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{ABOR_BODY}The forces of Chaos are nearing the boders of Ostland!

Worried by thi s news the commoners of the city have gathered a sum of money and levied a force to aid you. {ABOR_TITLE} Chaos forces are at the gates! {ABREK_BODY}Chaos forces are very close to the borders of Ostermark! Fortunately , we have received word that the army of Talabecland will arrive in time to help us repel this invasion. {ABREK_TITLE} Chaos forces are at the gates! {AGNA_BODY}Crom's forces are near the Dwarf Empire's borders! {AGNA_TITLE} Chaos forces are at the gates! {AKINFEEV_BODY} My Lord! Our scouts report that Dark Elves are ready to attack H eedenhof! You must greet them with steel, iron bolts and the bravery of our hear ts! They will find their death here! {AKINFEEV_TITLE}Enemies are close! {ALDONIN_BODY}Though some claimed the doomsayers were merely being alarmist, our worst fears have been realised. From the north, a great horde has come upon our lands. Savage barbarians from Norsca, exalted champions of the Chaos Gods, abom ib=nable spawns - Demons of the Ruinous Powers, all of them march to the south, an unstoppable tide to wash away the naive fools who would dare to stand in thei r way.The dread legions of the Lord of the End Times have fallen upon the lands of the Empire with a thirst for carnage and destruction unseen before. {ALDONIN_TITLE}Storm of Chaos {ALLY_BODY}Champion of Chaos! A message from Malekith has arrived. He is pleased at your decision to form an alliance with him, but now the Witchking demands a worthy quantity of slaves to be delivered to him. To achieve this goal, you must capture High Elves' Camp, Salzenmund and Dietershafen in 20 turns. If you fail to achieve this goal, the Dark Elves might consider finding a stronger ally... {ALLY_TITLE}Alliance with Malekith {ANUKOV_BODY}Watchers report that the fires of enemies' camp can be seen from th e walls of Heedenhof! {ANUKOV_TITLE}Enemies are close! {ARGER_BODY}Chaos forces are near Kislev's northern borders! My Lord, you should be ready to repel the attack. {ARGER_TITLE} Chaos at the gates! {ARSHAVIN_BODY}The armies of our enemies are a mere day's march from our camp! W e must be ready for their onslaught. {ARSHAVIN_TITLE}Enemies are close {ARULRIK_ELECTED_BODY}The elder priests of the White Wolf have finally decided u pon an individual worthy enough to become the new High Priest and leader of the Cult of Ulric. {ARULRIK_ELECTED_TITLE}New Ar-Ulric {ARZAR_BODY}Chaos forces are near Kislev! My Lord, you should be ready to repel the attack on our capital. {ARZAR_TITLE}Chaos forces are at the gates! {ASSASINS_QUESTION_BODY}Do you wish to enable recruting of assassins in the game , for you as well as for the AI? \n\nWARNING!The AI uses its assassins quite odd ly, often targeting its allies. This may lead to the destruction of entire facti ons. We do not recommend enabling this option, but the final decision is yours t o make. {ASSASINS_QUESTION_TITLE}Enabling Assassins in CoW {ASSASIN_BODY}Assassins are perhaps the most feared adepts of Khaine, Lord of Mu rder, and an essential feature of Dark Elf society.The Witch Elves, priestesses of the cult of Khaine, sacrifice some Dark Elves during Death Night, taking thei r victim's children. These children are indoctrinated by the Witch Elves and rut hlessly trained, becoming Assassins. Anyone wealthy enough may hire an assassin to eliminate a rival or an enemy in Naggaroth. The authorities will not punish s omeone for hiring an assassin; assassination is an accepted fact of life in Dark Elf society and a means of weeding out the weak and foolish. Assassins may also be used by the Dark Elf military. During battles they conceal themselves in the

ranks of a regular unit, waiting for the right opportunity to kill an enemy cha mpion amidst the confusion of battle. {ASSASIN_TITLE}Shadowblade {AVERHEIM_BODY}Your Grace! A delegation of nobles and venerable citizens of Aver land has arrived at your court. They marvel at your glory, your victories and th e strength of your armies. They hope that Your Grace will show valour and listen to their humble pleas, for every Averlander, no matter how rich or poor, no mat ter how old or young, has lost his most precious possession the homeland of his ancestors. Hochland has fallen before the ruthless onslaught of countless enemie s. Turned into homeless wanderers and vagabonds, the Averlanders will go to any lengths to regain their lands. If Your Grace were to show the wisdom of a far-si ghted politician and help the Averlanders return to their lands their gratitude would know no bounds. They swear to become your allies and come to your aid in t imes of need. The wealthiest merchants of Averland have gathered the remaining p arts of their fortunes and are ready to offer a modest sum of 15000 gold if our armies will march to the liberation of Averheim. Your Grace, it is wise that yo u have accept this offer and chosen to help these miserable people in their time of need. Who knows to what length they are ready to go to accomplish their goal s. And good deeds done always return, with interest. {AVERHEIM_TITLE}Restoring Averland {AVER_BODY}Your Grace! The citizens of Averheim praise your name and call you an honorable and valiant man. You have brought salvation and liberation to this la nd, torn asunder by the horrors of war, and shown graciousness by returning the homeland of the Averlanders to them. Now our forces must leave Averheim, and pas s the burden of protecting this country to Averland's army. The wagons are laden with rich gifts and our regiments are ready to march. Praise Sigmar! And let Hi m guide us in this dark hour and strengthen the friendship between our counties. {AVER_TITLE}Leaving Averheim {BAY_BODY}A large army of Chaos has crossed the Lynsk river and is heading for B echafen. Worried by this news the commoners of the city have gathered a sum of m oney and levied a force to aid you. In addition, the Count of Talabecland has se nt his army. {BAY_TITLE} Chaos forces are aiming for Bechafen {BEAST_BODY}Elector Count of Middenland! News has arrived that in Drakenwald For est, beastmen are gathering in large bands and herds and may soon begin to threa ten human settlements. Prepare to purge this threat! {BEAST_TITLE} Beastmen activity in Drakenwald Forest {BECHAFEN_SIEGE_BODY}My Lord! In recent years the activities of Chaos have grown in scale and scope. Bands from the North now roam through Kislev and the Empire , pillaging and killing. This time a large host is nearing Bechafen. You should man the battlements! {BECHAFEN_SIEGE_TITLE}Bechafen is under siege {BEREZA_BODY}The great grandson of the famous master thief Hans Shadufboren was caught by accident. He was turned in by a street whore, seduced by the prize mon ey offered for Erchard. He was then given a simple choice either a noose or a ch ance to serve his Elector Count. Erchard was no fool, and had to accept this gene rous offer, becoming an agent of the Secret Police. Now one of the best agents of the Police, he s trusted with the most complicated and delicate missions, even though he still calls them contracts. Many are amused by a strange habit of his: S hadufboren highly values an old female brooch, a stone of singular beauty, rimme d with an ancient blackened chase. Erchard always carries it with him, fastened to the inside of his collar. There are rumours that this is the famous brooch of van der Kuiper, stolen by his legendary grandfather. {BEREZA_TITLE}Coming of Erhard Shadufboren {BLOOD_DRAGONS_BODY}Blood Dragons {BLOOD_DRAGONS_KNIGHTS_BODY}Blood Dragons {BLOOD_DRAGONS_KNIGHTS_TITLE}The Blood Dragons are Vampire Knights, usually from the realm of Bretonnia. They desire to hone their skills in military combat, bu t are unwilling to become rulers or land owners, thus making them undead Knights Errant. Their goal is to succeed in mastering the art of combat, and thereby ob

tain the ability to permanently suppress the need to drink human blood to surviv e, just as their leader, Abhorash, did. Blood Dragons are tireless fighters, co nstantly perfecting and sharpening their skills and developing new killing techn iques. The rage burning in their hearts will never let them rest. Having heard a bout the war started by Vampire lords of Sylvania, the Blood Dragons have approa ched the throne of the Carsteins and offered their assistance. Those enemies th e Dragons deem worthy are given a sip of their blood, transferring the curse of immortality to them. These new warriors join the ranks, now after the same great goal. {BLOOD_DRAGONS_TITLE}The Blood Dragons are Vampire Knights, usually from the rea lm of Bretonnia. They desire to hone their skills in military combat, but are un willing to become rulers or land owners, thus making them undead Knights Errant. Their goal is to succeed in mastering the art of combat, and thereby obtain the ability to permanently suppress the need to drink human blood to survive, just as their leader, Abhorash, did. Blood Dragons are tireless fighters, constantly perfecting and sharpening their skills and developing new killing techniques. T he rage burning in their hearts will never let them rest. Having heard about the war started by Vampire lords of Sylvania, the Blood Dragons have approached the throne of the Carsteins and offered their assistance. Those enemies the Dragon s deem worthy are given a sip of their blood, transferring the curse of immortal ity to them. These new warriors join the ranks, now after the same great goal. {BORDER_ALLIANCE_BORDER_PRINCES_BODY}My Prince! The Emperor has graciously accep ted our ambassadors. The Empire of Sigmar is ready to offer its assistance to th e Border Princes in the form of troops, supplies and weapons, to aid us in our s truggle. But the Emperor expects us to fulfill our end of the bargain in return. We would have to enter the Conclave of Light and prove our loyalty with our swo rds and our blood. {BORDER_ALLIANCE_BORDER_PRINCES_TITLE}Conclave of Light spreads {BORDER_ALLIANCE_REIK_BODY}Your Imperial Majesty! Ambassadors from the Border Pr inces have arrived. They bring rich gifts and plead for their elder brother, the Emperor, to hear them in their time of need. The people of the Border Princes a re weary of constant attacks from countless foes. They beg you to establish your merciful protection over their lands and drive their enemies away with the forc e of Imperial weapons. The Princes are ready to join the Conclave of Light and o ffer their assistance in return. What would be your answer, Your Majesty? {BORDER_ALLIANCE_REIK_TITLE}Conclave of Light spreads {BORODA_BODY}As a rule, Dwarfs live for 200 years. If any Dwarf crosses the 200 year mark, and this is very rare an event, he is called a Great-bearded.Great-be arded possess great respect among their people. They keep the wisdom of generati ons of the ancestors, the secrets of metalworking and weapon forging, knowledge of sophisticated devices and Orcs cunning. In these dark times their experience a re of specially great value to all Dwarfs. My Lord! Now that our enemies are cou ntless and the earth trembles under the feet of beasts of Chaos, The Council of Elders has announced its will! Great-bearded, clad in the best mithril mail and wielding sharp runic weapons made by the masters of old, march from the undergro und halls to repel the Chaos invasion and assist their brethren not only with wi se advice, but also with the mighty strokes of their axes. {BORODA_TITLE} Great-bearded {BRETONIA_BODY}It has been reported that a large Bretonnian Host is marching to the aid of the Empire. It passed the mountain paths and entered Wissenland. Unfo rtunately earthquakes destroyed the mountain roads and only a vanguard of knight s was able to make it through. {BRETONIA_TITLE}Aid from Bretonnia {BRIGHT_WIZARD_BODY}My Lord, the Colleges of Magic have sent you a unit of their adepts, who have mastered the power of Fire. Bright Wizards have no rivals on t he battlefield. They know dozens of destructive spells, and their ability to cal l down fire and create explosions is the greatest demonstration of their excepti onal skills. {BRIGHT_WIZARD_TITLE}Bright Wizards {BRONZINO_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Bronzino, and can now t

rain his gunners in all mercenary camps. {BRONZINO_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Bronzino s Galloper Guns {BRONZINO_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Me rcenary Captain, Bronzino, and his Battery of Galloper Guns. He demands 5000 gol d crowns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will with out doubt find a more generous ruler.\n\nAppearance: Small, lightweight bronze o r brass cannons harnessed to light limbers drawn by one horse. One of the gunner s rides the horse, the others run beside the gun carrying the ramrods and other equipment. Bronzino is a big man riding his own horse and wearing ornate armour. \n\nBronzino s Gallopers were first employed at the Battle of Pattio. Their guns were, in fact, lightweight cannons removed from their mountings on the galleys of Remas and fixed to specially made carriages. This was done on the instruction s of Master Gunner Bronzino, who had been hired by Borgio the Besieger, Prince o f Miragliano. This innovation contributed in no small measure to the victory and Bronzino proceeded to raise a battery of specially designed guns forged in the very same foundry as that used by Leonardo da Miragliano to cast his colossal b rass statues. {BRONZINO_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Bronzino is dead, his mercenaries will soon retur n home. {BRONZINO_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Bronzino is dead {BRONZINO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Bronzino, and can now train his gunners in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: The best bang for your buck!\n\nBattl e-cry: Ready! Aim! Fire! {BRONZINO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Bronzino s Galloper Guns {BRONZINO_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Bronzino {BUGMAN_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}Josef Bugman is the most famous Dwarf Master Brewer of all time. To a Dwarf, the art of brewing is a skill as worthy as that of the greatest artisan. All Dwarfs drink vast quantities of ale, and enjoy nothing bet ter than a raucous evening drinking and singing. There are many famous Dwarf ale s, and many renowned brewers, but the name of Josef Bugman stands out as a parag on of quality. When he and his helpers were away on business, his brewery - loca ted at the foot of the Black Mountains in Averland - was attacked and destroyed by Goblins. His kin disappeared and since then he has led a unit of Dwarf Ranger s - the famed Bugman s Rangers. Working as mercenaries, he and his unit seek to hunt down as many goblins as they can, as well as any other greenskins that may cross their path. And now he stands before our gates and offers his axe, loyalty , hatred towards the greenskins and brewing skills to you, My Lord, in exchange for the chance to find a new home. {BUGMAN_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Bugman was hired by the Dwarf King {BUGMAN_RECRUITMENT_BODY}Josef Bugman is the most famous Dwarf Master Brewer of all time. To a Dwarf the art of brewing is a skill as worthy as that of the grea test artisan. All Dwarfs drink vast quantities of ale, and enjoy nothing better than a raucous evening drinking and singing. There are many famous Dwarf ales, a nd many renowned brewers, but the name of Josef Bugman stands out as a paragon o f quality. When he and his helpers were away on business, his brewery - located at the foot of the Black Mountains in Averland - was attacked and destroyed by G oblins. His kin disappeared and since then he has led a unit of Dwarf Rangers the famed Bugman s Rangers. Working as mercenaries, he and his unit seek to hunt down as many goblins as they can, as well as any other greenskins that may cros s their path. And now he stands before our gates and offers his axe, loyalty, ha tred towards the greenskins and brewing skills to you, My Lord, in exchange for the chance to find a new home. {BUGMAN_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Bugman is dead, and the secret of his magnificent b rew lost forever. {BUGMAN_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Bugman is dead {BUGMAN_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}Josef Bugman is the most famous Dwarf Master Bre wer of all time. To a Dwarf the art of brewing is a skill as worthy as that of t he greatest artisan. All Dwarfs drink vast quantities of ale, and enjoy nothing better than a raucous evening drinking and singing. There are many famous Dwarf ales, and many renowned brewers, but the name of Josef Bugman stands out as a pa

ragon of quality. When he and his helpers were away on business, his brewery - l ocated at the foot of the Black Mountains in Averland - was attacked and destroy ed by Goblins. His kin disappeared and since then he has led a unit of Dwarf Ran gers - the famed Bugman s Rangers. Working as mercenaries, he and his unit seek to hunt down as many goblins as they can, as well as any other greenskins that m ay cross their path. And now he stands before our gates and offers his axe, loya lty, hatred towards the greenskins and brewing skills to you, My Lord, in exchan ge for the chance to find a new home. {BUGMAN_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Josef Bugman {BUGMAN_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Josef Bugman {CAMP_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}Word has arrived that one of the Counts has taken Mari enburg and returned this foul nest of treacherous merchants to the Empire. It s rumoured that one of the famous mercenaries of the city, Van Klumpf, and his ban d of soldiers, have joined him. {CAMP_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Marienburg is taken! {CAMP_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Van Klumpf is dead, his luck has abandoned him. {CAMP_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Van Klumpf is dead {CAMP_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}Marienburg has finally been returned to the Empire . This nest of treacherous merchants and foul souls from all over the Old World has fallen to our righteous armies, and the hoarded riches pour into our Treasur y. Fleshy Burgomeisters of the city have sworn an oath of allegiance to you, My Lord, in order to save their hides! And some of the mercenary captains who previ ously guarded Marienburg have decided that they can turn a decent profit fightin g for the Empire.\nVan Klumpf s Buccaneers are also known as the Murderers out o f Marienburg and the Scourge of the Reik. These sellswords arrived at the Reiksp ort in 2545 and have been offering their services ever since. As they have carve d a brutal name for themselves on both land and river, their fees have steadily gone up. It is rumoured that Bartholomeus can Klumpf is the dispossessed son of a Marienburg noble. This may be true as the Buccaneers are lavishly equipped - o r at least they once were, before time and hard duty took its toll. The Buccanee rs wear ornate tabards in Marienburg colours, but the rest of their garb is rath er drab. {CAMP_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Marienburg is taken! {CHEKISTD_BODY}A good death, if death can ever be good, for the men who dedicate d themselves to fighting enemies of the state. They fell in battle with the coun tless foes of Kislev, protecting the Motherland to the last breath. Their names are known to nobody, but their deeds will remain in peoples memory for generation s to come. {CHEKISTD_TITLE}Chekists massacred {CHEKIST_BODY}Chekists have a dark reputation among the common citizens of Kisle v. Serving as the state s secret police and counter-espionage organisation, they guard the peace and comfort of Kislev against the undermining activities of ene my spies and false prophets. Their methods may seem unnecessarily harsh at time s, for they act decisively and mercilessly, eradicating the treacherous taint of Chaos from the lands of Kislev. Hardy warriors, they prefer to use muskets in battle, which they fire with deadly skill, shooting down even the heaviest of ar moured warriors at full tilt. Their leader, Vladimir Pashenko, is a dangerous an d vindictive man, but he does his work well and his subordinates respect him and will follow him into the most dangerous of situations. {CHEKIST_ELECTED_BODY}By his high will, the Tzar has appointed a new head of Lub yanka. The most experienced of all the Chekists, merciless to foes of the state and skilled in investigation, is now in charge of the Secret Police. A great bur den and responsibility have been placed upon him, as recently the heathen cults of Chaos have multiplied and the enemies of Kislev are getting stronger and bold er. His is the first line of defence against the insidious threats of Chaos. {CHEKIST_ELECTED_TITLE}New head of Lubyanka is appointed {CHEKIST_TITLE}Chekists {DAEMON_BODY}Great One! The Lord of Skulls has blessed one of his followers with his favour. The gifts bestowed upon him for his decades of devoted service are immortality and great strength and power, that which is desired by every discipl

e of Khorne. The Chosen Champion has been turned into a Daemon Prince, and now l eathery wings bring him upon his enemies from above, so he may harvest yet more blood for the Blood God! {DAEMON_TITLE}Daemon Prince {DARKHELPSQW_BODY}Would you like to form an alliance with Tzeentch Followers? Yo u will receive 10000 gold crowns. {DARKHELPSQW_TITLE}Alliance with Tzeentch {DARKHELPSQ_BODY}Would you like to form an alliance with Slaanesh Followers? You will receive 20000 gold crowns. {DARKHELPSQ_TITLE}Alliance with Slaanesh {DARKHELPS_BODY}Champion of Chaos! A message has been delivered informing us tha t Dark Elves have landed in the Old World. They have extended an offer of allian ce. But for their help they demand 20000 gold crowns. You should deliver the nec essary sum in 15 turns. Do you agree to this? You had better think over this off er carefully, because if you decline the alliance, the Druchii could seek the he lp of other Chaos Lords. {DARKHELPS_TITLE}Dark Elven Help {DARKHELP_BODY}Champion of Chaos! A message has been delivered informing us that the Dark Elves have landed in the Old World. They have extended an offer of all iance. But for their help they demand 20000 gold crowns. You should deliver the necessary sum in 15 turns. Do you agree to this? You had better think over this offer carefully, because if you decline the alliance, the Druchii could seek the help of other Chaos Lords. {DARKHELP_TITLE}Dark Elven Help {DARKS_BODY}Champion of Chaos! A message from Malekith has arrived. He is please d at your decision to form an alliance with him. But now the Witchking demands a worthy quantity of slaves to be delivered to him. To achieve this goal, you mus t capture High Elves Camp, Salzenmund and Dietershafen in 20 turns. If you fai l to achieve this goal, the Dark Elves might consider finding a stronger ally... {DARKS_TITLE}Malekith s Message {DEREVO_BODY} A talented entertainer and mistress of the lute, who has performed for a number of noble houses in the Empire during the 2420s I.C.Selena Heimlich used her skills to lull her patrons, thereby enabling her to make offwith vario us items from these families.When discovered, Selena Heimlich succeeded in vanis hing before she was caught. {DEREVO_TITLE}Coming of Selena Heimlich {DE_MAGE_BODY}My Lord, a Prince has arrived from our homeland with a coven of Wi tches. {DE_MAGE_TITLE}Witches of Khaine {DIEDRAGON_BODY}The Grandmaster has fallen, hacking and slashing at his foes eve n as he died. He killed many, but now his body is a feast for the worms. {DIEDRAGON_TITLE}Grandmaster of the Blood Dragons is dead {DIEHE_BODY}The White Tower of Hoeth mourns the loss of the archmages. So much p riceless knowledge and skill has been lost lost with the deaths of the best! The wisdom of centuries of research and study has passed into oblivion {DIEHE_TITLE}Archmages killed {DIEMAG_TITLE} Bright Wizards killed {DIENMAG_BODY}Even the mighty Bright Wizards, capable of reducing cities to a pi le of embers, are mortal. And they can be killed with the basest of blades. {DIENULN_BODY}These talented men abandoned their research and joined the army to fight the tide of darkness spreading from the North. With so much they could ha ve yet accomplishednow their cold bodies lie on the grounds of distant battlefiel ds. {DIENULN_TITLE}Nuln Engineers killed {DIESHA_BODY}The Shamans are dead! Dey havent given enough sacrifices to Gork an d Mork, and the capricious gods abandoned them! {DIESHA_TITLE}Orc Shamans defeated {DIESIG_BODY}The holy servants of Sigmar have fallen, carrying His word and prot ecting His servants against the horrors creeping from the North. May the Light o f Sigmar shine on their graves and guard their bodies from desecration.

