Of The Jesus Christ President: .Il1Ul"Jl .....

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Thus Saith Jesus Christ, Lord Redeemer, Even the

God Over All, to

Powers on Earth,
Nations, Kindreds, Tongues, Governing
Revealed Heaven to AU, to
Know IVly Final Soon Be on
Earth; War,
.Il1Ul"Jl ...... ~ to Sweep the More Wicked orr
of Ever)
Earth; Preserving the More
Alndghty Power of ]\tUne Unto Soon
Own Authority on Earth; to Be Fun Power of to Govern
All Nations; Therefore, Word, Even Saying Thus:
Revelation of the Jesus Christ
Given President Warren S.
Palestine, Texas
Monday, 2011
Warning of Son Ahman to the
Copyright 2011 by the Fundamentalis:
Nations and Peoples of the Earth Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saint:
1. Verily, thus the Jesus
Redeemer of all, who hath power eternal;
yea, Judge over all
tongues, kindreds all ages of world:
I, who am over all, speak to all
of earth, by my Mouthpiece on whom
I have ordained, and is my Order Etemal,
notwithstanding all reporting unjust
attacks him.
3. 1 speak thus to all peoples my own to
show all I am God; who is over all
'".'.".>1<U power; who created earth;
over all in the heavens "'<"'UH.U
4. Let now my will given. Let all know I
speak, hath the true goveming power over
all peoples.
5. I, your Lord, who soon cometh power
to be the Holy One of the over all
nations, right it is to rule over peoples,
from the Father, whose servant I am eternally,
redeeming all mankind by the suffering of my
own body and soul on the cross of holy,
infinite, atoning and holy love power for the
salvation of all who will of receiving my holy
Gospel of salvation unto eternal life; yea, verily,
all who obey my holy laws of eternal life;
6. I speak mine own will to all peoples;
to reveal truth, eternal truth; to judge all of
mankind unto full etemal duration offinal judging
death, hell, a::
who your
hath been thine only po\" ~ .
beginning, to all.
8. Let all ear to my holy will concemir;
peoples, nations, kindreds of tl-__
earth; yea, even the of haviL
dwelt on my message of salvatic.
my etemal Priesthood.
H(UHJH0, to be ImO\\:
the God Glory over a:
9. I now eternal truth, to 2.
creation, by exist, that have beer
created by my eternal power Celestial.
12. saith the Lord: My holy way
been trampled upon from the day of Adam u n t ~
13. Noah was my servant of saving a:
mankind to continue on
14. peoples in his day were ripe i::
iniquity, unto violence continually, evil only
their thinking; acts of gross immoral way untc
murder of unboru children practiced openly 0::.
earth all then nations.
15. I sent the flood upon all the earth, o n l ~
sparing a few souls who were of me in the way
of eternal salvation; yea, who were of the way of
Jesus Christ, your Lord, who now revealeth that
the present generation on the earth is more wicked
in immoral way and in murder and violence, in
evil thinking and living, than the people in Noah's
16. Now receive my judging of you, all rulers
of nations who allow open way of immoral
practices of adultery and Sodom, which is the
foundation of murder of unborn children, spirits
I send to earth to receive earthly tabernacles to
prove themselves wOlihy, by choosing my Gospel
of salvation, to earn life eternal.
17. You rob them of opportunity to be eternal
in my holy dominion of Son Ahman in the
Kingdom ofAhman, my Eternal Father.
18. Let all be known as murderers who
practice any fonn restricting life from coming
forth through natural process at birth.
19. National leaders, now being warned by
my continual sending of mine own will to thee,
now in blood of innocent children murdered
before birth; yea, millions in some nations since
I sent my own will to thee, to cease this way of
murder now; yet you trample my word upon the
ground as a thing of naught.
20. I say unto you, both leaders of
nations, also ye peoples who destroy life
HULHv'HH practices of your nations allowing such
atrocities against life and virtue, innocent children
unborn; you now are guilty against knowing mine
own will hath been sent to thee.
21. You shall be millions of years, as it
were, paying in suffering for the multitudes
lives you have destroyed; for I am eternal; Eternal
is my name.
