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{Author_1}Captain Strasse, sole survivor of the Siege of Norbsteim {Author_10}Part of "The Song of the Creator", sung once a decade

by the Asur {Author_100}Roadwarden saying {Author_101}Last known words of Sheriff Prester Nordlingen {Author_102}Common saying of tollkeepers across the Empire. {Author_103}Hargin Hook-hand, Dwarfen Innkeeper {Author_104}Bederich the Bowman, Kislevite Kossar {Author_105}Edgar Furfoot, Halfling Hunter {Author_106}Herfl, Knight's Squire. And staying that way, most likely. {Author_107}Shavandrel Half-sighted, One-eyed Master Waywatcher of the Asrai {Author_108}Foster Braybrook, Halfling Vampire Hunter {Author_109}Captain Diederick Nieman, Master and Commander of the "Ingrid" {Author_11}Unthwe Windrider, White Lion and Herald of the Phoenix King {Author_110}Algernon Dussollier, Blood Dragon Vampire in the service of the Red Duke of Mousillon {Author_111}Elise Nacht, Mutant {Author_112}Kirsten Stumfnasse, Vampire Hunter {Author_113}Excerpt from the Saga of Sigmar {Author_114}Graf Boris Todbringer, Elector Count of Middenheim {Author_115}Liber Chaotica, from the "Book of Khorne" {Author_116}Unknown, describing Khorne, the God of Blood {Author_117}Haubr, Norsemen {Author_118}Alakreiz, Kurgan {Author_119}Zar Sezask, Kurgan Chief {Author_12}Unknown, describing Aenarion the Defender {Author_120}Deitzaad, Kurgan Shaman {Author_121}Zar Uzelek, Yusak Chief {Author_122}A worthless promise {Author_123}Azeekel, Kurgan {Author_124}Children's rhyme from Ostland {Author_125}Excerpt from the heretical ravings of Baron Otto von Daubler {Author_126}Hermann Hackgut, Chosen of Khorne {Author_127}Excerpt from the "Saga of Khorne" {Author_128}Beginning of the "Song of Death" {Author_129}Excerpt from the "Song of Death" {Author_13}Belannaer, Loremaster of Saphery to Eltharion, Warden of Yvresse {Author_130}Kardos Aqshyash Phaos'Y {Author_131}Unidentified Beastman {Author_132}Unidentified Orc {Author_133}Unidentified Cat {Author_134}Liliog, Doombull of Tzeentch {Author_135}Dwarfen Proverb {Author_136}Dwarfen Proverb {Author_137}Dwarfen Proverb {Author_138}Dwarfen Proverb {Author_139}Dwarfen Proverb {Author_14}Laelinn, Reaver Knight of the Asur {Author_140}Elanlik Zakakragellason, Dwarf Giantslayer {Author_141}Korbad Grimaxe, Dwarf Explorer {Author_142}Dwarf Merchant {Author_143}From the "Epic of Morgrim" {Author_144}Dwarf King Alrik at the defence of Karak Hirn {Author_145}Dwarf King Alrik at the defence of Karak Hirn {Author_146}Dwarf King Alrik at the defence of Karak Hirn {Author_147}Indronlil Shining Helm, Shadow Warrior {Author_148}Lord Alasir, about the Druchii {Author_149}Shazamel, Witch Elf {Author_15}Herwig Algnar describing the Phoenix Guard, from his book "A Man amon g the Elves"

{Author_150}Teilancarr, Druchii Corsair {Author_151}Dimitri, Kislevite Blacksmith {Author_152}Constatin von Carstein {Author_153}Sylvanian Proverb {Author_154}Count von Sangster, Vampire {Author_155}Countess Lucretia, Vampire {Author_156}Lady Ariette von Carstein, Vampire {Author_157}Countess Isabella, vampire wife to Vlad von Carstein {Author_158}Sir Tiberius Kael, Blood Dragon Vampire {Author_159}Konrad von Carstein, Vampire {Author_16}From the Battle Hymn of Tiranoc {Author_160}Mannfred von Carstein, Vampire {Author_161}Mannfred von Carstein, Vampire {Author_162}Countess Isabella, vampire wife to Vlad von Carstein {Author_163}Zacharias the Everlasting {Author_164}Lady Ariette von Carstein, Vampire, on the virtues of Wights {Author_165}Mannfred von Carstein, Vampire {Author_166}Mannfred von Carstein, Vampire {Author_167}Liber Necris {Author_168}Liber Necris {Author_169}Liber Necris {Author_17}From the Battle Hymn of Tiranoc {Author_170}Grimoire Necronium, Chapter XII, from the "The Book of W'Soran" {Author_171}Gnashrag, Orc Warboss {Author_172}Gnashrag, Orc Warboss {Author_173}Snigit, Gobbo Charioteer, sort of {Author_174}Gazbag, Orc Warboss, to Snigit the Goblin Charioteer {Author_175}Gazbag, Orc Warboss, on the qualities of a chariot driver {Author_176}Gabber, Orc {Author_177}Galnast, Orc Boss {Author_178}Galnast, Orc Boss {Author_179}Galnast, Orc Boss {Author_18}From the Battle Hymn of Tiranoc {Author_180}Gitsniker, Goblin Boss {Author_181}Sheglak, Orc Great Shaman {Author_182}Figlak, Night Goblin {Author_183}Snotlings {Author_184}Liber Malefic {Author_185}Marshal Neiber, to one of his aide-de-camps {Author_186}Borodyn, Kislevite Winged Lancer Rotamaster {Author_187}Skarkeetah, Slave Lord of the Kurgan {Author_188}von Margur, Hero of Altdorf {Author_189}Drogo Hance, Averland Greatsword {Author_19}Eolaran Greyhawk, Sea Master of Lothern {Author_190}Skarkeetah, Slave Lord of the Kurgan {Author_191}Zar Uldin, Kurgan Chief {Author_192}Mengil Manhide, Captain of the "Manflayers" Regiment of Renown {Author_193}Mengil Manhide, Captain of the "Manflayers" Regiment of Renown {Author_194}Ruglud, Captain of the "Armoured Orcs" Regiment of Renown {Author_195}Johann van Hal, Witch Hunter {Author_196}Last words of Bernardo 'The Rat' {Author_197}Leopold, Captain of the "Leopard's" Regiment of Renown {Author_198}Overheard in the Ol' Pig an' Whistle Inn, Marienburg {Author_199}Oglah Khan, Captain of the "Wolfboyz" Regiment of Renown {Author_2}Captain Strasse, sole survivor of the Siege of Norbsteim {Author_20}Nils Valera, Agitator {Author_200}Adelrond of Couronne {Author_201}Unknown, describing a charge of the Silver Helms {Author_202}High Elven proverb {Author_203}Tyriel, the Archmage of Saphery

{Author_204}Shadow Warriors' motto {Author_205}Marius, Veteran Sellsword {Author_206}Wissenlander Zealot Hunter {Author_207}Gurni Thorgrimson, Troll Slayer, upon seeing a juvenile Wyvern {Author_208}Ostlander Farmer {Author_209}Imperial Proverb {Author_21}Hanskarl Denk, Sylvanian {Author_210}Liber Tzeentch {Author_211}Liber Khorne {Author_212}Liber Nurgle {Author_213}Liber Slaanesh {Author_214}Survivor of Praag about the Blue Horrors {Author_215}Dark Zealot of Chaos {Author_216}Bule, Lord of Pus {Author_217}Suriel Lianllach, Imperial Scholar, describing Chaos Knights {Author_218}Gurni Thorgrimson, Troll Slayer, just before fighting a Bloodthirste r {Author_219}Gavius Klugge, Priest of Sigmar, on a Totem of Gork {Author_22}Malekith, the Witch King of Naggaroth {Author_220}Unknown Orc seconds before his death {Author_221}An Orc shaman unleashing the Foot of Gork {Author_222}Orc saying {Author_223}Ugrok Beardburna, Orc Warboss {Author_224}Snotling Pump Wagon operator {Author_225}Unknown Skaven Gutter Runner {Author_226}Gurni Thorgrimson, Troll Slayer, fighting with Skaven Wind Globadier s {Author_227}Greyseer Thanquol {Author_228}Deathmaster Sniktch {Author_229}Witch Hag's Curse {Author_23}Skarloc, Shadow Sentinel of Athel Loren {Author_230}Witch Elf saying {Author_231}Dark Elf Shades motto {Author_232}Imperial Scholar on Corsairs of Ghrond {Author_233}Flagellant battlecry {Author_234}Reiksguard saying {Author_235}Imperial Proverb {Author_236}Dwarfen Proverb {Author_237}Dwarfen Proverb {Author_238}Dwarfen Proverb {Author_239}Dwarfen Proverb {Author_24}Magnus the Pious {Author_240}Johannes Broheim, Imperial Scholar {Author_241}Ancient Hammerer saying {Author_242}Gavius Klugge, Imperial Scholar, on Gurni Thorgrimson {Author_25}Alexei Zucharov {Author_26}Grand Theogonist Kazgar XIV, at the funeral of Magnus the Pious {Author_27}Western Merchants, on dealing with the Kislevites {Author_28}Kaspar von Velten, Ambassador of the Empire to Ice Queen Tzarina Kata rin {Author_29}Ernst Traugott, Templar Witch Hunter {Author_3}Sergeant Morser, defending Nuln during Waaagh! Grom {Author_30}Witch Hunter Motto {Author_31}Siege Engineer Uwe Diamondscar at the siege of the goblin fort of Thr ee Pikes {Author_32}Albrecht of Tisenbreck, from his book "The Art of Siege" {Author_33}Elector Count Mikael Ludenhof, answering concerns over the state of h is militia's equipment. {Author_34}Imperial Marksman saying {Author_35}Grand Theogonist Volkmar