{DIESIG_TITLE}Priests of Sigmar defeated {DIE_STEAM_TANK_BODY}Even such a seemingly indestructible machine can be destroy ed! Now the steel behemoth, king of the battlefield, is just a pile of smoking w reckage. All Imperial Engineers have sworn to wear black funeral bands for two w eeks, mourning the loss of this marvel of construction. {DIE_STEAM_TANK_TITLE} Steam tank blown up {DIRGA_BODY}Scouts report that a large army of vampires is on its way to Wurtbad . They march day and night in dreadful silence, with only the creak of bones to be heard. Be ready for a vicious battle! {DIRGA_TITLE}Vampires are at the gates! {DRONG_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Long Drong, and can now tr ain his slayers in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: Lost pay chest recovery our sp eciality. \n\nBattle-cry: Fifteen Dwarfs and a dead Dwarf s chest, yo ho ho and a flagon of ale... {DRONG_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Long Drong s Slayer Pirates {DRONG_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Merce nary Captain, Long Drong, and his Slayer Pirates. He demands 5000 gold crowns fo r his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will without doubt f ind a more generous ruler.\n\nAppearance: Long Drong Slayer has a hook hand, peg leg, eyepatch, long red plaited beard, pistols stuffed down his breeches and a parrot on his shoulder which says bits o gold, bits o gold all the time. His crew are a swarthy bunch of rogues who are proud to fight under the skull and c rossbones flag.\n\nLong Drong (who as his name suggests, was a rather tall Dwarf and claimed a dubious line of descent from Drong the Hard, a legendary Dwarf he ro known from many sagas), began his career as a Dwarf seafarer in Barak Varr. H e worked his way up from cabin Dwarf to captain. That was until one terrible voy age around the coast of Sartossa. A storm blew up, the worst in a hundred years, and the ship foundered on the treacherous rocks, with the entire cargo of rare Dwarfen ale lost.\n\nThis disaster was something no Dwarf could bear, and no sel f-respecting Dwarf captain would wish to survive. Long Drong knew his career as a Dwarf trader was over. He resolved to become a Slayer on the seven seas and to seek a heroic end worthy of a saga. His crew, who were just as shamed by the lo ss of the cargo as their captain, followed his example and swore upon their ance stors to lead a life of roving Sea Slayers until a worthy death ended their sham e and redeemed them in legend.\n\nHaving thus takem the Slayer oath, Long Drong, now known as Long Drong Slayer, trekked inland to his destiny, which was to bec ome the most notorious pirate ever to lurk on Sartosa. His first act was to stor m the stronghold of the dreaded pirate Capitano Sisicco and capture his ship and treasure stash. \n\nWith the latter, Long Drong hired Dwarf craftsmen to rebuil d the flimsy vessel into something a Dwarf could be proud of, not sparing the ir on! He also hired Dwarf smiths to forge cannons for the vessel, which Long Drong named The Fair Fregar , after a famous Dwarf maiden of Barak Varr, rumoured to be very beautiful. A figurehead representing her was carved by the crew. Unfort unately, neither Long Drong nor any of his crew had ever seen a real life Dwarf maiden, so they had to rely on their imagination and hearsay. The result, parts of which were shod in brass, made an awesome ram on the prow of the ship!\n\nThe prisoners, now chained in Long Drong s dungeons, were freed in return for telli ng him all they knew about buried treasure and handing over any maps they had. L ong Drong learned that the key to success was often the possession of a pay ches t full of gold with which to hire a mercenary army and hold it together under hi s command. Many such pay chests had been lost in battles and there were mercenar y generals willing to pay handsomely for their return, even double the value of anything in the chest, or a great fortune for the empty chest alone. This was be cause recovery of a lost pay chest is a matter of pride among mercenary generals , who regard such chests in the same way as other races do their army standards! \n\nSo Long Drong let it be known that, being a seafaring Dwarf, he could seek o ut and rescue a lost pay chest wherever it may be in the known world and return it to its rightful owner. All he asked was to keep any treasure that he might fi nd in it, plus a reward in gold equal to as much as the chest would hold! By the standards of mercenary generals this was but a small price to pay for the resto

ration of honour and respect, and soon offers to hire his services came flowing in by swift messengers.\n\nThus the Fair Fregar voyaged to many distant lands; A raby, Lustria, Albion and many uncharted islands, and brought back various pay c hests which may or may not have been genuine. In doing so Long Drong raided the treasure hoards of many notorious pirates and corsairs and made countless enemie s determined to get their revenge on him. A price was on his head, everyone soug ht to accomplish his doom. What more could a seafaring Slayer ask for! His only friends turned out to be those mercenary generals for whom he had restored honou r, and they soon began to hire Long Drong and his pirate crew to fight as a regi ment in their armies. Their task, needless to say, was to seek out and capture t he enemy pay chest on the battlefield. Only reckless Dwarf Sea Slayers seeking a heroic end would take on or succeed in such a task. As yet Long Drong has still not met his doom! {DRONG_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Long Drong is dead, his crew will soon disband. {DRONG_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Long Drong is dead {DRONG_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Long Drong, and can now train his slayers in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: Lost pay chest recovery our speciality . \n\nBattle-cry: Fifteen Dwarfs and a dead Dwarf s chest, yo ho ho and a flagon of ale... {DRONG_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Long Drong s Slayer Pirates {DRONG_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Long Drong {DUB_BODY}Felix Jaeger is the disowned son of an Imperial merchant, a poet, and the rememberer and travelling companion of the famous Dwarf Slayer Gotrek Gurnis son. Felix once drunkenly pledged to travel with Gotrek and record his glorious death. {DUB_TITLE}Coming of Felix {DWAA_BODY}The Dwarfs are very close to Warboss Camp. Sharpen our choppas, a nic e smashing awaits! {DWAA_TITLE}Dwarfs are approaching! {DWA_BODY}Dwarfs have entered the Dark Lands and are close to Warboss Camp. {DWA_TITLE}Dwarfs in the Dark Lands {EEE_BODY}It has become known that the Herald of Archaon, Vardek Crom, has issue d forth from the Chaos lands with a huge army. He s aiming for Karaz-A-Karak. Yo u must be ready to greet him with steel and fire. {EEE_TITLE}Vardek Crom s March {ELFINVANSION_SLAANESH_BODY}Great Chaos Lord! It has became known that the cunni ng Elves have sent an expedition to support the peoples of the Old World. It s p ossible that they might land on the coast of Norsca. {ELFINVANSION_SLAANESH_TITLE}Elven Landing {ELF_KHORN_BODY}Elven Lord! Your forces have successfully landed in the Old Worl d and set up a fortified settlement. But the forces of Chaos are not sleeping. T hey will surely try to breach your walls soon. {ELF_KHORN_TITLE}Chaos Threat {ELVEN_SEA_STORM_BODY}Winter has begun. Fell storms roll over the sea and no rei nforcements can arrive until they end. Try to hold out till the end of winter wi th your remaining forces. {ELVEN_SEA_STORM_TITLE}Winter Storms {ELVE_ELVE_SPS_BODY}- My Lord! Look who s here! a spearman in a blood spattered brigantine escorted a pale-looking Elf out of the dark cellar, carefully support ing his hand. The Elfs once luxurious and gorgeous garments were torn and muddy b ut he bore himself with a defiant dignity.\n The Elf softly put aside the spearm an s hand and straightened up Whom should I thank for the rescue?\n- My name s E ldossa. Search and rescue party, reconnaissance. We have cleansed this foul nest of necromancers and wiped out all the vile creatures that infested it. \n- My N ame is Fieran, Defender of the North. I am the Ambassador of His Highness to the lands of the Empire the Elf bowed ever so slightly. Those bastards had treacher ously ambushed me and my people. They tortured us, and threw us into the dungeon to rot! I d appreciate you freeing my guards as well, they are still here, in t he lower levels.\n- I will make sure they are rescued. Don t worry, Ambassador F ieran, you are no longer in danger. Please, rest in our camp and then you can ca

rry on with your journey. We will provide you with adequate provisions and horse s. {ELVE_ELVE_SPS_TITLE}Elven ambassador rescued {ELVE_SPS_BODY}- My Lord! Look who s here! grinned a swordsman in a blood spatte red cuirass as he dragged a furiously resisting Elf out of the dark cellar. His once luxirious and gorgeous garments were torn and muddy but the Elf bore himsel f with defiant dignity. \n- Let me go, foolish peasant! The Elf straightened up Whom should I thank for the rescue?\n- The soldiers of the Empire of Sigmar. We have cleansed this foul nest of necromancers and wiped out all the vile creature s that infested it. \n- My name is Fieran, Defender of Light. I am the Ambassado r of His Highness to the lands of the Empire the Elf bowed ever so slightly.\nAn ambassador? Here? In the dungeons of the Brass Keep? One of the soldiers gigg led mockingly.\n-Wait! The captain raised his hand would you care to explain, Si r Ambassador? \n- Those bastards had treacherously ambushed me and my people. Th ey tortured us, and threw us into the dungeon to rot! I d appreciate you freeing my guards as well, they are still here, in the lower levels. \n- I will make su re they are rescued. You are no longer in danger, Sir. Please, rest in our camp, and then you can carry on with your journey. We will provide you with adequate provisions and horses. {ELVE_SPS_TITLE}Elven ambassador rescued {ENGLAND_BODY}High Prince of Ulthuan! The Phoenix King has deemed that in order to help our allies and successfully confront the forces of Chaos you need to cap ture Skaelings Settlement, located to the north of your Camp. It is also vital t o kill the Northmen leader who has taken shelter in the fort to the north of Ska elings Settlement. He is well known for his brutal pirate raids, and eliminating him will ensure Ulthuan s security. If you kill him before turn 20 you will rec eive monetary and military aid from Ulthuan. {ENGLAND_TITLE}Phoenix King s Edict {ERENGARD_BODY}Count of Ostland! The forces of Chaos are launching a massive ass ault, and their armies have besieged Erengard. Chaos reinforcements are nearing the city. Do you want to send help and crush these reinforcements? If that is th e case the armies of Kislev will be able to arrive in time and help Erengard. Th e city must not fall! {ERENGARD_TITLE} Erengard Defense {EXPED_BODY}Dwarfs, furious due to the constant raids on their homes, have decid ed to destroy the Orc Warboss Grimgor and are organising an expedition to captur e Warbosss Camp. Be ready to meet them! {EXPED_TITLE}Dwarfs Expedition {FERNANDO_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Pirazzo, and can now tr ain his soldiers in all mercenary camps. \n\nMotto: Trained in Lustria. \n\nBatt le-cry: Death or riches! {FERNANDO_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Pirazzo s Lost Legion {FERNANDO_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Me rcenary Captain, Pirazzo, and his Lost Legion. He demands 5000 gold crowns for h is services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will without doubt find a more generous ruler.\n\nPirazzo s Lost Legion are all that remain of an exped ition sent to Lustria by the merchants of Tobaro. The regiment was one of three recruited in Tobaro from amongst the reckless and poverty-stricken youths of the city. The promise of untold wealth to be found in the jungles of Lustria was a temptation none could resist and they joined the colours in droves.\n\nFernando Pirazzo was hired to command one of the regiments. Although young, he was alread y an experienced mercenary captain, skilled in the art of war. Before the expedi tion embarked he trained his men in the use of both pike and crossbow, the two t raditional weapons of Tilean mercenaries, foreseeing the conditions that the reg iment would encounter in the jungles of Lustria. No sooner had the expedition ar rived in Lustrian waters than it ran into trouble. When all the mercenaries had disembarked, the sailors of the ships, who were also mercenaries, weighed anchor and abandoned them, taking the pay chests of the three regiments with them. Of course, as a precaution against an opposed landing the pay chests had been left onboard, to be unloaded last! Pirazzo had advised against this, but had been out

voted by the other two captains. Now the mercenaries realised that he was by far the best leader and the other two regiments mutinied. Their incompetent and unf ortunate captains were cast adrift on rafts in the mangrove swamps and the merce naries joined together as a single regiment under Pirazzo s command, calling the mselves the Lost Legion .\n\nEverybody knew that obeying Pirazzo s orders was t heir best hope of survival, and so no one objected when he insisted that the tro ops remain encamped on the coast until everyone was trained to use both pike and crossbow. After several weeks all the bad elements among the stranded mercenari es were either dead, executed or had split off into the jungle in small groups, to their inevitable doom. The rest were all trained to Pirazzo s exacting standa rds and were men he could rely on to obey his orders to the letter. Now he was r eady to lead them into the interior, to adventure, riches or death!\n\nAfter a g ruelling march, the Lost Legion came upon some Lizardman ruins. Cautiously they entered the ruined city and soon found gold and gems in various vaults and chamb ers. As the mercenaries were marching out again, laden with treasure, the Lizard men launched a series of ambushes on the causeways and amid the spawning ponds o f the ruined city. Thanks to Pirazzo s foresight in training his men to use cros sbows and pikes none of the enemy could get at the regiment in sufficient number s to force them off the causeway. Their first ambush was met with a hail of cros sbow bolts, while the second ran into massed pikes. In the afternoon, the Skinks met with crossbow volleys again and later the Saurus were repulsed by the pikes . The losses among the Skinks and Saurus were terrible and soon the ponds were c hoked with scaly corpses.\n\nJust when the heat, thirst and fatigue were almost beyond endurance, the Mage Priest called off the attacks. The enemy seemed to ha ve the answer to both his skirmishers and his shock troops and so he had to thin k of more cunning tactics. In the interval, Pirazzo found himself considering th e possibility of striking a deal with the Mage Priest, to serve him as a mercen ary and ultimately to return home rich. It was almost as if the idea had been pu t in his mind from by someone else. Quickly he ordered his men to put down their loot and retreat along the causeway. He was obeyed without question, though it broke the men s hearts to abandon the gold! The regiment marched back into the r uins and made camp in the plaza to await events, although Pirazzo did not know w hat to expect.\n\nWhen the sun rose, the sentries were amazed to see that not on ly were the piles of treasure returned to the mercenaries, less the biggest and best tablets of gold, but also heaps of food and great gourds of refreshing wate r. The plaza was lined with Saurus warriors, permitting only one way out of the ruins: to the south. The Lost Legion took the loot, the supplies and the road ap pointed for them.\n\nThe legion marched for many weeks to the south. They did no t encounter any more cities, but did find further piles of supplies along the ro ute. Eventually they entered an eerie landscape of foetid swamps. Here they were attacked by the Zombie hordes of the Vampire Coast. Now it was clear that the p riests had sent Pirazzo against their most dreaded enemies. The Lost Legion foug ht valiandy and defeated the Undead wherever they met them. At last they reached the sea. Here the mercenaries filled their knapsacks with treasure from shipwre cks which they found scattered along the coast. Then, taking the best timbers, t hey repaired the most seaworthy of the decaying hulks and put to sea.\n\nJust wh en the hulk was on the verge on sinking, Pirazzo sighted land. It was the coast of Araby. Not long after the Lost Legion marched inland they were hired by one o f the emirs of the corsairs who was afraid of what Pirazzo and his men might do if he didn t hire them. Since then, Pirazzo s Lost Legion has fought its way acr oss Araby, Sartosa and into Tilea once more, serving many masters, winning great wealth and recruiting the reckless and adventurous into the regiment. {FERNANDO_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Pirazzo is dead, his soldiers will soon disband. {FERNANDO_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Pirazzo is dead {FERNANDO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Captain Pirazzo, and can now tr ain his soldiers in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: Trained in Lustria. \n\nBattl e-cry: Death or riches! {FERNANDO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Pirazzo s Lost Legion {FERNANDO_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Fernando Pirazzo {FORT_BODY}The Prince of Ulthuan is requesting your aid against the forces of Ch

aos advancing against his base of operations in the Old World. Are you ready to answer his call? {FORT_TITLE}Battle at High Elves Camp {FUKRA_BODY}A Chaos Horde is at the borders of Talabecland! They head for the ca pital. Sharpen your swords, ready your arrows, reinforce the gates! Be ready to face the tide of Chaos! {FUKRA_TITLE}Chaos forces are at the borders! {GARBARA_BODY}Orcs are nearing Castle Reikguard! {GARBARA_TITLE}Orcs are at the gates! {GIGANT_BODY}- Haw-haw-haw, Boss!! Da big and stupid guys will now fight for Orc s, and stump with their hooves petty hummies. Da Giants are big and strong, but stupid. And we, Orcs, are very clever and cunning. We will command da big and st upid guys and they will do everything da Big Boss commands! {GIGANT_TITLE}Giants {GNOM_ELVE_SPS_BODY}- My Lord! Look who s here! grinned a sturdy dwarf in blood spattered armour as he dragged a furiously resisting Elf out of the dark cellar . His once luxurious and gorgeous garments were torn and muddy but the Elf bore himself with defiant dignity.\n- Let me go, stupid Dwarf! The Elf straightened u p My name is Fieran, Defender of the North. I am the Ambassador of His Highness to the lands of the Empire the Elf bowed ever so slightly.\n- An ambassador? Her e? In the dungeons of the Brass Keep? One of the younger dwarfs giggled mockingl y.\n-Wait! The captain raised his hand let him explain! \n- Those bastards had t reacherously ambushed me and my people. They tortured us, and thrown us into the dungeon to rot! Id appreciate you freeing my guards as well, they are still here , in the lower levels. \n- Allright, sir Elf, stop trembling, I will see to it. You are out of danger now. We are not northern barbarians, you know. You may res t in our camp and then carry on with your task. Have a safe journey, Ambassador, and don t get yourself into trouble again. There might not be a dwarfen helping hand around to rescue you! {GNOM_ELVE_SPS_TITLE}Elven ambassador rescued {GOBL_ATTACK1_BODY}Troublsome news comes from the borders. Our rangers report la rge concentrations of goblin forces near Karak Eight Peaks. Their spies prowl th e old tunnels and mines, seeking the hidden and long-forgotten entrances to the city, trying to find breaches and weak spots in our defences. Two larges armies are reported gathering in the nearby valleys.\nWe should be on our guard. Sharpe n your axes and ready your armour! The time of battle is nigh! {GOBL_ATTACK1_TITLE}Goblins are planning an assault on Karak Eight Peaks {GOTREK_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a Dwarf ruler has hired the famous Slayer G otrex Gurnisson.\n\nGotrek Gurnisson is a famous Dwarf Slayer. He is known for t ravelling with his rememberer, companion and possible friend Felix Jaeger, a hum an poet from the Empire. Gotrek was part of an ill-fated expedition to find the lost city of Karag Dum. Finding and claiming a magical and ancient Rune Axe, Got rek was one of only three survivors to return from the Chaos Wastes. This axe is extremely powerful, capable of slaying Dragons and Greater Daemons. A vision of Arek Demonclaw shows that after returning from the Chaos Wastes Gotrek found hi s wife and children dead. The vision then shows Gotrek in the court of an unname d dwarf lord, and Gotrek arguing with said lord. Afterwards the dwarf lord sends Gotrek to an unnamed fate (it is never made clear what was said as we do not he ar what was said in the court). Gotrek kills the Lord and his bodyguard and all others that do not flee. Wracked with guilt and shame Gotrek shaved his head, be coming a Slayer. {GOTREK_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Gotrex Gurnisson {GOTREK_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire Gotrek Gurnis son, a famous Slayer. He demands 5000 gold crowns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? \n\nGotrek Gurnisson is a famous Dwarf Slayer. He is known for trav elling with his rememberer, companion and possible friend Felix Jaeger, a human poet from the Empire. Gotrek was part of an ill-fated attempt to find the lost c ity of Karag Dum. Finding and claiming a magical and ancient Rune Axe, Gotrek wa s one of only three survivors to return from the Chaos Wastes. This axe is extre mely powerful, capable of slaying Dragons and Greater Daemons. A vision of Arek

