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination) {Natural_Born_Merchant}Natural Born Merchant {Natural_Born_Merchant_desc}Has a rare talent to evaluate the true worth of any given deal, and reaps the ample benefit as a result. {Natural_Born_Merchant_effects_desc}+2 Finance {Natural_Commander}Natural Commander {Natural_Commander_desc}A natural leader of men, well suited to military command . {Natural_Commander_effects_desc}+2 Command {Natural_Mediator}Natural Mediator {Natural_Mediator_desc}With his innate ability to settle disputes so well, it is no wonder he became a diplomat. {Natural_Mediator_effects_desc}+2 Influence {Natural_Negotiator}Natural Negotiator {Natural_Negotiator_desc}A fascination with the fine art of socialising graceful ly has made her highness quite a cunning communicator. {Natural_Negotiator_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Natural_Spy}Natural Spy {Natural_Spy_desc}Understands espionage innately and completely. A man of myster y to be sure. {Natural_Spy_effects_desc}+3 to agent s skill {Necromancy}Necromancy {Necromancy_desc}Dark magic is a destructive, corrupting force. To channel its e nergies, Necromancers must use corpses to shield themselves from its effects. Wi thout this protection, a Necromancer will slowly wither away until he becomes a wraith. A Vampire can unleash the full power of Dark Magic without risk of harmi ng itself, and so has an intrinsic control over the Undead that a human Necroman cer can never achieve. Invocation of Nehek, Raise Dead or Vanhel s Dance Macabre are examples of Necromancy spells. {Necromancy_effects_desc}A Necromancer can awaken the mortal remains to serve hi m in a ghastly mockery of life after each battle. {Necromancy_gain_desc}This individual has gained new insights into Dark magic. {Necromancy_lose_desc}This individual is too blind to see the true nature of Dar

k magic and has lost some of his abilities. {Necros}Necrarch {Necros_desc}Necrarch {Neglects_Religion}Neglects Religion {Neglects_Religion_desc}Has failed to notice religious issues at hand when he co uld do something about them. {Neglects_Religion_effects_desc}-1 Piety {Nenav}atred towards the High Elves {Nenav_desc}This Druchii hates his brothers , the Asur. {Nenav_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +1 Loyalty, +2 Command when fighting against High Elves {Nenav_gain_desc}atred {Nenav_lose_desc}atred {Nenavi}Fierce Hatred towards the High Elves {Nenavi_desc}This Druchii hates hates his brothers , the Asur, with a passion f ew can match. {Nenavi_effects_desc}+2 Dread, +2 Loyalty, +2 Command when fighting against High Elves {Nenavi_gain_desc}atred {Nenavi_lose_desc}atred {Nenavis}Eternal Hatred towards the High Elves {Nenavis_desc}This Druchii is so virulent in his hate for his pale brethren that it surprises even other Druchii. {Nenavis_effects_desc}+3 Dread, +3 Loyalty, +3 Command when fighting against Hig h Elves {Nenavis_gain_desc}atred {Nenavis_lose_desc}atred {Nervous_Battling_Catholics}Nervous Battling the Forces of Light {Nervous_Battling_Catholics_desc}Apprehensive to go out on the battlefield again st those people. {Nervous_Battling_Catholics_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against the Fo rces of Light {Nervous_Battling_Orthodox}Nervous Battling Orthodox {Nervous_Battling_Orthodox_desc}This person does not love the Orthodox faith and the traditions of its adherents. {Nervous_Battling_Orthodox_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Orthodo x {Nervous_Near_Aztecs}Nervous Near Aztecs {Nervous_Near_Aztecs_desc}Though he does not let it show to his troops, the unfa thomable heathen acts of the Aztecs make this man quite edgy. {Nervous_Near_Aztecs_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Aztecs {Nervous_Near_Byzantine}Nervous Near Ostlanders {Nervous_Near_Byzantine_desc}This man has a quiet discomfort when it comes to de aling with Ostlanders, including on the battlefield. {Nervous_Near_Byzantine_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Ostland {Nervous_near_Hungarians}Nervous near Sylvanians {Nervous_near_Hungarians_desc}Events of the past have made this man nervous abou t facing the fierce Carsteins in battle. {Nervous_near_Hungarians_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Sylvanian s {Nervous_near_Milanese}Nervous near Hochlanders {Nervous_near_Milanese_desc}There is no telling what foul trick or low blow the men from Hochland may resort to, and this man is overly wary of it. {Nervous_near_Milanese_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Hochlanders {Nervous_near_Moors}Nervous near Night Goblins {Nervous_near_Moors_desc}There is something about the way Night Goblins move in battle that causes this man to lose his nerve. {Nervous_near_Moors_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Night Goblins {Nervous_of_Outsiders}Nervous of Outsiders {Nervous_of_Outsiders_desc}Barbarians make this person feel nervous. They are to

different, strange ... {Nervous_of_Outsiders_effects_desc}+1 to public security (improves the chances o f detecting and capturing enemy agents) {New_Conviction}New Conviction {New_Conviction_desc}A pure belief that he now has a true understanding of the d ivine has made this man all the more pious. {New_Conviction_effects_desc}+2 Piety {New_Faith}New Faith {New_Faith_desc}A new take on spirituality has given this man a little more fait h than he had in the past. {New_Faith_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Night_Fighter}Night Fighter {Night_Fighter_desc}Has a proper understanding of how to organise a large fighti ng force so that they will not flounder about ineffectually in the darkness. {Night_Fighter_effects_desc}+1 Command when fighting at night {No_Naval_Nouse}No Naval Nouse {No_Naval_Nouse_desc}Seems to lack any real understanding of how to win battles at sea. {No_Naval_Nouse_effects_desc}-2 Command at sea {No_Nonsense}No Nonsense {No_Nonsense_desc}Not open to hearing talk of divine and mystical perils that ma y befall us. Why have these things not happened then? {No_Nonsense_effects_desc}+2 Authority, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld {No_Sense_of_Mortality}No Sense of Mortality {No_Sense_of_Mortality_desc}Cannot fathom the notion that he may meet an untimel y death, regardless of the obvious risks that come with his position. {No_Sense_of_Mortality_effects_desc}-4 from personal security (increases the cha nces of falling victim to assassination) {No_Wrath}No Wrath {No_Wrath_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE - you should never see this! {No_Wrath_effects_desc}-1 Command when commanding gunpowder troops {Noble_Commander}Noble Commander {Noble_Commander_desc}Has shown some leniency to enemies captured on the field o f battle. {Noble_Commander_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry {Noble_Commander_lose_desc}All the merciful acts of this man are now forgotten. {Noble_in_Battle}Noble in Battle {Noble_in_Battle_desc}Never let it be said that this man will resort to cheap ta ctics to win a battle, it is beneath him now. {Noble_in_Battle_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry {Noble_in_Battle_gain_desc}This valiant and brave in battle warrior is renowned for its generosity. {Noble_in_Battle_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the last battle, this warri or is not so noble as before. {Noble_in_Rule}Noble in Rule {Noble_in_Rule_desc}The people smile upon a ruler who puts his support behind no ble projects and tasks. {Noble_in_Rule_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry {Noble_in_Rule_gain_desc}The subjects of this ruler admire his generousity. {Noble_in_Rule_lose_desc}Recently, this man is too resourceful. This behaviour c annot be considered noble. {Noctophobic}Noctophobic {Noctophobic_desc}From dusk till dawn this man goes mad with fear. {Noctophobic_effects_desc}-3 Command when fighting at night, +2 to personal secu rity (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Nocturnal}Nocturnal {Nocturnal_desc}Known to sleep during the day so he can spend more of his waking hours in darkness. Makes easy prey of enemies unaccustomed to working in the da rk.

{Nocturnal_effects_desc}+3 Command when fighting at night {Nocturnal_gain_desc}This man is now seen as an expert when commanding battles a t night. {Not_Constructive}Not Constructive {Not_Constructive_desc}Is not one to take the initiative to oversee the construc tion of a new building. He may require some reminding. {Not_Constructive_effects_desc}5% increase to construction costs, +1 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order) {Not_Diplomatic}Not Diplomatic {Not_Diplomatic_desc}The way she expects others to see things her way makes nego tiating with this woman very painful. {Not_Diplomatic_effects_desc}-2 Charm {Not_Dogmatic}Not Dogmatic {Not_Dogmatic_desc}Growing up in an area without a truly dominant religion has m ade this man sensitive to what offends followers of different faiths. {Not_Dogmatic_effects_desc}+1 Influence {Not_a_Killer}Not a Killer {Not_a_Killer_desc}It would seem this man simply isn t capable of killing people - ironic given his choice of profession. {Not_a_Killer_effects_desc}-3 from agent s skill {Not_an_Assassin}Not an Assassin {Not_an_Assassin_desc}Assassins are paid to kill peoplethis man has thus far been paid to apologise for his failures. {Not_an_Assassin_effects_desc}-2 from agent s skill {Not_fit_for_Combat}Not Fit for Combat {Not_fit_for_Combat_desc}The battlefield - not a place for the elderly. The year s have taken away this warrior s endurance and strength. {Not_fit_for_Combat_effects_desc}-4 from your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Not_fit_for_Combat_gain_desc}This man is hardly likely to last long in battle. He is simply too old. {Notorious_Pirate}Notorious Pirate {Notorious_Pirate_desc}A menace of the seas, this lawless captain is not to be u nderestimated. {Notorious_Pirate_effects_desc}-3 Loyalty, +3 Command at sea {Nuerotic}Neurotic {Nuerotic_desc}Driven utterly neurotic by an ongoing plot to end her life, this poor woman s existence has become a misery. {Nuerotic_effects_desc}-3 Charm, +2 to personal security (improves the chances o f detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Nuln_engeners}Empire Engineer {Nuln_engeners_desc}Empire Engineer {Nuln_engeners_epithet_desc}- Empire Engineer {Odd_Habits}Odd Habits {Odd_Habits_desc}Has seen his faith s effort come to naught in the past, and doe s not know what to think of it. {Odd_Habits_effects_desc}+1 Unorthodoxy {Of_Dubious_Lineage}Of Dubious Lineage {Of_Dubious_Lineage_desc}Displays some lameness that suggests his lineage may no t be as noble as one would expect. {Of_Dubious_Lineage_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Officer_Training}Officer Training {Officer_Training_desc}Benefits from the best military training available, makin g him a better commander. {Officer_Training_effects_desc}+2 Command {Open-Minded}Open-Minded {Open-Minded_desc}Is uncertain whether faith itself is flawed, or if it s been l acking in the people he has met. {Open-Minded_effects_desc}+2 Unorthodoxy {Open_Purse}Open Purse

{Open_Purse_desc}His pathetic attempts at economic warfare suggest he will one d ay fall victim to a more shrewd merchant. {Open_Purse_effects_desc}-3 Finance {Open_to_Murder}Open to Murder {Open_to_Murder_desc}Willing to turn to hired blades to take out targets that ar mies would struggle to reach. {Open_to_Murder_effects_desc}+1 Dread, 10% discount on agent training costs {Open_to_all_Religions}Open to all Religions {Open_to_all_Religions_desc}Offers total respect to the religious beliefs of tho se he encounters, even if they are totally contrary to his own. {Open_to_all_Religions_effects_desc}+3 Influence {Openly_Giving}Openly Giving {Openly_Giving_desc}Freely giving of his wealth and possessions, and when possib le, his time. {Openly_Giving_effects_desc}2% penalty on all trade income, 5% penalty on tax in come {Orthodox_}Orthodox {Orthodox_Instruction}Orthodox Instruction {Orthodox_Instruction_desc}The influence of the local Theologian s guild house h as only served to make this priest more pious. {Orthodox_Instruction_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Orthodox__desc}When the presence of the faith is prominent, it is easier to sta y true to the flock. {Orthodox__effects_desc}-1 Unorthodoxy {Over-Cautious_Attacker}Over-Cautious Attacker {Over-Cautious_Attacker_desc}His troops are understandably apathetic when this m an orders an attack. {Over-Cautious_Attacker_effects_desc}-2 Command when attacking {Overly_Generous}Overly Generous {Overly_Generous_desc}This man s generousity is so great that is more of a liabi lity than it is endearing. {Overly_Generous_effects_desc}5% penalty on all trade income, 10% penalty on tax income {Overly_Suspicious}Overly Suspicious {Overly_Suspicious_desc}Suspicious of unseen plots and dreaded fates, many of wh ich are obviously untrue. {Overly_Suspicious_effects_desc}+2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Overly_Trusting}Overly Trusting {Overly_Trusting_desc}Utterly naive and ignorant to the perils that lie in other people, and an easy target for any plot or scheme. {Overly_Trusting_effects_desc}-3 from personal security (increases the chances o f falling victim to assassination) {Pagan_Priest}Pagan Priest {Pagan_Priest_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE {Pagan_Priest_effects_desc}No effects {Paralytic}Paralytic {Paralytic_desc}This man s vice of drink has rendered him all but dead, incapabl e of standing much of the time. {Paralytic_effects_desc}-5 Command, -5 Authority, 10% penalty on tax income {Paralytic_epithet_desc}the Drunkard {Paralytic_gain_desc}This man is incapacitated by his drinking. {Paranoid}Paranoid {Paranoid_desc}Typically believes that others are out to get him, afraid of the intentions others have towards him - they must be dastardly! {Paranoid_effects_desc}-1 Command, -1 Authority, +3 to personal security (improv es the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Passionate}Passionate {Passionate_desc}A creature of intimacy, unashamed of showing her feelings towar d people.

{Passionate_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Passionate_epithet_desc}the Affectionate {Pathetic_Attacker}Pathetic Attacker {Pathetic_Attacker_desc}It were as if this man were incapable of launching a suc cessful attack. {Pathetic_Attacker_effects_desc}-3 Command when attacking {Pathetic_Besieger}Pathetic Besieger {Pathetic_Besieger_desc}When it comes to taking enemy walls, this man has scant idea as to what to do. {Pathetic_Besieger_effects_desc}-2 Command when assaulting walls {Pathetic_Commander}Pathetic Commander {Pathetic_Commander_desc}This man could clutch defeat from the jaws of victory. {Pathetic_Commander_effects_desc}-3 Command {Pathetic_Defender}Pathetic Defender {Pathetic_Defender_desc}Having failed to stand his ground so many times, it is a miracle this man has not already fallen in battle. {Pathetic_Defender_effects_desc}-3 Command when defending {Pathetic_Prosecutor}Pathetic Prosecutor {Pathetic_Prosecutor_desc}Has developed a reputation for casting wild accusation s at the innocent that a common serf could disprove. {Pathetic_Prosecutor_effects_desc}-3 Piety {Pathetic_at_the_Walls}Pathetic at the Walls {Pathetic_at_the_Walls_desc}Appears to be unable to use the defensive benefits o f a settlement s walls at all. {Pathetic_at_the_Walls_effects_desc}-2 Command when defending walls {Pathological_Liar}Pathological Liar {Pathological_Liar_desc}Simply cannot resist the urge to embellish or mislead ot hers. He even lies to himself about the nature of this problem. {Pathological_Liar_effects_desc}-3 Authority {Pathological_Liar_epithet_desc}the Liar {Peaceful}Peaceful {Peaceful_desc}It does not matter what the justification is to this man of God, he always shuns acts of violence. {Peaceful_effects_desc}-2 Violence {People s_Princess}People s Princess {People s_Princess_desc}Vocally declares the need for a fair set of laws to be o bserved by both King and cattlehand. {People s_Princess_effects_desc}+3 Charm {Perfect_Politician}Perfect Politician {Perfect_Politician_desc}Has an iron-clad grip on the world of politics, and is a master of dealing with and understanding other peoples. {Perfect_Politician_effects_desc}-2 Loyalty, +2 Authority {Physically_Attractive}Physically Attractive {Physically_Attractive_desc}Boasts looks that most men would kill to have when c ourting ladies. {Physically_Attractive_effects_desc}+2 to popularity (improves public order) {Physically_Flawless}Physically Flawless {Physically_Flawless_desc}There is no chance this man s portrait will be flatter ing, no matter how deft the artist. {Physically_Flawless_effects_desc}-1 Command, +1 Authority, +4 to popularity (im proves public order) {Physically_Flawless_epithet_desc}the Handsome {Picks_Fights_Poorly}Picks Fights Poorly {Picks_Fights_Poorly_desc}This man is in a hurry to strike first, without select ing the time and place, and often loses. {Picks_Fights_Poorly_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, 1 Command when attacking {Pillager}Pillager {Pillager_desc}Actually drills his men on how to pillage a place effectively onc e the enemy lies defeated.

