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1. Ability [e biliti] Contoh kalimat : My ability is paint a scenery. 2. About [e baut] Contoh kalimat : What about you? 3. Above [e bav] Contoh kalimat : The lamp on the above. 4. Active [ aektiv]

: kemampuan

: kira-kira, hampir

: yang berada diatas

: giat

Contoh kalimat : My friend active an estrakurikuler in school. 5. Activity [a tivetie] : aktivitas, kegiatan

Contoh kalimat : I would like to tell you about my daily activity. 6. Actor [aekte] Contoh kalimat : The actor name is Ari Wibowo. 7. Actual [ aektsyuel] : sebenarnya : pemain sandiwara laki-laki

Contoh kalimat : The actual I don t like this place cause a dirty. 8. Address [e dress] Contoh kalimat : My address on the Yos Sudarso street. 9. Adjust [e jast] Contoh kalimat : The police work for adjust a polisline. 10. Admire [ed maie] Contoh kalimat : I am very admire to artist Sahrini. 11. Advertise [ aedvetaiz] Contoh kalimat : My father advertise to his land for sell. : mengiklankan : mengagumi : mengatur : alamat

12. Advice [ed vais] Contoh kalimat : My mother always give advice for me. 13. Aero [ eiereu] Contoh kalimat : The aero in this room is cool. 14. Affair [e feie] Contoh kalimat : All people have a private affair. 15. Afire [e faie] Contoh kalimat : It house afire because to error electric. 16. Afraid [e freid]

: nasehat

: udara

: urusan

: terbakar

: takut

Contoh kalimat : I am very afraid a ghost cause it the horrible. 17. After [ a:fte] : kemudian

Contoh kalimat : After the boiling, the water put in to the cup. 18. Again [e gen] Contoh kalimat : We are swimming again a few days. 19. Age [ eij] Contoh kalimat : Now, my age is eighteen years old. 20. Agent [ eijent] Contoh kalimat : The boy is agent from palace president. 21. Agree [e gri] Contoh kalimat : I agree with your opinion. 22. Air [aer] Contoh kalimat : The air port is place for plane. 23. All [o:l] : semua : udara : setuju : agen, wakil : usia : lagi

Contoh kalimat : The attendion directe for all student in order to be obedient. 24. Allow [e law] Contoh kalimat : My mother allow me study in Australia. : mengijinkan

25. Almost [ o:lmeus] Contoh kalimat : I am almost just be late go to school. 26. Alone [e leun] Contoh kalimat : Now, I live in house be alone. 27. Also [ o:lseu]

: hampir

: sendirian

: juga

Contoh kalimat : They will do their also homework tomorrow in my home. 28. Always [ o:weiz] Contoh kalimat : we always read books in the library. 29. And [aend] : dan : selalu

Contoh kalimat : I and friend had seen film before we went to Jakarta. 30. Angel [ einjel] : malaikat

Contoh kalimat : The angel is make a note of deed good and bad. 31. Animal [ aenimel] Contoh kalimat : The dolpin is a sea animal. 32. Answer [ a:nse] : menjawab : binatang

Contoh kalimat : Ani is clever in answer question to give a teacher. 33. Ant [aent] Contoh kalimat : This is a ant hill 34. Any [ eni] Contoh kalimat : Come any day you like! 35. Army [ a:mi] Contoh kalimat : The boys is a army 36. Around [e round] : sekitar : tentara : apapun : semut

Contoh kalimat : I walk around with my sister in new house. 37. Ask [ask] : bertanya

Contoh kalimat : The teacher ask to a student not understand.

38. Aunt [a:nt]

: bibi

Contoh kalimat : My aunt went to market with my mother yesterday. 39. Await [e weit] Contoh kalimat : The await is work a boring. 40. Awake [e weik] Contoh kalimat : I awake every day at a four a.m : bangun : menunggu

1. Baby [ beibi] Contoh kalimat : My aunt have a baby new be born. 2. Bad [baed] Contoh kalimat : 3. Badminton [ baedminten] Contoh kalimat : My hobby is playing badminton. 4 .Bag [baeg] Contoh kalimat : The bag it s big for my sister. 5. Balance [ baelens]

: bayi

: buruk

: bulu tangkis

: tas

: seimbang, neraca

Contoh kalimat : The value for competition soccer is balance. 6. Ball [bo:l] Contoh kalimat : My brother is playing ball in the yard. : bola

7. Banana [be na:ne]

: pisang

Contoh kalimat : The boy didn t eat a banana this morning. 8. Bang [baeng] Contoh kalimat : The sound bang it piercing in to ear. 9. Beach [bi:c] Contoh kalimat : My family go to the beach on vocation. 10. Bean [bi:n] Contoh kalimat : My mother cooking a soup bean. 11. Bear [beir] Contoh kalimat : The bear like a honey. 12. because [bi ko:z] : sebab : beruang : buncis : pantai : letusan

Contoh kalimat : I like this actor because he is a handsome. 13. Become [bi kam] Contoh kalimat : That red dress becomes her. 14. Bee [bi:] Contoh kalimat : The bee it can a sting. 15. Begin [bi gin] Contoh kalimat : We are lesson begin at 7 a.m. 16. Beside [bi said] Contoh kalimat : I will be beside you my beloved. 17. Best [best] Contoh kalimat : You are the best friend for me. 18. Big [big] : besar : terbaik : di sebelah, di samping : mulai : lebah : menjadi

Contoh kalimat : The elephant is big and have to nose a long. 19. Blue [blu:] Contoh kalimat : That new blue car is john s. : biru

