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Domestic Training Basic Agent Training

Over the past five years, the Office of Training has graduated more than 1,800 DEA Special Agents from our Basic Agent Training program. Typically, class sizes range from 40 to 50 Basic Agent trainees. The average age of these students is 30 years. Approximately 60 percent of all trainees arrive with prior law enforcement experience, while 30 percent come from a military background. In addition, the majority of the students possess a bachelors degree and nearly 20 percent have some post-graduate educational experience. The curriculum is a 18-week resident program that places strong emphasis upon leadership, ethics, and human dignity. Academic instruction provides the basics of report writing, law, automated information systems, and drug recognition, as well as leadership and ethics. Underpinning the instruction is a rigorous 84-hour physical fitness and defensive tactics regimen designed to prepare new Special Agents to prevail in compliant and non-compliant arrest scenarios. Students receive 122 hours of firearms training including basic marksmanship, weapons safety, tactical shooting, and deadly force decision training. An integral part of Basic Agent training is an emphasis upon respect for human life, leadership and ethics, human dignity, and sound judgment in the use of deadly force. During the training, students are required to apply their classroom knowledge in a series of increasingly demanding practical exercises designed to test leadership, decisiveness, and knowledge of procedures and techniques that will be used in the field. In order to graduate, students must maintain an academic average of 80 percent on academic examinations, pass the firearms qualification test, successfully demonstrate leadership and sound decision-making in practical scenarios, and pass rigorous physical task tests. Upon graduation, students are sworn in as DEA Special Agents and assigned to DEA field offices located across the United States.

Domestic Training Practical Applications

The Practical Applications Unit (TRDP) provides all surveillance and undercover training for Basic Agent Trainees, Special Agent In-service classes and International Sensitive Investigations Unit students. All TRDP training utilizes practical exercises to present real-life scenarios that challenge students with realistic and increasingly complex situations designed to reinforce and apply the principles and techniques learned in the classroom. Basic Agent trainees are taught basic surveillance, undercover operations, prisoner processing, operational planning, report writing, and the use of technical equipment. All practical exercises emphasize the principles of teamwork, leadership, and sound judgment. TRDP also conducts two in-service courses on Contemporary Issues in the Undercover process and Risk Management. The Contemporary Issues in the Undercover Process course is a three day advanced class that addresses undercover issues with a combination of classroom lectures, tabletop exercises, and practical exercises. The Risk Management Course is given to Special Agents attending Advanced Agent Course, Group Supervisor Institute, and other nonDEA law enforcement counterparts. This course exposes the attendees to the principles of risk management as they apply to undercover operations, search warrants and confidential sources.

Tactical Training

The Tactical Safety and Survival Unit is responsible for providing a comprehensive defensive tactics program, which incorporates the physical fitness program as a critical component. The defensive tactics program provides the trainees with realistic self-defense skills, incorporating proper arrest and control procedures, fighting skills, mental conditioning, and development of physical stamina through exercise, to prepare the student to overcome both armed and unarmed attacks. Further, all Basic Agent trainees receive instruction in the appropriate techniques an strategies for conducting arrest and search warrants, along with felony vehicle stops and vehicle-involved arrests. In addition, in-service Special Agents and Group Supervisors are trained in planning, organizing, and executing drug-oriented raids. The Tactical Safety and Survival Unit is also responsible for conducting critical incident management and operational planning for DEA Group Supervisors during the agencys Group Supervisor Institute. A comprehensive review of all DEA-related critical incidents provides Group Supervisors with relevant and up-to-date instruction in risk management and risk avoidance.

Firearms Training
The Firearms Training Unit provides firearms instruction to Basic Agent trainees and in-service classes. The unit conducts Firearms Instructor certification and the training for all firearms instructors in the field. It is also responsible for the testing and evaluation of all firearms, ammunition, ballistic protection, gear, and firearmsrelated equipment. Basic Agent trainees receive 122 hours of firearms training including basic marksmanship, combat shooting skills, and tactics. Each student receives individual instruction and practice in using shoulder-fired weapons, firing while using a ballistic shield, and firing in low-light environments. Deadly force scenarios are simulated using the Firearms Automated Training System (FATS). This computer simulator tests decision making and reaction time by employing drills that hone combat shooting skills. These drills emphasize respect for human life and the importance of the proper use of deadly force.

