A - Put The Sentences Into The Correct Charts (20 1p)

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2010-2011 Name:


A Put the sentences into the correct charts (20*1p)

*honest * trustworthy * supportive * helpful * tall * beautiful * shy *rude *funny* handsome * overweight * reliable *medium height * hardworking *medium weight *slim *kind * nice * sincere *fat
Physical Appearance personality

B)MATCH THE SENTENCES ( 3pts x 5 = 15pts ) 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) (.....) I have got a headache a) You shouldnt eat a lot. (..)My marks are low in Maths b) You should study hard (..) Im very fat c) You should buy a present for her (..)I dont feel well d) You should take an aspirin (..)My friends giving a birthday party tomorrow e) You should see a doctor

C)FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH THE CORRECT PERSONAL QUALITY ( 2pts x 5= 10pts ) Polite / a good sense of humour / honest / generous / supportive 1) He always tells the truth. He is .. 2) I dont think Mike will give his seat to that old woman. He has never been a ..boy. 3) Sally gives help to her friends when they are in a difficult situation. She is.... 4) Mike always gives presents and money to poor people. He is very 5) He is good at making and understanding jokes. He has .. D)CIRCLE THE BEST ANSWER ( 2pts x 5= 10pts) 1) Left brained learners are intuitive / intuitively and guess solutions. 2) She broke a glass because she didnt do the washing up careful / carefully. 3) Left brained people control their feelings easy / easily. 4) Her granddad cant see good / well without his glasses. 5) Henry drove very fast / fastly last night so he had an accident.

E) Aadaki cmleleri enough ya da too ile tamamlaynz. (5X4=20 puan) 1) This Mercedes is new. It is . Fast. 2) I dont know English well, but It is good .to speak with a tourist. 3) Please open the windows and the door. It is .. hot. 4) She is 18 years old. She is old to get riving licence. 5) My father can buy a new house. He is rich..to buy it. F) Aada verilen cmlelere gore insanlarn yatkn olduu zeka trlerini yaznz. Interpersonal Intrapersonal Visual Musical Verbal

(5X3=15 puan) Kinaesthetic


.... 1) Ali : I like drawing pictures. ..2) Ceylin : I like being alone and doing everything alone. 3) Terry : I like listening to music while am studying. 4) Jack : I am good at solving problems. 5) Maria : I like speaking and listening. 6) Tina : I like working in groups. 7) Jason : I remember what I see or watch.

G ..a) intuitive ..b) alone ..c) reliable ..d) humour ...e) cheerful ...f) honest ..g) silently ..h) supportive i) logical j) left brain ..k ) verbal

Aada verilen kelimleri Trke anlamlar ile eletiriniz. (10*1=10pts) 0) Sezgisel 1) Sol beyin 2) Yanlz 3) Destekleyici 4) Neeli 5) Sessizce 6) Mizah 7) Mantkl 8) Drst 9) Gvenilir 10) Szel



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