Ron Hines DVM PHD: FDR & His Dog Fala and Bill & Socks

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FDR & His Dog Fala and Bill & Socks

Ron Hines DVM PhD

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Deciding what arenormal test results in your pet is not that easy. Just as in healthy people, no two pets have exactly the same results. So what may be normal in one pet may be abnormal in another. However, when a test result is out of range it needs to be interpreted in light of how your pet is feeling and the problems that brought your pet in for testing in the first place. Slight variations in how tests are run, the person running the test and the type of machine used, all affect the results obtained. So each testing facility develops its own chart of what it considers normal. However, these charts do not vary greatly. The normal values I give here are based on the results of several of the largest testing laboratories in the United States. To locate a value, press Ctrl + F and type the word in the box that appears. Then hit Enter.
The normal values given in this color type are taken from some of my client's 2011 Antech Diagnostics Lab reports. In non-emergency situations, request that your pet's blood sample be sent to a national laboratory for analysis rather than being performed at your local animal hospital. These large labs usually have the staff and resources to insure more accurate results. Read about that here. It is always safest to have an abnormal test result confirmed on more than one occasion before deciding that it is truly significant.

You can see a sample report as your veterinarian might receive it, here.

TEST A/G ratio (albumin to globulin ratio) Albumin

Unit of Measure ratio g/L

DOG CAT 0.8 2.0 0.35 1.5

2.7 - 2.5 4.4

3.9 Alkaline Phosphatase (Alk Phos, ALP) ALT(Alanine Aminotransferase, SGPT) Amylase (serum) Anion Gap (serum) AST (aspertate transaminase SGOT) Basophils (Basos) Basophils (Basos) Bicarbonate Bile acids Bilirubin (indirect) Bilirubin (Total bilirubin) Bilirubin (Total bilirubin) Bleeding Time Blood Pressure (systolic) Body Temperature (rectal) 101 101.5 102.2 F, 39C Breaths per minute BUN (Blood Urea Nitrogen) BUN/Creatinine Calcium (in blood) u/L 5- 6 131 102 12 - 10118 100
290 - 100 1125 1200

u/L u/L mEq/L u/L % Total# mmol/L or mEq/L u mol/L mg/dL mmol/L mg/dL In minutes mmHg

8 25

10 33

15 - 1066 100 0-1 0-1 0- 0150 150 18 17 25 22 < 10 < 10 0 0.4 0.9 10.5 0 0.4 1.2 7.9

0.1 0.1 0.3 0.4 2- 5 2- 5 120- 124150 160

101 101.5 102.5 Fahrenheit/centigrd F, 102.2 F, 3839C 39C -----mg/dL ratio mg/dL 1834 6 25 4-27 1640 14 36 4 33

8.9 - 8.2 -

11.4 10.8 Calcium (in blood) mmol/L 2.2 3.0 102 120 2.0 2.7 104 128

Chloride Cholesterol

mEq/L or mmol/L

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