{Author_36}Daranis, Warrior Priest of Sigmar {Author_37}Halgar Halfhand {Author_38}Van Dire's Prophecy, Liber Chaotica {Author_39}Mordrek, cursed Champion of Chaos {Author_4}Lord of the Freistadt of Akendorf {Author_40}Tarok of the Khazag Tribe {Author_41}Egrimm van Horstmann, former Grand Magister of the Order of Light {Author_42}Egrimm van Horstmann, former Grand Magister of the Order of Light {Author_43}Egrimm van Horstmann, former Grand Magister of the Order of Light {Author_44}Insane scribblings written in the entrails of a still living man, aft er he had pulled them out with his bare hands. {Author_45}Liber Chaotica, the Book of Khorne {Author_46}Excerpt from "The Satin Verse", spoken by Slaanesh itself {Author_47}Liber Chaotica, the Book of Slaanesh {Author_48}Tal'Gatha the Fallen {Author_49}Kargos Bloodspitter, Champion of Khorne {Author_5}Burgermeister Nusbaum, at the Siege of Norbsteim {Author_50}Kargos Bloodspitter, Champion of Khorne {Author_51}Archaon, Lord of the End Times {Author_52}Archaon, Lord of the End Times {Author_53}Arbaal the Undefeated, at the Siege of Praag {Author_54}Warcry of the Chosen of Khorne {Author_55}Vlad von Carstein {Author_56}Mannfred von Carstein {Author_57}Count Haagen Vrahk the Cold {Author_58}Teclis, High Loremaster of the Kingdom of Saphery, twin to Tyrion the Defender, last of Aenarion's Line {Author_59}Dwarfen saying {Author_6}Part of "The Song of the Creator", sung once a decade by the Asur {Author_60}Dwarfen saying {Author_61}Dwarfen saying {Author_62}Dwarfen saying {Author_63}Berndt Lavaspear, from his book "The Dwarfish Art of War" {Author_64}Durgrim Redman, Dwarf Hammerer {Author_65}Gotrek Gurnisson, Trollslayer {Author_66}Morglum Necksnapper {Author_67}Grimgor Ironhide {Author_68}Goff, Orc Stateejatist... Strajeejatist... Strateejarist... Ahh, Sod it... Boss {Author_69}Rozgar, veteran Squig Herder {Author_7}Part of "The Song of the Creator", sung once a decade by the Asur {Author_70}Morglum Necksnapper {Author_71}Chief Engineer Boris Kraus of Nuln {Author_72}Albrecht of Nuln {Author_73}Liber Malefic {Author_74}Wurrzag Ud Ura Zahubu {Author_75}Grand Theogonist Rueben Wrolfgar {Author_76}Alaric, High Theogonist of Sigmar {Author_77}Volkmar, Grand Theogonist of Sigmar {Author_78}Witch Hunter Captain Helmur van Hal {Author_79}The Deus Sigmar - 3, 34:5 {Author_8}Part of "The Song of the Creator", sung once a decade by the Asur {Author_80}Bernhardt Hal, Witch Hunter General {Author_81}Klaus Heldbrenkt, from his book "Memoirs of a Doctor" {Author_82}Otto Kriess, Witch Hunter {Author_83}Ulren the Tracker {Author_84}Devin Weibruber, Roadwarden {Author_85}Ulfred Wasmeier, Priest of Sigmar {Author_86}Karl Althaus, Imperial Pikeman {Author_87}Sigmar Unberogen

{Author_88}Caterina Confalone, Priestess of Myrmidia {Author_89}Teaching of the Priests of Sigmar {Author_9}Part of "The Song of the Creator", sung once a decade by the Asur {Author_90}Reiklander Joke {Author_91}Count Marius Leitdorf of Averland {Author_92}Refugee, following the sack of Hergig {Author_93}Graf Boris Todbringer of Middenland {Author_94}Duke Leopold von Bildhofen {Author_95}Stirlander Proverb {Author_96}Sigmar Unberogen {Author_97}Ludmilla von Thieldorf, Reikland Noble {Author_98}Seiger Weisgerber, Chief Librarian of the Light Order {Author_99}Colonel Senf von Scharf, on matters of camp discipline. {Quote_1}No matter which provinces you serve, no matter which tour of duty you p ull, no matter what town you call home, the enemy is out there waiting. {Quote_10}And on this day we bow our heads to he who world did save, Aenarion th e Proud Defender, Aenarion the Ever Brave. {Quote_100}Watchmen have gaols. Roadwardens have bullets. {Quote_101}Look, look, no, no, thank you, but I don't WANT your daughter's virtu e, Frau Banhoff. Although I'm sure it's very nice. {Quote_102}Fivepenceplease... Watchudoinwitdatknife?.. {Quote_103}If yer know what's good for yer, leave right now. If yer don't, I'll rip yer from arsehole to breakfast. {Quote_104}Haha! Anozzer byllzchei! See iff yoo can beat zat, komrad! {Quote_105}You wouldn't last a minute in the wilds, city boy. I may be half your height, but I'm twice the man. {Quote_106}Surry, sur, oi wuz wutchin' a squirl, watchu sayin'? {Quote_107}I don't both need my eyes to spot humans. I can smell the filthy beas ts from a mile away. {Quote_108}Don't be misled; the vampires screams are just an act. Only the livin g can feel pain. Unfortunately. {Quote_109}You believe I insulted you? Well, sir, I congratulate you on on your perspicacity. {Quote_11}We are the people of Ulthuan, and as we suffer the pain of our past, s o does she. {Quote_110}Look into my eyes. They will be the last thing you will ever see. {Quote_111}The human world does not want me. Here is where I belong. {Quote_112}You can always tell Vampires by their eyes; they hold disdain and dre adful need in equal measure. But