Syria Russia and Cyprus

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Box168SlocanBC V0G2C0 12503552669 Comradesandfriends This Globe and Mail article by Patrick Martin 1 is informative and one of the first by a Canadian bourgeois journalist that attempts to cut through the NATO propaganda and to analyze the contending forces and in particular the stance of Russia. The Government of Cyprus is headed by a Communist. Its position is difficult because Turkey, a member of NATO, is fomenting an internal crisis on that strategically positioned island while at the sametimeasitiscolludingwiththeUSAandNATOtoimposeanoflyzoneoverSyriaaswas doneoverLibya. IsraelisdeeplyinvolvedinfomentingtheinternalcrisisinSyriatocoveruptheeconomicand democratic demands of its own Occupy Movement and of course its continued illegal occupation of the Golan Heights and its defiance of world public condemnation of settlementexpansion. Russia has a naval base in Syria and is not likely to be pushed out so easily and seems preparedtoagainvetoanyUNNATOschemetointerveneandimposetheUSorganizedand Canadian Government backed SNC puppet regime. Russias proposals for a peaceful path mustnotbedismissedoutofhand.Isthereabetterproposalonthetable? ThesituationisnotasimplereplayoftheLibyantragedyandtheremaybetheopportunityif the left progressive forces act and not just denounce, to force the Obama and Harper Governmentstoreassess.ThereisnodoubtthattheRepublicansandrightwingDemocrats mired in a sham election battle, would love another war as they approach another

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presidential election so they can play the phony patriotism card and extol and promote moremilitaryspending. The same thing willtake place inCanada where Harperis runninginto opposition over his planstoprivatizehealthcare,reducepensionsandspendlavishlyonthemilitary. TheHarperGovernmentthusfaristakingitsSyrianforeignpolicycuefromWashingtonasit always does. However, Syria is not Libya and the opposition parties in the Canadian ParliamentandinparticulartheNDPmustbetoldinnouncertainterms,nottobackanother LibyantypeinterventioninSyriafraughtwiththedangerofevolvingintoamajorUSNATO IsraeliwaronIranwiththepotentialfortheuseofnuclearweapons. CPS calls upon Communist Party of Canada (CPC) leader Miguel Figueroa and Communist PartyoftheUnitedStatesofAmerica(CPUSA)leaderSamWebbandtheleadersofallofthe leftprogressivepeaceforcesofourtwocountriestoissuejointstatementsnow,directedto our respective governments and opposition parties, as well as to the organized labour, peace and democratic movements to reject any and all USCanadianNATO schemes for regimechangewarinSyria. NowisthetimefortheCommuniststospeakoutandeffectively.WecannotgotoIMCWP Meetingsandmakespeechesandthencomehomeandforgetwhatitisthatweagreedto jointlydo. WemustcallforaCanadianforeignpolicyofpeacenotNATOwarandregimechange!Now isthetimetodoit! PRIME MINISTER HARPER, PRESIDENT OBAMA! HANDS OFF SYRIA! NO MORE USCANADIAN NATOWARS!THEPEOPLEOFNORTHAMERICAWANTPEACENOTNUCLEARWAR! DonCurrie,ChairCPS



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