Remembering Michael Magazine June 2010

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unbelievable that it's been a whole year. . We still can't believe it's true. It's like it's unreal, it's a dream, but unfortunately it is 'reality. It's been hard, especially as this is the first time something like this has happened to me and my family.
The anniversary of my brother's passing will be a very strange spiritual day. There will be a lot of prayers, The family is extremely grateful for the outpouring oflove and affection everyone has shown us during the last year. I last saw Michael at our parents' anniversary two weeks before the tragedy. He was fine. He was Michael. He was himself. He was my brother. My biggest regret is that we didn't spend more time together in the later years. I miss his voice. I miss his smile. I miss his love. I attended a press conference for the premiere of 'This Is It; but I couldn't go in. I did not watch the movie and I still haven't seen it. I don't know Tito & Michael in New York in 1977, when I'll get around to seeing it as it's very hard to watch him like that. But I'm very happy that people around the world loved the movie so much. It's just that it would have been too painful for me to watch. I have so many wonderful memories 'of our times together, especially the ]-5 days, playing at the Apollo in Harlem, our time as kids, trying to be famous, the traveling, Motown - those are special days that can never be replaced. Those are the good times. Michael's children - my two nephews and niece - are doing quite well. I see them often. They are very strong and also very smart. I am very proud of them. Children have a great way of dealing with situations. Fans should remember Michael for his wonderful generosity. Michael was overly kind, almost too kind really. That's a rare quality, which you don't find in people very often. Michael's legacy is his music that will live on and on. It will stand the test of time. Michael will forever be recognized for what he truly is...the King of Pop;'




unbelievable that it's been a whole year. . We still can't believe it's true. It's like it's unreal, it's a dream, but unfortunately it is 'reality. It's been hard, especially as this is the first time something like this has happened to me and my family.
The anniversary of my brother's passing will be a very strange spiritual day. There will be a lot of prayers. The family is extremely grateful for the outpouring oflove and affection everyone has shown us during the last year. I last saw Michael at our parents' anniversary two weeks before the tragedy. He was fine. He was Michael. He was himself. He was my brother. My biggest regret is that we didn't spend more time together in the later years. I miss his voice. I miss his smile. I miss his love. I attended a press conference for the premiere of 'This Is It; but I couldn't go in. I did not watch the movie and I still haven't seen it. I don't know Tito & Michael in New York in 1977. when I'll get around to seeing it as it's very hard to watch him like that. But I'm very happy that people around the world loved the movie so much. It's just that it would have been too painful for me to watch. I have so many wonderful memories 'of our times together, especially the ]-5 days, playing at the Apollo in Harlem, our time as kids, trying to be famous, the traveling, Motown - those are special days that can never be replaced. Those are the good times. Michael's children - my two nephews and niece - are doing quite well. I see them often. They are very strong and also very smart. I am very proud of them. Children have a great way of dealing with situations. Fans should remember Michael for his wonderful generosity. Michael was overly kind, almost too kind really. That's a rare quality, which you don't find in people very often. Michael's legacy is his music that will live on and on. It will stand the test of time. Michael will forever be recognized for what he truly is...the King of Pop."




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Beautiful photographs of THE BEST DADDY IN THE WORLD Paris, Prince and Blanket and a revealing look at their lives now.



PHOTO ALBUM Fifty very special pages of intimate personal pictures of Michael ... at Neverland, with his children, behind the scenes at video shoots, in the recording studio

and hanging out with some of his famous friends.



The full tragic story of 'Michael's final hours, a tearjerking of his last dance.





Michael's beloved former home as it is now - and in its heyday - as fans call for it to be turned into a museum for the King of Pop.



Images from across the world as fans gather to and celebrate the life of their hero.

Michael may be gone, but his legacy lives on - with new music, video games, stage shows and theme park attractions on

their way. Plus, the making of "This Is It,'' the greatest concert the world never saw.


& SADNESS Millions weep for his children as stars, family and fans turn out for Michael's emotional memorial service and funeral.



DID IT into Michael's a look at the

ALL GO SO WRONG? The investigation death, including

secret life of Dr. Conrad Murray, photos of the crime scene and reactions from the Jackson sisters, Janet, La Toya and Rebbie.


ntertainm~nt business executive Suzanne de Passe, 61, was there at the start. She helped to discover Michael]ackson and the Jackson 5, . and remained friends with the King of Pop throughout his life. She'll never forget the first time she laid eyes on Michael - as a lO-year-old back in 1968. At that time, Suzanne had just started work as creative assistant to Motown Records Chairman Berry Gordy. One day, she was invited by singer Bobby Taylor to his apartment at 1300 East Lafayette Street, Detroit, to hear a young group of singing brothers from Gary, Ind. Here are her very special memories ofMichael...