20. Bomb [bom]

: bom

Contoh kalimat : The bomb is explode in the Aquarius hotel. 21. Between [bi twi;n] Contoh kalimat : I am sit down between Ani and Rudi. 22. Bicycle [ baisikl] Contoh kalimat : Everyday, I go to school use bicycle. 23. Billfold [bill fould] : dompet : sepeda : diantara dua

Contoh kalimat : The people just be lost her billfold cause be a victim of pocketing. 24. Bird [be:d] Contoh kalimat : The bird can fly high to cloud. 25. Black [blaek] Contoh kalimat : There are many skin blacks in africa 26. Blood [blad] Contoh kalimat : the navy is in his blood. 27. Boil [boil] Contoh kalimat : My mother is a boil the water 28. Book [buk] Contoh kalimat : The book is on the table. 29. Borrow [ boreu] Contoh kalimat : Can I borrow your book? 30. Busy [ bizi] Contoh kalimat : I wiil be busy now. : sibuk : meminjam : buku : merebus : darah : hitam : burung

1. Cake [keik]

: kue

Contoh kalimat : My mother make a cake in the kitchen

2. Cat [kaet] : kucing

Contoh kalimat : I have a cat is funny 3. Carnivore [ka:nivo] : pemakan daging

Contoh kalimat : The animal carnivore are tiger,lion,and cat. 4. Cause [ko;z] Contoh kalimat : Andi don t to school cause he is sick. 5. Ceremony [serimeni] : upacara : sebab

Contoh kalimat : Every Monday we are always to do of ceremony. 6. Chair [eie] Contoh kalimat : I am sit down on the chair. 7. Chalk [co;k] : kapur : kursi

Contoh kalimat : My teacher write in the blackboard with use the chalk. 8. Children [ cildren] : anak anak

Contoh kalimat : In the garden many are children playing. 9. Chocolate [ cokelit] Contoh kalimat : I like a chocolate coffe. 10. Cigarette [sige ret] : rokok : coklat

Contoh kalimat : The cigarette cause cancer,pregnant dicturbance,and impotance. 11. City [ siti] : kota

Contoh kalimat : The city is beautifuly.

12. Class [kla;s] : kelas

Contoh kalimat : My class is very dirty. 13. Clean [kli;n] Contoh kalimat : The clean is beautiful. 14. Cleaver [kli:ve] Contoh kalimat : The cleaver is sharp. 15. Clever [kleve] Contoh kalimat : Bona is a clever student in the class him. 16. Colour [kale] Contoh kalimat : I like a yellow colour.
17. Comfortable [kamfetebel]

: bersih

: golok

: pintar,pandai.

: warna

: senang,menyenangkan.

Contoh kalimat : My experience is very comfortable. 18. Cow [kau] Contoh kalimat : The cow is big. 19. Cup [kap] Contoh kalimat : I want to drink a coffe cup. 20. Curly [ke:li] Contoh kalimat : She is have curly hair. : keriting : cangkir : sapi

1. Daily [deili] Contoh kalimat : My daily activities is school 2. Danger [deinje] Contoh kalimat : The fire is danger 3. Dance [da:ns] Contoh kalimat : My mather like see dance traditional 4. Date [deit]

: harian, sehari-hari

: bahaya

: menari, dansa

: tanggal

Contoh kalimat : I was born on palangka date 4 february 1993 5. Day [dei] : hari

Contoh kalimat : Every day I always help my mother make a cake 6. Deer [die] Contoh kalimat : My father go hunting a dear in to jungle
7. Deft [deft]

: rusa

: terampil

Contoh kalimat : My sister deft a write letter 8. Delete [dili:t] : menghapus

Contoh kalimat : My sister is not deliverate a delete data in to my computer 9. Delicious [dilisyes] Contoh kalimat : The food is taste delicious 10. Devil [devl] Contoh kalimat : The devil is horrible 11. Dialogue [daielog] : percakapan : setan, iblis : lezat, enak

Contoh kalimat : percakapan yang disampaikan oleh orang itu sangat mengasikan 12. Dictionary [diksyenri] Contoh kalimat : Can I borrow your dictionary? 13. Die [dai] Contoh kalimat : My Grangfather is die two years ago 14. Dinner [ dine] Contoh kalimat : My family dinner in the restaurant 15. Dinosaur [daineuso] Contoh kalimat : The dinosaur is ancient 16. Doctor [dokte] Contoh kalimat : He job is doctor 17. Dog [dog] Contoh kalimat : The house it guard a dog 18. Doll [dol] Contoh kalimat : I have a many doll in the bed room 19. Door [do:] Contoh kalimat : The door its open 20. Driver [draive] Contoh kalimat : He is a driver taxi : sopir : pintu : boneka : anjing : dokter : dinosaurus : makan malam : mati, meninggal dunia : kamus

1. Easy [i:zi]

: mudah

Contoh kalimat : The question of give a teacher is easy for answer 2. Eat [i;t] Contoh kalimat : My father like eat a fruit manggo 3. Efect [i fekt] : akibat : makan

Contoh kalimat : I am get caught in rain its effect I m fever 4. Egg [eg] Contoh kalimat : Make a cake it use of a egg 5 Elephant [ elifent] Contoh kalimat : The elephant have a body our big 6. Eleven [i leven] Contoh kalimat : Now, my age is eleven years 7. Elevator [ eliveite] Contoh kalimat : The supermarket there was a elevator 8. Elimination [i liminesyen] : penyisihan : tangga berjalan : sebelas : gajah : telur