Demonclaw shows that after returning from the Chaos Wastes Gotrek found his wife and children dead. The vision then shows Gotrek in the court of an unnamed dwar f lord, and Gotrek arguing with said lord. Afterwards the dwarf lord sends Gotre k to an unnamed fate (it is never made clear what was said as we do not hear wha t was said in the court). Gotrek kills the Lord and his bodyguard and all others that do not flee. Wracked with guilt and shame Gotrek shaved his head, becoming a Slayer. {GOTREK_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Gotrex Gurnisson has found his destiny. {GOTREK_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Gotrex Gurnisson is dead {GOTREK_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Gotrek Gurnisson {GRAAL_BODY}This regiment consists of the re-animated remains of Bretonnian Grai l Knights and their horses. These were once the most valorous of all mortal men, now they are terrible and twisted parodies, dead creatures filled with the blas phemous powers of the necromancy. The Black Grail filled with blood has become their symbol and token. Fear is their weapon. They are relentless killing machin es that know no mercy and are strictly the instruments of the Necromancer who ra ised them. And they are ready to serve you, My Lord. {GRAAL_TITLE}Black Grail Knights {GRANDMASTERBULL_ELECTED_BODY}A new Grand Master of the Knights of the Bull has arisen. {GRANDMASTERBULL_ELECTED_TITLE}New Grand Master of the Bull Knights {GREENSKIN_ALLIANCE_GOB_BODY}High Shaman, o greatest and mightiest leader, the O rcs have finally accepted your intellect and the strength of your cunning mind they have recognised your unquestionable authority, your superior intelligence and your insidious scheming. They have offered us an alliance! If we were to acc ept their offer, we could benefit greatly, using the brute force of the stupid O rcs to our advatage. What is your reply? {GREENSKIN_ALLIANCE_GOB_TITLE}Greenskin Alliance {GREENSKIN_ALLIANCE_ORC_BODY}Warboss, da small weaklings offer us an alliance! G obba fight badly and cowardly. But there be many of them! They be useful. What b e your answer, Boss? {GREENSKIN_ALLIANCE_ORC_TITLE}Greenskin Alliance {GRI_BODY}A message has been delivered informing us that the Orc warboss Grimgor and his Waaagh have crossed the World s Edge Mountains and will arrive soon nea r Hochsleben. Grimgor has learnt that the Empire is distracted by Archaon s inva sion and sees this as opportunity to attack the poorly defended Southern Provinc es. He plans to attack Nuln and then march to the north to challenge Archaon. {GRI_TITLE}Grimgor has crossed the World s Edge mountains! {GRUNORR_BODY}Orcs are nearing the borders of Reikland. {GRUNORR_TITLE}Orcs at the borders of Reikland {GRUNOR_BODY}Orcs have been sighted in the South and are marching for Auerswald. {GRUNOR_TITLE}Orcs are marching for Auerswald {GRUN_BODY} A message has been delivered informing us that a large Orcish host h as infested our lands and poses a threat to Grunburg. They loot and burn village s and crops in their path, murder the peasants, steal cattle, destroy villages, and do not spare even the cats and dogs. Like green locusts, they moved towards Greenburgh, leaving only scorched earth and smouldering ruins behind, and have l ain siege to it. The Emperor is requesting your help. Are you ready to march aga inst the Orcs? {GRUN_TITLE}Battle at Auerswald {GUNB_BODY}It has became known that the Dwarfs are gathering a large host to cap ture Mount Gunbad. You had better prepare for the onslaught. {GUNB_TITLE}Mount Gunbad {HARVEST_BAD_BODY}This year the harvest has been worse than expected. {HARVEST_BAD_TITLE}Bad Harvest {HARVEST_GOOD_BODY}This year the harvest has been better than expected. {HARVEST_GOOD_TITLE}Good Harvest {HARVEST_NORMAL_BODY}This year the harvest has been normal. {HARVEST_NORMAL_TITLE}Normal Harvest {HARVEST_VERY_BAD_BODY}This year the entire harvest was destroyed by foul weathe

r. Expect riots. {HARVEST_VERY_BAD_TITLE}Starvation {HARVEST_VERY_GOOD_BODY}This year the harvest has been bountiful. {HARVEST_VERY_GOOD_TITLE}Very Good Harvest {HERESY_AVERLAND_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_AVERLAND_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_CHAOS_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_CHAOS_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_DWARFS_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_DWARFS_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_ELVES_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_ELVES_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of the Empire {HERESY_END_AVERLAND_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppres sed. {HERESY_END_AVERLAND_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_CHAOS_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppressed . {HERESY_END_CHAOS_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_DWARFS_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppresse d. {HERESY_END_DWARFS_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_ELVES_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppressed . {HERESY_END_ELVES_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_HOCHLAND_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppres sed. {HERESY_END_HOCHLAND_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_KHORN_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppressed . {HERESY_END_KHORN_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_KISLEV_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppresse d. {HERESY_END_KISLEV_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_MIDDENLAND_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppr essed. {HERESY_END_MIDDENLAND_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_NORDLAND_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppres sed. {HERESY_END_NORDLAND_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_NURGL_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppressed . {HERESY_END_NURGL_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_ORKS_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppressed. {HERESY_END_ORKS_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_OSTERMARK_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppre ssed. {HERESY_END_OSTERMARK_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_OSTLAND_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppress ed. {HERESY_END_OSTLAND_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_REIKLAND_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppres sed. {HERESY_END_REIKLAND_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_SILVANIA_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppres sed. {HERESY_END_SILVANIA_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_SLAANESH_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppres sed. {HERESY_END_SLAANESH_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_STIRLAND_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppres

sed. {HERESY_END_STIRLAND_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_TALABAKLAND_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been supp ressed. {HERESY_END_TALABAKLAND_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_TZINCH_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppresse d. {HERESY_END_TZINCH_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_END_VICILAND_BODY}The heretic Count is dead. The heresy has been suppres sed. {HERESY_END_VICILAND_TITLE}The heresy has been suppressed {HERESY_HOCHLAND_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_HOCHLAND_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_KHORN_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_KHORN_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_KISLEV_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_KISLEV_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_MIDDENLAND_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_MIDDENLAND_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of the Empire {HERESY_NORDLAND_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_NORDLAND_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_NURGL_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_NURGL_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_ORKS_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_ORKS_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_OSTERMARK_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_OSTERMARK_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of the Empire {HERESY_OSTLAND_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_OSTLAND_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_REIKLAND_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_REIKLAND_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of the Empire {HERESY_SILVANIA_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_SILVANIA_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of the Empire {HERESY_SLAANESH_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_SLAANESH_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of the Empire {HERESY_STIRLAND_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_STIRLAND_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_TALABAKLAND_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_TALABAKLAND_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_TZINCH_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_TZINCH_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERESY_VICILAND_BODY}A province has fallen into heresy. {HERESY_VICILAND_TITLE}Heresy has arisen in the lands of theEmpire {HERNAN_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Hernan Cortez, and can no w train his soldiers in all mercenary camps. {HERNAN_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Bandolleros Gringos {HERNAN_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Merc enary Captain, Hernan Cotrez, and his Bandolleros Gringos. He demands 5000 gold crowns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will find m ore generous ruler without doubt. {HERNAN_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Don Hernan Cotrez is dead, his mercenaries will soo n return home. {HERNAN_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Don Hernan Cotrez is dead {HERNAN_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Don Hernan Cotrez, and can now tr ain his soldiers in all mercenary camps. {HERNAN_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Bandolleros Gringos {HERNAN_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Don Hernan Cotrez {HE_MAGE_BODY}My Lord! Messengers of the White Tower of Hoeth, Temple of the Lor d of Wisdom and Knowledge, have arrived. They are ready to bring down the might of their mages upon those who stand on our way. When the very essence of Chaos r

ips apart the fabric of the Universe, the greatest mages of Ulthuan cannot step aside. Their pure magic will crush the foul sorcerers of the Ruinous Powers and bring peace to our world. {HE_MAGE_TITLE}High Elven Archmages {HISTORY_MARIENBURG_BODY}Marienburg has long been the largest and most prosperou s trading city in the Old World. Many call it the City of Gold, which alone conv eys a good idea of the wealth of this sprawling cosmopolitan city. Nowhere else can be found the vast array of shops selling goods from as far away as the Elven kingdoms of Ulthuan in the west, and distant Cathay in the east. The city s cra ftsmen represent every skill known to man, and a few others beside, such that it is said in Marienburg there is no activity that cannot be quickly turned to pro fit. Many mercantile guilds have set up their headquarters in Marienburg, the mo st important of all being the secretive High Order of Honorable Freetraders, whi ch represents the elite amongst mercantile society. This large, rich and ambitio us body of men feel themselves shackled by the old order and are eager to seize power for themselves. Marienburg was once a part of the Empire, but gained indep endence through a massive transfer of gold into the Imperial coffers during the reign of the corrupt Emperor Dieter IV. Any subsequent attempts to subdue Marien burg and bring it back within rule of the Empire have failed, and today Marienbu rg remains a fiercely independent city-state where the Count of Nordland, nomina lly the ruler of Marienburg, is forbidden to return, under pain of death. The ar mies of this city-state resemble those of its great neighbour, the Empire, but c onsist mostly of mercenaries from all over the world. These mercenary armies are lead by hired generals, rogue wizards or the Burgomeister himself. Perhaps that s why units of noble knights in the armies of Marienburg are a rare sight to be hold. {HISTORY_MARIENBURG_TITLE}Historical note {HOHLAND_BODY}Your Grace! A delegation of nobles and venerable citizens of Hochl and has arrived at your court. They marvel at your glory, your victories and str ength of your armies. They hope that Your Grace will show valor and listen to hu mble pleads of the citizens of Hochland. Every Hochlander, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or young has lost the most precious thing the homeland of their ancestors. Hochland fell before the ruthless onslaught of countless ene mies.Turned into homeless wanderers and vagabonds, Hochlanders can go to any len gths to return their lands. If Your Grace will show the wisdom of far-sighted po litician and help Hochlanders return their lands, their gratitude will know no b ounds. They swear to become your allies and come to your aid at times of need. T he wealthiest merchants of Hochland have gathered the remaining bits of their f ortunes and are ready to offer a modest sum of 15000 gold if our armies will mar ch to the liberation of Wissenland.Your Grace, it is wise that you accept the of fers and help the miserable people in times of need. Who knows to what length th ey are ready to go to accomplish their goals. And the good deeds done will retur n with interest. {HOHLAND_TITLE}Restoring Hochland {HOH_BODY}Your Grace! Citizens of Hochland praise your name and call you honorab le and valiant man. You have brought salvation and liberation to this land torn asunder by the horrors of war, and showed graciousness by giving their homeland back to Hochlanders.Now our forces must leave Hochland to pass the burden of pro tecting this country to Hochland army.The vans are laden with rich gifts and reg iments are ready to march.Praise Sigmar! And let He guide us in this dark hour a nd strengthen the friendship between our Counties. {HOH_TITLE}Leaving Hochland {HRE_BODY}Emperor! A message has been delivered informing us that a large Orcish host has infested our lands and that it poses a threat to Auerswald. They loot and burn villages and crops in their path, murder the peasants, steal cattle, de stroy villages, and do not spare even the cats and dogs. Like green locusts, the y move to Greenburgh, leaving only scorched earth and smouldering ruins behind. You must prepare the defenses of the city. Its walls are high, but the garrison lacks experienced soldiers. {HRE_TITLE}Orc Threat

{HUNTERD_BODY}The fearless warriors have fallen. But they hadn t faltered, hadn t wavered, standing their ground to the bitter end as they defied the horrors of Chaos. They served their cause and died defending the Empire, a worthy end for such heroes of the realm. {HUNTERD_TITLE}Witch Hunters destroyed {HUNTER_BODY}Witch Hunters {HUNTER_TITLE}"These poor, simple folk - too fearful or too dull-witted to see t he vulgarity and evil in their own midst. They wail and complain about my... unc ompromising methods, but who among you can say that hanging half a village is a high price to pay for the assurance that corruption has been exposed and destroy ed this day?" -Ernst Traugott, Templar Witch Hunter. The Lord Protector of the H oly Order of the Silver Hammer, having heard about the woes that have befallen t he true children of Sigmar, sends you a unit of brothers from the Order, blessed to fight the unholy sorcery and corruption in the lands of Empire. From the tim es of Sigmar we were a mere flickering candle of hope in the dark sea of despera tion and decay, but never before have we faced so many perils. Now the time has come for decisive actions, and only within our sacred Order is there still stren gth and will remaining, righteous fury and true devotion, which are needed for t he salvation of all the people of the Empire. Peasants call us Witch Hunters, in their deep folly and ignorance never grasping the full scope of the terrible de eds we accomplish for their very good. {ICE_MAGED_BODY}They were true sons of Kislev, children of the icy wastes and co ld plains. And although they have fallen in battle, their deeds have covered th emselves with immortal glory. {ICE_MAGED_TITLE}Ice Mages killed {ICE_MAGE_BODY}Great Tzar, hear the news! Worried by the putrid breath of Chaos from the north, a group of Ice Mages have arrived at the court. They draw their powers from the vast snowy wastelands, from the wrath of blizzards and the deat hly tranquility of frost. Renegades who contravened the law that allows only wom en to practice magic, they could not remain aloof in the face of the coming stor m, lest the ancient land of Kislev suffers under the boots of Chaos-worshippers. {ICE_MAGE_TITLE}Ice Mages {IGNASHEVICH_BODY}My Lord! I sense the presence of a malevolent will directed ag ainst us. Our watchers have seen the dark ships of the Druchii out at sea. They are doubtless preparing a raid to level our camp to the ground. Soon the wrath o f the Dark Elves will test the strength of our arms and the skill of our archers . {IGNASHEVICH_TITLE}Dark Elves {IKTADAR_BODY}Watchmen on the towers report that the vanguard of the Chaos Army can alredy be seen from the walls of Bolgasgrad. {IKTADAR_TITLE}Chaos forces are at the gates! {IKTA_BODY}Orcs are at the borders of Averland! {IKTA_TITLE}Orcs are at the gates! {INTRODUCTION_AVERLAND_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It ha s done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old Ones was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with th e energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitab le extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisat ions of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruptio n of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whol e world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow str ong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, D aemons are mortal s hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemoni c hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only th ey and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the l ikes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries

ago. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on t he destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s pow er for his own. Archaon would become a god. But despite the seemingly overwhelmi ng power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The armies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empir e, Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lord s of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stan ds Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen o f the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_AVERLAND_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_CHAOS_BODY}Welcome to the Warhammer world. {INTRODUCTION_CHAOS_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_DWARFS_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It has done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old On es was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with the energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitable extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisatio ns of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruption of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of th e Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whole world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow stron g and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by th e most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, Dae mons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemonic hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Da emon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only they and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead t he armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the lik es of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries ag o. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on the destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city o f Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile t he temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s power for his own. Archaon would become a god. The Empire is not only threatened from the north. East, across the Worlds Edge Mountains, a horde of Kurgan warriors i s poised to launch its attacks, bolstered by the infernal war machines and Slave masters of the Chaos Dwarfs. Led by Vardek Crom, known as the Conqueror and the self-proclaimed Herald of Archaon, this barbaric horde is ready to cross the Pea k Pass and descend on the people of Stirland and Averland. Against them stands U ngrim Ironfist, the Slayer King of Karak Kadrin. Fulfilling ancient oaths of loy alty and duty sworn to the Emperor, the King and his resolute Dwarf warriors mus t hold the pass so that the Empire can muster its might against the legions of A rchaon attacking from the north. While Ungrim Ironfist holds Peak Pass against V ardek Crom, his son follows a different path. Karak Kadrin has been filled with Slayers in their thousands, and Garagrim Ironfist has come forth to lead them in to Kislev and perhaps even up into the Chaos Wastes. Known as the War-Mourner, G aragrim has taken the Slayer vow before becoming King in the hope of ending the twin duties, that of a King to protect his people and that of a Slayer to die in glorious battle, that his line can never properly fulfill. As Archaon heads sou th, he is unaware of the orange-haired, tattooed mass of Dwarfs making haste tow ard him. {INTRODUCTION_DWARFS_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_ELVES_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It has d one so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old One s was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with the e nergy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitable extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisation s of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruption o

f Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whole w orld into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow strong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, Daem ons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemonic h osts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Dae mon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only they and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead th e armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the like s of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries ago . He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on the destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile th e temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s power for his own. Archaon would become a god. But despite the seemingly overwhelming power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The ar mies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empire, Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lords o f Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stands Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen of t he Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_ELVES_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_HOCHLAND_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It ha s done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old Ones was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with th e energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitab le extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisat ions of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruptio n of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whol e world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow str ong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, D aemons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemoni c hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only th ey and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the l ikes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries ago. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on t he destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s pow er for his own. Archaon would become a god. But despite the seemingly overwhelmi ng power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The armies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empir e, Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lord s of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stan ds Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen o f the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_HOCHLAND_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_KALMAR_UNION_BODY}Welcome to the Warhammer world. {INTRODUCTION_KALMAR_UNION_TITLE}Welcome {INTRODUCTION_KHORN_BODY}Khorne is the Chaos God of hate, bloodshed and war. Eve ry act of killing gives Khorne power; the more senseless and destructive, the be tter. Khorne holds a special disdain for Slaanesh due to his dislike of the god s indiscriminate hedonism. In addition, Khorne s value of death to all is at o dds with Slaanesh s enjoy life as much as possible attitude. Khorne is viewed as the most direct of the four great Chaos powers. However, it must be noted tha

t Khorne s followers do not act in order to cause pain because pain, as a counte rpart of pleasure, is the domain of Slaanesh. Instead, while the followers of Kh orne may express Khorne s rage, they wish only to kill so that the blood and sku lls of their victims strengthen Khorne. The fact that the suffering and excess o f this conflict also strengthens Slaanesh has been reported as further reason fo r conflict between Khorne and Slaanesh. Khorne himself is seen as a mighty being , clad in armour, sitting atop a mighty brass throne worked in skulls, which its elf is held aloft by a mountain of skulls standing in a sea of blood - made up o f every skull his followers take and every droplet of blood they spill. He regar ds the number eight as sacred. The battle cry of the followers of Khorne reflect s his desire for wanton violence: "Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne!" The preferred weapon of the followers of Khorne is the axe. {INTRODUCTION_KHORN_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_KISLEV_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It has done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old On es was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with the energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitable extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisatio ns of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruption of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of th e Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whole world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow stron g and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by th e most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, Dae mons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemonic hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Da emon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only they and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead t he armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the lik es of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries ag o. He has struck hard and fast toward the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on the destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile th e temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s power for his own. Archaon would become a god.But despite the seemingly overwhelming p ower of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The arm ies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empire, K islev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lords of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stands V alten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen of th e Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_KISLEV_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_MIDDENLAND_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It has done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Ol d Ones was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with the energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevit able extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilis ations of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corrupt ion of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes o f the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the wh ole world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow s trong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled b y the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, Daemons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemo nic hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons an d Daemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only they and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to le ad the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the likes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centurie s ago. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on

the destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the ci ty of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defi le the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s p ower for his own. Archaon would become a god.But despite the seemingly overwhelm ing power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. Th e armies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empi re, Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lor ds of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head sta nds Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen of the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_MIDDENLAND_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_NORDLAND_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It ha s done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old Ones was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with th e energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitab le extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisat ions of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruptio n of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whol e world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow str ong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, D aemons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemoni c hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only th ey and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the l ikes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries ago. He has struck hard and fast toward the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on th e destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s powe r for his own. Archaon would become a god.But despite the seemingly overwhelming power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The a rmies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empire, Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lords of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stands Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen of the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_NORDLAND_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_NURGL_BODY}Nurgle is one of the Four Great Powers of Chaos. He is titled the Great Lord of Decay and represents pestilence, disease, and physical corruption. Of the four Chaos Gods he is said to be the most attentive and invol ved with the plight of mortals. Those afflicted by his contagions often turn to him in order to escape their suffering. The physical likeness of Nurgle is descr ibed as gigantic and bloated with corruption, with foul-coloured leathery and ne crotic skin. Nurgle is also known by the names Neiglen, Onogal and Nurglitch, de rived from his Dark Tongue name of Nurgleth. Human Chaos Marauders call him Lord of Flies or the Plague Crow. Humans who are afflicted with illness, plague, gri evous injuries or starvation often pledge themselves to the service of Nurgle in their desperation. Followers of Nurgle are still afflicted with disease and pes tilence, but instead of killing them, it makes them tougher. {INTRODUCTION_NURGL_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_ORKS_BODY}Having heard much of the great warriors who lived in the frozen north, Grimgor Ironhide decided to test his might against the marauder t ribes. The warlord forged his way across the High Pass and battled against the K urgan that were making their way to the west to join up with Archaon s army. Fro m captives taken in these battles, Grimgor learnt two things. First, that the wo rld was soon going to get a lot more interesting. The human warlord Archaon was going to give the Empire a good kicking. Second, another human warlord, who laug