"I can't believe Michael is gone. But I do believe Michael will never truly die. Whether it's a Picasso or Michael Jackson or a da Vinci, artistry such as Michael's is immortal. "I was at a spa in California when I first heard the news. I never wanted to believe that someone so young and so gifted as Michael, and such a large part of my life, could be gone forever. "Today, there are peaks and valleys. Sometimes the memories make me joyous and other times, I'm sad. I can't believe how devastating and tragic it has been. "I'LL ALWAYS REMEMBER the first time we met. I walked into the apartment and strewn across the floor were these kids. They sang for me, something acappella, and just blew me away. It was electrifYing! Instantly, I knew I had stumbled onto greatness. "I told Mr. Gordy he had to sign these kids to Motown, but he said, 'Kids? I don't want any kid acts; and he joked, 'Don't you know

how much trouble Stevie Wonder is?' I was brand new at my job, scared to death, but I didn't back down and, even:nall:, he listened. "The rest is history. The Jacksons recordee. El m-emight, they became sensations. It was like Beatlemania L!J'C: aain. "I was given responsibility for putting ;::0:::;:: :::ciI live shows, rehearsals, school, handling their docto~~:: -=~...:~ 2;lpointments, choosing their clothing and developing e::: ~ : - rmers. "I got to witness their transition'::' :::;:==== :e:aa absolutely anonymous to being mobbed by5(-7el:=:::': "Despite his enormous talenTo_:1 . "~ a show, in the hotel, he wo' - "~_ play a game. He was alwa:: 2. - ~ -:_ "Michael was mischi -:: ::::~ ':\llS that mix of professional perfecrio6~:: =:.-. ~ - =--':'e boy. "I remember _IiC:"2~- ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ .. own devices, he would wear Si :-::::- - _ := ~;US white socks

and those clunky shoes - but the next thing you know, that became a fashion statement, because MichaeIJackson was doing it. "After a while, I started calling him Casper, after Cas per the Friendly Ghost, and that's all I ever called him from then on. Years later, backstage at the Grammy Awards, I saw this huge crowd of people with Michael in the middle. Everyone was yelling, 'Michael! Michael!' I shouted, 'Casper!' He looked around, saw me and came rushing over and gave me a big hug. It was really sweet. "FROM THE BEGINNING, IT WAS OBVIOUS that Michael was the star of the Jackson S, but he never became arrogant or diva-like. I never saw that in him. As time went on, he became more and more certain of his artistry and more of a perfectionist, driving to achieve the very best that he could be. "Eventually, Joe Jackson made the decision to leave Motown, and it was a very tough time. It wouldn't be long before Michael would leave the Jackson 5, too. Our contact diminished over the years,

but he still would call up, just to chat, and we would talk on the phone endlessly. Once, I took him to the Dance Theatre of Harlem to see the ballet 'Firebird; and people thought he was a Michael Jackson look-alike. It was a very good time. "I don't know what happened with Michael in the end. I had not spoken with him in more than three years. I think he used very bad judgment in situations in which he placed himself. In his heart, I believe he was a really good person. "I was there for the happy times, and I am so glad that's the part of Michael's life that I got to see. Today, everyone has their own Michael Jackson memory. His inspiration was universal: His music touched everyone. He was so many different things to so many people. His music was amazingly popular and life-changing and inspirational for so many young people, including myself. I had the incredible opportunity to be a first-hand eyewitness to history. "His death was truly tragic. I've never gotten over it, and I never will:'













Michael played guitar, keyboard, synthesizer and percussion on "Scream," which Janet later performed as a tribute to her brother at the 2009 "MTV Video Music Awards."

















need an ambulance as soon as possible . we have a gentleman here that needs help . he's not breathing ...he's 50 years old...he's not breathing ..:'
The 911 call from a home in Holmby Hills, Cali, came in at 12:22 p.m.local time on Thursday, June 25, 2009. The caller was a security guard named Alberto Alvarez. An ambulance was quickly dispatched and paramedics were about to learn that the "gentleman'< who had "stopped breathing" was Michael Jackson. Jackson's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, had been attempting to revive the fallen superstar as the emergency medical team arrived. According to the 911 call transcripts, for nearly three-quarters of an hour the paramedics worked on Michael, finally rushing him to UCLA Medical Center at 1:13 p.m., where doctors continued attempts to save the King of Pop. But even as Jackson arrived at the hospital, media Web sites were reporting that he had suffered cardiac arrest. TV news bulletins quickly followed. And at 2:26 p.m. came the news that left the world in stunned disbelief as a headline appeared on the Web site "Michael Jackson Dies:' The news, soon confirmed by other media organizations, spread quickly over the Internet, causing Web sites to crash from user overload. 1------+

" I

"I am stunned. Mytriend, Michael Jackson is dead. He lived with me tor a week on the 'Golden Pond'set after 'Thriller.' "

In a short statement, Jermaine Jackson announced that hospital doctors had attempted to resuscitate his brother for more than an hour "but they were unsuccessful;' He said the official time of death was 2:26 p.m. "May all love be with you Michael, always. We love you;' Jermaine said, his heart broken. MICHAEL JACKSON SPENT THE LAST NIGHT of his life doing what he had always done: performing. The singer was in rehearsals at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, running through a full slate of songs from his upcoming 50-concert London event.