{Pillager_effects_desc}20% bonus to cash gained from looting {Pious_Ruler}Pious Ruler {Pious_Ruler_desc}As pious as one can ever be expected to be, this man is a cham pion of the faith. {Pious_Ruler_effects_desc}+4 Piety {Pious_Ruler_epithet_desc}the Pious {Placid}Placid {Placid_desc}As would be expect of a man of the cloth, he does not believe in vi olence {Placid_effects_desc}-1 Violence {Plain}Plain {Plain_desc}This man s looks are lacklustre enough that he must compensate a lit tle. {Plain_effects_desc}-1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order) {Plotter}Plotter {Plotter_desc}Able to plot together a sensible plan to get the job done without risk of capture or worse. {Plotter_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Politcally_Wise}Politcally Wise {Politcally_Wise_desc}Known to be capable of shrewd diplomatic manoeuvres. {Politcally_Wise_effects_desc}+1 Authority {Political_Animal}Political Animal {Political_Animal_desc}Few savour the world of politics but this man has a love for the deals and schemes of kingdoms. {Political_Animal_effects_desc}-1 Loyalty, +1 Authority {Political_Promise}Political Promise {Political_Promise_desc}Showing interest and promise in the deadly games of poli tics. {Political_Promise_effects_desc}+1 Authority {Politically_Poor}Politically Poor {Politically_Poor_desc}Appears to be a overly prone to satiating other rulers wh en negotiating with them. {Politically_Poor_effects_desc}-1 Authority {Politically_Powerful}Politically Powerful {Politically_Powerful_desc}Typically able to push other world powers into doing as he would wish. {Politically_Powerful_effects_desc}+3 Authority {Politically_Powerless}Politically Powerless {Politically_Powerless_desc}So commonly does this man bend to the will of other rulers that he is difficult to admire. {Politically_Powerless_effects_desc}-3 Authority {Politically_Strong}Politically Strong {Politically_Strong_desc}Has shown his mettle when negotiating with the rulers o f other lands. {Politically_Strong_effects_desc}+2 Authority {Politically_Weak}Politically Weak {Politically_Weak_desc}Has a bad habit of agreeing to the demands of foreign rul ers that undermines his sense of authority. {Politically_Weak_effects_desc}-2 Authority {Poor_Administrator}Poor Administrator {Poor_Administrator_desc}Not one to entrust a complicated civil problem with. {Poor_Administrator_effects_desc}3% penalty on all trade income {Poor_Against_Numbers}Poor Against Numbers {Poor_Against_Numbers_desc}Has yet to learn how to position his forces to preven t being overwhelmed by a larger force. {Poor_Against_Numbers_effects_desc}-1 Command when defending {Poor_Ambusher}Poor Ambusher {Poor_Ambusher_desc}This man has yet to learn the subtleties necessary to launch a successful ambush. {Poor_Ambusher_effects_desc}-1 Command when ambushing

{Poor_Besieger}Poor Besieger {Poor_Besieger_desc}Hasn t quite figured out the art of breaching walls and taki ng settlements yet. {Poor_Besieger_effects_desc}-1 Command when assaulting walls {Poor_Diplomat}Poor Diplomat {Poor_Diplomat_desc}Has made a meal of several meetings that had no real reason to be so problematic or troublesome. {Poor_Diplomat_effects_desc}-2 Influence {Poor_Disciplinarian}Poor Disciplinarian {Poor_Disciplinarian_desc}Lacks either the heart or the stomach to push his troo ps to excel. {Poor_Disciplinarian_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, 10% to Movement Points (reduces the distance armies can march) {Poor_Navigator}Poor Navigator {Poor_Navigator_desc}Seems to show difficulty in grasping how to best navigate d uring naval combat. {Poor_Navigator_effects_desc}-1 Command at sea {Poor_Plotter}Poor Plotter {Poor_Plotter_desc}Suspects he is a capable plotter, but not the fact that he s wrong. {Poor_Plotter_effects_desc}-1 from agent s skill {Poor_Prosecutor}Poor Prosecutor {Poor_Prosecutor_desc}Still regarded as an authority on heresy, but a failed pro secution suggests his conclusions are fallible. {Poor_Prosecutor_effects_desc}-1 Piety {Poor_Risk_Taker}Poor Risk Taker {Poor_Risk_Taker_desc}Has not been afraid of taking risks he should have been. {Poor_Risk_Taker_effects_desc}-1 Command when attacking {Poor_Speaker}Poor Speaker {Poor_Speaker_desc}Lacks any sort of flair or conviction when delivering a speec h. {Poor_Speaker_effects_desc}No Effects {Poor_Spy}Poor Spy {Poor_Spy_desc}Far from the most cunning agent you will ever recruit, he has fai led on more than one act of subterfuge {Poor_Spy_effects_desc}-2 from agent s skill {Poor_at_the_Walls}Poor at the Walls {Poor_at_the_Walls_desc}Not an ideal choice to command the garrison of a settlem ent under siege. {Poor_at_the_Walls_effects_desc}-1 Command when defending walls {Poor_with_Artillery}Poor with Artillery {Poor_with_Artillery_desc}Has yet to show a true grasp of how to use artillery i n the correct manner. {Poor_with_Artillery_effects_desc}-1 Command when commanding artillery {Poor_with_Cavalry}Poor with Cavalry {Poor_with_Cavalry_desc}Not good at dealing with the risks facing cavalrymen in battle. {Poor_with_Cavalry_effects_desc}-1 Command when commanding cavalry {Poor_with_Guns}Poor with Guns {Poor_with_Guns_desc}Has yet to grasp the use of gunners in field warfare. {Poor_with_Guns_effects_desc}-1 Command when commanding gunpowder troops {Poor_with_Infantry}Poor with Infantry {Poor_with_Infantry_desc}Has yet to show promise as an effective commander of in fantry troops. {Poor_with_Infantry_effects_desc}-1 Command when commanding infantry {Poor_with_Taxes}Poor with Taxes {Poor_with_Taxes_desc}Prone to believing pathetic excuses that see some tax slip away from his grasp. {Poor_with_Taxes_effects_desc}10% penalty on tax income {Pope s_Enforcer}Theogonist s Enforcer

{Pope s_Enforcer_desc}Lords who have no qualms about travelling to far off lands for noble, spiritual causes serve as a great example to their men. {Pope s_Enforcer_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +1 Command when fighting against Greensk ins {Pope s_Executioner}Theogonists s Executioner {Pope s_Executioner_desc}Some show their devotion through prayer, but this man s hows it through battling in Sigmar s name. {Pope s_Executioner_effects_desc}+2 Dread, +2 Command when fighting against Gree nskins {Pope s_Executioner_epithet_desc}the Executioner {Potentially_Confused}Potentially Confused {Potentially_Confused_desc}Has been known to flirt with other ladies of the cour t. {Potentially_Confused_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Powerful_Channeler}Powerful Channeler {Powerful_Channeler_desc}Even her own parents couldn t deny she clearly had trem endous, unnatural power. {Powerful_Channeler_effects_desc}+4 Magic {Practically_Dauntless}Practically Dauntless {Practically_Dauntless_desc}Survived so many attempts on his life that he now ho lds himself with extreme confidence in all situations. {Practically_Dauntless_effects_desc}+3 Influence, -1 from personal security (inc reases the chances of falling victim to assassination) {Prefers_Women}Prefers Women {Prefers_Women_desc}Understood to prefer female company, regardless of the occas ion. {Prefers_Women_effects_desc}-1 Charm, Decreases the chance of having children {Pretentious}Pretentious {Pretentious_desc}This woman is that arrogant kind of royal that makes a point o f looking down their nose at all others. {Pretentious_effects_desc}-1 Charm {PriestToCardinal}PriestToCardinal {PriestToCardinal_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE {PriestToCardinal_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Prim}Prim {Prim_desc}Prim and proper, this man s righteousness make him rather humourless. {Prim_effects_desc}+2 Authority, 30% increase to cost to bribe, +2 to unrest (ha s a negative effect on public order), +2 to law (improves public order) {Problem_Gambler}Problem Gambler {Problem_Gambler_desc}His gambling has become a problem that is larger than he c an afford. He is convinced he will redeem his losings in one sure thing soon. {Problem_Gambler_effects_desc}15% penalty on all trade income, 30% decrease to c ost to bribe {Prolific}Prolific {Prolific_desc}This man cannot indulge in carnal pleasures, lawful or otherwise, without a woman s belly giving him away months later. {Prolific_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {Promising_Attacker}Promising Attacker {Promising_Attacker_desc}This man shows signs of being a most effective attackin g commander. {Promising_Attacker_effects_desc}+1 Command when attacking {Promising_Commander}Promising Commander {Promising_Commander_desc}This man has shown at least a basic grasp of field tac tics. {Promising_Commander_effects_desc}+1 Command {Promising_Commander_gain_desc}This man has gained a Command star thanks to his battle antics. {Promising_Commander_lose_desc}The defeat reduced the Command of the commander. {Promising_Defender}Promising Defender {Promising_Defender_desc}Shows that he understands not to panic when under attac

k. {Promising_Defender_effects_desc}+1 Command when defending {Promising_Diplomat}Promising Diplomat {Promising_Diplomat_desc}Seems to be able to hold himself in the correct manner during diplomacy. {Promising_Diplomat_effects_desc}+1 Influence {Promising_Strategist}Promising Strategist {Promising_Strategist_desc}Has shown an aptitude for strategy during his studies . {Promising_Strategist_effects_desc}+1 Command {Promising_Tactician}Promising Tactician {Promising_Tactician_desc}Not only does this man remember what he has been taugh t about tactics, he understands the theory as well. {Promising_Tactician_effects_desc}+2 Command when ambushing, +1 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted) {Prone_to_Rhetoric}Prone to Rhetoric {Prone_to_Rhetoric_desc}His ability to bedazzle with flowery language and words is clearas is the annoyance some show with his pompous rants. {Prone_to_Rhetoric_effects_desc}-1 Authority {Proper_Morals}Proper Morals {Proper_Morals_desc}Behaves in a noble and proper way without prompting. {Proper_Morals_effects_desc}+1 Authority, 20% increase to cost to bribe, +1 to u nrest (has a negative effect on public order), +1 to law (improves public order) {Protected_Assets}Protected Assets {Protected_Assets_desc}Accustomed to other merchants coming after his assets, th is one has secured his well. {Protected_Assets_effects_desc}+2 Finance {Protected_by_the_Gods}Protected by the Gods {Protected_by_the_Gods_desc}Gods repeatedly saved this faithful servant of the m ost dangerous situations. {Protected_by_the_Gods_effects_desc}+1 Piety, +1 Valour {Proud_Legacy}Proud Legacy {Proud_Legacy_desc}Has gained some respect as a result of his father s influence . {Proud_Legacy_effects_desc}+1 Authority {Proven_Commander}Proven Commander {Proven_Commander_desc}This man has proven himself to be able to command men in battle very effectively. {Proven_Commander_effects_desc}+3 Command {Proven_Commander_gain_desc}This man has gained another Command star thanks to h is battle prowess. {Proven_Commander_lose_desc}The defeat reduced the Command of the commander. {Provoker}Provoker {Provoker_desc}Can rouse a group of downtrodden folk with words of strength and determination that are not too flowery or noble. {Provoker_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +3 to popularity (improves public order), + 1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order) {Prudish}Prudish {Prudish_desc}Rarely shows any outward signs of want or affection towards the me n in her life. {Prudish_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Publically_Loved}Publically Loved {Publically_Loved_desc}Has been known to pardon servants for innocent indiscreti ons that most royalty would punish. {Publically_Loved_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Purger_of_Heresy}Purger of Heresy {Purger_of_Heresy_desc}Where this man walks, heresy dies. A champion of eradicat ing all traces of religious impurity. {Purger_of_Heresy_effects_desc}+3 Piety, +2 chances to election, +3 Purity, +2 V iolence

{Purger_of_Heretics}Purger of Heretics {Purger_of_Heretics_desc}Boasts an impressive record of driving heretics from th e lands of more pious people. {Purger_of_Heretics_effects_desc}+3 Piety {Purger_of_Heretics_gain_desc}This man s piety has increased thanks to successfu lly denouncing another blasphemer. {Purger_of_Heretics_lose_desc}The man was defeated in a fight against the pagans and has lost part of his piety. {Questionable}Questionable {Questionable_desc}It is sometimes wondered why father does not swiftly chastise those who would sin around him. {Questionable_effects_desc}-1 Purity {Questioning_Cause}Questioning Cause {Questioning_Cause_desc}Concerned for his safety, this diplomatic has taken to k eeping a guard with himself, even during private audiences. {Questioning_Cause_effects_desc}-2 Piety {Questions_Technology}Questions Technology {Questions_Technology_desc}Why dwell upon building a machine to do a man s job? Men can learn from their mistakes, but a machine can only repeat them! {Questions_Technology_effects_desc}-1 Command when assaulting walls {Quietly_Observant}Quietly Observant {Quietly_Observant_desc}Has always been one to notice things without others know ing he was there. {Quietly_Observant_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Quite_Mad}Quite Mad {Quite_Mad_desc}Not making sense most of the time, often launching into tirades of utter nonsense. {Quite_Mad_effects_desc}-2 Authority, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefiel d {Quite_Merciful}Quite Merciful {Quite_Merciful_desc}So commonly does this man let his enemy prisoners go, they actually expect it. {Quite_Merciful_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry {Quite_Merciless}Quite Merciless {Quite_Merciless_desc}Notorious for executing any survivors in the battles he wi ns, with little exception. {Quite_Merciless_effects_desc}+3 Dread {Quite_Objective}Quite Objective {Quite_Objective_desc}More likely to consider a perspective other than his own t han not. {Quite_Objective_effects_desc}No Effects {Quite_Religious}Quite Religious {Quite_Religious_desc}Sometimes lets his religious conscience prevent himself fr om exploiting great trade opportunities. {Quite_Religious_effects_desc}-1 Finance {Quite_Subjective}Quite Subjective {Quite_Subjective_desc}More likely to rely on his beliefs and personal perspecti ve than consider others. {Quite_Subjective_effects_desc}No Effects {Quite_Unorthodox}Quite Unorthodox {Quite_Unorthodox_desc}Realising so many see the divine a different way is makin g this man question if he can see it at all anymore. {Quite_Unorthodox_effects_desc}+3 Unorthodoxy {Quite_Unorthodox_epithet_desc}the Unorthodox {Ragnar}Biography {Ragnar_desc}Eric Ragnar is a famed leader of mercenaries from the cold lands of Norsca. He and his Wolves, a band of horsemen who wield vicious axes in combat, have fought for the Empire against Undead hordes and the forces of Chaos. {Reasonable_Ruler}Reasonable Ruler {Reasonable_Ruler_desc}Understood to wish prosperity for all of his people, and

to be a very reasonable leader. {Reasonable_Ruler_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, -1 from squalor (increases public or der and population growth) {Rebelious}Rebellious {Rebelious_desc}Has changed masters more than once. Perhaps he cannot settle on one? {Rebelious_effects_desc}-2 Loyalty {Rebelled}Rebelled {Rebelled_desc}This man s loyalties have changed at least once in his lifetime. {Rebelled_effects_desc}-1 Loyalty {Reconnaissance_Expert}Reconnaissance Expert {Reconnaissance_Expert_desc}Always has riders and runners coming and going from his main force, ensuring that they know what is going on. {Reconnaissance_Expert_effects_desc}+3 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted) {Red_Blooded}Red Blooded {Red_Blooded_desc}This man has let his passions get the better of him, when he k nows they should not have. {Red_Blooded_effects_desc}+2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Refined_Tastes}Refined Tastes {Refined_Tastes_desc}Able to appreciate the better things in life properly. {Refined_Tastes_effects_desc}2% bonus on all trade income, 10% decrease to cost to bribe {Reiksmarshall}Reiksmarshal {Reiksmarshall_desc}Commander of all Imperial forces. {Reiksmarshall_effects_desc}None {Reiksmarshall_epithet_desc}- Reiksmarshal {Reiksmarshall_gain_desc}Reiksmarshal {Reiksmarshall_lose_desc}Reiksmarshal {Reliable}Reliable {Reliable_desc}Accepts that it s her duty in life to marry, possibly without lov e, and honour her vows. {Reliable_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Religious}Religious {Religious_desc}This man has had some involvement with religious matters in his time. {Religious_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Religiously_Active}Religiously Active {Religiously_Active_desc}This man addresses religious matters with the importanc e they demand. {Religiously_Active_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +3 Piety {Religiously_Devout}Religiously Devout {Religiously_Devout_desc}Pious enough to be considered a true supporter of the f aith. {Religiously_Devout_effects_desc}+3 Piety {Religiously_Ignorant}Religiously Ignorant {Religiously_Ignorant_desc}Does not pay attention to religious matters with the seriousness that a leader of men should. {Religiously_Ignorant_effects_desc}-2 Piety {Religiously_Improper}Religiously Improper {Religiously_Improper_desc}Poorly masks his disdain for dealing with religious c eremony. {Religiously_Improper_effects_desc}-2 Piety, +1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order) {Religiously_Improper_gain_desc}This person avoids religious ceremonies, and lac ks piety. {Religiously_Improper_lose_desc}This man began to follow religious practices. It seems he has found his faith. {Religiously_Intolerant}Religiously Intolerant {Religiously_Intolerant_desc}Intolerant enough of other religions to the point h

e uses their names as derogatory terms. {Religiously_Intolerant_effects_desc}-2 Influence {Religiously_Minded}Religiously Minded {Religiously_Minded_desc}Shows consideration for matters of religion in both his professional and personal lives. {Religiously_Minded_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Religiously_Proper}Religiously Proper {Religiously_Proper_desc}Follows the basic mandates, goes to pray often enough. {Religiously_Proper_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Renowned_Victor}Renowned Victor {Renowned_Victor_desc}Popularity is something this man s victories are forcing h im to become accustomed to. {Renowned_Victor_effects_desc}+1 Authority, -1 from personal security (increases the chances of falling victim to assassination), +1 to popularity (improves pub lic order) {Repulsive_to_Behold}Repulsive to Behold {Repulsive_to_Behold_desc}This man s visage is not just ugly, it is difficult to look him in the eye. {Repulsive_to_Behold_effects_desc}+1 Command, -4 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order), Decreases the chance of having children {Reserved}Reserved {Reserved_desc}Doesn t let his emotions show, making him at least appear calm in a crisis. {Reserved_effects_desc}100% increase to cost to bribe {Respected_by_Pope}Respected by Theogonist {Respected_by_Pope_desc}Lords who have no qualms about travelling to far off lan ds for noble, spiritual causes serve as a great example to their men. {Respected_by_Pope_effects_desc}+1 Piety, +1 Command when fighting against Green skins {Respectful}Respectful {Respectful_desc}Understands what few nobles do Treating everyone with respect is a sign of true nobility, not weakness. {Respectful_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Respects_other_Religions}Respects other Religions {Respects_other_Religions_desc}He may find the basis of some religions to be fla wed, but he will not make the mistake of telling people so. {Respects_other_Religions_effects_desc}+2 Influence {Respects_the_Enemy}Respects the Enemy {Respects_the_Enemy_desc}Has shown some leniency to enemies captured on the fiel d of battle. {Respects_the_Enemy_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry {Respects_the_Enemy_lose_desc}All the merciful acts of this man are now forgotte n. {Reverant}Reverant {Reverant_desc}Suspecting the church is out to get him, he has taken steps to en sure he is genuinely pious. {Reverant_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Righteous}Righteous {Righteous_desc}Very few priests can claim to practise everything they preach. T his man is one of those few. {Righteous_effects_desc}+2 Purity {Rihter}Biography {Rihter_desc}Kreugar fights with the Undead so he can finally find his well dese rved death. {Rikko}Biography {Rikko_desc}With Ricco at their head, the regiment marched out of Remas with the ir loot. The citizens cheered them from the rooftops, and a few tears were shed by the ladied of Remas who threw silken scarves and handkerchiefs which the troo pers tied about their arms and helmets as a memento of the hospitality they had enjoyed. They marched from Tilea to Sartosa and travelled over the sea to Estali

