01 14 12 Spring 12 RPM Syllabus

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course counts as 1 of 8 core courses toward your degree. COURSE NUMBER: HRCM1-GC 1900 - 001 COURSE TITLE: Research Process Methodology SEMESTER: Spring 2012 SESSION: 2 FORMAT: ONLINE, Synchronous Meetings + Asynchronous Coursework Instructor: Ted Bongiovanni Telephone: 212-998-7221 E-Mail: ted.bongiovanni@nyu.edu E-portfolio: http://epsilen.com/tb317 Meeting Schedule Mondays 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm Session Dates: 3/26, 4/2, 4/9, 4/16, 4/23, 4/30 Location: ONLINE, http://www.epsilen.com/crs/12105489 Office Hours: By appointment. Please contact Mary Ann Mazzella, mam5@nyu.edu to schedule an appointment. Twitter Hashtag: #nyuhrmdrpm Bookmarking tag: #nyuhrmdrpm Table of Contents
Table of Contents ......................................................................................................... 1 Course Description....................................................................................................... 2 Course Overview .......................................................................................................... 2 Course Objectives ........................................................................................................ 3 1
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

Required Online Pre-course Work............................................................................. 3 Course Outline .............................................................................................................. 5 Assignment Details .................................................................................................... 10 Course Material........................................................................................................... 13 Required Readings ..................................................................................................... 13 Suggested Readings .................................................................................................. 13 Communications Policy ............................................................................................. 14 Course Operating Model & Grading ........................................................................ 14 Team Evaluation Scorecard ..................................................................................... 16 Attendance Policy....................................................................................................... 18 Assignment Policy ...................................................................................................... 18 Last Date to Drop the Course.................................................................................. 18 General Policies .......................................................................................................... 18 Plagiarism .................................................................................................................... 19 Wimba Classroom Contingency Plan...................................................................... 19

Course Description This course affords the student the opportunity to thoroughly explore a specific area of human resources as it relates to business. Research is a complex undertaking with formal processes, methodologies and designs. A successful manager needs not only to be able to research opportunities and/or problems as they present themselves, but also evaluate research produced by others. To do so, s/he must be fully cognizant of acceptable research techniques, data collection, research design, internal and external validity and statistical methods for hypothesis testing. This course equips the student with the required research skills that are necessary to successfully conceptualize a research topic with original ideas and subsequently develop a proposal for researching that topic. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to have learned: how to conduct a literature survey, the hallmarks of scientific research, the hypothetico-deductive method, how to develop a theoretical framework, data collection methods, analysis and interpretation, and how to evaluate a research report. Students will also be introduced to methods for correctly citing references and quoting other works without plagiarizing, infringing upon copyright or violating the rules governing proprietary information. Upon successful completion of this course, students will have completed a research proposal containing all the required, formal elements. Course Overview

NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

This course will explore the issues surrounding research process and methodology. The team-based operating model requires you to experience research process and methodology issues by confronting them in business problems and by living them in the team-based operating model. These assignments and the action learning projects demand effective subject-matter-based thinking for successful execution. Your performance, and therefore your grade, is dependent on developing relevant subject-matter-based thinking skills. You will not simply study research process and methodology in this course; you must live it to succeed. The course uses a case study approach that is highly interactive simulating real business experiences. Learning is optimized in this multidimensional approach to enable you to confront research process and methodology challenges in your professional life with effective tools to drive solutions. Course Objectives The goals of this course are to:

help you become better writers by writing for an audience of your peers help you become more savvy consumers of research by analyzing and critiquing current research help you become better researchers by learning strategies for searching authoritative sources help you write well-researched white papers or business plans help you create and deliver compelling, powerful and persuasive business presentations by leading presentations in class

Required Online Pre-course Work You must complete the following online programs BEFORE the first day of class. The amount of time it takes to complete will depend on your familiarity with the subject matter. We strongly advise that you allocate as much time as possible to these programs, as it will allow you to get the most out of this course. Harvard Management Mentor (HMM) Presentation Skills (#2353) Time to complete program: 60-90 minutes Cost: $14
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