carry a mirror as well. {Quote_113}Into the darkness, came a light. A torch of the gods, a dragon with t wo tails... {Quote_114}Give me an enemy I may meet with strong steel and stout oak in my han ds, not a dagger in the night and an accounting-book. {Quote_115}From the blood sea rose eight mighty creatures each with the heads of dogs and the bodies of lions, and each one yoked with great chains of brass. {Quote_116}He sits atop a throne of blood, from which a river flows, its tributa ries are pain and want, and from its mouth spews death. {Quote_117}I pity you and all the world, that of all the races of Men, for the G ods favour we Norse alone. {Quote_118}You may call us heathens, savages, even brutes, but we are the closes t to the Gods. We see their work in all things. And we do not create new seemly Gods that conform with our hopes for the world. {Quote_119}Why do we raid your lands? It is the will of the Gods. {Quote_12}Neither mortal nor god could withstand his wrath. {Quote_120}We are the prophets, we are the servants, we are the warriors of Tcha r, and we will destroy you. {Quote_121}There is nothing if there isn't war. {Quote_122}Word of a Hung. {Quote_123}Never trust a Hung. Destroy and eat them, yes. Never trust them. {Quote_124}The Lord of Flies will eat your eyes, When your last breath gives out

. And if you cry before you die, He'll kill you with the gout! {Quote_125}Slaanesh is alive, and all that he asks is for us to love each other for who we are... {Quote_126}Blood is for the Blood God. Not for drinking. {Quote_127}My Lord is the Beginning and he is the End. He is Master of Mortals, and the core of our Dead Hearts. {Quote_128}Despair all ye nations, deny not that we're sick. For our blood is li ke water where once it was thick. {Quote_129}And our minds have grown leaden, our bodies gone weak, And venom pour s from our lips whenever we speak. {Quote_13}There is nothing more for you to study in the ways of fighting. Now yo u must study your own heart. {Quote_130}War. There is only war. {Quote_131}Grrrraaaaawwwwwrrrrrrr! {Quote_132}Waaaaagh! {Quote_133}Miaow! {Quote_134}I hear it always. The sweet, sweet song of blood. Oftimes I must use Tchar's gifts to scorch the meat, which destroys some flavour. Always more, thou gh. The feast never ends. {Quote_135}The test of a shield is in the way it withstands battle. The test of an ale is in how it ages in the barrel. The test of an arch in how long it stand s up. The test of an individual is in how long he lives. {Quote_136}To lack gold is to lack a pit-prop against the caven-ins of misfortun e, to lack a shield against the arrows of spite. {Quote_137}The blades of enemies may steal your old age. Thieves may steal your gold. Slander may steal your reputation. But skill, once learned, you keep forev er. {Quote_138}Tradition must be respected, for it is the voice of our ancestors. {Quote_139}Gold cannot buy lost honour, nor craft repair it. {Quote_14}We ride until the sun sets, and only then do we cease... Of all our we apons, our steeds are our greatest. {Quote_140}Never trust an Elf, I always say. Dark, light, high, purple, doesn't matter. All the same to me. {Quote_141}Are there Chaos Elves? No. There are only the Druchii, the Dark Elves , those renegade kin from Ulthuan. Though some prostrate themselves before the S erpent, by and large, their entire culture seems to exist to serve Khaine, the L ord of Blood and Murder. Sounds like Khorne? Well, maybe. But the Witch Elves lo ok nothing like the Chaos Marauders. {Quote_142}Averlands are not bad for manlings. They're solid in character, stick to their word, and don't put on airs like those nose-in-the-air Reiklanders. An d they make the best manling beer in the south. Well, that's not saying much, bu t you won't choke on it! {Quote_143}History shall not deride, That Morgrim fled his father's side!" {Quote_144}We fight to protect our kinfolk, we fight to defend our clans, but mo re importantly we fight to uphold our honour. {Quote_145}Ne'er forget the torment we have suffered and for each and every wron g our enemies heaped upon our ancestors, they shall repay the debt in blood. {Quote_146}For we are sons of Grugni; alone we are rocks, united we stand with t he strength of a mountain. {Quote_147}They are soulless