a, Bretonnia, the Empire, Kislev and the beleaguered Border Princes, where the r egiment has continued to win fame and renown ever since. {Risky_Attacker}Risky Attacker {Risky_Attacker_desc}Never one to shy away from a risky plan of attack. Perhaps the thrill of the danger inspires him? {Risky_Attacker_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +2 Com mand when attacking {Robber_Baron}Robber Baron {Robber_Baron_desc}Even merchants from the Far East speak this man s name with r everence and awe. A true financial genius. {Robber_Baron_effects_desc}+4 Finance {Robber_Baron_gain_desc}This man s Finance rating has increased thanks to his su ccessfully putting a foreign merchant out of business. {Robber_Baron_lose_desc}An attempt to eliminate competitors failed - and with it the promiss of richness. {Roderigo}Biography {Roderigo_desc}The life of a farmer, even a wealthy landowner, was never an easy one in the war-torn land of Tilea. When Roderigo Delmonte found himself destitu te he embarked upon the only course of action that remained to him: he became a soldier. His workforce, faced with the unappealing option of starvation, signed up without question. In Remas, Roderigo sold his last mule and bought some shodd y armour, helmets and a batch of slightly bent pikes. He and his men prepared th emselves for their first battle. {Royal_Princess}Royal Princess {Royal_Princess_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden trait for princesses. {Royal_Princess_effects_desc}No Effects {Royal_Ties}Royal Ties {Royal_Ties_desc}This man s marriage into royalty has given extra reason to rema in loyal to the people he now serves. {Royal_Ties_effects_desc}+3 Loyalty {Royally_Extravagant}Royally Extravagant {Royally_Extravagant_desc}Spends with reckless abandon, not really considering w here all of that money comes from at times. {Royally_Extravagant_effects_desc}10% increase to construction costs, 20% penalt y on tax income, -1 from squalor (increases public order and population growth) {Royally_Offensive}Royally Offensive {Royally_Offensive_desc}Her wild mood swings and acerbic nature could turn a pea ce treaty into an act of war. {Royally_Offensive_effects_desc}-3 Charm {Ruglud}Biography {Ruglud_desc}Ruglud Bonechewer is a powerful and wealthy Orc mercenary who sells his services all across the known world, from the treacherous Badlands in the s outh up through the realm of the Border Princes and throughout the mountains sur rounding the Empire. Rumours suggest that even the Empire itself has hired his s ervices on occasion. Ruthless to the core, Ruglud s only loyalty is to himself a nd he has been known to change sides during battle if offered more payment and a greater share of the loot and pillage. After every battle his company always ta kes crossbows and bolts which they prize very highly. {Rural_Expert}Rural Expert {Rural_Expert_desc}Boasts a sound understanding of how to manage farming distric ts to produce a yield capable of supporting many people. {Rural_Expert_effects_desc}+2 to farming output {Rykarth}Biography {Rykarth_desc}Known fotriumphed- Rykarth himself was present in the forges of Zh arr Naggrund when Archaon signed a deal for the creation and crewing of the daem onic Hellcannons. Some say that Rykarth even met eyes with the Lord of the End T imes without looking away. Only moments after which Archaon agreed to pay the he fty commission demanded by the Chaos Dwarfs. {Rykarth_epithet_desc}- Slaver {Sacker_of_Cities}Sacker of Cities

{Sacker_of_Cities_desc}Has made an art of ransacking the homes of the terrified folk he has just conquered. {Sacker_of_Cities_effects_desc}30% bonus to cash gained from looting {Sadly_Ignorant}Sadly Ignorant {Sadly_Ignorant_desc}Frustratingly unaware of how things work, more so for those that must answer to him than others. {Sadly_Ignorant_effects_desc}-1 Authority, 5% penalty on all trade income, 5% pe nalty on tax income {Saint_of_Battle}Saint of Battle {Saint_of_Battle_desc}Spoken off throughout the known world as a walking embodim ent of knightly virtues that all warriors should aspire to emulate. {Saint_of_Battle_effects_desc}+5 Chivalry, +2 Authority {Saint_of_Battle_epithet_desc}the Saint {Saint_of_Battle_gain_desc}This man is famous as a true knight and a stronghold of nobility. {Saint_of_Battle_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the last battle, this warri or is not so noble as before. {Saintly_Ruler}Saintly Ruler {Saintly_Ruler_desc}This man has become a champion of virtues through his righte ous path of improving the lives of all under his rule. {Saintly_Ruler_effects_desc}+5 Chivalry, +3 Authority {Saintly_Ruler_epithet_desc}the Saint {Saintly_Ruler_gain_desc}This is truly a just, merciful and noble ruler. {Saintly_Ruler_lose_desc}Recently, this man is too resourcefuf. This behavior ca nnot be considered noble. {Sane}Sane {Sane_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden VnV to protect from and turn off assorted v arieties of bonkers in the nut! {Sane_effects_desc}No Effects {Sanguinary}Sanguinary {Sanguinary_desc}Cannot wait to see his foe s blood stain his own tabard in batt le. {Sanguinary_effects_desc}+2 Dread, +1 Command, -1 Morale for all troops on the b attlefield {Sasha}Sasha Kajetan {Sasha_desc}Sasha Kajetan {Savage}Savage Orc Warboss {Savage_desc}This wild brute commands the Savage Orcs. {Savage_effects_desc}None {Savage_epithet_desc}- Savage Orc Warboss {Savage_gain_desc}After destroying all rivals this Orc has become the Savage Orc Warboss. {Savage_lose_desc}No longer able to beat his rivals this Orc is no longer the Sa vage Orc Warboss. {Savior_of_Cities}Saviour of Cities {Savior_of_Cities_desc}Known far and wide for his ability to successfully defend cities and castles, and considered an extra ring of defence. {Savior_of_Cities_effects_desc}+4 Command when defending walls {Savior_of_Cities_epithet_desc}the Defender {Savior_of_Cities_gain_desc}This man has few equals when defending a fort, town or city. {Scarlet_Woman}Scarlet Woman {Scarlet_Woman_desc}It is uncertain whether or not this exciting creature will r emain a virgin prior to her marriage, if indeed she is still one at this point. {Scarlet_Woman_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Scarred}Scarred {Scarred_desc}Bears many scars of war, a sign of both courage and endurance in b attle. {Scarred_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +4 to your general s hitpoints (how many hit s your general can take before dying)

{Schemer}Schemer {Schemer_desc}Spends his time devising suitably crafty schemes before arriving t o perform the job. {Schemer_effects_desc}+2 to agent s skill {Scholarly}Scholarly {Scholarly_desc}The man who marries this woman will find no wiser counsellor in the land than his own wife. {Scholarly_effects_desc}+2 Charm {Secretive}Secretive {Secretive_desc}Able to feign ignorance on almost any topic that is best not dis cussed. {Secretive_effects_desc}+2 Influence, 5% bonus on bribery attempts (increases th e chances that a bribe will be successful) {Secretly_Female}Secretly Female {Secretly_Female_desc}Her devotion to God is strong enough to risk severe punish ment for posing as a man. {Secretly_Female_effects_desc}+1 Piety, -1 Eligibility, +1 Purity, -1 Violence {Secure_Assets}Secure Assets {Secure_Assets_desc}A close scrape that almost put this trader out of business h as made him more careful and astute. {Secure_Assets_effects_desc}+1 Finance {Seethes_with_Anger}Seethes with Anger {Seethes_with_Anger_desc}Fists clenched, nostrils flared, somebody would say som ething if anyone dared. {Seethes_with_Anger_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +1 Command, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Seething_with_Rage}Seething with Rage {Seething_with_Rage_desc}So full of rage and spite, coming into contact with thi s powerful sorceress is a harrowing experience. {Seething_with_Rage_effects_desc}+6 Magic {Self-serving}Self-serving {Self-serving_desc}Its hard to believe this strong, free-thinking lady would will ingly stand in a mans shadow. {Self-serving_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Self_Serving}Self Serving {Self_Serving_desc}After years away from home, this merchant now dips into his m aster s profits as compensation. {Self_Serving_effects_desc}-2 Finance {Senile}Senile {Senile_desc}This man has clearly become senile. He is often incapable of keepin g his mind on matters at hand. {Senile_effects_desc}-4 Command, -2 Authority {Sensible_Drinker}Sensible Drinker {Sensible_Drinker_desc}Not one to let drink ever get the better of him at all. {Sensible_Drinker_effects_desc}+1 Command {Servant_of_God}Servant of God {Servant_of_God_desc}Has some minor experience at bringing heretics back into th e light. {Servant_of_God_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Servant_of_God_gain_desc}This man s piety rating has increased thanks to succes sfully denouncing a blasphemer. {Servant_of_God_lose_desc}The man was defeated in a fight against the pagans and has lost part of his piety. {Servant_of_Heaven}Servant of Heaven {Servant_of_Heaven_desc}Believes that the almighty has a plan that he is meant t o be a part of. {Servant_of_Heaven_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Serves_Justice}Serves Justice {Serves_Justice_desc}Known far and wide as a man that will do everything in his power to see justice done.

{Serves_Justice_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry, +3 to law (improves public order) {Serves_Justice_epithet_desc}the Just {Several_Enemies}Several Enemies {Several_Enemies_desc}The merchants this man has put out of business still appea r to have enough cash to hire some muscle {Several_Enemies_effects_desc}-2 from personal security (increases the chances o f falling victim to assassination) {Severe}Severe {Severe_Justice}Severe Justice {Severe_Justice_desc}Has no qualms about terrorising the populace with fear of b rutal punishment should they ever run into the law. {Severe_Justice_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +3 to unrest (has a negative effect on pu blic order), +6 to law (improves public order) {Severe_desc}This man s basic manner and lifestyle lean towards being severe and unforgiving. {Severe_effects_desc}100% increase to cost to bribe, 2% bonus on tax income {Severely_Austere}Severely Austere {Severely_Austere_desc}This man is a bastion of self restraint and purity, in a manner that is overbearing and boorish. {Severely_Austere_effects_desc}+2 Loyalty, 300% increase to cost to bribe, 10% b onus on tax income {Sexual_Predator}Sexual Predator {Sexual_Predator_desc}This misogynist thinks of women as mere sexual conquests. He has no honour in this regard at all. {Sexual_Predator_effects_desc}+2 Dread, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld {Sexual_Predator_epithet_desc}the Lover {Sexually_Corrupt}Sexually Corrupt {Sexually_Corrupt_desc}The tastes of this man are disgusting. Ungodly passions w ill destroy him ... {Sexually_Corrupt_effects_desc}-3 Piety, -1 Influence, -4 Popularity {Sexually_Debauched}Sexually Debauched {Sexually_Debauched_desc}His love stories are very unpleasant. {Sexually_Debauched_effects_desc}-1 Piety, -2 Popularity {Sexually_Eccentric}Sexually Eccentric {Sexually_Eccentric_desc}The tastes of this man are very unusual and mysterious. {Sexually_Eccentric_effects_desc}-1 Popularity {Sexually_Liberated}Sexually Liberated {Sexually_Liberated_desc}This person does not care what others think about his p assions. {Sexually_Liberated_effects_desc}+1 Popularity {Sexually_Perverse}Sexually Perverse {Sexually_Perverse_desc}This man had the reputation of a pervert, his love addic tion is far from natural. {Sexually_Perverse_effects_desc}-2 Piety, -3 Popularity {Shadow}Teneklinok {Shadow_desc}Teneklinok {Shady_Dealer}Shady Dealer {Shady_Dealer_desc}Can t seem to reach a trade agreement without trying to commi t fraud or worse. {Shady_Dealer_effects_desc}-2 Finance {Shaman}Shaman {Shaman_desc}Shaman {Shameful}Shameful {Shameful_desc}Aware that his unholy urges to be with other men could see him in trouble. {Shameful_effects_desc}-1 Authority {Shameful_with_Cavalry}Shameful with Cavalry {Shameful_with_Cavalry_desc}Prone to sending horsemen to their doom, a fact his

current riders are well aware of. {Shameful_with_Cavalry_effects_desc}-3 Command when commanding cavalry {Shameless_Queen}Shameless Queen {Shameless_Queen_desc}An embarrassing parody of an ugly woman, endlessly prattli ng on about young boys. {Shameless_Queen_effects_desc}-3 Command, -5 Authority {Shameless_Queen_epithet_desc}the Queen {Shamelessly_Lewd}Shamelessly Lewd {Shamelessly_Lewd_desc}His utterly crass and puerile humour is not a bad habit, but an annoying constant. {Shamelessly_Lewd_effects_desc}-3 Authority, 50% decrease to cost to bribe {Shamelessly_Lewd_epithet_desc}the Lewd {Shining_Faith}Shining Faith {Shining_Faith_desc}Years of missionary work have only reaffirmed his belief and conviction. {Shining_Faith_effects_desc}+3 Piety {Siege_Expert}Siege Expert {Siege_Expert_desc}Has proven to be a reliable man to command an assault on city walls. {Siege_Expert_effects_desc}+2 Command when assaulting walls {Siege_Master}Siege Master {Siege_Master_desc}This man is known for his ability to take walls, and his troo ps act with confidence when assaulting at his order. {Siege_Master_effects_desc}+3 Command when assaulting walls {Silly_Beliefs}Silly Beliefs {Silly_Beliefs_desc}Still prone to a few silly superstitious beliefs that he sho uld probably have outgrown. {Silly_Beliefs_effects_desc}-1 Piety {Silly_Schemes}Silly Schemes {Silly_Schemes_desc}Let s ludicrously elaborate ideas work their ways into his p lans, ones that he won t realise are dumb until the moment of truth. {Silly_Schemes_effects_desc}-2 from agent s skill {Simplistic}Simplistic {Simplistic_desc}Sometimes simplicity can be endearing, but simple minds don t a muse great ones. {Simplistic_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Skewed_View}Skewed View {Skewed_View_desc}Has developed an incredibly odd and sometimes disturbing view of things. {Skewed_View_effects_desc}-1 Command, -1 Authority, 2% penalty on all trade inco me {Skilled_Bureaucrat}Skilled Bureaucrat {Skilled_Bureaucrat_desc}This man is able to deal with complicated administrativ e issues effectively. {Skilled_Bureaucrat_effects_desc}5% bonus on all trade income, +2 to law (improv es public order) {Skilled_with_Infantry}Skilled with Infantry {Skilled_with_Infantry_desc}Able to apply his experience to get outstanding resu lts from the infantry he commands. {Skilled_with_Infantry_effects_desc}+2 Command when commanding infantry {Skittish}Skittish {Skittish_desc}Repeated attempts on her life have shattered her nerves, making h er difficult company. {Skittish_effects_desc}-2 Charm, +1 to personal security (improves the chances o f detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Slave_to_Fear}Slave to Fear {Slave_to_Fear_desc}Even the meekest of men jeer at this man s lack of spine. He belongs in a nursery, not a battlefield. {Slave_to_Fear_effects_desc}-4 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Slave_to_Fear_epithet_desc}the Coward

{Slave_to_Luck}Slave to Luck {Slave_to_Luck_desc}Completely unable to resist a chance to stake a bet on the o utcome of almost anything - he has become a money pit. {Slave_to_Luck_effects_desc}20% penalty on all trade income, 40% decrease to cos t to bribe {Slave_to_Luck_epithet_desc}the Gambler {Slave_to_Superstition}Slave to Superstition {Slave_to_Superstition_desc}Almost incapacitated by his zealous avoidance of the curses and ill fates that befall Well, everyone. {Slave_to_Superstition_effects_desc}-2 Piety, -1 Authority, -1 Morale for all tr oops on the battlefield {Slayer}Slayer {Slayer_desc}Karak Kadrin, otherwise known as Slayer Keep, is a Dwarf stronghold and part of their ancient empire of Karak Ankor. The hold is home to the Shrine of Grimnir, Dwarven god of warriors and Slayers. It is tradition that all would -be Slayers travel to Karak Kadrin to have their name scribed at the temple of G rimnir, and to offer up their shaven hair to their god. Karak Kadrin is unique a mong all the holds of the Dwarfs in that its ruler, Ungrim Ironfist, is himself a Slayer. Bound by his duties as a monarch, he cannot leave and seek death in co mbat, and so he fulfills his Slayer oath by providing for other Slayers as they seek to fulfill their vows. At Karak Kadrin, a weary Slayer may find lodging, fo od and hospitality for as long as he needs it before resuming his quest for deat h. In return, those Slayers who remain at the keep are expected to help the King uphold his pledge to guard the Peak Pass, in particular the stretch which runs nearest to Karak Kadrin, which is known as Kadrin Valley. {Slayer_effects_desc}This Dwarf took the oath of the Slayers. {Slayer_epithet_desc}- Slayer {Slayer_gain_desc}Slayer {Slayer_lose_desc}Slayer {Slight_Indulgence}Slight Indulgence {Slight_Indulgence_desc}It is only human to want the final things in life, espec ially if you see them on a day to day basis. {Slight_Indulgence_effects_desc}-1 Finance {Slightly_Crooked}Slightly Crooked {Slightly_Crooked_desc}Growing up in a relatively lawless place has taught this man some undesirable business practises. {Slightly_Crooked_effects_desc}-1 Finance {Sloppy_Builder}Sloppy Builder {Sloppy_Builder_desc}Not at all focused on the process of urban development, thi s man makes mistakes when it comes to financing a new building. {Sloppy_Builder_effects_desc}10% increase to construction costs, +2 to squalor ( decreases population growth and public order) {Sloppy_Taxman}Sloppy Taxman {Sloppy_Taxman_desc}Misses way too many legitimate opportunities to tax the land owners and trade when collecting taxes. {Sloppy_Taxman_effects_desc}20% penalty on tax income {Slothful}Slothful {Slothful_desc}Sleeps way too much, and does little that anyone could call work. {Slothful_effects_desc}-1 Authority, -15% to Movement Points (reduces the distan ce armies can march), 10% penalty on tax income {Slothful_epithet_desc}the Lazy {Slow_to_Trust}Slow to Trust {Slow_to_Trust_desc}Takes considerable time with someone before believing their intentions to be as they claim. {Slow_to_Trust_effects_desc}+1 to personal security (improves the chances of det ecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Smart}Sharp {Smart_desc}Has a natural intelligence, one that is apparent to others. {Smart_effects_desc}+1 Command, 2% bonus on all trade income, 2% bonus on tax in come