Contoh kalimat : In the contest be elimination to obtain the winner 9. Emanate [ emineit] Contoh kalimat : The sun is emanate ray to a beautiful 10. Engine [ enjin] Contoh kalimat : There was a engine room. 11. English [ ingglisy] Contoh kalimat : We are studying English now. 12. Emotion [i meusyen] : emosi : inggris : mesin : memancarkan

Contoh kalimat : The person angry because emotion 13. Empty [ empti] Contoh kalimat : The barrel empty high-pitched it s noise 14. Enemy [ enimi] : musuh : kosong

Contoh kalimat : Don t like a hunt for enemy because it not good 15. Enough [i naf] Contoh kalimat : I have just enough for two servings 16. Every [ evri] Contoh kalimat : I am go to campus every day 17. Except [ik sept] Contoh kalimat : I d like to go except that I not busy. 18. Expense [iks pent] Contoh kalimat : At the expense of the government. 19. Extinct [eks tingkt] Contoh kalimat : The cigarette is extinct 20. Eye [ai] Contoh kalimat : Look me straight in the eye. : mata : padam : biaya : kecuali : setiap : cukup

1. Face [feis] Contoh kalimat : I should know that face

: muka

2. Factory [ faekteri] Contoh kalimat : My father work in to factory 3. Familiar [fe milye] Contoh kalimat : He boy is familiar in the television 4. Family [ faemili]

: pabrik

: terkenal

: keluarga

Contoh kalimat : I am going to on vocation with family in to the beach 5. Farmer [ fa;me] Contoh kalimat : He s job a farmer 6. Fat [faet] Contoh kalimat : She girl is fat 7. Favorite [ feiverit] Contoh kalimat : My favorite is swimming 8. Film [film] Contoh kalimat : I like film to pirates of cariben 9. Five [faiv] Contoh kalimat : My mother make five to cake for me 10. Flew [flu:] Contoh kalimat : The bird it can flew high to cloud 11. Flour [ flaue] Contoh kalimat : The cake made to flour 12. Flower [flaue] Contoh kalimat : The garden it many kind flower 13. Flu [flu:] Contoh kalimat : My grandfather is sick flu 14. Follow [ folou] Contoh kalimat : Follow me as to the my twitter : mengikuti : demam : bunga : tepung : terbang : lima : filem : favorit : gemuk : petani

15. Food [fu:d] Contoh kalimat : I like eat foot a padang 16. Free [fri] Contoh kalimat : Today is free day 17. Frog [frog] Contoh kalimat : The frog is a jump up and down 18. From [from]

: makanan

: bebas

: katak

: dari

Contoh kalimat : I see my mother from market with her friend 19. Fruit [fru:t] Contoh kalimat : The fruit is very good to a health body 20. Full [ful] Contoh kalimat : The water into pail is full : penuh : buah-buahan

1. Gain [gein] Contoh kalimat : Now, the gain is my hand 2. Gamble [ gaembl] Contoh kalimat : The gamble away our freedom. 3. Game [permainan] Contoh kalimat : To play a game og golf. 4. Garage [ gaera:j]

: keberuntungan

: judi

: permainan

: garasi

Contoh kalimat : The garage there was a car 5. Garbage [ ga:bij] Contoh kalimat :The garbage its dirty and to smell 6. Garden [ ga:dn] Contoh kalimat : In the garden many kind flowers 7. Garlic [ga:lik] Contoh kalimat : I don t like a garlic in the food 8. Gasoline [ gaeseulin:n] Contoh kalimat : The gasoline is matter to a motorcycle 9. Genius [ ji:nyes] Contoh kalimat : The man is genius in study english 10. Give [giv] Contoh kalimat : What did he give you for Christmas? 11. Glad [glaed] Contoh kalimat : Glad to meet you. 12. Glow [gleu] Contoh kalimat : Her face has a healthy glow 13. Go [geu] Contoh kalimat : I go to campus every day 14. God [god] Contoh kalimat : The god is bless you 15. Green [gri:n] Contoh kalimat : That new green house is my family s 16. Group [grup;] Contoh kalimat : My sister school in the children group 17. Grow [greu] : menanam : kelompok : warna hijau : tuhan : pergi : sinar : senang : memberi : cerdas : bensin : bawang putih : kebun : sampah

Contoh kalimat : The farmer is grow corn in the field 18. Guard [ga:d] Contoh kalimat : The guard ad mitted us. 19. Guardian [ gardien] Contoh kalimat : He is my guardian 20. Guitar [gi ta:] Contoh kalimat : My brother have a guitar : gitar : wali : pengawal

1.Hair [haer] Contoh kalimat : My hair is straight. 2. Half [ha;f] Contoh kalimat : Now, at quarter half five p.m 3. Handsome [ haensem] Contoh kalimat : My brother is handsome 4. Happen [haepen] Contoh kalimat : What happen with you? 5. Happy [ haepi] Contoh kalimat : Today my birthday I m happy 6. Hard [ha;d] Contoh kalimat : That something very hard

: rambut

: setengah

: ganteng

: terjadi

: bahagia

: keras

7. Have [haev] Contoh kalimat : I have two brother s 8. He [hi] Contoh kalimat : He is a doctor 9. Head [hed] Contoh kalimat : My head is dizzy 10. Hear [hie] Contoh kalimat : I like hear a music slow in the radio 11. Hectare [ hekta:] Contoh kalimat : My father have land two hectare 12. Hello [ helow] Contoh kalimat : Hello, how are you? 13. Help [help] Contoh kalimat : Can I help you? 14. Hero [ hiereu] Contoh kalimat : This is my hero 15. Here [hie:] Contoh kalimat : Please, come here please! 16. Hill [hil] Contoh kalimat : We re going to hill tomorrow 17. home [houm] Contoh kalimat : I must go home soon 18. Honey [ hani] Contoh kalimat : Ani like honey 19. Hate [heit] Contoh kalimat : I hate a swimming