Intelligence Training
DEA is the recognized leader for drug intelligence both domestically and internationally. The Office of Training provides instruction in the latest and best analytical techniques to counter the rapidly growing sophistication of international drug syndicates. It endeavors to share and exchange drug intelligence experience and expertise with other law enforcement elements in support of a unified national counterdrug mission. Basic Intelligence Research Specialist Training (BIRS) The DEA Training Academy provides entry-level training for newly hired Intelligence Research Specialists upon entering this highly complex and demanding career. The BIRS program

consists of nine weeks of intensive training in the analytical skills needed to provide support to DEA drug investigations, programs, strategic planning, and national and international policy. The course curriculum emphasizes the development of analytical skills, the use of computerized tools, and a broad range of academic subjects critical to providing mission-oriented intelligence. The course integrates all subjects into increasingly complex individual and group practical exercises designed to test each students ability to make and present critical analytical judgments to investigators, prosecutors, other agencies, and policy makers. Other Intelligence Training Offered Advanced Intelligence Training: This one-week course is provided to analysts with at least two years on the job. Intelligence Research Specialists attending this course receive updates regarding agency changes in priorities, programs, policies, and protocols; new or revised laws; and new or upgraded analytic tools and methodologies. Intelligence Analyst Mentor Program: This course prepares Senior Intelligence Research Specialists to serve as mentors to new Intelligence Research Specialists assigned to their office. Upon completion of this course, Intelligence Research Specialists will be certified and will be responsible for mentoring and evaluating new Intelligence Research Specialists. The course examines motivational techniques and evaluation methods. Also addressed are conflict resolution, leadership, and employee performance documentation. Intelligence Managers Seminar: This one-week seminar is provided to Intelligence Managers. It is designed to bring these managers up to date on policies, procedures, employee-related issues, and intelligence analytical tools. Merlin File Management Training: This one-week course is an overview of the DEA classified computer system, which is capable of handling information up to and including SECRET. Merlin training exposes students to the use of GESCAN, TPA, and ADNET, as well as how to send classified mail with attachments. Strategic Intelligence Seminar: This one-week course is for senior Intelligence Research Specialists and intelligence managers. The course is designed to help students define how strategic analysis relates to both investigative and tactical analysis. The course includes developing targeting tools, strategic writing skills, and improved critical thinking skills. Federal Law Enforcement Analysts Training Federal Law Enforcement Analysts Training (FLEAT) is a fourweek training program designed to share DEAs drug intelligence expertise, along with the best analytical tools and practices, with other federal, state, local, tribal, and international law enforcement agencies. The course material is geared to enhance critical analytical abilities and to build awareness of the expertise and capabilities that each participant agency possesses. FLEAT requires interaction between participants and creates an opportunity for the exchange of new ideas and concepts. The Mobile FLEAT course is a two week training program designed to share DEAs Drug Intelligence expertise with state, local, and tribal agencies at locations throughout the United States. This program is custom designed to fit each geographic area in which the course is taught.

Diversion Investigator Training

The DEA Training Academy provides career training for all Diversion Investigators, which includes oversight leadership for this important and unique program. Diversion training is developed and coordinated by the Diversion Operations Unit at the Office of Training.

Basic Diversion Investigator (BDI) Training Basic Diversion Investigator (BDI) training is a 12-week school conducted at the Academy. The basic school is divided into three segments: (1) Pre-Registration Investigations, (2) Scheduled Investigations, and (3) Compliance Investigations. BDI training presents a rigorous and demanding curriculum that emphasizes the use of modern software tools, legal instruction, and demanding case studies that build in complexity and scope throughout the course. Emphasis is placed upon pharmaceutical and chemical control, drug scheduling, and drug identification. Students are introduced to distribution operations, auditing techniques, report writing, security issues, and legal considerations. During the program, BDI trainees are required to apply their classroom knowledge in a variety of practical exercises developed for each segment of the training program. Other Diversion Training Offered Diversion Chemical Investigations School: This one-week refresher training course consists of instruction detailing Chemical Laws, updates and current trends of chemical diversion. Comprehensive instruction includes Pre-Registration Investigations, Scheduled Investigations, and Complaint Investigations from beginning to end. Diversion Special Agent School: This one-week school is provided to DEA Special Agents to increase their knowledge of the Diversion Program and to have a better understanding of diversion investigations. Academic instruction includes law and regulations, pharmacology, addiction, introduction to various diversion related databases, and a practical exercise scenario. Diversion State and Local Training (Quantico): This two-week training course is provided to any state or local official who investigates pharmaceutical drug or chemical diversion cases. Academic instruction and practical exercises will help participants sharpen their knowledge and professional skills for conducting effective diversion investigations. Diversion State and Local Training (Regional): This one-week training course is designed to assist Divisional Offices in providing training to state or local officials who investigate pharmaceutical drug or chemical diversion cases. Academic instruction and practical exercises will help participants sharpen their knowledge and professional skills for conducting effective diversion investigations. Advanced Diversion Investigator Training: This seven-day refresher-training course is provided to Diversion Investigators every 24 months. It includes legal updates, report writing, case presentation, computer systems, and Headquarters issues. Diversion Supervisor In-Service Training: This seven-day refresher training course is provided to Diversion Group Supervisors every 24 months. This course emphasizes leadership, decision-making, executive report writing, and improving management skills.

