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Avoiding repetition missing words out Read the interview with successful businesswoman, Sally Mardsen.

. Complete the interview with the correct auxiliary or modal verb, positive or negative. Interviewer: Business World once described you as the nations favourite businesswoman, as (1) have many other publications recently. Are you happy with that description? Sally: Well, yes, I suppose I (2) am . Who (3) wouldnt be? I quite like the description. But even if I (4) didnt , there wouldnt be much I could do about it, anyway. Interviewer: Many businesswoman claim to suffer from discrimination when it comes to promotion, but you clearly (5) havent. What do you put your success down to? Sally: Thats the million dollar question everybody would like to answer, but in truth nobody (6) can . If I had a magic answer to give you, I (7) would. But I suppose its really down to very ordinary things like hard work, being in the right place at the right time, taking risks when I (8) have to , that sort of thing. Most business people wont take risks, but I (9) will . Interviewer: It all started for you with a stroke of luck, didnt it? Sally: Well, yes. I applied for a job with ITG, and got it when I didnt think I (10) would . Then, when most of the senior management left, I was asked whether I wanted to take over the marketing division of the company. Frankly, I (11) didnt , but I told them that I (12) would . Id just had my first baby and I didnt need the extra work, and neither (13) did my husband! But we managed, as you always (14) do when you really (15) have to . My work was appreciated, and I was soon promoted to senior executive. Interviewer: Have you ever considered working in the States? Sally: Yes, I (16) have , and one day I (17) will . I was actually offered a senior position four years ago.

Interviewer: (18) Were you? Sally: Yes, and I wanted to go, but because of my family, I (19) couldnt. But if I were given another chance to go, I (20) would .

Avoiding repetition reduced infinitives Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets, and a reduce infinitive where appropriate. 1 2 3 4 5 He apologizes for offending you, and says that he really didnt intend to (intend). Why didnt you bring me a present back? You promised to (promise). She isnt famous yet, but she hopes to be (hope) in the future. I think she should emigrate if she really wants to (want). I dont know why I ended the novel in that way. I certainly didnt plan to (plan).

Correct the mistake Correct the mistake in each sentence. 1 2 3 4 5 Ive been burning my hand. Ive burnt my hand. What are you thinking of my suggestion? What do you think of my suggestion? The project will supervise by Suzanne. The project will be supervised by Suzanne. When she was calling round to see me, I was working in the garden. When she called round to see me, I was working in the garden. Happy anniversary! I cant believe you were married for ten years! Happy anniversary! I cant believe youve been married for ten years!


Complete the sentences with adverbs. The first letter of each adverb is given. 1 2 She gazed longinly at the dress in the window it was just perfect. The headmasters speech went on interminably . Everyone was asleep by the end. 3 What have you been up to lately ? I havent seen you for a while. 4 Im deeply worried about Frank. He seems so depressed. 5 If youd just try to get here on time, I wouldnt get so angry. 6 The priest apologized profusely for arriving late at the wedding. 7 Take it easy ! Youll have a heart attack if you go on like this. 8 I distinctly remember telling you this yesterday. 9 Claire will be sorely missed, but we wish her all the best in her new job. 10 The film was just as exciting the second time I watched it. Phrasal verbs Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs. All the missing phrasal verbs contain the particle up. 1 Bonnie and Clyde refused to give themselves up , and were shot by the police. 2 I dont know what children get up to when were not here. I hope they arent causing any trouble. 3 Calm down! You shouldnt work up yourself into such a state. 4 Youll need to think of an excuse. Just make one up , she wont know whether its true or not. 5 Can you put me up for a night or two? Ill be no trouble. 6 I havent seen any suitable jobs yet, but Im sure something will turn up. 7 I didnt expect to come up against so many problems in this research. 8 If the government puts up taxes again, theyll be very unpopular. 9 I didnt finish the test. I only got up to question 16. 10 I cant do any more of this crossword. I think its time to give up.

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