22. My habitation shall be on earth.
23. Nothing can overthrow my
24. I shall reach thee, notwithstanding your
annies of power. Your folly is of greatest height.
25. Your self-indulgent ways of sin reek now
with blood of innocence.
26. You are adulterous in way of living your
27. You justify murder for sake ofsaving what
you name as needed resources for the living.
28. You justify murder even as a full-tenn
unborn child is about to come 111 many
29. Doctors who abort
of innocence.
30. I shall repay in full measure
suffering for such
called on all peoples to cease
against my holy way life and
31. Now be of pure holy way.
32. Cleanse this evil from
33. Overthrow all ways
law in your lands.
34. Prosecute adultery, Sodom, and
35. Let not crimes
of unborn children go unpunished.
36. You promote this medical
worldwide, all nations.
37. Now let my holy way
38. Capital punishment for
adultery shall be my rule on earth in the
my coming to my people
eternal life.
39. it be known I am angry
adulterous, ...,,,,,
in iniquity
40. I shall sweep many more wicked
earth, even soon, who me not.
41. I tornado,
pestilences of disease, of insects.
the heavenly arnlies of vengeance to vV"LH.HW
and no anny of man can oppose my pO\ver.
42. All shall feel my
power sweep areas
prepare for my reign
of peace.
43. I am God.
I have to rule; I
righteous way of justice,
truth, eternal truth;
reign longer, but shall overcome
power Celestial heavenly power.
45. Know ye, I have not been
the generations of time.
46. I have sent holy Prophets to warn
leaders of nations; which rejected my
now are only of the history of old, no longer a
nation on earth; because they practiced
Copyright 2011 by the Fundamentalist
Page 9
Warning of SOil Ahman to the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Nations and Peoples ofthe Earth
unto peoples, be ye
58. 1 shall my will.
can oppose my power eternal
on earth,
to all surviving
50. Your
save you
of my judgment on
me, your Holy
of eternal power over
73. is of thy own
name, though is holy.
without just
me or my little
eternal happiness of
to pure souls who are of
" ' U U H , H ~ . " cannot save
77. You must come to me, your Redeemer,
to be of
sincere unto
sin unto purity laws
holy way;
be my legitimate
Warning of Son Anman to thc
Copyright 2011 by the Fundamentalist
Nations and Peoples of the Earth Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
have done my work.
have conquered
authority of Priesthood, unto receiving my Holy
Spirit gift of the Priesthood eternal power that
changes all unto holy loving peace way of living.
79. My holy way is simple, pure, noble, godly,
and of eternal power and duration of salvation.
80. I am He, the Author of salvation.
81. I am God over all.
82. Heed my word.
83. I fear no man; I am your Creator ofEternal
84. My Holy Spirit shines forth on all creation.
85. All things came by me, and of my holy
86. All things exist by my power.
87. I am the God over all that speaketh.
88. Now learn of me and my way of salvation.
89. In thy mind is a recording of all thy life.
90. I shall raise thee from the grave unto the
resurrecting both spirit and body together as
a living soul, like unto my resurrection of full
power over death eternally; and you shall each
one stand before me; and I shall unlock thy mind;
and you shall be thine own accuser in the day of
eternal judgment.
91. I shall show each one truth of their lives,
and wherein they sinned against knowledge
willingly, they shall be damned in a realm
of suffering for sin for a duration appointed
according to their crimes against their own
existence and harm and evil toward all others;
92. Thus leaders of nations shall reap a full
condemnation of all murders they allowed of
unborn children in the resurrection, now that I have
fully warned them with many warnings through
my Priesthood and people on earth, who follow
me and obey my Celestial laws of progression.
93. Now be believing.
94. Death is of sure coming on all on earth.
95. All shall be knowing I have spoken.
96. I come as an all-consuming fire, to
consume all corruptible things, to purge my own
people of all ungodly ways, and remove from all
nations the more wicked.