: mempunyai

: dia

: kepala

: mendengar

: hektar

: salam

: pertolongan

: pahlawan

: disini, sekarang

: bukit

: rumah

: madu

: benci

20. Hat [haet] Contoh kalimat : My hat is red colour

: topi

1. Ice [ais]

: es

Contoh kalimat : The girl ate much ice cream this morning 2. If [if] : jika

Contoh kalimat : If I have a motorcycle,I will go around every day 3. Ill [il] Contoh kalimat : My father is sick in the hospital 4. Idea [ai die] Contoh kalimat : Your idea for me is good 5. Illusion [i lu:dzen] Contoh kalimat : My illusion is become to engineer 6. Important [ impo:tan] : penting : khayalan : gagasan : sakit

Contoh kalimat : The money is very important in the my life 7. Imprint [ im-print] : terbitan

Contoh kalimat : The newspaper is imprint from Kalteng post 8. In [in] Contoh kalimat : Please, come in! 9. Inapt [in aept] : tidak cocok : di dalam

Contoh kalimat : I and my frind to not inapt. 10. Income [ inkam] : pendapatan

Contoh kalimat : The income from selling to day very much 11. Indicate [ indikeit] Contoh kalimat : The arrow indicate which way to go. 12. Indoors [ in do:z] : di dalam : menunjukan

Contoh kalimat : The implementation agenda in to indoors the room hotel 13. Industry [ indestri] Contoh kalimat : His industry is remarkable. 14. Inebriate [i ni:briit] Contoh kalimat : The man is inebriate 15. Information [in fo meisyen] Contoh kalimat : The information is loss children 16. Insect [ insekt] Contoh kalimat : That animal is insect 17. Interest [ intrist] Contoh kalimat : My mother to take interest for me. 18. Irony [ airani] Contoh kalimat : One of the irony of life. 19. Island [ ailend] Contoh kalimat : The island of resistance here and there. 20. Issue [ isyu] Contoh kalimat : We are discuss an issue narkotika. : persoalan : pulau : ejekan : minat, perhatian : serangga : pemberitahuan : pemabuk : industry

1. Jacket [ jaekit] Contoh kalimat : This is my jacket 2. January [ janyu erie] Contoh kalimat : I was born on January, 04 1993 3. Jail [jeil] Contoh kalimat : He boys is in jail 4. japan [je pan] Contoh kalimat : They went to japan yesterday 5. Japanese [ jape niez-nies] Contoh kalimat : Are you a Japanese? 6. Jealous [ jeles]

: jaket

: bulan january

: penjara

: jepang

: orang jepang

: cemburu

Contoh kalimat : I am jealous see to my beloved with girls 7. Jewel [ ju:el] Contoh kalimat : My mother have a ring jewel 8. Jingle [ jinggl] Contoh kalimat : The voice is jingle bell 9. Jitters [ jiterz] Contoh kalimat : She give me the jitters 10. Job [job] Contoh kalimat : My job is a studied 11. Join [join] Contoh kalimat : Will you join us? : ikut serta : pekerjaan : gugup : bunyi : permata

12. Journey [ je:ne]

: perjalanan

Contoh kalimat : He has journey to every part of the world. 13. Judge [jaj] Contoh kalimat : He is a good judge of human nature 14. Judgment [jajment] Contoh kalimat : He has good judgment. 15. Jump [jamp] Contoh kalimat : Jump in the price of eeg. 16. Jungle [ janggl] Contoh kalimat : The animal live in jungle. 17. Junior [ ju:nye] Contoh kalimat : He is my junior by ten years 18. Just [jast] Contoh kalimat : Just a moment ago. 19. Justice [ jastis] Contoh kalimat : To brings so our justice. 20. Justify [jastifai] Contoh kalimat : He is justify in leaving early : membenarkan : keadilan : baru saja : muda : hutan : loncatan : pendapat : hakim

1.Kangaroo [kaengge ru] Contoh kalimat : The kangaroo life in australia 2. Keep [ki:p] Contoh kalimat : The cleans it keep must for health 3. Kettle [ketl] Contoh kalimat : Put on the water into kettle 4. Key [kki] Contoh kalimat : Open the it key 5. Kick [kik] Contoh kalimat : The kick is strong 6. Kid [kid] Contoh kalimat : The kid is weep. 7. Kill [kil] Contoh kalimat : Many people were kill in the accident 8. Kind [kaind] Contoh kalimat : The garden is many kind a flower 9. Kingdom [ kingdem] Contoh kalimat : The kingdom is guide a king Arthur 10. Kiss [kis] Contoh kalimat : Kiss me, please! 11. Kit [kit] Contoh kalimat : The kit is to pack up repair 12. kitchen [ kitsyin]

: kanguru

: tetap

: ceret

: kunci

: tendangan

: anak

: membunuh

: macam

: kerajaan

: cium

: kotak

: dapur

Contoh kalimat : My mother cook in the kitchen 13. Knife [naf] Contoh kalimat : The knife is sharp 14. Kite [kait] Contoh kalimat : They are playing a kite 15. Klaxon [ klaksen] Contoh kalimat : The voice is jingle klaxon 16. Knack [naek] : ketangkasan : sirine : layang - layang : pisau

Contoh kalimat : The boy have the happy knack of doing the right thing. 17. Knight [nait] Contoh kalimat : The boy is a knight for me 18. Knock [nak] Contoh kalimat : Ther was a knock on the door. 19. Know [neu] Contoh kalimat : I should know that face 20. Knowlidge [ nalij] Contoh kalimat : Today we are study about a knowlidge : pengetahuan : tahu : ketokan : satria