Harvard Management Mentor (HMM) Writing Skills (#2480) Time to complete program: 60-90 minutes Cost: $14 How to Access this Online Program - Turn off all pop-up blockers - Register at http://elearninghome.hbsp.org - Click on "Sign up here" under New Users - Fill out the required information, including Organization ID 00054216, to be properly associated with your course. - Click "Find" to see what's available in your Learning Catalog. - Locate HMM10: Presentation Skills & HMM10: Writing Skills - Select "Register" - Click "Confirm." You will then be prompted for payment - Proceed with payment and click "Complete Registration." Your registration is now complete and your course should appear on your enrollments. If you experience any problems, please contact the HBSP Technical Support Group: Phone: 1-800-810-8858 (outside the U.S. and Canada, 1-617-783-7700); Monday Friday 8am to 8pm. E-mail: techhelp@hbsp.harvard.edu.

NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

Course Outline Please pay close attention to course announcements since we may not adhere strictly to the following schedule.

Week Dates Week 0


Learning Landscape/Outcomes Able to explain best practices for being an online student. Able to sign into NYU-SCPS online, participate in a forum discussion, post a reflection, create and create or update an online portfolio. Able to identify core business issues in Facebook case and craft response. Understand research topic assignments. Conduct research related to business cases and

Readings Student orientation, course pre-work from HBSP.

Assignments Online learning quiz. Pre-Work Introduce Yourself Forum ePortfolio with picture Attend Online Student Orientation Office Hours Complete survey on prework. Research Plans: Group topic draft and preliminary plan. Learning Journal Reflection: What's your approach to writing? How do you feel about writing?

3/19 to Orientation 3/25 to Online Learning & Course Prework

Week 1

3/26 to Modern 3/31 dilemmas and responses in Human Resources. Why research?

Facebook A Strunk & White, first half. The Craft of Research, Chapters 1 to 4

NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

Why write?

problems. Identify authoritative sources. Able to identify a range of authoritative and reliable sources for research. Able to compile a comprehensive, wellresearched bibliography. Define, identify and avoid plagiarism. The Craft of Research, Chapters 5 to 8 Strunk & White, second half.

What did you take away from reading, or re-reading Strunk & White? Research Plans: Revised research plan, summary and additional annotated sources. Learning Journal Reflection: Your past approach to research. What research have you conducted? How do you conduct research today? What has changed since your last formal research project? What would you like to change about your approach to research?

Week 2

4/2 to 4/8

Research in the Age of Google. Guest: Candace Stewart, NYU Libraries

Week 3

4/9 to 4/15

Sampling and Surveys,

Explain how surveys can be The Craft of Research, Research Plans: Revised used in the workplace, Chapters 9 through research plan, summary understand the import of 12 and additional annotated

NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

Guest, Kristen Sosulski, Clinical Professor, NYU Stern

random sampling, basics of good survey design.

sources. Resonate, Chapters 1, 2 and 3. QMSS e-Lessons, B. Samples and Sampling: Learning Journal Reflection: Have you organized a survey? How would you approach change given what you learned about sampling and surveys?

http://ccnmtl.columbi a.edu/projects/qmss/s amples_and Research Briefing Memo Draft (5 to 7 pages) due 4/9, 5pm. Week 4 4/16 to Preliminary 4/22 research presentation Able to present preliminary research findings. Able to critique research findings and offer constructive feedback . Peer Review Exercise

The Craft of Research, Research Plans: Revised 13 through 16 research plan, summary and additional annotated Resonate, Chapters 4, sources. 5 Preliminary Research Cialdini: Harnessing Group Presentations the Science of Persuasion Learning Journal Reflection: How do you feel about making business

NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

presentations? What are your strengths and weaknesses as a presenter? Group Presentations: Research Topics, Due 5pm, 4/16 Week 5 4/23 to Drafting and 4/29 Revising Your Research Report Able to quote, paraphrase, and summarize appropriately. Able to cite sources according to APA format. Produce revisions that improve the quality of your research report. Week 6 4/30 to Putting it All 5/5. Together: Make compelling presentations of research findings. Resonate, 8 & 9 The Craft of Research, Research Plan: No 17, Final assignment. considerations Final research memo due, Resonate, 6 & 7 4/23 Learning Journal Reflection: How do you handle revisions and finalizing drafts? Research Plan: No assignment. Learning Journal Reflection: Discuss your
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

three most important takeaways and how you will continue to hone your research, writing and presentation skills. Peer review sheets Final presentations. Due 4/30, 5pm.

NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

Assignment Details Your grade for this course will be based on your class participation and the required assignments for this course. The required assignments include: Class Participation (Individual and Team Grades) This course is designed to be interactive and focused on taking the best practices of research process methodology and delivery to the next level in thinking and practice. We will use team discussion forums online as well as in class participation to evaluate this team grade. Each session will demand significant class participation. This participation will happen in the form of team participation. Each session will result in a team grade using the team evaluation scorecard. Grades will be announced at the end of each class with performance feedback. I will adjust individual scores if I feel a team member performed extraordinarily or underperformed. DUE: EVERY SESSION Learning Journal (Individual Grade): You will keep a learning journal for the course using the course blog. After each session, in preparation for the next class you will write on the assigned reflection topic with the expectation of sharing your insights and building upon them. The journal must integrate what you learned from the course materials and the class session and assigned readings. Apply that knowledge to business situations you have experienced or are experiencing currently. Your journal grade will be determined by the quality of the integration of ideas, the clarity of the analysis and the effectiveness of the application of lessons learned. Your journals are due every week. Due: Every Friday, no later than 11:59 pm. Research Plans and Annotated References (Team Assignment) Each week, in your workgroups, you will work to identify at least 8 but as many as 15 reliable sources for your research topic, and post an outline or a revision of your research plan. How will you approach the topic? Who are the leading authorities? Who is blogging or tweeting on the topic? What relevant industry white papers have been published? To complete this assignment, each group should create a Google document, which should be viewable by anyone at NYU with the link.
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

The idea is that you are creating a single document that will grow as we work together over the next six weeks. Name the document: Group Number X, Topic Name. Example: Group 2, Restless Researchers: Incentives: How do they relate to job performance for IT Professionals? Within the document itself, post your sources, a summary of about 100 to 150 words per article and your plan to the full class discussion forum. Group work, including discussions around how youre putting the document together must take place within the workgroups or as comments in the GoogleDoc. When youve completed your assignment for the week, create a forum post with the link to your document and a short paragraph highlighting what you found and the changes youve made. Entitle your full class post: Group Name: Topic Name, Research Plan and Literature Review, Week #. DUE: Wednesday evenings by midnight. Research Briefing Memo (Individual Assignment) Each of you will write a 5 to 7 page memo based on your chosen topic of approximately 1,200 to 1,600 words, that tackles a key human resource issue or business problem and recommends a solution. I'm not doing you any favors by asking for fewer as opposed to more words. As Mark Twain quipped, "If I had more time, I'd have written a shorter letter." You must refer to authoritative sources to make your argument, and be clear about which source upon which you are relying. DUE: Draft, (Google Document) 4/9, 5pm (Graded P/F), Final (Word Document) 4/23, 6pm (Drop Box) Action Learning Project: Group Research Presentation (Team Grade) Your group will decide upon a research topic based on a contemporary HR business problem for your action learning project. You will present your research findings to the clients Board in an operational review
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

format during the final class session. Your team presentation will use a teachable point of view (TPOV.) Each team will be expected to use inclusion as their operating model to deliver their project. You will be evaluated on the operation of your team and the quality of your research. Both innovative content and effective communication will be critical to success. The Board will decide whom to hire based on the presentations. The Board will evaluate all of the presentations providing real time feedback and stack rank the presentations. DUE: Rehearsal, 4/16 (Class Participation grade) Final Class, 4/30 (Project Grade) Peer Review Sheets: Grades for group work (i.e., teams) will be allocated per group and NOT per individual for the team-based class participation and the action learning project. It is expected that every group member will contribute equally to these assignments. To fulfill this expectation there will be a peer-rated score to evaluate each individual persons performance in his or her group. This is the vehicle where group members can rate and comment on the relative contribution of each group member. The results of this peer-rating score can directly affect the grade each participant receives for the group assignments within the professors discretion. Final group scores and peer-rating scores cannot be appealed. Group-related scores adjusted by peer-rating scores are 15% of your grade for this course (see below). DUE: Peer review sheets are due no later than midnight on 5/1/2012. I will weight these components as follows:

Categories Learning Journals (Individual) Research Process Assignments (Group) Peer Evaluation (Individual) Research Briefing Paper (Individual) Action Learning Presentation (Group) Class Participation

