MK Citizen - Bond in Bucks - PT 1

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CITIZEN FIRST Tuesday, October 21, 2008

First for FEATURES

Bond in Bucks
IT’S a mystery worthy of James Bond In this four part series,
himself. exclusive to Citizen First, author
But who’d have guessed the creator of Richard Meredith unravels the
Britain’s best-loved secret agent would remarkable local connections of
set this unknown adventure in the quiet Ian Fleming, creator of Britain’s
streets of Newport Pagnell? best loved secret agent James
Fact is, Miss Moneypenny, Ian
Fleming – author of the 007 books that
Containing much previously
launched the world’s most-watched film
unpublished material, Meredith
series – spent the best part of three
reveals how the ace thriller writer THE NAME’S FLEMING: The
months visiting the town … but where he
went, no one seems to know. knew the patch like the back of Bond creator on the front cover
Or maybe they just aren’t saying. his hand and was a frequent visi- of a book about the Park, left,
Well OK, it happened early one tor – not always officially – and an exhibition at Bletchley
summer between the wars and that’s a throughout most of his life. Park celebrating the ‘life’ of
long time ago. secret agent 007, below.
But you still might think legend would
tell us how he drained a couple of Dry barracks after, shall we say, some
Martinis in the town’s top hotel or left unofficial night-time manoeuvres.
the stub of one of his hand-made Mor- The story of those will have to wait
land Specials in an ashtray on the bar. for another day, but the point is: Who
The mystery goes back to 1926 when was this “Colonel Trevor”, I
the young Ian Fleming, whose family des- wondered? Was it an alias? Where
perately wanted him to join the Army, exactly was his practice parade ground
was sent to a “Colonel Trevor” in New- in Newport Pagnell? Was the officer’s
port Pagnell for some concentrated train- family still around to tell me?
ing to get him through the entrance tests In this year of 2008, with many
for officer training at Sandhurst’s military events being staged to mark the
academy. centenary of Ian Fleming’s birth, and
The reason I know is because John with Quantum of Solace, another
Pearson, a fellow author, spilled the James Bond blockbuster about to burst
beans in his Life of Ian Fleming, the first onto our cinema screens, it seemed
biography of James Bond’s creator who the perfect time to find out.
turned spymaster himself in WWII. I tried John Pearson first. Now in his
Well briefed by Fleming’s family and late 70s and in retirement in East Sus-
as his assistant at the Sunday Times for sex, he went off to look up his notes.
a number of years, few will have been Colonel Trevor was the name he had
better able to sort out the facts from fic- been given as Fleming’s Army trainer,
he confirmed, but alas, there was noth-
ing to add.
What happened, said Pearson in his
“No luck I’m afraid,” he said. “I’d
book, was that Fleming was taken out of An exhibition From Bletchley With These men, commanded by
Eton early by his mother because, and
like to help, but it’s all a long time ago FLEMING facts Love, now on at the Park and raising Fleming and nick-named his “Red
no surprises here, she thought he was appeal funds to restore this national Indians”, requisitioned a farm in
I tried Fleming’s family. Lucy
spending too much time partying and >> 2008 is the centenary of treasure to the place in history it Buckinghamshire as their practice
Fleming, actress daughter of Ian’s
chasing girls and not enough on lining up
brother Peter, is heading up the Ian Fleming’s birth (May 28, deserves, tells how Fleming would visit ground – another little-known fact
a good career. 1908) Frank Birch and his team of which, like the full story of Bletchley
anniversary celebrations. But she could-
With a military streak in the family, n’t help either. German Naval signal specialists in Hut Park, has only come out in recent years
Mrs Val, as Fleming and his brother I tried the Imperial War Museum, cur- >> An exhibition From 4, beginning the reporting chain back after the ending of restrictions under
Peter called her, took some advice and rently hosting For Your Eyes Only, an Bletchley With Love is currently up to Churchill and the Allied High Com- the Official Secrets Act.
learned that this “Colonel Trevor” at exhibition of Ian Fleming’s role in the running at Bletchley Park, the mand. With Fleming known to have based