He had arrived at the center at around 6:30 p.m., Wednesday, June 24, but did not begin rehearsing until 9 p.m., complaining of laryngitis, according to Ed Alonzo, a concert magician-comedian hired to create set-piece illusions for the London shows. "He looked great and had great energy. He wasn't singing at full level, but it was as beautiful as ever;' Alonzo said. "He went from one number to the other. 'Let's do that again; He wanted to look at props for the 'Thriller' number, a gigantic spider. He was dancing, singing, joking with the crew. If he was having any aches 'or pains, nobody knew about it that night?' Dorian Holley, the vocal director for the tour, said Michael "WaE

Left: Emergency crews respond to Michael's rented Holmby Hills mansion on the day of his death, June 25, 2009, after security guard Alberto Alvarez makes a 911 call at 12:22 p.m. local time to say the King of Pop is unresponsive. Below: An ambulance computer screen displays the chilling readout that a "50 year old male" was "not breathing at all." Bottom, left: The world gets a final chance to glimpse at Michael as paramedics rush his lifeless body on a gurney into the emergency room at UCLA, just six minutes after leaving his home. Attempts to save the King of Pop fail, and at 2:26 p.m., news breaks that Michael is dead.

just glowing, and you could see it, that he was finally seeing it all come together." Holley says he left rehearsals just before midnight as Jackson headed off to attend production meetings. By 1:30 a.m., June 25, Michael was back at the home he was renting in Holmby Hills, attempting to fall asleep but, as always, he had trouble nodding off. To aid his insomnia, Jacksonkept a pharmacy of drugs with him at all times, some of them requiring that he be hooked up to an IV drip. According to police reports, Dr. Murray, the physician Michael hired to be by his side throughout the concert schedule,

gave the singer a lO-milligram tablet ofValium, but the singer was unable to sleep. At around 2 a.m., Dr. Murray injected Michael with two milligrams of the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam, but still Jackson couldn't sleep. At 3 a.m., Dr. Murray tried again. He gave Michael two milligrams of the sleep-inducing drug rnidazolam. Jackson remained awake. At 5 a.m., Michael was still wide awake and Dr. Murray gave him another two milligrams oflorazepam - to no avail. Murray administered another two milligrams of rnidazolam .....---.

Later that day, ML body is taken by S _ helicopter to the County coroner's Right: The report by paramedics wh attended the scene states that Jackso had already flatline:. (no heart activity) _ time they arrived, aafter two rounds



revival drugs failec. was declared deac ".. the scene. But Dr. as senior medic at _ Jackson home, in . that Michael be ta; the hospital for a round of drugs, also failed.

at 7:30 a.m. The doctor told police he was continuously at Jackson's an antidote for certain overdoses, but nothing was . bedside, monitoring the singer with a pulse oximeter connected to The doctor called for Jackson's personal assistant, ~.Michael's finger. Amir Williams, and asked him to send security Jackson still couldn't fall asleep and by 10:40 a.m., according to emergency. Dr. Murray, he began preparing a Police reports state that before:~ dosage of the anestheticpropofol. He arrived, Dr. Murray left Jackson =told police he diluted the drug with downstairs to the kitchen >\ta another anesthetic, lidocaine, before asked the chef to send up the ' administering it to the singer. 13-year-old son, Prince Michael =. After a restless night, Michael was The boy stood in horror as Dr. ~ finally able to close his eyes and go to continued to perform ePR on ~ sleep. He would never awaken. Security still had not arrived ~ Dr. MurraywatchedJackson sleep for boy put out another urgent s about 10 minutes before going to the for help. bathroom, say police. It had been a long Security guard Alvarez the=. the fateful 911 call that wou:..::. night for both of them. Fans anxiously wait for news outside the emergency room at UCLA Medical Center on June 25, where Michael The trip to the bathroom took lead to the tragic news heard ro was later pronounced dead. world. less than two minutes, Dr. Murray said. But when he came back, he said, "We have a personal doctor h~ he saw Michael wasn't breathing. He started cardiopulmonary him sir, but he's not responding to anything;' Alvarez told tt= dispatcher. "He's not responding to ePR or anything." resuscitation and administered .2 milligrams of Flumazenil,


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and car speakers in Moscow and China. French fans held a ceremony in his honor in front of the Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris and did a memorial moonwalk at the Eiffel Tower, while. a candlelight vigil took place in London's Trafalgar Square. In the Philippines, a dance tribute was even staged at a prison in Cebu, where Byron Garcia, a security consultant, had 1,500 inmates join in a synchronized dance to Jackson's "Thriller" video. "My heart is heavy because my idol died;' he said. AT THE HISTORIC APOLLO THEATER IN HARLEM, NEW YORK, JACKSON fans played his greatest hits, danced in the streets, chanted his name and prayed for Michad and his family. "For a long time, he was unquestionably the most famous person on the planet;' said Jed Hilly, executive director of the Americana Music Association, who worked with Jackson for years while at Sony. Flags flew at half staff outside City Hall in the Jackson family's hometown ofGary, Ind., as Michael's hits - including "Bad" - blared from the building intercom system. Everyone from national leaders on down spoke words of sadness