97. Now repent, and come unto me.
98. My servant still lingers in unjust bondage.
99. He is innocent, only living as I command
100. He hath been attacked by evil
combination ofwicked powers, both in this world
and by evil powers seeking his destruction of
spiritual darkness.
101. I have him in my hands.
102. He speaketh my own will, and is faithful
to my Gospel of salvation as I have revealed to
man on earth, as far as mankind have been willing
to learn truth, eternal truth unto eternal life.
103. Now free him and his brethren, all
unjustly held in bondage in unjust court way.
104. Let all my people have their lands and
houses where unjust court stole from me my
consecrated land.
105. Verily I say, wicked is this governing
power over my land of Zion, the land of New
Jerusalem soon to rise in glorious Celestial
majesty unto the Eternal King Emmanuel,
even your Lord Jesus Christ, coming in power
Celestial eternal, of legitimate holy governing
power, to rule over all nations in a holy righteous
pure government of God.
106. I am your King.
107. I am Ruler over all that cometh.
108. I send my love-message to all, so all may
109. Believe not lies against mine authority
on earth.
110. Wicked combination joined with
governing powers to defame in an unholy wicked
combination, to deceive any who would believe
a lie and be of no truth telling of my holy Gospel
and Priesthood.
Ill. Hear them not.
112. They are of evil themselves, both the
false witnesses who hath perjured themselves
knowingly until they glory in their lies ofaffliction
upon my people, my servant and Church; now to
be answered upon their heads by a just God who
knows all things; who shall be of full measure
sweeping them ofT the earth; declaring to such
in my day of judgment: Where is thy glory and
happiness now?
113. Thy folly is eternal damnation earned.
114. You sinned away my day of mercy.
115. You knowingly perjured thine own
children to lie against my servant; to tell world
he is guilty; when you yourselves practice
immoral ways, having fallen from my Church,
having rejected salvation for the world's ways
of no salvation; to wallow in pure corruption
Copyright 2011 hy the Fundamentalist
Page 11
Warning of Son Ahman to the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Nations and Peoples of the Earth
118. Such
123. are traitors.
are of naturally now,
lost the Spirit of
dishonor, each one.
125. She who once loved my servant as a
holy man, to disgrace own family as
a false witness.
hath caused many families to
her 0\\11 way seeking
no promise; only eternal judgment.
127. servant witnessed the open
128. is immorality.
129. own evil way
by pride person
Look into the lives witnesses to
k.'10W is truth;
132. And I shall repay in full, both this
eternally in the world to come; even my
_,,.,AAA,.,.., forever
over all peoples resurrected all standing
before a God of Creation; the wicked
shrinking before my power in suffering
soul unquenchable; as were willful
133, Such is the condition of
\\ who persecute my
Let these eternity truths rest
I shall do own
I shaH not to courts my
eternal Gospel according to ways man, of
fallen, unholy, carnal, sensual ways of the
137. I am holy.
138. My way is only
1 I have power fire,
that destroys all c0I111ption and and
exalts all pure.
140. pure in hemi
to survive the
vV.HHU"," among men on
14 I. Let these, my holy words,
all ye ends
and Savior.
is of eternal
145. I speak by authority.
146. I shall humble
governing powers, to over
You shall feel of my power.
my servant in
justice touch their lives.
such shall
people, even my Church on
FlLlldamentalist Church of Jesus
the Latter-day Saints as u ' ~ n u , .... ,-,.
150. fonner
fallen, and has 110
eternal life.
151. The they nprrnr'fYj
is called the Church of Jesus
day Saints, are of no
value, not having my
152. Verily I say to all peoples, I
so you do not join with that
withered; fighting ".",'HU.O"
up Plural Union
'Warning of Son Ahman to the
Page 12
Copyright 2011 by the Fundamentalist
Nations and Peoples of the Earth Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
lives the faithful; a pure
of my Church on earth, and
eternity of increase, for they whole are of pure
my Celestial laws.
Let my people free, is the word
to the nation of affliction my
Church, holy eternal Priesthood authority; a
boasting of freedom, yet will not
my in holy pure revealed religion from
heaven, to live without evil attack.
