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Problem 1 : You are given a set of points (in 2-dimension) with integer co-ordinates .

You have to find out the closest pair of points.(i.e., the distance between these t wo points should be less than distance between any other two points.) Input Format The number of points, followed by x and y co-ordinates (all integers) of each po int is given in different line. <Number of Points n> <x0> <y0> <x1> <y1> <x2> <y2> . . . . . . <xn-1> <yn-1> Sample Input 4 100 100 110 110 200 100 200 300 Output Format : You should output the indices of the closest points, each in a new line. For exa mple, if you find (xi,yi) and (xj,yj) to be the closest points, you should outpu t i and j in separate lines. * YOU SHOULD OUTPUT THE INDICES ONLY AND NOT THE POINTS THEMSELVES. * INDICES OF POINTS BEGIN FROM 0. Output Example : The output for the above example could be 1 0 or 0 1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Problem 2 :

A railway network system is spread across many islands. There are N (N <= 50) st ations in all, identified by numbers from 1 to N. Railway lines interconnect th e stations. On a given line a train can travel in any direction between the sta tions connected by that line. Every island has atleast two stations and atleast one line. The network has the following propert ies: * If two stations are on the same island, then it is possible to travel bet ween them by rail. It may be necessary to go through several lines and intermed iate stations, for this purpose. * If two stations are on two different islands, then there is no railway route to go from one to the other. That is, there are no lines connecting stations on different islands. The input to the program will be 1) 2 integers N and M representing the number of stations and the number of l ines respectively 2) M lines representing the different railway-lines. Each line will have two numbers representing the two stations connected by that line. 3) An integer Z 4) Z lines each having the numbers of two stations The program should output ) The number of islands in the network, followed by a new-line. (Hint : The n umber of islands is equal to the number of different trees in the spanning fores t of the railway network.) 2) For each of the Z lines in (4) above print YES or NO on separate lines depen ding on whether the two stations are in one-island or not. Hint: Check if they a re on the same spanning tree. There are different ways to do this. One possibl e approach is sketched below. For each of the Z lines, take one end point and do a traver-sal from that vertex . If during this traversal, you visit the other vertex, then the two vertices ar e in the same spanning tree. Sample input 8 1 3 5 1 7 6 4 1 5 3 7 6 2 1 7 4 8 8 5 6 2 8

Sample output 2 NO

YES YES YES -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Problem 3: Maze Problem: Conside a n x n matrix . This represents a maze. The input is a set of pairs of numbers each denoting the obstacles in the maze. Find a path from the starting p oint(0,0) to the target point( n-1,n-1) without meeting any of the obstacles. Al so, find the shortest path. Input: (3,2) (6,6) (7,0) ( 2,8) (5,9) (8,4) (2,4) (0,8) (1,3) (6,3) (9,3) (1,9) 3,0) (3,7) (4,2) (7,8) (2,2) (4,5) (5,6) (10,5) (6,2) (6,10) (4,0) (7,5) (7,9) (8,1) (5,7) (4,4) (8,7) (9,2) (10,9) (2,6) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Problem 4: Travelling Salesperson Problem: A salesperson must start at a specified city, visit each of the n-1 other cities exactly once, and then return to the initial city. The cost of going from city i to city j is C[i,j]. The objective is to find a route through the cities that minimises the total cost. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Problem 5: The game of LIFE takes place on a 2d array of cells, each of which may contain a n organism . Let occ(i) be the no. of cells adjacent to cell i that are occupied by an org.. ,is obtained from the previous generation appling the following rules: I. An org.. in cell i survive to the next generation if 2<=occ(i)<=3; otherwise it dies. II. An org.. born in empty cell i if 2<=occ(i)<=3; otherwise it remains empty Write a program that reads initial configuration of occupied cells and prints a series of gene.. Note that the program must maintain two copies of the configura tion, since all changes occur simultaneously. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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