hingly called himself the Conqueror, was coming to High Pass with an immense arm y. Sensing a foe worthy of his attentions, Grimgor ordered his trusted Boyz to r ound up as many Orcs and Gobbos as they could muster, and these reinforcements m et up with Grimgor at the foot of the High Pass as it descends into the Dark Lan ds. Here, the army of Crom the Conqueror met the horde of Grimgor. The battle la sted from sunrise to sunset, the blood of the two forces staining the snow and m ud crimson. Grimgor and Crom fought their way through the press to face each oth er and met in single combat. While the two battled, Crom s army overwhelmed the Greenskins and drove them back to the High Pass. Grimgor and Crom traded blows f or many hours, neither willing to back down. Eventually, as darkness fell, Crom relented and stood back, allowing Grimgor to see the remnants of the Orc army fl eeing to the west. Surrounded on all sides by Chaos tribesmen, Grimgor had to ba ck down. Though he himself had not been defeated, Grimgor smarted at Crom s vict ory over his Boyz. Grimgor had been given a new goal to redeem himself in the ey es of Gork and reclaim his title as the baddest, meanest, hardest warlord to hav e ever lived. His army has survived years of constant battling against Men, Skav en, other Orc tribes, and now the hordes of Chaos. Although the size of his army has been reduced over the years, the survivors of Grimgor s exploits are toughe ned veterans of countless battles. With these Ardboyz, as Grimgor has begun cal ling them, the warlord has returned to the Old World to show this Archaon upstar t just who s boss. {INTRODUCTION_ORKS_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_OSTERMARK_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It h as done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old Ones was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with t he energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevita ble extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisa tions of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corrupti on of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the who le world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow st rong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, Daemons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemon ic hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only t hey and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lea d the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the likes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries ago. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on the destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the cit y of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defil e the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s po wer for his own. Archaon would become a god.But despite the seemingly overwhelmi ng power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The armies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empir e, Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lord s of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stan ds Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen o f the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_OSTERMARK_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_OSTLAND_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It has done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old O nes was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with the energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitabl e extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisati ons of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruption of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of t he Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whole world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow stro

ng and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by t he most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, Da emons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemonic hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and D aemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only the y and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the li kes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries a go. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on th e destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s powe r for his own. Archaon would become a god.But despite the seemingly overwhelming power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The a rmies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empire, Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lords of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stands Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen of the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_OSTLAND_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_REIKLAND_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It ha s done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old Ones was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with th e energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitab le extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisat ions of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruptio n of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whol e world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow str ong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, D aemons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemoni c hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only th ey and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the l ikes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries ago. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on t he destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s pow er for his own. Archaon would become a god.But despite the seemingly overwhelmin g power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The armies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empire , Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lords of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stand s Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen of the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_REIKLAND_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_SILVANIA_BODY}In the east of the Empire, in the dread-laden lands of Sylvania, the Vampire Counts have been content for many years to bide their t ime and gather their strength for a new assault on the lands of the living. In t he quiet, haunted castles of that dark realm, the Vampires have plotted and sche med, content that the Empire has been too busy facing other threats to purge the evil that rests in Sylvania. The sinister peace of the dead was disturbed by an unexpected source. Out of the east, across Peak Pass, the warriors of Vardek Cr om came from the Dark Lands. Though the majority of this host would be met in Pe ak Pass by the Dwarfs of Karak Kadrin, there were still many thousands of warrio rs in smaller forces and warbands that made their way into the Empire by more tr eacherous, less obvious routes. It is not surprising that many of these Chaos wo

rshippers crossed the unmarked boundaries into the lands of the Vampire Counts. The von Carsteins are jealous guardians of their borders and will not suffer the presence of any who do not owe allegiance to them. Thus, the presence of so man y warriors of the Dark Gods met a swift defence. As accustomed as they were to t he harsh life and dangers of the Chaos Wastes, the tribesmen who had followed Cr om across the Dark Lands were ill-prepared for the terrors that would confront t hem. Ancient, twisted towers garrisoned by skeletons dressed in mouldering Empir e uniforms blocked their paths, while wailing, ethereal creatures stalked the tr ibesmen at night. The followers of Chaos encountered corpse-groves and graveyard s that stirred at their approach as well as villages infested with mindless zomb ies and flesh-eating ghouls. {INTRODUCTION_SILVANIA_TITLE} Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_SLAANESH_BODY}Slaanesh is the Chaos god of lust, excess, pleasure, perfection and hedonism. Slaanesh typically appears in a form which is male on the left side and female on the right, with two sets of devilish horns growing f rom its head. It can, however, assume any form; male, female, hermaphrodite or a sexual, but prefers male bodies.The name of Slaanesh derives from his Dark Tongu e name of "Slaaneth", from which also derives the other names he is known by. Sl aanesh is known as the Loesh the Serpent to the Tokmar of the Eastern Steppes an d as Shornaal the Prideful to the Skaeling of Norsca, while in the more civilise d lands of the south he is known as the Dark Prince of Chaos, Prince of Excess o r Prince of Pleasure. Slaanesh is worshipped through the most perverse and decad ent self-indulgence, often in the form of great orgies involving every vice of m ankind. Although motivated more by self-indulgence than in furthering their powe r, the Slaaneshite cults flourish in number, Slaanesh s principle of indulging e very whim and vice making him the most popular of the Chaos Gods in the Old Worl d. Slaanesh s followers are found in large cities and towns of the civilised lan ds, as well as among the Northmen of the Chaos Wastes. Slaaneshi warbands are es pecially feared for their excessive practise of slave hunting, looting and acts of rape/murder. Followers of Slaanesh in the far north tend to make great use of various drugs - especially hallucinogenic fungus and roots - to lose any fear o f pain or getting wounded before entering a battle. {INTRODUCTION_SLAANESH_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_STIRLAND_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It ha s done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old Ones was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with th e energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitab le extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisat ions of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruptio n of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whol e world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow str ong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, D aemons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemoni c hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only th ey and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the l ikes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries ago. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on t he destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s pow er for his own. Archaon would become a god.But despite the seemingly overwhelmin g power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The armies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empire , Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lords of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stand s Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen of

the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_STIRLAND_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_TALABAKLAND_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It has done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the O ld Ones was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with the energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevi table extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civili sations of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corrup tion of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the w hole world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow strong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic , Daemons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daem onic hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons a nd Daemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only they and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to l ead the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force th e likes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuri es ago. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent o n the destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the c ity of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to def ile the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s power for his own. Archaon would become a god.But despite the seemingly overwhel ming power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. T he armies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Emp ire, Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lo rds of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head st ands Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen of the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_TALABAKLAND_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_TZINCH_BODY}Tzeentch, the Changer of the Ways, is one of the four Great Powers of Chaos and represents the vitality and volatility of change.Tzeen tch is closely associated with sorcery and magic, as well as dynamic mutation, a nd grand, convoluted schemes. It is said that Tzeentch knows the fate of everyth ing, and all events transpire according to some great plan beyond mortal reckoni ng. The mortal champions of Tzeentch are especially dangerous, as they wield awe some sorcerous power on top of their considerable physical prowess.Many worshipp ers of Tzeentch are sorcerers, who are also among the most ambitious and the mos t hungry for power. Scholars and other educated elites who desire unearthly know ledge and power are often drawn to the service of Tzeentch. The cults of Tzeentc h are easily the widespread and firmly established of all the Chaos cults in The Empire, and all are devoted to its subversion and overthrow. One of the largest of these cults is the Purple Hand. His worship elsewhere is widespread and foun d in far Cathay.Northmen warriors in the northern Chaos Wastes tend to wear elab orate mask helmets that conceal their faces to their opponents and are renowned schemers amongst the other people of the northern tribes. All Champions of Tzeen ch become at least powerful wizards, that learn to use the Winds of Magic. {INTRODUCTION_TZINCH_TITLE}Welcome! {INTRODUCTION_VICILAND_BODY}The world stands on the brink of annihilation. It ha s done so since the dawn of time itself, when the great civilisation of the Old Ones was destroyed. The collapse of the Old Ones gate flooded the world with th e energy of Chaos. Since that ancient era, the world has been doomed to inevitab le extinction. While the world itself dies its slow death, the fragile civilisat ions of mortals cling to their existence. They must battle against the corruptio n of Chaos from within, and fight wars to protect themselves from the hordes of the Chaos gods that constantly seek to overthrow law and order and turn the whol e world into a seething, anarchic Realm of Chaos. As the winds of magic blow str ong and the marauders stir, the armies of the Chaos gods are further swelled by the most horrific creatures to despoil the world: Daemons. Sustained by magic, D

aemons are mortals hopes, fears, lusts, and nightmares given form. Vast daemoni c hosts emerge from the Realm of Chaos, driven forth by the Greater Daemons and Daemon Princes, their infernal intent to destroy all in their path until only th ey and the Gods of Chaos rule. Now a new Champion of the Gods has arisen to lead the armies of Chaos. Archaon, Lord of the End Times, has mustered a force the l ikes of which has not been seen since the Great War against Chaos two centuries ago. He has struck hard and fast towards the heart of the Empire. Hell-bent on t he destruction of all that the Empire stands for, his force marches for the city of Middenheim, greatest bastion of the Old World. Here, Archaon hopes to defile the temple of Ulric, God of winter and battle, and take the ancient deity s pow er for his own. Archaon would become a god.But despite the seemingly overwhelmin g power of the vast legions gathered at Archaon s command, all is not lost. The armies of those who would see sanity prevail stand in his way. Men of the Empire , Kislev and Bretonnia, the Dwarfs of the mountains, and even the arrogant lords of Ulthuan have come together to face this terrible threat. At their head stand s Valten, avatar of the Empire s God-Founder Sigmar. Can even Archaon, chosen of the Chaos Gods, defeat a living god? {INTRODUCTION_VICILAND_TITLE}Welcome! {KING_DEAD_AVERLAND_BODY}The Elector Count of Averland is dead. {KING_DEAD_AVERLAND_TITLE}The Elector Count of Averland is dead {KING_DEAD_BEASTMANS_BODY}The High Chief of the Beastmen is dead. {KING_DEAD_BEASTMANS_TITLE}The High Chief of the Beastmen is dead {KING_DEAD_CHAOS_BODY} The Chaos Undivided Lord is dead. {KING_DEAD_CHAOS_TITLE}The Chaos Undivided Lord is dead. {KING_DEAD_DWARFS_BODY}The High King of the Dwarfs is dead. {KING_DEAD_DWARFS_TITLE}The High King of the Dwarfs is dead {KING_DEAD_ELVES_BODY}The Elder Prince is dead. {KING_DEAD_ELVES_TITLE}The Elder Prince is dead {KING_DEAD_HOCHLAND_BODY}The Elector Count of Hochland is dead. {KING_DEAD_HOCHLAND_TITLE}The Elector Count of Nochland is dead {KING_DEAD_KHORN_BODY}The Khorne Lord is dead. {KING_DEAD_KHORN_TITLE}The Khorne Lord is dead {KING_DEAD_KISLEV_BODY}The Tzar of Kislev is dead. {KING_DEAD_KISLEV_TITLE}The Tzar of Kislev is dead {KING_DEAD_MIDDENLAND_BODY}The Elector Count of Middenland is dead. {KING_DEAD_MIDDENLAND_TITLE}The Elector Count of Middenland is dead {KING_DEAD_NIGHT_GOBLINS_BODY}The Night Goblin s High Shaman is dead. {KING_DEAD_NIGHT_GOBLINS_TITLE}The Night Goblin s High Shaman is dead {KING_DEAD_NORDLAND_BODY}The Elector Count of Nordland is dead. {KING_DEAD_NORDLAND_TITLE}The Elector Count of Nordland is dead {KING_DEAD_NURGL_BODY}The Nurgle Lord is dead. {KING_DEAD_NURGL_TITLE}The Nurgle Lord is dead {KING_DEAD_ORKS_BODY}The Orc Warboss is dead. {KING_DEAD_ORKS_TITLE}The Orc Warboss is dead {KING_DEAD_OSTERMARK_BODY}The Elector Count of Ostermark is dead. {KING_DEAD_OSTERMARK_TITLE}The Elector Count of Ostermark is dead {KING_DEAD_OSTLAND_BODY}The Elector Count of Ostland is dead. {KING_DEAD_OSTLAND_TITLE}The Elector Count of Ostland is dead {KING_DEAD_REIKLAND_BODY}The Emperor is dead. {KING_DEAD_REIKLAND_TITLE}The Emperor is dead {KING_DEAD_SILVANIA_BODY}The vampire Count of Sylvania has been excarnated. {KING_DEAD_SILVANIA_TITLE}The vampire Count of Sylvania has been excarnated {KING_DEAD_SLAANESH_BODY}The Slaanesh Lord is dead. {KING_DEAD_SLAANESH_TITLE}The Slaanesh Lord is dead {KING_DEAD_STIRLAND_BODY}The Elector Count of Stirland is dead. {KING_DEAD_STIRLAND_TITLE}The Elector Count of Stirland is dead {KING_DEAD_TALABAKLAND_BODY}The Elector Count of Talabecland is dead. {KING_DEAD_TALABAKLAND_TITLE}The Elector Count of Talabecland is dead {KING_DEAD_TZINCH_BODY}The Tzeentch Lord is dead. {KING_DEAD_TZINCH_TITLE}The Tzeentch Lord is dead

{KING_DEAD_VICILAND_BODY}The Elector Count of Wissenland is dead. {KING_DEAD_VICILAND_TITLE}The Elector Count of Wissenland is dead {KISLEV_KHORN_BODY}Great Chaos Lord! In order to bring death and horror to the s outh it was decided to send several armies to Nordland. Be ready to face the Imp erial army upon arrival. {KISLEV_KHORN_TITLE}Skirmishes with Kislev {KISLEV_POHOD_BODY}Tzar! Chaos activity is growing stronger. Warbands from the N orth roam through Kislev and the Empire, pillaging and killing. Be ready to repe l any attack from the north! {KISLEV_POHOD_TITLE} Chaos Incursion {KIS_BODY}It has became known that Chaos forces are advancing and have laid sieg e Kislev. The Tzar is requesting your help. Are you ready to march against Chaos ? {KIS_ELVE_SPS_BODY}- My Lord! Look who s here! grinned a kossar in a blood spatt ered chainmail vest as he dragged a furiously resisting Elf out of the dark cell ar. His once luxurious and gorgeous garments were torn and muddy but the Elf bor e himself with defiant dignity. \n- Let me go, foolish peasant! The Elf straight ened up Whom should I thank for the rescue?\n- The warriors of Kislev. We have c leansed this foul nest of necromancers and wiped out all the vile creatures that infested it. \n- My Name is Fieran, Defender of Light. I am the Ambassador of H is Highness to the lands of the Empire the Elf bowed ever so slightly.\n- An amb assador? Here? In the dungeons of the Brass Keep? One of ungols giggled mockingl y.\n-Wait! The boyar raised his hand would you care to explain, sir Ambassador? \n- Those bastards had treacherously ambushed me and my people. They tortured us , and thrown us into the dungeon to rot! I d appreciate you freeing my guards as well, they are still here, in the lower levels. \n- I will make sure they are r escued. You are no longer in danger, Sir. Please, rest in our camp and then you can carry on with your journey. We will provide you with adequate provisions and horses. {KIS_ELVE_SPS_TITLE}Elven ambassador rescued {KIS_TITLE}Battle at Kislev {KNYAZ_1_ELECTED_BODY}My Lord! The people of Zenres have chosen the worthiest an d the bravest of their men. He is the man in whose hands they have placed their trust, their lives and the sceptre of governor over all the free people of the p rincedom. He will be the new Prince. {KNYAZ_1_ELECTED_TITLE}Zenres {KNYAZ_2_ELECTED_BODY}My Lord! The people of Vidovdan have chosen the worthiest and the bravest of their men. He is the man in whose hands they have placed thei r trust, their lives and the sceptre of governor over all the free people of the princedom. He will be the new Prince. {KNYAZ_2_ELECTED_TITLE}Vidovdan {KRASICH_BODY}To the east of the Worlds Edge Mountains and to the north of the M ountains of Mourn lie the endless steppes, stretching from the borders of the la nds of men to the Chaos Wastes. These plains are home to the Kurgan, savage trib es of warlike nomads, whose lives are spent in the saddles of their horses. Kurg ans fight between themselves and their neighbours to win the favour of the Gods. People have to be strong and cunning to survive, participating in countless bat tles and skirmishes. Vardek Crom was the herald of the Lord of the End Times, Ar chaon. He was once king of the mighty Kul tribe, who ruled an enormous empire in the north. One day Crom was told of a group of Chaos Knights riding acoss his p lains uninvited, and he set off after themimmediately. Upon encountering the Kni ghts, who in truth were the Swords of Chaos, the bodyguard of Archaon, and their leader, Archaon himself, Crom challenged Archaon to a duel. He refused three ti mes and instead sent forth members of the Swords, all of whom were killed by Cro m. Archaon eventually dimounted and fought using his shield, and when he eventua lly drew his sword, Crom was struck with awe, stopped struggling against him and joined his warband. From that day forth Crom united the Kul and created a might y army for Archaon. Crom set off through the Steppes and the World Edge Mountain s towards the Empire. {KRASICH_TITLE}Krom s March

{KRELL_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, restless souls whisper in the darkness that deep beneath the Brass Keep the remains of a great undead hero Krell are preserv ed. \nKrell was a Chaos Champion of Khorne long before the the birth of the Empi re, during the period the Dwarfs call the "Time of Woes". The dwarf hero Grimbul Ironhelm finally killed him during an assault on Karak Kadrin. His body was bur ied by his followers in the Chaos Wastes where it was found, centuries later, by Nagash, who stumbled on it in his search for the Crown of Sorcery. The Great Ne cromancer raised Krell from the dead and placed him in command of a legion of Un dead during the Battle of the River Reik against Sigmar. Krell s forces were pit ched against the Dwarf allies, and when Nagash died and his army crumbled, he wa s the only one to escape. After butchering many settlements, he was finally defe ated by Sigmar at the Battle of Glacier Lake in 16 IC and imprisoned in a magica l tomb in the Grey Mountains where he was found, more than two millenia later, b y the Lichemaster Heinrich Kemmler, and ressurrected. Kemmler and Krell, togethe r with Skaven allies, sacked parts of Bretonnia before they were defeated at the Battle of la Maisontaal Abbey in 2491 IC. Krell fled back into the Grey Mountai ns together with Kemmler. Now only the warm blood of macabre sacrifices will be able to break the bonds laid by the Priests of Sigmar on his grave. He has begun to stir in his ancient prison, sensing the footsteps of doom and the tide of Ch aos falling upon the world. In these dark times the mortal who became immortal w ill stand with our forces and lead our soldiers to victory. {KRELL_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}My Lord, spies report that Krell, an undead hero, ha s been hired by the lords of Sylvania. Krell was a Chaos Champion of Khorne long before the the birth of the Empire, during the period the Dwarfs call the "Time of Woes". The dwarf hero Grimbul Ironhelm finally killed him during an assault on Karak Kadrin. His body was buried by his followers in the Chaos Wastes where it was found, centuries later, by Nagash, who stumbled on it in his search for t he Crown of Sorcery. The Great Necromancer raised Krell from the dead and placed him in command of a legion of Undead during the Battle of the River Reik agains t Sigmar. Krell s forces were pitched against the Dwarf allies, and when Nagash died and his army crumbled, he was the only one to escape. After butchering many settlements, he was finally defeated by Sigmar at the Battle of Glacier Lake in 16 IC and imprisoned in a magical tomb in the Grey Mountains where he was found , more than two millenia later, by the Lichemaster Heinrich Kemmler, and ressurr ected. Kemmler and Krell, together with Skaven allies, sacked parts of Bretonnia before they were defeated at the Battle of la Maisontaal Abbey in 2491 IC. Krel l fled back into the Grey Mountains together with Kemmler. Now only the warm blo od of macabre sacrifices will be able to break the bonds laid by the Priests of Sigmar on his grave. He has begun to stir in his ancient prison, sensing the foo tsteps of doom and the tide of Chaos falling upon the world. In these dark times the mortal who became immortal will stand with the forces of the Ever Dead. {KRELL_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, restless souls whisper in the darkness that dee p beneath the Brass Keep the remains of a great undead hero Krell are preserved. \nKrell was a Chaos Champion of Khorne long before the the birth of the Empire, during the period the Dwarfs call the "Time of Woes". The dwarf hero Grimbul Ir onhelm finally killed him during an assault on Karak Kadrin. His body was buried by his followers in the Chaos Wastes where it was found, centuries later, by Na gash, who stumbled on it in his search for the Crown of Sorcery. The Great Necro mancer raised Krell from the dead and placed him in command of a legion of Undea d during the Battle of the River Reik against Sigmar. Krell s forces were pitche d against the Dwarf allies, and when Nagash died and his army crumbled, he was t he only to escape. After butchering many settlements, he was finally defeated by Sigmar at the Battle of Glacier Lake in 16 IC and imprisoned in a magical tomb in the Grey Mountains where he was found, more than two millenia later, by the L ichemaster Heinrich Kemmler, and ressurrected. Kemmler and Krell, together with Skaven allies, sacked parts of Bretonnia before they were defeated at the Battle of la Maisontaal Abbey in 2491 IC. Krell fled back into the Grey Mountains toge ther with Kemmler. Now only the warm blood of macabre sacrifices will be able to break the bonds laid by the Priests of Sigmar on his grave. He has begun to sti r in his ancient prison, sensing the footsteps of doom and the tide of Chaos fal

