Marine Steam Boiler Water Test Procedures, Impuruties and Treatment

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Marine Steam Boiler Water Test Procedures, Impuruties and Treatment

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Testing of Marine Boiler Feed S stems

Written by: Willie Scott Edited by: Swagatam Updated Sep 1, 2011 Related Guides: Steam Ships boilers are the heart of a steamship, when they are not operating efficiently the ship begins to lose speed. To keep the boilers running at optimum efficiency the testing of marine boiler feed systems before they can cause problems to boiler water pipes and internal fittings is imperative Boiler feed water and condensate systems are regularly tested for impurities, which include gasses and undissolved solids. These combine with water properties such as hardness and alkalinity to deposit scale and cause corrosion of water tubes and internal fittings. Any negative results of the tests can be rectified by the addition of chemicals to the feed water and diluting the impurities by blowing down the boiler and adding make up feed. In the following sections the purpose and equipment used in boiler feed water and condensate testing will be examined. The first section is an overview of the feed system.

Superheated steam from the boiler is fed into the steam turbine where it expands through the different stages before exiting into the main condenser. This converts any remaining steam to condensate which is fed through the deaerator, and several heaters before being pumped under high pressure back into to the boiler via the main boiler feed valve. The feed water must be regularly monitored for impurities by taking water samples from the different stages in the feed water system which comprises of the make-up water and condensate returns. Make-up feed being initially supplied by the evaporators, which produce distilled water from seawater.

Testing Techniques
Samples taken from the boiler water feed system are cooled usually to 25 C and tested for the following properties and impurities, Dissolved gasses- Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide and ammonia. Acidit or Alkalinit -Carbonates and bicarbonates Hydroxides content. Hardness Calcium and magnesium salts content Undissolved solids impurities built up in the boiler water over time. Chlorine content usually originates from seawater ingress to feed water system.

Methods of Treatment
Dissolved gasses of o gen, and CO2

It is one of the jobs of the deaerator to remove the dissolved gasses in the returning condensate. So if there are consistently high quantities of dissolved gasses in the system it is best to check that the DA is operating correctly. If however the gasses continue to form, the best method of reducing them is by using a blowdown valve. Some Chief Engineers prefer to leave the boiler on constant blowdown, and I have used this method myself with the provisos, 1. The DA is operating satisfactory 2. The amount of make-up feed is monitored 3. Tests for O2 and CO2 are carried out every watch 4. The steam from the blowdown valve can be used in a feedwater heater. Alkalinit Acid and alkalinity are used to describe properties of fluids, their levels being measured in units of pH from 0 to 14, a pH of 7 being neutral. 1/3


Marine Steam Boiler Water Test Procedures, Impuruties and Treatment

F . S P Hardness T .I .C . Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) D S TDS . Chlorine Content T PPM C . TDS , S (N P 4)

8.5 H,

.H , CO2

. .T

.A .

Testing Procedures
Testing for Dissolved O I T . A , . Testing for Alkalinit Y T . A .T I , H. Test for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) T TDS T .T PPM. . TDS , , H. H , .L .N . .T C M gen

M K C :B L I :B C :// . :B S F B R W








Marine Steam Boiler Water Test Procedures, Impuruties and Treatment

Wha I The Need T Te Ma i e B i e S ea La T Feed Wa e O Shi ?

- A Ge e a O e ie Ma i e P E i E e i i a S ea hi

bi e f fA i ia

Ma i e S ea

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