{Snobbish}Snobbish {Snobbish_desc}Harbours a belief that the foreigners she must deal with are less er creatures. {Snobbish_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Sober}Sober {Sober_desc}Has made a point of not drinking alcohol. Making him clear headed, b ut aloof at festival. {Sober_effects_desc}+1 Command, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +1 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassinatio n attempts), -1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order) {Sociable}Sociable {Sociable_desc}Comfortable shaking hands or becoming the centre of attention. {Sociable_effects_desc}+1 to popularity (improves public order) {Social_Drinker}Social Drinker {Social_Drinker_desc}Not at all opposed to toasting to a victory, a good cause, or good company. {Social_Drinker_effects_desc}+1 Command, +1 to popularity (improves public order ) {Social_Drinker_lose_desc}This man has renounced the pleasures of wine. {Soft_Judge}Soft Judge {Soft_Judge_desc}Finds it easy to be forgiving of crimes not borne of malice. {Soft_Judge_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, -1 from law (has a negative effect on publ ic order) {Some_Aptitude}Some Aptitude {Some_Aptitude_desc}Shows some ability with strange secular ways that good godfe aring folk lack. {Some_Aptitude_effects_desc}+2 Magic {Somewhat_Fair}Somewhat Fair {Somewhat_Fair_desc}With the Papacy presently cracking down on corruption within the church, it lends itself to fairer trials. {Somewhat_Fair_effects_desc}-1 Piety {Somewhat_Nervous}Somewhat Nervous {Somewhat_Nervous_desc}An attempt on this dignitary s life has shaken him enough to affect the way he holds himself. {Somewhat_Nervous_effects_desc}-1 Influence {Somewhat_Senile}Somewhat Senile {Somewhat_Senile_desc}This man s mind is showing signs of aging. He is not as sh arp as he once was. {Somewhat_Senile_effects_desc}-2 Command, -1 Authority {Somewhat_Unjust}Somewhat Unjust {Somewhat_Unjust_desc}The present Pope s heavy handed ways are quite evident at trials for heresy these days {Somewhat_Unjust_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Spawn_of_Incest}Spawn of Incest {Spawn_of_Incest_desc}Was told to be happier when mother and father s marriage t ransformed them into husband and wife from brother and sister. {Spawn_of_Incest_effects_desc}-2 Command, -2 Authority, 10% penalty on tax incom e, Decreases the chance of having children {Speaks_of_Loyalty}Speaks of Loyalty {Speaks_of_Loyalty_desc}Loyalty is a quality this man often speaks of, but rarel y displays. {Speaks_of_Loyalty_effects_desc}-1 Loyalty {Spirited}Spirited {Spirited_desc}Theres something about this woman thats different, and compelling a ll at once. {Spirited_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Spiritually_Reborn}Spiritually Reborn {Spiritually_Reborn_desc}Gripped by a new religious fervour, this man follows hi s new set of mandates with amazing conviction. {Spiritually_Reborn_effects_desc}+3 Piety

{Spits_Venom}Spits Venom {Spits_Venom_desc}Not only swears and curses regularly, but does so with frighte ning force and conviction. {Spits_Venom_effects_desc}+2 Dread, -4 Piety, -1 Loyalty, -1 Authority, +3 Moral e for all troops on the battlefield {Spooked_at_Night}Spooked at Night {Spooked_at_Night_desc}Stillness of the night makes this human talk about everyt hing without end. {Spooked_at_Night_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting at night {Spreader_of_Faith}Spreader of Faith {Spreader_of_Faith_desc}Has ensured his own religion is dominant on more than on e occasion. {Spreader_of_Faith_effects_desc}+2 Piety, +1 chance to election, +2 Purity, -2 V iolence {Spy}Spy {Spy_desc}Espionage is an art to this man. He has succeeded on enough missions t o justify his growing confidence. {Spy_effects_desc}+3 to agent s skill, +3 to line of sight (increases the range at which enemies are spotted) {Spy_gain_desc}This agent has improved his subterfuge skills thanks to a success ful mission. {Spy_lose_desc}Failure during a mission has caused this agent to lose some of hi s skill. {Spycatcher}Spycatcher {Spycatcher_desc}This man has an almost disturbingly innate ability to sense whe n he is being watched, by whom, and even why. {Spycatcher_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +1 to line of sight (increases the range a t which enemies are spotted), +4 to public security (improves the chances of det ecting and capturing enemy agents) {Spying_Talent}Spying Talent {Spying_Talent_desc}Has an ability to discover things he shouldn t know. Be plac es he should not be. {Spying_Talent_effects_desc}+2 to agent s skill {Stalks_His_Prey}Stalks his Prey {Stalks_His_Prey_desc}This commander prefers to strike at his foes when they do not expect it. It is brutally effective, but lacks respect. {Stalks_His_Prey_effects_desc}+4 Command when ambushing {Stalks_His_Prey_epithet_desc}the Cunning {Stalks_His_Prey_gain_desc}This man has become an expert at the art of ambushing his enemies. {Steady_Drinker}Steady Drinker {Steady_Drinker_desc}Will happily accept a drink at any time, and often pursue o ne if it is not at hand. {Steady_Drinker_effects_desc}-1 Command, +1 to popularity (improves public order ) {Steam_Tank}Steam Tank Commander {Steam_Tank_desc}This man is commanding the most devastating weapon in the Imper ial arsenal. {Steam_Tank_epithet_desc} - Steam Tank Commander {Stefan}Biography {Stefan_desc}Steffan von Kessel - a young Ostermark captain whose father and gra ndfather were convicted of Chaos worship and executed while he was a child. He w as spared and branded with the mark of chaos, his family stripped of their title s and status. {Stefan_epithet_desc}- Captain of Ostermark {Sterile}Sterile {Sterile_desc}Her bloodline may be rich and royal, but it looks like it may end here {Sterile_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Stone_Faced}Stone Faced

{Stone_Faced_desc}Cold and hard enough never to blink in the face of adversity. A little grim and imposing to face. {Stone_Faced_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty, 200% increase to cost to bribe {Strategically_Sound}Strategically Sound {Strategically_Sound_desc}This man made a point of studying strategic matters pr operly when given the chance. {Strategically_Sound_effects_desc}+2 Command {Strategist}Strategist {Strategist_desc}This man makes grand plans and plots, his studies and natural a bility to think around a situation making him a great strategist. {Strategist_effects_desc}+3 Command {Strategist_gain_desc}This man is now seen as having almost no equals as a strat egist. {Strengthened_Resolve}Strengthened Resolve {Strengthened_Resolve_desc}Several close calls have led this man to start believ ing he s a bit more of a man than most of those he has to deal with. {Strengthened_Resolve_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Stretches_Loyalties}Stretches Loyalties {Stretches_Loyalties_desc}Has some talent for making men question the merits of their masters. {Stretches_Loyalties_effects_desc}10% bonus on bribery attempts (increases the c hances that a bribe will be successful) {Stricken_Down}Stricken Down {Stricken_Down_desc}This man s life is all but over, his health stolen by dark s orcerous arts! {Stricken_Down_effects_desc}-1 Piety, -3 Command, -1 Authority, -3 Morale for al l troops on the battlefield {Strict_Ruler}Strict Ruler {Strict_Ruler_desc}This man will not tolerate excuses. It is the people s duty t o respect the authority of the rules laid out before them. {Strict_Ruler_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order), +4 to law (improves public order) {StrikeThree}StrikeThree {StrikeThree_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden trait for inquisitors {StrikeThree_effects_desc}-10 Piety {Striking_to_Behold}Striking to Behold {Striking_to_Behold_desc}Women commonly lose their words when first addressing t his beautiful man. {Striking_to_Behold_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +3 to popularity (improves public order) {Strong_Attacker}Strong Attacker {Strong_Attacker_desc}Being known for being successful in attack inspires this m an s troops in battle. {Strong_Attacker_effects_desc}+3 Command when attacking {Strong_Defender}Strong Defender {Strong_Defender_desc}This man has no qualms about the enemy bringing the fight to him - he has shown skill in defeating others this way. {Strong_Defender_effects_desc}+3 Command when defending {Strong_Faith}Strong Faith {Strong_Faith_desc}Though there has been much heresy about him, his tangible res ults against it has only fuelled his faith. {Strong_Faith_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Strong_Language}Strong Language {Strong_Language_desc}Not afraid to mutter a curse to get the point across with some character. {Strong_Language_effects_desc}-1 Piety, +1 Command, +1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Strong_Legacy}Strong Legacy {Strong_Legacy_desc}As the son of a truly respected leader, this heir apparent i s also a man others bow to.

{Strong_Legacy_effects_desc}+2 Authority {Strong_at_the_Walls}Strong at the Walls {Strong_at_the_Walls_desc}This man has a good understanding of how to defend a s ettlement. {Strong_at_the_Walls_effects_desc}+2 Command when defending walls {Stylish_Debater}Stylish Debater {Stylish_Debater_desc}Articulate in his speech and elocution, a rare quality tha t ends many debates with less polished people. {Stylish_Debater_effects_desc}+2 Authority {Successful_Saboteur}Successful Saboteur {Successful_Saboteur_desc}This man is quite capable of sabotage. {Successful_Saboteur_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Suggestive}Suggestive {Suggestive_desc}Though never caught in the act, this woman often alludes to bei ng up for carnal pleasures. {Suggestive_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Suicidal_Attacker}Suicidal Attacker {Suicidal_Attacker_desc}Has prevailed in numerous glorious charges against all o dds, and his men know what that could mean for their futures. {Suicidal_Attacker_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +3 Command when attacking {Suicidal_Attacker_epithet_desc}the Lucky {Superb_Administrator}Superb Administrator {Superb_Administrator_desc}This man is a natural governor, able to properly admi nistrate the affairs of a powerful city-state. {Superb_Administrator_effects_desc}10% bonus on all trade income, +3 to law (imp roves public order) {Superb_Diplomat}Superb Diplomat {Superb_Diplomat_desc}This man is a master mediator, able to bring reasonable re solution from a situation of spite and malice. {Superb_Diplomat_effects_desc}+4 Influence {Superstitious}Superstitious {Superstitious_desc}Pays heed to mystic beliefs, some of which make other men ra ise an eyebrow. {Superstitious_effects_desc}-1 Piety, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefiel d {Survivor}Survivor {Survivor_desc}This man had the strength of character to learn from the attempt on his life rather than fear impending doom. {Survivor_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry, +2 to personal security (improves the chance s of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Swift_to_Judge}Swift to Judge {Swift_to_Judge_desc}Makes hasty and often unfair decisions over the people. {Swift_to_Judge_effects_desc}+1 to unrest (has a negative effect on public order ) {Sworn_to_Duty}Sworn to Duty {Sworn_to_Duty_desc}Several close calls have led this man to start believing he s a bit more of a man than most of those he has to deal with. {Sworn_to_Duty_effects_desc}+2 Influence {TZ_mage}Sorcerer of Tzeentch {TZ_mage_desc}Sorcerer of Tzeentch {TZ_mage_epithet_desc}- Sorcerer of Tzeentch {TZ_mage_upg}Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch {TZ_mage_upg_desc}Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch {TZ_mage_upg_epithet_desc}- Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch {Tactically_Sound}Tactically Sound {Tactically_Sound_desc}Well schooled enough in tactical warfare enough to know h ow to make good use of his troops and the terrain. {Tactically_Sound_effects_desc}+3 Command when ambushing, +2 to line of sight (i ncreases the range at which enemies are spotted)

{Tactician}Tactician {Tactician_desc}This man s knowledge of battle tactics is thorough and complete. He has an answer for most things on the battlefield. {Tactician_effects_desc}+4 Command when ambushing, +3 to line of sight (increase s the range at which enemies are spotted) {Tactician_gain_desc}This man is now seen as having almost no equals as a tactic ian. {Talent_for_Command}Talent for Command {Talent_for_Command_desc}Always showed a natural understanding for military tact ics. {Talent_for_Command_effects_desc}+1 Command {Talent_for_Murder}Talent for Murder {Talent_for_Murder_desc}Has a sick talent for spotting the moment of opportunity arrive to end a life without drawing notice. {Talent_for_Murder_effects_desc}+2 to agent s skill {Talent_with_Numbers}Aptitude for Mathematics {Talent_with_Numbers_desc}You have an innate gift with numbers. {Talent_with_Numbers_effects_desc}+10 Build Points (required for the constructio n of siege equipment), 5% bonus on all trade income {Talkative}Talkative {Talkative_desc}Sometimes prone to over elaborating on a point, bringing other t hings to light that didn t need to be. {Talkative_effects_desc}-1 Influence, 5% bonus on bribery attempts (increases th e chances that a bribe will be successful) {Tax_Farmer}Tax Farmer {Tax_Farmer_desc}This man must be very good at squizzing every coin from his sub jects. {Tax_Farmer_effects_desc}-1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public ord er), 10% bonus on tax income {Terribly_Scarred}Terribly Scarred {Terribly_Scarred_desc}Some of this man s war wounds are difficult to look at, h is ability to continue battling through such injuries is astounding. {Terribly_Scarred_effects_desc}+2 Authority, +6 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {Terrified_by_Aztec_Ways}Terrified by Aztec Ways {Terrified_by_Aztec_Ways_desc}So profound is this man s fear of the Cumans that no sane King would have this man lead armies in the New World. {Terrified_by_Aztec_Ways_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefiel d, -3 Command when fighting against Aztecs {Terrified_by_Danish}Terrified of Chaos Undivided {Terrified_by_Danish_desc}So jittery does this man become at the sight of a foll ower of Chaos Undivided, it were as if he feared the Norscan armies were an unst oppable force. {Terrified_by_Danish_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, 3 Command when fighting against Chaos Undivided {Terrified_by_Egptians}Terrified of Beastmen {Terrified_by_Egptians_desc}The only Beastman this man can muster the courage to approach is a dead one, and even then, he must be reassured the whole way. {Terrified_by_Egptians_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -3 Command when fighting against Beastmen {Terrified_by_the_English}Terrified of the High Elves {Terrified_by_the_English_desc}Has nightmares about maypoles, tasteless cuisine, and the sickly pale High Elves responsible for it all. It is a shamefully weak paranoia. {Terrified_by_the_English_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefie ld, -3 Command when fighting against High Elves {Terrified_by_the_French}Terrified of Ostermarkers {Terrified_by_the_French_desc}This man cannot hide his fear of being slain on th e field of battle by an Ostlander, making him a poor choice of leader against th em.

{Terrified_by_the_French_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefiel d, -3 Command when fighting against Ostland {Terrified_of_Byzantium}Terrified of Ostlanders {Terrified_of_Byzantium_desc}A deeply unfortunate, irrational fear grips this ma n at the mention of Ostlanders, let alone the sight of one. {Terrified_of_Byzantium_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield , -3 Command when fighting against Ostlanders {Terrified_of_Catholic_Warriors}Terrified of the Forces of Light {Terrified_of_Catholic_Warriors_desc}This man is afraid to go out on the battlef ield against these warriors, as he is sure that they will be the cause of his un timely death. {Terrified_of_Catholic_Warriors_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the bat tlefield, -3 Command when fighting against forces of Light {Terrified_of_Heretics}Terrified of Heretics {Terrified_of_Heretics_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE {Terrified_of_Heretics_effects_desc}No Effects {Terrified_of_Hungarians}Terrified of Sylvanians {Terrified_of_Hungarians_desc}It were as if he expected a Sylvanian knight to im pale him upon a spike as an act of terror. {Terrified_of_Hungarians_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefiel d, -3 Command when fighting against Sylvanians {Terrified_of_Islam}Terrified of Greenskins {Terrified_of_Islam_desc}Greenskins - a real nightmare of this man, he is afraid to even mention them. {Terrified_of_Islam_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -3 Command when fighting against Greenskins {Terrified_of_Milanese_Might}Terrified of Hochlanders {Terrified_of_Milanese_Might_desc}Utterly convinced that he will die at the hand s of a merciless Hochlander, and doing a good job of convincing others too. {Terrified_of_Milanese_Might_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battle field, -3 Command when fighting against Hochlanders {Terrified_of_Orthodox_Warriors}Terrified of Orthodox Warriors {Terrified_of_Orthodox_Warriors_desc}Orthodox Christians - a real nightmare of t his man, he is afraid to even mention them. {Terrified_of_Orthodox_Warriors_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the bat tlefield, -3 Command when fighting against Orthodox {Terrified_of_Pagan_Ways}Terrified of Pagan Ways {Terrified_of_Pagan_Ways_desc}Pagans are a real nightmare for this man, he is af raid to even mention them. {Terrified_of_Pagan_Ways_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefiel d, -3 Command when fighting against Pagans {Terrified_of_Papal_Forces}Terrified of the Theogonist s Forces {Terrified_of_Papal_Forces_desc}Utterly convinced that he will die at the hands of one of the Theogonist s soldiers, destined to be paraded on a spike as a here tic. {Terrified_of_Papal_Forces_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld, -3 Command when fighting against Grand Theogonist Forces {Terrified_of_Poles}Terrified of Dwarfs {Terrified_of_Poles_desc}Certain that it is a Dwarf that will seal his doom, a c owardly fear that dishearten his men. {Terrified_of_Poles_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -3 Command when fighting against Dwarfs {Terrified_of_Portugese}Terrified of Wissenlanders {Terrified_of_Portugese_desc}They will enslave us, then force us to carefully ti le their entire empire! {Terrified_of_Portugese_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield , -3 Command when fighting against Wissenlanders {Terrified_of_Rebellion}Terrified of Rebellion {Terrified_of_Rebellion_desc}Has a shamefully weak fear of rebel lords and their men, terrified that their lawless rage in battle will be the death of him.