ling upon the world. In these dark times the mortal who became immortal will sta nd with our forces and lead our soldiers to victory. {KRELL_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Krell is dead and his warriors dispersed, unable to fight on without the guidance and unholy powers of their master. {KRELL_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Krell is dead {KRELL_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}My Lord, our warriors have taken the Brass Keep a nd uncovered the crypt of Krell. Priests have performed a dark and terrible ritu al, shedding the blood of dozens of prisoners, sacrificed to break the ancient s eal on the resting place of the dead hero. Now he has risen from the depths of n othingness and vowed an oath of allegiance to you, My Lord. You, who awoke him f rom the years of his deep sleep. Now Krell is hungry for vengeance. He and the w arriors buried with him will be the vanguard of your forces, smashing our enemie s into the ground. In the name of the Blood God! {KRELL_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}The Brass Keep has fallen {KRELL_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Krell {LEOPOLDO_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord,a ruler has hired Leopoldo di Lucci, and c an now train his warriors in all mercenary camps. \n\nMotto: Proceeds to the Luc cini temple s restoration fund.\n\nBattle-cry: For the Leopard!\n\nDialog: \n\nO ld Veteran:No, I won t join your lot! You give all your money away to that templ e, don t you? If I risk my neck I want to keep the money!\n\nLeopoldo: Well, bef ore we pay the temple we take out expenses. You know, essential things like repl acing broken pikes and dented armour, making sure everyone looks smart and each trooper has a clean silk shirt or two. Doctors aren t cheap either and a couple of the best are with us at all times. Then there are the supplies. Only the fine st wine is worthy of servants of the temple, so we don t skimp on expenses there . In fact, I think that you ll find we have an excellent selection from all over Tilea. Plenty of it too, as you never know when we ll be stuck in some barbaric backwater. Our chef used to cook for the Prince of Trantio and demands the fres hest and best ingredients. He gets very upset if we run out of vital supplies (l ike those nice baby octopuses for the pasta) in the middle of a siege. Like I sa id, once we ve taken out our expenses we pay the temple.\n\nOld Veteran: Where d o I sign? {LEOPOLDO_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Leopard Comapny {LEOPOLDO_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the oportunity to hire a famous Mer cenary Captain, Leopoldo di Lucci, and his Leopard Company. He demands 5000 gold crowns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will witho ut doubt find a more generous ruler.\n\nAppearance: Burnished brass armour, very ornate muscled cuirasses with a leopard s face embossed on the breastplate. Lea ther tassets attached to the cuirass. White uniforms and white crests. They wear gilded or real wreaths of laurel leaves around their helmets. The banner bearer and drummer wear leopard pelts, draped over their shoulders. Their banner shows a leopard with two heads and three tails.\n\nThe Leopard Company takes its name from the legendary Leopard of Luccini, which is a badge and mascot of the city. It is said that this leopard was the guardian of the divine twins Lucan and Luc cini, founders of the city. According to the story, the twins became lost in the wilderness when they were still only children and took refuge in a cave on a gr eat rock, later to be the acropolis of the city. The cave was the lair of a leop ard, but this was no ordinary leopard, for she had two heads and three tails! Sh e could also speak prophecies from one of her heads and warnings from the other. The leopard protected the twins just as if they were her own cubs until shepher ds found them. They also found the bones of many Orcs, wolves, bears and Trolls around the cave^ which the leopard had slain protecting the twins. 9 According t o the myth, the leopard prophesied that Lucan and Luccina would found a great ci ty on the rock and rule it as king and queen. Then the other head warned that th e descendants of the twins would fight each other for the realm. After having th us spoken, the leopard disappeared into the cave and was never seen again.\n\nTh e temple of Lucan and Luccina was built over the cave in which credulous people still believe the leopard lives. The guards of the temple, hired by the priests and paid for by pious donations from the merchants of the city, were called the Leopard Company because their sworn duty was to guard the acropolis as ferocious

ly as the mythical leopard! Thus the regiment adopted the leopard as its badge.\ n\nUnfortunately, there was always fighting in the principality between the two lines claiming descent from Lucan or Luccina. This only ended recently when Lore nzo Lupo claimed descent from both and anyone who disagreed either came to a bad end or has since fled the city. Unfortunately for them, the priests of the temp le of Lucan and Luccina supported the claim of Lorenzo s rival Leopold, who clai med to be a direct descendant of Lucan. Under Leopold s command the Leopard Comp any held the acropolis for many days against Lorenzo s troops. The state of civi l unrest persisted until the priests consulted the oracle of Luccina, which came down in favour of Lorenzo, albeit in a very cryptic augury. The priests promptl y cast the Leopard Company from their employment in an effort to placate the ven geful Lorenzo. The soldiers had grown used to extremely good pay in gold and alw ays dressed immaculately and enjoyed the best that the city could provide in foo d, wine and entertainment, and were understandably extremely angry.\n\nConsequen tly the Leopard Company, forgetting their sacred duty, broke down the golden doo rs of the temples, took the pay owed to them and laid hands on the priests, who were thrown off the acropolis into the sea. Then they defiantly held out against Lorenzo for a further two weeks of bloody siege.\n\nFinally Lorenzo decided to offer Leopold a deal he could not refuse. \n\nHe would allow Leopold and the Leo pard Company to march out of the city in return for ending the siege and promisi ng never to make war on him. Leopold reluctantly set aside his claim under press ure from his men, who wanted to get away with the gold from the temple, rather t han die fighting needlessly. Also, they were afraid that they had offended the t wo gods of the city and were anxious to leave the acropolis before divine vengea nce struck them, possibly in the form of a rampant two headed leopard!\n\nAnd so the regiment marched out of Tilea and took service with various other Princes. After much hard campaigning the regiment had been mauled in many unlucky battles . The superstitious soldiers regarded this as the vengeance of the leopard which they had sworn to protect and whose temple they had pillaged. Leopold, anxious to hold his regiment together, called a meeting on the stricken battlefield of T erramorta and told his men that they must regain the favour of the gods. So they voted to appease the leopard by sending back a portion of everything they captu red as loot to the temple in Luccini. The next battle ended in overwhelming vict ory against all the odds, with the Leopard Company taking the lion s, or rather the leopard s, share of the loot! For Leopold, it earned him the nickname di Luc ci, meaning the fortunate . Since then the regiment has gone from strength to s trength fighting in many far off, distant lands, but always remembering to send something back for the coffers of the priests of the temple at Luccini. {LEOPOLDO_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Leopold is dead, his mercenaries will soon return home. {LEOPOLDO_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Leopold di Lucci is dead {LEOPOLDO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Leopold di Lucci, and can now t rain his warriors in all mercenary camps. \n\nMotto: Proceeds to the Luccini tem ple s restoration fund.\n\nBattle-cry: For the Leopard!\n\nDialog: \n\nOld Veter an:No, I won t join your lot! You give all your money away to that temple, don t you? If I risk my neck I want to keep the money!\n\nLeopoldo: Well, before we p ay the temple we take out expenses. You know, essential things like replacing br oken pikes and dented armour, making sure everyone looks smart and each trooper has a clean silk shirt or two. Doctors aren t cheap either and a couple of the b est are with us at all times. Then there are supplies. Only the finest wine is w orthy of servants of the temple, so we don t skimp on expenses there. In fact, I think that you ll find we have an excellent selection from all over Tilea. Plen ty of it too, as you never know when we ll be stuck in some barbaric backwater. Our chef used to cook for the Prince of Trantio and demands the freshest and bes t ingredients. He gets very upset if we run out of vital supplies (like those ni ce baby octopuses for the pasta) in the middle of a siege. Like I said, once we ve taken out our expenses we pay the temple.\n\nOld Veteran: Where do I sign? {LEOPOLDO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Leopard Company {LEOPOLDO_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Leopold di Lucci {LITHR_UUU_BODY}Great Chaos Lord! In order to bring death and horror to the sout

h it was decided to send several armies to Nordland. Be ready to face the Imperi al army upon arrival. {LITHR_UUU_TITLE}Expedition to Nordland {LUKA_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Luca Braganza, and can now train his warriors in all mercenary camps. \n\nMotto: Invincibility at no extra charge.\n\nBattle-cry: Borgio! {LUKA_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Braganza s Besiegers {LUKA_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Mercen ary Captain, Luca Braganza, and his Besiegers. He demands 5000 gold crowns for h is services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will without doubt find a more generous ruler.\n\nAppearance: The Besiegers wear full plate armour in t he exotic Miragliano style, and carry a large pavise on a back-strap.\n\nThe fam ous regiment of Besiegers was originally employed by the ingenious Borgio The B esieger , Prince of Miragliano, as a special siege unit of crossbowmen. Borgio w anted marksmen who could pick off defenders on the walls of a city at close rang e in the face of a hail of enemy missiles, hold ramparts against enemy assaults, provide missile support for sappers and miners, man siege towers and, if need b e, stand their ground against enemy units sallying out of besieged fortresses. B raganza s troops soon proved their worth in Borgio s many sieges and turned out to be equally good as a rearguard in open battle.\n\nHaving stormed, starved out or received the surrender of pretty well every city and fortress that he ever b esieged, Borgio was well pleased with Braganza s Besiegers and offered to find t hem work in return for a cut of the profits. Braganza accepted Borgio s kind off er at once, knowing full well that to refuse Borgio s kindness was not only impo lite but also a terminal course of action.\n\nSoon the Besiegers took ship for T obaro, where they took part in the siege of the pirate stronghold on the island of Cera-Scuro. Then they were hired by the Dwarfs to help recapture an extremely heavily defended Dwarf outpost in the Badlands which had been captured by Orcs. Braganza was paid handsomely with a massive chest of jewels and the regiment be gan the long trek back to Miragliano through hostile territory to deliver Borgio s agreed share of the loot (no one ever double-crossed Borgio and lived!). They battled their way across the Apuccinis in winter and fought off Dwarf bandits, Orcs, Beastmen, Imperial robber knights, a Tilean outlaw band, renegade Bretonni an commoners who had treacherously slain their lord, starving and extremely desp erate Halflings, even more hungry and desperate Ogres, the notorious Red Company of Remas (whose captain had a vendetta against Braganza) and various others - w inning by forming a hollow square and shooting them all down as they came.\n\nOn entering Tilea, they heard news that Borgio had been treacherously assassinated and his mighty Dogs of War army had either disbanded or split into factions fig hting in the streets of Miragliano. Braganza decided to do the obvious thing and share out the jewels and continue his career as one of the best mercenary regim ents ever to come out of Tilea. The Besiegers were soon hired by the Prince of L uccini and sent to Sartosa, where the Prince was waging war against one or the o ther of the many pirate chiefs on the island. Since then, the Besiegers have fou ght for many masters in many sieges and open battles, always standing like a wal l of steel and adding to their legendary reputation. {LUKA_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Luca is dead and his mercenaries will soon return hom e. {LUKA_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Luca Braganza is dead {LUKA_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Luca Braganza, and can now train hi s besiegers in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: Invincibility at no extra charge.\ n\nBattle-cry: Borgio! {LUKA_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Braganza s Besiegers {LUKA_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Luca Braganza {MAMAEV_BODY}Follow the Path of Power!The tribes of the Norse, tribal chieftans, dark sorcerers, and even the powerful Chaos Daemons shall answer your call! You r enemies will be crushed, and their defeat will enhance your strength. But this is just the first step of the Chaos Storm. {MAMAEV_TITLE}The Chaos Unite! {MAXIMILIAN_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Maximilian Damark, an

d can train his marksmen in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: We hit the right spot every time.\n\nBattle-cry: Shoot! {MAXIMILIAN_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Marksmen of Miragliano {MAXIMILIAN_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Mercenary Captain, Maximilian Damark, and his Marksmen. He demands 5000 gold cro wns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will find more generous ruler without doubt.\n\nAppearance: The Marksmen are typical of vetera n mercenary companies and wear a variety of clothing, armour and equipment glean ed from the four corners of the Old World. Many of the Marksmen wear a badge in their caps or hats, consisting of a tall feather and a pierced gold ducat. The f eather represents the swift flight of their crossbow bolts (and it looks very fi ne too!). The pierced ducat is the very coin that the trooper must strike from 3 00 paces as a test of marksmanship before he is allowed to join the Marksmen.\n\ nThe crossbow has always been the favoured missile weapon in Tilea. No doubt bec ause its long range enabled the troops to shoot from high on the ramparts, acros s broad moats and ditches into enemy hordes. Crossbow bolts have the striking po wer to pierce armour and inflict mortal wounds on tough and determined opponents . The crossbow is also handy for use in confined spaces such as the ramparts, to wers, gateways, and narrow streets of Tilean cities and on board Tilean galleys. It is therefore no surprise that Tileans never really bothered with ordinary bo ws.\n\nOne of the most famous regiments to use the crossbow is known simply, but aptly, as the Marksmen. The Marksmen have been going for a hundred years or mor e, under several different Captains. As one Captain fell in battle or retired, t he most senior surviving Marksman would assume leadership, and the regiment woul d continue. The regiment always recruits its soldiers from Miragliano, and retur ns to its home city every now and again to replenish its ranks and renew family ties. Any recruit must prove his marksmanship by shooting a bolt through the hea d of the Prince on a gold ducat. The coin is, of course, placed in the centre of a target set at a range of 300 paces! Once accepted, recruits hone their marksm anship to perfection with constant practice. Such is their success that Miraglia no has fewer pigeons than any other city in Tilea - and not that many cats or do gs either.\n\nThe list of battles in which the Marksmen have won distinction in and, needless to say, rich rewards in the Empire alone are too numerous to list! As well as fighting for the Emperor, the regiment has served the Tzarina of Kis lev and several Dwarf lords. On other occasions the Marksmen have fought on the same side as the High Elves and have taken part in many overseas adventures. {MAXIMILIAN_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Maximilian is dead, his mercenaries will soon r eturn home. {MAXIMILIAN_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Maximilian is dead {MAXIMILIAN_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Maximilian Damark, and can no w train his marksmen in all mercenary camps. \n\nMotto: We hit the right spot ev ery time.\n\nBattle-cry: Shoot! {MAXIMILIAN_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Marksmen of Miragliano {MAXIMILIAN_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Maximilian Damark {MIDDENHEIM_BODY} Your Grace! Delegation of nobles and venerable citizens of Mid denland has arrived at your court. They marvel at your glory, your victories and strength of your armies. They hope that Your Grace will show valor and listen t o humble pleads of the citizens of Middenland. Every Middenlander, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or young has lost the most precious thing the h omeland of their ancestors. Middenland fell before the ruthless onslaught of cou ntless enemies.Turned into homeless wanderers and vagabonds, Hochlanders can go to any lengths to return their lands. If Your Grace will show the wisdom of farsighted politician and help Hochlanders return their lands, their gratitude will know no bounds. They swear to become your allies and come to your aid at times of need. The wealthiest merchants of Middenland have gathered the remaining bits of their fortunes and are ready to offer a modest sum of 15000 gold if our arm ies will march to the liberation of Middenland.Your Grace, it is wise that you a ccept the offers and help the miserable people in times of need. Who knows to wh at length they are ready to go to accomplish their goals. And the good deeds don e will return with interest.

{MIDDENHEIM_TITLE}Restoring Middenland {MIDDENS_BODY}Your Grace! Citizens of Middenheim praise your name and call you h onorable and valiant man. You have brought salvation and liberation to this land torn asunder by the horrors of war, and showed graciousness by giving their hom eland back to Middenlanders.Now our forces must leave Middenland to pass the bur den of protecting this country to Nordland army.The vans are laden with rich gif ts and regiments are ready to march.Praise Sigmar! And let He guide us in this d ark hour and strengthen the friendship between our Counties. {MIDDENS_TITLE}Leaving Middenheim {MIDDEN_BODY}It has became known that Beastmen have emerged from Drakenwald Fore st and are nearing Middenheim. The Elector Count is requesting your help. Are yo u ready to march against the Beastmen? We must drive the foul creatures back int o the pits they came from! {MIDDEN_TITLE}Battle at Middenheim {MIDVRAG_BODY}Enraged by your rejection, the people of this province have sworn an oath of revenge. The Ex-Elector-Count has filed a complaint with the Emperor against you. He has labelled you a treacherous liar and invader. Your action are considered inexcusable and heretical, befitting a Chaos worshipper. The Grand T heogonist has denounced you in his edict and deprived your lands of Sigmars divin e protection. Citizens of your province, dismayed and resentful of your deeds, a re killing taxmen and rebelling. They refuse to pay to fill the coffers of an al leged Chaos follower. The damage done to your reputation, not to mention the fin ancial losses, are immense. In towns secret Chaos cults, emboldened by the publi c unrest, are creeping out of their dark holes and forgotten places, seeding may hem and destruction. Soldiers are abandoning forts and garrisons, leaving to ret urn to their families or join the faithful regiments of your neighbors. The peop le of the provinces have besieged the capital city, vowing to overthrow the enem y of all true and faithful Sigmarites. {MIDVRAG_TITLE}You are declared an outlaw! {MILD_WINTER_BODY}This month s winter is mild. {MILD_WINTER_TITLE}Mild Winter. {MINERLEADER_ELECTED_BODY}After much deliberation, the venerable elders of the M ining Guild have finally decided upon a worthy individual to become the new Guil dmaster. {MINERLEADER_ELECTED_TITLE}New Miners Guildmaster {NDA_BODY}Orcs are near the capital of Averland! {NDA_TITLE}Orcs are at the gates! {NECROSI_BODY}Death has embraced her finest vassals and carried them to the high places on the Grey Planes. {NECROSI_TITLE}Necrarchs banished {NECROS_BODY}The Necrarchs do not see the world as do other Vampires. To them th e world of the living is but a blurred image, while the world of the dead, the b odies in their graves, the corpses and overflowing charnel houses are crystal cl ear and far more real than the mortal world filled with life. Necrarchs are lone rs; they are alchemists and sorcerers whom few can match. In the arts of black s orcery they have no equals amongst Vampires, and this more than compensates for their fighting skills, which are poor in comparison with others of their kind. O nly very rarely do the Necrarchs openly march to war, but at such times they are perhaps more dangerous than any of the other lords of Undeath, for with their n ecromantic lore, the Necrarchs can raise huge armies of Undead. Such wars are fo ught not for earthly gain or temporal power, but rather for acquiring knowledge and magical lore. Because of their rarity, many scholars doubt whether the Necra rchs still exist, but in the dark places of the world, hidden from the eyes of m ortals, the Necrarchs continue their slow, insidious work, for one day their lab ours will bear fruit, and the world will know horror unlike any before it. {NECROS_TITLE}Necrarchs {NEW_TROLL_SLAYER_BODY}Yet another Dwarf has become a Slayer and journeyed to Ka rak Kadrin. Although he longs for a glorious death in battle, he is prepared to obey your orders. {NEW_TROLL_SLAYER_TITLE}Dwarf has sworn the Slayer Oath