Forensic Chemist Training

The DEA Training Academy offers a three-week Forensic Science training program conducted in cooperation with the Office of Forensic Sciences. The course is designed for newly-hired Forensic Chemists. The course provides an orientation to DEA with most of the technical laboratory functions taught on-the-job in the individual DEA laboratories. Principal topics covered are laboratory operations, evidence processing and sampling, hazardous waste disposal, law, fingerprinting, pharmacology, and regulated drugs and chemicals under the Controlled Substances Act (Title 21). After completing this three-week course, Forensic Chemists are given a one-week Clandestine Laboratory Basic Certification Course at Camp Upshur, Quantico, Virginia.

State and Local Training

Drug Unit Commanders Academy The Drug Unit Commanders Academy (DUCA) is a two-week school designed for commanders of state, local, federal, and foreign drug enforcement units. The program provides training in areas including tactical aspects of drug enforcement, operational planning, confidential source management, clandestine laboratory operations, legal issues for management, executive decision making, and professionalism within the ranks. The Office of Training conducts four academies each year at the DEA Training

Academy and pays all costs associated with the school. Special Agents in Charge may nominate two people from their division for each DUCA. Narcotics Supervisor Leadership Program This one-week program provides 40 hours of leadership development training to state and local first-level and mid-level narcotics supervisors. The program provides the supervisors with knowledge, and skills that will enhance their ability to supervise, motivate, and evaluate narcotics officers and meet the unique challenges presented to a narcotics supervisor. The schools have been conducted throughout the continental United States on behalf of the requesting DEA Field Division. Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) The Office of Training has one full-time Special Agent/Instructor assigned to the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Glynco, Georgia. Together with FLETC, the Office of Training is able to provide three high-quality training programs for state and local police officers in rural areas of the United States. These programs are designed to be conducted at or near local police departments and are tuition-free. The three programs provided through this joint initiative are the Drug Law Enforcement School for Patrol Officers (DLESP), the Drug Enforcement Training Program (DETP) Train-the-Trainer school, and the Drug Task Force Supervisors School (DTFSS). The DLESP is a three-day program that provides updated training to police officers to assist them in detecting drug-related crime in their communities. The DETP is a five-day course of instruction designed for secondary delivery by the trainers with a detailed program guide, student handouts, instructional aids, and suggested practical exercises. The Drug Task Force Supervisors School (DTFSS) is designed to provide updated managerial training to supervisors and commanders assigned to multi-agency drug task forces.

DEA Training Academy

From 1985 to 1999, DEA satisfied the need to educate Basic Agents by sharing training facilities with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at the FBI Academy, located on the Marine Corps Base at Quantico, Virginia. As both the DEAs and the FBIs training missions expanded, it became clear that the DEA needed its own dedicated training facility. On March 31, 1997, a construction contract for the DEA Training Academy was awarded to the Turner Construction Company. The groundbreaking ceremony for the new academy was held on April 21, 1997. The Academy opened on April 28, 1999. The DEA Training Academy is a 185,000 square foot building containing: 125 double-occupancy rooms (250-bed dormitory) 3 tiered classrooms, each seating 50 students 2 management classrooms, each accommodating 50 students An international translation-capable classroom, seating 50 students 3 computer classrooms with workstations to accommodate 92 students Practical areas for fingerprinting, interviewing, and wiretap training 6 break-out training rooms 4 person tele-work station Computer Resource Center Student support services, including a gift shop, nurses station, mail room, laundry, dry cleaners, banking facilities, and a 250-seat cafeteria. Each classroom is equipped with rear screen, state-of-the-art audiovisual technologies. Through a podium located in the classroom, the instructor has access to the DEA Firebird computer system, laptop hookups, wireless keypads for PowerPoint Presentations, audio and videotapes, 35 mm slides, and a document camera that can show overheads or evidence samples. A cable television system is also available to permit real-time viewing of news conferences or special events. Each classroom has a camera mounted in the room so presentations in that classroom can be recorded or broadcast to every other classroom, and even to the dormitory if a student is

ill and unable to attend class. Three computer classrooms are devoted to training students in DEA Automated Information Systems, as well as general computer skills. The computer classrooms are also equipped with state-of-the-art capabilities. The DEA Training Academy is used for Basic Agent training, Basic Diversion Investigator training, Basic Intelligence Research Specialist training, Basic Forensic Science training, professional and executive development training, certification training, and specialized training. The Academy is also used to conduct drug law enforcement seminars for state and local law enforcement personnel, and through the use of specially equipped classrooms, international drug training seminars for foreign law enforcement officials. The Academys international classroom has the capacity to simultaneously translate an instructors course of instruction into three different languages.

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