{Terrified_of_Rebellion_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty, -2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Terrified_of_Russians}Terrified of Kislevites {Terrified_of_Russians_desc}Has become utterly shaken by his pathetic fears that Kislev soldiers inspire in his mind. {Terrified_of_Russians_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -3 Command when fighting against Kislevites {Terrified_of_Scottish}Terrified of Middenlanders {Terrified_of_Scottish_desc}Just the mere sight of a kilted warrior is enough to see this coward fumbling for the reins of his horse. {Terrified_of_Scottish_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -3 Command when fighting against Middenlanders {Terrified_of_Sicilians}Terrified of Nordlanders {Terrified_of_Sicilians_desc}This man s fear of Nordlanders has consumed this ma n, instilling doubt in his general resolve. {Terrified_of_Sicilians_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield , -3 Command when fighting against Nordland {Terrified_of_Venetians}Terrified of Averlanders {Terrified_of_Venetians_desc}Some question the sanity of a man who is petrified of Averland - and his ability to lead at all. {Terrified_of_Venetians_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield , -3 Command when fighting against Averland {Terrified_of_the_Empire}Terrified of Reikland {Terrified_of_the_Empire_desc}Known for his irrational beliefs that Reikland Pri ncipality is a tyrannical force that is destined to oppress the world. {Terrified_of_the_Empire_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefiel d, -3 Command when fighting against Reikland {Terrified_of_the_Mongols}Terrified of the Dark Elves {Terrified_of_the_Mongols_desc}This man is afraid to go out on the battlefield a gainst the Dark Elves, as he is sure that there will overtake him and untimely k ill him. {Terrified_of_the_Mongols_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefie ld, -3 Command when fighting against Druchii {Terrified_of_the_Moors}Terrified of Night Goblins {Terrified_of_the_Moors_desc}Raves like a loon that it is a Night Goblin scimita r that will take his life, certain he has seen his doom. {Terrified_of_the_Moors_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield , -3 Command when fighting against Night Goblins {Terrified_of_the_Spanish}Terrified of Talabeclanders {Terrified_of_the_Spanish_desc}The grim terror that Talabeclanders hold over thi s man has truly shaken the belief his men had in him. {Terrified_of_the_Spanish_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefie ld, -3 Command when fighting against Talabecland {Terrified_of_the_Timurids}Terrified of the Timurids {Terrified_of_the_Timurids_desc}Regardless of their undeniable prowess in battle , no leader should tremble in fear at the mere mention of the Timurids as this o ne does. {Terrified_of_the_Timurids_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefi eld, -3 Command when fighting against Timurids {Terrified_of_the_Turkish}Terrified of the Orcs {Terrified_of_the_Turkish_desc}Maybe they are a menace, but that does not justif y this man s childlike fear of the Orcs. {Terrified_of_the_Turkish_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefie ld, -3 Command when fighting against Orcs {The_Chosen_One}The Chosen One {The_Chosen_One_desc}God himself turns the assassin s blade from my back. I am t he Chosen One! {The_Chosen_One_effects_desc}+2 Piety, +2 Violence {The_Chosen_One_epithet_desc}the Chosen {Theologians _Guild_Apprentice}Theologians Guild Apprentice

{Theologians _Guild_Apprentice_desc}The presence of a Master Theologian s Guild within the kingdom has had a positive influence on this priest s initiation. {Theologians _Guild_Apprentice_effects_desc}+1 Piety {Theologians _Guild_Journeyman}Theologians Guild Journeyman {Theologians _Guild_Journeyman_desc}The presence of Theologian s Guild HQ within the kingdom has had a positive influence on this priest s initiation. {Theologians _Guild_Journeyman_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Thieves _Guild_Apprentice}Thieves Guild Apprentice {Thieves _Guild_Apprentice_desc}The presence of a Master Thieves Guild within t he kingdom has made this man a more effective operative. {Thieves _Guild_Apprentice_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Thieves _Guild_Journeyman}Thieves Guild Journeyman {Thieves _Guild_Journeyman_desc}The presence of a Thieves Guild HQ within the k ingdom has afforded this man significantly enhanced training. {Thieves _Guild_Journeyman_effects_desc}+2 to agent s skill {Thorough_Taxman}Thorough Taxman {Thorough_Taxman_desc}Adept at ensuring that tax collection under his rule is di ligent and efficient. {Thorough_Taxman_effects_desc}20% bonus on tax income, +1 to unrest (has a negat ive effect on public order) {Three_Victims}hree Victims {Three_Victims_desc}DO NOT TRANSLATE - Hidden trait for inquisitors {Three_Victims_effects_desc}-15 Piety {Tight}Tight {Tight_desc}Keeps his money locked away. Why have it at hand when that may lead to spending it idly. {Tight_effects_desc}10% discount on construction costs, 10% bonus on tax income, +2 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order) {Timid}Timid {Timid_desc}The realisation that powerful people want her dead has left this poo r woman on edge. {Timid_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Togsma1}Beginner magician {Togsma1_desc}This High Elf is able to use the winds of magic. {Togsma1_effects_desc}+1 to the command, +1 to law, and -1 of piety {Togsma1_gain_desc}Beginner magician {Togsma1_lose_desc}Beginner magician {Togsma2}Light magician {Togsma2_desc}This High Elf is skillful enough to use the forces of magic and th e light winds. {Togsma2_effects_desc}+2 to the command, +2 to law, -2 to godliness {Togsma2_gain_desc}Light magician {Togsma2_lose_desc}Light magician {Togsma3}Mighty Light mage {Togsma3_desc}This High Elf is one of the most skilled magicians in Ulthuan. {Togsma3_effects_desc}+3 to Command, +3 to law, -3 of piety {Togsma3_gain_desc}Mighy Light mage {Togsma3_lose_desc}Mighty Light mage {Tolerant}Tolerant {Tolerant_desc}Prepared to at least accept the differences she has with foreigne rs, even if she does not like them all. {Tolerant_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Tolerant_to_Foreigners}Tolerant to Foreigners {Tolerant_to_Foreigners_desc}Demonstrates sympathy and tolerance for foreign vis itors. {Tolerant_to_Foreigners_effects_desc}-1 from public security (reduces the chance s of detecting and capturing enemy agents) {Too_Comfortable}Too Comfortable {Too_Comfortable_desc}Has become too accustomed to having others do things for h im.

{Too_Comfortable_effects_desc}-10% to Movement Points (reduces the distance armi es can march), 5% penalty on tax income {Too_Well_Groomed}Too Well Groomed {Too_Well_Groomed_desc}Just one step too pretty and polished for his sexual pref erence to escape a discerning eye. {Too_Well_Groomed_effects_desc}-1 Command, -2 Authority {Total_Authoritarian}Total Authoritarian {Total_Authoritarian_desc}Believes that rigid law and order are both an absolute necessity, oppressively so. {Total_Authoritarian_effects_desc}+2 Authority, +3 to unrest (has a negative eff ect on public order), +6 to law (improves public order) {Total_Authoritarian_epithet_desc}the Harsh {Total_Bigot}Total Bigot {Total_Bigot_desc}This man is ready to destroy all foreigners. {Total_Bigot_effects_desc}+3 to public security (improves the chances of detecti ng and capturing enemy agents) {Total_Bimbo}Total Bimbo {Total_Bimbo_desc}So frustratingly stupid to the point that her future husband i s more likely to chew his own arm off than lose it in battle. {Total_Bimbo_effects_desc}-2 Charm {Total_Bimbo_epithet_desc}the Dense {Total_Cheapskate}Total Cheapskate {Total_Cheapskate_desc}Cannot bear to part with a single florin that he could ha ve somehow saved. {Total_Cheapskate_effects_desc}15% discount on construction costs, 15% bonus on tax income, +3 to squalor (decreases population growth and public order) {Total_Deceiver}Total Deceiver {Total_Deceiver_desc}Creates a myriad of half-truths and plausible tales to misl ead others, and is exceptional at doing so. {Total_Deceiver_effects_desc}-3 Loyalty, +3 Authority {Total_Deceiver_epithet_desc}the Cunning {Total_Incompetence}Total Incompetence {Total_Incompetence_desc}Utterly clueless in administrative roles, choosing to s imply make something up when asked questions. {Total_Incompetence_effects_desc}10% penalty on all trade income {Total_Landlubber}Total Landlubber {Total_Landlubber_desc}This man has proven numerous times that he simply cannot command at sea with any degree of success at all. {Total_Landlubber_effects_desc}-3 Command at sea {Totally_Closed}Totally Closed {Totally_Closed_desc}Extremely distant and hard to speak to on any sort of perso nal level. {Totally_Closed_effects_desc}-2 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -3 fro m popularity (has a negative effect on public order) {Totally_Senile}Totally Senile {Totally_Senile_desc}This man s mental degeneration is complete. His moments of coherency are fleeting. {Totally_Senile_effects_desc}-6 Command, -3 Authority {Totally_Senile_gain_desc} . {Tourney_Champion}Tourney Champion {Tourney_Champion_desc}Renowned for his proud legacy at the tourney, few can now best him with a lance. {Tourney_Champion_effects_desc}+3 Chivalry, +2 Authority, +2 Command when comman ding cavalry {Tourney_Entrant}Tourney Entrant {Tourney_Entrant_desc}This man has been bold enough to try his hand in the tourn ey fields. {Tourney_Entrant_effects_desc}+1 Chivalry {Trader}Trader {Trader_desc}Has become actively involved in the trade process, experiencing the

thrills and perils of the mercantile world first hand. {Trader_effects_desc}20% bonus on all trade income {Trading_Liability}Trading Liability {Trading_Liability_desc}So poor with coin himself, this man avoids markets and d oes nothing to support local trade at all. {Trading_Liability_effects_desc}30% penalty on all trade income {Trained_Killer}Trained Killer {Trained_Killer_desc}The influence of one of the more dubious guild houses have made this man a more precise instrument of death. {Trained_Killer_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Trained_in_Espionage}Trained in Espionage {Trained_in_Espionage_desc}The influence of the local Thieves Guild house have made this man far more adept in the arts of subtlety and discretion. {Trained_in_Espionage_effects_desc}+1 to agent s skill {Translator}Translator {Translator_desc}Fluent in most major dialects throughout Europe, Asia Minor and the Middle East. {Translator_effects_desc}+2 Influence {Trouble_at_Home}Trouble at Home {Trouble_at_Home_desc}They say that the wife of this man is concealing from him too much ... {Trouble_at_Home_effects_desc}-1 Influence {Trusting}Trusting {Trusting_desc}It is in this man s nature to believe that a stranger is simply a brother he does not know very well yet. {Trusting_effects_desc}-2 from personal security (increases the chances of falli ng victim to assassination) {Trusts_Nobody}Trusts Nobody {Trusts_Nobody_desc}So suspicious of another attempt on his life he has lost muc h of his ability to convey any sense of trust. {Trusts_Nobody_effects_desc}-3 Influence, +2 to personal security (improves the chances of detecting and foiling assassination attempts) {Trustworthy}Trustworthy {Trustworthy_desc}Can be relied to tell the truth, even when he would have good reason to hide it. {Trustworthy_effects_desc}+2 Loyalty, 200% increase to cost to bribe, +4 to law (improves public order) {Turncoat}Turncoat {Turncoat_desc}Known for his habit of abandoning one lord for another, with dubi ous reasons. {Turncoat_effects_desc}-3 Loyalty {Turncoat_epithet_desc}the Turncoat {Tyranical_Leader}Tyranical Leader {Tyranical_Leader_desc}Rules with an iron fist that none question, for fear of t he consequences. {Tyranical_Leader_effects_desc}+5 Dread, +3 Authority {Tyranical_Leader_epithet_desc}the Tyrant {Tyranical_Leader_gain_desc}His indomitable ferocity is legendary. {Tyranical_Leader_lose_desc}The softness in dealing with people - evidence of ho w little violence is in this man. {Ugly}Ugly {Ugly_desc}Well, at least he s got two eyes albeit way too close together. {Ugly_effects_desc}+1 Command, -3 from popularity (has a negative effect on publ ic order), Decreases the chance of having children {Un-Manly}Un-Manly {Un-Manly_desc}Goes pale at the sight of blood, a weak quality unbefitting of a true man. {Un-Manly_effects_desc}-1 Authority, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Uncomfortable_Near_Danes}Uncomfortable near followers of Chaos Undivided {Uncomfortable_Near_Danes_desc}There s something about these people that make th

is man shudder quietly. {Uncomfortable_Near_Danes_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Chaos Un divided {Unconcerned}Unconcerned {Unconcerned_desc}This man is reasonably sure that someone is assigned to guard him, and that they are undoubtedly good at their job. {Unconcerned_effects_desc}-1 from personal security (increases the chances of fa lling victim to assassination) {Underhanded}Underhanded {Underhanded_desc}Unafraid of resorting to lowly acts to realise his ambitions. {Underhanded_effects_desc}-1 Loyalty, 40% decrease to cost to bribe, 20% penalty on tax income, -2 from law (has a negative effect on public order) {Understanding_Ruler}Understanding Ruler {Understanding_Ruler_desc}Aware that heavy-handed treatment of the common man s common indiscretion only leads to resentment and unrest. {Understanding_Ruler_effects_desc}-1 Authority, -4 from unrest (improves public order), -2 from law (has a negative effect on public order) {Understands_Logistics}Understands Logistics {Understands_Logistics_desc}Knows what is needed to keep an army supplied and op erational. {Understands_Logistics_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, +10% to Movement Points (gives armies the ability to forced march) {Understands_Trade}Understands Trade {Understands_Trade_desc}Has a firm grasp of how trade and mercantile industries operate. {Understands_Trade_effects_desc}10% bonus on all trade income {Undiplomatic}Undiplomatic {Undiplomatic_desc}Utterly unable to determine what words he says will be offens ive at all. {Undiplomatic_effects_desc}-3 Influence {Unfair_and_Unjust}Unfair and Unjust {Unfair_and_Unjust_desc}With his penchant for suffering, the Pope has instructed the Inquisitors to show no mercy at trial. {Unfair_and_Unjust_effects_desc}+2 Piety {Uninhibited}Uninhibited {Uninhibited_desc}Not at all embarrassed about embracing another man. {Uninhibited_effects_desc}No effects {Unjust}Unjust {Unjust_desc}A champion of all that is wrong, his judgements utterly mock the pl eas for a just result. {Unjust_effects_desc}+3 Dread, +3 to unrest (has a negative effect on public ord er) {Unlucky_Leader}Unlucky Leader {Unlucky_Leader_desc}This man s belief in victory is inspirational for his men, even if it has proven to be a little unrealistic. {Unlucky_Leader_effects_desc}-1 Command, +2 Morale for all troops on the battlef ield {Unprolific}Unprolific {Unprolific_desc}A desire to have children does not assure a woman her passage t o motherhood. {Unprolific_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Unproven_Commander}Unproven Commander {Unproven_Commander_desc}This man is yet little to show signs of ever being effe ctive or confident in command. {Unproven_Commander_effects_desc}-1 Command {Unquestionable_Faith}Unquestionable Faith {Unquestionable_Faith_desc}Has converted more souls than the almighty himself co uld fathom, resulting in an iron clad faith. {Unquestionable_Faith_effects_desc}+4 Piety {Unquestionably_Loyal}Unquestionably Loyal

{Unquestionably_Loyal_desc}It s not that this woman resists temptation, she simp ly doesn t even experience it. {Unquestionably_Loyal_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty, +2 Charm {Unstoppable_in_Siege}Unstoppable in Siege {Unstoppable_in_Siege_desc}Strikes fear into the hearts of militia guard everywh ere - notorious for being able to take cities and castles at will. {Unstoppable_in_Siege_effects_desc}+4 Command when assaulting walls {Unstoppable_in_Siege_epithet_desc}the Unstoppable {Unstoppable_in_Siege_gain_desc}This man now has few equals when it comes to the arts of siege warfare. {Unsuccessful_Saboteur}Unsuccessful Saboteur {Unsuccessful_Saboteur_desc}Perhaps some day this man will be a good saboteur {Unsuccessful_Saboteur_effects_desc}-1 from agent s skill {Upstanding}Upstanding {Upstanding_desc}In a world where God s servants enjoy considerable privilege, t his man s willingness to forgo them is admirable. {Upstanding_effects_desc}+1 Purity {Urban_Planner}Urban Planner {Urban_Planner_desc}A wise choice of man to call in to a settlement in need of n ew key structures. He revels in construction projects. {Urban_Planner_effects_desc}10% discount on construction costs, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth) {Urban_Protector}Urban Protector {Urban_Protector_desc}Admired by the people for his ability to protect their liv es and homes. {Urban_Protector_effects_desc}+3 Command when defending walls {Useless_Commander}Useless Commander {Useless_Commander_desc}This man s troops say at least two prayers before enteri ng battle - he seems destined to command his armies to their doom. {Useless_Commander_effects_desc}-5 Command {Useless_Commander_epithet_desc}the Inept {Useless_Defender}Useless Defender {Useless_Defender_desc}Assigning this man to command a post is to surrender it u nto the enemy. {Useless_Defender_effects_desc}-4 Command when defending {Useless_with_Guns}Useless with Guns {Useless_with_Guns_desc}Some people are best kept away from guns - like this man . {Useless_with_Guns_effects_desc}-3 Command when commanding gunpowder troops {Usless_Attacker}Useless Attacker {Usless_Attacker_desc}As much as this man has tried, it would seem attacking is not something he can succeed at. {Usless_Attacker_effects_desc}-4 Command when attacking {Usless_Attacker_epithet_desc}the Foolhardy {Utter_Snob}Utter Snob {Utter_Snob_desc}Considers the common people to be fortunate to serve someone so important as herself. {Utter_Snob_effects_desc}-2 Charm {Utter_Snob_epithet_desc}the Snob {Utterly_Corrupt}Utterly Corrupt {Utterly_Corrupt_desc}Presumed to be off committing acts of profanity most heino us and debauched once he steps away from the altar. {Utterly_Corrupt_effects_desc}-3 Purity {Utterly_Corrupt_epithet_desc}the Corrupt {Utterly_Dogmatic}Utterly Dogmatic {Utterly_Dogmatic_desc}When one never leaves the lands where one s faith is stro ng, falling to heresy is most unlikely. {Utterly_Dogmatic_effects_desc}-3 Unorthodoxy {Utterly_Foolhardy}Utterly Foolhardy {Utterly_Foolhardy_desc}Has an inexplicable urge to charge into battle, clearly