reavers, deluded by their own corruption. Can they not see the madness that lies within the Witch King? Their very nature is anathe ma to our rich culture and heritage. I mourn for them even as I slay them. {Quote_148}Who are they? They are sorrow. Pain. Misery. {Quote_149}The unwashed hordes of the Hung represent everything I hate about Hum ans. They stink, they're fools, and they are all too easily corrupted by Chaos. {Quote_15}They are not just guardians of a temple, they are the chosen warriors of a mighty elven god. {Quote_150}To sail with a Black Ark is one of the greatest honours that any Druc hii could ever aspire to. {Quote_151}The hordes of the Kurgan are more than the stars in the skies. They a

re savage, fight without honour, and want nothing more than to eradicate the Emp ire, root and branch. {Quote_152}I do not care what our prey think of us. Do you consider what opinion meat has of you? {Quote_153}The Dead walk fast. {Quote_154}The apparent failures of immortals are, seen over the true course of time, the merest of setbacks. {Quote_155}My kiss shall bring you eternity...and the greatest of power. {Quote_156}And what in this world worth having does not come with a price of pai n or suffering? {Quote_157}Let there ever be wine, and blood, and slaughter! Restraint is for mo rtals. {Quote_158}When the hunt is loosed, the hounds are held back so the fox may make ground and the chase have length in it. Such are our curses too, for the Gods s eek to raise the most sport they can from our hunting. {Quote_159}The sun and the silver cannot harm us--not if we will them not to. No t if we truly belive they will not. {Quote_16}With the thunder of hooves and the turning of our steel shod wheels, w e are death upon the wind. {Quote_160}It seems to me that life is like a fast-flowing stream, and the morta ls upon the world are like sticks and leaves caught helpless in its grip, dragge d on through life, age, and into death. {Quote_161}Thus we see all things come and go, empires rise and fall, all things once strong become weak. All things, of course, save ourselves. {Quote_162}It's a game, yes, but there are rules. There are always rules, except for us. {Quote_163}Today is a good day to be dead. {Quote_164}Unquestioningly loyal. Infallibly brave. The pinnacle of the necroman tic arts. If I had a hundred such as them, I could conquer any nation, rout any army -- and never lack for camaraderie either. Although, they are typically poor conversationalists. {Quote_165}I don't torture you because I enjoy it. I do it because I need you to understand what I am capable of, because I need you to be afraid. {Quote_166}This land is my home, my birthright. The wind and rain are my allies. The trees and stones are my foot soldiers. The very earth will rise up against you should you try to take it from me. And my people will feast on your bones. {Quote_167}Awake O Dead, for there can be no rest for ye beneath the earth. Let the splintered bones burrow from the grave pall. {Quote_168}Let cold fingers grip time-worn blades, and unseeing eyes survey the fields of slaughter. For your time has come once more. {Quote_169}And the dead shall walk. {Quote_17}With bow in hand, ours is a vengeance, rained down from afar, we are d eath upon the wind. {Quote_170}And they will rise from their graves to march upon the world of the l iving. Each and every mortal that falls will swell their numbers until only a wo rld of darkness remains. Only then will the world know of the eternal order that lies within the peace of Undeath. {Quote_171}Nar! Yer spoiling da plan! {Quote_172}Gork save us... Wot a bunch of gitz. {Quote_173}Sorry Boss! {Quote_174}Dat's the third chariot you've wrecked dis week... {Quote_175}'E loves goin' too fast an' dun care 'bout iz safety. {Quote_176}Oi! Snebber! Woz you lookin' at my choppa? Wot? Howzabout you looks a t it a bit closer eh? Yeah? Yeah? Eat dis! {Quote_177}We iz strong an' tough. Da strong onez win, an' then eat the weak. {Quote_178}Some of dem Gobboes is awright to keep for slaves or ter catch Humie cannonballs in the heads but most is best fer the pot. {Quote_179}One day we eats all of youse. One day soon. {Quote_18}With tall spears held to our foe's throat, cold fury guiding our aim, we are death upon the wind.