{NIGHT_GOBLINS_IS_DEAD_BODY}The Night Goblins have been defeated. They are no lo nger a united force. The remnants have joined the Orc Boss. {NIGHT_GOBLINS_IS_DEAD_TITLE}Night Goblins Defeated {NORDLAND_BODY}Your Grace! Delegation of nobles and venerable citizens of Nordla nd has arrived at your court. They marvel at your glory, your victories and stre ngth of your armies. They hope that Your Grace will show valor and listen to hum ble pleads of the citizens of Nordland. Every citizen of Nordland, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or young has lost the most precious thing the h omeland of their ancestors. Hochland fell before the ruthless onslaught of count less enemies.Turned into homeless wanderers and vagabonds, the citizens of Nordl and can go to any lengths to return their lands. If Your Grace will show the wis dom of far-sighted politician and help Hochlanders return their lands, their gra titude will know no bounds. They swear to become your allies and come to your ai d at times of need. The wealthiest merchants of Hochland have gathered the remai ning bits of their fortunes and are ready to offer a modest sum of 15000 gold i f our armies will march to the liberation of Nordland.Your Grace, it is wise tha t you accept the offers and help the miserable people in times of need. Who know s to what length they are ready to go to accomplish their goals. And the good de eds done will return with interest. {NORDLAND_TITLE}Restoring Nordland {NULNUS_BODY}Your Grace! The citizens of Wissenberg praise your name and call yo u honorable and valiant man. You have brought salvation and liberation to this l and torn asunder by the horrors of war, and showed graciousness by giving their homeland back to Wissenlanders.Now our forces must leave Wissenberg to pass the burden of protecting this country to Wissenland army.The vans are laden with ric h gifts and regiments are ready to march.Praise Sigmar! And let He guide us in t his dark hour and strengthen the friendship between our Counties. {NULNUS_TITLE}Leaving Wissenberg {NULNU_BODY} Your Grace! Delegation of nobles and venerable citizens of Wissenla nd has arrived at your court. They marvel at your glory, your victories and stre ngth of your armies. They hope that Your Grace will show valor and listen to hum ble pleads of the citizens of Hochland. Every Wissenlander, no matter how rich o r poor, no matter how old or young has lost the most precious thing the homeland of their ancestors. Hochland fell before the ruthless onslaught of countless en emies.Turned into homeless wanderers and vagabonds, Hochlanders can go to any le ngths to return their lands. If Your Grace will show the wisdom of far-sighted p olitician and help Wissenlanders return their lands, their gratitude will know n o bounds. They swear to become your allies and come to your aid at times of need . The wealthiest merchants of Hochland have gathered the remaining bits of thei r fortunes and are ready to offer a modest sum of 15000 gold if our armies will march to the liberation of Wissenland.Your Grace, it is wise that you accept the offers and help the miserable people in times of need. Who knows to what length they are ready to go to accomplish their goals. And the good deeds done will re turn with interest. {NULNU_TITLE}Restoring Wissenland {NULN_ENGENERS1_BODY}Your Grace! The Imperial College of Engineers has sent us a unit of their masters, armed with experimental models of rapid-fire muskets. Th ese weapons are designed to fill enemies hearts with fear and mow down their ra nks like wheat in the field. Engineers are rather eccentric fellows, and althoug h they are not true soldiers, they have a quick eye and firm hand, as demonstrat ed by their sniper fire on the battlefield. {NULN_ENGENERS1_TITLE}Engineers {NULN_ENGENERS_BODY}My Lord, the Imperial Gunnery School has sent us a division of their Engineers, armed with experimental weaponry. Their power will strike fe ar into the hearts of the enemies of the Empire. Engineers are rather eccentric fellows, and although they are not professional soldiers on the battlefield they have demonstrated excellent shooting accuracy. {NULN_ENGENERS_TITLE}Engineers {NURGL_BODY}Elector Count of Nordland!A message has arrived stating that a Chaos expedition was sent by Archaon to harrass the coastal regions and create a foot

hold for the Chaos Undivided forces that will arrive soon. Dietershafen will be the most likely target. Be ready to gather your warriors and drive the invaders into the cold sea! {NURGL_TITLE}Sea Chaos expedition {NU_MAGE_BODY}My Lord, the Sorcerers have provided us with some of their adepts. {NU_MAGE_TITLE}Sorcerers of Nurgle {ORC_INVANSIONAVER_BODY}Elector Count of Averland! The Greenskin threat has grea tly increased. Their strength is growing. You must be ready! Some of their armie s have already passed by a guarded pass and have entered Averland. {ORC_INVANSIONAVER_TITLE} Orc Invasion {ORC_INVANSION_BODY}Dwarf King! The Greenskin threat has greatly increased. Thei r strength is growing. Be ready to counter them! {ORC_INVANSION_TITLE}Orc Invasion {OSTERMARK_BODY}Your Grace! Delegation of nobles and venerable citizens of Oster mark has arrived at your court. They marvel at your glory, your victories and st rength of your armies. They hope that Your Grace will show valor and listen to h umble pleads of the citizens of Ostermark. Every Ostermarker, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or young has lost the most precious thing the homela nd of their ancestors. Hochland fell before the ruthless onslaught of countless enemies.Turned into homeless wanderers and vagabonds, Ostermarkers can go to any lengths to return their lands. If Your Grace will show the wisdom of far-sighte d politician and help Ostermarkers return their lands, their gratitude will know no bounds. They swear to become your allies and come to your aid at times of ne ed. The wealthiest merchants of Ostermark have gathered the remaining bits of t heir fortunes and are ready to offer a modest sum of 15000 gold if our armies wi ll march to the liberation of Bechafen.Your Grace, it is wise that you accept th e offers and help the miserable people in times of need. Who knows to what lengt h they are ready to go to accomplish their goals. And the good deeds done will r eturn with interest. {OSTERMARK_TITLE}Restoring Ostermark {OSTER_BODY} Your Grace! Citizens of Bechafen praise your name and call you hono rable and valiant man. You have brought salvation and liberation to this land to rn asunder by the horrors of war, and showed graciousness by giving their homela nd back to people of Ostermark.Now our forces must leave Ostermark to pass the b urden of protecting this country to Ostermark army.The vans are laden with rich gifts and regiments are ready to march.Praise Sigmar! And let He guide us in thi s dark hour and strengthen the friendship between our Counties. {OSTER_TITLE}Leaving Bechafen {OSTLAND_BODY}Your Grace! Delegation of nobles and venerable citizens of Ostland has arrived at your court. They marvel at your glory, your victories and streng th of your armies. They hope that Your Grace will show valor and listen to humbl e pleads of the citizens of Ostland. Every Ostlander, no matter how rich or poor , no matter how old or young has lost the most precious thing the homeland of th eir ancestors. Ostland fell before the ruthless onslaught of countless enemies.T urned into homeless wanderers and vagabonds, Ostlanders can go to any lengths to return their lands. If Your Grace will show the wisdom of far-sighted politicia n and help Hochlanders return their lands, their gratitude will know no bounds. They swear to become your allies and come to your aid at times of need. The weal thiest merchants of Ostlandd have gathered the remaining bits of their fortunes and are ready to offer a modest sum of 15000 gold if our armies will march to t he liberation of Ostland.Your Grace, it is wise that you accept the offers and h elp the miserable people in times of need. Who knows to what length they are rea dy to go to accomplish their goals. And the good deeds done will return with int erest. {OSTLAND_TITLE}Restoring Ostland {OST_BODY}Your Grace! Citizens of Wolfenburg praise your name and call you honor able and valiant man. You have brought salvation and liberation to this land tor n asunder by the horrors of war, and showed graciousness by giving their homelan d back to people of Ostland.Now our forces must leave Ostland to pass the burden of protecting this country to Ostland army.The vans are laden with rich gifts a

nd regiments are ready to march.Praise Sigmar! And let He guide us in this dark hour and strengthen the friendship between our Counties. {OST_TITLE}Leaving Wolfenburg {POGREBNAK_BODY}These misbegotten monkeys are displeased that our camp is locate d near their lands. Their pitiful alliance with the bastards of Ulthuan has led to a joint campaign against our fortified hold in Sarls Land. Their army has mar ched forth. We should crush them and offer more sacrifices and blood for Khaine, the almighty god! {POGREBNAK_TITLE}Threat of attack {PRAAG_BODY}Tzar! The Tzeentch Chosen have launched an attack on Praag to create a foothold for the armies of Archaon. To prevent the fall of the city two armie s were sent. One was positioned in Praag but the other was suddenly attacked by a superior force of Chaos. The more warriors of Chaos that fall in this battle, the fewer will be left to face your forces at Praag. {PRAAG_TITLE}Praag Defense {PRINCE_DEAD_AVERLAND_BODY} My Lord! The Heir of Averland has persiehd. Now if the political forces will not form a consensus of opinion on a new candidate, vi cious quarrels are inevitable! {PRINCE_DEAD_AVERLAND_TITLE} The Heir of Averland has passed away {PRINCE_DEAD_BEASTMANS_BODY}The High Shaman of the Beastmen is dead. {PRINCE_DEAD_BEASTMANS_TITLE}The High Shaman of the Beastmen is dead {PRINCE_DEAD_CHAOS_BODY}Great One! A mighty Champion of Chaos, second in command was slain by a bullet in a bloody battle. This might not be the best death for a warrior, but it was honoured and thousands of sacrifices were made to commemor ate this event. {PRINCE_DEAD_CHAOS_TITLE}A Chaos Champion has fallen, and now the Great Lord sha ll search for a successor {PRINCE_DEAD_DWARFS_BODY}My Lord! The Dwarf Prince has fallen, fighting off an e ndless sea of invaders. Grief and lust for vengeance are now in the hearts of hi s kin! {PRINCE_DEAD_DWARFS_TITLE} A new entry in the Book of Grudges - the son of the D warf King is slain. {PRINCE_DEAD_ELVES_BODY}My Lord! A young prince of Ulthuan, the leader of the ai d expedition, has fallen! The people mourn this tragic loss. {PRINCE_DEAD_ELVES_TITLE}One of Ulthuan s Princes has finished his long life. No w his younger brother will take his place! {PRINCE_DEAD_HOCHLAND_BODY}The heir of Hochland has been slain in battle! It is a severe loss and all the people of the province pray to Sigmar that the new hei r will be a worthy successor to his predecessor s memory. {PRINCE_DEAD_HOCHLAND_TITLE} The heir of Hochland is dead. Sigmar protect us! {PRINCE_DEAD_KHORN_BODY} Great One! A mighty Champion of Khorne, the second in c ommand was slain by a bullet in a bloody battle. This might not be the best deat h for a warrior, but it was honoured and thousands of sacrifices were made to co mmemorate this event. {PRINCE_DEAD_KHORN_TITLE} A Chaos Champion has fallen and now the Great Lord wil l find a new one {PRINCE_DEAD_KISLEV_BODY} My Lord! The heir to the icy fields of Kislev is dead! Slain by a Chaos Warrior, but lying on a heap of his enemies corpses. Now his younger brother will take his place. {PRINCE_DEAD_KISLEV_TITLE} Chaos has brought a new grief to the vast steppes of Kislev. The young heir of the Tzar is dead! {PRINCE_DEAD_MIDDENLAND_BODY} My Lord! The heir of Middenland has been slain in battle! His troops were brave enough to rescue his body and viciously avenge his death. Now Middenhem s bureaucracy will find the best candidate to be the next heir! {PRINCE_DEAD_MIDDENLAND_TITLE} Commander, the heir of Middenland has been slain in battle! {PRINCE_DEAD_NIGHT_GOBLINS_BODY}The Night Goblins Shaman is dead. {PRINCE_DEAD_NIGHT_GOBLINS_TITLE}The Night Goblins Shaman is dead. {PRINCE_DEAD_NORDLAND_BODY}Commander! A young noble, the heir of the Elector Cou

nt of Nordland, is dead. People mourn this loss, but the new heir was appointed quickly - the country is in need of stability. {PRINCE_DEAD_NORDLAND_TITLE}The young heir of Nordland is dead. His successor wa s appointed without hesitation. {PRINCE_DEAD_NURGL_BODY}Great One! A mighty Champion of Nurgle, the second in co mmand, was slain by a bullet in a bloody battle. This might not be the best deat h for a warrior, but it was honoured and thousands of sacrifices were made to co mmemorate this event. {PRINCE_DEAD_NURGL_TITLE} A Chaos Champion has fallen and now the Great Lord wil l find a new one {PRINCE_DEAD_ORKS_BODY}Commander! The second toughest Orc after the Warboss is d ead. Maybe he was not so strong after all? {PRINCE_DEAD_ORKS_TITLE}Orcs have a quick succession of power, one Boss takes th e place of the other {PRINCE_DEAD_OSTERMARK_BODY}My Lord! The heir of the Elector Count of Ostermark, a young and brilliant noble, has fallen in battle. All the provinces mourns thi s loss. Now the nobles must choose a new heir. But will the Elector Count have t he time to train him well? {PRINCE_DEAD_OSTERMARK_TITLE}Ostermark s Heir has fallen in battle! An honourabl e death, but a grievous loss! {PRINCE_DEAD_OSTLAND_BODY}My Lord! The finest general of Ostland, predicted by m any to be the Count s heir, was slain in battle, fighting foul followers of Chao s! And even in death he held tightly the Banner of Ostermark in his hand! {PRINCE_DEAD_OSTLAND_TITLE}The Heir of Ostland is dead {PRINCE_DEAD_REIKLAND_BODY}Commander! A great champion, who was chosen by the Em peror himself to govern Reikland in years to come, was slain by a cunningly aime d arrow! Now the Emperor and his Council face a hard choice. {PRINCE_DEAD_REIKLAND_TITLE}The Heir of Reikland has died a glorious death in ba ttle. However, this may cause much trouble in the province. {PRINCE_DEAD_SILVANIA_BODY}My Lord! The Vampires of Sylvania cannot die of age o r illness, but they can be destroyed! That was the fate of the heir of this curs ed province - death by the righteous steel of the Empire s Soldiers! {PRINCE_DEAD_SILVANIA_TITLE} The Heir of the Vampire Count has been destroyed! {PRINCE_DEAD_SLAANESH_BODY}Great One! A mighty Champion of Slaanesh, the second in command, was slain by a bullet in a bloody battle. This might not be the best death for a warrior, but it was honoured and thousands of sacrifices were made to commemorate this event. {PRINCE_DEAD_SLAANESH_TITLE}A Chaos Champion has fallen and now the Great Lord w ill find a new one {PRINCE_DEAD_STIRLAND_BODY}My Lord! The Generals of Stirland are renowned for th eir harsh temper. Often it helps them in combat, but in the last battle it prove d to be fatal. The heir of the Elector Count led his forces in a charge and fell ! {PRINCE_DEAD_STIRLAND_TITLE}The Heir of Stirland is dead! {PRINCE_DEAD_TALABAKLAND_BODY}My Lord! Though Talabecland is a large land, few p eople dwell here. Thus it is not uncommon for commanders to march to battle with their soldiers, and lead from the front. So did the heir of Talabecland, and so he fell. Now the Elector Count must appoint a new heir. {PRINCE_DEAD_TALABAKLAND_TITLE}The heir of Talabecland has fallen, fighting in t he front line shoulder to shoulder with his soldiers. Now the new heir will foll ow him in his honourable steps! {PRINCE_DEAD_TZINCH_BODY}Great One! A mighty Champion of Tzeentch, the second in command, was slain by a bullet in a bloody battle. This might not be the best d eath for a warrior, but it was honoured and thousands of sacrifices were made to commemorate this event. {PRINCE_DEAD_TZINCH_TITLE}A Chaos Champion has fallen and now the Great Lord wil l find a new one {PRINCE_DEAD_VICILAND_BODY}My Lord! The heir of Wissenland is dead! He was one o f the victims of the tragic testing of a new device, designed by the College of Engineers.

{PRINCE_DEAD_VICILAND_TITLE}Devices created by the College of Engineers can be d angerous even for their owners! The Heir of Wissenland was killed in one such ac cident! {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Eric Ragnar, and can trai n his warriors in all mercenary camps. {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Ragnar s Wolves {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Merc enary Captain, Eric Ragnar, and his Wolves, to aid Kislev. He demands 5000 gold crowns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will withou t doubt find a more generous ruler.\n\nEric Ragnar is a famed leader of mercenar ies from the cold lands of Norsca. He and his Wolves, a band of horsemen who wie ld vicious axes in combat, have fought for the Empire against Undead hordes and the forces of Chaos. They have battled through many campaigns and have gained a reputation for ferocity in combat and for the effectiveness of their charge. R agnar has moulded the unit into an extension of his will and has made it a power ful weapon to be wielded as he wishes. Ragnar is a consummate axeman and a fine horseman. He rides his great grey stallion at the head of his troops and inspir es them with the ferocity with which he fights in hand to hand combat and with h is daring deeds. Ragnar has a knack for choosing the right generals to hire out to and has made a very successful career off the warrior s craft. {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Eric Ragnar is dead, his Wolves will soon return ho me. {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Eric Ragnar is dead {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_KISLEV_BODY}Tzar, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Mercenary Captain, Eric Ragnar, and his Wolves. He demands 5000 gold crowns for his services. Do you wish to hire him?\n\nEric Ragnar is a famed leader of merce naries from the cold lands of Norsca. He and his Wolves, a band of horsemen who wield vicious axes in combat, have fought for the Empire against Undead hordes a nd the forces of Chaos. They have battled through many campaigns and have gaine d a reputation for ferocity in combat and for the effectiveness of their charge. Ragnar has moulded the unit into an extension of his will and has made it a po werful weapon to be wielded as he wishes. Ragnar is a consummate axeman and a f ine horseman. He rides his great grey stallion at the head of his troops and ins pires them with the ferocity with which he fights in hand to hand combat and wit h his daring deeds. Ragnar has a knack for choosing the right generals to hire out to and has made a very successful career off the warrior s craft. {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_KISLEV_TITLE}Eric Ragnar {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Ragnar, and can now train his war riors in all mercenary camps. {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Ragnar s Wolves {RAGNAR_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Eric Ragnar {REIKSMARSHAL_ELECTED_BODY}The Emperor has appointed a knight to be the new Reik smarshal. {REIKSMARSHAL_ELECTED_TITLE}New Reiksmarshal {RIHTER_RECRUITMENT_DEAD_BODY} . {RIHTER_RECRUITMENT_DEAD_TITLE} {RIHTER_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Richter Kruegar has gone and his warriors have foll owed him. They know no honor and no loyalty and serve only Kreugar in their afte rlife of damnation. {RIHTER_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Richter Kruegar has gone, but has promised to retu rn {RIHTER_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}The Cursed Company of Richter Kreugar the Damned awaits at our gates. The most common tales revolving around Richter Kreugars tr agic curse tell of a young mercenary captain, proud, talented and ruthless. He h ired out his services freely, uncaring who he fought for as long as the price wa s right. Centuries ago in the history of the Old World, Richter was said to have allied with a powerful Necromancer, aiding him in his diabolical campaign again st the Empire, terrorising the heavily forested area around Wolfenburg.Within th e leather-bound annals of the Historiata Imperiatus, it is said that the Empire army of Wolfenburg was suffering horrendous casualties in a war of attrition tha

t they could not hope to win.However, they struggled on regardless and began to wear down the Necromancer, taking the offensive and pushing him deeper into the forest, denying him the time needed to strengthen his Undead forces. Seeing the Necromancer faltering, Richter accepted the bribes of an Empire agent, the calc ulating young mercenary seeing a chance to make some easy money and be on the wi nning side. As the titanic battle hung in the balance, Richter played his hand, striking out at the foul Necromancer, who fell beneath his blade. However, with his dying breath the unholy sorcerer gasped a curse that was to be the eternal u ndoing of the enterprising sell-sword.And so it is that Richter stalks the Old W orld and beyond. Hundreds of years since his death he is still seeking oblivion and peace, yet he is never able to achieve his final rest. Countless times he ha s been cut down, only to awake again the following night to his never-ending, he llish torment. A terrible element of the curse is evoked each time he slays an e nemy, for his defeated foes rise immediately to serve him in undeath, slaves to his will. He travels the world, living out a tragic parody of his former mercena ry career, fighting wherever he finds battle. His anger and despair momentarily lost in the bloodshed, he continues his doomed existence in the desperate hope t hat one time when his skeletal body is slain, he will finally know the relief of true death. {RIHTER_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE} Richter Krueger at the gates {RIKKO_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Roderigo Delmonte, and can train his warriors in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: Ricco s Republican Guard. The Price of Freedom!\n\nBattle-cry: Liberty! Equity! Liquidity!\n\nDialog:\n\nF at Merchant: I propose tha Citizen Ricco be put on trial for misappropriating th e revenues of the Republic and executed without delay.\n\nAnother Fat Merchant: Well said, Cittern Rotundo! I second that proposition and further move that the Republican Guard be disbanded -they cost too much.\n\n[General nods of approval] \n\nYoung Noble: Citizens! What ingratitude to the one man who has saved the Rep ublic.\n\nFat Merchant: Who said that? Put that man s name on a fist! I move tha t we vote on the matter without further ado.\n\nOld Veteran: Wait! You can t do that. There isn t a quorum of Citizens present in the Council Chamber.\n\n[Enter Captain. Ricco with a number of men]\n\nFat Merchant: Hail brave Captain Ricco, saviour of the Republic! We were just talking about you... {RIKKO_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Ricco s Republican Guard {RIKKO_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Merce nary Captain, Ragged Ricco, and his Republican Guard. He demands 5000 gold cro wns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will without d oubt find a more generous ruler.\n\nAppearance: Ricco s Republican Guard wear or nate, polished armour and red crested helmets. They have bloodstained bandages t ied around their arms, legs or heads - badges of courage of which they are justi fiably proud! Such is their popularity that they also wear numerous silken scarv es donated by adoring ladies in grateful acknowledgement of their services. Thei r armour is the best that money can buy, embellished with gems and gold plate, w hich is the ideal way for a soldier of fortune to look good and carry his wealth close to him.\n\nThe Republican Guard was raised in Remas by a group of rebelli ous merchants during the time of disastrous famines and widespread revolts that preceded the birth of the Republic. The regiment played a leading part in overth rowing the tyrannical Merchant Prince of Remas, the notorious Omilo Mondo. It wa s upon one of the Guard s pikes that Mondo s head was paraded around the city to the drunken applause of the mob.\n\nThe revolt involved a great deal of vicious street fighting in which no mercy was shown by either faction, and none asked f or either. Several captains of the Republican Guard fell in quick succession, of ten shot in the back by Mondo s henchmen who had concealed themselves on the ro oftops or high up in the bell towers surrounding the palace. In the thick of bat tle a common soldier by the name of Ricco, known as Ragged Ricco because of h is torn and bloodied clothing, assumed command. He seemed blessed by the war god dess herself and survived even the bloodiest hand-to-hand combat, despite fighti ng at the forefront of the battle.\n\nWith the Republic firmly established, the regiment was showered with praise and honours... if not much actual cash. Their bandaged wounds and numerous scars gave the young Guardsmen plenty of opportunit