and praise. Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez called the star's death "lamentable news;' while the former president of South Korea, Kim Dae-jung, said: "We lost a hero of the world;' And former Philippine first lady Imelda Marcos cried on hearing the news. "MichaelJackson enriched our lives, made us happy;' she said. In Japan, TV commentator Dave Spector said: "Many Japanese fans were not just loyal to Michael - they worshipped him;' In Egypt, dentist Hany MwafY, 28, from Cairo, said: "Jackson simply symbolized the whole Western culture and music for us. American pop for us was all about him;' And Russian gymnastics teacher Larisa Bershotskaya, 50, whose son copied Jackson's dance moves from music videos, placed a bouquet of flowers outside the US. Embassy in Moscow. "My entire family has deep, deep love for him;' she said. Internet chat sites were awash with mourning. And one fan, Audrey Jana from Singapore, may have said it best when she wrote that Jackson would never be forgotten, proclaiming: "MichaelJackson can not die! He's Michael]ackson;'.

Top photo: Each wearing a single white glove in tribute to Michael, the Jackson brothers sit with Janet, Rebbie and other family members. Above left: Janet hugs niece Paris on stage at the Staples Center, while Prince Michaell hangs on to his aunt's arm. Above right: Michael's parents Katherine and Joe, who have been estranged for some years, sit side by side at the memorial. Right: Paris holds hands with Prince Michaelll, aka Blanket, as he grips a doll of his dad and the order of service.

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pallbearers, wearing Bingle white sequilled gloves, a tribute to Jaekscm's ""~~~~""~""--<"';''''=''~'''':~~'-~~~~'tn alike took the stage and shared w-hat: Michael meant to them, "He studied the greats and then became greater, He raised the bar, and then he broke the bar;' said Berry Gordy, the founder of Motown Records, the label that signed the Jackson 5. "1 think he is simply the greatest entertainer that ever live.d~' Then Stevie Wonder launched into an emotional rendition of his song, "Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer." Another wrenching moment came at the end of Jennifer Hudson's performance of Michael's ~

i\ Ci::U::nRATl{)N OF THE LIFE OF MIC.ijilEL



gaze at the audience. It was at that precise moment that the world saw Michael]ackson as his children and his family had always seen him, a father and a friend who loved them dearly. The throng that gathered at the Staples Center in Los Angeles last July 7 had cheered earlier in the service as Jackson was called the greatest entertainer of all time. More than 1.6 million people had applied for the 17,500 tickets to his memorial. DAYS EARLIER, MICHAEL had been rehearsing at the center to work his magic again with 50 farewe~ concerts. His bOd~

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very composed and strong and would have made their father proud;' said a guest. To end the ceremony, Jackson's brothers led a procession of guests as they carried his casket into the Holly Terrace of the Great Mausoleum, where he joined other legends including Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and W.C. Fields. Each person was allowed one final farewell, including Jackson family friend Clifton Davis who, earlier in the ceremony, had performed "Never Can Say Goodbye;' a song he wrote for the Jackson 5. "Clifton stopped the song at the end and said, 'Michael, we can't say goodbye;" the guest recalled. ',''But what we can say is that we love you.'" .'


Glenda1e,Calfh Sept. 3) 2009
.Ten weeks afterMichael died, he was finally laid to rest at the Forest Lawn Memorial-Park's Great Mausoleum in Glendale, Calif., on Sept. 3. 2009. Around 200 guests were present for the interment, including family members and Elizabeth Taylor, below. Music was provided by Gladys Knight, who sang "His Eye is on the Sparrow" and Clifton Davis, who sang "Never Can Say Goodbye".

very composed and strong and would have made their father proud;' said a guest. To end the ceremony, Jackson's brothers led a procession of guests as they carried his casket into the Holly Terrace of the Great Mausoleum, where he joined other legends induding Clark Gable, Jean Harlow and W.C.Fields. Each person was allowed one final farewell, induding Jackson family friend Clifton Davis who, earlier in the ceremony, had performed "Never Can Say Goodbye;' a song he wrote for the Jackson 5. "Clifton stopped the song at the end and said, 'Michael, we can't say goodbye;" the guest recalled. "'But what we can say is that we love you.''' .-

Randy Phillips,. chief executive of promotion firm AEG Live. But eventually, he agreed. He was eager to perform again for all the people who loved him - and he also was heavily in debt. Still, when tickets sold out rapidly, the 10 concerts he'd first agreed to quickly mushroomed to 50. Phillips was also pushing him to add a tour of Europe, the Far East and the US., which would keep him on stage - and under the pressures of performing - until 2011. He agreed to the tour for the money. Altogether, Michael was in qebt by as much as $400 million. But more than anything else on Earth, he wanted to be Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, once again, and to thrill his adoring millions of fans worldwide. "Michael didn't just want to do it - his attitude was, We HAVE to do it;' said his concert director Kenny Ortega. "He set his own expectations:' AT THE TIME OF HIS DEATH, THE AUTOPSY REPORT noted that his blood contained a chemical cocktail of deadly drugs - lidocaine, diazepam, nordiazepam, lorazepam, midazolam, ephedrine and propofol, called "milk of amnesia;' the heavyweight surgical anesthetic drug