lacking any real sense of mortality or concern for his troops lives. {Utterly_Foolhardy_effects_desc}-1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -3 Command when attacking {Utterly_Immaculate}Utterly Immaculate {Utterly_Immaculate_desc}Doing the right thing is core to this man s beliefs - h e is too proud of his character to succumb to worldly vices. {Utterly_Immaculate_effects_desc}+3 Loyalty, 300% increase to cost to bribe, +6 to law (improves public order) {Utterly_Immaculate_epithet_desc}the Honest {Utterly_Indiscreet}Utterly Indiscreet {Utterly_Indiscreet_desc}No secret is secret for long when this man knows it. Hi s name is a byword for foolish indiscretion and loose talk. {Utterly_Indiscreet_effects_desc}-3 Influence, 5% penalty on bribery attempts (d ecreases the chances that a bribe will be successful) {Utterly_Indiscreet_epithet_desc}the Gossip {Utterly_Insane}Utterly Insane {Utterly_Insane_desc}Barely knows when he is spoken to, nor what he says. There is no cause or reason left in this poor man s mind at all. He is beyond salvatio n. {Utterly_Insane_effects_desc}-4 Authority, -3 Morale for all troops on the battl efield {Utterly_Insane_epithet_desc}the Mad {Utterly_Pragmatic}Utterly Pragmatic {Utterly_Pragmatic_desc}There is little romance or imagination in this man s min d, making him most expedient, but very dry. {Utterly_Pragmatic_effects_desc}+3 Authority, +2 Morale for all troops on the ba ttlefield {Utterly_Profane}Utterly Profane {Utterly_Profane_desc}So offensive is this man s dialogue, that nobody truly tak es anything he says seriously at all. They are desperate to leave his company. {Utterly_Profane_effects_desc}+4 Dread, -6 Piety, -2 Loyalty, -2 Authority, +4 M orale for all troops on the battlefield {Utterly_Profane_epithet_desc}the Profane {Utterly_Profane_gain_desc}This man s swearing is so profuse that it has become the stuff of legend! {Utterly_Stoic}Utterly Stoic {Utterly_Stoic_desc}His manner of utter self control gives him great strength as leader, but stifles his sense of compassion. {Utterly_Stoic_effects_desc}+2 Loyalty, 300% increase to cost to bribe {Vancam}Biography {Vancam_desc}rgan Bernhardt commands his own little army. {Vapid}Vapid {Vapid_desc}Having things done for her has led this woman to forego using her mi nd enough to develop it much at all. {Vapid_effects_desc}-1 Charm {Very_Cultured}Very Cultured {Very_Cultured_desc}Quite an authority on the arts, and considered very well cul tured. {Very_Cultured_effects_desc}+1 Authority, +2 to popularity (improves public orde r) {Very_Diplomatic}Very Diplomatic {Very_Diplomatic_desc}Adept at making an awkwardly delicate problem far more com fortable to talk through. {Very_Diplomatic_effects_desc}+3 Influence {Very_Loyal}Very Loyal {Very_Loyal_desc}This man prides himself upon being unquestioningly loyal, looki ng down at those who cannot live so honourably. {Very_Loyal_effects_desc}+2 Chivalry, +3 Loyalty {Very_Questionable}Very Questionable {Very_Questionable_desc}Though he has committed no crime against the laws of the

land, his self-indulgent ways are criminal for a priest. {Very_Questionable_effects_desc}-2 Purity {Violent}Violent {Violent_desc}Rabidly preaches that the faithful must cleanse the Earth of all h eathens and blasphemers, by means most gruesome if possible. {Violent_effects_desc}+3 Violence {Violent_epithet_desc}the Warmonger {Virile}Virile {Virile_desc}There is no problem with this man s breeding - he s more than capab le of it. {Virile_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {Vision_of_Beauty}Vision of Beauty {Vision_of_Beauty_desc}This creatures visage is so stunning most men that meet he r are unable to think of little else. {Vision_of_Beauty_effects_desc}+3 Charm, Increases the chance of having children {Vision_of_Beauty_epithet_desc}the Beautiful {Vision_of_Prophecy}Vision of Prophecy {Vision_of_Prophecy_desc}Unshakable in his belief the almighty has spoken to him directly in his dreams, fuelling him with religious conviction. {Vision_of_Prophecy_effects_desc}+4 Piety {Voland}Biography {Voland_desc}Voland came to Tilea from the Empire. At the time he was just one o f the many mercenaries hired by the Tileans in their wars. He rose to prominence as the leader of a band of mercenary knights called the Venators, which means " hunters" in low Tilean. The motives of Voland and his knights could not have bee n more different from the Bretonnian or even the Imperial traditions of knightho od. They are soldiers of fortune interested in only two things, namely money and spending it. They are expert cavalry whose thunderous charge can scatter the de epest enemy formations. {Wall_Taker}Wall Taker {Wall_Taker_desc}This man has shown he can spot the right place to assault a set tlement. {Wall_Taker_effects_desc}+1 Command when assaulting walls {Waning_Conviction}Waning Conviction {Waning_Conviction_desc}An attempt on this dignitary s life has shaken him enoug h to affect the way he holds himself. {Waning_Conviction_effects_desc}-1 Piety {Waning_Faith}Waning Faith {Waning_Faith_desc}Has seen the church s effort come to naught in the past, and does not know what to think of it. {Waning_Faith_effects_desc}-1 Piety {Warlike}Warlike {Warlike_desc}The Bible says thou shall not kill, but this priest believes that s open to interpretation somehow. {Warlike_effects_desc}+2 Violence {Warlord_of_Terror}Warlord of Terror {Warlord_of_Terror_desc}Even the bravest of knights and kings would admit to fea ring to face this infamous monster in battle. {Warlord_of_Terror_effects_desc}+5 Dread, +2 Authority {Warlord_of_Terror_epithet_desc}Lord of Terror {Warlord_of_Terror_gain_desc}On the battlefield, he does not show mercy, which i s unknown to him. {Warlord_of_Terror_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the last battle, it is di fficult to accuse this man of cruelty. {Warm}Warm {Warm_desc}She can focus on her duties, but her mind is usually on her loved one s. {Warm_effects_desc}+1 Charm {Warpriest}Warrior Priest of Sigmar {Warpriest_desc}Warrior Priest of Sigmar

{Warpriest_epithet_desc}- Warrior Priest of Sigmar {Warts}Warts {Warts_desc}Not so proudly wearing a cluster of warts on his face, no doubt the work of a vile witch. {Warts_effects_desc}-1 Command, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Wary_of_Heresy}Wary of Heresy {Wary_of_Heresy_desc}Do not translate {Wary_of_Heresy_effects_desc}No effects {Wary_of_Mongols}Wary of Dark Elves {Wary_of_Mongols_desc}The Dark Elves are always up to something, and are not to be trusted. {Wary_of_Mongols_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Druchii {Wary_of_Muslims}Wary of Greenskins {Wary_of_Muslims_desc}And who wouldn t be wary of a Greenskin then? {Wary_of_Muslims_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Greenskins {Wary_of_Pagans}Wary of Pagans {Wary_of_Pagans_desc}Worshippers of pagan ways are vile and dangerous. {Wary_of_Pagans_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Pagans {Wary_of_Poles}Wary of Dwarfs {Wary_of_Poles_desc}This man has let events of the past make him nervous about w hat the Dwarfs are capable of. {Wary_of_Poles_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Dwarfs {Wary_of_Portugese}Wary of Wissenlanders {Wary_of_Portugese_desc}Believes those wretched Wissenlanders are capable of thi ngs others should not suffer. {Wary_of_Portugese_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Wissenland {Wary_of_Rebels}Wary of Rebels {Wary_of_Rebels_desc}The men who follow petty lordlings and brigand leaders are dangerous, with little honour. {Wary_of_Rebels_effects_desc}No Effects {Wary_of_Russians}Wary of Kislevites {Wary_of_Russians_desc}Quietly shaken by the ways and warriors of the people of Kislev. {Wary_of_Russians_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Kislev {Wary_of_Scots}Wary of Middenlanders {Wary_of_Scots_desc}This man is uneasy around Middenlanders, and it goes beyond a simple aversion to men praying to wolves. {Wary_of_Scots_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Middenland {Wary_of_Sicilians}Wary of Nordlanders {Wary_of_Sicilians_desc}And who wouldn t be wary of a Nordlander then? {Wary_of_Sicilians_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Nordland {Wary_of_Spaniards}Wary of Talabeclanders {Wary_of_Spaniards_desc}The Talabeclanders are dangerous in his mind, and he off ers them too much respect. {Wary_of_Spaniards_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Talabecland {Wary_of_Timurids}Wary of Timurids {Wary_of_Timurids_desc}Quietly believes the forces of Timur the Lame to be a men ace more terrible than he would openly admit. {Wary_of_Timurids_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Timurids {Wary_of_Venetians}Wary of Averlanders {Wary_of_Venetians_desc}The Averlanders are always up to something, and are not to be trusted. {Wary_of_Venetians_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Averland {Wary_of_the_French}Wary of Ostermarkers {Wary_of_the_French_desc}There is something about Ostermarkers that unnerve this man when facing them in battle. {Wary_of_the_French_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Ostermark {Wary_of_the_Papacy}Wary of the Grand Theogonist {Wary_of_the_Papacy_desc}To face the forces of Sigmar s representative on the Ol d World is not something any wise man would seek out.

{Wary_of_the_Papacy_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against the Grand Theo gonist s armies {Wary_of_the_Turks}Wary of the Orcs {Wary_of_the_Turks_desc}Quietly finds the Orcs to be dangerous in ways he doubts he can deal with. {Wary_of_the_Turks_effects_desc}-1 Command when fighting against Orcs {Wavering_Faith}Wavering Faith {Wavering_Faith_desc}Is uncertain whether faith itself is flawed, or if it s bee n lacking in the people he has met. {Wavering_Faith_effects_desc}-2 Piety {Way_too_Leniant}Way too Lenient {Way_too_Leniant_desc}Does nothing to keep those under his command in check. Nob ody waits for his permission any longer as a result. {Way_too_Leniant_effects_desc}-1 Command, -1 Authority, +3 Morale for all troops on the battlefield, -20% to Movement Points (reduces the distance armies can ma rch), -1 from law (has a negative effect on public order) {Welcomes_Outlanders}Welcomes Outlanders {Welcomes_Outlanders_desc}This man is always ready to open his doors to stranger s. {Welcomes_Outlanders_effects_desc}-2 from public security (reduces the chances o f detecting and capturing enemy agents) {Well_Spoken}Well Spoken {Well_Spoken_desc}Capable of dressing his words up to appease even the stuffiest of audiences. {Well_Spoken_effects_desc}+1 Authority {Wife_is_Admirable}Wife is Admirable {Wife_is_Admirable_desc}This man s wife is noted to be a pleasant person to deal with, and generally liked. {Wife_is_Admirable_effects_desc}+1 to popularity (improves public order) {Wife_is_Barren}Wife is Barren {Wife_is_Barren_desc}This man s wife appears to have difficulty falling pregnant . {Wife_is_Barren_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Wife_is_Charming}Wife is Charming {Wife_is_Charming_desc}This man s wife is a true treasure, something that endear s him to her. {Wife_is_Charming_effects_desc}+1 to popularity (improves public order), Increas es the chance of having children {Wife_is_Cursed}Wife is Cursed {Wife_is_Cursed_desc}This man s wife is seemingly unable to bear children - a ve ry sad affair. {Wife_is_Cursed_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Wife_is_Deplorable}Wife is Deplorable {Wife_is_Deplorable_desc}This man s wife is known for being of foul character, a nd is spoken of poorly by the people. {Wife_is_Deplorable_effects_desc}-1 from public security (reduces the chances of detecting and capturing enemy agents), -3 from popularity (has a negative effec t on public order) {Wife_is_Fair}Wife is Fair {Wife_is_Fair_desc}When one s wife is fair, so is time at home. {Wife_is_Fair_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {Wife_is_Fertile}Wife is Fertile {Wife_is_Fertile_desc}Is known to have a healthy wife, of good breeding. {Wife_is_Fertile_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {Wife_is_Infertile}Wife is Infertile {Wife_is_Infertile_desc}This man s wife is quite unlikely to bear children in he r lifetime. {Wife_is_Infertile_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Wife_is_Lovely}Wife is Lovely {Wife_is_Lovely_desc}Most any man would be in rapture with his own wife were she

as lovely as this man s. {Wife_is_Lovely_effects_desc}+2 to popularity (improves public order), Increases the chance of having children {Wife_is_Nasty}Wife is Nasty {Wife_is_Nasty_desc}This man s wife is known for being very difficult to deal wi th, hardly befitting of royalty. {Wife_is_Nasty_effects_desc}-2 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order) {Wife_is_Noble}Wife is Noble {Wife_is_Noble_desc}This man s wife is considered upright, and a good example of royalty. {Wife_is_Noble_effects_desc}+2 to popularity (improves public order) {Wife_is_Revered}Wife is Revered {Wife_is_Revered_desc}This man s wife is adored by those who know her, even the common folk who never get to speak to her. {Wife_is_Revered_effects_desc}+1 to public security (improves the chances of det ecting and capturing enemy agents), +3 to popularity (improves public order) {Wife_is_Ripe}Wife is Ripe {Wife_is_Ripe_desc}This man s wife is so fertile that children are a certainty. {Wife_is_Ripe_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {Wife_is_Smart}Wife is Smart {Wife_is_Smart_desc}This man s wife has a sharp mind, and is good counsel for he r husband. {Wife_is_Smart_effects_desc}10% bonus on all trade income, 10% bonus on tax inco me {Wife_is_Undesireable}Wife is Undesireable {Wife_is_Undesireable_desc}This man s wife could doubtfully be all his heart des ires. {Wife_is_Undesireable_effects_desc}-1 from popularity (has a negative effect on public order), Decreases the chance of having children {Wife_is_Unpleasant}Wife is Unpleasant {Wife_is_Unpleasant_desc}This man s wife is simply not pleasant to deal with at all. {Wife_is_Unpleasant_effects_desc}-1 from popularity (has a negative effect on pu blic order) {Wife_is_Useful}Wife is Useful {Wife_is_Useful_desc}A man backed by a capable woman is always more formidable. {Wife_is_Useful_effects_desc}5% bonus on all trade income, 5% bonus on tax incom e {Wife_is_Very_Fertile}Wife is very Fertile {Wife_is_Very_Fertile_desc}This man s wife is of excellent health for producing potential heirs. {Wife_is_Very_Fertile_effects_desc}Increases the chance of having children {Wife_is_Wise}Wife is Wise {Wife_is_Wise_desc}This man s wife is a font of wisdom, and assists in his affai rs greatly. {Wife_is_Wise_effects_desc}15% bonus on all trade income, 15% bonus on tax incom e {Wife_is_a_Wretch}Wife is a Wretch {Wife_is_a_Wretch_desc}A vow of monogamy to this man s wife was one of his brave r moments in life. {Wife_is_a_Wretch_effects_desc}-2 from popularity (has a negative effect on publ ic order), Decreases the chance of having children {Wife_lacks_Charm}Wife lacks Charm {Wife_lacks_Charm_desc}Sometimes wishes he d found a fairer wife. {Wife_lacks_Charm_effects_desc}Decreases the chance of having children {Wildly_Extravagant}Wildly Extravagant {Wildly_Extravagant_desc}To be this extravagant is both ludicrous and shameful. To openly waste such wealth when so many are so poor is a moral crime. {Wildly_Extravagant_effects_desc}15% increase to construction costs, 30% penalty

on tax income, -2 from squalor (increases public order and population growth) {Winning_First}Winning First {Winning_First_desc}His actions in battle suggest he cares about winning much mo re than doing so honourably. {Winning_First_effects_desc}+1 Dread {Winning_First_gain_desc}Knows no mercy in battle. {Winning_First_lose_desc}Judging by the results of the last battle, this man is difficult to be accused of cruelty. {Woefully_Inbred}Woefully Inbred {Woefully_Inbred_desc}Sadly, inbred men like this bring into question whether th ere are enough noble families for proper courting anymore? {Woefully_Inbred_effects_desc}-1 Command, -1 Authority, 5% penalty on tax income , Decreases the chance of having children {Womaniser}Womaniser {Womaniser_desc}Faithfulness is not one of this man s virtues. He is an easy tar get for a pretty lady. {Womaniser_effects_desc}+1 Morale for all troops on the battlefield {Worthy_Admiral}Worthy Admiral {Worthy_Admiral_desc}This man has proven that he is capable of commanding a smal l fleet of ships to work together in unison effectively. {Worthy_Admiral_effects_desc}+3 Command at sea {Worthy_Admiral_gain_desc}After his recent display of prowess in battle, it is c lear this Admiral s abilities are continuing to evolve. {Would-be-Inquisitor}Would-be-Inquisitor {Would-be-Inquisitor_desc}So swift is this man to denounce any who would follow a religion aside from his chosen faith, that he would likely make a great Inquis itor. {Would-be-Inquisitor_effects_desc}-3 Influence {Wracking_Cough}Wracking Cough {Wracking_Cough_desc}Has a nasty wracking cough left over from a vile illness cu rsed upon him by a witch. {Wracking_Cough_effects_desc}-1 Command, -1 Morale for all troops on the battlef ield {Wraith}Undead {Wraith_desc}Undead {Wraith_epithet_desc} - Undead {arost}Crimson Fury {arost_desc}This vampire enters the fray and fights with an indomitable, animal rage, until all his enemies on the battlefield are reduced to corpses. {arost_effects_desc}+1 to the command, +2 hitpoints, -2 from personal security {arost_gain_desc}Crimson Fury {arost_lose_desc}Crimson Fury {atam}Ataman {atam_desc}This Kislevite skillfully manages mounted troops. {atam_effects_desc}+1 to the command of the cavalry, +1 morale of troops on the battlefield {atam_gain_desc Ataman {atam_lose_desc}Ataman {atama}Second Ataman {atama_desc}This Kislevite occupies a high position in command of the cavalry Ki slev {atama_effects_desc}+2 command of the cavalry, +2 morale of troops on the battle field {atama_gain_desc}Second Ataman {atama_lose_desc}Second Ataman {ataman}First Ataman {ataman_desc}This Kislevite clearly grew up in the saddle, and is one of the mos t respected cavalry commanders in Kislev! {ataman_effects_desc}+3 to command the cavalry, +3 morale of troops on the battl efield