154. Thus they are in prison only for obeying
my Celestial Law of Eternal Union Marriage,
false tradition that the nation
and because government powers believe lies of
] 55. I shall make free my people by my
power, known to all nations soon at
hand, to become a full governing power
over all peoples remaining on
whirlwind judgments cleanse my
the more wicked out of every nation.
1 Let all be holy to survive.
Given to President
Tuesday, December
1. Thus saith Jesus Christ, your Lord,
further holy way of my will manifest to
peoples of the earth: Repent ye, yeo
2. I am soon to come in eternal power.
3. Let all peoples be full repenting now,
you go down with the wicked every nation
Revelation of the Lord
Given to President Warren
Palestine, Texas
Thursday, December 8,
1. Thus saith Jesus Christ, God over all, who
hath overcome all things, and sits with His Father
power throne forever, saying to all
my word.
soon happening, a great
nrtHTc>rtili storm over Northern
Also a national power UH.H'-'-'H up;
Copyright 20ll by the Fundamentalist
Page 13
Warning of Son Allman
Churcb of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Nations and Peoples uftlte Earth
floods, in "l!IUUJ.UL\'AL
power; sea swallowing up coastal
ofpower on
destroying crops; to
areas ofthe land ofEurope, in Thailand,
in Burma Laos; war throughout
rule in Moslem Latin
at my
8. Let feel
of famine,
all things in
and population area; soon war;
of an hunger, mobs,
in own
to prepare the way of my glorious
8aith even Jesus
Ahman to all
9. continue in gross heinous crimes.
10. You have of murder of unborn
drug way among an
nations; fornication, Sodom; also many
secret of violent powers in many
11. These from
send own
12. 0 that would repent, is the call
God to all peoples. Amen.
3. Let be humbled not
] 5.
In many areas.
16. Let all peoples feel my anger
way, to humble all nations.
17. Let all peoples come unto me,
Lord, holy ...",,'"'' on earth,
Priesthood, and among mel:
18. Let there be
place if nations will
unborn children and
19. I appear,
nations against other nations, then
weight judgments upon them of
not my own word sent to you; yea, my mac
I have sent to leaders of
purify your lives
Let my
wicked, and cause
with your Lord and Just
come upon all
me. Amen.
22. Let thy walk center "",\1""if1
obedience to my Gospel plan
Let holy power ,--"VLV,,,,U.U
Revelation of the Lord Jesus Christ
to President Warren S. Jeffs
Palestine, Texas
Sunday, December 2011
1. Verily thus saith the Lord to
of all nations: My holy way of eternal power
...... ..,''-''''''M is the Holy Priesthood Melchizedek,
the Priesthood of power.
2. All the yea, all past,
present, into must to this
eternal power legitimate holy n""p-rn",
all peoples, to be full way
unto lives.
3. This is love-power of all
Warning of Son Ahman to the
Page 14
Copyright 2011 by tbe Fundamentalist
Nations and Peoples ofthe Earth Church of Jesus Christ of Saints
of my Eternal Union of His children who will receive my holy power the
unto perfect obedience to Celestial holy eternal
power with my Holy Eternal Order as the way of
who bear my
law, of revelations I even Jesus
your Eternal God, who giveth this holy
of my my
who is over even rU.UHaH,
Jesus, your Lord of MH'rnlTU
5. Let
6. Let unto purity life to receive
this power by the holy order of receiving
even by my power of the
progression save you hold the authority
4. Now believe you cam10t eternal
the undersigned, are to all that this holy revealing is verily the words of
God, even Jesus Christ, to all peoples on earth; and as He has spoken own will, so shall He fulfill,
unto the salvation of the people of all nations who heed to own will concerning them. Amen.
Vaughan E. Taylor
Patriarch in the Fundamentalist
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
John M. Barlow
COlllselor in the Bishopric of the Fundamentalist
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Copyright 2011 by the Fundamentalist
Page 15
Waming of Sou Altman to the
Church of .Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Nations and Peoples of tlte Eartlt
.'-" 'C:! >;c'-!'lI-_1IIIilII1I1I.r. ________________________........ -

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