Conrad Murray admitted giving Michael the sleeping drug propofol which the coroner says killed him, but the star's family believes others were involved and that his death was - MURDER! Sister La Toya charged that her brother fell prey to a greedy "shadowy entourage" of manipulative hangerson who wanted to exploit him. "I believe Michael

ersonal in-house physician Dr.

drugs in addition to the sleep-inducer propofol. La Toya said she warned about Michael's precarious situation just weeks before his death and predicted that he would not live to make his comeback. "I said I thought Michael was going to die before the London shows because he was surrounded by people who didn't have his best interests at heart," she said. "MICHAEL WAS WORTH MORE THAN A BILLION DOLLARS. When anyone is worth that much money, there are always greedy people around them. "I said to my family, 'He's never going to make it to London,' He was worth more dead than alive," Sadly, Michael "never believed he would live to be an old man," she revealed. "By the end, he was the loneliest man in the world. His kids made him so happy, but he didn't have any real

friends. His problem wa: he didn't trust anybody. "I knew something terrible was going to happen," Oldest sister Rebbie, 60, also believed that Michael's death wasn't as simple as an overdos: of drugs administered one person. "There's an ongoing investigation, so I have to be very careful abou: what I say. But I think there's going to be sore: interesting everyone," results for

that caused his death, which Los Angeles authorities consider a homicide. The drugs had been given to him by his physicians and were what Michael had come to depend on to stave off crippling pain from numerous physical ills. The autopsy revealed that he suffered from lupus - an autoimmune disease that can swell joints and cause pain, and vitiligo- a skin condition that can destroy melanin in the skin and give sufferers a patchy, uneven complexion. Ironically, Jackson had faced criticism for years that he was bleaching his skin and straightening his hair to appear Caucasian. Gotham Chopra, a close friend ~

was murdered," the 54-year-old La Toya said. "Not just one person was involved, a conspiracy rather it was of people.

Rebbie also hinted th Dr. Murray wasn't the 0 one responsible, addin. "I think it's a lot more t~ that possibly. We'll find out. I can't say too muc but it's interesting wha. going on," Third sister Janet, W was closest to Michael, said she last saw him a month before his deatr and was painfully awar: that he was having pro. lems with his medicati She said she became so overwhelmed "seeing him and know' that there was an issue that he was in denial

"He was surrounded by a bad circle. Michael was a very meek, quiet, loving person. People took advantage of that." These evil handlers kept feeding him addictive drugs to make him submissive and control his moods, she said. Indeed, the autopsy revealed Michael had ingested a cocktail of five prescription


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Michael Jackson's official death certificate lists his cause of death as "homicide." According to the document, Jackson died

from "acute

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propofol intoxication" due to an "intravenous injection by another." The original certificate, issued July 7, 2009, listed the cause of death as "deferred;" but this was amended after further investigation in August last year by medical examiner Christopher Thomas. Michael's sister La Toya provided information on the document,

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'he room. ,e tried intervention eral times," she losed. "But he was much in denialidn't think he had oblem." ke her sisters, et places the blame the actual killing of

her beloved brother Dr. Murray.


her brother's death. "It's hard to believe still to this day," Janet said, as she choked back tears. "There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about him. Our whole family thinks of him every single day."

"He was the one administering the drug," said the 44-year-old pop star. "So I do blame him." But no matter what comes from the investigation, it can never heal the hole in her heart left by

Sadly, there were too many enablers who were eager to give him the easy - and risky - way out of his agony. Dr. Deepak Chopra had previously refused to give Michael drugs. But he noted that many of the physicians surrounding celebrities "are enabling doctors who, for a fee, will give you anything you want under any fictitious name. We put drug pushers in jail, but give licenses to doctors to do the same thing:' Dr. Conrad Murray was reportedly such a doctor. He was deeply in debt and jumped at the chance to become the singer's personal physician at a staggering $150,000 a month. When the entertainer complained he was unable to sleep, authorities say, Murray injected him many times with propofol. On Feb. 8 this year, Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter because Jackson

died while Murray was "caring" for him. Dr. Selma Calmes, a consulting anesthetist, blasted Murray, saying Michael was dosed without the correct monitoring equipment for a drug that should only be administered to those undergoing surgery, by a qualified anesthetist, under constant monitoring. Still, cardiologist Murray admitted to cops he'd administered the drug to Michael. Full and partly empty vials of the drugs were found at the death scene. The autopsy showed that Jackson was given enough propofol to mock a patient out for surgery. Dr. Calmes noted that the drug should never have been given to Michael at his home. "The only reports of its use in homes are cases of fatal abuse - suicide, murder and accident;' said Calmes.