% Grade 15% 15% 15% 25% 15% 15%


NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012



I will post grades to the Epsilen gradebook. Official final grades will be made available through the LHCM Department and posted on Albert. Course Material The course consists of readings, case studies, group discussions, and group presentations designed to allow students to demonstrate their mastery in applying the course content to real-life situations. Since you will have read the required readings prior to class, the issues presented and discussed in class are designed to embellish and extend the basic concepts. Lectures will cover material from sources other than the assigned, required readings to allow you to obtain a richer context for the subject matter without reading additional texts. YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF THE MATERIAL FROM THE ASSIGNED READINGS AND ALL THE MATERIAL FROM THE LECTURES. Required Readings The Elements of Style, 4th Edition, $9.46 on Amazon The Craft of Research, Third Edition, $10.05 on Amazon Resonate: Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences, $17.46 on Amazon I have posted links to other required materials, or uploaded them to the courses resources section. If you need a hand accessing library materials, then ask a librarian. Suggested Readings The written and presentation assignments require a comprehensive, thoughtful, and creative approach to business problem solving. I recommend the following to enhance your approach and contribute to the quality of your recommendations. I will regularly post articles relevant for class at:
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012


and encourage others to do the same.

Why Bad Presentations Happen to Good Causes, Goodman Andy, free download.

Communications Policy Email me at ted.bongiovanni@nyu.edu I will respond to all emails within 48 hours. If your question that may benefit the entire class, please post it to the Q and A forum. If you email me a question that benefits the entire class and I reply please post your original question and my reply to the course forum. Course Operating Model & Grading This class will be run like a firm. I am the Chairman & CEO. We are a for profit, publicly traded company called RPME (i.e. Research Process Methodology Excellence), Inc. Our firm specializes in identifying, analyzing and solving surrounding research process methodology problems. RPME has a team-based organizational structure consisting of several teams reporting directly to me. Our team-based structure is derivative of our research process methodology expertise. Simply put we walk-the-talk of exceptional research process methodology practice. Our teams must operate optimally in our subject matter area for us to succeed in the marketplace since that is what we sell in our practice. Team performance and compensation directly reflect the caliber of team skills in this area. Accordingly, we use the below team evaluation scorecard to evaluate that performance. We have a learning organization culture based on the virtuous teaching cycle model. The Teachable Point Of View (TPOV) is our communication method. The key components of the RPME vision are listed below. Envisioned Future: To transform the world by unleashing the power of research process methodology excellence. Core Purpose: To take the current best thinking in research process and methodology to the next level and provide exceptional research-based complex change initiatives solutions to businesses & people.
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

Core Values: Integrity, Respect, Innovation, Inclusion, and Restless Excellence. Compensation/Grades Compensation at RPME, Inc., is in the form of grades. The compensation design is as follows along with the numerical grade translation: C, C-, F = You are fired. B-, C+ = You've earned your salary but no bonus and you are on a performance plan. B+, B = You've earned your salary and your complete bonus. A, A- = You've earned your salary, your bonus, and a complete stretch bonus by taking the current thinking and best practices to the next level of performance. A AB+ B BC+ C CF 93 - 100 90 - 92 87 - 89 83 - 86 80 - 82 77 - 79 73 - 76 70 72 below 70

RPME members are expected to participate in all online class discussions in the course online discussion forum and blog. I will use the following rubric to assess your contributions:

NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

(Adapted from Essentials of Online Course Design, Sosulski, K., 2011) Research Paper and Formal Written Assignment Rubric I will assess your memos using the following rubric:

Team Evaluation Scorecard Our class will be divided in teams that will work together throughout the course. The teams will be evaluated on both the quality of their contribution and their ability to operate inclusively and strategically. You will be asked to fill out a peer review sheet on your teammates at the end of the course. The class participation component will be a team grade. At
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

the conclusion of each session, each team will be given a grade for that session's participation. The criteria for this grade are as follows: MUTUAL ACCOUNTABILITY Is each member accountable to the team or are one or two members carrying the team? Is the team holding itself accountable to driving an inclusive, collective performance? OPENNESS & CANDOR Does the team encourage a free exchange of ideas and feedback? Are differences encouraged to explore issues? Does the team foster a culture of trust in candor? INNOVATION Is the team creative? Is the team pushing that learning to a new level that is out-of-the-box? INTELLIGENT RISK TAKING Are the teams contributions limited to the acquired learning from our materials or is the team thinking taking strategic thinking and ethical practice to the next level? Are they failing forward? QUALITY OF IDEAS Are the ideas insightful? QUALITY OF PROPOSALS Is the team analysis comprehensive and thoughtful? Are the proposals sound and well thought through? STRATEGIC THINKING Did the proposal correctly identify the strategy issues? Did the proposal evaluate competitive advantage, corporate strategy, and industry analysis in a realistic business case based context? ETHICS Did the proposal identify, analyze, and resolve the ethics issues? APPLICATION OF CASE STUDIES & ARTICLES Did the team effectively incorporate the best practices from the case studies & articles?

NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

Course Policies, Procedures, and Other Comments For a complete copy of NYU AND DEPARTMENTAL POLICIES, that apply to this course, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE FOLLOWING, contact scps.hrmd@nyu.edu. Attendance Policy Attendance in this course is required. The course model is an intense, highly interactive case study model that optimizes learning through thoughtful and challenging participation. Your learning is dependent on your participation. Each class will be highly interactive and distinct. Your preparation will be essential to effective participation. Accordingly, it will not be possible to make-up a missed class. You must attend and participate in every class to pass the course. Assignment Policy You are required to check your NYU e-mail every day for announcements concerning but not limited to assignments, exam dates, any class changes or cancellations, and any other information. There are no acceptable excuses for failure to follow these instructions. You have full responsibility for all lectures and discussions. It will be absolutely impossible to obtain a passing grade in this course if you miss assignment deadlines. Last Date to Drop the Course Please refer to Departments current semester Registration Procedures & Deadlines document for drop dates and refund policies. This is posted in the "Course Documents" folder on the Departmental Blackboard Resource Center, or contact scps.hrmd@nyu.edu. General Policies Absent notification to the contrary, which I will make every effort to do in advance, all classes will be conducted on the day and time scheduled herein. There should be ample time during each session for discussion and questions. A difference of opinion between the text and I always provides for lively discussion but my perspective takes precedence for the purpose of any exams or assignments.
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

I reserve the right to make any changes to this syllabus when and, as I deem appropriate. Plagiarism New York University takes plagiarism very seriously and regards it as a form of fraud. The definition of plagiarism that has been adopted by the School of Continuing and Professional Studies is as follows: "Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work as though it were one's own. More specifically, plagiarism is to present as one's own words quoted without quotation marks from another writer; a paraphrased passage from another writer's work; or facts or ideas gathered, organized, and reported by someone else, orally and/or in writing. Since plagiarism is a matter of fact, not of the student's intention, it is crucial that acknowledgement of the sources be accurate and complete. Even where there is not a conscious intention to deceive, the failure to make appropriate acknowledgement constitutes plagiarism. Penalties for plagiarism range from failure for a paper or course to dismissal from the University." For more details, visit: http://www.scps.nyu.edu/about-scps/policies-and-procedures/#scpspolicy-on-academic-integrity-and-plagiarism If you have any questions as to what plagiarism is, go to: http://www.plagiarism.org Violation of any of the aforementioned policies is subject to strict disciplinary action up to and including a reduction in your letter grade or receiving a zero for the exam/assignment or an F for the course. Wimba Classroom Contingency Plan In the event that the Live Classroom fails, (and its likely.) 1) Try re-entering the LiveClassroom through the link on the course page. If that doesnt work, then; 2) Try calling the Live Classroom backup number at 201-549-7592 and enter participant PIN is 44166598 (It may be a toll call) If that doesnt work, then; 3) Enter the Course Lobby Chat Room within Epsilen. 4) Contact the NYU-SCPS Help Desk (877) 395 - 2996 - North America (216) 454 - 1153 - Outside North America Live Chat: http://distancelearning.scps.nyu.edu/chat.html
NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

Email: scps.distancelearning.helpdesk@nyu.edu They are available 24 hours a day to assist you. 5) Send me and email and let me know youre experiencing a problem

NYU-SCPS, HRCM1-GC1900001, Research Process Methodology, Spring 2012

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