{Quote_180}Da humies look at yer, an' see a big joke. Orcs, too. Let 'im laugh w hile yer tick'lin dere guts wit yer sticker. 'member always dat yer smaller, so' s ya got's to be smarter, eh? {Quote_181}Gork and Mork made da Goblinz for us to kick, kill, and eat. Dey iz n othing. Dey iz less than nothing. Even dere magic iz weak an' pointless. Only us e Dey got in a fight iz catchin' Humie arrows. Wiv der 'eads. {Quote_182}It's a sort of symbio--a symbeer--a connection 'tween us and da Squig s, dat means dey eat us sometimes and we eat dem, too. A bit like humies and us. Whaddya mean ya don't eat us when you catch us? Why not? {Quote_183}Look! Humie! Fight it fight it fight it! Jab jab jab! Get it get it g et it! Yarrrggg! {Quote_184}Horrors are pink, horrors are blue, where once there was one, now the re are two! {Quote_185}I ought to have you shot. Hah! Ha ha! Shot! Have Schott Shot! Ha ha h a! {Quote_186}We are Yetchitch krug! We are the Riders of the Dead! {Quote_187}You have no idea where you are or what you are about to become. Tchar will show you real radiance. Tchar will untwist your fibres and allow you to se e. You are blessed, and you do not yet know it. {Quote_188}I am a spurred and sworn knight of Karl Franz, may his majesty shine for ever, great is his radiance. You will have no hold over me, daemon. {Quote_189}Damn you! We're dead! We're dead here! Give me back my blade so I can slit my own throat and have done! Spare me the pain they will inflict on us!" {Quote_19}An army that seeks to fight without the protection of the Eagles Claws is clearly courageous or inept. Either way, I wish no part in it. {Quote_190}Blue. Like the sky. Blue, like the mutable truth of Tchar. {Quote_191}Tchar rejoices in change, and the second holiest change in the world is the change from life to death. {Quote_192}It's not about the money, friend. I do this because I enjoy it. {Quote_193}Don't worry. Your skin will soon be joining that of your benefactor. {Quote_194}Gobbos fer dinner! Gobbos fer tea! Gobbos when u want em! Gobbos for m e! {Quote_195}It s a witch! {Quote_196}Miserable, do-gooding, no-account, back-stabbing, underhand... s get ting so an honest landlord can t even relieve a bunch of farmers of their crops without someone stickin their ugly noses in. Bunch of lousy, dog-breath... NO I HAVEN T ANY LAST WORDS!.. {Quote_197}For the Leopard! {Quote_198}No, no, they didn t look dangerous, more a bunch of rich kids out to show off their new armour. Very flashy they were, all gems and silk. We ll have a bit of fun we thought. Easy pickings, we thought. Well anyone can make a mista ke. Poor old Captain Malvino, last mistake he ever made. {Quote_199}You payz, we slayz! {Quote_2}There are many paths by which the enemy attack, and sometimes these rou tes lie within each of us. {Quote_20}Yes, they drink blood. Yes, some of them have been known to command ar mies of the damned. But at least they re not Elves. {Quote_200}And with one final blow, his blade driven by his faith in the Lady, M arcus of Bordelaux slew the fell lord of the Norse, ending the battle that had r aged for night and day atop the towering lighthouse of L Anguille..." {Quote_201}A glittering wave of unstoppable knights... {Quote_202}We do not so easily fall into temptation. {Quote_203}I shall see the High Elves return to glory! {Quote_204}We are as the night, so our brothers may embrace the sun. {Quote_205}Only one side lives to spend their money... {Quote_206}Do unto evil as evil hath done unto you. {Quote_207}This monster is but a youngin . Not even worth the fight. {Quote_208}The fields produce whatever has been planted. This year we grow corps es... {Quote_209}Often in war, information is worth more than weapons.

{Quote_21}They are stronger than us, smarter than us, live longer than us, and a re far better looking than us. They are our superiors in every respect, and the taxes are lower when they rule. When they come back I will be the first to welco me them. {Quote_210}The only constant is change! {Quote_211}Blood! Hate! Skulls! Rage! {Quote_212}There is strength in the sickness. Give in to the plague. {Quote_213}Who wouldn t want to be stronger, faster, more beautiful? {Quote_214}Gibbering and capering, to gaze upon them is to gaze into change. {Quote_215}Let me introduce you to...pain! {Quote_216}And may the flesh forever rot from thy very bones in eternal infestat ion! {Quote_217}The thick armour fused to their mutated bodies seems to swell and gro w with time. {Quote_218}A worthy death, as long as it goes with me. {Quote_219}A foul offering to one of their degenerate gods. {Quote_22}We shall strike down our foes with sharp steel and cold hearts. The we ak die so that the strong prevail and none shall be spared. Then, and only then, will our enemies know the true meaning of fear. {Quote_220}Uh oh, dat shaman s got too much WAAAGH! in im. He s gonna blow! {Quote_221}Time fer all umies, stunties, squeakies, and weak uns ta say bye-by e! {Quote_222}Da best part of bein an orc is smaching fings! {Quote_223}Da stunties is askin for a beatin ? {Quote_224}Fasta! Fasta! Fasta! Oh no! - Too Fast! {Quote_225}Stab slice in the dark. Kill foolish man-things in their burrows. {Quote_226}Cover your mouths, the air is death! {Quote_227}Boneripper, quick quick. Bite slay kill! {Quote_228}Slay kill. Posion does for man-things, point-ear, and dwarf-thing ali ke. {Quote_229}You shall serve me consciously, and for all eternity! {Quote_23}Athel Loren shall not suffer the presence of Men, nor Orcs, nor Dwarfs , nor Beastmen. If a foe takes a single step upon such sacred soil, they shall n ot take another. {Quote_230}Let the blood