But Michael was dealing with crushing pressures. He was battling physical agony from an aging body as he auditioned for his tour and the mental pain from the natural fears of failure any entertainer has before performing. On top of that, moneymen kept reminding him how much was riding on the success of his comeback. Michael was tormented he had nightmares of murder and of failure and told fans: "I don't know how I'm going to do 50 shows. I'm really angry with them booking me up to do 50 shows. 1 only wanted to do 10:' Sad as his death was, his brother Marlon noted that at least Michael had found peace. At the star's memorial service, Marlon whispered: "Maybe now, Michael, they will leave you in peace:'

iI for nonpayment

of child


by another in Houston

upport for a son with former ver Nenita Malibiran, but e avoided both sentences ypaying up. He also was arrested, nd acquitted, on domestic iolence charges in 1994. Yet another woman, Janice dams of Las Vegas, charges hat she has two children y Murray. He admitted o years ago to fathering ix children. But who exactly is ho was c;aring for Michael ackson at the end of his 'fe? Dr. Conrad Robert Murray as born on Feb. 19, 1953, St. Andrews, Grenada. e was raised in poverty y his grandparents, both armers, while his mom went o Trinidad and Tobago for ork. His physician father led to Houston and Murray ould not meet him until he as25.

- the Acres Homes Heart and Vascular Institute. Murray met Jackson in 2006 in Las Vegas when he treated Michael's daughter, Paris, and became his personal physician. With child support and other debts hounding him, the $150,000 per month Jackson promised Murray to become his personal physician sounded like a "once in a lifetime opportunity," Murray said. The relationship became so close that Murray even lived at Jackson's $100,000-a-month rented home. And, according to AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips, it was Michael who recommended Federal and local investigators search the Las Vegas home and offices of Dr. Conrad Murray on July 28, 2009, taking away documents, files and other belongings. doctor tour. the be hired for the concert

After Jackson's death, reports emerged that Murray waited 82 minutes before calling for paramedics, a charge Murray denies, saying it was about 10 minutes; that Murray gave CPR to Jackson while he lay on a soft bed, instead of placing him on the hard floor which would be proper procedure; that Murray

school at Meharry Medical College in Nashville and did follow-up work at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota and Loma Linda University Medical Center. He was associate director of

the cardiology


allegedly left Jackson's side to scurry about, picking up vials of propofol and other medications. Police towed away Murray's sister's BMW, parked at Jackson's and impounded it. residence,

program at Sharp hospital . in San Diego and, in 1999, set up his first medical practice in Las Vegas - Global Cardiovascular Associates -

"I was so excited to see his show in London. We were going to be on tour in Europe at the same time and I was going to fly in to see him. Hehas been an inspiration throughout my entire life and I'm devastated

"Michael Jackson showed

A host of Michael Jackson CDs are planned along with video games, memorabilia shows and auctions, a Disney theme park attraction and even an $80 million deal for Cirque du Soleil productions. "This Is It" was only the beginning of Michael's incredible posthumous comeback! Tragically, the beloved singer was going through .the final rehearsals for his much-anticipated comeback tour when he died suddenly. He'd already sold out 50 concerts in London, which were slated to begin on July 2009 -12 years after his last world tour, "HIStory." While Michael hoped the concerts would catapult him back atop the world of pop, in his wildest dreams he never could have imagined how his career was destined to skyrocket AFTER his death. Columbia Pictures and concert promoter AEG Live cut a $60 million dollar deal to knit together 100 hours of footage from tour rehearsals into the movie "This Is It;' released on Oct. 28, just four months after Michael's demise. THE FILM WAS AN INSTANT BLOCKBUSTER - the most successful concert movie and documentary in history, putting to rest rumors that Jackson was ailing by showing that in rehearsal, his performances were as dynamic and exciting as ever. Filmed during rehearsals at the Staples Center and Los Angeles Forum, the movie pulled in well over $23 million in its opening weekend alone, and worldwide revenues hit a staggering $260.8 million, with 90 percent going to Jackson's estate.

me that you can actually see the beat. He made the music come to life!! He made me believe in magic."


''It)s obvious that Michael was still musically amazing))

From "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'" to a beautiful acappella version of "Human Nature;' the Jackson 5's "I Want You Back" and classics "Thriller;' "Beat It" and "Billie Jean;' the movie shows the magic of Michael, performing in a way only he could. It's the greatest concert tour the world never got to see. Rob Stringer, chairman of Sony Music Label Group, said: "You want to know that he was s:till a fantastic entertainer, that he still cared, that he was still musically amazing - and all those things are just obvious in this film;' DVD sales of the film broke all previous ~


Her stunning 'Beat If solo rocketed Orianthi toftme

"This Is It" producer, director and choreographer Kenny Ortega, pictured above and at right, created and designed Michael's "Dangerous" world tour in 1992-3, and the "HiStory" world tour in 1996-7. He previously choreographed "Dirty Dancing" in 1987 and more recently the "High School Musical" movieso-Main photo and below: Just weeks before his death, Michael goes through his paces in preparation for his comeback show. Australian singer/songwriter Orianthi's

debut single "According

To You" has

been one of the radio hits of 2009. It was Michael Jackson who turned the 25-year-old blonde into an overnight star when he personally invited her to play guitar on his "This Is It" tour. "I don't know exactly why he chose me," says Orianthi. "But he watched my YouTube videos and loved them. He had his choice of guitar players, but I came in and played the 'Beat It' solo for him. He hired me that night. He made me believe in myself more, and I learned so much. I wish he was still