1. Laboratory [le borateri] Contoh kalimat : We are study practice in the laboratory

: laboratorium

2. Ladder [laede] Contoh kalimat :To climb the social ladder. 3. ladle [ leidel] Contoh kalimat : This is a ladle soup. 4. Lady [ leidi] Contoh kalimat : The young lady will take care of you. 5. Lake [leik] Contoh kalimat : My family vocation in the toba lake 6. Lamp [laemp] Contoh kalimat : This is a lamp chimney. 7. Land [laend] Contoh kalimat : There is a land for cultivation. 8. Language [ laenggwij] Contoh kalimat : He doesn t speak our language. 9. Large [la:j] Contoh kalimat : The shirt is very large 10. Last [la:st] Contoh kalimat : I was in Yogya last week 11. Late [leit] Contoh kalimat : Don t be late! 12. Lawyer [ loye] Contoh kalimat : The profession my father is a lawyer 13. Lazy [ leizi] Contoh kalimat : The boy is very lazy a study 14. Listen [lisn] Contoh kalimat : I like a listen to music

: tangga

: sendok

: wanita

: danau

: lampu

: tanah

: bahasa

: besar


: terlambat

: pengacara

: malas

: mendengarkan

15. Lecture [ lekce] Contoh kalimat : The place my lecture in the Unpar 16. Lesson [ lesn] Contoh kalimat : I know the lesson now 17. Letter [ lete] Contoh kalimat : A man writes a letter with his hands 18. Library [ laibreri] Contoh kalimat : I am going to the library with my friends 19. Life [laif] Contoh kalimat : The fish is life in the water 20. Limit [ limit] Contoh kalimat : The handphone is limit edition

: kuliah

: pelajaran

: surat

: perpustakaan

: hidup

: batas

1. Madam [ maedem] Contoh kalimat : Come in please, madam! 2. Magazine [maege zi:ne] Contoh kalimat : I have read this magazine already. 3. Magic [ meijai] Contoh kalimat : The magic is good.. 4. Make [meik]

: nyonya

: majalah

: sihir

: membuat

Contoh kalimat : I and friends make a home work together. 5. Man [maen] Contoh kalimat : The man is handsome. 6. Manage [maenij] : mengatur : orang laki - laki

Contoh kalimat : My mother always the manage in all my live. 7. Mango [ manggow] Contoh kalimat : The mango is sweet. 8. Many [meni] Contoh kalimat : The market is many people 9. Market [ markit] Contoh kalimat : My mother go to market everyday 10. Marry [ marie] : perkawinan : pasar : banyak : mangga

Contoh kalimat : Today is marry a my brother with his beloved 11. Maybe [ meibe] Contoh kalimat : Maybe yes, 12. May [mei] Contoh kalimat : I may be late. 13. Me [mie] Contoh kalimat : Give te box to me. 14. Meet [mi:t] Contoh kalimat : Nice to meet you! 15. Member [membe] Contoh kalimat : We are a member of the family. 16. Memory [ memery] Contoh kalimat : In the memory issue of any inhabitant. 17. Menu [ menyu] : daftar makanan : ingatan : anggota : berjumpa : saya : boleh : barangkali

Contoh kalimat : What menu in this restaurant? 18. Milk [milk] : susu

Contoh kalimat : My sister like drink a milk every morning 19. Minute [mai nyu:t] Contoh kalimat : Wait a minute! 20. Money [ mani] : uang : menit

Contoh kalimat : He always helps his mother to earn some money

1.Nab [naeb] Contoh kalimat : The thief nab is money in the bank. 2. Nail [neil] Contoh kalimat : I want to hang the picture on the nail. 3. Name [neim] Contoh kalimat : She is name Indah. 4. Nap [naep] Contoh kalimat : I want to take a nap this noon. 5. Narrative [naeretiv] Contoh kalimat : This is text us a narrative. 6. Nationality [naesyeneli ti] Contoh kalimat : The Indonesia Raya a song is nationality. 7. Natty [ naeti]

: mencuri

: paku

: nama

: tidur sebentar

: cerita,laporan

: kebangsaan

: rapi,teratur.

Contoh kalimat : My bedroom is natty. 8. Naughty [ no;ti] Contoh kalimat : The children is naughty. 9. Near [nir] Contoh kalimat : My school is near from my home. 10. Neck [nek] Contoh kalimat : I feel ill in my neck. 11. Need [nid] Contoh kalimat : I need to borrow your book. 12. Negative [ negetiv] Contoh kalimat : Don t like negative thingking. 13. Neighbour [ neibe] : tetangga : negatip : perlu : leher : dekat : nakal

Contoh kalimat : I want to visit to the home my neighbour. 14. Nephew [ nepyu;] Contoh kalimat : I have two are nephew s. 15. Nervous [ ne ves] Contoh kalimat : I feel a nervous when the exam. 16. Never [ neve] Contoh kalimat : I am never read a book that. 17. New [ nyu] Contoh kalimat : My car is new. 18. Newyear [nyu yie] Contoh kalimat : Happy newyear for 2012 th. 19. Night [nait] Contoh kalimat : I want to go to the bioskop tonight. : malam hari : tahun baru : baru : belum pernah : gugup : keponakan laki-laki

20. Nose [nouz] Contoh kalimat : My nose is pointed.

: hidung

1. Obesity [ou;beisiti] Contoh kalimat : The obesity is not for healty. 2. Ocean [ osyen] Contoh kalimat : The ocean in Indonesia very wide. 3. Often [often] Contoh kalimat : I am often late when go home. 4. Old [ould] Contoh kalimat : My age is seventeen years old. 5. On [on] Contoh kalimat : The book is on the table. 6. One [wan] Contoh kalimat : I have one a pencil. 7. Open [oupen] Contoh kalimat : I want to open the door. 8. Opinion [e pinyen] Contoh kalimat : What your opinion about me. 9. Or [o;]

: kegemukan

: lautan,samudra

: sering kali

: umur

: pada,di atas,di.