flow like a river! {Quote_231}At home in the darkness, at one with the night. {Quote_232}The sea is cruel, but pales in comparison to these natural born kille rs. {Quote_233}Our deaths are upon us. The End Times are here! {Quote_234}A knight s training is never over. We improve...or we die. {Quote_235}We shall not bend, we shall not falter, we shall not break. {Quote_236}A dwarf device - deadly and reliable forever. {Quote_237}A Dwarf s home is where his axe hangs. {Quote_238}Grudges are best buried with the corpses of the wrongdoer. {Quote_239}Each dwarf appears carved from the rock he makes his home. {Quote_24}Three things make the Empire great faith, steel and gunpowder! {Quote_240}We could see a legion of fierce dwarfs silhouetted against the peaks. {Quote_241}The hammer blow rings out doom to our foe. {Quote_242}A proud dwarf, before he took his slayer oath. {Quote_25}Fear is the shadow to the light of our bravest deeds. {Quote_26}And thus I command Thy Soul to the eternal grace of Sigmar Divine. Few , if any, have done more for this illustrious Empire the Lord Sigmar entrusted t o us, and it is indeed a united Realm that mourns Thy Depature. Fare well, Magnu s, most pious of Servants. {Quote_27}Take their word, take their women, take their horses, their goods, the ir food. Just leave their land and money. {Quote_28}I think there s too many of them this time. {Quote_29}These poor, simple folk - too fearful or too dull-witted to see the vu lgarity and evil in their own midst. They wail and complain about my... uncompro mising methods, but who among you can say that hanging half a village is too hig

h a price to pay for the assurance that corruption has been exposed and destroye d this day? {Quote_3}Now, load and prime. {Quote_30}Be vigilant and strong. Who knows what evil lurks in the vacillation o f a weak fool. {Quote_31}Walls can t dodge! {Quote_32}If the battlements are carried, throw all your strength there. Such an advantage is always dearly won. {Quote_33}I don t expect them to fight, I expect them to die. {Quote_34}It s like shooting goblins in a gorge. {Quote_35}All Men dream, but not in the same way. Those, who dream at night, in the dark of their minds, awake in the morning to see that it was all an illusion . But those, who dream at day, are dangerous people. Their dreams are dreams of hope, dreams of betterment, dreams of change. Out of those come forth the accurs ed followers of chaos. {Quote_36} Stand fast, Sons of Sigmar! Ours is the good fight, and we shall prev ail! FOR SIGMAR AND THE EMPIRE! {Quote_37}Never forgive, never forget. {Quote_38}These are the End Times, when the jagged claw of Chaos tears out the h eart of the world and the Dark Gods feast upon the doom of mortals. {Quote_39}I no longer have the right to pray to Sigmar, but by the demons who gu ard the gates to the realm of chaos, I pray for your salvation. Rest now, for al l eternity. You have escaped the painful struggle of war. {Quote_4}Tell the Baron on no account to enter the hills to the south. Tell him to stay by Thunder River. I would not have it on my conscience that he ventured into the Geistenmund Hills unwarned. {Quote_40}I have returned, father, to claim my birthright and my destiny. Once y ou spared me death, such was your folly. I shall not make the same mistake. By r ight of bith and conquest I claim leadership of the Khazag in the name of the tr ue gods. {Quote_41}Woe, O world! The Age of Mortals is coming to an end. Time passes into oblivion, and the stars lapse in the sky. {Quote_42}The dreadful breed of night is crawling out of darkness, to take posse ssion of the world. Fools! Seek refuge in faith or madness, for there s no longe r any other place to hide. {Quote_43}The Reign of Chaos has begun. {Quote_44}Nurgle s children, our sweetest, our much Nurgle love s his children, how much Nurgle loves his little darlings... {Quote_45}Your eyes are on me, your strength is with me, your armour covers me, your hatred fills me. {Quote_46}Through the souls of your brothers and sisters I take my place amongst the Three; through their pleasure I ascend my Throne. {Quote_47}Pleasure, for Pleasure s sake. {Quote_48}Burn! Burn with the fires of Change! Scream your hymns to Tzeentch! {Quote_49}I embrace death without regret as I embraced life without fear. {Quote_5}A heroes death is for fools. {Quote_50}I would rather die having glimpsed eternity than never to have stirred the cold furrow of mortal life. {Quote_51}Fear me mortals, for I am the Anointed, the Favoured Son of Chaos, the Scourge of the World. {Quote_52}The armies of the gods rally behind me, and it is by my will and by my sword that your weakling nations shall fall. {Quote_53}Fill the moat with the corpses of your comrades. Trample on their brok en carcasses to reach the ramparts. Bring down the walls with the weight of the dead. {Quote_54}Blood for the Blood God! Skulls for the Skull Throne! {Quote_55}Surrender and serve me in life, or die and slave for me in death. {Quote_56}We are the masters of night, and humans are but our cattle. While we w alk upright, they re on their knees. {Quote_57}Arise from your graves and obey my will! As you are, so were we. As we