1111 CH}\EL


Above: A woman signs a tribute wall to Michael Jackson at the L.A. LIVE complex near to where fans are lining up overnight to buy tickets for a special showing of "This Is It." Below: Michael's dancers Devin Jamieson, Mekia Cox, Daniel Celebre, Tyne Stecklein and Dres Reid at the same wall, Sept. 24, 2009.

records. The movie also generated sales of five million soundtracks. Meanwhile, Sony is sitting on scads of unreleased Michael Jackson music and has paid $200 million for the rights to release Jackson video games, up to 10 new albums and DVDs for the next seven years, which has been touted as the richest recording deal in history. They plan a release of a CD of entirely new Jackson music by November. With the announcement of the "This Is It" tour, sales ofJackson's earlier albums exploded on, with "Off The Wall" sales rising 200 percent, "Bad" rising 110 percent, "Dangerous" rising

165 percent and "Thriller" jumping to .155percent. His death fill boosted sales, and by-March of this year, Jackson had posthu sold more than 31 million albums.

CIRQUE DU SOLEIL ANNOUNCED PLANS TO IN A WHOPPING $80 MILLION to create a new J.\iE: Jackson show, which will tour the U.S. starting in the fall 0: year and, by late2012, will settle in Las Vegas as a perrnz attraction. Jackson estate co-executor John Branca said: our intention to create the biggest live show in history;' ~

will involve Cirque acrobats, 3-D and hologram technology. Michael was a major video game fan and kept a number of popular video games at his Neverland Ranch. Now, he himself will become the star of at least one video gam'e to be released by Sony. Insiders are betting it will be a]ackson version of SingStar, Sony's popular karaoke game for PlayStation 3. And "Captain EO;' a 19863- D sci-fi film starring Michael, is returning to Disney theme parks this summer. Kenny Ortega, director of the "This Is It" tour and film, put it simply: "Michael's music will live on for eternity."


ext his phenomenal to musical performances, Michael Jackson's greatest achievement was, perhaps, Neverland ranch.

Tributes and flags left outside the main gates of Neverland ranch, following Michael's tragic death last June.

Near tiny Los Olivos in California's gorgeous wine country, the ranch was the place where Michael was happiest and gave him his fondest memories. Today, the wonderland the singer built for children - complete with theme park and zoo - has been dismantled and is basically a barren ghost town owned by investors.

But his fans believe it should be re ; and turned into a museum much like was done at Graceland for Elvis Presley. "Neverland is part of his legacy and sh forevermore be used as a tool to immo ~ Michael's life's work;' one fan posted OD. Internet. His brother Jermaine also believes fantastic fairytale kingdom on the 2,Eacre spread should be renovated and tu.rJ into a memorial to him. The King of Pop poured an esti $60 million into building his plaJ and named it after the fantasy worlc Peter Pan, the boy who never grew up.

filled with 20 bumper cars and smoke generators, a western train, a Dragon Wagon roller coaster, a go-kart track and a milelong full-size Crown Steam train named Katherine, after his mother. "Michael's most popular ride with the kids was the Sea Dragon because they could ride it together;' said Lance Brown, who managed Neverland from 1989-1993. "He'd put his hands up in the air with all the kids as it was coming down and back up with everyone squealing;' The zoo housed alligators, giraffes and snakes - including a deadly cobra and a 12-foot albino python named Madonna. It also had three elephants - including one named Gypsy - which was given to Michael by his great friend, movie star Elizabeth Taylor. Children laughed with glee while petting miniature animals like Cricket, a 34-inch stallion, Petunia, Michael's pot-bellied pig, and Linus, a miniature sheep. The zoo was also the home of Bubbles the Chimp, the singer's most famous pet, who now lives in the Center for Great Apes in Wauchula, Fla. THE GROUNDS WERE CARVED into flower gardens and music was everywhere, piped through speakers disguised as rocks. Inside the house was antique furniture, life-size sculptures of Superman, Lara Croft, Elvis, Bruce Lee, Jackson and Marilyn Monroe and priceless movie memorabilia like Johnny Depp's mechanical hands from "Edward Scissorhands" and original robots from "Star Wars" and Michael's full-size dummy from Madame Tussauds wax museum. Entire rooms were given over to Michael's huge collection of more than 100 arcade video games. At night, Neverland exploded into a fairyland of lights, strung through the trees, twinkling like fireflies. At its height, the ranch employed a staff of 150 and cost $10 million a year to maintain. Sadly, the massive cost became too much even for Michael to bear. He'd bought and built the ranch over 15 years when his career was booming. By the time he was finished, an investment company estimated its worth at $90 million. But in 2008, he was faced with paying back a $25 million loan on the property. And in the end, he simply walked away from his magic kingdom. But his brother Jerrnaine believes the ranch will forever "embody Michael's spirit:' _

"I had my 14th birthday at Neverland ranch. Who else can say that? It was the most magical place on Earth. When you drove up there were baby elephants and chimpanzees in overalls, and there was all the rides. It was everything you can possibly imagine."


"I AM Peter Pan ill my heart;' explained Michael. When he was done, the magical kingdom had a 25-room mock English Tudor home, 18 Disneyland-type rides, a zoo with 200 animals and acres of beautiful sculpted gardens. There he invited children, many of them sick with terminal illnesses, to frolic with him in a child's playland.

