Shrivelling Flower Meditation Technique - Developed by Surya Prakash Kanakapally

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Shrivelling Flower Meditation Technique (Developed by Surya Prakash Kanakapally) Buddhist monks have some fantastic techniques of meditation.

I am amazed at the kind of variety they have in their warehouse of meditation techniques. As the Buddha says The world is nothing but impermanence. Thus to be really happy you have to hold this mental image & let go of things. By observing the change in things in the world around us we can easily grasp the concept of impermanence as taught by the Buddha. The decay of any object is remniscient of the phenomena of impermanence. It was my deep wish to develop a simple technique which everybody can use to practice this concept. What better way to do this than with a flower? Get a flower which is yet to blossom fully . If you prefer a rose then pluck it just a couple of hours before it will blossom fully. Now place the flower in a small round vessel and let the flower float on the top. The petals must be clearly visible. Observe in awe as the flower is blossoming into the full bloom as it floats around gently in the water. Then focus on the beauty & adore the flower. Occasionally glance at the water as if it were the world sustaining the beauty of the flower. Then after few hours of deep focus & appreciation of the beauty the next phase begins. Take the flower out of the water & leave it out on a table. Continue to observe it as it shrivels and becomes dry. Take frequent breaks if you have to. Every time you return spend atleast 5 minutes pondering over the impermanence of the beauty that you have seen before. This affirmation should be used Beauty is an illusion & it is impermant, True beauty is only beheld by the soul within me that cannot be described. Beauty that can be described by words is tangible by senses hence impermanent. There may be some emotional turmoil while performing this exercise. Like the memory of a lost friends,relatives,lovers, etc. Use this affirmation & visualization Let go & be at peace, all relations are impermanent as the beauty was to the flower but has now departed. I accept this is the nature of the world. I am at peace knowing this truth. If you are in too much of a hurry. Hold a dryer to the flower & let it wither in a fast motion. The process when done naturally will take up a whole day & it will build enormous levels of patience & concentration. I recommend the dryer only if you are a beginner to meditation. Meditation is all about getting to know about your deeper self. This cannot be achieved without enough time of solitude. Sometimes setting a whole day of calm for yourself may be the best gift you can afford to give to your self. As I famously Say The hardest work that exists is doing nothing, & that state is Samadhi. Note : Please perform this technique away in relative solitude.Try to keep a gentle smile on your face during the meditation.

About me

Hello I'm Surya Prakash Kanakapally. I graduated from Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan, USA in December 2005 with a Master of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. I currently work as a Mechanical Engineer for a living. My areas of professional work include (but are not limited to) Mechanical Engineering, CAD, FEA, Computers, Linux, Programming. As of this writing on 15 January 2012, I am 30, single and very much available (for marriage). Currently I am single pointedly looking for a woman who appreciates (and / or) shares similar interests in life and wants to become my wedded wife for life.

I love writing & I love to read about diverse fields of Human Endeavor. In personal life I am very passionate about Personal development, Finance, Psychology, Meta Physical sciences like Yoga, Meditation, Natual Healing techniques, Herbal Medicine, Astrology. I spend lot of my time working on myself. I would like to share my observations with the world in my writings. These observations are related to my work & other arts or sciences I am practicing or involved with.

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