: satu

: buka

: pendapat,pikiran.

: atau

Contoh kalimat : Is it a book or magazine? 10. Orange [ orinj] Contoh kalimat : The drink is orange taste. 11. Orchid [o:kid] Contoh kalimat : I like planting a orchid. 12. Organization [o:genaizeisyen] : organisasi : bunga anggrek : jeruk

Contoh kalimat : I like to join the organization in my school. 13. Orphan [ o;fen] Contoh kalimat : She is a orphan. 14. Out [ aut] Contoh kalimat : Please you get out,now! 15. Oven [ aven] Contoh kalimat : I want to cook the cake use the oven. 16. Over [euve] Contoh kalimat : The game is over. 17. Overage [owvar eij] Contoh kalimat : The person is overage us a work. 18. Overseas [ euvesie] Contoh kalimat : Mother, what if I sail overseas? 19. Oversize [ owver saiz] Contoh kalimat : The shirt is oversize. 20. Ownership [ownersyip] Contoh kalimat : This store is under new ownership. : pemilik : terlalu besar : seberang laut : terlalu tua : berakhir : kompor : keluar,pergi. : anak yatim piatu

1. Pail [peil] Contoh kalimat : The pail of water. 2. Paint [peint] Contoh kalimat : To paint a table black. 3. Paper [peipe] Contoh kalimat : May I use this pper to write on? 4. Parent [paerrent]

: ember

: cat

: kertas

: orang tua

Contoh kalimat : My parent go to the grandmother s house 5. Park [pa:k] Contoh kalimat : Park your bag here. 6. Participant [pa: tisipent] Contoh kalimat : Many participant in a conference. 7. Party [pa:ti] Contoh kalimat :We are go to a party tomorrow. 8. Passenger [paesinje] Contoh kalimat : Many passenger in to the ship. 9. People [pi:pl] Contoh kalimat : Many people in the market. 10. Person [pe:sn] Contoh kalimat : Which person is in charge? 11. Phone [feun] Contoh kalimat : The phone is ringing. : telepon : orang : orang-orang : penumpang : pesta : peserta : taman

12. Picture [ pikce] Contoh kalimat : The someone to take a my picture. 13. Pilot [ pailet] Contoh kalimat : My father job is a pilot. 14. Place [pleis] Contoh kalimat :This is a nice vocation place. 15. Plan [paen] Contoh kalimat : The plan in last week a study. 16. Play [plei] Contoh kalimat : I and friend play a football. 17. Police [pe lis:s] Contoh kalimat : The police are after him. 18. Poor [pue]

: gambar

: pilot

: tempat

: rencana

: bermain

: polisi

: miskin

Contoh kalimat : On the stret lived a poor woman and his son. 19. Pretty [priti] Contoh kalimat : She is a pretty girl. 20. Price [prais] Contoh kalimat : What is the price of this book? : harga : cantik

1. Quality [ kwaletie]

: mutu

Contoh kalimat : His health does not quality him for insurance. 2. Quarter [kwo:te] : seperempat

Contoh kalimat : My father to receive a check every quarter month. 3. Queen [kwi:n] Contoh kalimat : She is a queen mother. 4. Question [kwescen] Contoh kalimat : The teacher to raise several questions. 5. Quick [kwik] Contoh kalimat : The person to make a quick geteway. : cepat : pertanyaan : ratu

1.Rabbit [raebit] Contoh kalimat : The rabbit like eat a carrot. 2. Radiance [ reijesns] Contoh kalimat : The X radiance is dangerous. 3. Radio [ reidieu]

: kelinci

: sinar

: radio

Contoh kalimat : I like to hear music by radio. 4. Rain [rein] Contoh kalimat : Now, in the city is rain season. 5. Raw [ro] Contoh kalimat : To swim in the raw. 6. Rational [ raesyenl] Contoh kalimat : Your idea is rational. 7. Razor [ reize] Contoh kalimat : He is to shave use a razor. 8. Read [ri;d] Contoh kalimat : I am read history book in the library. 9. Ready [ redi] Contoh kalimat : I am ready to go to school,now. 10. Real [ rill] Contoh kalimat : The accident is real. 11. Reason [ri;zen] : alasan : nyata : siap : membaca : pisau cukur : masuk akal : telanjang : hujan

Contoh kalimat : There is no reason for making so much noise. 12. Receive [ri;siv] Contoh kalimat : I already receive your messages. 13. Recent [ ri;sent] Contoh kalimat : Recent, I hear a sorrow news. 14. Red [red] Contoh kalimat : This is bag a red colour. 15. Resort [ri;zot] Contoh kalimat : The resort no far from my home. 16. Ribbon [ riben] : pita : tempat istirahat : merah : baru-baru ini : menerima

Contoh kalimat : His shirt was cut to ribbons by nail. 17. Rice [rais] : nasi

Contoh kalimat : My mother is cooking the rice in the kitchen. 18. Rich [ric] : kaya

Contoh kalimat : The person a rich in Indonesia is Aburizal Bakrie. 19. Ripe [ raip] Contoh kalimat : The mango fruit is ripe in the tree. 20. Ruler [ rale] Contoh kalimat : I am to measure use a ruler. : penggaris : masak, matang.