He also invited celebrity guests like "Home Alone" kid-star Macaulay Culkin and super-magician David Copperfield. Neverland gave Michael a chance to finally live the childhood that was stolen from him when his strict father Joe forced him at around age 6 to join his brothers in a music group. There was a full-size Ferris wheel, a Spider ride, a Wave Swinger, a building

Left: Michael with P~lris and Prince Michaell in a New York City hotel room in 1999 and, above, with their mom Debbie Rowe at Neverland Ranch a few months earlier. "He was a great person and a great father," says the former nurse, whose three-year marriage to Michael ended in 1999. She received an $8 million settlement and a house in Beverly Hills.

hile no one can replace the loss they suffered with the death of their doting dad, Michael's three kids have managed to bounce back thanks to their loving family, and they are living normal lives like regular kids.

As with many children around the country, Prince Michael I, now 13, Paris, 12, and 8-year-old Prince Michael 11 - who's called Blanket - are home schooled. But they also go out to the library and to movies. They take karate lessons and attend church. And they appear to be having lots of fun playing with the camera on their computer. Several home videos, mostly featuring Blanket, were uploaded to YouThbe in April, where the kids could be seen goofing around and acting out their own version of "Star Wars:' AFTER THEIR FATHER'S DEATH, the children moved to Hayvenhurst, the sprawling Encino, Cali, estate ofKatherine]ackson, 80, their grandmother and official guardian. Other ]ackson clan members also took up residence at Katherine's home, creating an extended family atmosphere.

Michael's sister Rebbie, 60, moved in for several months. ]anet ]ackson, 44, adored by Michael's children, was a frequent visitor, as were his brothers and dad ]oe ]ackson, Katherine's estranged husband. For a time, four cousins were there as well. "It became a hotel for kids;' a family insider said. But the noisy, busy house also turned out to be a blessing. What better way to bring comfort to youngsters suffering from wounded hearts than to surround them with f~ily? The ]ackson clan has also worked to ensure Michael's kids have a secure home with a regular schedule. "There are school lessons, meals are at certain times, and a specific bedtime, although some days they're allowed to stay up late to watch movies;' said a family insider. While Katherine is loving but strict, kids will be kids. Like other children their age, Prince and Paris were excited over the release of the "Twilight" movie, "New Moon;' about a high school girl who falls in love with a vampire who's. her classmate. "Prince and Paris slipped off without Katherine knowing to attend the premiere of the movie;' a source revealed. Katherine didn't mind because she is adamant....----.

Five months after the heartbreak of attending their daddy's memorial with grandmother Katherine, above, Michael's kids start to get a kick out of life again. as they attend karate classes in L.A. From left: Prince Michael, Paris and Blanket.

stage at the Staples Center in Los Angeles to accept the LifetiIn= Achievement Award on their father's behalf Shy Blanket stayed backstage, but his b~ brother and sister's performance - in the sanc= venue where th~ir father's memorial servi~ was held - showed they are healing. Prince Michael I and Paris wore black sui::! with red armbands and red stripes down "-seams of their trousers in tribute to their ~ superstar father. The showstoppirig appearance was punctuae: by Prince's speech, in which he thanked :THESE DAYS, THERE'S A LOT LESS spectacle in the children's lives. dad's fans for their support. Previously the world only saw them in masks, "We are proud to be here to accept this a","demanded by their dad, who was determined to on behalf of our father, Michael Jackson," protect their identities. boy said, his voice remarkably mature. "First of all, we'd like to thank God for watc . But with Michael gone, there's less media around. over us these last seven months and our gr2l Now, when the children venture out in ma and grandpa for their love and support. "We'd also like to thank the fans. Our fai:=: public, their faces are no longer conc~aled. "They like not wearing the masks;' a loved you so much because you were al _ family source says. "It's a different experience there for him. Through all his songs, his m ~"_ Michael and his kids in 1993. He kept was simple: love. We will continue to spreai for them;' Another source notes that Prince their faces hidden 'for security. and Paris have become more confident over message;' the past several months. Paris added: "Daddy was supposed to be here. Daddy was g "It would have been hard to imagine them going out in to perform this year but couldn't. Thank you, we love you da6:: public or showing up at someone's house hanging out and Mark Lester, the children's godfather and the former child playing video games before;' says the source. "It feels much more the musical "Oliver!" said that Michael's kids are happy. normal, and they've adjusted really well to that:' The world got "They're getting out, going to the cinema;' said Lester, n another glimpse of the King of Pop's kids at the Grammy Paris had a huge 12th birthday party in April. "Things are set: down. That's good;' Awards on Jan. 31 when Prince Michael I and Paris took to the about glVlng Michael's children room to grow. She also Prince Michael I and Paris that Debbie Rowe, 51, who given visitation rights, is their biological mother. "Tlfey hadn't lmown;' said the insider. "They thought she was a family friend. Katherine really listens to the kids;' says her attorney Adam Streisand. "She wants to give them a sense of freedom when she can. She wants to encourage them;'

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