are, so shall ye. {Quote_58}An ancient blade shattered in the War of the Beard, almost symbolic of that feud. Forged by the Dwarfs, enchanted by the Elves, broken by their confli ct. {Quote_59}There s nothin as sure in the world as the glitter of gold and the tr eachery of Elves. {Quote_6}"Brother", spoke the four as one, "together we shall rule, surrender to the darkness within your heart you know holds true." {Quote_60}Put your trust in stone and iron - stone and iron have always been tru e friends of the Dwarfs. {Quote_61}Manling coins are like their words: never trust them. Use your weighin g scales and keep your axe handy! {Quote_62}Hi ho, hi ho, it s off to war we go... {Quote_63}Arrows are useless against a castle - you can only win by using heavy wall-breaching equipment, which is why dwarfs are the superior race in siege war fare. {Quote_64}There ain t nowt a cannon can do that a determined Dwarf with a hammer can t achieve. {Quote_65}Not that I have anything against senseless violence, manling, but why exactly are you strangling that old man? {Quote_66}The only good stunty is a dead stunty, and the only thing better than a dead stunty is a dyin stunty who tells yer where to find is mates. {Quote_67}I m gonna stomp em to dust. I m gonna grind their bones. I m gonna pi le em up inna big fire and roast em. I m gonna bash eads, break faces and jum p up and down on da bits dat are left. An den I m gonna get really mean. {Quote_68}Orkses is never beaten in battle. If we win we win, if we die we die s o it don t count as beat. If we runs for it we don t die neither, so we can alwa ys come back for anuvver go, see! {Quote_69}I call dis one ere Gerty...she s not much to look at, but d ose horns n teef ll put even da oldest Ironbreakas n a panic. {Quote_7}In his hand the Sword of Khaine did promise power untold as God of Ligh t and God of Murder battled for his soul. {Quote_70}Let em tell da King. Da east belongs to da Orcs. Da east belongs to M orglum. Da east is green. {Quote_71}There are no problems that cannot be solved with cannons. {Quote_72}All life consists of highly organised matter, governed by the laws of nature. Thus all life is a struggle against Chaos, a struggle that is ultimately destined to be lost. {Quote_73}They come to claim us for their dark masters, to choke the world in de cadence, to drown it in disease and blood. What hope can there be for the mortal world? It is assailed by nightmares and its most dangerous dreams, each one giv en murderous form by the power of ancient and terrible gods. {Quote_74}I m off to find Da Git, anyone comin ? {Quote_75}It is not the strong enemy we must fear, the danger lies with the weak who flock to their banner. {Quote_76}No man can be judged until he stands alone before his god. {Quote_77}The daemons of Chaos can be likened to hungry and rabid wolves. The sh eperd should not waste his time hating the wolf that attacks his flock. He shoul d simply kill it. {Quote_78}At some point in his life, every man finds himself confronted by the r eality of evil. The test comes in whether he is willing to face it unflinching, or turn aside and by his inaction let that evil prosper. {Quote_79}And then, calling his armies to Him, Sigmar did go to the Middle Mount ains, He did find Himself confronted by a sinful horde, and making His Hammer He did cast the Ratmen down. {Quote_8}One by one the daemons fell and elf lord he stood tall, for should he f ail upon his task then mortal world would fall. {Quote_80}Thus was gathered into Mordheim on the eve of its destruction all the sins of men together, as a boil gathers the poisons of the body ready to be lanc ed by the surgeon s knife.

{Quote_81}As a physician, I have witnessed many strange things in my career, but nothing prepared me for the man who had grown an exceptionally long and a sharp tooth out from the top of his head... {Quote_82}Unless the Emperor seals our borders, we are doomed. And even if he di d at once, I fear it is far too late already. {Quote_83}The nobles of our great Empire may claim to rule this land, but their reach stops at the shadow cast by the forests. For within, the Beastmen rule. {Quote_84}Harden your hearts and let no pity soften them. They are the spawn of Chaos and it is our task, our duty, to destroy them. {Quote_85}No matter how many abominations we destroy, the Chaos Waste spits out more than before. {Quote_86}It is better to take your own life than to fall into the hands of the Kurgan. {Quote_87}Let us take strength from our diversity. {Quote_88}Myrmidia said to find the enemy s weak spot and attack it with overwhe lming force. This applies in war, politics, and yes, even love. {Quote_89}What holds the Empire together, lad, is that our mutual dislike of eac h other is less than our dislike of everyone else. {Quote_9}Upon the Isle beneath the fight, wise mages cast their spells, and daem on minions howled in anguish, cursed to an eternal hell. {Quote_90}How does an Averlander tell a difference between his woman and his cat tle? He can t! {Quote_91}Sigmar Preserve us, but I often put much more trust in the Dwarfs than I do in my fellow Electors. {Quote_92}Hochland was once the light of the East. Now, it s just embers. {Quote_93}As long as the fire of the Great Temple lasts, Middenheim and Middenla nd will never fall. {Quote_94}Middenheim is like a great leech, sucking the blood from honest Middel anders. Perhaps recent events hold the key to our freedom. {Quote_95}Quick thinkin makes for fast mistakes. {Quote_96}I am Sigmar. I am Golden. I am God. Harken for my name, for it will ec ho redoubled through the ages. It will strike down my enemies wherever they may hide. It will be heard when the need is greatest. {Quote_97}Father rests with Morr now. And we clubbed together enough to pay the Priests to make sure the bastard stays there. {Quote_98}The horrors that reside within the Wastes of Chaos are mere reflection s of the nightmares that exist just beyond its reach. {Quote_99}I know it was you that killed him, you rotter. Now own up before I giv e you a bloody good thrashing.

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