1. Sad [sae d] Contoh kalimat : The news of his deats was sad. 2. Sail [seil] Contoh kalimat : Let go for a sail. 3. Salt [so:lt] Contoh kalimat : To be on a salt free diet. 4. Same [seim] Contoh kalimat : We are the same age. 5. Sake [ seik] Contoh kalimat : Do it for my sake.

: sedih

: berlayar

: garam

: sama

: demi

6. Safety [seiftie] Contoh kalimat : He was brought to safety. 7. Satisfaction [saetisfaeksyen] Contoh kalimat : Did you find things to your satisfaction. 8. School [sku:l]

: keselamatan

: kepuasan

: sekolah

Contoh kalimat : The whole school knew what had happened. 9. Sea [si:] Contoh kalimat : My family to live from the sea. 10. Season [ si:zn] Contoh kalimat : Rain is in season, now. 11. Seat [siet] Contoh kalimat : Please, seat down! 12. Second [sekend] Contoh kalimat : I will be there in a second. 13. Secret [ si:krit] Contoh kalimat : Let us in on the secret. 14. See [si:] Contoh kalimat : Nice to see you! 15. Seek [si:k] Contoh kalimat : My father to seek relief for a headache. 16. Self [self] Contoh kalimat : I d like about to introduce my self. 17. Sell [sel] Contoh kalimat : Did you have any luch in sell your car? 18. Send [send] : mengirim : menjual : diri sendiri : mencari : melihat : rahasia : detik : duduk : musim : laut

Contoh kalimat : My mother to send clothes to the laundry.

19. Serious [ sieries] Contoh kalimat : I want to serious about you married. 20. Several [ sevrel] Contoh kalimat : I want go to the beach a several day. 21. Sew [seu] Contoh kalimat : Do you sew? 22. Sharp [sya:p] Contoh kalimat :The knife is sharp. 23. Ship [syip] Contoh kalimat : He is to ship as an ordinary seaman. 24. Shirt [sye:t] Contoh kalimat : To put on a clean shirt. 25. Show [syeu] Contoh kalimat : This china is only for show. 26. Sick [sik] Contoh kalimat : Sick as he was, he went to school. 27. Sing [sing] Contoh kalimat : I like sing a song 28. Skin [skin] Contoh kalimat : I don t like wool next to my skin. 29. Sleep [sli:p] Contoh kalimat : Have a good sleep. 30. Slim [slim] Contoh kalimat : I like a body slim. 31. Slow [slue] Contoh kalimat : Drive at a slow speed.

: serius

: beberapa

: menjahit

: tajam

: kapal

: kemeja

: tontonan

: sakit

: menyanyikan

: kulit

: tidur

: ramping

: lambat

32. Small [smo:l] Contoh kalimat : That dress makes her look small. 33. Smart [sma:t] Contoh kalimat : The children is smart boy. 34. Smoke [smeuk] Contoh kalimat : Where there is smoke there is fire. 35. Smoking [smeuking] Contoh kalimat : Don t smoking in this area. 36. Smile [smail] Contoh kalimat : She gave me a smile. 37. Snake [sneik] Contoh kalimat : The snake is dangerous. 38. So [sow] Contoh kalimat : There are so many things to do. 39. Society [se saieti]

: kecil

: pintar

: asap

: merokok

: senyum

: ular

: amat

: masyarakat

Contoh kalimat : The new neigboard to adjust to our society. 40. Sometime [samtaim] Contoh kalimat : Let s get together sometime. : kapan-kapan

1. Table [ teibl] Contoh kalimat : The book is on the table 2. Tap [taep] Contoh kalimat : There was a tap at the door. 3. Tantamount [ taentamawnt]

: meja

: ketukan

: serupa

Contoh kalimat : The letter was tantamount to an official offer of a job. 4. Take [teik] Contoh kalimat : It takes patience to learn a language. 5. Talent [ taelent] Contoh kalimat : He is loaded with talent. 6. Talk [to:k] Contoh kalimat : He gave a good talk. 7. Tall [to:l] Contoh kalimat : How tall is he? 8. Task [ta:sk] Contoh kalimat : He has the task of keeping order. 9. Taste [teist] Contoh kalimat : I like taste of this dessert. 10. Tattoo [tae tuw] Contoh kalimat : The rain beat a tattoo on the roof. 11. Tax [taeks] Contoh kalimat : What do you tax amount to? 12. Teach [tic] : mengajar : pajak : tanda rajah, cacahan : rasa : tugas : tinggi : percakapan : bakat : mengambil

Contoh kalimat : Her mother teach her piano. 13. Technical [tek nikael] Contoh kalimat : His job is highly technical. 14. Telephone [ telifeun] Contoh kalimat :What is your telephone number? 15. Television [ telivizyen] Contoh kalimat : I am watching a television. 16. Tell [tel] : menceritakan : televisi : telepon : teknis

Contoh kalimat : Tell me, how did you happen to come here? 17. Territorial [ teri towrieal] Contoh kalimat : He has no territorial ambitions. 18. Than [dhaen] Contoh kalimat : I have money more than you. 19. Thanks [thaengks] Contoh kalimat : Thanks for your attention. 20. There [dhaer] Contoh kalimat : How far is it there and back? 21.They [dhei] Contoh kalimat : They are a playing football. 22. Think [thingk] Contoh kalimat : Do you think you ve learned it? 23. This [dhis] Contoh kalimat : This is where she lives. 24. Thousand [ thauzend] : ribu : ini : pikir : mereka : sana : terimakasih : daripada : wilayah