{ataman_gain_desc}First Ataman {ataman_lose_desc}First Ataman {aur}Aura of Dark Majesty {aur_desc}The greatest vampires have devoted decades of their unlife to learning new skills that would impact all other living beings, and after many years are able to use their knowledge in scheming and plotting against the living. {aur_effects_desc}+2 to Command, +3 morale of troops on the battlefield, +2 law {aur_gain_desc}Aura of Dark Majesty {aur_lose_desc}Aura of Dark Majesty {bal}Hatred of Dark Elves {bal_desc}This High Elf hates Dark Elves. {bal_effects_desc}+2 to Command in the battle against the Dark Elves {bal_gain_desc}Hatred of Dark Elves {bal_lose_desc}Hatred of Dark Elves {balg}Fierce Hatred of Dark Elves {balg_desc}This High Elf bears a fierce hatred for his fallen brethren the Druch ii. {balg_effects_desc}+2 to Command in the battle against the dark elves, one of cr uelty, +1 Loyalty {balg_gain_desc}Fierce Hatred of Dark Elves {balg_lose_desc}Fierce Hatred of Dark Elves {balga}Exceptional Hatred of Dark Elves {balga_desc}This High Elf cannot stand the existence of the Dark Elves and tries to kill as many of the offspring of Naggaroth as he can. {balga_effects_desc}+2 to Command in the battle against the dark elves, two of c ruelty, +2 to Loyalty {balga_gain_desc}Exceptional Hatred of Dark Elves {balga_lose_desc}Exceptional Hatred of Dark Elves {besh} Rabid {besh_desc}This orc is exceptionally evil-minded. {besh_effects_desc}+2 to Command in attack {besh_gain_desc}Rabid {besh_lose_desc}Rabid {bich} Beach Human {bich_desc}This man is known in the southern lands for his cruelty and the suffe ring he inflicts on many of the weak people of the South. {bich_effects_desc}+2 to the command, +2 morale of troops on the battlefield {bich_gain_desc} Beach Human {bich_lose_desc} Beach Human {bio}Shatufboren {bio_desc}Shatufboren {bio_effects_desc}+1 Stealth {bio_gain_desc}Shatufboren {bio_lose_desc}Shatufboren {bioo}Biography {bioo_desc}Imperial High Assassin Vaul Steiner {bioo_effects_desc}+3 Stealth {bioo_gain_desc}Vaul Steiner {bioo_lose_desc}Vaul Steiner {bitva}Born for battle {bitva_desc}This orc is often, even more so than most orcs, involved in battles. {bitva_effects_desc} +1 to health, +1 command {bitva_gain_desc}Born for battle {bitva_lose_desc}Born for battle {bogun}Selena Heymlih {bogun_desc}Selena Heymlih {bogun_effects_desc}+1 Stealth {bogun_gain_desc}Selena Heymlih {bogun_lose_desc}Selena Heymlih {boroda}With a long beard

{boroda_desc}A luxurious beard is, to a dwarf, a source of pride, even more so t han the capacity of his stomach for beer. It is well known that the length of th e beard of a dwarf is the best indicator of his age, and, subsequently, his wisd om and experience. Dwarfs never cut their beards and always meticulously care fo r them, often braiding them into plaits or decorating them for special occasions . {boroda_effects_desc}+3 to loyalty {boroda_gain_desc}With a long beard {boroda_lose_desc}With a long beard {boy}Boyar {boy_desc}This Kislevite belongs to the nobility of the state. {boy_effects_desc}+1 to the command, + 20% for income from trade, + 1 to the mor ality of troops on the battlefield {boy_gain_desc}Boyar {boy_lose_desc}Boyar {bragno}Brother to Dwarfs {bragno_desc}This Kislevite is on exremely friendly terms with the dwarfs. {bragno_effects_desc}+2 command of artillery, plus 50 points to speed the constr uction of siege weapons {bragno_gain_desc}Brother to Dwarfs {bragno_lose_desc}Brother to Dwarfs {capitan}Captain Reyksgvardii {capitan_desc}This man is the captain of the bodyguard of the Emperor - the Reyk sgvardii. {capitan_effects_desc}+2 to the command, +2 morale of troops on the battlefield, +1 to health {capitan_gain_desc}Captain Reyksgvardii {capitan_lose_desc}Captain Reyksgvardii {chemsi}Champion of Sigmar {chemsi_desc}This man is the Chosen One, and a great warrior of Sigmar. {chemsi_effects_desc}+4 to piety, +1 health, +2 morale of troops on the battlefi eld {chemsi_gain_desc}Champion of Sigmar {chemsi_lose_desc}Champion of Sigmar {chest}Dwarfen Honour {chest_desc}All Dwarfs have a heightened sense of honor, which manifests itself in their respect for debts and promises. If a Dwarf makes a trade he remembers a nd respects all of its terms even if it becomes unprofitable. Dwarfs go so far a s to fulfill the promises of an ancestor, even if they were given a century ago. {chest_effects_desc}+1 to the morale of troops on the battlefield, +1 Loyalty {chest_gain_desc}Dwarfen Honour {chest_lose_desc}Dwarfen Honour {darkelf}Dark Elf {darkelf_desc}This individual is a Dark Elf. {darkelf_effects_desc}+1 Dread, +1 Health {darkelf_gain_desc}Dark Elf {darkelf_lose_desc}Dark Elf {darklord}Dark Lord {darklord_desc}This Dark Elf is the lord of the city of Naggarond. {darklord_effects_desc}+4 to cruelty, +4 to social unrest, +3 command, +3 to law {darklord_gain_desc}Dark Lord {darklord_lose_desc}Dark Lord {defender}Defender of the Empire {defender_desc}This man is famous for his victorious battle with the enemies of the Empire. {defender_effects_desc}+2 to the command, +2 morale of troops on the battlefield , +1 to health {defender_gain_desc}Defender of the Empire {defender_lose_desc}Defender of the Empire {drakon}Leader of the Dragon Princes

{drakon_desc}This High Elf commands a detachment of the Dragon Princes. {drakon_effects_desc}+3 to command the cavalry {drakon_gain_desc}Leader of the Dragon Princes {drakon_lose_desc}Leader of the Dragon Princes {du}Felix {du_desc}Felix {du_effects_desc}+1 Stealth {du_gain_desc}Felix {du_lose_desc}Felix {elf}Elf {elf_desc}This individual is an Elf. {elf_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty {elf_gain_desc}Elf {elf_lose_desc}Elf {expert_witch_hunter}Witch Hunter Captain {expert_witch_hunter_desc}This man is the Captain of the Witch Hunters. {expert_witch_hunter_gain_desc}This man was appointed Captain of the Witch Hunte rs. {feytor}Feytor the Tainted {feytor_desc}Champion of Nurgle {feytor_effects_desc}+6 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {feytor_gain_desc}Feytor the Tainted {feytor_lose_desc}Feytor the Tainted {filos}Warrior-philosopher {filos_desc}This is a High Elf who enjoys philosophy, as well as being a great w arrior. {filos_effects_desc}+2 to health, +2 piety {filos_gain_desc}Warrior-philosopher {filos_lose_desc}Warrior-philosopher {gener}General of Infantry {gener_desc}This man is a supporter of infantry combat and the leading role of i nfantry on the battlefield. {gener_effects_desc}+1 to the command of the infantry, +1 morale of troops on th e battlefield {gener_gain_desc}General of Infantry {gener_lose_desc}General of Infantry {genera}Skilled General of Infantry {genera_desc}This man is a supporter of infantry combat and the leading role of infantry on the battlefield, as well as successful voplotitelem their ideas for improving the infantry combat on the battlefield {genera_effects_desc}+2 command of the infantry, +2 morale of troops on the batt lefield {genera_gain_desc}Skilled General of Infantry {genera_lose_desc}Skilled General of Infantry {general} General of the nobility {general_desc}This man is a general law for a title of nobility. He is well trai ned to command the cavalry, and appreciate it on the battlefield, but clearly un derestimates the value of the infantry in combat {general_effects_desc} -1 to the command of the infantry, +2 morale of troops on the battlefield, +3 command of the cavalry {general_gain_desc} General of the nobility {general_lose_desc} General of the nobility {gerolds}Biography {gerolds_desc}Vardek Crom - this mighty leader once sought to fight Archaon in s ingle combat, but upon seeing the Slayer of Kings, bowed down in homage to the E verchosen. The chieftain of the Kul forswore all his wordly possessions and rank , and accompanied Archaon on his quest for the other Treasures. He returned to h is homelands as Archaon sought the Crown of Domination, besting tribal leader af ter tribal leader in single combat to unite the Kurgan peoples against the Empir

e. Crom issued a challenge to any champion of Men, Elves or Dwarfs to face him i n single combat. {gerolds_effects_desc}+8 Dread, +10 Loyalty, +5 Command {gerolds_epithet_desc}- Herald of Archaon {gerolds_gain_desc}This individual is worthy of becoming the Herald of Archaon. {gerolds_lose_desc}This pathetic excuse for a warrior is no longer recognised as the Herald of Archaon. {gnom}Dwarf {gnom_desc}This individual is a Dwarf. {gnom_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty {gnom_gain_desc}Dwarf {gnom_lose_desc}Dwarf {goblin}Night Goblin {goblin_desc}This individual is a Night Goblin. {goblin_effects_desc}-10 Command when fighting at day, +1 Command when ambushing {goblin_gain_desc}Night Goblin {goblin_lose_desc}Night Goblin {gospodar}The Lord {gospodar_desc}This individual is a true ruler of Kislev, with the blood of Txar s past running through his veins. {gospodar_effects_desc}+1 to the command of the infantry, +1 to farming {gospodar_gain_desc}The Lord {gospodar_lose_desc}The Lord {gra}Border Guard {gra_desc}This Kislevite is famed for his defense of Kislev s borders from the i nvasions of external enemies. {gra_effects_desc}+1 to Command, +10% movement points. {gra_gain_desc}Border Guard {gra_lose_desc}Border Guard {gran}Famed Border Guard {gran_desc}This Kislevite is famed for his repeated victories in the defense of Kislev s borders from the invasions of external enemies. {gran_effects_desc} +2 to Command, +15% movement points. {gran_gain_desc}Famed Border Guard {gran_lose_desc}Famed Border Guard {grann}Legendary Border Guard {grann_desc}This Kislevite is know throughout the land for his impenetrable defe nse of Kislev s borders from the invasions of external enemies. {grann_effects_desc}+3 to Command, +20% movement points. {grann_gain_desc}Legendary Border Guard {grann_lose_desc}Legendary Border Guard {ha}Wrestler with Chaos {ha_desc}This High Elf has devoted his life to fight the creatures and the influ ence of chaos. {ha_effects_desc}+2 to piety, +1 command vs. Chaos, +1 Loyalty, +1 to nobility {ha_gain_desc}Wrestler with Chaos {ha_lose_desc}Wrestler with Chaos {haar}Haargroth the Blooded One {haar_desc}Champion of Khorne {haar_effects_desc}+6 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general ca n take before dying) {haar_gain_desc}Haargroth the Blooded One {haar_lose_desc}Haargroth the Blooded One {hao}Exterminator of Chaos {hao_desc}This High Elf successfully fights the creatures and the influence of c haos. {hao_effects_desc}+3 to piety, +2 command vs. Chaos, +2 to Loyalty, +2 to nobili ty {hao_gain_desc}Exterminator Chaos {hao_lose_desc}Exterminator Chaos

{haos}The Great Exterminator of Chaos {haos_desc}This High Elf is known throughout Ulthuan for his successful fight wi th the creatures and the influence of Chaos. {haos_effects_desc}+4 to piety, +3 command vs. chaos, +3 loyalty, +3 to nobility {haos_gain_desc}The Great Exterminator of Chaos {haos_lose_desc}The Great Exterminator of Chaos {hy}High Elf {hy_desc}This individual belongs to the race of the High Elves. {hy_effects_desc}+ 1 to the health, +1 Loyalty {hy_gain_desc}High Elf {hy_lose_desc}High Elf {iskoren}Exterminator of heresy {iskoren_desc}This man brutally eradicates all heresy. {iskoren_effects_desc}+3 to cruelty, +2 health, +2 piety {iskoren_gain_desc}Exterminator of heresy {iskoren_lose_desc}Exterminator of heresy {istingnom}Dwarfen Pride {istingnom_desc}Dwarfs are a very proud people, often speaking with derision abo ut the achievements of other races. {istingnom_effects_desc}+2 to Loyalty {istingnom_gain_desc}Dwarfen Pride {istingnom_lose_desc}Dwarfen Pride {istr}Troll Fighter {istr_desc}This Kislevite has destroyed several trolls. {istr_effects_desc}+1 to health, +1 morale of troops on the battlefield {istr_gain_desc}Troll Fighter {istr_lose_desc}Troll Fighter {istre}Famous Troll Fighter {istre_desc}This Kislevite has destroyed many trolls. {istre_effects_desc}+2 to health, +2 morale of troops on the battlefield {istre_gain_desc}Famous Troll Fighter {istre_lose_desc}Famous Troll Fighter {istreb}Renowned Troll Fighter {istreb_desc}This Kislevite has destroyed so many trolls, it almost seems as tho ugh he will make theTroll Country habitable for people! {istreb_effects_desc}+3 to health, +3 morale of troops on the battlefield {istreb_gain_desc}Renowned Troll Fighter {istreb_lose_desc}Renowned Troll Fighter {izgo}Outcast {izgo_desc}This man has been exiled from his homeland and travelled north to see k help from the Gods of Chaos. {izgo_effects_desc}+3 to loyalty {izgo_gain_desc}Outcast {izgo_lose_desc}Outcast {izkho}Champion Khorne {izkho_desc}This man is the champion of the God of Carnage, Khorne. {izkho_effects_desc} +2 to cruelty, +2 health, +15% production for robbery {izkho_gain_desc} Champion of Khorne {izkho_lose_desc}Champion of Khorne {izned}Champion of Chaos Undivided {izned_desc}This man is the champion of Chaos Undivided. {izned_effects_desc}+2 to cruelty, +2 health, +15% production for robbery {izned_gain_desc}Champion of Chaos Undivided {izned_lose_desc}Champion of Chaos Undivided {iznu}Champion of Nurgle {iznu_desc}This man is a champion of the God of Disease, Nurgle. {iznu_effects_desc}+3 to health, and -1 on morale of troops on the battlefield {iznu_gain_desc}Champion of Nurgle {iznu_lose_desc}Champion of Nurgle {izslaa} Champion of Slaanesh

{izslaa_desc}This man is the champion of the God of Pleasure, Slaanesh. {izslaa_effects_desc}+2 to cruelty, +2 morale of troops on the battlefield, +1 t o health {izslaa_gain_desc}Champion of Slaanesh {izslaa_lose_desc}Champion of Slaanesh {iztzi}Champion of Tzeentch {iztzi_desc}This man is a champion of the God of Change, Tzeentch. {iztzi_effects_desc} +2 to piety, +2 law {iztzi_gain_desc}Champion of Tzeentch {iztzi_lose_desc}Champion of Tzeentch {izus}Elegant and Sophisticated {izus_desc}After living for hundreds of years and learning from many diplomats a nd public officials he now understands how to deal with them without risking neg ative opinions. {izus_effects_desc}+2 to influence, +1 to law, -2 from unrest (has a positive ef fect on public order) {izus_gain_desc}Elegant and Sophisticated {izus_lose_desc}Elegant and Sophisticated {kaban}A born horseman on the hog {kaban_desc}This orc skillfully moves on a boar and knows what it takes to unlea sh the true power of these wild creatures. {kaban_effects_desc}+2 command of the cavalry {kaban_gain_desc}A born horseman on the hog {kaban_lose_desc}A born horseman on the hog, till several tumbles shook his skil l. {killer}Talented Killer {killer_desc} This Dark Elf assassin has a talent that is very much appreciated by the Druchii. {killer_effects_desc}+2 to cruelty, +2 personal security {killer_gain_desc}Talented Killer {killer_lose_desc}Talented Killer {kisl}Kislev {kisl_desc}This individual comes from the people of Kislev. {kisl_effects_desc}+2 to the command against chaos, +1 to farming, +1 morale of troops on the battlefield. {kisl_gain_desc}Kislev {kisl_lose_desc}Kislev {knyaz_1}Prince Zenresa {knyaz_1_desc}Prince Zenresa {knyaz_1_epithet_desc}- Prince Zenresa {knyaz_2}Prince Vidovana {knyaz_2_desc}Prince Vidovana {knyaz_2_epithet_desc}- Prince Vidovana {kopit}Capital Wealth {kopit_desc}The accumulation of treasure is a great passion for the Dwarfs. They are race that aggressively work on the acquisition of wealth. {kopit_effects_desc}+5 to collect taxes {kopit_gain_desc}Capital Wealth {kopit_lose_desc}Capital Wealth {korsar1}Corsair {korsar1_desc}This Dark Elf is involved in raids on the shores of the Old World. {korsar1_effects_desc}25% bonus to cash gained from looting {korsar1_gain_desc}Corsair {korsar1_lose_desc}Corsair {korsar2}Experienced Corsair {korsar2_desc}This Dark Elf is involved in raids on the shores of the Old World which are very well organised. {korsar2_effects_desc}40% bonus to cash gained from looting, +2 Command when ass aulting walls {korsar2_gain_desc}Corsair

{korsar2_lose_desc}Corsair {korsar3}Veteran Corsair {korsar3_desc}This Dark Elf s raids on the shores of the Old World are devastati ng. {korsar3_effects_desc}50% bonus to cash gained from looting, +2 Command when ass aulting walls, +1 Loyalty {korsar3_gain_desc}Corsair {korsar3_lose_desc}Corsair {kovche}Captain of a Black Ark {kovche_desc}This Dark Elf is the captain of one of the dreaded Black Arks. {kovche_effects_desc}+3 to Command {kovche_gain_desc}Capital of a Black Ark {kovche_lose_desc}Captain of a Black Ark {krell}Krell {krell_desc}Krell {krell_epithet_desc}- Lord of the Undead {krom}Vardek Crom {krom_desc}Herald Of Archaon {krom_effects_desc}+8 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general ca n take before dying) {krom_gain_desc}Vardek Crom {krom_lose_desc}Vardek Crom {krov} Blood of Kings {krov_desc}This Dwarf belongs is a descendant of the first kings of Dwarfs and i s a member of the ruling dynasty. {krov_effects_desc}+2 to the authority {krov_gain_desc}Blood of Kings {krov_lose_desc}Blood of Kings {lew}White Lion {lew_desc}This High Elf is a member of the White Lion Guard. {lew_effects_desc} +2 to Command {lew_gain_desc}White Lion {lew_lose_desc}White Lion {man}Human {man_desc}This individual is a Human. {man_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty {man_gain_desc}Human {man_lose_desc}Human {masgip}Master of Hypnosis {masgip_desc}With the power of his gaze this Vampire can make anyone become his puppet and do his bidding. {masgip_effects_desc}+2 to influence, 10% for income from trade, -1 for the law {masgip_gain_desc}Master of Hypnosis {masgip_lose_desc}Master of Hypnosis {master_witch_hunter}Chamberlain {master_witch_hunter_desc}Chamberlain {master_witch_hunter_gain_desc}This man has been appointed Chamberlain. {meleh}Melekh the Changer {meleh_desc}Champion of Tzeentch {meleh_effects_desc}+6 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general c an take before dying) {meleh_gain_desc}elekh the Changer {meleh_lose_desc} lekh the Changer {milpo}Mercy to the vanquished {milpo_desc}This man has a habit of not executing the vanquished, and for this h e has incurred the wrath of the dark gods, and the hate of other champions of ch aos. {milpo_effects_desc}-3 to piety, -3 to loyalty, -2 morale of troops on the battl efield {milpo_gain_desc}Mercy to the vanquished