Newport Pagnell came highly Naval Intelligence Division – the White- wartime code-breaking centre He made regular visits too, to stately many of his locations, plots and
recommended for the kind of crash hall spy-centre of MI6 during WWII Woburn Abbey where a covert operation characters on real-life places and
course in Army discipline and officer which provided him with so much of the >> Quantum of Solace, was being run from a studio in the sta- people, it could be argued that this
training which the 18-year-old needed. background for his later novels. Dond’s latest movie, releases bles by Sefton Delmer, former Daily mysterious Colonel Trevor and
And so we hear that Fleming motored They passed me on to Colman Getty, Express and BBC broadcaster, who Newport Pagnell itself are disguised
in the UK on October 31.
up and down to the north Bucks town in agents for the author’s boomed out “black propaganda” bul- among his Bond books somewhere.
his first car, a battered brown Standard publishing estate. letins of hoax information and morale- On the other hand, those who know
tourer, to be put through his paces by more blank looks and sapping messages to the the town well might be
“Colonel Trevor,” queried the posh- shaking heads.
the rigorous sounding girl from their London office, Germans, often scripted by Fleming hardpushed to visualise the Royal
military man. Fact is, if anyone reading this can tell himself. British Legion Club as a glittering
“sorry, I’ll have to phone you back on me more about cadet Fleming and his
And it worked, with the young cadet that one.” At Newport Pagnell, scene of that Casino Royale, the infamous Dr No in
visits to the town, I would be very glad earlier training with Colonel Trevor, residence at the health centre, or Octo-
winning a top-level pass, he came sixth But she never did. to hear (see end panel). there was also Salmons, the car pussy swimming in the River Ousel.
of the whole country’s intake into Sand- And I tried Newport Pagnell, of Mind you, with or without this body-building business now busily Surely too, the local traffic warden
hurst that year, and an entry scholarship. course – the local historians and those mysterious Colonel Trevor, Fleming engaged in various activities for the war bears only a passing resemblance to
Inevitably, being the character he was, in-the-know people with long memories already had a bulging dossier of effort and later destined to become Rosa Klebb?
Cadet Fleming resigned before not very and a nose for nostalgia. Oh dear, memories about this part of Aston Martin’s historic Still, local Bond book buffs and film
long; being confined to
Buckinghamshire before he jetted off to home. audiences might conceivably take a lit-
an exotic island in the Caribbean to And then there was his pride and joy tle closer look in future to see if there’s
write his novels in the 1950s. – the 30 Assault Unit, an eclectic anything they recognise.
Wearing his spymaster overcoat as bunch of tough marine commandos and
personal assistant to Admiral John God- men with “unorthodox” skills like safe- © Richard Meredith, 2008
frey, Director of NID and the breaking, forgery and explosives who
subsequent model for ‘M’ in his Bond were dispatched on secret >> Can you throw any light on
books, he used to travel from Whitehall missions, usually in advance of the Colonel Trevor or recall any
every fortnight to check out Bletchley main military, to capture enemy other anecdotes about Ian
Park’s super-human efforts to crack the codebooks and equipment and other
German codes. Fleming’s visits locally?
assignments. Richard Meredith is compiling
>> Author Richard Meredith is a nephew of the late Air a booklet about Bond in Bucks
Marshal Sir Bryan Reynolds, a former C-in-C Coastal Command, who in support of the effort to save
received vital intelligence from Bletchley Park during an Bletchley Park and would
operation in 1943/44 which was assisted by Commander welcome your stories.
Fleming’s Fleming’s ‘Red Indians’. E:mail them to him at
>> The former national newspaper journalist and business
2008 style:
magazine publisher is now an author of adventure travel books and lives in
Quantum Newport Pagnell. NEXT TIME: Ian Fleming’s cars and
of Solace how James Bond made Aston Martin
premieres >> His latest book DRIVEN TOGETHER: Historic first crossing of Asia's one of the most famous names in
opens next new Highway to the West is published next month by MercuryBooks at motoring history.
£19.99. Citizen readers can order copies for £18, including postage, at
week or tel 01908 618439.

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