Contoh kalimat : I have money ten thousand for buy a book 25. Threat [thret] : benang

Contoh kalimat : She says she has not a threat to wear. 26. Time [taim] Contoh kalimat : They lost no time in seizing power. 27. Tired [ taied] Contoh kalimat : You make me tired! 28. Together [te gedhe] Contoh kalimat : The are always together. 29. Tomorrow [te marow] Contoh kalimat : I will see you tomorrow. 30. Train [trein] Contoh kalimat : I and friends to take a train. : kereta api : besok : bersama-sama : lelah : waktu

1. Ugly [ agly] Contoh kalimat : Don t act ugly! 2. Understand [ander staend] Contoh kalimat : I can not understand it. 3. Under [ ande] Contoh kalimat : Under the care of a physician doctor. 4. Uniform [ yu:nifo:m] Contoh kalimat : We are to be uniform in the school.

: jelek

: mengerti

: bawah

: seragam

5. Unkind [an kaind] Contoh kalimat : His uncle was unkind to him. 6. Until [en til] Contoh kalimat : Wait until I finish working. 7. Use [yu:s] Contoh kalimat : This building is for the use of everyone. 8. Usual [ yu:dzuel] Contoh kalimat : It s usual for him to be late. 9. Unlike [ an laik] Contoh kalimat : He is not unlike his father. 10. Uncle [angkel] Contoh kalimat : My uncle is a pilot.

: kasar, kejam

: sampai

: menggunakan

: biasanya

: tak serupa

: paman

1. Vague [veig] Contoh kalimat : I haven t the vague idea. 2. Valentine [ vaelentain] Contoh kalimat : The date 14 february is a valentine day. 3. Value [ vaelyue] Contoh kalimat : To get good value for our money. 4. Variety [ve raieti]

: tidak jelas

: tanda kasih

: nilai

: macam

Contoh kalimat : Which variety do you prefer? 5. Vagetable [ veijitabl] Contoh kalimat : My mother cooking a vegetable soup. 6. Very [ veri] Contoh kalimat : The very day I wrote him he called. 7. Viev [vyu:] Contoh kalimat : To take a new view of the situation. 8. Village [ vilij] Contoh kalimat : The whole village turned out. 9. Visit [ vizit] : kunjungan : desa : melihat : amat, juga : sayuran

Contoh kalimat : My family go to visit grandfather house tomorrow. 10. Voice [vois] Contoh kalimat : He likes to hear his own voice. : suara

1. Wage [weij]

: upah

Contoh kalimat : My mom to pay good wages for her assistant. 2. Wait [weit] Contoh kalimat : Two hour wait between trains. 3. Walk [wo:k] Contoh kalimat : It s quite a walk to her house. 4. Wall [wo:l] Contoh kalimat : To leave only the bare walls standing. 5. Want [want] : ingin : dinding : jalan-jalan : menunggu

Contoh kalimat : I want nothing more to eat. 6. Warm [wo:m] Contoh kalimat : To be kept in a warm place. 7. Watch [wots] Contoh kalimat : What does your watch say? 8. Water [ wo:te] Contoh kalimat : To swim under the water. 9. We [wi] Contoh kalimat : We leave tomorrow in the restaurant. 10. Wear [wie] Contoh kalimat : That coat is for winter wear. 11. Week [wi:k] Contoh kalimat : I will be there with in the week. 12. Welcome [ welkam] Contoh kalimat : To receive a cordinal welcome. 13. Wife [waif] Contoh kalimat : She is His second wife. 14. Win [win] Contoh kalimat : The horse win by a length. 15. Wind [wind] Contoh kalimat : The car went like the wind. 16. Window [ windeu] Contoh kalimat : Please, close the window! 17. Winter [ winte] : musim dingin : jendela : angin : menang : istri : sambutan : minggu depan : pakaian : kami : air : menonton : hangat

Contoh kalimat : Now, The city in American a winter season. 18. With [widh] : dengan

Contoh kalimat : Take the book with you. 19. Work [we:k] Contoh kalimat : He has so much work to do. 20. Write [rait] Contoh kalimat : Write your name here? : menulis : pekerjaan

1. Xmas [ krismes]

: hari natal

Contoh kalimat : In the church while a implementation xmas. 2. X-ray Contoh kalimat : The photograph with X-ray. : sinar X

1. Yard [ya:d]

: halaman

Contoh kalimat : The children is playing foorball in the yard. 2. Yarn [ya:n] Contoh kalimat : My mother is sewing use a yarn. 3. Year [yie] Contoh kalimat : We arrived here a last year. 4. Yellow [ yeleu] Contoh kalimat : The wall my home is yellow color. 5. Yes [yes] Contoh kalimat : Yes, I come your house tomorrow. 6. Yesterday [ yesterdi] : kemarin : ya : kuning : tahun : benang

Contoh kalimat : I have a lunch with family in the restaurant yesterday. 7. You [yu:] Contoh kalimat : What are you doing? 8. Young [yang] Contoh kalimat : He looks a young people. 9. Yummy [ yamie] Contoh kalimat : My mother make a soup its yummy. : enak, sedap : anak muda : kamu

1. Zany [seini] Contoh kalimat : The Zany is comfort for childrens. 2. Zealous [zeles] Contoh kalimat : The child is very zealous a read book. 3. Zoo [zu] Contoh kalimat : Many animal in the zoo.

: badut

: rajin

: kebun binatang




Dosen Pembimbing : Indra Perdana

Disusun oleh : Nama N.I.M : Ida Wulandari : AAB 1110031


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