{milpo_lose_desc}Mercy to the vanquished {mutan}Perceptible Mutation {mutan_desc}This man has been exposed to the touch of chaos and has subsequently become little like a man. {mutan_effects_desc}+2 to health, +2 to cruelty, +2 piety {mutan_gain_desc}Perceptible Mutation {mutan_lose_desc}Perceptible Mutation {mutant}Mutant {mutant_desc}This man has been exposed to the full force of chaos and ultimately lost the essence of the servants quarters {mutant_effects_desc}+3 to health, +3 to cruelty, +3 piety {mutant_gain_desc} inhuman {mutant_lose_desc} inhuman {muto}Partial Mutation {muto_desc}This man has felt the faintest touch of chaos and and suffered a slig ht mutation. {muto_effects_desc}+1 to health, +1 to cruelty, +1 piety {muto_gain_desc}Partial Mutation {muto_lose_desc}Partial Mutation {nadvig}Impending Doom {nadvig_desc}So much raw negative power is emitted from him that all try to avoi d him at any costs. {nadvig_effects_desc}+3 Dread {nadvig_gain_desc}Impending Danger {nadvig_lose_desc}Impending Danger {neprek}Relentless {neprek_desc}The march of the Dwarfs is unchanged throughout the year, and much like time, never stops. {neprek_effects_desc}+10 points to motion {neprek_gain_desc}Relentless {neprek_lose_desc}Relentless {neytom}Tireless {neytom_desc} A Dwarf army can march for a long time, day and night, without sto pping to rest. {neytom_effects_desc}+15 points to motion {neytom_gain_desc}Tireless {neytom_lose_desc}Tireless {nuln}Nuln Education {nuln_desc}This man has received an excellent education in Nuln - city of divine rs and gunners {nuln_effects_desc}+2 command of the storming of the fortifications, +1 piety, + 50 points to build siege weapons {nuln_gain_desc}Nuln school education {nuln_lose_desc}Nuln school education {orc}Orc {orc_desc}This individual is an Orc. {orc_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty {orc_gain_desc}Orc {orc_lose_desc}Orc {otstop}Curbed Bloody Zeal {otstop_desc}This Vampire managed to curbed his thirst for blood because he is c lose to his living friends. However, this makes him weak. {otstop_effects_desc} +3 to nobility, -3 of piety, -2 to the command, +2 law {otstop_gain_desc}Curbed Bloody Zeal {otstop_lose_desc}Curbed Bloody Zeal {pamat}Memory of Nehekhara {pamat_desc}This Vampire has seen the secrets of Nehekhara in one of his deep sl eeps. He now possesses secrets of immense value. {pamat_effects_desc}+2 to the command, +2 piety, +10% tax collection {pamat_gain_desc}Memory of Nehekhara

{pamat_lose_desc}Memory of Nehekhara {pobor}Champion of Chaos {pobor_desc}This man is a champion of Chaos. {pobor_effects_desc}+1 to the command, one of cruelty, +1 piety, +1 Loyalty {pobor_gain_desc}Champion of Chaos {pobor_lose_desc}Champion of Chaos {poborn}Mighty Champion of Chaos {poborn_desc}This man is a staunch advocate of Chaos. {poborn_effects_desc}+2 to the command, two of cruelty, +2 piety, +2 to Loyalty {poborn_gain_desc}Mighty Champion of Chaos {poborn_lose_desc}Mighty Champion of Chaos {poborni}Great Champion of Chaos {poborni_desc}This man is one of the greatest servants of Chaos. {poborni_effects_desc}+3 to Command, +3 to cruelty, +3 piety, +3 loyalty {poborni_gain_desc}Great Champion of Chaos {poborni_lose_desc}Great Champion of Chaos {popal1}Executioner {popal1_desc}This Dark Elf, before he became a commander, was in a detachment of Executioners. {popal1_effects_desc}+2 to cruelty, +2 to public concern, +1 Command, +1 to law {popal1_gain_desc}Executioner {popal1_lose_desc}Executioner {popal2}A skilled Executioner {popal2_desc}This Dark Elf masterfully chops down on his captives heads. {popal2_effects_desc}+3 to cruelty, +3 to public concern, +2 command, +2 law {popal2_gain_desc}A skilled Executioner {popal2_lose_desc}A skilled Executioner {popal3}Great Executioner {popal3_desc}This Dark Elf is one of a kind. {popal3_effects_desc}+4 to cruelty, +4 to social unrest, +3 command, +3 to law {popal3_gain_desc}Great Executioner {popal3_lose_desc}Great Executioner {posab}Follower of Abhorash {posab_desc}This Vampire has devoted his life to the art of warfare. He studied the art of fighting with the best masters of the land for ages, and truly became a reflection of his creator in our world. {posab_effects_desc}+2 to hit points, +15 points of movement, +3 piety {posab_gain_desc}Follower of Abhorash {posab_lose_desc}Follower of Abhorash {poska1}Follower of Khaine {poska1_desc}This Dark Elf worships Khaine, the Elven God of carnage and bloodsh ed. {poska1_effects_desc}+1 to the command of the attack, one of cruelty, one s heal th, and -1 to the command of the defense, +1 piety. {poska1_gain_desc}Follower of Khaine {poska1_lose_desc}Follower of Khaine {poska2}Devoted follower of Khaine {poska2_desc}This Dark Elf worships Khaine, the Elven God of carnage and bloodsh ed, and does not experience any doubt in his views. {poska2_effects_desc}+2 command of the attack, two of cruelty, +2 health, -2 to the command of the defense, +2 piety. {poska2_gain_desc}Devoted follower of Khaine {poska2_lose_desc}Devoted follower of Khaine {poska3}Ardent follower of Khaine {poska3_desc}This Dark Elf is among the most loyal followers of Khaine and routi nely tortures a large number of captured slaves. {poska3_effects_desc}+3 command of the attack, three of cruelty, +3 health, -3 t o the command of the defense, +3 piety. {poska3_gain_desc}Ardent follower of Khaine {poska3_lose_desc}Ardent follower of Khaine

{posma1}Dark Apprentice {posma1_desc}This Dark Elf is able to use the winds of magic. {posma1_effects_desc}+1 to the command, +1 to law, and -1 of piety {posma1_gain_desc}Wizard Apprentice {posma1_lose_desc}Wizard Apprentice {posma2}Dark Wizard {posma2_desc}This Dark Elf has learnt several mighty spells. {posma2_effects_desc}+2 to the command, +2 to law, -2 to godliness {posma2_gain_desc}Dark Wizard {posma2_lose_desc}Dark Wizard {posma3}Dark Archwizard {posma3_desc}This Dark Elf has no match in the art of dark magic. {posma3_effects_desc}+3 to Command, +3 to law, -3 of piety {posma3_gain_desc}Dark Archwizard {posma3_lose_desc}Dark Archwizard {posmo} Follower of Morr {posmo_desc}This man is a follower of Morr. {posmo_effects_desc}+1 to the command, +2 morale of troops on the battlefield, + 1 to health {posmo_gain_desc}Follower of Morr {posmo_lose_desc} Follower of Morr {possig}Follower of Sigmar {possig_desc}This man is a follower of Sigmar. {possig_effects_desc}+1 to the command, +2 morale of troops on the battlefield, +1 to health {possig_gain_desc}Follower of Sigmar {possig_lose_desc}Follower of Sigmar {posslan1}Follower of Slaanesh {posslan1_desc}This Dark Elf worships Slaanesh. {posslan1_effects_desc}+1 to piety, +1 to the morale of troops {posslan1_gain_desc}Follower of Slaanesh {posslan1_lose_desc}Follower of Slaanesh {posslan2}Devoted follower of Slaanesh {posslan2_desc}This Dark Elf worships Slaanesh and does not experience any doubt in his views. {posslan2_effects_desc}+2 to piety, +2 morale of troops {posslan2_gain_desc}Follower of Slaanesh {posslan2_lose_desc}Follower of Slaanesh {posslan3}Adept of the Cult of Pleasure {posslan3_desc}This Dark Elf is a member of the of the Cult of Pleasure. {posslan3_effects_desc}+3 to piety, +3 morale of troops {posslan3_gain_desc}Follower of Slaanesh {posslan3_lose_desc}Follower of Slaanesh {posulri}Follower of Ulric {posulri_desc}This man is a follower of Ulric. {posulri_effects_desc}+1 to the command, +2 morale of troops on the battlefield, +1 to health {posulri_gain_desc}Follower of Ulric {posulri_lose_desc}Follower of Ulric {praag}Restorer of Praag {praag_desc}This Kislevite participated in the restoration of Praag after the in vasion of Chaos. {praag_effects_desc} +1 to health, +1 morale of troops on the battlefield, +1 to law {praag_gain_desc}Restorer of Praag {praag_lose_desc}Restorer of Praag {sappetit}Gargantuan Appetite {sappetit_desc}This Vampire s bloodlust is unheard of, even amongst other Vampir es. {sappetit_effects_desc} +2 to cruelty, +1 piety, +2 unrest

{sappetit_gain_desc}Gargantuan Appetite {sappetit_lose_desc}Gargantuan Appetite {script}Script {script_desc}Script {script_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty {script_gain_desc}Script {script_lose_desc}Script {shaht}Shakhtar {shaht_desc}Miners use an excellent knowledge of underground tunnels to strike t he enemy from the rear or to appear on the battlefield with a surprise for him d irections. {shaht_effects_desc}+5 to income from mining {shaht_gain_desc}Shakhtar {shaht_lose_desc}Shakhtar {sigma}Sigmar {sigma_desc}This man is a staunch Sigmarite. {sigma_effects_desc} +1 to piety, +1 Loyalty {sigma_gain_desc}Sigmarite {sigma_lose_desc}Sigmarite {sigmar}Ardent Sigmarite {sigmar_desc}This man is a staunch supporter of Sigmar. {sigmar_effects_desc} +2 to piety, +2 to Loyalty {sigmar_gain_desc}Ardent Sigmarite {sigmar_lose_desc}Ardent Sigmarite {sigmari}Devout Sigmar {sigmari_desc}This man is a devout and indomitable Sigmarite. {sigmari_effects_desc}+3 to piety, +3 loyalty {sigmari_gain_desc}Devout Sigmarite {sigmari_lose_desc}Devout Sigmarite {stena}Destroyer of walls {stena_desc}This man has taken a lot of castles and mastered the art of taking f oritifications by storm. {stena_effects_desc}+3 to command during the assault, 20% of the production of r obbery, 50 points for the construction of siege weapons {stena_gain_desc}Destroyer of walls {stena_lose_desc}Destroyer of walls {sti}Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer {sti_desc}Champion of Slaanesh {sti_effects_desc}+6 to your general s hitpoints (how many hits your general can take before dying) {sti_gain_desc}Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer {sti_lose_desc}Styrkaar of the Sortsvinaer {stoikos}Resistance {stoikos_desc}Resistance is the natural instinct of any dwarf. {stoikos_effects_desc}+1 to the command, +1 morale of troops on the battlefield {stoikos_gain_desc}Resistance {stoikos_lose_desc}Resistance {strem}Swift {strem_desc}This ork is quick and elusive in battle. {strem_effects_desc}+1 to the command of the cavalry {strem_gain_desc}Swift {strem_lose_desc}Swift {svoboda}Deliverer of the Brass Keep {svoboda_desc}Deliverer of the Brass Keep {svoboda_effects_desc}Deliver of the Brass Keep {svoboda_epithet_desc}- Deliverer of the Brass Keep {svoboda_gain_desc}Deliverer of the Brass Keep {svoboda_lose_desc}Deliverer of the Brass Keep {ten}From the family clan of shadows {ten_desc}This High Elf comes from a Shadow clan, brutal and relentless fighters

against evil. {ten_effects_desc}+3 to cruelty, +2 command, +3 loyalty, +25 points of motion {ten_gain_desc}From the family of a Shadow clam {ten_lose_desc}From the family of a Shadow clan {tma}Understands the darkness {tma_desc}There are those among the living and the undeath that understand the t rue power of the dark powers and they can use it to achieve their goals. {tma_effects_desc}+2 to Command, +3 to hit points, +1 law {tma_gain_desc}Understands the darkness {tma_lose_desc}Understands the darkness {tolst}Thick-skinned {tolst_desc}This orc has a very strong hide. {tolst_effects_desc}+2 to health {tolst_gain_desc}Thick-skinned {tolst_lose_desc}Thick-skinned {troll_epithet_desc}- the roll {ultu}Defender of Ultuan {ultu_desc}This High Elf is famous for his part in the defense of Ulthuan. {ultu_effects_desc}+1 to Command in the defense of cities, +1 morale of troops {ultu_gain_desc}Defender of Ulthuan {ultu_lose_desc}Defender of Ulthuan {ultua} known advocates Ultuana {ultua_desc} This High Elf is famous for his part in the defense of Ulthuan, hav ing won many battles. {ultua_effects_desc} + 2 to command the defense of cities, +2 morale of troops {ultua_gain_desc}Known Defender of Ulthuan {ultua_lose_desc} Known Defender of Ulthuan {ultuan}Legendary Defender of Ulthuan {ultuan_desc}This High Elf has become a legend on Ulthuan thanks to his successf ul campaigns against the enemies of the High Elves. {ultuan_effects_desc} + 3 to command the defense of cities, +3 morale of troops {ultuan_gain_desc}Legendary Defender of Ulthuan {ultuan_lose_desc}Legendary Defender of Ulthuan {ung}Ungol {ung_desc}This Kislevite is a member of the nomadic Ungol. {ung_effects_desc}+1 to the command of the cavalry, +10% movement points {ung_gain_desc}Ungol {ung_lose_desc}Ungol {ungo}Ungol Nobility {ungo_desc}This Kislevite is a noble of the Ungol tribe. {ungo_effects_desc}+1 to the command of the cavalry, +10% movement points {ungo_gain_desc}Ungol Nobility {ungo_lose_desc}Ungol Nobility {ungol}Leader of the Ungols {ungol_desc}This Kislevite is one of the leaders of the nomadic Ungol. {ungol_effects_desc}+3 to command the cavalry, +20% movement points {ungol_gain_desc}Leader of the Ungols {ungol_lose_desc}Leader of the Ungols {vampir}Vampire {vampir_desc}This individual is a Vampire. {vampir_effects_desc}-10 Command when fighting at day {vampir_gain_desc}Vampire {vampir_lose_desc}Vampire {vibgor}Chosen of Gork {vibgor_desc}This orc has surely been chosen by Gork (or Mork?) {vibgor_effects_desc}+2 to Loyalty {vibgor_gain_desc}Chosen of Gork {vibgor_lose_desc}Chosen of Gork {vibmor}Chosen of Mork {vibmor_desc}This orc has surely been chosen by Mork (or Gork?)

{vibmor_effects_desc}+2 to cruelty {vibmor_gain_desc}Chosen of Mork {vibmor_lose_desc}Chosen of Mork {vladmo}Lord of the Dead {vladmo_desc}All vampires can raise Undead warriors from their graves, but only few of them can raise and command countless numbers of such minions. {vladmo_effects_desc}+3 to the command, +1 morale of troops on the battlefield {vladmo_gain_desc}Lord of the Dead {vladmo_lose_desc}Lord of the Dead {voe}Boss {voe_desc}This orc has managed to break a couple of goals particularly outrageou s relatives and now commands the whole group {voe_effects_desc}+1 to the command {voe_gain_desc}Boss {voe_lose_desc}Boss {voev}Big Boss {voev_desc} This orc has shown considerable courage on the battlefield and now f ew of his relatives aim to take his place. {voev_effects_desc}+2 to Command {voev_gain_desc}Big Boss {voev_lose_desc}Big Boss {voevo}Voivod {voevo_desc}This orc has not only showed considerable courage on the battlefield , but also savvy in the tactics of battle! {voevo_effects_desc}+3 to Command {voevo_gain_desc}Voivod {voevo_lose_desc}Voivod {voevod}WAAGH leader {voevod_desc}This Orc is without a doubt one of the greatest leaders of the orcs , and now leads his horde from victory to victory. {voevod_effects_desc}+4 to command {voevod_gain_desc}WAAGH leader {voevod_lose_desc}WAAGH leader {voevoda}Surviving WAAGH leader {voevoda_desc}This orc is doubly dangerous, because after the defeat of his hord e he survived, learnt from his defeat and now even has some knowledge of strateg y! {voevoda_effects_desc}+4 to command {voevoda_gain_desc}Surviving WAAGH leader {voevoda_lose_desc}Surviving WAAGH leader {vongnom}Hatred of Dwarfs {vongnom_desc}This Orc cannot stand dwarfs {vongnom_effects_desc}+1 to Command in battle against the dwarfs {vongnom_gain_desc}Hatred of Dwarfs {vongnom_lose_desc}Hatred of Dwarfs {vopsme}Incarnation of Death {vopsme_desc}This Vampire has devoted his life to the art of warfare. He studied the art of fighting with the best masters of the land battles for ages, and bec ame truly a reflection of his creator in our world. {vopsme_effects_desc} +2 to cruelty, +2 hit points, -20% to income from trading, -20% to income tax {vopsme_gain_desc}Incarnation of Death {vopsme_lose_desc}Incarnation of Death {vosp}Parenting High Elves {vosp_desc}This is a high elf was raised in the best traditions of elven culture . {vosp_effects_desc} +1 to nobility, +2 piety {vosp_gain_desc} Parenting High Elves {vosp_lose_desc} Parenting High Elves {vospi} Education High Elves

{vospi_desc} This was a high elf elven education {vospi_effects_desc} +2 to nobility, +3 piety {vospi_gain_desc} Parenting High Elves {vospi_lose_desc} Parenting High Elves {vospit} Higher Education High Elves {vospit_desc} This is a high elf elven received higher education {vospit_effects_desc} +3 to nobility, +4 piety {vospit_gain_desc} Parenting High Elves {vospit_lose_desc} Parenting High Elves {zach}Defender of Kislev {zach_desc}This Kislevite is a pillar of the throne and a threat to all external enemies. {zach_effects_desc}+3 to Command, +2 piety, +2 morale of troops on the battlefie ld, +1 to health {zach_gain_desc}Defender of Kislev {zach_lose_desc}Defender of Kislev {zdor} husky {zdor_desc} This orchestra is different athletic physique {zdor_effects_desc} +3 to health {zdor_gain_desc} husky {zdor_lose_desc} husky {zver}Beastman {zver_desc}This individual is a Beastman. {zver_effects_desc}+1 Loyalty {zver_gain_desc}Beastman {zver_lose_desc}Beastman

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