y to talk about their courage in battle! The ladies of Remas proved very sympath etic to the poor wounded soldiers, listening attentively to their tales of brave ry and derring-do as they tended their wounds. The Guardsmen felt justifiably pr oud of their torn and bloodstained uniforms and the bandages that proved what fi ne fighters they were! Another good reason for their rough appearance was that t he impoverished new Republic could not afford much for their loyalty, and pay wa s usually well in arrears!\n\nDesperate to bring in some hard cash Ragged Ricc o led the Republican Guard in search of employment in other Tilean cities. The G uard fought well and always made sure they were promptly paid by threatening to mutiny! Since they were far better fighters than any other regiment in the army in which they happened to be serving, the cash was forthcoming in large amounts, with a handsome share of any booty on top.\n\nThe reputation of the regiment gr ew steadily and attracted new recruits from all over Tilea, usually strong young peasant lads fed up with tilling fields for rich land owners. Ragged Ricco tr amped the length and breadth of Tilea and helped the citizens of many embattled cities to assert their rights against tyrants and oppressors. When news of the r egiment s success reached the ears of the Republican Council they immediately se nt for Ricco. They felt that as a citizen of Remas, leading a regiment raised by pro-republican merchants, he owed them a share of the wagonloads of gold and sp oils of war won by his pikemen.\n\nBack in Remas, Ricco and the Republican Counc il soon fell out over how the shares were to be divided and Ricco ordered severa l wagons of loot to be taken out of the city under cover of darkness. When the c ouncil found out, they voted Ricco s execution by a majority of one. Ricco s loy al soldiers, who had fought side by side with him in many heroic battles, were i n no mood to stand by while their beloved captain was chopped into tiny bits and impaled on the leaning tower of Remas! The regiment promptly rescued Ricco from his dungeon in the tower, routing all troops sent against them (which outnumber ed them ten to one) in the process.\n\nWith Ricco at their head, the regiment ma rched out of Remas with their loot. The citizens cheered them from the rooftops, and a few tears were shed by the ladies of Remas who threw silken scarves and h andkerchiefs which the troopers tied about their arms and helmets as a memento o f the hospitality they had enjoyed. They marched from Tilea to Sartosa and trave lled over the sea to Estalia, Bretonnia, the Empire, Kislev and the beleaguered Border Princes, where the regiment has continued to win fame and renown ever sin ce. {RIKKO_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY} Ricco is dead, his mercenaries will soon return hom e. {RIKKO_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE} Ragged Ricco is dead {RIKKO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Ragged Ricco, and can now train his soldiers in all mercenary camps. \n\nMotto: Ricco s Republican Guard. The Pr ice of Freedom!\n\nBattle-cry: Liberty! Equity! Liquidity! \n\nDialog:\n\nFat Me rchant: I propose that Citizen Ricco be put on trial for misappropriating the re venues of the Republic and executed without delay.\n\nAnother Fat Merchant: Well said, Cittern Rotundo! I second that proposition and further move that the Repu blican Guard be disbanded -they cost too much.\n\n[General nods of approval]\n\n Young Noble: Citizens! What ingratitude to the one man who has saved the Republi c.\n\nFat Merchant: Who said that? Put that man s name on a fist! I move that we vote on the matter without further ado.\n\nOld Veteran: Wait! You can t do that . There isn t a quorum of Citizens present in the Council Chamber.\n\n[Enter Cap tain. Ricco with a number of men]\n\nFat Merchant: Hail brave Captain Ricco, sav iour of the Republic! We were just talking about you... {RIKKO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Ricco s Republican Guard {RIKKO_RECRUITMENT_TITLE} Ragged Ricco {RODERIGO_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Roderigo Delmonte, and you can train his troops in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: The Cut-price Cut-thr oats You Can Afford!\n\nBattle-cry: Yes!\n\nDialog: \n\nAlvarez: I don t know wh y we keep fighting for poor peasants who ve got no money?\n\nRoderigo: Ha! Rich Princes with plenty of gold always say I ll pay you after the battle . Then aft er the battle they forget to pay us! \n\nAlvarez: You mean just like poor peasan ts? \n\nRoderigo: No, not like poor peasants. Remember last year when we fought

for the village of Scintio? They were honest enough to say that they had no mone y to pay us before the battle even started\n\nAlvarez: Yes, but we fought for th em anyway!\n\nRoderigo: Well, remember that scruffy peasant who was hanging roun d my tent this morning?\n\nAlvarez: I can still smell him! What did he want? Ano ther free battle?\n\nRoderigo: He came to express the gratitude of the villagers of Scintio.\n\nAfvares: Very nice, but how much breakfast will that buy?\n\nRod erigo: Not much, but he also left us two sacks of goat cheese... and this sack o f gold \n\nAlcatani Song: \n\nRod-rigo, Rod-rigo, marching through the land \n\n Rod-rigo, Rod-rigo, with his honest band\n\nFeared by the greedy Loved by the ne edy\n\nRod-rigo, Rod-rigo,Rod-rigo! {RODERIGO_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Alcatani Fellowship {RODERIGO_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Me rcenary Captain, Roderigo Delmonte, and his Alcatani Fellowship. He demands 5000 gold crowns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will without doubt find a more generous ruler.\n\nAppearance: The Alcatani fellowship wear simple, some might say cheap, armour and red crested helmets of unfashiona ble design. Their clothing is simple, practical and somewhat threadbare. They ca rry sturdy steel-tipped pikes.\n\nIt was with some desperation that Roderigo Del monte surveyed the ruins of his crop. Yesterday he had stood upon the same spot and admired the unfolding acres of Alcatani ripening in the hot Tilean sun. Toda y, where once had grown apples and citrus, vines and olive trees, there was noth ing but charred stumps smouldering upon a ravaged landscape. The passage of EI C adavo s rampaging army had left him an impoverished and broken man. The agricult ural efforts of a long and hard life had proven utterly and cruelly fruitless.\n \nThe life of a farmer, even a wealthy landowner, was never an easy one in the w ar-torn land of Tilea. When Rodererigo Delmonte found himself destitute he embar ked upon the only course of action that remained to him: he became a soldier. Hi s workforce, faced with the unappealing option of starvation, signed up without question. In Remas, Roderigo sold his last and favourite mule and with the proce eds bought some shoddy armour, a few second-hand helmets, and a batch of slight ly bent pikes. With a bit of elbow grease, a few hammer blows, and the aid of a steaming kettle, Roderigo s men set about preparing themselves for their first b attle. By the time they had finished they didn t look bad!\n\nThe Alcatani Fello wship s first job was not particularly glamourous or lucrative - escorting a con signment of dung to a rhubarb grower outside Remas - but soon Roderigo began to gain a reputation for reliability. The rich and successful were prepared to pay top-prices for the best troops... but for every rich merchant there were ten sma ll scale operators who couldn t afford the services of the more expensive mercen aries. The Alcatani Fellowship found a niche!\n\nDespite its rather modest origi n the Alcatani Fellowship has proven itself on more than one occasion. Their fir st battle more or less set the trend. The villagers of Buccolia, a small wine gr owing community in the lee of the Apuccini mountains, found themselves terrorise d by a particularly nasty gang of Orcs. These greenskins had come to Tilea as me rcenaries, but had proven so unreliable and untrustworthy that no one would empl oy them. So they became bandits instead, raiding small farms and villages and ge nerally making life miserable for poor, hard-working village folk. In Buccolia t he villagers pooled all their savings to hire mercenaries to help them, but sadl y no one was willing to work for seven ducats, three farthings and a goat. Even the money lenders refused to deal with them.\n\nWhen Roderigo Delmonte heard of their plight he was angered and indignant! The villagers story was a familiar t ale of honest hard-working folk (rare enough in Tilea) unable to find justice be cause they were poor and powerless. Roderigo knew this tale very well indeed. Al though he had not exactly grown rich as a mercenary, what he had was enough, and so he decided to help the desperate villagers. The Alcatani Fellowship arrived in the dead of night, after a long march in the pouring rain. From the roadside they could see the smouldering torches of the Orc raiders as they climbed down the slopes behind the village. Tired and hungry as they were, the valiant pikeme n prepared for battle. It was quite a surpise for the Orcs. They had expected he lpless grovelling peasants. Instead they found themselves confronted by grim fac ed men with steel-tipped pikes, who fought with the determination of the possess

ed! After a short struggle the Ore raiders lay dead and scattered. Roderigo had triumphed. In return he asked for no money - but only the thanks of the villager s. This the villagers were more than willing to give!\n\nSince that day the Alca tani Fellowship have fought many battles, for many masters, including many of th e richest and most famous mercenary generals in Tilea. But even today they are w illing to fight for the poor and helpless at rates which are far below those of most mercenaries. Although he may never be rich himself, amongst the common peop le of the countryside Roderigo Delmonte is the most popular mercenary captain in the land. He is cheered and greeted wherever he goes and stories of his unselfi sh deeds are told around the hearths of simple country folk throughout all Tilea . {RODERIGO_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Roderigo Delmonte is dead, his mercenaries will s oon return home. {RODERIGO_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Roderigo Delmonte is dead {RODERIGO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Roderigo Delmonte, and can now train his troops in all mercenary camps. \n\nMotto: The Cut-price Cut-throats Yo u Can Afford!\n\nBattle-cry: Yes!\n\nDialog: \n\nAlvarez: I don t know why we ke ep fighting for poor peasants who ve got no money?\n\nRoderigo: Ha! Rich Prince s with plenty of gold always say I ll pay you after the battle . Then after the battle they forget to pay us! \n\nAlvarez: You mean just like poor peasants?\n\ nRoderigo: No, not like poor peasants. Remember last year when we fought for the village of Scintio? They were honest enough to say that they had no money to pa y us before the battle even started\n\nAlvarez: Yes, but we fought for them anyw ay!\n\nRoderigo: Well, remember that scruffy peasant who was hanging round my te nt this morning?\n\nAlvarez: I can still smell him! What did he want? Another fr ee battle?\n\nRoderigo: He came to express the gratitude of the villagers of Sci ntio.\n\nAfvares: Very nice, but how much breakfast will that buy?\n\nRoderigo: Not much, but he also left us two sacks of goat cheese... and this sack of gold \n\nAlcatani Song: \n\nRod-rigo, Rod-rigo, marching through the land \n\nRod-rig o, Rod-rigo, with his honest band\n\nFeared by the greedy Loved by the needy\n\n Rod-rigo, Rod-rigo,Rod-rigo! {RODERIGO_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Alcatani Fellowship {RODERIGO_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Roderigo Delmonte {RUGLUD_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Ruglud Bonechewer, and ca n train his warriors in all mercenary camps.\n\nBattleCry: The most frequent bat tlecry is a repetitive chant of Gobbo fer tea, Gobbo fer tea, Gobbo, Gobbo, Gob bo fer tea! , with Stunty , "Uman and so on being substituted for Gobbo as a ppropriate. \n\nThe Crooked Eye Orcs had travelled many miles westward to the Ol d World, suffering the sniping of mountain Goblins, incessant rain, and the endl ess whining of Bambrag, their incontinent shaman.\n\nOnce, they skirted a ruined Dwarfhold. Fear of spirits kept them from sheltering inside, but, a single Orc Hero named Ruglud had dared to enter. He returned unharmed, but had not spoken s ince, and stared blankly into space.\n\nThe Orcs huddled in the rain before a ro ugh stone wall across a narrow pass, while Chief Gudruk Bonechewer yelled at a f igure on the battlements.\n\n Stoopid! , he screamed, Do we look like Chaos boy s? \n\n Zog off! echoed the reply.\n\nGudruk returned to the tribe, dodging the hail of stones and garbage that accompanied this witty riposte.\n\n Lissen, he said. Them kak- ead Gobboes reckon the Chaos boys took ev ryfink over. They ai n t comin out an they ain t lettin nuffink through. They got bows an rocks a n spears an stuff - if we was to try and get em, they d crump us to bits. He thought for a while.\n\n We needs volunteers , he announced at length. His warr iors developed a sudden and compelling interest in the ground at their feet.\n\n Or armour , whined Bambrag, Couldn t touch us if we ad cans like real Chaos b oys. \n\n We ain t got cans, ave we, Trickle-legs? snarled Gudruk.\n\n Cans... jus lyin where they dropped... all black an spiky. \n\nIt was Ruglud who spo ke. Gudruk gave him a good shake to speed the recovery of his senses, and he con tinued dreamily.\n\n Down this Stunty-hole... lotsa rooms ... lost... big room.. . big enough to stand up in ... big pile of bones an gear... spiky Stunties an reg lar ones... wiped each uvver out... \n\n Yerrrss! cried Gudruk, We ll av e some o that! Come on, boys - it s Goblin-gizzard for supper! .\n\nA swift exp

edition returned to the Dwarfhold. The ill-fitting plates were roughly hammered into shape and held\n\ntogether with whatever came to hand. By nightfall, a smal l unit of armoured warriors was ready\n\nAs the gear s discoverer and the braves t, meanest and certainly the most stupid Orc, Ruglud was made leader, At Gudruk s suggestion, Bambrag became the regimental musician on the Xylobone, a traditio nal Orcish instrument, and Maggot - Gudruk s youngest and most irritating whelp - joined the ranks as standard-bearer.\n\nThe tribe feasted upon Goblin-flesh lo ng into the night - all except for Ruglud, who couldn t get his helmet off, and was reduced to sucking broth through a straw. {RUGLUD_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Ruglud s Armoured Orcs {RUGLUD_RECRUITMENT_BODY}Boss, you can now hire the famous Ruglud Bonechewer and his armoured orcs. He demands 5000 gold crowns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will without doubt find a more generous ruler.\n\n Ruglud Bonechewer is a powerful and wealthy Orc mercenary who sells his services all across the known world, from the treacherous Badlands in the south up throu gh the realm of the Border Princes and throughout the mountains surrounding the Empire. Rumours suggest that even the Empire itself has hired his services on oc casion. Ruthless to the core, Ruglud s only loyalty is only to himself and he ha s been known to change sides during battle if offered a larger payment and more loot and pillage. After every battle his company always strips crossbows and bol ts from their fallen foes, which they prize very highly. {RUGLUD_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Ruglud is dead, his warband will soon disband. {RUGLUD_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Ruglud Bonechewer is dead {RUGLUD_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Ruglud Bonechewer, and can now tr ain his warriors in all mercenary camps.\n\nBattleCry: The most frequent battlec ry is a repetitive chant of Gobbo fer tea, Gobbo fer tea, Gobbo, Gobbo, Gobbo f er tea! , with Stunty , "Uman and so on being substituted for Gobbo as appro priate.\n\nThe Crooked Eye Orcs had travelled many miles westward to the Old Wor ld, suffering the sniping of mountain Goblins, incessant rain, and the endless w hining of Bambrag, their incontinent shaman.\n\nOnce, they skirted a ruined Dwar fhold. Fear of spirits kept them from sheltering inside, but a single Orc hero n amed Ruglud had dared to enter. He returned unharmed, but had not spoken since, and stared blankly into space.\n\nThe Orcs huddled in the rain before a rough st one wall across a narrow pass, while Chief Gudruk Bonechewer yelled at a figure on the battlements.\n\n Stoopid! , he screamed, Do we look like Chaos boys? \n\ n Zog off! echoed the reply.\n\nGudruk returned to the tribe, dodging the hail of stones and garbage that accompanied this witty riposte.\n\n Lissen, he said. Them kak- ead Gobboes reckon the Chaos boys took ev ryfink over. They ain t co min out an they ain t lettin nuffink through. They got bows an rocks an spe ars an stuff - if we was to try and get em, they d crump us to bits. He thoug ht for a while.\n\n We needs volunteers , he announced at length. His warriors d eveloped a sudden and compelling interest in the ground at their feet.\n\n Or ar mour , whined Bambrag, Couldn t touch us if we ad cans like real Chaos boys. \ n\n We ain t got cans, ave we, Trickle-legs? snarled Gudruk.\n\n Cans... jus lyin where they dropped... all black an spiky. \n\nIt was Ruglud who spoke. Gu druk gave him a good shake to speed the recovery of his senses, and he continued dreamily.\n\n Down this Stunty-hole... lotsa rooms ... lost... big room... big enough to stand up in ... big pile of bones an gear... spiky Stunties an reg l ar ones... wiped each uvver out... \n\n Yerrrss! cried Gudruk, We ll ave some o that! Come on, boys - it s Goblin-gizzard for supper! .\n\nA swift expeditio n returned to the Dwarfhold. The ill-fitting plates were roughly hammered into s hape and held\n\ntogether with whatever came to hand. By nightfall, a small unit of armoured warriors was ready\n\nAs the gear s discoverer and the bravest, mea nest and certainly the most stupid Orc, Ruglud was made leader, At Gudruk s sugg estion, Bambrag became the regimental musician on the Xylobone, a traditional Or cish instrument, and Maggot - Gudruk s youngest and most irritating whelp - join ed the ranks as standard-bearer.\n\nThe tribe feasted upon Goblin-flesh long int o the night - all except for Ruglud, who couldn t get his helmet off, and was re duced to sucking broth through a straw. {RUGLUD_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Ruglud s Armoured Orcs

{RUGLUD_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Ruglud Bonechewer {RYKARTH_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Rykart, and can now trai n his warriors in all mercenary camps. {RYKARTH_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Obsidian Guard {RYKARTH_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Mer cenary Captain, Rykarth the Unbreakable, and his Obsidian Guard. He demands 5000 gold crowns for his services. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will without doubt find a more generous ruler.\n\nRykarth was the head of the House o f Granite, a clan renowned for its courageous zeal and unparalleled devotion to the Chaos Dwarf Empire. When the first of the Chaos Dwarf High Priests met his d oom from the degenerative Sorcerer s Curse, an enigmatic illness that had begun to inflict the Council of Hashut, slowly turning their stout limbs into black ob sidian before gradually transforming the entire priest completely into solid sto ne, the High Priest Astragoth declared he would find a remedy to the acceleratin g fatal epidemic. Rykarth offered his entire House of warriors, including himsel f, to the imaginative experimentation and studies of Astragoth for the greater g lory of the Chaos Dwarf Empire.\n\nAfter several years of maniacal surgery and e xposure to the foulest of dark magics, many warriors of the House of Granite fel l to Astragoth s callous experiments, despite a cure never being found. However, those that survived the fiendish experimentations emerged altered, stronger and ultimately superior to the typical Dwarf. The warriors of the House of Granite had physically become their namesake, being Dwarfs fashioned of part flesh and p art stone - literally made of sterner stuff! Where the Sorcerer s Curse led to d emise, the affliction that now altered the Chaos Dwarfs of the House of Granite had become a great boon to their stature. For it appeared these warriors were no longer subject to vulnerabilities of mortals, the withering elements of disease and age that eventually bested the other Chaos Dwarfs no longer had an effect u pon the House of Granite. In atonement for their loyalty and service to the empi re, the Council of Hashut chose the Immortals, as they were reckoned, to act as an internal security force, policing the Chaos Dwarf Empire as the Obsidian Guar d with Rykarth as their Captain.\n\nRykarth is an exceptionally malevolent creat ure with a wicked righteousness and patriotism for the security of the Hashut Em pire. As captain of the Obsidian Guard, he oversees all internal investigations and when misconduct is found he is swift in dealing out heinous punishments, uns crupulous torture and ultimately violent death. When the Slave Lord Krazhark ret urned to the Plain of Zharr with only a few hundred prisoners in tow, it was Ryk arth that accused him of incompetence and had the Slave Lord thrown into the roa ring fires of the Furnace of Hashut. When the atrocious Daemonsmith Bharrzok acc identally summoned the Daemon Horde of Skulltaker into the weapons foundry of Ra zark, it was Rykarth that had Bharrzok stripped naked, painted red and trampled to death by the Great Taurus, Turax. And when High Priest Gharzoth plotted to el iminate his rivals on the Council of Hashut, it was Rykarth that exposed the pri est s treachery and had him eaten alive by a mob of famished Orc thralls.\n\nDur ing the events known as the Storm of Chaos, Rykarth accompanied High Priest Astr agoth to broker the pact made with the Chaos Everchosen, Archaon, where a multit ude of the most dreaded Chaos Dwarf Daemon Engines were exchanged for an exorbit ant amount of broken-in prisoners and resources. It is said that during the nego tiations, only Rykarth was able to meet the baneful gaze of the Everchosen witho ut turning away. In recent times, the Council of Hashut has dispatched Rykarth a nd his Obsidian Guard to recover and secure the antediluvian artifact known as t he Nemesis Crown for the glory of the Chaos Dwarf Empire, for only Rykarth can b e trusted to return with such a potent relic of vast omnipotence. {RYKARTH_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Rykart is dead, his warband will soon disband. {RYKARTH_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Rykart is dead {RYKARTH_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Rykart, and can now train his wa rriors in all mercenary camps. {RYKARTH_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Obsidian Guard {RYKARTH_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Rykart the Unbreakable {SASHAD_BODY}Sasha Kajetan has perished, but not before he piled the corpses of those assaulting him two metres high. Only by sheer weight of numbers could his

foes overwhelm him. {SASHAD_TITLE}Sasha Kajetan is dead {SASHA_BODY}Sasha Kajetan s name is known to every Kislevite. A daring fighter, a skilled and dangerous warrior from Kislev s Gryphon Legion, he has no rivals in the wastes of Norsca and the Kislevite steppes. Kajetan is a droyashka, a mas ter of swordfighting. He always carries with him a pair of strange-looking curve d blades, of a design alien to Kislev s craftsmen. People tell many odd stories about his skill, but most agree that he might have acquired it in training of on e of Katai islands. Like a devil he dances amidst five or four opponents, eludin g their powerful but clumsy blows and striking back quickly and deadly, like a s nake. His icy laughter scorns his opponents and transforms their movements into clumsy stumbling, and his frosty blue eyes are the last thing his opponents ever see. {SASHA_TITLE}Sasha Kajetan {SAVAGE_ELECTED_BODY}A challenger has risen from the ranks of the tribe and has slain the previous Boss in single combat. He is now the new Boss of the Savage O rcs. Who knows how far out of the Southlands he may lead his tribe? {SAVAGE_ELECTED_TITLE}New Savage Orcs Boss {SAVAGE_IS_DEAD_BODY}The Savage Boyz Boss is dead. Orcs won t be able to hire Sa vage Boyz until the toughest and the meanest new leader will emerge. Already exi sting units will disband in order to take part in the succession fight. {SAVAGE_IS_DEAD_TITLE}Savage Boyz Boss is dead {SEMAK_BODY}Taking advantage of the emptying of the southern garrisons after Imp erial warriors marched to stop Archaon, Orcs have invaded the Empire. They poure d down the old Dwarven Road and flooded the lands of the Empire. {SEMAK_TITLE}Grimgor {SEVERE_WINTER_BODY}This month s winter is fell. {SEVERE_WINTER_TITLE}Fell Winter. {SHAMAN_BODY}Big Boss, crushing the skulls of pitiful dwarf midgets! The most po werful of our shamans have come to bow to you! They are ready to hear your comma nds. All their dark knowledge and skill, powerful potions and decoctions will he lp you crush anyone who dares to stand in the way of the great Waaaghhh. {SHAMAN_TITLE}Orc Shamans {SLAYERKING_ELECTED_BODY}The elders have finally decided upon whom they should b estow the crown of the Slayer King. {SLAYERKING_ELECTED_TITLE}New Ruler of Karak Kadrin {STEAM_TANK_BODY}Having judged that the threat to the Empire is so great that th e very fate of the land hangs on a thread, the College of Engineers has ordered that the Steam Tanks be used to support our armies on the battlefield. The thick steel armour plating of a Steam Tank makes it all but immune to lesser weapons such as arrows and crossbow bolts. The best way of disabling or destroying a Ste am Tank is by cannon fire, although the Steam Tank has been known to shrug off e ven such damage. {STEAM_TANK_TITLE}Steam tank {STIRLAND_BODY}Your Grace! Delegation of nobles and venerable citizens of Stirla nd has arrived at your court. They marvel at your glory, your victories and stre ngth of your armies. They hope that Your Grace will show valor and listen to hum ble pleads of the citizens of Stirland. Every Stirlander, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or young has lost the most precious thing the homeland o f their ancestors. Hochland fell before the ruthless onslaught of countless enem ies.Turned into homeless wanderers and vagabonds, Stirlanders can go to any leng ths to return their lands. If Your Grace will show the wisdom of far-sighted pol itician and help Stirlanders return their lands, their gratitude will know no bo unds. They swear to become your allies and come to your aid at times of need. Th e wealthiest merchants of Ostermark have gathered the remaining bits of their f ortunes and are ready to offer a modest sum of 15000 gold if our armies will mar ch to the liberation of Wurtbad.Your Grace, it is wise that you accept the offer s and help the miserable people in times of need. Who knows to what length they are ready to go to accomplish their goals. And the good deeds done will return w ith interest.

{STIRLAND_TITLE}Restoring Stirland {STIR_BODY} Your Grace! Citizens of Wurtbad praise your name and call you honora ble and valiant man. You have brought salvation and liberation to this land torn asunder by the horrors of war, and showed graciousness by giving their homeland back to people of Wurtbad.Now our forces must leave Wurtbad to pass the burden of protecting this country to Stirland army.The vans are laden with rich gifts a nd regiments are ready to march. Praise Sigmar! And let He guide us in this dark hour and strengthen the friendship between our Counties. {STIR_TITLE}Leaving Wurtbad {SUMMER_MARKET_START_BODY}The annual summer fair has begun. Merchants and trader s from all over the Old World have come to hawk their wares. Trade income increa sed. {SUMMER_MARKET_START_TITLE}Summer Fairground {TAKEPARTSA_BODY}It has become known that Chaos forces are attacking Wolfenburg. The Northmen are many and fierce, and the Elector Count has requested your help . Are you ready to march against the forces of Chaos? {TAKEPARTSA_TITLE}Battle at Wolfenburg {TAKEPARTS_BODY}It has become known that Orcish forces have cut through the guar ds at Black Fire Pass and crossed the World s Edge Mountains. Green hordes are n earing Averheim. The Elector Count is requesting your help. Are you ready to mar ch against the Orcs? {TAKEPARTS_TITLE}Battle at Averheim {TAKEPART_BODY}It has become known that Chaos forces have landed in Nordland and lain siege to Dietershafen, taking the defenders unawares. The Elector Count is requesting your help. Are you ready to march against the forces of Chaos? {TAKEPART_TITLE}Battle at Dietershafen {TALABEK_BODY}Your Grace! Delegation of nobles and venerable citizens of Talabec land has arrived at your court. They marvel at your glory, your victories and st rength of your armies. They hope that Your Grace will show valor and listen to h umble pleads of the citizens of Talabecland. Every Talabeclander, no matter how rich or poor, no matter how old or young has lost the most precious thing the ho meland of their ancestors. Talabecland fell before the ruthless onslaught of cou ntless enemies.Turned into homeless wanderers and vagabonds, Talabeclanders can go to any lengths to return their lands. If Your Grace will show the wisdom of f ar-sighted politician and help Talabeclanders return their lands, their gratitud e will know no bounds. They swear to become your allies and come to your aid at times of need. The wealthiest merchants of Talabecland have gathered the remaini ng bits of their fortunes and are ready to offer a modest sum of 15000 gold if our armies will march to the liberation of Talabecland.Your Grace, it is wise th at you accept the offers and help the miserable people in times of need. Who kno ws to what length they are ready to go to accomplish their goals. And the good d eeds done will return with interest. {TALABEK_TITLE}Restoring Talabecland {TALAB_BODY}Your Grace! Citizens of Talabheim praise your name and call you hono rable and valiant man. You have brought salvation and liberation to this land to rn asunder by the horrors of war, and showed graciousness by giving their homela nd back to people of Talabecland.Now our forces must leave Talabecland to pass t he burden of protecting this country to Talabecland army.The vans are laden with rich gifts and regiments are ready to march.Praise Sigmar! And let He guide us in this dark hour and strengthen the friendship between our Counties. {TALAB_TITLE}Leaving Talabheim {TIMAR_BODY}Scouts report that a large army of northmen, many thousands strong, are marching on Bolgasgrad. Be ready to repel them! {TIMAR_TITLE}Chaos forces are at the gates! {TROLLS_BODY}Warboss, toughest of all da Orcs! Our shamans be returned from da d angeruz trip to da wastelands, and they be found some of dese stupid creatures. Trolls be very tough, even the biggest choppas and arrows don t hurt em not muc h. They be great in your army, Boss! {TROLLS_TITLE}Trolls {TZ_MAGE_BODY}My Lord, the Sorcerers have provided us with some of their adepts.

{TZ_MAGE_TITLE}Sorcerers of Tzeentch {TZ_MAGE_UPG_BODY}Chosen one! The finest disciples of Tzeentch himself have arri ved! The sorcerers have sent their finest acolytes, who have mastered the ways o f Lord of Change. They are ready to serve you, crush your enemies and spread Cha os to all corners of the world! {TZ_MAGE_UPG_TITLE}Tzeentch Sorcerers on flying disks {ULDA_BODY}Crom s forces are nearing Karaz-a-Karak! {ULDA_TITLE}Chaos forces are at the gates! {ULRIC_PRIEST_BODY}My Lord! The High Priest of the Cult of Ulric has proclaimed the will of his God! In times of great need the Empire should stand united and m arch towards the enemy at full strength. Thus a unit of his warrior priests will join our forces in the battle against Chaos. They bring the word of their God a nd this word is death to the enemies of the Empire! {ULRIC_PRIEST_TITLE}Wolf Priests of Ulric {ULSA_BODY}Imperials are at the borders of Sylvania! {ULSA_TITLE}Imperials are at the gates! {URNARA_BODY}Watchmen on the towers report that the vanguard of the Vampire army can alredy be seen from afar. {URNARA_TITLE}Vampires at the borders! {VANCAM_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}The most famous mercenary captain of the Old World w as hired by one of the members of Conclave of LightCommander Morgan Bernhardt fo unded the Mercenary Army from just a single unit of horsemen. They were named af ter their Commander s powerful sword Grudgebringer . By acquiring and fulfillin g deeds for the barons of the Empire the Grudgebringers became more renowned and were feared by most of their enemies. As word of the Grudgebringers spread thro ugh the realms, more units came and fought along side Morgan. Dwarves from the M ountain Realms, Elves from Ulthuan and Freelance Militiamen from the Empire all pledged their allegiance to the commander in return for Wealth, Glory and Advent ure. {VANCAM_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Morgan Bernhardt {VANCAM_RECRUITMENT_BODY}The most famous mercenary captain of the Old World offe rs you his services, Your Grace! Commander Morgan Bernhardt founded the Mercenar y Army from just a single unit of horsemen. They were named after their Commande r s powerful sword Grudgebringer . By acquiring and fulfilling deeds for the ba rons of the Empire the Grudgebringers became more renowned and were feared by mo st of their enemies. As word of the Grudgebringers spread through the realms, mo re units came and fought along side Morgan. Dwarves from the Mountain Realms, El ves from Ulthuan and Freelance Militiamen from the Empire all pledged their alle giance to the commander in return for Wealth, Glory and Adventure. {VANCAM_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Morgan Bernhardt is dead. His units have disbanded, no longer bound by their oaths. {VANCAM_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Morgan Bernhardt is dead {VANCAM_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}The most famous mercenary captain of the Old Wor ld offers you his services, Your Grace! Commander Morgan Bernhardt founded the M ercenary Army from just a single unit of horsemen. They were named after their C ommander s powerful sword Grudgebringer . By acquiring and fulfilling deeds for the barons of the Empire the Grudgebringers became more renowned and were feare d by most of their enemies. As word of the Grudgebringers spread through the rea lms, more units came and fought along side Morgan. Dwarves from the Mountain Rea lms, Elves from Ulthuan and Freelance Militiamen from the Empire all pledged the ir allegiance to the commander in return for Wealth, Glory and Adventure. {VANCAM_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Morgan Bernhardt {VANCAM_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Grudgebringers at our gates {VARKROSA_BODY}It has became known that the Dark Elves are going to raid Salkalt en. You must greet them with steel, iron bolts and the bravery of our hearts! Th ey will find their death here! {VARKROSA_TITLE}Dark Elves Attack {VARKROS_BODY}It has become known that the Dark Elves are going to raid Norden. You must greet them with steel, iron bolts and the bravery of our hearts! They w ill find their death here!

{VARKROS_TITLE}Dark Elves Attack {VARKRO_BODY}Vardek Crom s forces have approached Karaz-a-Karak. Hundreds and th ousands of camp fires can be seen in the dark valleys. Sharpen your axes, Dwarve s! Be ready for battle! {VARKRO_TITLE}Vardek Crom at the gates {VAULS_BODY}Known as the Emperor s right hand, Vaul Schteiner will serve you, My Lord, as your personal assassin. And he shall bring justice and order to those fallen from the path of law. {VAULS_TITLE}Vaul Schteiner {VEDM_BODY}My Lord! Good news I bring thee. From distant Naggoroth come the Brid es of Khaine, witches from the temples of Khaela Mensha Khaine, bloody-handed Go d. Their fierce and savage power will be the scourge of our enemies on the battl efield, their blood thirst will never be satisfied. The agonising cries of the d ying an eternal song in the name and glory of Khaine. {VEDM_TITLE}Witch Elves {VOLAND_RECRUITMENT_AI_BODY}My Lord, a ruler has hired Voland, and can now train his drunken knights in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: Voland s Venators. The An swer. No Questions Asked.\n\nBattle-cry: Last One to Die s a Sissy! {VOLAND_RECRUITMENT_AI_TITLE}Voland s Venators {VOLAND_RECRUITMENT_BODY}My Lord, you have the opportunity to hire a famous Merc enary Captain, Voland, and his Venators. He demands 5000 gold crowns for his ser vices. Do you wish to hire him? If you deny him he will without doubt find a mor e generous ruler.\n\nAppearance: The regiment wear burnished brass armour and no heraldry except a V sign.\n\nCount Emmerschein von Mirrenburg wrote about them: "It s not just losing, it s losing to them. They re barely even proper soldier s. No discipline, no uniforms and the worst breath you ve ever smelt on anyone t hat wasn t an Ogre. So why do they fight like the personal guard of the Emperor? "\n\nVoland came to Tilea from somewhere within the Empire. At the time he was j ust one of the many mercenaries hired by the Tileans in their never-ending wars. He rose to prominence as the leader of a band of mercenary knights called the V enators, which means "hunters in low Tilean. The motives of Voland and his bro ther knights could not have been more different from the Bretonnian or even the Imperial traditions of knighthood! They were soldiers of fortune interested only in two things, namely money and spending it! They were also expert cavalry whos e thunderous charge could scatter the deepest enemy formations -something which the Tileans desperately needed, but lacked until that time.\n\nThose who joined Voland were more often than not the dispossessed, and frequently disgraced, son s of the rich and famous, owning nothing but magnificent suits of armour and wel l-bred warhorses. Their ambitions turned mainly to fighting and money, though no t necessarily in that order. Not only were they good at fighting, but they were eager to practise and get even better. These young wastrels were joined by rene gade knights from the Empire, and one or two Bretonnian Knights Errant who someh ow forgot their noble errands, leading to a lot of good humoured rivalry and bra wling.\n\nVoland decreed that the Venators should abandon all identifying family crests and adopt new names in order to obscure their true origins. It is rumour ed that Voland himself was really the disgraced son of a well-known Empire count . There were also rumours that he was none other than the bastard son of the Emp eror! Voland himself never sought to affirm or contradict any of these tales, wh ich consequently grew ever more elaborate and unlikely over the years. The story that he was the shameful offspring of the Fay Enchantress of Bretonnia and an e xtraordinarily intelligent, one-eyed pig called Eric is one of the less credible yarns spun about Voland s mysterious past.\n\nVoland s Venators fought their wa y through the Old World hiring themselves out for gold, which they spent mainly on debauched drinking sessions in which wine was consumed by the gallon. For a w hile they travelled east where they were hired by some of the more desperate of the Border Princes, tenaciously holding on to their tiny realms in the Orc-infes ted wastes. For entertainment between battles the Venators joust against each ot her while their companions make wagers on the outcome. It is quite common for Ve nators to be seriously injured or even killed in these fights, or in the drunken brawls which inevitably follow. The regiment is accompanied on the march by a l

ong baggage train of servants, grooms and raucous camp followers piled on top of trundling wagons loaded with casks of looted wine. The noise of their camp can be heard miles away.\n\nVoland and his men once shocked Bretonnian chivalry with their sheer audacity at turning up at the great tourney of Couronne with their armour still tarnished with the mud and blood of Kislevite battlefields. Despite nursing gargantuan hangovers, and against all expectations, the Venators unhors ed the King s champion and a score of the best knights in the realm. The King of Bretonnia was so incensed that he swore Voland would never enter his realm agai n except in chains! Despised by Bretonnian knights and shunned by knights of the Empire, the Yenators care not a fig! They have fought in many hard battles, aga inst the worst of enemies, in places where nobler and more sober knights have ne ver been seen. {VOLAND_RECRUITMENT_END_BODY}Voland is dead, his knights will soon drink themsel ves to death. {VOLAND_RECRUITMENT_END_TITLE}Voland is dead {VOLAND_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_BODY}You have hired Captain Voland, you can now train his drunken knights in all mercenary camps.\n\nMotto: Voland s Venators. The An swer. No Questions Asked.\n\nBattle-cry: Last One to Die s a Sissy! {VOLAND_RECRUITMENT_PLAYER_TITLE}Voland s Venators {VOLAND_RECRUITMENT_TITLE}Voland {VONIZSALZMUNDA_BODY} Your Grace! Citizens of Salzenmund praise your name and ca ll you honorable and valiant man. You have brought salvation and liberation to t his land torn asunder by the horrors of war, and showed graciousness by giving t heir homeland back to Nordlanders.Now our forces must leave Nordland to pass the burden of protecting this country to Nordland army.The vans are laden with rich gifts and regiments are ready to march.Praise Sigmar! And let He guide us in th is dark hour and strengthen the friendship between our Counties. {VONIZSALZMUNDA_TITLE}Leaving Salzenmund {VUNVA_BODY}The fires from the enemies camp can be seen from the walls of Talab heim! {VUNVA_TITLE}Chaos forces are at the gates! {WALDEN_BODY}My Lord! Pipistrelles have brought us word that the armies of morta ls march towards Waldenhof. Talabecland has crossed the borders of our realm. Ra ise all your minions, prepare for a bloody battle and let none of the invaders r eturn alive to their homes! Let fear be our ally and terror our weapon! {WALDEN_TITLE}Talabecland is marching to Waldenhof {WALWA_BODY}Watchmen on the towers report that the vanguard of the Orc Army can alredy be seen from the walls of Castle Reikguard. {WALWA_TITLE}Orcs are at the gates! {WARPRIEST_BODY}My Lord, the Grand Theogonist has sent us a unit of his greatest warriors. {WARPRIEST_TITLE}Priests of Sigmar {WARWA_BODY}Imperials are near Wolfenburg! {WARWA_TITLE}Imperials are at the gates! {WOLF_SIEGE_BODY}Count of Ostland! In recent years Chaos activity has grown. Ban ds from the North roam through Kislev and the Empire, pillaging and killing. Thi s time a large host is nearing Wolfenburg. You should man the battlements! {WOLF_SIEGE_TITLE}Northlanders are near Wolfenburg! {WRAITH_BODY}Those who practice dark magic face many terrible dangers. Some try to extend their lives for decades or even centuries beyond their natural span. S ometimes they succeed, and the individual retains his physical body and mental p owers, but more often the result is far more horrible than death itself. Age and the continual use of dark magic drains the soul and withers the body, until onl y an insubstantial husk remains, deprived of its substance and driven by a mind twisted by its most hideous fears.Such cursed creatures are called Wraiths. Once they were great men, wizards of considerable power, Necromancers with legions o f Undead at their command, but now they are just shadows held between life and d eath by their own desire for immortality. Their cloaks give them substance, but nothing remains of their physical bodies. Two glowing eldritch eyes glint from b eneath their cowls, glimmering with malign knowledge. They are dangerous because

their chill touch drains life from living creatures, sucking out the warmth and spirit, driving their victims wild with terror. {WRAITH_TITLE} Wraiths {WWWWWEEE_BODY}It has become known that Emperor Karl Franz has sent forces to th e north to help Nordland and Middenheim in the battle against Chaos. The army ma rched out from Altdorf and is aiming for Middenheim and Salzenmund. {WWWWWEEE_TITLE}Emperor s March {WWWWW_BODY}Elector Count of Ostland! Our spies have brought us word that to her ald the Great Chaos Invasion, large warbands were dispatched by Archaon to invad e the Empire and Kislev and establish a foothold there. The largest band is head ing for Wolfenburg. Be ready to repel the attackers! {WWWWW_TITLE}Chaos forces are marching for Wolfenburg {Wolf_SIEGE_TITLE}Wolfenburg is under siege {ZRNA_BODY}Dire news has arrived. Chaos forces have amassed in the woods to the east of the city and are preparing to begin their onslaught. The Grand Theogonis t has sent his help. {ZRNA_TITLE}Chaos forces are aiming for Wolfenburg!

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